King County Elections will hold the first of its voter registration challenge hearings today at 4:30 PM, for the 48 voters who cast challenged ballots at the polls on election day. Um… actually it’s only 36 voters, as Lori Sotelo withdrew another 12 challenges once she saw the list.
Hearings are also scheduled for Monday and Tuesday of next week, for the 168 challenged voters whose absentee ballots have been processed thus far. Additional challenges may be scheduled for absentee and provisional ballots that have not yet been processed… but it doesn’t look like there could be too many outstanding.
So… out of the original 1944 challenges filed with much fanfare by Republicans on Oct. 26:
- 76 were duplicates;
- 126 voters had changed their address prior to Sotelo’s Oct. 26 challenge;
- 116 voters changed their address by the Nov. 5 deadline;
- 152 have been withdrawn by Sotelo;
That leaves only 1,474 challenges left standing, and of these, only 204 ballots have been processed. That’s, um… about 0.04% of total ballots counted thus far.
And that number is bound to shrink, for as the Seattle Times reported yesterday (“Voter-challenge errors mount“), the challenge list includes many more errors of the type the GOP has already withdrawn.
Vance said Sotelo and other King County GOP officials now are reviewing each challenge “with a fine-tooth comb,” and expect to withdraw more. There won’t be many, he added
So… out of the original 1944 challenges filed with much fanfare by Republicans on Oct. 26:
76 were duplicates;
126 voters had changed their address prior to Sotelo’s Oct. 26 challenge;
116 voters changed their address by the Nov. 5 deadline;
152 have been withdrawn by Sotelo;
That leaves only 1,474 challenges left standing
You assume that no challenge falls into more than one category. For example, a duplicate was also one that was withdrawn.
If you interpret the “actual residence address” requirement literally, it would make it absolutely impossible to eliminate phantom voters and nearly impossible to eliminate clearly unqualified voters in many instances.
The only exception to the “actual residence address” requirement is for challenging dead voters. A separate section of the RCW allows someone to present proof — death certificate, vital statistics report, obituary or death notice, etc. — that someone is dead in order to have the registration cancelled.
Under David McDonald’s interpretation of the law, you could never challenge the registration of a non-existent person (such as Ronald McDonald, Mickey Mouse, Felix The Cat, or Roger Rabbit), since you obviously cannot prove where they actually live! And perish the thought that one of these fantasy characters might be a real live person who fails to get notice of the hearing because the address they put down on their voter registration form was incorrect!
So how would Ronald McDonald deal with 2,000 Moonies registering at my Bellevue house for their “residence” (with mailing addresses at some post office box in Seoul) in an effort to swing the 48th district back to being reliably Republican? Good luck proving where these Moonies actually lives, and in doing so with actual personal knowledge on the part of the challenger!
you’re grasping at straws michael.
If you take time to read the Dems’ letter, they make a pretty good case that all of the challenges are bogus anyways… Those numbers, while interesting and demonstrative of the sloppiness of the KCGOP, are only the tip of the iceberg.
Didn’t we deal with your silly hypothetical earlier this week? Why’re you bringing it up again now?
Anyways, if theres a problem with the law (which seems to be your point), the solution is to change the law, not act as if the law is different.
If they don’t hold this GOP bitch accountable for her unAmerican attempts to block voting, then I will challenge entire town’s registrations in Eastern Washington. If there’s no penalty for perjury
So how does one eliminate ILLEGAL VOTER REGISTRATIONS that obviously do not have “actual residence address”???
Shouldn’t KingCo Elections have validated these addresses prior to approving the Voter Registration?
And if KingCo has NO responsibility and it is impossible to CHALLENGE these ILLEGAL VOTER REGISTRATIONS that do not have “actual residence address”… do you eliminate them?? And can these ILLEGAL voters vote and have their ballots counted??
Seems a bit foolish to say what the Dems are saying without a clear process on what TO DO.
Oh I forgot briefly….LEFTIST PINHEADS are the CLOWNS of problems….not solutions.
dj….what is the solution??
Inquiring minds would like to know!
regardless of wether it changes the outcome, if you don’t see that any illegal registrations allowed to exist either diluteor degrade the voter intent; your either a fool or an idiot….or both.
It’s been a strange day for me, I no longer live in Washington, but have enjoyed keeping current via this blog. Yet each time I click on the comments and see the righty raving, particular the WITLESS CAPITALIZATION…I think to myself, I’ve got to quit coming here, this can’t be good for my psyche. Yet this morning, when my internet access was down for several hours, I found myself suffering from withdrawal. When things came back up and I looked at this comment thread…I’ve got to quit coming here. (Is stupidity addictive? Might that explain many things about the state of our country?)
Mr. Irrelevant:
Didn’t I just say?
If you think that part of the law is stupid, change the law.
You think the requirement to provide the actual addresses is stupid (probably so you can disenfranchise more people without actual knowledge)~ so call your state rep, and complain!
I’m not impressed with rhetorical questions
Richard Pope @2
So, Richard, how do you propose to give notice to alleged “phantom” voters? Or would you simply dispense with due process?
thomas, you are correct that illegal registrations cannot be allowed to exist. However, disenfranchising even one legal voter in a mad rush to remove them is unacceptable. That is on par with saying that it is ok to send innocent people to jail just to make sure you get one murderer there; Jefferson specifically was trying to make clear in the constitution that you dont get to punish the innocent to convict the guilty.
Instead of proving that the elections in King county has been prone to massive errors, the republican party has managed to prove that the whole process is a lot harder they the party led everyone to believe.
This instistance that there is nothing wrong with what Sotelo did is frankly bewildering. Every bit of the good that she did by finding bad registrations has been negated by the absolute horror of challenging legal voters. Those folks are all going to have to, at a minimum, take a day off of work to defend their rights.
Reply to 7
Regardless of whether it changes the outcome, if you don’t see that denying the right to vote to legal voters on a minor technicality violates the spirit of the federal and state Constitutions and the law, you’re either a brain-dead blob putrid organic matter, or an America-hating fascist dickhead.
It’s gonna be amusing watching the trollfucks defend Sotelo’s botched attempt at suppressing legal voters.
RR @12
if you don’t see that denying the right to vote to legal voters on a minor technicality violates the spirit of the federal and state Constitutions and the law,
I would say that a supposed ‘voter’ who has no right to vote violates the spirit of the federal and state Constitutions and the law. How can you have a law that says only law abiding citizens can vote, yet not have a means for finding the nefarious unlawful voter?
Are you a Libertarian?
I would say that a supposed ‘voter’ who has no right to vote violates the spirit of the federal and state Constitutions and the law. How can you have a law that says only law abiding citizens can vote, yet not have a means for finding the nefarious unlawful voter?
The problem isn’t removing illegal registrations; it’s removing LEGAL registrations while you’re removing the illegal ones. What is difficult about this concept to grasp? It’s plainly obvious that the GOP was more interested in making a big PR splash, legitimate voters be damned, than in actually cleaning up the voter rolls.
Why else did they wait until *after* the registration rolls were locked down to submit their duplicates list? Why did they wait until days before the election to challenge thousands of voters en masse? Because they wanted splashy headlines, not a better voterfile.
If the justice system were jailing one innocent person for every criminal, you’d undoubtedly be on the front lines saying that opponents of this system are soft on crime.
Cynical @ 6 (And Pope @ 2)
“dj….what is the solution??”
Well, that is simple. Look at what happened the last time the GOP tried erronously disenfranchising voters. From a KC press release
So, instead of filing an official voter challenge you give King County the information and ask them to use it to clean their voter roles. Duh!
King County can then turn any information over to prosecutors, who might prosecute the person who filled out the voter registration forms with Micky Mouse or Grasshopper. They committed perjury.
What really happened here is that the GOP sat on this information until just before the election. This is duplicitous behavior that should not go unpunished:
From another KC press release
I look forward to (1) Lori being frogmarched out of the BIAW and (2) the forthcoming class action suit against the King County GOP.
dj 17
I look forward to (1) Lori being frogmarched out of the BIAW and (2) the forthcoming class action suit against the King County GOP.
You guys like the ‘frogmarch’ theme, eh?
“You guys like the ‘frogmarch’ theme, eh?”
Comment by marks — 11/17/05 @ 6:19 pm
Roger @12
….and if you don’t see that, if you are found to be illegally registered and are by definition an illegal voter, you deserve to be disenfranchised, so RTFM, or take up something less mentally taxing, like verbally masturbating yourself like my friend Roger Rabbit….
Donna @19
“You guys like the ‘frogmarch’ theme, eh?”
Comment by marks — 11/17/05 @ 6:19 pm
Enjoy, while it lasts…however long that is…Not likely long at all…
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 11/17/05 @ 4:17 pm
“So, Richard, how do you propose to give notice to alleged “phantom” voters? Or would you simply dispense with due process? ”
In Richard’s scenario, they could be notifying at their mailing address, since they specified one different than their physical address.
