I’ve started poring over the GOP’s list of 1944 voters alleged to have registered at mail boxes and storage facilities, and the first thing I’m struck by is how incredibly sloppy their work is. First thing I did was run an Excel macro to look for duplicate voter ID’s… and immediately found 89.
Come on… how hard was that? I mean, if you’re going to swear “under penalty of perjury” that you have “personal knowledge” that a voter is illegally registered, the least you can do is proofread the list before signing the affidavits. That way you might have also noticed that 535 of the voters on the list are marked as “Inactive” status… meaning they haven’t voted during the last decade or so.
What does GOPolitburo Chair Chris Vance have to say about his party’s rude fuck up?
Vance apologized to voters whose registrations were challenged mistakenly but said Republicans were motivated by a desire to avoid a repeat of problems that plagued the county elections office last year.
“We are not going to sit by again and watch [County Executive] Ron Sims and Dean Logan count illegal votes again,” Vance said. “Over 90 percent of what we’ve done is accurate.”
Hey Chris… a
Who cares if they are inactive? If they are registered illegally they need to be removed from the rolls.
The Reupblican party really is dying, isn’t it? The hitched their wagon to the neocriminal wagon, and now that it’s heading off the cliff, they’re increasingly desperate.
This is disgraceful, which is a word, of course, not found in the republican lexicon.
Don’t forget the MILITARY voters … who can be moved around and be posted anywhere, for years at a time, and still vote in their registered location of record.
It ain’t about right vs. wrong.
It ain’t about clean voter rolls.
It ain’t about accurate spreadsheets.
It ain’t about correct challenges.
It’s about spreading FEAR, UNCERTAINTY and DOUBT among voters — hoping their words of hate will resonate and will result in people (erroneously) thinking republicans are the party of honesty and integrity.
Honesty and Integrity…remember Bush’s promise of “reinstating” those qualities to the white house?
Just more of the sad same…
First thing I did was run an Excel macro to look for duplicate voter ID’s… and immediately found 89.
Too dumb to use the “Unique Records Only” feature in Excel?
@ 3
When it comes to harassing military voters, the GOP has no equal.
Michael is right Goldy—
INACTIVE doesn’t mean they cannot or should not be challenged. It will be interesting to see what criteria actually used in Flagging voters as INACTIVE.
INACTIVE doesn’t mean they can’t vote…..nor does it mean they can’t be challenged.
Something tells me the Democratic Party or one of their minions contacted Goldy and asked him to do this piece……and even gave him the “scarey” quote. Isn’t that what CLOWNS do…..try to “scare” people?!
This is real bad.
The WAGOP is going to have to explain this for a long time to come, and next time they challenge voters, nobody will take them seriously.
I shake my head. The wingnuts say if KCREALS serves up an error rate 0.02% or lower it’s off with Logan’s head. There’s crying, wailing and moans of fraud at the (un)SP comment threads.
There’s nothing acceptable except absolute perfection so sayeth the wingnuts.
But 36 percent for the KCGOP? Just fine, that’s just fine according to the wingers.
At least The Stranger can spell “poring” over data correctly, unless David is talking about “pouring” beer.
Belltowner@8 sez
“The WAGOP is going to have to explain this for a long time to come, and next time they challenge voters, nobody will take them seriously.”
Hell, there may more voters challenged at the polls tomorrow!!
Is tomorrow a long time?
Who cares if they are inactive? If they are registered illegally they need to be removed from the rolls.
Inactive status *is* removed from the rolls. When someone dies, they are turned inactive. When someone moves out of county, they are turned inactive. When a duplicate record is found, they are turned inactive. No inactive voter receives an absentee ballot. Inactive voters don’t show up in poll books. Inactive voters can’t vote. I think that would be obvious.
You simply don’t delete records from a database like this where historical information needs to be preserved.
What do you CLOWNS think ought to happen tomorrow when some of your fellow CLOWNS show up to vote tomorrow with no ID or there ID doesn’t match or Sig doesn’t match???
And don’t you think there will a lot more care with those Provisional Ballots???
Logan is under the microscope…..but he is a clever fellow.
Plus Logan knows if Sims loses===Logan is FIRED!!!!
And if David Irons wins=-========Logan is FIRED!!!!!
Irons has committed to that.
But ooops, Logan is counting the ballots.
Hmmmmmmmmmm, Logan’s job is on the line.
Logan is a member of the Canvassing Board.
Logan shouldn’t be touching this Election under the circumstances. He should have excused himself and taken a leave of absence considering the huge appearance of fairness problem here. What can be a bigger problem than the Vote-Counter who’s job depends on the outcome of the ballots he is counting???
KingCo needs an ELECTED Auditor. Before tomorrow—
@2 I’d go along with this.
I was actualy talking with a coworker about it just now…
What we’re seeing here is massive desperation on the part of the Republicans. They know their ship is sinking, so they’re bailing like crazy, and to hell with the law. And WA state is hardly alone with these problems. They’re desperately trying to stop people from voting all over the country.
Of course, the real question is how far are they actually willing to go to hold onto the reins of power?
And if they really really push it, will the military go along with them? (yes unfounded speculation, but ya gotta wonder)
Another note about the inactives – I compared the list to my copy of the KC VF from a month ago and got a similar number of inactives.
So Republicans can’t claim that KC turned off the records after the fact or anything. Ditto for the 30% of their “duplicates list” that was already de-duped.
I won’t mention that I posted a comment or two about the duplicates back on Friday (14 people listed four times, 1 listed 3 times, 45 listed twice, as I recall).
Actually, they’re even dumber than you’re reporting (which I also commented about on Friday). Take a look at Vance’s “140 withdrawals”, and observe the “Voter ID” numbers attached to them. Then look for the same names on the original spreadsheet, and observe those “Voter ID” numbers. The two sets of ID numbers are completely different. The ones on the “withdrawal” list aren’t even in proper King County Voter ID format, which places the last two digits of the year of registration at the beginning of the number (though, confusingly, they then drop leading zeroes … so my Voter ID number starts with 1 rather than 01). Also, some of the “withdrawal” list are active, some inactive. And some on that list appeared multiple times in the original list, but are removed just once.
windie@ 14 sez:
“I was actualy talking with a coworker”
Don’t you mean a co-‘slacker’????
