Doug Ericksen (R-Ferndale) has some truly neat-o ideas for getting the GOP back into the game!
Our state must also do a better job of monitoring and addressing sex offenders. State government needs to be proactive, not reactive.
Start with your own caucus, homeboy.
On the local front, I’m working on many issues including repealing the state mandate on septic tank inspections, creating public trails districts, and ensuring local transportation projects are delivered. At the end of the legislative session we will know we were successful if we can say, “They said it couldn’t be done — but together we proved them wrong.”
Putting the kibosh on septic tank inspection? Gov. Dan Evans had his “Blueprint For Progress”… Rep. Doug Ericksen has “repealing the state mandate on septic tank inspections”.
Nothing says “solid strategy for winning back the majority” like septic tank reform.
It’s so cute that they even try. It’s like they think they’re a real party or something.
[Off Topic: See Comment Policy]
@1: If this onerous government infringement on the free market was ended, the invisible hand would see to the optimal distribution of shit.*
Life is easy when you’re a republican.
*(To make this work one has to assume shit is a scarce resource.)
The GOP’s legislative strategy is literally full of s***
And it attracts flies like our dear trolls.
A hero!
He’s proud of his $400 property tax deal. Why not $4,000 or $40,000 or $400,000? Why stop there?
Everybody who knows ANYTHING quickly realizes that excessive septic tank inspections are ruining the state.
Seriously for 5 seconds, has he checked out the failed septic tanks over on the peninsula?
Answer: no, of course.
Ericksen is one of the big reasons why there are record low numbers of republicans in the state house of representatives and why so many are fleeing.
He promotes thick headed gotcha politics – most times favoring cute repeat lines to anything with substance. For the snot nosed political geeks who thrill at developing one liners and hit mail, he’s great.
He just keeps proving why hardly anyone trust republicans to actually govern.
Septic tanks are a BIG DEAL. For one thing, they are a major cause of the pollution that’s choking the life out of Hood Canal. Replacing a leaking septic system is expensive, and forcing semi-rural communities to install sewer systems is an even bigger deal, because the expense can run $50,000 per home or more. So, I can see why a Republican politician pandering to rural and semi-rural voters would campaign on a fuck-the-environment, piss-out-the-back-door platform — it’s all about money. It’s all about sacrificing the environment and human health to the Almighty Dollar. Republicans are good at that. But, in the long run, doing as you please and doing it on the cheap always ends up costing you more: Just ask the folks who built their houses on cheap land in flood plains.
@2 If you want posting privileges here, pay your gambling debt, cheapskate welsher!
@6 Why should anyone trust Republicans to govern when they’ve proved over and over that (a) they can’t be trusted, and (b) they don’t know how to govern, and (c) electing Republicans always costs you more in the long run than doing it right in the first place.
Let’s deconstruct this goofball right now, starting by quoting his guest column in the Bellingham Herald that Will linked to:
“Since 2002, health insurance costs have more than doubled. … Detailed reforms have been introduced the past six years that would reduce the cost of health insurance, keep doctors in our region, give consumers more choice and allow flexibility in plans. Each year, these ideas are rejected by the majority party.”
Near as I can tell he’s talking about Democrats’ justified refusal to go along with so-called “tort reform,” which transfers the financial consequences of medical negligence from doctors and hospitals to patients. Given that legal claims account for less than 1% of health care costs, this cockamamie scheme would cost consumers far more than it would save them. If you want to save money on health care, it makes far more sense to go after the insurance companies who confiscate 25% of our health care dollars while delivering no health care and adding no value to the health care system.
“Second, property taxes. … In the special legislative session last November, I supported a property tax relief measure that would have provided a $400 rebate to all Washingtonians who paid property taxes in 2007. Unfortunately, the majority party defeated it.”
I’d love to get a $400 property tax rebate, but I want to know where the money will come from — what taxes will he raise, or what programs will he cut, to pay for this? Does he think the state has more money coming in than it knows how to spend? Is he against public school funding? Does he want to release inmates from prison? Where? Where will this money come from? He doesn’t say. He probably doesn’t know. He’s probably just blowing a brain fart.
“I’m also supporting a measure that would reduce the state’s portion of the property tax. This would also offer homeowners needed tax relief. Much like other taxes, property taxes are driven by government spending. That’s a problem at the state level because spending has increased by 33 percent, more than $8 billion, in just three years. This sets our state up for a big deficit in the next budget cycle.”
Unfortunately, a lot of catch-up is necessary after a decade of disinvestment caused by Republican obstructionism, just to maintain essential services. For example, we need more prisons because our population is growing. And then there’s inflation — a dollar is simply worth a lot less than it was 3 years ago, due to the Bush administration’s inflationary borrow-and-spend fiscal policies.
