Don’t miss Kos’s front pager on the hilarious spectacle of Michael Steele and Rush Limbaugh engaging each other for control of the GOP. As Markos says about Steele:
When you have to proclaim that “I’m the leader of the Republican Party”, then you are not.
Limbaugh is apparently going to respond to Steele on the radio, which should be hilarious. While most of the news these days ranges from terrible to awful, the Republican Party base genuflecting to Rush Limbaugh is awesomely awesome.
Limbaugh may be the king of AM conservative radio, but that’s not exactly a winning coalition. In fact, it’s not even a coalition, it’s just the tattered remnants of the “angry white male” devotees from twenty years ago. The country has moved on, and normal people want to confront the economic crisis in a meaningful way.
My crystal ball is at the Teletype office having new, lower stock ticker numbers installed, but could this be the true beginning of the end for the Republicans? Hard to see how any “moderates,” meaning in the case of the GOP anyone who isn’t certifiable, can survive in the Limbaugh Party.
UPDATE–Kos points to this post at The Plum Line, where Greg Sargent has some of Limbaugh’s response. Oh, and make sure you’re not drinking hot coffee. Like with this bit:
I’m not in charge of the Republican Party, and I don’t want to be. I would be embarrassed to say that I’m in charge of the Republican Party in a sad-sack state that it’s in. If I were chairman of the Republican Party, given the state that it’s in, I would quit. I might get out the hari-kari knife…
Sorry Rush isn’t news.. here is news…
The little kid in the wh with big ears is giving away the free worlds security. He’s spineless.
I love this:
Republicans, conservatives are sick and tired of being talked down to, sick and tired of being lectured to.
What an excellent way to close a lecture.
The Truth–
You are correct.
He is using people like Jon DeVore just like Lenin used Western Elitists.
Hey Jon–
Heretofore we will refer to you and your ilk are OBAMA’S USEFUL IDIOTS!
The DOWN hit 6700 today.
The market hates Obama.
The LEFT and Emmanual are obsessing with Limbaugh trying desperate to frame him as the spokesperson for the Republicans.
You KLOWNS screeched when Obama was being defined like his preacher man.
Things are quickly sorting out.
Limbaugh is a Conservative.
Olberman is a LEFTIST KOOK.
R’s are wise not to give any credence to the spokepeople of the Democratic Party….their ratings are tanking!!
No elections today.
Have fun in your happy place Jon…Obama’s USEFUL IDIOT!
1 Sputtering the “socialism and surrender” mantra today, are we?
It’s enough to make sane people start waving white flags and reading Das Kapital, because anything beats you clowns’ brand of corruption and incompetence.
Check out the ratings of Olberman v. O’Reilly
Olberman is less than 1/2!!
He will soon be gone along with that weird looking gal with the bad voice and bad hairdo.
Yes, FartyArt we all know Russia keeps their word.
Another quote from Rush, same source:
“…If we don’t want Obama and Reid and Pelosi to fail, then why does the RNC exist, Mr. Steele? Why are you even raising money?….”
Aside from the blatant repitition of the mantra that Rush would rather see the nation’s economy go down in flames than admit he’s been a charlatan and a fraud all these years, it does raise a good question. If the purpose of the Republican party is simply to try to make Obama’s attempts to revive the economy fail, then why does it exist? Why is it trying to raise money for that purpose?
@Cynical: You are falling apart at the seams right along with the GOP. Is that really the best you have? Claiming the market hates Obama? Couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that AIG lost $60 billion plus last quarter, $100 billion for the year, could it?
The economy is falling off a cliff, and taking the dow with it. Even someone as far gone as you can see that. You can’t even make an intelligent argument. You’ve disintegrated into hostile obscenities, without rational analysis.
Your party torched this country, Obama is trying desperately to keep it from burning completely to the ground, and it is Obama you are mad at?
You really should take a vacation to some distant island. I’m worried about your health.
After seeing what omama has done in a short six week period I’m sorry he won. The spin at the times was he’ll run left then go central.
We didn’t understand the real meaning of central until now. Central control of the American people through government take over with central control over free enterprise.
With the market responding the last 6 weeks get the picture.
Yes, we want ombama to fail better he than our country.
A little off topic maybe,but, thanks Jon for the reference to the Danny Thomas coffee spit! Who could ever forget Marjorie Lord saying: “Danny, I accidentally put a small dent in the new car.”
And Danny spews coffee everywhere! What a riot!!!
@the truth: wow. Maybe *YOU* are the new intellectual light of the Republican Party.
Actually, we’re just having a little fun at your expense. The right has made its self irrelevant for the time being, so there’s know reason to obsess about it.
Personally, I hope conservatives pull their heads out of their ass’s and get their house in order. I don’t like one-party rule regardless of the party in charge.
Hey FartyArt, I know of a communist regime which “kept their sacred word” to Madeline Halfbright over Nukes! “We were duped”!
Yep, drink that kook-aid FartyArt.
Yep, here we are, some five weeks or so after inaugeration, without any money being paid out yet on Obama’s stimulus plan (current moneys are still being paid out to financial institutions under the Bush/Paulin TARP plan), and Cynical is proclaiming the Obama administration a failure.
By the same standard, we would have been putting flowers on the grave of the Reagan administration five weeks after his inaugeration.
Not to mention that Cynical and his ilk were still arguing as late as last summer that any problems in the economy were the fault of the Clinton administration, some 7-1/2 years previously, or even the Clinton administration, almost thirty years before. In fact, some of the wingnuts here were proclaiming the Obama administration a failure in less than 24 hours after his inaugeration.