I watched the TV news coverage of the voter challenge hearings tonight! Lori Sotelo sat stony-faced as a furious (legal) voter gave her the evil-eye!!! Got the tar boiling yet, boys?? My duck pals at Green Lake are gonna donate a barrel of feathers!!!
You fuckers don’t get it, do you? Those people DO have the right to vote — and I hope they all SUE you fascist assholes!
Reply to 15
“RR, Are you a Libertarian?”
No. I’m an American. And a Vietnam veteran!
“You guys like the ‘frogmarch’ theme, eh?”
Okay, okay — they can hop to jail on one foot with “The Bunny Hop Song” playing from a police loudspeaker.
That’s not grounds for disenfranching a legally registered bunny.
“In Richard’s scenario, they could be notifying at their mailing address, since they specified one different than their physical address.”
Seems fair.
Thomas @ 20
“and if you don’t see that, if you are found to be illegally registered and are by definition an illegal voter, you deserve to be disenfranchised”
That is not what the State Constitution says. It provides the reasons for being disenfranchised, and having the wrong address on your registration form is not one of them.
The correct solution is to change your address (i.e. correct the registration information).
Marks @ 18,
“You guys like the ‘frogmarch’ theme, eh? “
I was being “cute.” I never would have thought of it without the famous statement about Rove :)
Richard Pope @ 2 hypothesizes (again) that “Under David McDonald’s interpretation of the law, you could never challenge the registration of a non-existent person (such as Ronald McDonald, Mickey Mouse, Felix The Cat, or Roger Rabbit), since you obviously cannot prove where they actually live!”
Fictional characters and non-existent “persons” are not U.S. citizens. You don’t have to provide a “real” address for that basis of challenge, so this hypothetical is moot. Only an idiot would challenge a fictional character’s (or any non-citizen’s) voting registration based on the claim that he/she/it was living at a different address than where registered. Sheesh.
dj @30
I know…Never a doubt about it…
I watched the TV news coverage of the voter challenge hearings tonight! Lori Sotelo sat stony-faced as a furious (legal) voter gave her the evil-eye!!!
Sound like a donk voter. I dont feel sorry for him/her. That is what they get for living a fucked up County. They should direct their anger at Dean Logan or shut the fuck up!
Solution: Make voter fraud a capital offense. RR, Headless: Are you with me???? [hehe]
How many New York City voters “double voted” in WASH state? [Remember 20,000 NYC voters “doubled voted in Florida for Gore 2000. Too bad voter fraud isn’t a capital offense, as thousands of NYC Democrat Jews who voted for Gore 2000 in Palm Beach and Miami as well as the Upper East Side of New York would be bitching that they just make an honest mistake.
I hate to do it, but I agree with David Can you imagine this scenario:
Someone shows up at the WA state polls and announces to a non-Stefan Sharkansky pollworker, “My name is Donald Duck.”
And this pollworker says: “Mr. Duck, here’s your ballot. There is a booth” The other pollwatchers look on, eating their doughnuts and smiling.
It’s always important for Democrat lawyers named Goldstein, Goodman, and Loeb to try to kick out as many Republican military votes as possible. Democrats: social parasites
RUFUS @ 33 “Sound like a donk voter. I dont feel sorry for him/her. That is what they get for living a fucked up County. They should direct their anger at Dean Logan or shut the fuck up!”
Um… uhhh… NO that would be that evil bitch Sotelo that questioned their constitutional right to vote.
Hang the WITCH!
But then RUFUS, you always blame the victim. How wingnutty of you.
Hey Jerkoff Creepy Hater — how’s the weather in Hawaii?
“Make voter fraud a capital offense. RR, Headless: Are you with me????”
Do you REALLY want to execute Katherine Harris, Jeb Bush, and Ken Blackwell? And those Rossi dead voters, felon voters, and double voters? The penalty seems harsh … but oh well … go ahead …
Except I’m not sure how you execute a dead voter …
Hey just view Stoleto as the voter police. You may not like it but every once in a while you may get pulled over to explain yourself if something doesn’t look right. There is no harm in that and a small price to pay for living in the greatest country on God’s green earth.
Don’t forget the space alien who rigged the Diebold voting machines.
If the GOP can run mickey mouse candidates like David Irons Jr., why shouldn’t Donald Duck vote?
Doofus = apologist for perjurer and forger
RUFUS @ 41 “Hey just view Stoleto as the voter police.”
I prefer to see her as a person who pugered herself claiming “personal knowledge” of things she had absolutely no knowledge of.
Ie. A soon to be felon.
Wabbit= Delusional, space alien believing, to explain away a 120,000 vote margin in Ohio but believes King County was just peachy after a third recount with the Queen winning by only 129 votes.
Ohio is at it again, Now i know why these guys don’t care what they do or say.
Full article Below.
On those four issues, which Blackwell and the Christian Right were against, the final results were impossibly different — and we mean impossibly! — from both the Dispatch’s final polling before the election and all reasoned common-sense. Take a look:
ISSUE 1 ($2 Billion State Bond initiative)
PRE-POLLING: 53% Yes, 27% No, 20% Undecided
FINAL RESULT: 54% Yes, 45% No
ISSUE 2 (Allow easier absentee balloting)
PRE-POLLING: 59% Yes, 33% No, 9% Undecided
FINAL RESULT: 36% Yes, 63% No
ISSUE 3 (Revise campaign contribution limits)
PRE-POLLING: 61% Yes, 25% No, 14% Undecided
FINAL RESULT: 33% Yes, 66% No
ISSUE 4 (Ind. Comm. to draw Congressional Districts)
PRE-POLLING: 31% Yes, 45% No, 25% Undecided
FINAL RESULT: 30% Yes, 69% No
ISSUE 5 (Ind. Board instead of Sec. of State to oversee elections)
PRE-POLLING: 41% Yes, 43% No, 16% Undecided
FINAL RESULT: 29% Yes, 70% No
Now, you tell us…What could possibly explain such unheard of differences between the Dispatch’s poll and the final results?Now, we’ll tell you…This was the year that Ohio, under the encouragement and mandates of Blackwell, rolled out new Electronic Touch-Screen Voting Machines in 44 of its 88 counties…41 of them employeeing the same Diebold Touch-Screen Machines that California’s Republican Sec. of State decertified in this state when 20% of them failed this summer in the largest test of its kind ever held.
Bill @ 11
Good comment! In so many places right now, the ‘fantasy-world’ Republicans are having a lot of difficulty adapting their fantasy world around real world institutions and situations. In the fantasy world of Lori Sotelo, there are thousands upon thousands of evil homeless crackheads in Seattle whose strongest desire in life is to commit voter fraud in the hopes of raising her property taxes. All she needed was some prodding from state GOP leaders, a phone book, and some spare time, and she finds out the hard way that not everyone in Seattle is a thieving crook out to get her.
Sad, sad, people. Funny, funny, times.
Stuckonstuppiddon: Didn’t you just this afternoon write in another thread: “First you should use M-W more often, it would help your spelling.” So WTF? How does someone “pugered herself”? Is she going to the dogs. Ohhh… perjured! Ohhh… Microsoft Word!
A pugerer ah… well we cant have this boys. I say we give her the Clinton treatment. Will just have her define what is “IS” and take her law license away. That will teacher her!!!!
Back when I had more time to blog, I researched the Ohio voting situation after Nov 2004. There was a lot of suspicious stuff, but no real smoking gun. This, however, looks surreal. Something is going on there.
Danw: Easy to explain Ohio differences, the donkocrats could not vote early or vote often. And when you take the poll sample of donkocrats like the CBS and ABC polls recently, the results will be skewed just like them early returns showing John Kerry winning in a BLOWOUT! How is the soccer mom now that she read that?
Cynical you are right. No one wants to talk about registering at a PO Box!
Hey lefties: Looks like another has left the reservation. I wonder did he talk to Lori Sotelo when she was at the white house? orl-maxwell1705nov17,0,2971218.column?coll=orl-news-col
Everyone know when you take a sample early in the day from any polling place you are going to get more people living on the government dole. Call them FREELOADERS. Of course these freeloaders are going to skew the results to the left, they all vote donk.
RUFUS @ 54
“Everyone know when you take a sample early in the day from any polling place you are going to get more people living on the government dole. Call them FREELOADERS. Of course these freeloaders are going to skew the results to the left, they all vote donk.”
Nope…that wasn’t how it was done. Hey, dipshit, try to do a little research before you post your “theories.”
RUFUS…as clueless as ever.
JCH@35: It was more than 20000!!!