Government job, huh?
windie@14 sez:
I was actualy talking with a coworker
Allow me to correct your error….you obviously neant co-‘slacker’!!
Yeah Mr. Shithead- Like YOU work for a living.
The newest TV SHOW: Desperate Republicans!
Come see Hysteria Lane where accusations of all types are sert forth — even when they are known to be completely false!
You’ll see lies and fabrications create fear among the populace!
You’ll be transported into “fantasy world” where faleshoods are propogated as fact with fingers carefully crossed behind shielded backs…
Just turn RIGHT at the truth and you have entered “The TwiRight Zone!” — where truth takes a back seat to fear!
YES, Sotelo (and whoever else in the KC and/or WA GOP managed the job) screwed up. Each and every one should be FIRED. They should sit in the same unemployment line as Logan and Huennekens. Not reassigned. Not benched. Fired.
Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way… Why does everyone on the Left refuse — and I mean REFUSE — to hold KingCo responsible for these names being on there in the first place? Whether it is 1,900 or 1,000 or 190 illegal records, those names should have been flagged and inactivated long ago. It is an EASY and INEXPENSIVE process!!
WTF??!! Goldy, do me a favor and tell me what the heck in my last post warranted a filter!!
that the best you can do, Mr. Irrelevant? You’re off your game.
Ah well, I don’t blame you. Soon enough, you, just like all those other Republican losers will be swept under the rug of history. I’d be unable to focus on my trolling too, if I were in your place!
Thomas the Tankengine @ 19
Shame. SHAME! Making fun of Asian-American Republicans? :(
I think you should immediately call a press conference, confess your sins and resign. ;)
Trainwinder sez “Come see Hysteria Lane where accusations of all types are sert forth – even when they are known to be completely false!
You’ll see lies and fabrications create fear among the populace!
You’ll be transported into “fantasy world” where faleshoods are propogated as fact with fingers carefully crossed behind shielded backs…
Just turn RIGHT at the truth and you have entered “The TwiRight Zone!” – where truth takes a back seat to fear!
Nice copy and paste job from the Democratic playbook.
BTW, See that Mother Sheehans antiwar Marine has been exposed as a fraud and liar!
Goldy, your math is WAY off here.
Yes, there are 89 duplicate, triplicate or quadruplicate excess names (counting only the first listing of the same voter ID number). That leaves 1855 unique registration records out of 1944 lines of voter information.
Submitting a challenge form two, three or four times doesn’t change the number of errors. If the voter was properly challenged, then duplicate forms are not an error. If the voter is improperly challenged, it is still one error, regardless of the number of forms submitted.
Inactive voters are still on the rolls, but haven’t voted in a while, or have had their mail returned to the election office as undeliverable. They are still permitted to vote — if they show up at the polls, they will be given a provisional ballot. And if they contact the election office, they will be restored to active status.
(By the way, people who DIE have their registrations CANCELLED. They can still vote, if they prove they aren’t DEAD. But they are not placed in INACTIVE status.)
So counting the challenged inactive voters as ERRORS on the part of the King County Republicans is a totally incorrectly methodology on Goldy’s part.
Lori Sotelo sent a letter removing 140 names on 11/04/2005 to King County Elections. However, only 139 of these 140 names had actually been challenged.
And out of these 139 names, there were at least 18 that WERE PROPERLY CHALLENGED and SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN REMOVED. 7 of them were at the UPS Store at 7829 Center Blvd SE in Snoqualmie. 5 of them were at the UPS Store at 325 Washington Ave S in Kent. 6 of them were at the non-existent address of 325 Washington Ave N in Kent. These leaves at most 121 names that Ms. Sotelo should have removed on 11/04/2005.
So we have 1855 unique voter registration numbers that were challenged by Ms. Sotelo. At most, 121 of these were submitted in error. This is an error rate of only 6.52% — less than a fifth of the error rate that Goldy came up with.
Richard Pope: The Factcheck.org of PorkASS!
And 7% is a number to be proud of, when you jerks were grousing about 2/100th’s of a percent? Yay! Go team!
You nutty Rethugs – the party of torture and voter intimidation, Lincoln would be proud.
I would not be a bit offended if I had my registration challenged when I reigstered with a mailbox rental or storage facility as my residence address. I think this should be standard procedure for the Elections Departments throughout the state. Run a database query against all commercial addresses. This is easy to obtain from the USPS.
It’s politically expedient for Goldstein to feign outrage, but these people, if they even exist, deserve to be challenged for not following instructions in the first place.
If following the basic instructions to register and maintain your registration as up to date with your current address is too much to handle, then one is not of sufficient capacity to vote.
McDickhead @ 27
Well, you should be if you really lived there, and some fucking political hack went on a fishing expedition and swore out what is in effect an affadivit against you. I’d be plenty pissed.
BTW – dickhead – you are allowed to vote at the the polling place where your previous registered address is if you haven’t had time to change it before the election (cuz, you know, in a county of 1.5 million or so people, folks actually have the temerity to move).
Try it in my county next year Rethugs. I dare you.
We’re on to you, we’re watching and waiting. Try to challenge my right to vote in my part of the state and you’ll be dealing with more than a lawsuit. Fucking cowards.
John McDonald @ 27 says:
“If following the basic instructions to register and maintain your registration as up to date with your current address is too much to handle, then one is not of sufficient capacity to vote.”
The law says they are, you smug prick. You have a problem with the law?
Is it a guilty conscience that has all the HA camp followers up in arms? If the Democrats were challenging the dead and fraudulent persons on the voter roles, would you complain as loudly?
Illegally registered voters should be unacceptable to any legitimate voter of any party.
The GOP should hide their heads in the sand when they are represented by ignorant fools like John McDonald, and pray that idiots like him and Chris Vance learn to shut up.
“I would not be a bit offended if I had my registration challenged when I reigstered with a mailbox rental or storage facility as my residence address”
First of all, idiots like McDonald should learn to use spell check, and fools like Richard Pope should learn to master the complexities of a 4-function calculator.