“Our state must also do a better job of monitoring and addressing sex offenders. … I’m supporting a package of legislation that, among other things, would update and expand our GPS monitoring of sex offenders, increase penalties for sex offenders who fail to register and require DNA registration for all sex offenders.”
Sounds great, but I want to know how he’s going to do that without spending more money; and I want to know how he’s going to spend more money while cutting taxes. This guy is talking out of both sides of his mouth; he wants it both ways.
“On the local front, I’m working on many issues including repealing the state mandate on septic tank inspections”
Not the kind of “accomplishment” I would brag about.
Along the same lines, Dino Rossi is on Robert Mak’s show right now, and a few moments ago Rossi criticized Gregoire’s 33% spending increase. Here’s what followed (paraphrased):
Mak pointed out that most of that money went to education, then asked Rossi if he was against funding smaller class sizes, or what he would cut.
Rossi’s answer: He said he used to think asking where the budget could be cut was a valid question, but after writing a state budget he learned “you have to go through thousands of items, line by line.” In other words, no specifics. This, of course, is the standard GOP response to “what would you cut” — they never tell you, they never commit to specific cuts, they simply offer vague assurances that there’s always something in the budget that can be cut.
Mak then asked Rossi whether the state should give the U.W. $150 million for Husky stadium.
Rossi’s answer: The stadium is 90 years old, the U.W. is a state institution, and we need to look at that. In other words, he’s going to cut the state budget by throwing another $150 million of public money at another sports facility.
This is typical of the dishonesty you get from Republican politicians across the board. Whether it’s Doug Erickson or Dino Rossi, they all sing the same tune: Spending is bad when Democrats do it, but they never tell you how THEY would cut spending — and they’ll never, ever, cut funding for THEIR pet projects. What a bunch of fucking hypocrites (not to mention liars).
If Rossi walked up to me tomorrow, offered to shake my hand, and asked for my vote, I’d ask him what programs he’ll cut to keep his campaign promises to slow down the growth in state spending, and after he gives me the standard vague GOP song-and-dance, I’d tell him that’s not good enough, I want to know how many prisoners he’s going to release, how many teachers he’s going to fire, how many old people he’s going to kick out of nursing homes, and if he can’t tell me that then asking me to vote for him is like buying a contract to buy a used car and letting the salesman fill in the price.
like signing a contract
If you want posting privileges here, pay your gambling debt, cheapskate welsher!
That is a terrific idea. Why not ban this scumbag until he pays his fucking gambling debt?
Rossi did not give a straight answer to a single question Mak asked him.
I wonder how you arrogant assholes would feel if youdidn’t have sewer systems now and were being forced to pay for a huge sewer system when you had a septic system that worked fine. It happened to me 25 years ago when I was living in Lakewood. I had to pay for a sewer system even though I left the area before the damn thing was completed. Let me say that again: I had to pay for a fucking sewer system for a house that had a perfectly fine septic system so a bunch of greed-head delvopers and asshole Lakewood Democrats could build more cheap-shit houses and have more and more appartments for Lakewood filled with low-class losers. I had to move, but I was still forced to pay for the damn sewer even though I never got to use it. The damn system was completed a year or two after I left the area. Fuck government!
I’m still pissed about it!
We don’t have to guess what spending Rossi would cut — because he has a track record. The one time he wrote a state budget, he kicked 40,000 poor kids off health care. I don’t buy that, and I don’t think a majority of Washington voters will buy it either. We’re better than that.
@15 Why would ANYONE with a brain vote for that greasy little real estate salesman? I won’t.
@16 I thought all the greedy developers are Republicans. When did that change?
@16 (continued) Well guess-fucking-what, I had to pay for a sewer system, too — when I bought my burrow! And so did everyone else who lives in an urban area served by sewer systems. These assessments are built into the prices of houses, and a house is sold, it’s passed on to the next buyer. It’s a cost of living in civilized society instead of a cave. Go cry on some other shoulder, whiner.
Hey Roger, fuck you! The goddam septic system was twice the size needed for the size of the damn house, and the fucker worked perfectly! There was no good reason that the house needed to be on a sewer system other than a bunch of assholes wanted to put houses closer and closer together.
So, Roger fuckhead-asshole, stick one finger up your ass and one finger down your throat and rotate! Motherfucker!!
@21 “Hey Roger, fuck you!”
Yes! Yes! Yes, yes, yes!!! We need MORE rabbits!!! I’ll fuck anything that hops, has long ears, and two holes. Hell, I’ll even fuck Mrs. Rabbit! Bunnies forever!!!
@21 “Motherfucker!!”
Well, no, I won’t go THAT far; and besides, my mother is dead. She was run over by a speeding Republican asshole in an SUV. (sniffle) (sob)
You’d probably give them all HA Happy Hooliherpes, disease laden fur ball that you are.
The Piper
Here’s the deal, PI. A single septic system may be all fine and good. When an area’s density reaches a certain point, they are simply no longer feasible. Nitrate loading to groundwater can cause health problems. When the need for a sewage treatment system is considered, it is a regional decision, not a house by house one.