“The Orlando Sentinel reported 68,000 Florida voters are also registered to vote in Georgia or North Carolina. The newspaper claims 1,650 voted in both states in 2000 and 2002. With the higher-than-ever stakes in Florida, that number could swell. But Southerners weren’t the only ones poised to cast ballots in the Sunshine State and elsewhere. The New York Daily News reported 46,000 voters were registered both in Florida and New York City. Officials in Florida have asked the Justice Department to investigate both incidents.”
BTW the Marines in Iraq are pissed at the Liberal MSM. What else is new!
So you vote in NY or Florida, fly to the other location and vote again. Vote early vote often!
Hey Doofus — please explain why $2 million and the best lawyers that kind of money can buy weren’t able to overturn Gregoire’s election? Why, after two weeks of trial, did Gregoire’s 129-vote margin turn into a 133-vote margin? BECAUSE SHE WON, you fucking idiot.
PuddyBud @ 49 I never claimed to be a good speller, in case tyou haven’t noticed.
I just love to point out the hypocricy of those who do.
And of course : Fuck you!
Putty Between Ears @53
“Hey lefties: Looks like another has left the reservation. I wonder did he talk to Lori Sotelo when she was at the white house?”
You don’t read the stuff you link to, do you?
Your own article says the guy is “a construction-company exec” who “was candid about the fact that his business life was a big part of his decision to change.”
To wit: “‘It’s purely a business decision. Ninety percent of those I do business with are Republicans,’ he said.”
A mercenary who cares only about business joins the GOP — this is news???
Hey Puddy, tell ya what, you guys can HAVE that mercenary.
PuddyBud explains the Republican Creed “Vote early vote often!”
Or let Diebold do the voting for you!
RR @ 60 PuddyBud does not read the URLs he posts!
Hell, he doesn’t even read the posts he posts.
Such a “special” “special” man.
RUFUS: Go here for a perspective on why Kerry was called the winner inearly exit polls. It may lend some credence that they were trying to discourage Westerners to vote for Bush – Dick Morris! Some of it is statistical conjecture, and other is pure pork sausage!
Putty Earwax @56
“BTW the Marines in Iraq are pissed at the Liberal MSM.”
BTW the Marines in Congress are pissed at Bush.
“Hawk Democrat Calls for Immediate Pullout
“John Murtha, a Vietnam Veteran, Voted for Invasion of Iraq
“WASHINGTON (Nov. 17) – One of Congress’ most hawkish and influential Democrats called Thursday for an immediate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, sparking bitter and personal salvos from both sides in a growing Capitol Hill uproar over President Bush’s war policies.
“The comments by the Pennsylvania lawmaker, who has spent three decades in the House, hold particular weight because he is close to many military commanders and has enormous credibility with his colleagues on defense issues. He voted for the war in 2002, and remains the top Democrat on the House Appropriations defense subcommittee.
“‘Our troops have become the primary target of the insurgency. They are united against U.S. forces and we have become a catalyst for violence,’ he said. ‘The war in Iraq is not going as advertised. It is a flawed policy wrapped in illusion.'”
Speaking of PuddyBud
“Fossilized dung tells the story”
Idiot @57
How many people are going to pay for a roundtrip airline ticket from New York to Florida just to vote twice?
So Stefan … if the judge in your PDA lawsuit against KCRE awards you monetary penalties and attorney fees, are you going to share the money with the generous contributors to your “legal action fund” who paid for your lawsuit, or keep it all for yourself you selfish prick?
Hey stuckonstuppiddon: You told someone else to use Microsoft Word, Then you misspelled some words just after saying that! What a dunce!
Hey Rupert I did read the post. I love how you FUCKING try and SLANT it! I posted it on purpose you dolt. Who cares why he left the donkocrats? I know I don’t care. He realizes the donkocrats have NOTHING TO OFFER YOU IDIOT! If you missed that you need remedial political lessons 101! Oh yes, feigned caring from the bunny!
“As of this week, Derrick Wallace, head of Orange County’s NAACP, has switched parties — to become a Republican.
“I’ve thought about this for two years,” Wallace said Tuesday afternoon, just a few hours after returning from the elections office. “This is not a decision I made yesterday.”
“Wallace elaborated that his “business” line of thought also referred to the NAACP. Behind many of the power desks in this town sit Republicans. And he said he wants his organization to be part of that structure. Just as importantly, he said, he didn’t want people to immediately brand — or dismiss — NAACP concerns as synonymous with those of liberal Democrats. “I want this branch to be respected,” he said.”
Rupert Wabbet: A Marine in Congress. Where are the “Marines” pissed?
Stuckonstupiddon@66: Wabbets eat grass, not humans. But “people like you probably smoke(d) grass. Hence the problems with the “brain” in Stuckonstupiddon. Remember another poster said you are as “dense as depleted uranium”. Yeah, that’s “special”! And I see you are still using the Diebold defense!
PuddyBud, my “special” freind, you seem to not realize that “Twenty-two of the normally well-disciplined House Republicans joined with all Democrats to vote to kill the “Bush budget” bill.
Wallace may have decided to “jump the shark” and end his political career, but Republican’s one after another have abondened the faild Neo-Con… er… um.. conjob.
America is Anti YOU, and pro America.
Move to China. They still respect nonsensical authoritorism.
You Moron!
PuddyBud I have a scathing rebuttal to your nonsense, but Goldy’s filter has held it.
Be prepared to weep Neo-Con tears.
Just like a caveman.
You idiot!
StuckonStupiddon, poster child for why you shouldn’t do drugs.
30 second “Don’t do Drugs” spot.
“Don’t do drugs kids”, Puddybud says.
“Why?” asked a child.
“You’ll end up like Stuckonstupiddon, a liberal thinking
“progressive”. He was recently determined to be as “dense as depleted uranium. You don’t want that, right kids? You need a clear thinking, probative mind. So you’re not easily persuaded by jaded thoughts of others. You know – Progressives”
“Yeah”, was the chorus from the kids!
PuddyBud @ 64 “Mysterypollster”
Such a credible source! Such a fucking incredible source!
You are a very sad and confused mammal.
PuddyBud, I don’t even drink coffee.
But keep fighting windmills.
Puddybud @ 57
So you vote in NY or Florida, fly to the other location and vote again. Vote early vote often!
Oh my god. Are you really stupid enough to think that the people who vote in two places actually FLY from one place to another to do it? Whoa boy! No wonder it’s so easy for Dick Cheney to make shit up all the time. You’ll believe a TV is a garden rake if a Republican says so.
RUFUS @ 54
Everyone know when you take a sample early in the day from any polling place you are going to get more people living on the government dole. Call them FREELOADERS. Of course these freeloaders are going to skew the results to the left, they all vote donk.
First of all, like many people, I vote in the morning before going into work, so even if you understood what you were responding to, your theory is STILL wrong. But you didn’t even read the comment correctly. The polling was not from earlier in the day, it was from the days and weeks before the election.
Also, while I’m at it with you two clowns, let me explain something else that may not be apparent to you. People who are too lazy to get off welfare ARE ALSO TOO LAZY TO VOTE!! Morons!
The new and improved 30 second “Don’t do Drugs” spot.
“Don’t do drugs kids”, Puddybud says.
“Why?” asked a child.
“You’ll end up like Stuckonstupiddon, a liberal thinking
“progressive”. The camera pans over to Stuckonstupiddon, catching him scratching his balls and picking his nose.
He places the wet finger in the air determining the wind direction.
He was recently determined to be as “dense as depleted uranium”. You don’t want that, right kids? You need a clear thinking, probative mind. So you’re not easily persuaded by jaded thoughts of others. You know – Progressives”
“Yeah”, was the chorus from the kids!
“Great, now run along now and stay away from drugs!”
Stuckonstupiddon. A scathing rebuke! Why thank you for writing it. Or was it a collection of left-wing hater sites? I am going to bed. I’ll read it in the morning. Have you gained weight today being so… “dense”?
Just need to make a comment here. I am new here and made a few posts on another thread. I had come here to hear intelligent conversations, ideas, and ways we can understand each other, as different parties yes, but as one nation.
But what I have read on this site is name calling, no real dialogue, and nothing but hatred being spewed. Maybe I expected to much. And this is directed at both sides of the party line.
Do you really believe your party is ALWAYS right? Or is it just your objective to make your party ‘look’ better, or to further our country, local government, our future?? What really matters, your party, or this country?
I came here wanting some information, some dialogue, and a better understanding of all differences. But from the sounds of the discussions, its all about who can make a bigger **** of themselves.
Don’ mean to offend anyone here, and will probably get slammed for my comments… but I was a willing listner of ALL ideas, but not the hate that isspewed here.
Maybe this ‘blog’ thing has a way to go before it can really bring us together to share our viewpoints… right now, it only seems to seperate us. Very sad.
Thanks for my short time here.