I’ve got an idea. Let’s compare the DJIA after eight years of Obama in Jan. 2016, with the closing numbers for the eight years of the Bush administration. The Bush administration lost 21.78% of DJIA value over it’s eight years of control, with a Republican Congress during most of that era. Let’s see how Obama does over the same period of time.
‘The Producers’… Hmnnnnn…… Wasn’t that by Mel Brooks?
Sorry about these inane maunderings, but I was raised in a world of dribble glasses and Chinese finger prisons. It’s hard to focus at times.
@ 14
The aim of these guys is totally transparent. They want to be able to declare Obama a failure without having to go through the pain we would need to suffer should Obama’s policies actually fail. Republicans are proving themselves to be nothing more than a bunch of gutless, whining adolescents.
Except for the fact that the democrat controlled congress spent it’s time to send the tattered remnant a letter of faux outrage about troops that the tattered remnant turned into a million dollar payoff for a military charity.
And let’s not forget the obama taking time from leading the country to mention rush.
For someone so unimportant he sure is getting a lot of mention from the left.
@13: Hey Puddy-with-no-memory: I know of a Presnit who looked into the eyes of Putin and saw his Christian soul – and then proclaimed that the Russkies were our buddies.
Guess that fool was DUPED along with his half-witted republican party.
And the missile shield – who cares. It is supposedly for Europe and it won’t even work anyways.
Besides, the biggewst policy failures of the Bush years were (in order):
1. the unnecessary war in Iraq
2. the alienation of even our best allies
3. allowing Iran to get enough nuclear material for a bomb – while twiddling our thumbs and injecting bush (and his big fat undiplomatic mouth) into the Iranian election (so the moderates lost).
4. Allowing North Korea to build more nukes by “isolating” them.
Yup – Bush blew the entire “axis of evil” diplomacy in two pathetic terms.
Want to know what is really pathetic?
February Ratings: FNC Beats CNN and MSNBC Combined in Total Viewers
As their (cnn/msnbc) ratings drop, so will their profits. Which means one of 4 things….
1. government bailout
2. out of business
3. steal money from charities ala air america
4. change the format to real/honest journalism
Daily Kos is the Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the American left.
It looks to me like the Republicans are all ruinning right for their party’s 2010 and 2012 primaries. Theyre going to build up a record of insane right-wing conspiracy theories and crackpot ideas put forward as official policy proposals by these dunderheads, and then they’re going to be ever so confused again as they are trounced at the polls by Democrats AGAIN.
After all, Rush is telling them that they don’t NEED policies that people like (the money quote is “One thing we can all do is stop assuming that the way to beat them is with better policy ideas.”). Yeah, talk about your winning strategies.
15 That’s an all too accurate analogy. The leaders of the financial sector have certainly managed to enrich themselves through deliberate failure.
It’s fascinating to watch lying liars calling other people liars.
1 T
The little kid in the wh with big ears is giving away the free worlds security.
Yes, who would not agree with you that announcing that we would be willing to “scrap plans” (and knowing the Bush administration, I’ll bet those were first-rate plans) to deploy some time in the future a fundamentally flawed and easily-fooled “missile defense” system in return for Russian cooperation to stop shipping enriched uranium to Iran (as they are doing TODAY) would be equivalent to abject surrender?
Speaking of abject figures, how would YOU persuade Russia to stop supplying Iran with nuclear material?
It was ayers and obama planting explosives in the world trade center. You did see the video of the world trade centers falling didn’t you, exactly like a controlled demolition. Neither ayers or obama has EVER denied it.
A heads up…
You misspelled the world “Theyre.” Please edit it so the grammar nanny and his friend steve the spelling nanny won’t have to correct you.
re 17: You mean when he called them ‘phony soldiers’. That little comment was another boil on the fat one’s ass — if you get my drift.
Adam Smith on page one of Wealth of Nations states that all wealth is created through the hands of the worker.
When the wealthy insist on tax free capital gains, they are saying that it is ok to tax the worker on his wage, but that it is unfair to tax the wealth that his hands produced that go into the soft hands of the people paradoxically labeled by the right as the ‘producers’.
“Speaking of abject figures, how would YOU persuade Russia to stop supplying Iran with nuclear material?”
You need to look at past history USA/Russia
We had the chance to crush them WW2 didn’t should have.
Then after the breakup what did we do gave them billions and helped them.
Today call it what you want where at war with them not on the battlefield yet.
Russia wants the money and doesn’t give a dam about us. Let them supply Iran and let the United Nation HaHaha deal with it. Keep our planed shield in Europe
In the teeth of this economic gale, humor is the best tonic, and hardly anything is funnier than watching Republicans eat each other.
I think the funniest thing today is DeVore using Kos as his “source”.
Hmmm… The same website who blasted John Gibson calling Obama a monkey Ooooops we’re sorry it didn’t happen. Yet the headline didn’t change fools.
Sarah Palin didn’t have Trig cuz she didn’t look pregnant? Oooops looks like Bristol Palin had her own child…
In fact this one was so bad Markos removed it. But if you search carefully you can read it.
And DeVore is like the clueless village idiot… using Kos
Why does the media keep saying that Americans would be filled with ire if the banks were nationalized?
A recent Gumbel poll says otherwise.
Dr NotRight; Using revisionist history on North Korea. If Madeline Halfbright verified from 1994-2000 instead of accepting North Korea’s word, wouldn’t have had the head start building the nukes fool. Man you have such a bad case of BDS historical facts bounce off the thick granite encased femtometer brain because it’s tough to penetrate that skull.