I read the list of so-called “illegal” voters in Shoreline, where I live, and came up with slightly different statistics than P.O Boxes and a 6.52% error rate. Of the 23 alleged “illegal” voters in Shoreline, at least one is a storage facility with an apartment for the manger’s residence, 1 is a single-family dwelling, 2 are the minister of a local church and his wife, and 3 are neighbors of mine in an assisted living facility…not one of these is a P.O. Box, and the error rate in a small city like Shoreline is closer to 30.4%
I’m w/ya jsmith – I’d be very polite while I asked for, filled out, and returned my provisional ballot. Then I’d grab the Rethug who challenged my legitimate vote by the hair, pull them outside, and beat the shit out of them – oops – talk to them about the error of their ways.
What I wouldn’t give to have been there when all of those fat fratboy Rethug operatives shouted down the vote count in Florida…
Mr. Goldy-Ass and his blustery Toadies are just worried to lose the Private Mail Box votes they have been counting on for all these years. What else will they do on Election Eve without their Absentee Ballot Bubble Filling Parties?
You guys are too much. This is what you sound like to the real world:
wah wah wah – KCRE hoses voters by bungling their addresses on registrations but it is fibby’s fault because she expects them to fix their mistakes.
wah wah wah – KCRE duplicates untold thousands of voter registrations but it’s fibby’s fault because she pointed it out.
wah wah wah – Ron Sims, et al, are incompetent but it’s fibby’s fault because you guys can’t blame yourselves!
Here’s what you guys need to do – Grab a paper bag, scrunch it up at the top, put your blowhole over the opening, then – breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out – you’re hyperventilating!
Steal my vote, and you definitely will be seeing 6 more weeks of winter.
Fuck off.
Mr. X
That was a deep chunk of mental vomit!
Well, you know, I realize that words with more than 2 syllables are lost on cretins like you, so I figured I’d stick to language you understand.
“Over 90 percent of what we’ve done is accurate.”
Chris Vance, GOP state chair is (1.)Ethically challenged, since this statement is laughable; and (2.) really needs to do something about those wattles. The Don Johnson look just doesn’t get there.
Lots of bluster and bullshit about the supposed misdoings by the big bad GOP… whoop de do.
I’m still waiting for a loony liberal, a nutburger, a fruitcake fringie or even a CLOWN to give me one good reason I should vote for Sims.
That silence is deafening.
Because his parents are – which is more than Irons can say.
Because his parents are – which is more than Irons can say. -Comment by Mr. X— 11/7/05 @ 7:31 pm
Well, thanks… a nutburger finally steps up to the plate and zips off a ringing endorsement for Sims (snicker)….his parents love him…. yep, that’ll sure convince a lot of voters of his ability and qualifications to do the job!
damned cheap ASS filter.
ProudASS @ 44
“damned cheap ASS filter. unbelievable.”
Don’t like Goldy’s system?
Then SCRAM, you fucking whining asshole!
Ah, the kiddies have had their dinner, their bath and now they want to play before bedtime. How cute.
How @ 42
How about King County’s excellent bond rating, attained during an economic downturn?
How about maintaining utility (sewer, garbage)rates and transit fares under control during increasing gas prices?
How about the fact that the County Council FORCED Sims into a fiscally responsible mode to get that rating.
How about using RESERVES to mask increases because it’s an election year.
Wake up and smell the details you CLOWN!
Nice try… we just got a notice on Saturday that our garbage rates are going UP…. a few weeks ago we got one from PSE about gas/electricity rates going UP… my sewere bill came today… $80+ tyvm, and if you haven’t noticed gas prices have and are dropping.
Mr. C- the KCC dominated bby Democrats? And how exactly did they change the budget Sims submitted? My recollection is they made minor tweaks but accepted it as proposed. Were the bond rating companies fooled?
Mr. Ass- First of all, PSE is a privately held company. Aboslutely no connection to King County. Second, King County has not raised garbage rates since 1999. Your private hauler may have, but the County did not, proving you do not know the facts behind your opinions.
Sorry guys, you are factually chjallenged.
I think you’d be hard pressed in American political history to find a case where both parents actively opposed the candidacy of their offspring.
But, hey, you Rethugs don’t do history, do ya?
Pay attention:
How about maintaining utility (sewer, garbage)rates and transit fares under control during increasing gas prices? -Comment by K— 11/7/05 @ 7:44 pm
I believe he/she/it is one of yours.
Hello all – Tommorow night the Ruthuglicans will be having thier big election bash at the
Double Tree Hotel in Bellevue
300 112th St.
Last time I went to one of thier eletion parties it was open to the public and Chris Vance was there. Perhaps some of the “wrong kind of people who should not vote” should go and see if they can meet Chris in person.
A duplicate vote is 100 percent bad. I am puzzled as to why Democrats think this is a good thing.
Mr. Ass- I’m proud to be someone who understands the difference between public and private sector utilities. I also understand rate setting and know that rates set more than a year ago have absorbed significant fuel increases, and the recent slight drops don’t negate what they have already incurred.
You apparently are proud to be someone who spews without regard to facts.
49 & 50 —
I spoke to someone today who received an erroneous voter challenge but was NOT on the list withdrawn by the GOP. He received a standard .37 cent letter and a $4.40 certified duplicate. (SOP for voter challenges.) 1944 x $4.77 = $9,272.88. Sounds like a big chunk of that is erroneous. Are Chris Vance or the GOP’s corporate minions gonna pony up for that?
Or perhaps Cynical and Proud would step up to the plate their own damn selves?
Conservatives are fond of bleating about how we’re responsible for our actions. Any takers?
GB @ 35
You are right about there being 23 challenged voters in Shoreline. And Lori Sotelo didn’t withdraw ANY of those challenges.
I am pretty sure that 1520 ne 177th st (3 voters), 19924 aurora ave n (10 voters), and 519 ne 165th st (5 voters) are all private mailbox places. This only leaves 5 out of 23 voters in Shoreline who may have been incorrectly challenged.