Thehim: I said it was possible. Did I say they did it? Conjecture on my part. Do you take your frogmarching orders from let me guess… ummm Rupert Wabbet or Stuckonstupiddon? But on the same point, why hasn’t YOUR SIDE questioned this. Maybe because it didn’t help since GWB won by a larger margin when this “issue” was printed and the people became pissed?
I have no idea if either state allows absentee ballots but when there were 46,000 of them, how many voted for John Forbes Kerry more than once? Vote early vote often!
This comment thread is kind of unique. I find it to be a good place to occasionally vent my frustration at the Kool-Aid drinkers. For intelligent discussion, you need to go somewhere else.
JJ: Nice to see you here. I for one will not tear you apart.
From the right, welcome JJ. I hope to read great commentary from you in the future!
PuddyBud @ 76 “Stuckonstupiddon. A scathing rebuke! Why thank you for writing it. ”
Uh.. WTF? Are you stupid, lazy, or just confused.
WHat the hell are you talking about PuddyBud? you make no sense.
You must be tired. Get some rest, my “special” friend. You need it. You are shooting blanks, and scaring the children.
Not that that is unusual.
JJ: Just look at the contrast between posts #79 and #80. They can’t have an intelligent conversation because they would have to come out and view the sunlight. I rest my case!
I said it was possible. Did I say they did it?
The fact that it crossed your mind is sad enough.
Conjecture on my part. Do you take your frogmarching orders from let me guess… ummm Rupert Wabbet or Stuckonstupiddon?
Frogmarching orders? Um, I’m not sure you’re using that word correctly, and I’m not sure why I care. But I’ve actually taken positions against Roger Rabbit and even Goldy in this comment thread. I’m not a Kool-Aid drinker. In fact, I disagree with what Congressman Murtha said today, even though I sympathize with his frustration.
But on the same point, why hasn’t YOUR SIDE questioned this.
My side questions this all the time. When you figure out what “my side” is, that might make sense to you (hint: it’s not Democrats)
Maybe because it didn’t help since GWB won by a larger margin when this “issue” was printed and the people became pissed?
Actually, there’s little evidence to show that more people from one party or another vote illegally in the country as a whole. I care a little more about electoral fraud through voting equipment and election officials.
I have no idea if either state allows absentee ballots but when there were 46,000 of them, how many voted for John Forbes Kerry more than once?
How many voted for Bush more than once? Unless you can show that there were more illegal votes for Kerry, you’re just pissing in the wind.
Dense as Depleted Uranium@81: Comprehension problems again? Oh your denseness, Puddy was as he said bee-atch slapping you with a diss! You are just tooooooooooooo dumb to fathom it. He made perfect sense, as he was MOCKING your sorry ass! LMAO ITFFW
Just look at the contrast between posts #79 and #80. They can’t have an intelligent conversation because they would have to come out and view the sunlight.
Go ahead Puddybud, prove me wrong. Let’s have an intelligent conversation here and see who struggles when the name calling is cast aside.
Pac “Never coming back here again” Man
How you doing Pac “I lied” Man?
A correction of something I wrote above:
But I’ve actually taken positions against Roger Rabbit and even Goldy in this comment thread.
I meant to say “in other comment threads.”
Also, can you explain PuddyBud’s post about drugs? You seem to understand it, but I’m obviously missing some background…
Thehim: Wrong again. The New York Daily News is a NYC newspaper. NYC is mostly donkocratic except when they want fiscally conservative mayors running the city. Even Mayor Koch was fiscally conservative. Extrapolation is not conjecture. Otherwise how can a news organization call an election with just 3% of the vote in? Hmmm…?
If you are not a kool-aid drinker why accuse me of it? Frogmarching and orders are what your side accuses us of. We “frogmarch and get orders from Karl Rove” Certainly you read that recently? All I do is point out the denseness of the other side!
Little evidence of illegal voting? Then tell these leftist fuckers to stop bringing it up like Harry Poon, JustDumbBozo, winbag, clueless, stuckonstupiddon, Felix Fermin, etc. Every other day there is a post on some thread on how the election was fraudulently stolen. Where is your voice among the naysayers? Hmmm…?
If you came here to get a intellgent conversation you came to the wrong site. It is best if you moved on you won t get it here.
Thehim: Marks said stuckonstupiddon (donnageddon) was “dense as depleted uranium” What do drugs do to the mind? They make you dense. The Prosecution Rests.
Now for a real live conversation I can easily have one. But when the others arrive… well I go into another gear!
Yo @ 90 “If you came here to get a intellgent conversation you came to the wrong site”
But PuddyBud and PacMan are not good examples. Most other coherent posters have much to rationally discuss.
That of course does not include you.
PuddyBud, you defend Bush, and you defend PacMAn. WHy do defend liars?
And, of course stuckonstuppiddon, your rationality is a shining example of progressive thought isn’t it? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah baby!
Wrong again. The New York Daily News is a NYC newspaper.
Um, when did I say it wasn’t?
NYC is mostly donkocratic except when they want fiscally conservative mayors running the city.
Donkocratic? Does that pass as intelligent discussion? OK.
Even Mayor Koch was fiscally conservative.
He was? That’s news to me. He was actually very big on public services when he was mayor. And he’s always supported things such as welfare and funding health care for the needy.
Otherwise how can a news organization call an election with just 3% of the vote in? Hmmm…?
Um, from exit polling.
If you are not a kool-aid drinker why accuse me of it?
I’m not following your logic here. Is someone only allowed to accuse someone of being a Kool-Aid drinker if they’re a Kool-Aid drinker themself? That makes no sense. Again, why am I surprised?
We “frogmarch and get orders from Karl Rove” Certainly you read that recently? All I do is point out the denseness of the other side!
If that was said earlier in the thread, I missed it. I guess if imitation is the best way to point out the denseness of the other side, more power to you.
Little evidence of illegal voting? Then tell these leftist fuckers to stop bringing it up like Harry Poon, JustDumbBozo, winbag, clueless, stuckonstupiddon, Felix Fermin, etc. Every other day there is a post on some thread on how the election was fraudulently stolen.
Please read my comment again and copy and paste the part where I said that. I didn’t say anything even remotely like that.
Where is your voice among the naysayers? Hmmm…?
What on earth are you talking about? Do you actually have a point to make? Or are you just typing random words here?
Marks said stuckonstupiddon (donnageddon) was “dense as depleted uranium” What do drugs do to the mind? They make you dense.
Which drugs? Alcohol?
Now for a real live conversation I can easily have one. But when the others arrive… well I go into another gear!
Well, you’re close to having a conversation here. That’s a good start. Next step for you is actually making some points and actually successfully comprehending what I write. Looking at how misunderstand what I said about illegal voting, you’ve got some work to do there, but give it another shot.
PuddyBud… you have an example to the contrary? Or is that more hot gas from the rightwing blow hards?
Engage me in debate if you dare.
You Moron!
I don’t totally defend Bush. And it is not my duty to denigrate GWB while we are at war with terrorists. The MSM does that just fine, mind you! You aid and abet the enemy. I will not do that! I didn’t do that in 1998 over Bosnia. I support the troops and their commander. I had an employee who was wounded in Mogadishu, a green beret buddy. I learned a lot about them from his conversations with me.
Go overseas and read Arab Countries web sites. See what they publish regarding your wonderful party. That’s why he was called Turbin Durbin! I don’t like specific things recently, but I and not going to jump up and down.
Regarding PacMan, he got you tonight. What did he lie about?
PuddyBud, you cnnot engage anyone in debate because you are just a wingnut talking point machine. You have nothing to defend yourself with.
PuddyBud “You aid and abet the enemy.”
Prove it!
“Regarding PacMan, he got you tonight. What did he lie about?”
He said he would never post again on HA.
He has. He is a liar. And completely untrustworthy.
And PacMan “got me”?
Where? Prove it!
You Moron!
Thehim: This isn’t rocket science. You post I responded. You said post your words. I am below.
You said: “How many voted for Bush more than once? Unless you can show that there were more illegal votes for Kerry, you’re just pissing in the wind. – I mentioned the NYC newspaper determined the 46,000 in NYC alone. So where does the democratic party get it’s power in NYState? NYC. How many NYC congressman are Republican. Close your fist now before you count! So I mentioned conjecture about voting and polls. If they can predict the outcome so can I. I can guarantee you the vast majority of those NYC double voters are not from my side of the aisle. Most snowbirds are rich democrats who leave NY like my brother’s neighbors in lower Manhattan.
You said: “Frogmarching orders? Um, I’m not sure you’re using that word correctly, and I’m not sure why I care. But I’ve actually taken positions against Roger Rabbit and even Goldy in this comment thread. I’m not a Kool-Aid drinker. In fact, I disagree with what Congressman Murtha said today, even though I sympathize with his frustration. – Yet above, you called me a kool-aid drinker when you responded to JJ.