Regarding Bush looking into the eyes of Putin, Puddy guesses you missed Puddy’s comment on that too. Puddy is sure Steve can find it for you.
Face it:
It’s all Bush’s fault and will be for at least the next 4 years.
So get over it.
28 T
You need to look at past history USA/Russia
Or you do.
We had the chance to crush them WW2 didn’t should have.
Uh, they were our ALLIES. Speaking of looking at past history, I mean.
Then after the breakup what did we do gave them billions and helped them.
So you are saying that after the fall of Communism in Russia that instead of trying to Help the old USSR become demcratic republics what we should have done is INVADE?
Today call it what you want where at war with them not on the battlefield yet.
In your view, with whom are we NOT at war presently?
Russia wants the money and doesn’t give a dam about us. Let them supply Iran and let the United Nation HaHaha deal with it. Keep our planed shield in Europe.
I’ll get back to you on that one.
@15 “I was raised in a world of dribble glasses and Chinese finger prisons. It’s hard to focus at times.”
In a Seattle gone by such items were to be found in the magic store on Skid Road, next door to the pet store.
Isn’t that the lowest since 1997, during the great clinton economy?
Backwards and downward.
@34 “So you are saying that after the fall of Communism in Russia that instead of trying to Help the old USSR become demcratic republics what we should have done is INVADE?”
I suspect he just wanted to nuke them. Our trolls are losing it. What’s up with that?
Here is Kos’ friend and favrit poster ArcXIX. Then he had to kill the post.
“Sarah, I’m calling you a liar. And not even a good one. Trig Paxson Van Palin is not your son. He is your grandson. The sooner you come forward with this revelation to the public, the better.” – ArcXIX. Oops ArcXIX was dead wrong…
And Jon loves Kos.
Well at least for today clueless village idiot has a bestus bud!
34. Daddy Love spews:
“Uh, they were our ALLIES. Speaking of looking at past history, I mean.”
Yeah, war makes strange bed fellows. We should have made treaties with them making more democrat if we help them.
Then after the breakup what did we do gave them billions and helped them.
“So you are saying that after the fall of Communism in Russia that instead of trying to Help the old USSR become demcratic republics what we should have done is INVADE?”
No, I’m saying the help should have been limited to safeguarding the nuke sites.
Where was Russia’s help when we where paying $4.00 Gal.
They where stealing more oil for the motherland and invading another country.
I’m getting a bit tired of being the worlds helper and when we need it the world laughs.
Today call it what you want where at war with them not on the battlefield yet.
In your view, with whom are we NOT at war presently?
Russia wants the money and doesn’t give a dam about us. Let them supply Iran and let the United Nation HaHaha deal with it. Keep our planed shield in Europe.
I’ll get back to you on that one.
The Obama adminstration today released legal memos written by the administration which said that law enforcement authorities, or the military, could detain people and conduct searches within the U.S. without warrants as long as somebody in the administration said it was necessary to combat terrorism.
Of course, the administration frequently engaged in circuitous reasoning, saying that they constitutional protections don’t apply to terrorists (or anyone who might remotely have information which might somewhere down the line reveal information about terrorists), that the administration has the right to decide who is a terrorist, and that the because the administration has made such a determination, nobody can question it.
But what I apparantly missed, in the excitement of the upcoming Obama inaugeration, is that the Bush administration “withdrew” those memos shortly before Bush left office.
Source: Secret Bush memos made public by Obama
So, we are compelled to ask:
(a) if these tactics were REALLY essential to the war on terrorism, as the Bush administration has insisted multiple times, why didn’t the Bush administration leave them in place? Did the Bush administration want to deprive the Obama administration of their benefit in order to allow a terrorist attack on the U.S. under Obama’s watch? If these tools were so necessary for national security, then why would they recklessly abandon them just prior to a change in administrations?
(b) or did everyone in the Bush administration recognize those memos as mere cover for politically-motivated domestic spying, and they wanted to make sure the Obama administration couldn’t engage in the same conduct against them (at least not without finding some other willing flunky to generate a similar opinion – which would be no small feat except in a Republican administration).
I sure hope the shredders which were hard at work on Jan. 19th didn’t destroy all the evidence of who was spied against. It would be interesting to see that list.
sarge the KLOWN–
If you had half a brain, you would realize the market is always looking AHEAD.
Unlike you who is stuck on stupid!
Once again, your flawless, amazing memory makes Jon DeVore look like the pot-smoking, whatever humping half-wit he is.
Whatsamatter Jon…to lazy to do a little research and check multiple sources??
Posting from Kos is laaaaaaaaaaaaazy Jon.
Alas, Jon is doing the very best he can!
Puddy – you have no clue about HISTORY. You cite the few facts you have at hand – most are irrelevant and wrong.
My point – (for those who cannot read) is that North Korea in the 8 years of the Bush (incompetence) Presidency went from agreeing to stopping nuclear proliferation ….to building nuvclear weapons. so the Bush doctrine and the Bush policy was a total and complete failure.
typical that Puddy is cheering incompetence and trying to change the subject.
Speaking of revisionist history:
concerns that turn out to be ….maybe not true. Ooops – Puddy was WRONG AGAIN.
Maybe you should actually read before you pontificate about the “great successes” of Bush.
Do you enjoy being wrong?
Do you enjoy posting non-sensical retorts?
If you think you are impressing anyone – you are sadly mistaken. I guess you impress cyncial – but that is like impressing a kindergartner.