14540 Aurora Ave N is a Shurgard storage facility where 1 voter — possibly the manager you talk about — is registered.
1621 N 196th St is a single family residence owned by the 2 voters who are registered there — likely the minister and his wife you are talking about.
20065 15th Ave N is a Public Storage facility where 1 voter — possibly the manager you talk about — is registered.
2155 N 146th St is a single family residence owned by the 1 voter who is registered there.
So it would appear that definitely 3, and possibly 5, of the 23 voters challenged in Shoreline are properly registered where they live.
As for your three neighbors in the assisted living facility, I would bet they are registered at one of the three mailbox facility locations in Shoreline, and not at the address of the assisted living facility.
I checked out my zip code of 98007 in Bellevue, where 7 voters were challenged. 6 of these “lived” at The UPS Store at 14150 NE 20th St. The other voter is registered at a single family residence at 708 143rd Pl SE — owned by someone else apparently, but obviously an incorrect challenge since that place IS A RESIDENTIAL ADDRESS. Ms. Sotelo did not remove that challenge.
In Bellevue 98008, 7 voters were challenged. 4 of them “live” at The UPS Store at 15600 NE 8th St. Ms. Sotelo dropped her challenge of the 1 voter who owns the residence at 1901 162nd Ave NE. Ms. Sotelo also withdrew her challenge of the 1 voter at 628 w lake sammamish pkwy ne living in a house owned by someone else. However, Ms. Sotelo did not withdraw her challenge of 1 voter registered at 3406 161st Pl SE — which appears to be a condo unit (although possibly with the wrong postal address in the voter registration records).
In any event, I am perfectly proficient with a four function calculator. Goldy clearly had his math wrong. The error rate that Ms. Sotelo admitted (after subtracting the duplicate challenges, the one withdrawn challenge that was never made, and the 18 valid challenges incorrectly withdrawn) was ONLY 6.52%, and NOT the 39% that Goldy came up with.
Obviously, there are a lot of invalid challenges that Ms. Sotelo has not withdrawn yet, so the actual error is going to be higher than the admitted error rate of 6.52%.
Tommorow night the Ruthuglicans will be having thier big election bash at the Double Tree Hotel Bellevue.
This is where you will find out first hand what initiative will be passed next election cycle. Word has it that there will be another tax reform initiative and one other one. I can’t wait to see what Tim’s plans are for this State.
Reading this blog is rather educational. The liberals use ‘strong’ language that the ‘condescending pricks’ like xmasgoat and proudASS do not like. Wow, someone please pass me a ‘hankey’
535 of the voters on the list are marked as “Inactive” status… meaning they haven’t voted during the last decade or so.
I seldom wade in to comment at this cesspool of idiocy, especially since Clownstein started censoring me, but the above statement is too good to pass up.
“Inactive” does not mean “haven’t voted in the last decade”. It usually means a piece of official mail was bounced back as undeliverable.
An inactive voter is eligible to vote under certain conditions
There is nothing inherently incorrect about challenging an inactive voter as Clownstein’s puppetmasters have asked him to say.
Stefan @ 61
Excellent point. And also look at RCW 29A.08.630.
When a voter is put on inactive status, they will stay in that status until they are either restored to active status (i.e. by voting or communicating with the county elections office, for example) or get cancelled by failing to do anything for a period of several years (usually the second federal election after the voter is notified of the inactive status).
Moreover, a voter doesn’t become “inactive” by merely failing to vote. For example, Demene Hall, the wrongly challenged registered voter at 320 Cedar St, who told the Seattle P-I that she was “too African American” not to be a regular voter, registered to vote in 1994, but never voted in a single election. But since she stayed at the same address, and never had mail returned as non-deliverable, she remains an “active” voter in spite of never once voting for the past 11 years.
The King County GOP was quite proper to challenge inactive voters, assuming of course that the challenge was valid for other reasons (i.e. if they really were registered at a mailbox place or other non-residence address).
Goldy’s math and methodology is just plain wrong, and certainly no better than the actual GOP errors that were made in this process.
Well, I can’t believe that with these allegations, the R’s didn’t have all the i’s dotted and t’s crossed, as one error on their part would be mercilessly attacked.
I just don’t see where Chris Vance, I’m sorry to say, has done any good for the Republican Party in this state.
Stefan @ 61: Great….your post will now trigger 150 comments from you-know-who. Thanks…..
Or as Richard Pope said:
Good work. Maybe people who vote for David Irons will demand competence by gov’t and therefore a cessation to the vigilante justice of political partisans selectively parsing voting rolls…
Vote wisely tomorrow. If you live in King County, please be fair & balanced. And BTW, rumour has it that you don’t need to vote. Ron Sims will vote for you.
hello lil joey, did your momma let you stay up later than usual tonight?
Check out this qoute from the head idiot at KCRE.
King 5 article:
But once again, the spotlight will be on King County Elections, with Republicans saying the county still isn’t doing enough to make sure the voting rolls are accurate.
“We are prepared to deliver a secure and accountable election tomorrow,” Logan said Monday
A secure and accountable election??? secure accountable.. from
the donk Logan
I am still thinking that the overall error rate will be less than 20% — i.e. that no more than 371 of the 1855 unique registration records represent people validly registered at legitimate residential addresses who shouldn’t have been challenged. In any event, there were far more people incorrectly registered than people who were incorrectly challenged.
But we will never see Ron Sims or Dean Logan apologizing for their errors in maintaining our voter rolls. Nor will we ever see Goldy, et al. calling for Sims and Logan to apologize.
While Chris Vance is probably wrong in saying that over 90% of the GOP challenges were accurate, Vance did APOLOGIZE to the voters who ended up being challenged incorrectly.
Pope @ 62:
“Goldy’s math and methodology is just plain wrong, and certainly no better than the actual GOP errors that were made in this process.”
The difference is that Goldy didn’t challenge voters under penalty of perjury and force them to respond in order to make their vote count. His speculations also didn’t cost ~$5 a pop for a total of $9,272.88 at the expense of KC taxpayers as did the GOP’s.
An interesting question now is whether she will show up at the voter challenge hearing(s)[also on King County’s dime, thanks to the GOP] to substantiate her “personal knowledge and belief.” Anyone willing to bet?