You said: “Actually, there’s little evidence to show that more people from one party or another vote illegally in the country as a whole. I care a little more about electoral fraud through voting equipment and election officials.” – So speak up and tell these leftists there is little evidence of fraud when they post it. Hence where is your voice among the naysayers.
Regarding donnageddon, it doesn’t matter if it drugs or alcohol. He is dense as depleted uranium!
I hope that helps. I’ll read your response tomorrow!
I don’t totally defend Bush.
You post here a lot. Find a comment where you’ve criticized a Bush policy. Anywhere. Even on a different blog.
And it is not my duty to denigrate GWB while we are at war with terrorists.
But it IS your duty as a patriot to question the President. That’s the fundamental principle behind American patriotism.
The MSM does that just fine, mind you!
Really? I don’t see a lot of denigration of George Bush on Fox, MSNBC, or CNN. If you do, please provide a link to something online discussing it. And by the way, here’s the definition of denigrate:
“To attack the character or reputation of; speak ill of; defame”
You aid and abet the enemy.
No single person in the world has helped Osama Bin Laden and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi more than George W Bush. That’s becoming more and more clear to more and more Americans.
I will not do that! I didn’t do that in 1998 over Bosnia. I support the troops and their commander. I had an employee who was wounded in Mogadishu, a green beret buddy. I learned a lot about them from his conversations with me.
About ‘them’? Who are you referring to? Green berets?
Go overseas and read Arab Countries web sites. See what they publish regarding your wonderful party.
Uh, yeah, why don’t you provide a URL to a website from an Arab Country that takes sides in the American political divide and I’ll make sure you can get a free ride on my flying pink alligator.
That’s why he was called Turbin Durbin!
By who? Is this supposed to be a point?
I don’t like specific things recently, but I and not going to jump up and down.
Yes, jumping up and down really scares “them”
Last post for you tonight stuconstupiddon. PacMan changed his mind when he saw GBS, Dr. E and Mr. X tell head-up-de-ass loosy he was out of order speaking racial epithets. He thanked them. But since he didn’t waste pixels thanking you, I suppose you must be upset. Keep being that way. The endorphins can’t work, the blood vessels constrict and you stay in the right mood for us!
Thehim: Spending. Tonight. I have said I do not support Pork Barrel spending at all. Wasteful. Need I say more?
Dick Durbin was quoted in Egypt, Al Jazeera, Dubai, UAE. Hence he was named Turbin Durbin! If you can’t scan the URL horizon, you shouldn’t be using a computer!
I learned a lot about the enemy in Mogadishu and Green Berets!
MSNBC – Watch Chris Matthews EVERY NIGHT. Listen to their white house correspondent David Gregory
CNN – Watch Wolf Blitzer – Listen to John King, etc.
ABC – Listen to Terry Moran.
CBS – Listen to John Roberts. Need I say more
Jumping up and down – to the news of the day like other lefties here. Man Thehim – is this a lefty thing?
PuddyBud @ 101 “Regarding donnageddon, it doesn’t matter if it drugs or alcohol. He is dense as depleted uranium!”
Ah, rationality at its finest!
Goodnight my rationally deficient “special” friend.
You came in to this discussion with nothing, and you leave with less.
What a freak.
I can guarantee you the vast majority of those NYC double voters are not from my side of the aisle. Most snowbirds are rich democrats who leave NY like my brother’s neighbors in lower Manhattan.
No you can’t. Among the wealthiest New Yorkers (those among the top 1% in nationwide in income, which is a larger percentage there), the majority are Republicans. You can look that up. The Wall Street crowd there has been overwhelmingly Republican for a long time. Across the nation, there are going to be just as many Republicans voting illegally as Democrats. For a partisan to ignore half of that is stupid. As I said before, “my side” feels that all illegal voting is wrong, Democrat or Republican. You’re having an argument with an imaginary person as you’re debating with me. Stay focused. It will help you make your points better.
You said: “Frogmarching orders? Um, I’m not sure you’re using that word correctly, and I’m not sure why I care. But I’ve actually taken positions against Roger Rabbit and even Goldy in this comment thread. I’m not a Kool-Aid drinker. In fact, I disagree with what Congressman Murtha said today, even though I sympathize with his frustration. – Yet above, you called me a kool-aid drinker when you responded to JJ.
This is getting comical. Again, why does someone have to BE a Kool-Aid drinker to CALL SOMEONE ELSE a Kool-Aid drinker? That makes no sense!!
You said: “Actually, there’s little evidence to show that more people from one party or another vote illegally in the country as a whole. I care a little more about electoral fraud through voting equipment and election officials.” – So speak up and tell these leftists there is little evidence of fraud when they post it. Hence where is your voice among the naysayers.
Voting illegally is only ONE TYPE of fraud. In Ohio, there appears to have been other types of electoral fraud and other types of disenfranchisement which are very serious matters and need to be investigated. Those things have nothing to do with voting illegally.
PuddyBud “The endorphins can’t work, the blood vessels constrict and you stay in the right mood for us!”
Now that is a whole bunch of nonsense the family can enjoy!
Did you intend to make any coherent thought with that sentence?
You failed.
And PacMan is still a liar. Excuses not withstanding.
Be a “MAN” PacMan… make us all suffer from your absence. As you promised.
Do you follow threads TheHim? You start at the top and you respond. You continue back and forth. You stated things above. I responded, and now you try and parse my responses. I see DJ has taught you well. Go back to the top and read your stuff then look at my reply. If you continue to take my responses out of context below how will you ever relate to what you said above?
The wealthiest Republican New Yorkers live in Suffolk County. Sorry bud you have no idea as the wife has family there. Others live in New Jersey west of the Oranges and east of the NetCong area. Another brother lives in that area. The 46000 were in the NYC area. Most wealthy Republicans democraphically DO NOT LIVE IN NYC. Take a trip out the Southern State or the LIE (I-495). The Synogogues thin out as you head out of Nassau County! The Republican Congressman when voted in are from Suffolk, not Nassau. Even Bill O’Reilly admits that since he grew up in Levittown!
You are making no sense. I asked you why do you call me a koolaid drinker? I never inferred you are one. So I disagree with you and I’m a koolaid drinker? Now that’s what I call lefty thought. And you accuse me of not having an intelligent conversation?
Good night TheHim.
Spending. Tonight. I have said I do not support Pork Barrel spending at all. Wasteful. Need I say more?
That’s not a Bush policy. Hey may do it, but he still claims he doesn’t. Although it’s close enough since he’s really not kidding anyone anymore.
Dick Durbin was quoted in Egypt, Al Jazeera, Dubai, UAE. Hence he was named Turbin Durbin! If you can’t scan the URL horizon, you shouldn’t be using a computer!
George Bush and Dick Cheney are quoted in newspapers across the Middle East every day. What’s your point?
I learned a lot about the enemy in Mogadishu and Green Berets!
What did you learn? Let me guess. You learned that when you run away, they become more emboldened?!?
MSNBC – Watch Chris Matthews EVERY NIGHT. Listen to their white house correspondent David Gregory
CNN – Watch Wolf Blitzer – Listen to John King, etc.
ABC – Listen to Terry Moran.
CBS – Listen to John Roberts. Need I say more
Yes, I’d like to see some examples. Chris Matthews and Wolf Blitzer tend to lean center-right. I’ve never seen Terry Moran and John Roberts. I guarantee you not one of those people has ever denigrated President Bush. If they did, they’d be out of a job in a second.
Jumping up and down – to the news of the day like other lefties here. Man Thehim – is this a lefty thing?
Seeing the amount of lying and deception that came out of the Bush Administration leading up the Iraq War, it’s been very difficult to sit quietly. But despite what you may think, what we do and say here has absolutely no effect on what’s going on in Iraq. Only a very small number of people have actual control of that, and they’ve really screwed up.
Spending. Tonight. I have said I do not support Pork Barrel spending at all. Wasteful. Need I say more?
That’s not a Bush policy. Hey may do it, but he still claims he doesn’t. Although it’s close enough since he’s really not kidding anyone anymore.
Dick Durbin was quoted in Egypt, Al Jazeera, Dubai, UAE. Hence he was named Turbin Durbin! If you can’t scan the URL horizon, you shouldn’t be using a computer!
George Bush and Dick Cheney are quoted in newspapers across the Middle East every day. What’s your point?
I learned a lot about the enemy in Mogadishu and Green Berets!
What did you learn? Let me guess. You learned that when you run away, they become more emboldened?!?
MSNBC – Watch Chris Matthews EVERY NIGHT. Listen to their white house correspondent David Gregory
CNN – Watch Wolf Blitzer – Listen to John King, etc.
ABC – Listen to Terry Moran.