The KLOWNS have another tax-cheater Obama appointed…US Trade Representative Ron Kirk.
No wonder Rahm and the other Obama GOONS are talking about Rush Limbaugh…to deflect attention away from yet another Obama appointee tax cheater!
I wonder if Gary Locke is concerned about anything??
It appears Obama has now lowered his self-proclaimed High Bar down into the dirt where if you get caught cheating, all you have to do is pay it back and all is forgiven!!
Obama speaks out of the corner of his mouth…then, by his actions, is much worse than what he claims to abhor.
The honeymoon is over.
Obama’s ratings have plummetted and will continue to plummet.
When the terrorist attack Joe Biden predicted happens in the next couple of months (remember Mouthy Joe’s prediction), Obama will be toast.
Russia wants the money and doesn’t give a dam about us. Let them supply Iran and let the United Nation HaHaha deal with it. Keep our planed shield in Europe.
I don’t know if you are aware of it, but conservative Republicans across this great nation seem to be a bit worried about the prospects of Iran developing nuclear weapons, and they DON’T seem to be too worried about hordes of nuclear missiles pouring in from Russia. Not only that, but if you knew anything about our missile defense plans you would know that they the system is NOT intended to thwart the kind of mass attack we might expect from the Russians, but only a piddly small attack such as we might expect from Iran or NK, IF either of those countriues could deliver a nuke on a missle, which neither can do.
However, Russia hates our missile defense in Europe, not because they want to attack, but because they fear that if we defend against their missiles that we would strike them pre-emptively. An offer to scuttle those plans wouled make them feel much more secure.
All of which argues that using an offer to stop Eastern Eurpoean missie defense in return for cooperation on Iran in likely to be
(a) Effective
(b) Not very costly to the US in terms of real-world security trade-offs.
You’re not too big on negotiation, are you? It seems to me you don’t understand it very well.
I’m expecting “The Truth” any minute now to rise from his wheelchair and holler “MEIN FUHRER!!! I CAN VALK!!!!!!!!!”
Yes the shield for Europe not us.
“All of which argues that using an offer to stop Eastern Eurpoean missie defense in return for cooperation on Iran in likely to be
(a) Effective
(b) Not very costly to the US in terms of real-world security trade-offs.
(C) Not Effective as talks with Iran,North Korea are Jokes. It’s time for the UN to either stop it or close down.
If they close down I would be happy and then Israel can take care of Iran and we No. Korea.
You’re not too big on negotiation, are you? It seems to me you don’t understand it very well.
The way it should be:
Negotiations is give and take with a mutual agreement With daily Verification.
If they lied to us than the UN (if we had one)
would step in with a big stick!
State department since Clinton:
North Korea
USA …. will you stop your nuke ambitions if we send you food and billion of dollars?
Yes we will :)
USA…. DEAL bye bye
@46 You called it. It only took two minutes.
32 Pud
If Madeline Halfbright verified from 1994-2000 instead of accepting North Korea’s word, wouldn’t have had the head start building the nukes fool.
For someone who fancies himself well-informed you sure can come off a fool.
It MIGHT BE true that North Korea engaged in some small-scale uranium gas enrichment between 1994 and 2002. Maybe. However, this article in Foreign Affairs argues that, based on the thin and ambiguous evidence available to the Bush administration at the time (2002), it is entriley possible that the North Koreans never had a bomb-related uranium program, more probable that they made some attempts but didn’t get very far, and very unlikely that they have or had a program anywhere near as advanced as the White House has led us to believe.
But what is indisputably true is that in 2002 after the Bush administration accused them of cheating and cut off what little remained of our oil shipments to them, that NK pulled out of the NPT, marched over to their UN-sealed reactor, took out the spent fuel rods, and over the next few years made what is estimated to be enough plutonium for perhaps 20 nuclear bombs. Because, you see, it’s way faster and easier to reprocess fuel rods into plutonium (which the 1994 Agreed Framework STOPPED them from doing but Bush STARTED them doing) than it is to enrich uranium using centrifuge cascades (which may or may not be anything they were ever doing).
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! I’m so sorry bloated whale!!!!!!!!!!!!
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! I really mean it!!! Please forgive me!!!!!!!!!!!!
47 T
Negotiations is give and take with a mutual agreement
Ok, then. Dude! that’s what I have been talking about.
let me “break it down:”
We give Russia something they want. The missile thing. It’s onl;y “plans” at this point, and the fucking thing doesn’t work anyway. The simplest counter-measures fool it.
Then Russia gives us soemthign we want. THey stoip being the uranium handler and supplier for Iran.
You see? We give away some not worth very much (to us) in order to obtain something that is worth a LOT (to us).
It’s a pretty good deal.
Thanks Diddled Lover for the link. This phrase says enough to me regarding this biased author:
“Although it is now widely recognized that the Bush administration misrepresented and distorted the intelligence data it used to justify the invasion of Iraq, most observers have accepted at face value the assessments the administration has used to reverse the previously established U.S. policy toward North Korea.”
Looks like this is one of Dr NotRight’s sources.
Diddled Lover, read about your bud Selig S. Harrison. Thanks for forcing me to find this again. I discounted him as a fool. I see you like him. Fools of a feather flock together!
“Selig S. Harrison has a curious relationship with reality—that is to say, not much of one. Three years ago, he wrote in Foreign Affairs that the U.S. was to blame for North Korea’s violation of the Agreed Framework he helped to negotiate with Jimmy Carter in 1994. While the tone of the piece was obviously self-serving, it also contained numerous factual errors that were detailed by those involved in the implementation of the Agreed Framework. ”
“I’m honestly curious what he bases that on, since nothing here is footnoted, he refers to no interviews or source texts, and it is written as an intuitively obvious assertion. It is not. Harrison needs to argue his case, not state it.” – Sumtin Don Joe does here.