@21 (continued) So, I take it that when you bought that house you either didn’t know it was on a septic system instead of a sewer because you didn’t do your due diligence; or you assumed Lakewood, which is part of a big city, would continue allowing its homeowners to pollute the groundwater forever? I mean, what kind of dope buys a house on a septic tank in a city thinking he’ll never be charged for a sewer hookup? Next time, have a competent real estate agent explain these things to you before you sign the check. You have no one to blame but yourself. Idiot.
@24 For your information, I’ve been certified disease-free by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Organic Animal Husbandry. That was back in 1982, I think.
What? No mention of Mrs. Gregoire’s 33 percent increase in spending in three years? (the biggest in State history) Pussy!
A better idea: Why not ban Roger “gov’t cheese” Rodent till he becomes a tax-payer and not a leech on the State welfare program? After completing therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder that is. (see all posts)
I am Republican – I lie, cheat and steal when I’m not being a family man (fat whore). Self righteous bastard that I am.
Septic tanks, hunh!
This could be the campaign issue of the year!
Has ANYONE considered the energy implications??? If I own my own ST, I can fit a gas turbine on ti and use the methane to power my Prious!
In fact, it seem to me that we need pretty soon now to decide who wons the water under my house? Is it mine? If Roger’s burrow runs underneath, does that entitle hium to my ground water?
Better yet, if I have a really large tank of shit, how big is the cordon around MY property that I am allowed to pollute?
Doesn’t anyone here remember the battle cry to the Whisky Rebellion? or was it Ronald Reagan who said, “Ms. Gregoire, LEAVE MY SHIT ALONE!”
Are you saying that you had a husband back in 1982? Organic or not, isn’t that too weird?
To be safe, why don’t you have yourself put out of our misery?
The Piper
I forget, is this the 6th or 8th year in a row that the Republican’s have been pushing the sex offender thing?
I used to like the idea of less government and lower taxes in principle.
Then I saw what really happened: people in government who didn’t believe government could do anything. Hiring out private contractors that steal us blind. Sex offenders hiding in the party that is against sex offenders. Earmarks and cozying up with lobbyists by the aprty that was supposed to spend less money.
With Doug Ericksen and Cheryl Pflug on point for transportation issues, we can be assured the GOP’s “pave the planet” approach to transportation won’t be enacted. W and Dino Rossi apparently lowered the bar for the current batch of conservative airheads.
Big hat – no cattle.
@28 I covered that @11 et seq.
Factually impaired nitwit @29: I pay the same taxes you do, and I’d like to know where this government cheese I’m getting is at. Can you draw me a map?
I gotta concede, though, I’m making out like a highwayman on the capital gains tax. That isn’t my fault, though; I didn’t vote Republican. I just go with the flow — i.e., after the Republican Congress decided wages should be taxed 3 times as much as investment income, I quit working and became a stock flipper. I’m simply doing what my country wants me to do — namely, NO WORK!!! The message from the other Washington is loud and clear: WORK WILL BE PUNISHED!!! Therefore, I don’t do any work. I live like a Republican now.
@31 I don’t want your groundwater; in fact, the less of it is in my burrow, the better! I only use it for a toilet.
@32 “@27…RR…Are you saying that you had a husband back in 1982?”
@33 Dunno, but it’s about time they got behind putting a GPS bracelet on Larry Craig.
@34 I’m tempted to say your stupidity is inexcusable, but then I remember I was once a Republican too, so all I’ll say is better to see the light late than never.
Ah isn’t that cute. A moonbat acting as a reformed republican. Moonbats often act like republicans, especially before an elections. hehehe
@43 Really? I see a lot of Republicans pretending to be Democrats or “non-partisan,” but I don’t see any Democrats or non-partisans pretending to be Republicans. Why is that? Could it be the GOP brand name is a bit tarnished? Yes! I think that’s the explanation.
Mark The Redneck Goldstein.
Your number error is posting before Pelletizer pollutes the thread with out of topic comments. After he drops his pellets, you can too!
Makes sense to me. Rethugs dring (and enjoy the taste of) raw sewage. This all explains a lot.
I was being so “cute”, so I thought, that I spelled some wrong.
Please make that, “Rethugs drink (and enjoy the taste of) raw sewage.”
@22 Rodent:
But that would involve you getting pills prescribed to do that, most definetely with your med. coupons and illegitimate gov’t cheese. Poor old geezer, I sincerely do feel sorry for you. And @ 37; no you do not. That’d be me being a real taxpayer and a productive member of the workforce; and you being a leech that never has done either, even in your fairy-tale lost touch with reality world. Get help Rodent; I do know some friends that can help you with that delusional OCD you so apparently suffer from. Poor ‘lil bunny…now for the next 100 posts and your OCD….