CBS – Listen to John Roberts. Need I say more
Yes, I’d like to see some examples. Chris Matthews and Wolf Blitzer tend to lean center-right. I’ve never seen Terry Moran and John Roberts. I guarantee you not one of those people has ever denigrated President Bush. If they did, they’d be out of a job in a second.
Jumping up and down – to the news of the day like other lefties here. Man Thehim – is this a lefty thing?
Seeing the amount of lying and deception that came out of the Bush Administration leading up the Iraq War, it’s been very difficult to sit quietly. But despite what you may think, what we do and say here has absolutely no effect on what’s going on in Iraq. Only a very small number of people have actual control of that, and they’ve really screwed up.
Spending. Tonight. I have said I do not support Pork Barrel spending at all. Wasteful. Need I say more?
That’s not a Bush policy. Hey may do it, but he still claims he doesn’t. Although it’s close enough since he’s really not kidding anyone anymore.
Dick Durbin was quoted in Egypt, Al Jazeera, Dubai, UAE. Hence he was named Turbin Durbin! If you can’t scan the URL horizon, you shouldn’t be using a computer!
George Bush and Dick Cheney are quoted in newspapers across the Middle East every day. What’s your point?
I learned a lot about the enemy in Mogadishu and Green Berets!
What did you learn? Let me guess. You learned that when you run away, they become more empowered?!?
MSNBC – Watch Chris Matthews EVERY NIGHT. Listen to their white house correspondent David Gregory
CNN – Watch Wolf Blitzer – Listen to John King, etc.
ABC – Listen to Terry Moran.
CBS – Listen to John Roberts. Need I say more
Yes, I’d like to see some examples. Chris Matthews and Wolf Blitzer tend to lean center-right. I’ve never seen Terry Moran and John Roberts. I guarantee you not one of those people has ever denigrated President Bush. If they did, they’d be out of a job in a second.
Jumping up and down – to the news of the day like other lefties here. Man Thehim – is this a lefty thing?
Seeing the amount of lying and deception that came out of the Bush Administration leading up the Iraq War, it’s been very difficult to sit quietly. But despite what you may think, what we do and say here has absolutely no effect on what’s going on in Iraq. Only a very small number of people have actual control of that, and they’ve really screwed up.
Donnageddon or is it Dense as Spent Uranium? Regarding your care about me and me returning to posting since three people told headless loosy to stuff racism – In the words of Puddy – You can kiss my big black ass too!
TheHim. I have been reading the dialog between you and Puddybud. He may not be the best in writing but I can easily follow what he is saying. So can Roger Rabbit. So can DJ. So can clueless! So I wonder about you. Since Dense as Depleted Uranium claimed last week to be a little lower on the IQ chart than Roger Rabbit I have to ask; are you lower too? You make claims about Puddy’s posts that are, well, accusory in tone and yet, you are calling him names!
The wealthiest Republican New Yorkers live in Suffolk County. Sorry bud you have no idea as the wife has family there.
Many live in Manhattan as well. And nearly my entire family lives in NY, so yes, I know what I’m talking about. I’ve spent a lot of time there.
The Republican Congressman when voted in are from Suffolk, not Nassau.
That’s because there are fewer poor people there. You were correct earlier when you mentioned that it’s mostly weatlhy people who vote in two states. Whether you’re in Levittown, Manhattan, or the Oranges, most of the wealthy people are Republicans.
You are making no sense. I asked you why do you call me a koolaid drinker?
No you didn’t this is what you wrote:
Yet above, you called me a kool-aid drinker when you responded to JJ.
That’s not a question. But sadly, I don’t see a lot of independent thinking coming from you. You don’t strike me as someone who can break out of the fantasy-world of left-right that cable news uses to get idiots to watch, but you’ve done better here than I thought you would. I’ve got to retire for the night, but I may check back in this weekend.
PuddyBud… do you look at the mirror in the morning and sigh “Holy Cripes! I am a complete idiot!”
You should.
PacMan @ 114 “Donnageddon or is it Dense as Spent Uranium?”
You and PuddyBud are such a cute couple!
“You can kiss my big black ass too!”
And what about PuddyBud’s peanut butter covered round pink ass?
Glad you are not troubled by lying PacMan, you are a true Neo-Con!
And completely untrustworthy.
But then you do not have a problem with lying. Congrats!
I have been reading the dialog between you and Puddybud. He may not be the best in writing but I can easily follow what he is saying. So can Roger Rabbit. So can DJ. So can clueless! So I wonder about you. Since Dense as Depleted Uranium claimed last week to be a little lower on the IQ chart than Roger Rabbit I have to ask; are you lower too? You make claims about Puddy’s posts that are, well, accusory in tone and yet, you are calling him names!
Much of what puddybud wrote simply did not make sense, or muddled points, or were clear misunderstandings of what I wrote. For example, he wrote this:
Little evidence of illegal voting? Then tell these leftist fuckers to stop bringing it up like Harry Poon, JustDumbBozo, winbag, clueless, stuckonstupiddon, Felix Fermin, etc. Every other day there is a post on some thread on how the election was fraudulently stolen. Where is your voice among the naysayers? Hmmm…?
I never said anything about there being little evidence of illegal voting. I said that there was probably a negligible difference between illegal voting among Democrats and Republicans. One of the things that happens a lot of times is that someone will imagine an argument being made when it was never made. Puddybud did this here, and in one or two other places.
I can be accusatory, and for good reason. The lack of questioning of this administration (a failing of American patriotism) allowed us to get drawn into a disastrous war with very serious consequences for our security. We’re going to be paying for Bush’s mistake for a full generation at least. When people lash out at an imaginary strawman to defend people who have disgraced the oval office, I will get angry, I will get accusatory, and I will point out why they’re wrong.
And BTW Lucy explained the “House Nigger” COmment. It fit very well.
Or do you want to burn books by Mark Twain?
PacMan @ 114
Greetings. Long time so see.
“He may not be the best in writing but I can easily follow what he is saying. So can Roger Rabbit. So can DJ. “
Ummm….I’ll have to respectfully disagree with you on that one. Many of PuddyBud’s posts make little sense to me. I skip most of ’em these days—just too few hours in a day to spend that much time decyphering.
Puddy @ many places above.
You keep talking about dual votes in NYC and FL. But, the article you cited seemed to be discussing 46,000 voters registered in NY and FL.
There is a huge difference between the two.
The NY daily news article found that only 1,700 of the 46,000 had absentee ballots sent to the other state, and they found evidence to suggest that “between 400 and 1,000 registered voters [had] voted twice in at least one election.”
What I found interesting, though, is that they contacted a handful of dual voters, and they were all Republicans. Imagine that (I know, I know, you will blame it on liberal media bias).
donnageddon–mystery pollster is actually well respected. I don’t doubt puddy was dangerous with whatever little knowledge it took to reprint that particular section, but MP is a good source.
Thanks Torridjoe. Unfortunately Stuckonstupiddon is NOT well read, has a low IQ, and is denser than spent uranium. I use the Internet everyday in my consulting business. There are many things on the net. Me dangerous with little knowledge? Well Torridjoe you never posted it. So I must be more than a little dangerous. I doubt many leftist ASSes knew that link before today!!! I read both sides of the argument. I sometimes visit Daily Kurse for a good laugh. Media Matters is so biased and well funded by George Soros I have to visit Brent Bozell to stop laughing. If Media Matters would put the whole quote up on their site it would be more respected.
Damn DJ, I am honored. You read another of my posts :) There were other articles from the Internet to choose from. Of course they are going to say they are Republican. I bet if they looked at their voter registration card you’d see an interesting value. It would feed fuel to the scandals.
TheHim: When you made reference to illegal voting, the reference from your side in Ohio is the Diebold machines. These characters referenced above claim it was ILLEGAL voting per the machine. The Republicans (Ken Blackwell) authorized the use of these Diebold machines. Ken Blackwell is Republican. Hence the Republicans are into illegal voting. Sheesh TheHim. It’s as clear as day! And TheHim, where have you disagreed with anything Goldy and his pa-troll asses have written
Stuckonstupiddon: I think you are scared that two black men are on this blog and they left the reservation long ago? Scary that two black men can take on the ASSes here at ASSland. Mark Twain is banned in some schools. I don’t support the ban because Samuel Clemens was writing about a specific history time in America. But Loosy did NOT explain it. He used some stupid analogies about being sent back to our place when the MASSA (Progressive donkocrats) “return” to power. I suggest you refer back to early September. And where was your voice?
May I suggest, until the new software is installed, an increase in the number of open threads? It might cut down on the number of train-wreck threads like this one if people who insist on masturbating on their computers could be directed to a place the rest of us could avoid. Once a week doesn’t seem to be sufficient.
In Ohio, it’s more than the Diebold machines themselves. One thing that Ken Blackwell did was to reduce the number of polling machines at heavily democratic districts. That caused long lines and many voters to leave without voting. True, allowing for hackers to manipulate a machine is certainly a form of illegal voting, but not the only thing fishy about Ohio’s recent election problems.