Diddled Lover@51, if you Democratics fell down on watching a small country such as North Korea, what evidence do you provide you’ll be diligent watching Russia and Iran?
Strange commentary in #51.
You’re whistling past the graveyard. Kos’ traffic is down by 60%, Limbaugh’s is going through the roof.
Here in the real world, I’m hearing one of two things.
1. Its a disaster and we’ll all be living under highway overpasses.
2. I don’t know.
I literally ask everyone I meet what they think about the Obama approach to the economy and I haven’t met anyone yet who positively and affirmatively said to me–yeah, its great, we’re on the right track.
How do you think this is going to go when unemployment hits 15 and then 20%?
Believe me now or believe me later…
@1 What is Obama “giving away,” dumbass? A missile “shield” that works 30% of the time under carefully controlled test conditions, and none of the time under real-world conditions? Do you think the Russians aren’t privately laughing at your “star wars” light saber?
55 We’ve been around this bend before. To begin with, the measurers of ratings are all beholden to their corporate masters.
Putting that aside, the psycotic syncophants of the neoconservative/dominionist fantasy world need regular fixes of propaganda to reinforce their faith that some great impending miracle is going to snatch them up out of the miserable fate to which they’ve done everything in their power to consign the mass of humanity, including themselves. They’re expecting to either be “raptured” into some far-off Land Of Milk And Honey or somehow magically elevated to the ruling class they’ve slavishly served, and who actually despise them along with the rest of us.
Being crazy’s hard work. These folks need all the help they can get.
I remember when Cynical was buying Wells Fargo stock at 30 bucks a share. It closed today at $10.84. I hear they’re going to change its exchange symbol from “WFC” to “WTF”.
Cynical’s post at 44 reveals the depths of his partisan depravity. He plainly is hoping for a terrorist attack in this nation within the next few months because he believes such attack would contribute to a failure of the Obama presidency. He is, simply, sick.
@59 That’s SOP for wingnut traitors. Remember this post on Stefan’s sucky little treason blog?
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. … Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(Note: HA’s peripatetic sleuth, Richard Pope, ID’s “FullCcontactPolitics as ex-GOP legislative candidate Mark Griswold, who polled a whopping 15% of the vote against Frank Chopp. Cripes, even cigaret smoke did better than that! Makes you wonder what the 15% were thinking.)
58 Wells Fargo is probably in better (or at least slightly less precarious) shape than, say, “ShittiBank” or BoA. It’ll be especially interesting to see what Cyn has to say when the Dow’s down to about 2500 and there’s only one big bank owned and operated by Uncle Sam.
I wonder how long this guy holds out:
proud leftist@59 again exhibits libtard memory issues…
So Proud Leftist you need remedial memory services…
“”Mark my words,” the Democratic vice presidential nominee warned at the second of his two Seattle fundraisers Sunday. “It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don’t remember anything else I said. Watch, we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”
“I can give you at least four or five scenarios from where it might originate,” Biden said to Emerald City supporters, mentioning the Middle East and Russia as possibilities. “And he’s gonna need help. And the kind of help he’s gonna need is, he’s gonna need you – not financially to help him – we’re gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it’s not gonna be apparent initially, it’s not gonna be apparent that we’re right.””
So if Cynical repeats Biden’s words he’s a depraved partisan? What a fooltard you are proud leftist.
@62 The comment section is amusing. Republicans really do eat their own.
I’m sure someone on the right will show up soon to declare that Frum has always been a secret Democrat and deserves to be thrown under the bus. Actually, I think David Frum and the others on that New Majority site want off the bus before Rush drives it over the cliff it’s heading towards.
YLB @ 62
NIce catch. Limbaugh’s deity status within the Republican Party is a bit hard to understand. But, then, if we remember that the only constituency left in that party is the mouthbreather element, his ascendancy is quite understandable. Go Rush, keep spewing.
59. proud leftist spews:
Gee pl, all I did was repeat your guy Biden’s prediction that Obama would be tested in the first 6 months by the terrorists. Kind of testy, aren’t you?
If you have a problem…go talk to Babbling Joe.
58. Roger Rabbit spews:
Yeah Rog, you remember when I was buying and selling short-term for a profit. Haven’t owned it for months.
When that Lunatic Obama was elected, I knew the market would free-fall as his true intentions of Socialism and wealth distribution became apparent.
And I was right.
You are the KLOWN who road down NOV and other loser stocks Rog. Too bad for you.
Smokin’ cigs for all those years not only wrecked your lungs, but also your mind & memory.
Cynical and Puddy
Are you guys really as dumb as you seem to be? Did you get the point of my post at all? I’m fully aware of what Joe Biden said. I don’t have memory issues, Puddy. The point of my post is that Cynical wants Biden’s prediction to come true for his own sick partisan purposes. I would guess, Puddy, that you too hope for a terrorist attack here in the next few months. And you both claim to be Christians. Yikes.
The Republicans are in the minority. The Democrats need the Republican vote for cover for 2010 and 2012. The little “d’s” know when this big government fails they don’t want to be the only ones holding the bag of crumbs.
To say anything else will be a DNC lie.