Pope @ 70.
“While Chris Vance is probably wrong in saying that over 90% of the GOP challenges were accurate, Vance did APOLOGIZE to the voters who ended up being challenged incorrectly.”
Apologies are dandy, but will he pay the county back for all the funds wasted on frivolous challenges?
Sharkansky @ 61
“I seldom wade in to comment at this cesspool of idiocy, especially since Clownstein started censoring me, but the above statement is too good to pass up.”
You fucking asshole. Goldy has never censored you, and you know it.
This is why you have such low credibility–you don’t let things like evidence stand in your way of making up shit.
Run along now and get back to your quixotic search for errors in last years election. You are not needed here. Punk.
Richard Pope @ 62 — I just spoke with Ms. Hall, who confirmed (as I thought) that she has voted with regularity in Seattle over the many years I’ve known her.
Don’t know the source of your information, but it’s dead-ass wrong.
Pope @ 69
“I am still thinking that the overall error rate will be less than 20%”
So, now you are a fucking apologist for the Republicans erronously disenfranchising legally registered voters.
I though you had higher standards than that, Richard. I am deeply dissappointed in you.
“A secure and accountable election??? secure accountable.. from the donk Logan”
Yes, indeed. The Republicans fucked up so badly with the error-riddled challenges that they will be much easier to keep an eye on this time.
Sorry Bozo, your thugs will not steal this election either!
Clownstein? How the less-than-mighty have fallen. Coming on someone else’s site to call them names–especially when people can’t even call your judgement to account on your own site, without being banned. I suppose that’s why SoundPolitics has lost 63% of its audience since January–they recognize that the site is no longer (and really never was) the least bit credible. And you have the nerve to mock the newspapers for losing 6-10% of their subscription rates. Your site is FREE, and you’re hemmorhaging readers!
Curtis @ 54
“Double Tree Hotel in Bellevue
300 112th St.
Last time I went to one of thier eletion parties it was open to the public and Chris Vance was there. Perhaps some of the “wrong kind of people who should not vote” should go and see if they can meet Chris in person.”
Excellent idea! I think there should be a special meeting of Drinking Liberally tomorrow evening at the Double Tree Hotel in Bellevue.
As Josef the Dinolackey says @66 above, “Vote wisely tomorrow.” (For starters, be suspicious of anybody and anything Josef is FOR.) But I digress, and time’s a-wasting. Here are the Official Bunny Endorsements for tomorrow’s election:
330 and 336 – NO!! I-330 is special interest nonsense at the expense of malpractice victims that does nothing to keep the insurance industry from gouging doctors. Our state needs to crack down on bad doctors, but I-336’s Robocop approach doesn’t include enough human intelligence and judgment in the disciplinary process; write your legislators and insist they figure out a better way.
900 – NO. Alluring on its face, and The Bunny generally supports plenty of transparency and process in government; but the “performance audits” envisioned by this initiative are inherently subjective, and although I’m not worried about the current state auditor, some future holder of that office might be a partisan wack job who could manipulate this power to promote a partisan agenda. Cost is a problem, because it will take money away from things like health care for low income children, foster care for abuse kids, education, etc. Finally, this initiative is somewhat duplicative, because many of the local governments it targets already have some type of audit process in place.
901 – YES. The Bunny is not eager to support restrictions on personal freedom; but if the Bushies can spy on our library records without our knowledge, the least they could do for us in return is not force us to breathe their goddam cigaret smoke when they invade our favorite liberal dives. Besides, if the best argument opponents can come up with in the Voters Pamphlet is that a smoking restriction will give Indian tribes an unfair advantage in competing for food-and-booze trade, there must not be an argument against it.
912 – NO. The Bunny doesn’t like taxes or high gas prices either, but if the state doesn’t get the 9 1/2 cents, the oil companies will, as the pump price you pay is determined by supply and demand – not by what percentage of the price is taxes or oil company profit. Hating Seattle is not a good enough reason to kill people or wreck the state’s economy. If you vote for this thing and it passes, fuck you, the next step is to get the legislature to keep King County gas taxes in King County instead of exporting them to you fascist freeloaders living off the land and Seattle taxpayers in the hinterlands, and you fuckers can pay for your own roads – or walk, ride a bike, or ride a horse.
SJR 8207 – YES. This is a housekeeping measure that EVERYONE supports, including KVI and Roger Rabbit. It would give the municipal judges a seat (and a voice) on the Judicial Conduct Commission. All the other judges have one; why shouldn’t they?
King County Veterans Levy – YES. If you support the troops, put your money where your mouth is. If you don’t support the troops … well, we’ll find out tomorrow night, won’t we?
Vote Democrat. The Republicans are lying, fiscally irresponsible, freedom-hating, anti-democratic, mother-beating, perjury-committing, jackbooted fascist thugs. Did I forget to mention Republicans are commies? Yeah, that’s right, the neocons get their inspiration from Trotsky. Roger Rabbit HATES commies!!! Piss on those fucking Republican communists!!! Gotta admit, though, I admire their cleverness in figuring out how to be Nazis and communists at the same time.
For sheriff, EVERYBODY endorses Sue Rahr, and Roger Rabbit does too. The fact KVI endorsed her normally would be a red flag; but in this case, maybe it’s just another signal of how under-experienced and over-inflated her opponent is; he failed to get a single newspaper endorsement (not the Seattle Times, not the P-I, not the Seattle Weekly). This one is a no-brainer.
Roger Rabbit doesn’t vote in Seattle, and has no recommendations on the mayor’s race or city council or school board races.
Roger Rabbit’s opinion is that it’s time to kill the Monorail Project – not because it was a bad idea, but because the fucking incompetents running it will never get it built no matter how much money you saps throw at it or how much power you give them. It was a wonderful dream; but I knew it was doomed the moment the voters allowed the board to choose its own members. The Politburo model didn’t work worth shit in Moscow, and it sucks in Seattle, too. It’s too late to cure the problem by voting for more elective seats; the whole goddam levee has already washed away.