I disagreed with Goldy strongly on I-901, the smoking ban initiative, and I argued that on this site.
quick quick note;
I don’t really bother reading puddybud’s spew any more either, at least not when there’s 30+ posts to put myself through…
But I just wanted to note that JCH came back with more racist (jew-baiting in this case) comments, and Puddybud was happy to welcome him and complement him~
Republicans (or at least rightie trolls) on HA: “It doesn’t matter if you’re correct or not, or if you’re an evil person. If you’re against the lefties you’re alright with me!”
Oh and to JJ, just pitching in… Yeah, this isn’t the best place for serious dignified debate. 9/10’s of the right-wingers that come on here are only here to make trouble and try to get people mad. They’re not the least bit interested in reaching a consensus or figuring things out or… well, anything other than getting their jollies pissing other people off. Its better to know that now tho’.
“He realizes the donkocrats have NOTHING TO OFFER YOU IDIOT!”
Translation: He can make more money by milking Republican contacts.
Puttybrains @70
Now there’s an idea … next time I eat Stefan’s garden and shit on his lawn, I’ll check to see if he’s got anything worth smoking. If he does, maybe second-hand smoke will overtake David Irons Jr. in popularity.
Reply to 73
Need a poster boy for your anti-drug campaign, Puddy? Here ya go — America’s best-known cokehead!
JJ @78
“I am new here and made a few posts on another thread. I had come here to hear intelligent conversations, ideas, and ways we can understand each other, as different parties yes, but as one nation.”
This blog is a saloon brawl. HorsesAss is a liberal blog, and GOP trollfucks come here looking for trouble. We make sure they find it!
Yes, it’s sad that no one’s interested in intelligent or enlightened political discourse anymore. Blame the Republicans for this. They’re the ones who took the “my way or highway” approach, and decided to turn politics into civil war:
” … this is a civil war, that … has to be fought with the scale and duration and savagery that is only true of civil wars. While we are lucky in this country that our civil wars are fought at the ballot box, not on the battlefields, nonetheless it is a civil war. — Newt Gingrich in a 1988 speech exhorting his fellow Republicans to wage politics against Democrats viciously
My friend, we can return to business-as-usual, negotiation-and-compromise, respect-the-other-side politics whenever the Republicans decide to rejoin the human race. But do you really expect us to do business with people who worship a crazy woman (Ann Coulter) who says Democrats should be put in “concentration camps” and “executed?” Do you think we should be polite to people who call us “unpatriotic” and “un-American?” Do you think people who are warmongers, torturers, and thieves deserve our respect? It’s pretty hard to carry on normal politics with a pack of barbarians who want to destroy you, don’t you think?
To paraphrase Chimpface, those fuckers want civil war, and civil war is what they’ve got. Welcome to the brawl.
Reply to 83
To see photo of Pudwhacker resting his case, click here
You might want to look for a moderated discussion board. Mike Malloy’s comes to mind, as the rules for his board explicitly prohibit ad hominem attacks (the moderator bans posters of such arguments).
Reply to 85
Scenes You’ll Never See Dept:
“Mommy! Mommy! A Republifuck is MOCKING us!! Waaaaa-waaaaaa!!”
Hey PacMan – go fuck your armadillo, it’s horny again.
Reply to Puddybutt Lecturing Us on Fiscal Conservatism @90
Thanks for the wake-up laugh, Pudster — I needed that, along with a second cup of coffee.
only 1,474? we all know a number like that would *never* impact an election result!
Puttbutt @98
“You aid and abet the enemy. I will not do that!”
It’s hard to find time to aid and abet the enemy when you’re busying aiding and abetting warmongers, torturers, liars, and thieves, isn’t it?
Comment on 114
“Dick Durbin was quoted in Egypt, Al Jazeera, Dubai, UAE. Hence he was named Turbin Durbin! If you can’t scan the URL horizon, you shouldn’t be using a computer!”
“George Bush and Dick Cheney are quoted in newspapers across the Middle East every day. What’s your point?”
Shhhh!! If Puttybrains finds that out, he’ll think Bush and Cheney are terrorists.
Hmmmm … well, they are … aren’t they?
What I mean is, if someone goes into a foreign country that’s minding its own business and blows up buildings and kills people, they’re terrorists, right?
So … if you support Bush and Cheney, you’re aiding and abetting terrorists.
Pac-It-In-Man @118
Who authorized you to speak for me, Toadstool? Doesn’t your armadillo need some, um, personal attention?
To set the record straight, Puddybutt makes about as much sense to me as
Somebody do a Heimlech on Pudster before he chokes on his own bile …
dj @ 125
“The NY daily news article found that only 1,700 of the 46,000 had absentee ballots sent to the other state, and … ‘between 400 and 1,000 registered voters [had] voted twice in at least one election.’ What I found interesting, though, is that they contacted a handful of dual voters, and they were all Republicans.”
Yeah, the same thing happened here in Washington — the Republicans spent $2 million proving in court that all the identifiable cheaters were Republicans.
Comment on @130
“Oh and to JJ, just pitching in… Yeah, this isn’t the best place for serious dignified debate. 9/10’s of the right-wingers that come on here are only here to make trouble and try to get people mad. They’re not the least bit interested in reaching a consensus or figuring things out or… well, anything other than getting their jollies pissing other people off. Its better to know that now tho’.”
Actually, I personally don’t know of anyplace in the world you can go to right now and have a reasonable debate with rightwingers. They’re over the top pretty much everywhere, these days.
PRIVATE MESSAGE TO PRR: Be sure to read my latest post on the last DL thread.
To answer all of Rupert Wabbet’s bile.
No (X100)
What do the Pan Arab newspapers perform by printing the spew from Turbin Durbin? They incite the masses. How long did it take for him to apologize on that one rant. Quite a few days! Meanwhile big time protests occurred! Apparently the floppy eared one just doesn’t get it or maybe since his IQ is just above Stuckonstupiddon’s he’s not as dense as spent uranium but need remedial help.
It will be interesting to see what happens as these Voter Registration challenges are processed. While they are not going to decide any November Election contests….I think we all agree it is important to clean-up the voter roles. Based on CLOWN-Logan latest comment:
“The elections office screens and sets aside registrations with addresses that use “P.O. Box” or “PMB” but doesn’t examine street addresses voters provide to make certain they are residences. It used to, but Logan has said he ended the practice because “I was uncomfortable with the arbitrary nature of that and our authority to do it.”
CLOWN-Logan is apparently telling us “IT’S NOT MY YOB MON”. Interesting that many other County’s do look for things like this and immediately follow up to clarify when brought to their attention.
I guess other County’s seem to understand they have an obligation that Voter Registration Records be as accurate as possible. That allowing even ONE Illegal Vote disenfranchises everyone.
At least this exercise OUGHT to result in some improvement.
CLOWN-Logan apparently has zero concern that someone registered in Redmond but actually living in Carnation is voting on Redmond issues. So why can’t folks in Eastern Washington vote on Seattle issues. It’s simple….merely register at a PO Box or Storage Unit. CLOWN-Logan will do nothing.
If CLOWN-Logan is forced to run for KingCo Auditor or Election Supervisor…..with his lackadasical attitude on clean Voter Registration Rolls….do you think he would actually win???
You know JJ what the moonbat leftist donkocrat clown progressives FORGET is the 2000 political cycle where they called GWB every name on the book; created these hate filled web sites and started the bile. Do you remember the HollyWeird Elites and them saying they’d leave the US if GWB was elected. Well screw that they stayed. I guess it’s better in America.
As the 21 century wore on more hate filled, bile spewing sites appeared. Naturally the Republicans created web sites to answer them. Then George “Hide my Billions from the US Government in Tax Loopholes” created (in deference to Michael “I Had $$$,$$$ in Halliburton Stock” Moore). George also funds Media
But the donks look at things skewered through their red colored lenses and became the Blame America crowd. Yet where are their programs? The donks claim we are too powerful. San Francisco said you should not have military recruiters in schools. Maybe we should remove all military presence from SF since they hate the US Military. In their referendum described here clues you in. – Is this a right wing site?
Ask a donk if we should disarm because we are too powerful. Listen carefully to their answer.
I posted 8 things said exactly by leftist clowns in years gone past and what does the ilk of stuckonstupiddon say. “WTF?” That’s all he has to offer because he like other moonbats here are not well read and live in their own small intellectual prisons of daily kos, and other web sites. I haven’t visited Free Republic in weeks. Why? Their bile is not what I need to prove my point. I can use wikipedia, the liberal MSM to dispatch every one of their arguments.
Rupert Wabbet. I am glad you finally acknowledged Ursus Gorilla Pa-Troll as Chimpface. Fitting and appropriate!
