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Sean Hannity Uses Glenn Beck’s Protest Footage | ||||
Fake News, magically making trees grow back their leaves in late Autumn. Supporting Fake News channel is an unnatural act in more ways than one. Their fraud knows no limits.
UPDATE Nov. 12 10:45 AM– Sean Hannity has admitted he was wrong and has apologized.
Oh I don’t know – they’ve got the best lookin’ babes on TV. That’s got to count for something!
Hey Jon DeVore, you finally put something of substance here.
@1 I’d put CNBC’s Erin Burnett and Becky Quick up against the Fox women.
Like our trolls, Fox creates it’s own reality. Apparently, the reality the rest of us share sucks too much for them.
WHAT!!!!??? Fox News is just cheap opinion, mostly based on made up “facts”(tm). I really thought immigrants and gays were destroying America, we found WMDs in Iraq (after they attacked us on 9/11), and creationism is a valid scientific theory which should get equal time with discussing evolution.
Shocking! I NEVER knew that. Wow. Really. Wow.
Hey here’s “fake” news. Everyone last week on the Libtardo MSM was talking in glowing terms of Major Hasan. Even Mmmm Mmmm Mmm said don’t rush to judgment even though he did with the policemen on Henry Gates at Harvard earlier this year. Well gotta hand it to Brian Ross. He smells a real story here on the first terrorist attack on US Soil since 9/11.
Thank you ACLU for the deaths of those 13 peeps at Fort Hood. Great Job!
“To say that this soldier committed suicide is inappropriate. Its more appropriate to say he is a brave hero that sacrificed his life for a more noble cause,” said the Internet posting. “Scholars have paralled (sic) this to suicide bombers whose intention, by sacrificing their lives, is to help save Muslims by killing enemy soldiers.” Major Hasan. He sounds like some HA Libtardos and their support for muslim extremists.
Why is Joe Biden muzzled during this time. His prediction was correct. He was off by a few months. And we agree Joe, the administration’s response is strange.
I don’t know – Megyn Kelly, Marsha McCallum and smoe of the other – they ain’t so bad!!
The truth is that Fox News is hated because they don’t fall down worshiping everything the Milk Chocolate Messiah says an does. Heck, on the election night last year, Chris Matthews on MSNBC had a stiffy and probably would have sucked you-know-who’s Johnson if it had been available. Like Bernie Goldberg says, the mainstream media has become the lame stream media!
Any proof of this asshole?
You’re an extremist yourself. Extremely paranoid, extremely psychotic, extremely batshit insane, extremely stupid hence my name for you – Stupes.
Has Goldy banned you like he did to JCH?
All this slobbering over the right wing females on Faux just makes our point – Faux is eye-candy for the right wing male dipshit demographic.
The dipshit viewer is attracted to the eye-candy so their head can be programmed with right wing bullshit.
ylb arschloch,
Maybe Goldy should ban you fool. 24×7, continual stupidity.
Go back and read some comments from HA Libtardos about the Hizbollah attacks against Israel years ago. Read the comments about others terrorist bus bombings. Or the Israel restaurant bombings. You have the tctmgr database you created you effin moron!!! Use it yourself.
Still stupid even after taking a day off.
9 – No links no proof – moron…
The same fool who can point to HL’s misguided moments in a heartbeat can’t manage this.
As I thought – making shit up.
ylb arschloch,
Puddy has IDENTIFIED this stupidity many times over the years. You want the links? Find them in your tctmgr database fool. You love to hide behind the tctmgr database EXCEPT when you wanna attack. Too bad your chronology is as bad as you are monomaniacal.
Puddy notices you never respond to being the most stupid dumb brick here. Finally sinking in eh?
Yes, you sheep, look over here. Look over here at a comedian on TV ridiculing the right. Don’t think about how the Democrats we told you to vote for, from the local level on up to the president, are doing. Yes, look over here at this TV clip.
You fucking gullible sheep.
@9 Still stupid even after taking a day off.
But Daddy STILL doesn’t have a job after spending all day looking at the tavern yesterday. Mommy says things are going to change real fast, but I don’t know what she’s talking about. Maybe Daddy does.
Puddy’s can’t stand to be around whites 24×7, so by his whack wingnut reasoning, he hates whites 24×7. Hey, what’s good for headless is good for Puddy. So, along that same line, he hates latinos 24×7, gays 24×7, Filipinoes 24×7, Samoans 24×7, Native Americans 24×7, Koreans 24×7, Brits 24×7, Lithuanians 24×7, little children of any race or nationality 24×7, and he probably hates blacks 24×7 as well. Hell, he hates everybody on this planet 24×7, including hating his own wife 24×7. He hates them all 24×7 simply because he can’t stand being around them 24×7. That’s his own fucking reasoning. The SOB is a 24×7 fucking hate-spewing loon who laps up the Fox News lies 24×7.
heh- It goes without saying that he hates progressives 24×7.
Most of the time Fox News doesn’t even bother to back up it’s assertions, it just treats their right-wing propoganda slogans as if they were established facts, and starts from there.
Heard a clip from an interview they had with the lone Republican who voted for the health care program. The interviewer started the interview by saying (as best I can recall) “Given the fact that this Obama Health Bill is a government takeover of the health and insurance industries and will explode the deficit by a trillion dollars or so, how could you explain your vote for the plan…?”