Hunt down the establishment candidates and dispatch them wherever you can find ’em!!! This board’s only serious rival in arrogance, incompetence, and irresponsibity is the Monorail board, and the dunderheads responsible for the Port’s disastrous performance should suffer the same fate. Accordingly, Roger Rabbit endorses rabble rousers Lawrence Molloy and that Jolley guy. The Hara-Berkowitz race is a tougher call, not made easier by the fact that when I flipped a quarter it landed on edge — damn, I’ve never seen that before, and didn’t think it was possible. Hara is endorsed by KVI, which is a good reason not to vote for him (and also by the Seattle Times); Berkowitz is endorsed by the P-I, Seattle Weekly, and my district Democratic organization. Berkowitz is a shipping industry insider, but also has bona fide pro-labor credentials, and he actually KNOWS something about the maritime industry, so he gets Roger Rabbit’s nod (Roger Rabbit is fervently praying that he didn’t fuck this one up).
Aexia @12 Inactive voters can’t vote. I think that would be obvious.
Obvious is such a relative term. “RCW 29A.08.630 … The county auditor shall return an inactive voter to active voter status if … the voter … votes or attempts to vote in a primary or a special or general election. What is obvious is that you don’t know what you are talking about.
Torridjoe: What is the measurement for the “lost” readership? Web page hits? IP Addresses? MSM hits? Linking to Daily Curse for hits? If it’s unique IP Addresses Goldy can divide my number by 5 for four different hotels each month and my home IP Address on the weekends. If there are other travelers, Goldy has inflated numbers. Rupert Wabbet “claims” Truth Teller is not him. I guess Sybil (Married Wabbet #2) is posting? Well I have a two word answer: “Yeah, Right!”
Hey Stefan – I know you read this blog – if the judge awards you monetary penalties and attorney fees against KCRE, are you going to SHARE the money with the generous donors who paid for the lawsuit, or keep it all for yourself?
Roger Rabbit’s Election Endorsements will be posted as soon as Goldy releases them from Spam Filter Hell.
In the meantime, for your information, Roger Rabbit did NOT endorse that unqualified, resume-padding, mother-beating, woman-hating, lying asshole David Irons Jr. for King County executive. Why would I? He wants to fire me.* If he could catch me, the abusive little prick probably would try to pick me up by my ears.**
* Stefan thinks Roger Rabbit is Dean Logan blogging on a King County computer. This is bullshit, but it’s useless to argue with him, as Stefan is impervious to all known facts. So, for purposes of this post, let’s pretend I’m Dean Logan.
** God, I hate that!!! HATE IT!!! I don’t let anyone, not even my own mother, pick me up by my ears!!! (Actually, she can’t, because she’s dead — a speeding Republican bastard in an SUV ran over her on Green Lake Way.) I say “try” because if Irons tries to pick me up by my ears, that’s as far as he’ll get. My powerful hind feet with razor-sharp claws will rip him a new belly button. He’ll sure look funny holding his liver, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon, and bladder in his hands. While I’m at it, I just might sever his dick, too — if I can find it.
A few liberal traits for your perusal.
1) You believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of funding.
2) You are against capital punishment, but for abortion on demand, in short you support protecting the guilty and killing the innocent.
3) You believe that the same public school teacher who can’t teach 4th graders how to read is qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
4) You believe that trial lawyers are selfless heroes and doctors are overpaid.
5) You believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands of the Red Chinese.
6) You believe that global temperatures is not affected by cyclical, documented changes in the Sun, but is really affected by SUVs.
7) You believe that gender roles are artificial but being gay is natural.
8)You believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
9) You believe that hunters don’t care about nature but animal rights activists who’ve never been outside Seattle do.
10) You believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
11) You believe there was no art before federal funding.
12) You believe the free market that gives us 500+ channels of entertainment can’t deliver the quality that PBS does.
13) You believe the NRA is evil, because it stands up for the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because they attempt to create a new Constitution out of thin air.
14) You believe that taxes are too low but ATM fees are too high.
15) You believe that Harriet Tubman, Cesar Chavez and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Dolly Madison or Thomas Edison.
16) You believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides aren’t.
17) You believe that second-hand smoke is more dangerous than HIV.
18) You believe Hilary Clinton is really a lady and Rosie O’Donnell is really funny.
19) You believe that conservatives are racists, but that black people couldn’t make it without your help.
20) You believe the only reason socialism hasn’t worked anywhere it’s been tried is because the right people haven’t been in charge.
21) You believe that posting the “Ten Commandments” in schools will hurt the children, but putting “Heather Has Two Mommies” or “Ask Alice” (on the internet) won’t.
22) You called Vietnam Veterans “baby killers” but think that allowing a woman to suck her baby into a sink is a constitutionally protected right.
23) You think sexual harassment is rampant, date rape pervasive, domestic violence common and Paula Jones is lying.
24) You think trees have feelings, animals can conceptualize and the fetus is a blob of protoplasm.
25) You consider the Catholic bishops noble and idealistic when they oppose capital punishment and welfare cuts but dangerous fanatics trying to legislate their theology when they defend the right to life.
If there was any doubt as to why Sharkansky was absolutely right to call this blog a cesspool of idiocy, it was completely removed by this quote from Roger Rabbit:
** God, I hate that!!! HATE IT!!! I don’t let anyone, not even my own mother, pick me up by my ears!!! (Actually, she can’t, because she’s dead – a speeding Republican bastard in an SUV ran over her on Green Lake Way.) I say “try” because if Irons tries to pick me up by my ears, that’s as far as he’ll get. My powerful hind feet with razor-sharp claws will rip him a new belly button. He’ll sure look funny holding his liver, kidneys, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon, and bladder in his hands. While I’m at it, I just might sever his dick, too – if I can find it.
@ 3
When it comes to harassing military voters, the GOP has no equal.
Comment by Belltowner— 11/7/05 @ 4:07 pm
Belltowner you posted the wrong party, please do your home work and get it straight next time. I’m onr of those military voters and have first hand experence on the subject matter.
It seems dummy bunny butts are not just a pain in the ASS on blogs…
Call the exterminator!
North End parks hopping with too many bunnies… “The bunny population at Woodland and Green Lake parks has exploded in the past year or so, with the most recent estimate at 500. By September, at the end of their notoriously efficient breeding season, that number easily could double.”