Well while HAs clueless village idiot is wondering about something… here are real happenings…
Proud Leftist… No I don’t. I don’t want to see anyone die. But some HA moronic libtards did…
So come on and admit to all of us were you one of those secretly pulling for a terraist attack when GWB was president so he couldn’t leave saying he protected America? Still waiting for an answer on the theory of rational expectations question.
K wouldn’t answer the question of him being one of the hate Bush 10%ers after September 11th. Still hasn’t either. That’s why I ignore his questions to me.
So step up proud…
Spell ‘terrorist’ correctly, and maybe we wouldn’t laugh at you, traitor.
Foolish idiot@72 HAs living terraist:
That’s the way your friends such as the HA clueless village idiot spells it. If your memory is lacking go make some collections as you are too stupid here.
We all know memorization is not your forte BJ. Puddy heard you have a GPS device so you don’t get lost.
72 – That’s how that moron chimp that shuffled off the buffalo on Jan 20 pronounces it.
The moron chimp that the fool @ 73 still worships.
Have any of you fools on the left noticed something over the last 36 hrs? Probably not. If not on Kos it goes past your puny minds.
Puddy was first to tell you in January about Obama’s Chief of Staph Rahmbo and his daily phone conference call with ABC’s George Steponallofus, and CNN’s James Ragin Cajin Carville and Paul Big Head Begala. If the Bush white house did that you’d HA morons would be screaming. Yet Rambo is “setting policy”.
Didn’t you notice the same crap different hour on the Sunday talk shows… Puddy has been scanning Meet The Depressed, Deface the Nation, This Week Get Stepped on by George and you hear the same thing.
“Voice of the Republican Party” – Rahmbo
“Moral and intellectual leader and most influential person in the Republican Party.” – James Carville
“So the Rush Limbaugh approach of wanting the president to fail is not the Eric Cantor, House Republican approach?” – George Steponallofus
And you all tell Puddy it’s not the libtard MSM. Don’t you remember the Bush has no gravitas moment?
Awwwww. The idiot @ 63 is so sceeeeered. Maybe his momma can give him his blanky and coax him out from under the bed. Poor baby…
Which of these describes Terrorist Homophobe, the Undercover Brother best?
Oh, I almost forgot:
Ahhhhhh clueless village idiot@74, Pavlov’s dog showed up on cue. Thanks for owning up so BJ can go take his road trip.
Why don’t you go wrap yourself up in your flag, then set yourself on fire? Your children would appreciate the shame being lifted from their family name.
Of course, that presumes that someone would actually find that troglodyte appealing enough to have sex and bear children with…….
Off to work!
click click boom, bitch!
Golly looks like BJ @76,77,78,80,81white lace panties got twisted around his small scrote. I guess that happens when they are shown their lack of working brain cells.
Wow BJ stinging rebuke. Be sure to turn on the GPS unit.
Looks like the republican party (read this as the communist party line of Rush Limbaugh) has come back together under the banner of their actual leader, Rush.
Apparently, if you are in any “leadership” role in the rudderless misanthropic party known as “republican”, if you say something bad about Rush because he is an America-hating, fat, bloated, ego-driven, drug-addled fool – then you must promptly get on your knees and apologize. No dissent from the Rush line is allowed in the “republican” party. Strict adherence to the Rush dogma is demanded.
Yup, all those “brave” republicans who denounced the hate-filled message of Rush have given abject apologies.
Josh Marshall sums it up best:
The poor trolls on here are so oblivious. While they are urging their fellow travelers to denounce Obama as some socialist and to try to keep the US in the dark ages – they are reduced to rooting for a worse depression and hoping for a terrorist attack.
What the fools don’t realize is that the worse things get, the more americans will rally aound the President. They will be marginalized even more as obstructionists without any ideas except to tear down government.
You can already see the desperation of the rolls – they have nothing to add and scream socialist
Wonder if the stock market will fall back to Carter levels, erasing all the borrowed gains from Reagan and on?
Something tells me the almighty Jon feels inadequate in a locker room…. and drives a rather large truck or SUV. Good luck with that Jonny-lacks-all. Your so-called educated opinions amount to nothing, partianship not withstanding. You can consult Mommy Love with that issue if you seek guidance.
re 90: Always takin’ the high road, eh Mark?
I guess it’s because of all those morals you say you got. What do you care about the size of someone else’s wiener?
There’s no free lunch around here for the likes of you.
Now the oxycodone/viagra-popping bloated whale’s other poodle chimes in:
you fucking yentels have a mossad terrosist running your party. i hope they have a secret weapon to supress all the good ol boys when the economy crashes and they cant feed their kids but steven spielberg is eating his lox and bagel. you fucking anti christian anti american whores
I can only hope. They just bought my mortgage. They are No.1A on my list. Right after BofA (Bastards of America).
I say pick one CEO of a large bank (just put the names into a hat) and take him out and shoot him for treason, and then turn and ask the remaining CEO’s “who is next?”. In 72 hours there would be real change.
Hey it works that way in China, poison a few dogs, sicken a few people, manipulate the market and they hang you. By your neck. Why can’t we do that here?
Here comes the “It is the Jews” line again.
boyofmadeuplies, you might want to use Google to look up the correct spelling of the Yiddish words you are attempting to use.
Oh yeah, almost forgot.
Go fuck yourself.
With all the great things obama has done in the past 6 weeks :). You libs lower your thoughts to Rush and the Republicans.
Yeah, obama is worst than you thought he would be. Change the subject…….
Another tax dodger will be appointed after he pays back taxes of $10,000.00
What is it with you guys and paying taxes. I did some research on Democrats charity donations last year… If you do the same you’ll know why these scumbags don’t pay taxes. All are cheapskates unless it’s your money.