The poor guy, a new Congressmen in a Jefferson’s old district, could only stammer that it was a vote of conscious. He wasn’t expecting to get blindsided by the right-wing freight train. If he had more experience he would have stepped back and challenge the basis of their questions, but instead he’s now fodder for the right-wing extremists who will target him in the next election.
By the way – miracle of miracles, Hannity was forced to apologize on his program for using the old footage to make the recent protest seem larger. But he tried to pass it off as a simple mistake.
Steve, Steve Steve, do you need to see headless’ racism comments again? Do we need to go down that road or has Steve’s Stupid Solution really dulled your senses? And I’m a liar when you can’t remember the last time you shit your pants over accusing Puddy of not chastising Mark Foley?
You truly don’t remember your question to headless? Are you that possessed with 24 hour moronic memory malady?
@17 Yeah, the editors somehow made an innocent little boo-boo by cutting in video from several weeks back when editing tape from only a few days ago. Like Puddy, Hannity just can’t stop lying about everything under the sun. Both lack a moral compass, I reckon.
Puddy says:
BS – put out your proof of this “everyone” – you should be able to show documentation of every major liberal comentator speaking in “glowing terms” of Hasan.
One quote taken out of context won’t cut it….you said everyone.
Sure thing, Puddy. Post the headless “24×7” comment. Show us where he wrote that he hates blacks 24×7. Stupid solution. Sigh! Wingnuts and projection. Will it never end? The only stupid solution around here is the Fox News swill you lap up 24×7.
@12: SDear absolute moron troll:
Yup – those nasty Democrats are fixing the health care mess that costs us billions in taxes each year and takes away from the competitiveness of our businesses and gives us ever incresing costs and les cooverage.
And the republicans……just say no and have no viable plan.
Gee, I am really distracted by Faux News lying about the “big” health care rally.
Maybe you should stop being distractedc by the lies of Faux News. Idiot.
@22 Yup – those nasty Democrats are fixing the health care mess that costs us billions in taxes each year
Health savings? No one knows
Economic Scene – House Health Care Bill Fails to Live Up to Its Goals;st=cse
Golly correctnotright,
Last week Puddy showed you the WA Post and AP on the FBI dropping the ball on Major Hasan when you said there were not updates. Now you question Puddy again…
You see correctnotright, there is a big difference between General Abizaid and Major Hasan, even though they are both ARABS!
Read Evan Thomas’ comments last Friday. Read how he has Pre-traumatic stress syndrome per Bob Herbert. Problem with that is he never went to Iraq. Read what Wajahat Ali said after the attack. Wait a minute… Puddy asking you to read. That’s hard for correctnotright…
Oh, and today Horsey mentioned that there is a viral e-mail being passed along among the right-wingers, which purports to show Australian editorial cartoons critical of U.S. “leftists”, with the explanation that
As Horsey pointed, out, by simply looking at the signatures he was able to recognize that they were drawn by his colleagues and were, in fact, published in U.S. newspapers:
Source: Horsey Column 11Nov2009
When he pointed that out to the person who forwarded the cartoons to him, he received this reply: “Typical leftist reply, personal attack instead of dealing with the facts and truth.”
Seems like a continuing pattern: (a) the wingnuts make stuff up, (b) they get called on it, and (c) they respond with an ad-hominum attack.
I see a simliar tactic on history discussion boards, when the occassional holocaust denier tries to post his/her “newest revelation” which they claim prove that the holocaust never happened. When other posters present evidence to the contrary, and/or show that the original poster’s sources are unreliable or don’t prove what he/she claims they prove, they just resort to ad hominum attacks, and dismiss any evidence supporting the existence of the holocaust as naturally suspect because it is all “part of the Jewish conspiracy”.
You gotta admit, as grand strategy goes, the Republican right wing has been pretty effective, at least with their base. They discredit ALL other media other than the media outlets they control (most AM talk radio stations and Fox News), and then play the victim whenever anyone points out that they are not, indeed, “fair and balanced”.
Troll @ 12,
“You fucking gullible sheep.”
Does your mommy know you talk like this?
Something tells me you’re going to get your mouth washed out with soap this evening, Kiddo.
@25 That’s what Puddy does here in a nutshell. He lies about a headless lucy comment, then attacks when called out on it. What he will not do is post the headless 24×7 comment, as that will only serve to reveal that Puddy is a pathetic liar.
Gee Puddy – -still waiting for your documentation.
As for you mistatements from last week – I pointed out that you cited the FBI NOT charging Foley as “proof” he was innocent but now you criticize the FBI for not stopping Hasan. I merely pointed outr what a hypocrite you were.
Now I am wondering if you can back up your obviously false information….and I got my answer…..Nope.
You changed the subject and avoided the question…back up your slander.
Why Steve,
You wanna be embarrassed over your forgetfulness? Do you want to subject yourself to ridicule of the HA Libtardos who remember this?
You want to give Marvin ammunition against you? This is your last chance, because ylb arschloch has it in his tctmgr archives too.
So Steve just say the word…
Here is one of headless’ comments you responded to before… it’s a tease…
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/14/05 @ 11:58 pm
So Steve, do you wanna see the 24×7 comment? Do you really wanna see it and show the world how your mind is a “terrible thing”?
@23: Xad
Hmm- you forgot about the main points of helath care reform: covering all Americans and not having preexisting conditions excluded ….. that costs money and will offset the savings somewhat …but it is worth it.
Anything of substance that you have? Thought not. Health care reform is long overdue.
My documentation? For your memory deficiencies? Puddy already gave you sufficient data for your “search”.