JCH wasn’t jew baiting? He stated facts about duplicate voting. Why would the liberal NYDN go out of it’s way to look for democrats? David would have called him on it. At least I give kudos to the Seattle Times who found 25/47 (over 50%) illegal felon voters for the Gregoire Campaign. But again you donks forget about that. Because you like to throw up what Judge Bridges had to do as prescribed by law. Yes, the Rossi Law Team was POOR! Projecting again?
I have an airplane to catch so happy hunting some donkocrat animals like chimpface and rabbit fur.
How long will we have to wait for Bush, Cheney, and trollfucks like you to apologize for:
1) Ignoring terrorism warnings (2,800+ dead);
2) Starting a war on false pretenses (2,000+ U.S. dead);
3) Outing a CIA agent (most folks consider that treason);
4) Fucking up Katrina emergency response (1,000+ dead);
5) Corruption on a staggering scale;
6) Dividing the country with your politics of hate.
You traitors have much to answer for.
“It will be interesting to see what happens as these Voter Registration challenges are processed. While they are not going to decide any November Election contests….I think we all agree it is important to clean-up the voter roles.”
It’s equally important to prosecute people who commit perjury and forgery. While we’re at it, let’s also prosecute people who commit voting fraud, so you can visit your Republican buddies in jail.
“If CLOWN-Logan is forced to run for KingCo Auditor or Election Supervisor…..with his lackadasical attitude on clean Voter Registration Rolls….do you think he would actually win???”
Hands down, as last Tuesday demonstrated by the shadow of any doubt.
What I mean by that, Cyn, is that replacing Logan was your candidate’s main platform plank, and he did slightly better at the polls than second-hand cigarette smoke.
How long will we have to wait for Bush, Cheney, and trollfucks like you to apologize for:
1) Ignoring terrorism warnings (2,800+ dead);
2) Starting a war on false pretenses (2,000+ U.S. dead);
3) Outing a CIA agent (most folks consider that treason);
4) Fucking up Katrina emergency response (1,000+ dead);
5) Corruption on a staggering scale;
6) Dividing the country with your politics of hate.
You traitors have much to answer for.
Answer: NEVER. Why should the repubs answer any lie from the donks.
“You know JJ what the moonbat leftist donkocrat clown progressives FORGET is the 2000 political cycle where they called GWB every name on the book;”
And you guys didn’t call Gore names, or smear him? Give me a fucking break. Have you already forgotten that rightwing assholes even floated an ABSOLUTE LIE that Kerry had an affair with a young woman? Hypocrite.
“created these hate filled web sites”
You ARE referring to Free Republic (where some posters advocate killing Democrats and government officials), aren’t you?
“I haven’t visited Free Republic in weeks.”
Trying to take the cure, are you? I wish you luck in this endeavor.
“As the 21 century wore on more hate filled, bile spewing sites appeared. Naturally the Republicans created web sites to answer them.”
You’re not serious??? You’re trying to say WE started the trash politics?
(derisive mocking laughter)
“Rupert Wabbet. I am glad you finally acknowledged Ursus Gorilla Pa-Troll as Chimpface.”
Try writing in English so I can figure out WTF you’re trying to regurgitate and which trollfuck web site you plagiarized it from.
“At least I give kudos to the Seattle Times who found 25/47 (over 50%) illegal felon voters for the Gregoire Campaign.”
I was pretty sure you couldn’t get through a whole post without telling a lie, Puddycheeks, and I was right. NOT ONE SINGLE ILLEGAL VOTE FOR GREGOIRE HAS EVEN BEEN PROVED. Rossi, on the other hand, was proven in a court of law to have received 4 illegal votes, which were duly deducted from his total by the judge.
“I have an airplane to catch”
This is what you do for fun? Chase airplanes down runways? And I thought people who chase rabbits were weird …
Well, we don’t need confessions. We can conduct treason trials without them. The evidence against you America-hating fascist traitors speaks for itself. You’re all going to be convicted in the court of public opinion, and the Republican Party will never rise again. Rightards will join the Hitler Youth in the ash heap of history.
Lemme translate for you;
“I have a plane to catch” = “This discussion is making me look bad, its time to duck and run”
Where is the Goldy report?
We republicans need to have more fodder…and Goldy is GREAT at giving it to us?
Could it be there is no report because we are RIGHT! And the bleeding hearts are WRONG?
Roger Rabbit: I guess Puddy is flying so I found the reference he made. Did you miss this in the Seattle Times?: “The Times attempted to reach 134 of the people on the Republican list to ask which gubernatorial candidate they voted for. More than half could not be contacted. Of the 53 reached, 49 were felon voters; the others had voted legally. Among the 49, 25 voted for Gregoire, 18 for Rossi and one for Libertarian candidate Ruth Bennett. Two did not cast votes in the governor’s race, and the three others either wouldn’t say whom they voted for or couldn’t remember.”
Since you discount the Seattle Times what is your source besides the Republican lawyers for Rossi. I remember you calling them incompetent. So how can you use Rossi’s lawyers and the judge as your source? So if the Times finds something that vindicates your side you can’t use it in the future okay? But you will not agree. You are dishonest.
Or windie: He’s flying from Dallas and you are an ass?
Puddy “Freep” Koresh @ 153
Congratulations, PFK. That was a comment for the ages. Perfectly illustrates how whacked out and increasingly irrelevant you are.
For the leadership of the branch of the BUSH-DAVIDIANS – there’s still no one that can touch you.
Hold your head high with pride, PFK. Hold it high.
Pacman: At least I’m not a damn liar eh?
mr. “never going to post on HA again”
You rightys are always complaining the “liberal media” (which you assert the Seattle Times is part of) can’t get anything right. Which is it? Is the media accurate, or not?
Since the law determines who wins an election, anything you can’t prove in court doesn’t mean a damn thing. The only thing you guys proved in court is that Rossi got 4 illegal votes.
The chances of you being right are less than the chances of the moon being made of green cheese.
@163 (continued)
I didn’t call the judge incompetent. I only called the GOP lawyers incompetent. You get what you pay for, and apparently $2 million doesn’t buy very much anymore.
Pacman @ 163
“I guess Puddy is flying so I found the reference he made. Did you miss this in the Seattle Times?: “The Times attempted to reach 134 of the people on the Republican list to ask which gubernatorial candidate they voted for.”
This article was analyzed to death during the contest. The apparently high precentage of Democratic voters is an artifact of the precincts that the GOP selected. They were overwhelmingly Democratic-leaning precincts, hence a higher proportion of Democratic voters.
As was shown in the election trial, however, if one statistically takes into consideration the sex of voters, most of the felon votes were GOP. Without taking sex into account, there was just about an equal number of GOP and Democratic GOP voters.
Me at 170
“…there was just about an equal number of GOP and Democratic GOP voters.”
Ooop…I meant:
there was just about an equal number of GOP and Democratic felon voters.
Imagine that…accidentally saying “GOP” when I meant “felon” :)
What? Huh? Karma Clueless said something again? Was it worthwhile? Did anyone learn meaningful information? Since the answer to each and every question above is NO, why does he post? Oh yes, he likes rhetoric and to see himself in pixels.
Lately your posts are at the same IQ as Stuckonstupiddon “dense as spent uranium” donnageddon. Keep it up clueless, you’ll be at the rugrat602 level soon!!!
Again Rupert Wabbet tries to spin. The Seattle Times is left wing. Just look at the last election an whom the choose to support by their editorials. Heavily democratic… oops donkocratic.
They actually went out and performed an accuracy in voting story. I was shocked. Since the numbers didn’t break your way 25:18, Gregoire:Rossi, you have to discount it. Either the newspaper found felon voters or they write lies. If they write lies, the Seattle Times has NO credibility. Is that what you are spitting out here? Careful pink-eyed furry one. Did they find felons or not – Wabbet’s answer “No they didn’t because it wasn’t proven in court!” How many times were court proceedings restarted after new evidence was determined through a thorough search? Rossi decided not to pursue. If he did he would have used those voters. And the state was tired of the event.
Look at the Bob Woodward’s latest revelation in the newspapers. He put Fitzpatrick in a bind. Does the October 28th announcement still have weight? Well if Libby lied yes. But we now know Libby wasn’t the first revealer. So does Fitzpatrick empanel a new GJ to reevaluate this latest evidence? We’ll see.
A comment by one of this nation’s founding fathers pertinent to the mischievous doings of the Republican’s unsubstantiated voter challenges. This quote comes from Harvey J. Kaye’s book, Thomas Paine and the Promise of America: “the only ground upon which exclusion from the right of voting is consistent with justice would be to inflict it as punishment for a certain time upon those who should propose to take away that right from others. The right of voting for representatives is the primary right by which others are protected.” Words of wisdom from the distant past still ring true today.