“Though placid with people, the critters are damaging trees and destroying native wildlife habitat. They have migrated to the elk, elephant and macaque-monkey exhibits at Woodland Park Zoo and also the Lower Woodland ballfields, creating potentially hazardous situations should the ground get pockmarked with holes or the turf become unstable from the burrowing.”
Best line of the article… ahem dumb bunny butt… pay attention…
“The zoo tries to keep the rabbit population down by buttressing fencing and removing brush, but when numbers become unmanageable, rabbits are trapped and euthanized at a rate of about 10 or 20 a week, Hook said.”
All you Republican psychos are just mad because our blogger beat up your blogger. Sorry folks, but this election is over because it finally came out that David Irons is an under qualified right wing nut with a vicious temper. Go cry to your mommy in private. It isn’t dignified to do it here. 4 more years my friends of good DEMOCRATIC leadership despite your voter intimidation tactics. The good people of this county are far too smart for that. In fact, we ought to thank you for it, because I bet it bumps turn out in the city, and we all know how the city of Seattle will vote.
What a hoot – another foul mouthed fringie sniffing her elite processed nose and talking about dignity!
Who said this: “Facts to a liberal is like garlic to a vampire!”
The thing that is so galling about King Ron is his arrogance and unmitigated hubris. He sleepwalked through most of the campaign and showed less enthusiasm than a dead goat could muster.
It’s almost like he knows in advance he’ll win.
Oh wait.
I’m sure he does…. right, Mr Logan?
Still crying? Next time, pick a candidate that doesn’t beat up his mother and you might have actually have a chance.
I’m still waiting for a loony liberal, a nitwit nutburger, a fruitcake fringie or even a CLOWN to give me one good reason I should vote for Sims.
You know, any good reason beside “He’s not David Irons”… gosh, you know that strategy didn’t work to well for Kerry, did it?
That silence is deafening.
ps, speaking of Kerry, what the HELL is that loser talking about/trying so pathetically to say:
“All politics is a reaction to felt needs. You need to get people to feel the need. Our job is to make sure the right felt need is taken into consideration.”–John Kerry
damned cheap ASS filter
I got caught in the filter too, but I didn’t cry about it like a blubbering toddler.
Frances: Irons was involved in a “he said, she said” thing with his mother. You seem to believe what she said. Do you belive the same with Bill Clinton and what Kathy Willie said about him…or what Paula Joans said about him? The accusation Kathy Willie or (Willy) made is much worse. I think Clinton should be given the benefit of the doubt there. I think you should do the same with Irons. There is nothing worse than unproven allegations floating about anyone…give it a rest.
Talking Mule @ 87: “4 more years my friends of good DEMOCRATIC leadership…”
In this state, that is a bit of an oxymoron. That said, however, I’d welcome ANY kind of “good leadership.” Unfortunately, the WA GOP is doing when the Dems are doing nationally — fiddling around while the opposing party (or their elected officials) screw up. The WA GOP is like a football running back who sees daylight, but continues to scramble behind the line — and getting dropped for a loss while they’re at it.
MarkD @84
Who are you, some FNG? Fucking new guy? You must not know anything about this blog. Puhhhh-leeeeze, we’ve ALL seen that idiotic wingnut e-mail a zillion times; go regurgitate it all over someone else’s screen. Do something constructive, e.g. fuck yourself and your armadillo.
Hey John, what’s “idiotic” about clawing an inconsiderate asshole who picks you up by your ears? How would you like to have your entire body weight suspended from your ears? Come to DL at Montlake Ale House sometime, the guys will try it on you, so you can see if you like it.
500? 500 my ass!! I’ve got 6,997 children living in Green Lake Park, before you count bunnies who aren’t related to me!!! That estimate must come from the same park officials who told MSM Cindy Sheehan’s protest in D.C. drew only 100,000 people.
10 or 20 a week??? Who are they trying to kid? I can make new bunnies at a rate of 10 to 20 a day.
“You seem to believe what she said.”
Why not? She passed a polygraph test; he refused to take one. Witnesses saw the wreckage in her office moments after the assault. His story has changed at least 3 times. What’s he gonna say next — that he didn’t beat up his mother, he was just fucking her?
Roger Rabbit said:
“MarkD @84
Who are you, some FNG? Fucking new guy? You must not know anything about this blog. Puhhhh-leeeeze, we’ve ALL seen that idiotic wingnut e-mail a zillion times; go regurgitate it all over someone else’s screen. Do something constructive, e.g. fuck yourself and your armadillo.”
Thanks for that Roger…You really didn’t say anything. I’m not new to this blog at all…just don’t post that much. Instead of throwing insults…why not tell me how the one instance of “he said, she said” is dis-similar for the other? Or where you responding to me for saying that Kathy Willie may have been lying? I may have mis-read that. You may have been mad because I didn’t assert her claim.
Okay…I responed before I saw your last post Roger. Now I really don’t get what you were trying to say with post #99.
The Seattle Times has confirmed that the vast majority of the GOP voter challenges WERE JUSTIFIED:
Most of the 1,944 King County voters whose registrations were challenged by Republicans last month appear to have done what the GOP says: registered illegally using private mailbox businesses or storage complexes as their residential addresses.
The Seattle Times reviewed 30 addresses that accounted for more than 1,000 of the Republicans’ challenges. All but one — the Watermarke apartments in Belltown — matched up with a list of mailbox businesses. Republicans withdrew their challenges to the registrations of voters at the Watermarke on Friday.
Times reporters also visited a number of the addresses to confirm the presence of the businesses, and that no one lived at those addresses.
@ 97
As soon as David Irons takes a lie detector and PASSES, then we can call it a he said she said, but right now all the evidence, and I do mean evidence (lie detector, testimony), points to the fact that David Irons beat up his mother. Pretty sad isn’t it? You can blow smoke all day long and try to mask David Irons true character, but once again his own mother took a lie detector test to prove she wasn’t lying about her own son hitting her. When is Mr. Irons going to own up to that?