Go for it. Puddy doesn’t do your biddings…
Here is another tease for you…
Puddybud is a house nigger. But he knows enough not to leave the house at night.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:00 am
Somehow Steve, Puddy does like you. But if you insist Puddy will whip out the 24×7 comment.
It’s your choice. Puddy has many headless comments over the years.
Hey ylb arschloch. Start your tctmgr search in the HA 3000 threads.
@28 He never will back up the slander. He just moves from one lie to the next with an occasional post about what a wonderful Christian he is (and we’re not, of course). It will catch up to him. If not in this life, then when he stands before the pearly gates where he’ll likely see a sign posted that reads, “Wingnut liars not welcome”.
Ummm Steve,
Slander… Or is it moronic memory malady? Puddy gave correctnotright the WAPo and AP links last week. Puddy didn’t see any further comments from correctnotright. Now he shows up this week forgetting the WAPost and AP comments from Puddy.
So Steve how do you answer posts 29 & 32? This is just a start of the tease Steve. Puddy has more, up to the culmination 24×7. Marvin has even posted it before just for you Steve.
Simple minds think alike…
@32 A comment in poor taste, obviously, but not evidence of race hate.
Post the 24×7 comment, liar.
Here’s the next one Steve…
There were those who worked in the fields and those who worked in the house. Those who worked in the house protected their positions and felt above those who worked in the fields. But at the end of the day, they were all property. This is a truth the house niggers sought to deny. But it is a truism that Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice understand every day of their lives.
-Comment by headless lucy— 9/16/05 @ 12:22 am
Puddy gonna embarrass you and your lack of memory cells Steve…
@30 but it is worth it.
Don’t be a dope. Obama campaigned on “bending the curve” as a critical component of health care reform because otherwise the country would go bankrupt. Just ignoring it won’t make it go away. Explain for everyone how current legislation addresses this:
Let Puddy know when you are ready for the next one… Puddy gotta go back to work now…
@29 Marvin’s an admitted goatfucker. Why on earth would I give a fuck what that idiot thinks?
Headless with more house nigger stuff. Poor taste but not evidence of race hate. Just as easily seen as disgust with a black man, you, who he sees as betraying his “peeps”. If he hates blacks like you say, wouldn’t he be pleased with such behavior?
Post the 24×7 comment, liar. You say that headless wrote that he hates blacks 24×7. Post the comment.
@37 You only embarrass yourself. Post the 24×7 comment.
In due time Steve, in due time…
Next Steve embarrassing memory moment…
You guys are like house niggers that can’t see who they really are.
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/14/2005 at 11:58 pm
Steve, Puddy has quite a few more to go… Or you could man up and ask headless why he said the 24×7 comment and end your slow torture by facts.
39: I suspect that posting here IS your job.
Nope. Puddy works from home. How else can Puddy afford $30K a year for two in WA University? You think Puddy getting handouts like ylb arschloch? See ya back in 3 hours for the next Steve entry.
More house nigger stuff. Proof of headless’s love for blacks and disgust with you. Where’s the race hate in that?
Puddy just can’t seem to find the 24×7 comment. No doubt because it will show him to be a liar. Not that we didn’t already know.
Puddy lives in a white neighborhood. What’s up with that? Can’t stand to be around blacks 24×7?
correctnotright, ylb and Steve,
My advice is that you just ignore the Pudster. I’ve quit donning the Puddy decoder goggles to even try and figure out what he is saying. I simply don’t read his comments anymore.
Why? Because Puddy is fundamentally dishonest. He will simply lie and misrepresent for his cause. His PuddyWorld™ interpretations of almost everything he writes about are simply Puddy twisting reality into something it is not, because his “cause” is more important to him than honesty or reality.
And Steve @ 34 is correct about his religious hypocracy. When Puddy first came here, he frequently cast himself as a devout Christian. Yet, there is nothing in his behavior that would appear consistent with Christian philosophy, or the teachings of Christ. Rather than being an “earthly representative of Christ” in the “great controversy” of humanity, Puddy’s behaviors, attitudes, dishonesty, lack of humility, and lack of compassion seems to put him in the service of Satan!
The only alternative explanation is that Puddy views his “work” here as a role-playing game, so that he is not really lying and distorting, that is just his character. If so, then I simply have no use for him or his games. I expect honesty and integrity in debate, and a character in a role-playing game has no obligation for either.
IMO the entertainers of all the cable news channels are suspect. Hannity got caught making false assertions about the size of the crowd. Recently CNN and others were caught running stories on Rush Limbaugh that were blatant falsehoods.
They’re all suspect
Well said, Darryl. Whether he believes what he spews or not doesn’t matter, the Puddy package delivered here is a waste of our time.
@5 Uhhh, Pudwax….This is America. We have a Constitution that among other things entitles Hasan to a fair trial (and presumption of innocence until then) even if he’s the spawn of Satan and jerks off every morning to a picture of Osama. Just like you and I are.
That’s the way our country’s worked for two and a quarter centuries. It’s part of what makes America America. It’s in fact one of the better things about America. If you don’t like it, go someplace else.
Right Stuff @ 48,
While I agree with you to an extent, there is one fundamental difference between the two cases. In the first case, Hannity was using old footage to create a false impression of a larger crowd (and, in fairness, Hannity may have been unwittingly duped by a producer, so my comment is more about someone associated with his show).
In the CNN case, news anchors were attributing a quote to Rush Limbaugh that he apparently never made. The fake quote was widely cited and attributed in the blogosphere. CNN picked up the quotation without doing due diligence to verify its authenticity.