Yeah, just kill them all….
You got your hate for mankind from 40’s in Germany….
Um, parody, satire, mocking.
Dude, you are the resident hate expert around here. Pot, kettle, black.
93 In Japan, it wasn’t all that long ago that corporate executives who did something that caused suffering and death wouldn’t wait to be punished. They’d commit suicide.
Dr NotRight@88, not right again… Even the leftist Newsweek called it two weeks ago We’re All Socialists Now. Many of us excerpted it here but your granite encased mind stopped the truth from entering. Do you only have a pathway for left-wing kook-aid?
Alexis de Tocqueville said it well – “Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.”
Lush speaks at CPAC. Dow closes under 7,000.
re 99: Quoting a Frenchman as an authority on America — the one who “…said it best.” Shame on you.
Who said it second best?
Moron @ 99
There’s no freedom when those who profit most from the free market are allowed to OWN the market.
Your laissez faire dogma failed. Paulson tried to put Wall Street on notice when he shot-gunned married Bear Stearns to JP Morgan giving the shareholders a nasty crew cut. He didn’t have a freaking clue. They had their hands in each other’s pockets so deep allowing one to go down – Lehman Bros – caused the whole house of cards to fall down. His moral hazard guidance on bailouts didn’t work.
And no matter how much you bloviate like that whale on the radio, Paulson IS a Republican.
You’re such a fucking loser Stupes.
Once again Puddy is wrong, disproved by the facts and the references. So what does Puddy do?
the usual: refuses to admit that he is outgunned on the actual facts and then attacks the sources:
Looks like you were wrong. Looks like you change the topic. Looks like your vacant arguments have been stuffed again. Looks like you continue to try and defend the worst President in history – good luck.
Your squirming defense has the air of desperation. You have a double standard and cite the NYT or Washington Post when you want to – but when others cite them you say they are “libtard”.
You argue like a third grader when you are caught in your own petards.
Whine….I don’t like your sources….whine, how about this other fact from left field…..whine, change the subject. Whine…call people names.
Yup, you support the party of Limbaugh that tolerates no dissent. Sounds a lot like the party of Stalin or Hitler. The party line or else…..thanks for giving us the party line.
Gee, I am really scared of big, bad socialism. Yup, we are in the worst economic conditions since the great depression and the republicans can only think of screaming “socialism”.
What a bunch of pathetic rejects. They want to turn back the new deal, refuse to accept the European or even the Canadian models and seem to think that they have the only solutions in the world (cut taxes on the rich).
Gee, that worked so well for Bush….less regulation…hmm, that worked so well for the banks….the free market….that worked really well for our energy crisis, our trade deficit and our job losses in the Bush economy.
Same tired ideas that have failed miserably. Is it any wonder only 18% support the republicans in congress?
Unfortunately, that 18% blog incessantly on here.
Socialists!!! It worked in 1911. Maybe it will work again.
Poor Stupes, that ugly corrupt party of yours just died:
Keep trying to re-animate the mouldering corpse though.
It’s great entertainment for the rest of us adults while we clean up after your mess.
92 – How ironic that you would cite some Jewish conspiracy and accuse others of being “anti Christian” in the same sentence. Did it ever occur to you that Jesus was a Jew?
Dr NotRight you crack me up. Puddy doesn’t live on Kos; you do! Puddy changes the discussion per the the person who enters another thought. You on the other hand being stuck on stupid think the world revolves around them. When Diddled Lover whipped out Selig S. Harrison’s diatribe on North Korea, it percolated bubble memory on something Puddy read about him not so long ago. Then Bingo Puddy remembered it. This guy was part of the Carter team that failed so miserably. Then he has the unmitigated gall to blame the team failures on Bush when Bush was governor of Texas. It seemed his talking points are right out of the Dr NotRight playbook. So Puddy entered
Seems your lace panties got spun up again. You always get agitated when Puddy finds your sources. Good.
Biggest bunch of crap Puddy has ever read. It’s your “progressive” party who castigates anyone Democratic who is against Gay Marriage, Abortion, ACLU, ACORN, etc. Need to see the links for the 3 MILLIONTH TIME Dr NotRight? Why is it we on the right must accept the “holy grail of Dr NotRight” without dissent? Puddy thought Hillary said “We need to stand up and say we’re Americans, and we have the right to debate and disagree with any administration.” Yep, that’s so progressive of you.
Yes, those European models are working real well. Try reading for a change.
Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@105 using the HuffPo to make another worthless point. Anytime you use libtards to argue a libtard point it isn’t a point fool.
Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@102 farted
Here’s the same response to this silly comment Puddy gave Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot the last time he farted it.
Your two financial wizard henchmen, Barney Apartment Prostitution Ring Frank and Chris Sweetheart Loan Deal Dodd, could have stopped it. They are the “brightest” financial minds in the Democratic. They “occupy” the head banking chairs. But they didn’t. And that’s what you libtards don’t get. You run the Congress. Your team provides the “oversight”, except when the crap hits the fan then you all resort to the finger pointing tactic.
And Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot, every treasury appointment made by Paulson was a Democratic fundraiser for Hillary, Kerry or Obama. Puddy posted these for your viewing 4 times now. Puddy sees not only are you the Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot of HA but you don’t process facts too well.
well, yeltsin with the help of bill clinton sold russia off to the jew oligarchs, and thats whats happening now in the us
Have to read more about the fracas…but heard that Steele apologized to Limbaugh. I was happy that the RNC chose Steele even though one can say that tyhe move may be cosmetic, but I am still trying to get an ideological pulse on the guy. When Steele goes after Rush (who shouldn’t be above criticism)what is the message that is going out? Is Steele saying that he’s really in the camp of David Frum & Co.?