You’re not a dumb guy, and I’m disappointed in how you misquote the Times’ article. Fact is, beyond the livaboards they quote who don’t have a conventional street address, until the rules changed, people in this state were allowed to use PO boxes and such as their registration address – AS LONG AS THAT WAS THE ONLY PLACE THEY WERE REGISTERED to vote.
As they allude to in the article – unlike all of you frustrated Rossi wingnuts who bleat here – most people who weren’t obsessed with the recounts have NO IDEA that the place they’ve been registered at years ain’t good enough anymore. Guess what, if they aren’t double registered, their votes still count, and all of this manufactured outrage should mean nothing – except that in the real world it actually does discourage some people from voting because you make it inconvenient enough.
I expected better from you.
@95 Damned cheap assed (and head up ass) poster.
ProudASS @ 95
“damned cheap ASS filter”
If you don’t like the system, go away, or fuck yourself with a rusty coathanger, or both!
John McD @ 85
“If there was any doubt as to why Sharkansky was absolutely right to call this blog a cesspool of idiocy, it was completely removed by this quote from Roger Rabbit:”
Nope. That only shows that you have no fucking sense of humor, you dope!
But, I do find it interesting that you insist on hanging out in an environment that you feel is a cesspool!
I’ll be happy to clarify: Go fuck yourself. Fuck the armadillo you rode in on, too.
Mr. X. What part of this statement from the Times article do you have a problem with?
“Democrats, county elections officials and the managers of several private mail businesses said most voters apparently registered at the nonresidential addresses because it was more convenient and because they didn’t know it was against the law.
Voting Laws. Only good if you are Republican. We donkocrats ignore them for our benefit!
After reflecting more on this, the blame lies squarely on the shoulders of Dean Logan.
The problems of duplicate voter registrations and voters registered at mailbox places and storage units have been well-publicized for nearly a year now, due to the Governor’s race fiasco. Lots of time, money and energy have been expended in an effort to correct the voter rolls, including several reports and task forces.
Dean Logan recently issued a “Fact Sheet Cleaning the Voter Rolls”, in which he claimed that he had taken care of the problem of duplicate registrations and mailbox addresses.
However, the GOP took a look at the voter database after this alleged cleanup and correction, and found out that Dean Logan was full of SHIT.
The GOP found about 5,000 duplicate registrations, where the same voter was registered under more than one registration number, and submitted challenges to King County Elections over this issue.
And the GOP found significant numbers of mailbox registrations, and challenged a total of 1,855 voter registration records (after deducting 89 challenges where the same registration was challenged more than once).
It is unfortunate that 10% to 20% of the GOP mailbox challenges were done in error.
But it is understandable when it has to be done at the last moment, since Dean Logan (1) FAILED TO DO HIS JOB, and (2) LIED AND SAID HE HAD DONE HIS JOB.
Yo pud (what an apt little nickname you’ve adopted) – if they aren’t double registered, and they aren’t doing it in bad faith, I find this a whole lot less sleazy and wrong than Rethug dickheads like you deliberately disenfranchising people on fishing expeditions.
How often do you exceed the speed limit? That’s against the law, too, and you could actually kill someone (though, with any luck, you’d just perish in a one-car accident).
Richard @ 114
What’s even worse is that a significant part of the job could have been done with off-the-shelf software and a desktop PC. You don’t even need a manual list of PMB shops. The USPS maintains a detailed database of every place it delivers.
But, hey, I’ve mentioned this a half-dozen times in the relevant threads, but NOT ONE SINGLE LEFTY has responded to the idea the KINGCO bears some responsiblity in all this.
WTF?? Filtered AGAIN?? OK… Let’s try this differently:
Richard @ 114:
What is even more infuriating is that the solution to the bad addresses only requires an off-the-shelf program and a PC. No need for manual look-up or checking of MailBox shops. The post office keeps a detailed database of every address to which it delivers.
What is interesting, but not surprising, is that NOT ONE LEFTY has responded to my similar comments in a half-dozen different threads. The refuse to acknowledge that KingCo bears much of the responsibility for this mess in the first place.
Does the filter hate the following words: USPS, KINGCO, KCREALS, software??
Why bother? You’re so partisan you’ll believe your side’s lies and disbelieve anything you don’t want to hear, regardless of the facts or evidence, no matter what.
Buuuuut … since you asked … Mrs. Irons took a lie detector test; David Irons Jr. refused. David Irons Jr. has changed his story several times. Witnesses saw the disarray of Mrs. Irons’ office immediately afterward. Witnesses to other incidents attest to David Irons Jr.’s violent temper. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire — except to a wingnut like you.
I find it funny that you are bashing republicans in regards to investigating vote fraud and not attacking the democrats and liberals for committing it to begin with.
It’s becoming a bigger and bigger problem as time passes and as “mail in” voting is used more and more we’re going to see even more vote fraud in elections.
It made me laugh as gore and kerry threw their little fits about vote count but not once was there a mention about vote fraud and the thousands and thousands and thousands of illegal votes cast by illegal aliens, felons and dead people.
If your going to defend the “hanging chad” lawsuits and attack lawsuits about actual voter fraud, your nothing but a hypocritical loser but what can one expect from someone with your left wing insane ideology.
Our ship is sinking?
Your toon never changes does it? All you left wingers and the media kept saying how easy it was going to be to beat Buah and the republicans in 2004 and how Kerry wsa ahead DOUBLE DIGITS in the polls and how “America was going to finally have it’s say”.
And yet what happened? Not only did he lose but he he lost by one of the biggest majority votes in decades.
Not only that but we GAINED ground in congress as well.
So not only did you lose the election on a national level but you also lost it on the local levels as well.
That makes it pretty funny to listen to shouts of “sinking”.
All that’s being proven is that the liberal left wing nutjobs have a stranglehold on the media and are capable of making more noise in an attempt to brainwash the people with idiots like Michael Moore into actually believing it’s true.
Well America did speak and it’s your ship that is sinking and you can scream “We’re winning” all the way to the bottom of the ocean and it won’t change a thing.
Just a FYI, I thinK jeff Sax was a moron and Somers should have won and I am glad he did but in regards to political parties, only one ship is sinking.