Not verifying the quote is bad–we have higher expectations for real news organizations–but it doesn’t sink to the level of making stuff up the way Hannity’s show did.
Re: 47, 49…
He’s got nuthin’…is nuthin’.
Steve @ 49,
“Whether he believes what he spews or not doesn’t matter, the Puddy package delivered here is a waste of our time.”
It has occurred to me that a possible reason for Puddybud’s bizarre habit of writing in the third-person is that he considers Puddybud a character. Therefore, all the lies and nastiness that he writes isn’t coming from him. He is simply channeling this character as a detached observer. (This way, I suppose, he can feel his Christian purity is preserved even if that Puddybud character acts in the service of Satan.)
If you interact with Puddy in the future, perhaps you can probe at that a bit, and find out whether Puddy is a real person, or just a character.
Hmmmm.. No links yet from Stupes on HA folks supporting muslim extremism – just a lot of hot air..
Looks like Puddy needs to go to the center and kickstart some hardware.
You betcha Puddy trolls here. With the disingenuous attacks on PacMan and how he was unmercifully treated by headless and donnageddon and ylb arschloch Puddy has gone to the troll zone.
And Darryl, when Puddy has to repeatedly post the same thing over and over and over because these morons have no memory of their own comments or those of others Puddy has gone to the troll zone.
You have so many libtardo fools on your side it’s hilarious. Puddy posted this before and no one wanted to engage… and Puddy knows why
Puddy has a question for the HA weasel moronic class.
If we whom think right are to “accept” 53% of Americans who voted for Barack Obama and live with his “policies”, why can’t you HA Libtardos live with 55% of America who think marriage is between a man and a woman?
All your side wants to do is engage in destructive dialog (rujax is a prime example), repeat the same thing over and over (Roger Dumb Bunny and correctnotright are prime examples), reject facts over and over (many HA Libtardos are prime examples).
So if you want to condone the continual stupidity on your side while this country goes down the tubes with the “great” economists on Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm’s staff, you are doing a great job!
You see Darryl ylb arschloch is a prime example
Puddy told ylb arschloch where to start his link search. Puddy told ylb arschloch to start in the 3000 level for the search. He’ll see all the apologists comments.
Puddy ain’t gonna continue to posts those things forgotten by HA Libtardos with moronic memory malady.
See ya ylb arschloch. Puddy has to travel for a while to kick some hardware.
Gonna pollute the air with the Puddy gaz guzzler!
@53 Darryl
IMO it’s the “idealogues” behind the cameras who are very much the problem with the packaged “news” of today.
For me, I don’t trust any “news” show at face value. None have been able to maintain my trust, therefore everything they report is assumed incomplete, incorrect, or plain false.
My $.02
Whatever Darryl. You are “always’ right! Oops… left!
@47 I expect honesty and integrity in debate, and a character in a role-playing game has no obligation for either.
We’ll be sure to record this for posterity.
What a hypocritical blowhard . . .
I for one have tried to engage you in constructive dialogue over the years and just got “kablammo and bullshittium” in return. Not to mention irrelevant quotes twisted out of context, half-baked religious quackery and all the rest of the horseshit you crap all over these comments.
53% of the American public certainly DO NOT believe in denying same sex couples the right to civil union or even marriage. Clearly and finally a majority in Washington State disagree with homophobic bigots like you who would actually TAKE AWAY a right outlined in the Declaration of Independence. And that would be the “pursuit of happiness”.
Here’s a question you won’t answer: Just what possible harm does a same sex marriage or civil union bring to you, or the overwhelming majority of heterosexual couples and/or heterosexual marriages. What kind of documentable, concrete examples are there? I really really want to know, because in all this fevered debate, I have never seen a real solid case made.
Shock me. Be the first.
I won’t hold my breath.
Wow Puddy, can’t take that your buddies at Fox were caught in a blatant lie. I thought you righties were morally pure and against lying and stuff.
Hey Puddy:
# 39 at 9:28 a.m. – “Puddy gotta go back to work now…”
# 44 at 9:37 a.m. – “Nope. Puddy works from home. How else can Puddy afford $30K a year for two in WA University? You think Puddy getting handouts like ylb arschloch? See ya back in 3 hours for the next Steve entry.”
# 55 & 10:27 a.m. – “You betcha Puddy trolls here….”
I’m confused. Is there a Puddy universe where 58 minutes equals three hours?
Yes. They’ve been investigating this guy for well over a year.
Bush was president then, so I guess it’s all his fault.
“Sources: Pentagon worker investigated Hasan last year, found nothing amiss”
@62 I’m confused.
On the other hand, he DOES have a job, rhp6033. And for someone who claims to be a good Christian you sure spend a lot of time making fun of your fellow man.
@53 “If you interact with Puddy in the future, perhaps you can probe at that a bit, and find out whether Puddy is a real person, or just a character.”
I take it that it’s just an adopted persona. Same with Klynical. Marvin? He really is fucking dumb as a rock.
I’m often reminded here of Winston Smith’s struggles with 2+2=5. Do Puddy and Klynical really believe that 2+2=5? Or have they only reached the level where they can spew it and come off as convinced of their belief, but don’t really believe it? For us it really shouldn’t matter. Haven’t we heard that 2+2=5 bullshit long enough? It’s just become too fucking tiresome for words to care whether or not these fucks actually believe it.
willow/jon/sue/bJav/etc. @ 64,
“On the other hand, he DOES have a job,”
Unlikely. Puddy (or the person that plays Puddy) may have some occasional pick-up consulting work now, but it appears he is no longer doing the 9-5 thing like he was when I met him. I understand he is pretty much underemployed right now.