109 – LMAO!!!
The chimp signed or (vetoed) the legislation..
The chimp ran the government…
The chimp signed the legislation..
The chimp ran the government…
What a moronic, braindead fool you are!
Paulson? Gave 80 percent of his political contributions to REPUBLICANS! Now you’re paranoid as usual about some Democratic conspiracy. That tinfoil is so thick it’s replaced the calcium in your bonehead.
Lame and insane… Go back to listening to the noises that whale is making through his viagra-pumped blowhole!
Stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@112 forgets or purposely ignores
Wendy Paulson gave $401,000 to Democrat jockstraps. Wendy Paulson gave $0 to Republicans. Wendy Paulson has NO JOB! So where did these funds come from stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@112?
What is that %age stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@112?
No refutation of every treasury appointment made by Paulson was a Democratic fundraiser for Hillary, Kerry or Obama. Puddy guesses you gave up stupid knuckle dragging clueless village idiot@112? Surely you can find a low level appointment?
Yes Bush signed it. He isn’t responsible for Democratic failures in Congress to provide oversight. TARP1 was wrong and Puddy said so. Puddy said no to GM/Chrysler bailout. Steve can help you find the links.
113 –
No she didn’t. You’re a liar. She gave maybe 40 grand to Democrats. Combined with Hank’s giving that about equals the 55 grand or so the WAPO wrote. The rest she gave to conservation voters. Lots of Republicans support conservation. Ronnie Raygun himself said he supported conservation.
That’s not true. She gave plenty to Republicans: Morella, Chaffee, Shays, Boehlert, Zimmer, Kirby, Kelly and last but not least John McSame
Don’t know ask her.
Probably right wing bullshit but so what? Paulson’s the boss and the boss is a Republican.
So why didn’t he veto it?
What happened to HIS oversight? He runs the government fool.
And the chimp you voted for twice signed it into law. Don’t look at me. You voted for him.
Darth Cheney said yes to the bailout for the car companies otherwise it’s Herbert Hoover time for the Republicans. The Chimp approved the funds.
heh. Indeed… The joke’s on you fool.
stupid cluless village idiot,
It was your Open Secrets link which showed her $401,000 giving fool. The clueless village idiot posts the link then forgets he posted the link. Great job stupid clueless village idiot. So she really gave $441,000.
She has no job, so Hank Paulson gave it fool!
So if GWB ran the government then, and the stock market has dropped 2800 points since Obama’s coronation then it’s his fault! Thanks fool for finally saying something cogent after all these years.
The rest of @114 is worthless blatherings from Goldy pet chimp!
Last I looked it was back up today. Only a fool would attibute that to Obama.
GDP shrank 6 PERCENT in the last quarter 2008.
That happened on your Chimpanzee’s watch. Yeah times are shitty TEACH.
And it’s the fault of you dumbass, shitforbrains right wingers.
hey, who’s the chimp, obama?
And I don’t know where you get that 401k figure. My open secrets search for Wendy shows 89 grand in IL and NY.
You’re too braindead.
Hey Stupes, there’s your buddy calling Obama a chimp.
Call out to him Stupes. He’s the biggest fan of God’s chosen people like you right? He’s just got an interesting way of showing it.
ylb, explain this to me because i’m not that bright. it’s ok to call bush a chinp but not obama. is that the point?
The thing I love about the truth is not how stooopid she is, but how oblivious she is to how stooopid she comes across.
I realize that we all make typos and occasionally misuse the English language – but the “truth” (such an egotistical name) sure has a way with words. I would say that that way with words was probably honed all the way through the third grade.
Truth – thank you so much for amusing us with your intelligence and insightfulness (sic).
Poor Puddy – still beating that dead horse?
Only in your addled brain does Paulson’s wife giving to a conservation organization somehow make Paulson a democrat.
All those hundreds of thousands Pauslosn gave to the republican national committee, the over 100K he gave to become a Bush pioneer (who knows how much he more he bought his Treasury dept. post for?) and the appointment by Bush to Treasury secretary somehow is negated by contributions to ….a conservation organization?
Hahahaha – you are a bigger fool than we even believed. You can’t admit you are wrong again – so instead you argue absurdity as truth.
You are only missing one thing in your argument….logic.
Does russia know that bush is gone and now the obama is in office.
Don’t they trust the obama either?
Dr NotRight isn’t right tonight:
That organization came out and supported John Effin Kerry and his causes. Puddy placed their web site and what they said on this blog fool. Sorry your mind is so self-drugged you miss facts.
And to be a Bush Pioneer you help raise the money (not give it) just like a Hill-Raiser. But unlike Hillary, it was legal monies.
Go back to your meds Dr NotRight. You have a brain imbalance. Are you leaning too much to the left? We know your are NotRight!
Dr NotRight is not right.
The Truth is dying fool. He stated it last week.
Please stay moronic. You are doing a great job!
PRESIDENT OBAMA – highest ratings of all time –
GOP COWARDS – lowest ratings of all time –
Nuff Said!
Stillbentover@26: That statement was covered this past week.
You lost.
It’s moot now however if it’s a broken toy why is Russia putting up a ruckus over installing it.
Being Putin is now dealing with obama he pushed obama and his deal over the cliff. That is hard negotiations that surprised the little kid.