“rhp6033. And for someone who claims to be a good Christian you sure spend a lot of time making fun of your fellow man.”
What the fuck are you babbling about? Pointing out a glaring inconsistency is making fun of someone?? It is, apparently, from newness to this forum that you make such a statement. You likely don’t realize that rhp6033 is one of the most civil of commenters ’round here.
The thing that makes propaganda so successful is the repetition.
PuddWaxx ‘n Pals keep up the same din year after year and no matter how many times you refute their talking points, they repeat them anew as if nothing had happened.
But this is what makes the comment threads so entertaining — especially to new readers.
So go ahead Waxx, keep spewing the same old hack. Just rolls right off my back!
Het, bro., yer jaw gone slack.
“So go ahead Waxx, keep spewing the same old hack. Just rolls right off my back!
Het, bro., yer jaw gone slack.”
I made that up myself — too bad rap’s dead. Better keep my day job.
Anyone who believes this “mistake” was “inadvertent” believes the rest of the crap that Rupert Murdoch’s propaganda channel broadcasts, too; and no amount of facts or reasoning will persuade them otherwise. But it doesn’t matter, because no one listens to this bullshit except the unpersuadable, anyway.
@66 he DOES have a job
“Unlikely . . . it appears he is no longer doing the 9-5 thing . . . I understand he is pretty much underemployed right now . .”
Well, you be sure to let us know when you settle on a definitive answer, eh? Meanwhile, it SURE looks like rhp6033 has some time to spare of his own.
“Pointing out a glaring inconsistency is making fun of someone??”
Well, it can be. For example, when I called you a “hypocritical blowhard” above I was pointing out YOUR inconsistency and having a little fun along the way. Apparently, I also hurt some feelings to boot, you big huggable lug!
59. bJav spews:
70. willow spews:
So Willow/bJav, how many handles are you posting under?
Enquiring minds want to know
Is Willow/bJav also ButtPutty?
Is Willow/bJav/ButtPutty on the RNC payroll?
Is Willow/bJav/ButtPutty really “Bulldog” James Guckert?
willow/bJav/jon/sue etc. @70
“Well, you be sure to let us know when you settle on a definitive answer, eh?”
“Meanwhile, it SURE looks like rhp6033 has some time to spare of his own.”
Your suggestion smacks of laziness. Here are the facts:
rhp6033 has posted 76 comments total this month.
Puddybud? He’s posted 134 comments in the past 24 hours alone!
“For example, when I called you a “hypocritical blowhard” above I was pointing out YOUR inconsistency and having a little fun along the way.”
Oh? I hadn’t really noticed. What inconsistency are you claiming (and if you chose to answer, please try to offer factual evidence for whatever it is you are claiming)?
“Apparently, I also hurt some feelings to boot, you big huggable lug!”
Maybe, but I doubt you’ve hurt anyone’s feelings. There are a few trolls on HA who feel the need to change their screen name frequently—sometimes within the same thread. (It’s a low self esteem thing, I suspect.) Doing so makes them seem like outsiders, and most commenters simply ignore ’em.
Ekim @ 72,
No…not Puddy.
@73 Your suggestion smacks of laziness.
Tsk, tsk, tsk. YOUR assertion of Puddy’s employment is mere guesswork – you really have no idea what his situation is. He probably works harder than you do even in a part-time capacity, and I wouldn’t be surprised if his clients love him!
Out of mere curiosity, how do you fare with your students? Just asking . . .
Oh? I hadn’t really noticed.
Well, THAT is no surprise!
Maybe, but I doubt you’ve hurt anyone’s feelings.
Maybe? These are YOUR feelings – it’s the one thing you don’t have to guess about you big lug.
There are a few trolls on HA who feel the need to change their screen name frequently—sometimes within the same thread. (It’s a low self esteem thing, I suspect.) Doing so makes them seem like outsiders, and most commenters simply ignore ‘em.
Blowhard, par excellence!
Willow/bJav/Bulldog Guckert @ 75
Darryl’s assertions are better than Faux News. As has been solidly and repeatedly established, Faux News is a right wing propaganda organ, kind of like the old USSR Pravda.
willow @ 75
“YOUR assertion of Puddy’s employment is mere guesswork”
I didn’t assert anything about Puddy’s employment.
“you really have no idea what his situation is.”
In fact, I know more than I let on. Your assertion that I don’t have factual information about Puddy’s employment is guesswork (and incorrect).
“Out of mere curiosity, how do you fare with your students?”
We usually split it.
“Maybe? These are YOUR feelings”
MY feelings???? Surely you’ve mistaken MY feelings for SOMEONE ELSE’S feelings. Or you’re simply babbling.
@77 I didn’t assert anything about Puddy’s employment.
Unlikely. Puddy (or the person that plays Puddy) may have some occasional pick-up consulting work now, but it appears he is no longer doing the 9-5 thing like he was when I met him. I understand he is pretty much underemployed right now.
Of course not, you big lovable lug!
“Out of mere curiosity, how do you fare with your students?”
We usually split it.
Hmmm, so how DO you fare on those evals from your students? Care to share?
willow/bJav/jon/sue etc. @ 78,
Read my statement again, dumbshit. I made no “assertion” about Puddy’s employment. (Hint: You may want to look up the definition of “assertion” and re-read my statement very carefully).
“Hmmm, so how DO you fare on those evals from your students?”
Like I said, we usually split it.
@79 Read my statement again, dumbshit. I made no “assertion” about Puddy’s employment. (Hint: You may want to look up the definition of “assertion” and re-read my statement very carefully).
Unlikely. Puddy (or the person that plays Puddy) may have some occasional pick-up consulting work now, but it appears he is no longer doing the 9-5 thing like he was when I met him. I understand he is pretty much underemployed right now.
Tsk, tsk, tsk, hurt feelings again. Whatever you say, you big LOVABLE lug!
Regarding student evals, I KNOW you’ve seen these before:
“He’s a little lazy and makes students do much of the grunt work. He tends to be a little obscure. He’s an easy grader, though, and if you’re motivated to learn on your own, you might enjoy the company.”
“This class should have been helpful for my research, but I learned little to nothing. Dr. Holman frequently was unprepared, and often ended class early.”
“Completely unorganized. Didn’t have lectures prepared. Made students feel stupid when they didn’t udnerstand.”
No wonder you’re SUDDENLY at a loss for words! Of course, your evals MAY tell a different story, but we just don’t know. And I’m definitely NOT making any assertions here!
Puddy just got back. Puddy thought he could bring the racks back but Puddy had to make a trip, create some CO2 and leave a con trail from low four wheeeled flying. Satisfied now?
willow/bJav/jon/sue/xota/maggie/daves/james, etc @ 80,
Still haven’t figured out what “assertion” means?
“Regarding student evals, I KNOW you’ve seen these before”
Sure. These are dredged up on occasion by the more gullible trolls ’round here. The anonymous internet reviews of professors are always good for a laugh. But the shit they post on similar sites for lawyers? That stuff is even more outrageously hilarious.
“No wonder you’re SUDDENLY at a loss for words!”
Am I SUDDENLY at a loss for words or just suddenly at a loss for words? And what would either mean?
Of course Puddy writes KABLAMMMO to anything from rujax the dumb brick.
Here is another fact which the cinder block is sinking in quicksand…
“Fifty-five percent of voters oppose a law in their state allowing same-sex couples to marry, according to an April 30 poll of more than 2,000 registered voters by Quinnipiac University.”
Here is another rujax ya dumb cinder block from early October 2009
The Pew Research Center survey’s Friday release comes on the eve of President Barack Obama’s speech in front of gay rights advocates at the Human Rights Campaign banquet in the nation’s capital. The following day, same-sex activists plan to march on the Mall in Washington.
According to the poll, 57 percent of people questioned support civil unions, a slight uptick, with 37 percent opposed. The survey suggests that 53 percent oppose legalizing same sex marriage, with 39 percent in favor, basically unchanged from a year ago.
Find the posts fool!
So you can scream and shout hem and haw but the facts show your comments are ALWAYS dead on arrival.
See ya fool!
Hey Darryl,
Contrary to liberal beliefs, Puddy has two gigs right now… Each allow Puddy to work from home and they DON’T overlap. Today Puddy had to travel to use the hardware sledge hammer. Puddy has “pictures” of certain HA Libtardos on the systems and that’s where the “love taps” occur. Yep, Puddy’s industry is in a lull right now. Data Centers are not going up like they used to.
@82 Sure. These are dredged up on occasion by the more gullible trolls ’round here. The anonymous internet reviews of professors are always good for a laugh.
Boy, you’re SURE working hard to avoid sharing those evals. The ONLY evals available online were negative – run a simulation!
A Monte Carlo one!
Bwaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
To the Person playing Puddybud,
We have a handful of mutual friends, so I’m not entirely unaware, but I obviously would not discuss details openly here. I’m very happy for you that you have “two gigs.” Unemployment and underemployment is really, really lousy, and I wouldn’t wish it upon anyone.
That said, a day or two ago, I though I saw you taunting another commenter about his unemployed status. Given that your circumstance could be different/worse, I am perplexed and saddened that you would do such a thing.
Perhaps you can ask your Puddy character why he is such an asshole to real people.
Hey Headless@68,
Steve wonders why you hate blacks 24×7. Go ahead and tell him or should Puddy place more of your “pithy” commentary first.
Your call headless.
willow/bJav/jon/sue/xota/maggie/daves/james, etc @ 85,
“Boy, you’re SURE working hard to avoid sharing those evals.”
Huh. Does it seem to you like I’m working hard at it? It feels like I’m putting a minimal effort into not sharing them….
Due to unfortunate circumstances Puddy and whole bunch of other great people in a division were left unemployed. In fact it happened to about 9,000 of us in our industry. Peeps with 30 years were let go. Even venture capitalist buds were let go. Butt my industry is now picking up. Butt, Puddy also was looking and found two new gigs. That’s the big difference here Darryl.
The ylb arschloch is looking for a job? Who knew. Now Puddy has two in college and Puddy is paying $30K a year to keep them from taking out college loans. Puddy not taking handouts. Puddy could have taken lower paying positions almost immediately butt again Puddy took time to find better paying gigs. Yep Puddy told SeattleJew his status, knowing it may be discussed in certain circles.
Real peeps on HA? Irrelevant on a leftist pinhead blog which seldom covers real news. When it covers real news the leftists get all up in arms when the other side is correctly portrayed. Puddy measured the other side and decided since he was called buttpacker buttpuddy etc., it’s the only way to discuss the issues here.
And speaking of arschlochs, you are no “saint” dude bass amplifier suggestion aside.
Well, gee, I guess this is ALL we’ve got to go on:
“He’s a little lazy and makes students do much of the grunt work. He tends to be a little obscure. He’s an easy grader, though, and if you’re motivated to learn on your own, you might enjoy the company.”
“This class should have been helpful for my research, but I learned little to nothing. Dr. Holman frequently was unprepared, and often ended class early.”
“Completely unorganized. Didn’t have lectures prepared. Made students feel stupid when they didn’t udnerstand.”
Your RELUCTANCE to share – an understatement! – is understandable if the public data is any indication!
And you’re still a blowhard, big lug!
willow/bJav/jon/sue/xota/maggie/daves/james, etc @ 85,
“And you’re still a blowhard, big lug!”
Hugs and kisses back at ya, Squirt.
@92 Hugs and kisses back at ya, Squirt.
Don Joe – wherever he’s disappeared to – use to enjoy that term frequently, too. Just saying . . .
Notice how Darryl will identify you if you are a sockpuppet but when confronted over headless lucy and all his sockpuppets Darryl is mum?
And he calls Puddy an arschloch!
Why isn’t anyone covering ACORN trying to sue the Feds to get their government largess back? Hey it was only $3mill a year per certain leftist pinheads…
That’s the hypocrite portion of Darryl and HIS identities. The blowhard portion is plastered as far as the eye can see, above!
And I still want those evals, that SHOULD BE in the public domain!
Person playing Puddybud @ 94,
“Notice how Darryl will identify…”
You’re mistaken. If I have identified willow/bJav/jon/sue/xota/maggie/daves/james, etc, who is she?
But, I was interested in a comment you made @ 84:
I put on my Puddy Decoder Goggles and it sure seems like you are boasting that you have captured on one or more servers internet-use data for some HA commenters with whom you have ideological disagreements. Is that right?
If so, I sure hope it is your character Puddy talking, and not you, because otherwise your statement would have come dangerously close to confessing to a very serious crime.
“And he calls Puddy an arschloch!”
No, no, no. I called the character you play an asshole, not you!
Maybe you could do a Freedom of Information Act request.
What? Now you are swirling in the toilet. Puddy gets his pictures from the same web site where Roger Dumb Bunny displayed the three rabbits in the “go” position. Remember ylb arschloch and rujax dumb cinder block?
So Saint Darryl,
What is your take on Nancy Pelosi and her comments regarding jail time… These are issues Puddy would love to discuss butt the moronic class will go nasty so Puddy stays that way since a real discussion very seldom seen anymore. This was identified by Puddy some time ago.
I ask for a simple link and this blowhard has still not delivered.
Plenty of HL stuff but nothing on HA commenters supporting muslim extremists.
Instead there’s orders to go on some wild goose chase. Uhhh not gonna do it.
And he’s refused to back up his bullshit to CNR. Yaaaawwwwn. I call right wing bullshit.
Darryl, you are too generous with this fiend. AFAIC, there is NO difference between the “mind” that spews here and the one you encounter in public.
One and the same.
Pud- would you have been willing to put Civil Rights for African Americans up to a popular vote in 1963?
Or do you get to choose what standard applies to which issue?
Here is a link:
@88 “Steve wonders why you hate blacks 24×7.”
Steve wonders why Puddy continually pulls turds from his ass and tries to pass them off as other people’s comments.
103 – No link to be seen. Fail! Such is the way of the right wing. Thanks for playing.
the only FAIL is your career.
You claim headless didn’t say he hate blacks 24×7. Puddy has a link which he will eventually post which headless said the opposite. ylb arschloch has the link too in his tctmgr. Puddy knows ylb arschloch does because Puddy replayed the link by putting the Time and Date Stamp on it for all to see.
So to make it easy for you Puddy asked headless to clarify his statement. It’s plain and simple Steve. You continue to play the goat. You continue to play the fool.
Pud- Context? you @ 55 and 83 above. Some one with your ability to remember what others posted years ago cannot remember what he posted a few hours ago?
You put gay rights to marry up to a public poll result. I simply asked you what other rights should have this standard applied.
That’s why Puddy asked you for context. Puddy wanted to make sure you were going down that worthless equivalence path. Two weeks ago Puddy placed Jesse Jackson’s and other black leaders remarks saying THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCE BETWEEN THE BLACK STRUGGLE AND GAYS!
So K, were any of your gay friends house or field niggers? Were they called that lately? Just checking dude.
Apparently reading isn’t fundamental for “K”. Hence you’ll not get another response from Puddy on this.
106 – How’d the issues you voted on Nov 3 do?
All mine succeeded.
I-1033 – Rejected
R-71 – Approved
KC Exec – Dow Constantine.
Seattle Mayor – Mike McGinn
I bet it was nothing but a downer for right wing dipshits – like you.
i.e. FAIL!
re 110: We’re not Progressives now. We’re Liberals.
You must have forgotten.
re 108: “You claim headless didn’t say he hate blacks 24×7.”
No. That’s not what he said. He asked YOU if you could stand to be around anyone 24/7 — be they Latinos, whites , blacks or anyone.
Steve burnt one of your favorite straw men.
But his larger point was that you distort facts and are a congenital liar.
re 108: “You claim headless didn’t say he hate blacks 24×7.”
You will never find that quote — because it does not exist.
Here’s a racist comment from Marvin for PuddWaxx to obsess over:
“8. Marvin Stamn spews:
1. Michael spews:
The world just isn’t that scary of a place.
I guess that all depends on where one lives.
Would you be scared to have your children playing in the front yard if you lived in comp[ton or detroit?”
10/09/2009 at 6:48 am
Marvin thinks that black people scare children.
@111…..any of those gonna help you get a job?
Harry Poon = headless lucy
Wow headless you went back to one of your early sockpuppets. Well headless, Puddy will eventually place your comment here. You asked that of Puddy later but that’s not you originally said in 2005. You see headless, if Puddy didn’t remember the comment, your cousin ylb arschloch would trot it out in another sorry attempt to make Puddy look stupid. He has every PuddyMissive. Butt you see ylb arschloch hasn’t. Don’t worry because Puddy has all your other comments too. Puddy will place them slowly for all to see.
Now regarding Marvin, he can place it here any time he wants too because you attacked him above. Since Puddy’s sister lives in Detroit, Puddy knows the fear of peeps there.
“PacMan’s such a fine example of his race! If he were a shade lighter we’d let him play with us on the baseball team.”
-Comment by headless lucy— 09/16/2005 at 6:57 am
No relation. Making shit up again I see.
or fantasizing things like any hope of relevance.
Got that link of HA commenters supporting muslim extremism? Plenty of HL but not that?
Carry on fool – with your ugly right wing lies.
All these sock puppets go to your church fiend?
ylb arschloch,
Puddy noticed you didn’t produce the link showing what headless really said because if you did it would corroborate what Puddy has said all the time about headless 24×7. Thanks for playing ylb arschloch. You did Puddy’s bidding and you didn’t realize it.
Last time fool… You use that vaulted tctmgr and start in Goldy’s threads in the 3000s. There are three threads that stand out in the 3000s if your search is a “good” as you “claim”. Start around May 2007, then move forward. You’ll hit them. Then navigate to the 5000s threads. You’ll hit more. Puddy will start placing them after you prove how much of a search failure you are even though you have all that time on your hands.
Puddy thought you were skilled. Now Puddy knows better.
Would Puddy find it “stressful” to be around whites 24/7? How about Indonesians, Inuits or Italians? How about infants? Would that be “stressful” at 24/7? Would you find it “stressful” to be around dying leukemia patients 24/7? Would you find it “stressful” to be around Hindus 24/7? Would you find it “stressful” to be around junior hockey league players 24/7? Would it be a little “stressful” to be around Marvin and Klynical 24/7? How about your own kids? Would you find it to be a little “stressful” to be around them 24/7?
I’m just trying to figure out who or what it is that might find “stressful” you out because for the last five years you’ve been accusing someone of hate when all they said was they found something to be stressful. So who or what would find stressful on a 24/7 basis? Go ahead and lie about this. It’s what you do best. Like when you repeatedly accuse headless lucy of saying he hates blacks when he said nothing of the kind. Isn’t that why you refuse to post the quote? It’d prove you to be the liar that you are.
Steve, Puddy married a dark skinned foreigner. Puddy goes to church with Indonesians, Italians, Danes, Norwegians, Irish, Germans, etc.
End of story.
Now regarding headless, don’t you think ylb arschloch would be the first to prove me wrong. He revels in it Steve. Except he knows the truth.
“End of story”
Your constant lying is certainly not the end of the story. It’s actually the beginning of the story. I have the headless quote. You know it and I know it. I’m just waiting for you to finally post it yourself and for you to admit that you’ve been lying all these years about headless saying that he hates blacks. I tell you what, Puddy, your repeatedly lying about what someone wrote in order to paint them as a racist is one hell of a lot worse than anything headless ever wrote on this blog. Cry out “EPIC FAIL” all you want. It will never change the fact that you’ve been lying all these years.
Why Steve? it was a culmination of all of the other comments he wrote about “niggers”. Any peep with a brain knows when you’ve called blacks niggers for the past few days and then makes the “stressful” comment is trying to ruin someone’s feelings.
You are too damn dense to get that because you are white and don’t understand demeaning racial commentary.
You’re still lying, Puddy. For some reason you just can’t stop. Headless never “called blacks niggers”.
Puddy still waiting for headless to prove he ain’t white.
Show up at a DL and show yourself fool!
Puddy is an ass who believes he can win arguemnts by making rules. Pretty shallow and meaningless.
Gay friend were called a variety of hateful names. That they are not the same is meaningless. Gay friends have been beaten and killed. That therewere fewer is also meaningless. What is meaningful is that you are a hateful individual who refuses to engage in honest discussion (remember my attempt to engage you in carbonate-bicarbonate equilibira?), who calls others childish names and who glories in his silliness.
I’ve got better things to do tonight with the family.
K – In a forum such as this the chance of having a civil conversation are slim and none. You have the standard libtardo weasels who will ridicule anything Puddy says. You see them in action everyday. In a 1:1 setting we could have an interesting coversation.
I haven’t produced it because I haven’t looked for it. Not on my todo list fiend. Now what? You’re going to say I agreed to look for it because I never said I wouldn’t?
Go ahead make my day fool.
Now you’re fantasizing again.
I told you once before I’m not going on a wild goose chase. You have no problem coughing up all kinds of bullshit links yet you can’t even show (through a link) ONE example of HA liberal commenters supporting muslim extremism.
Too silly.
Heh. Oh I get it now. (It’s a little late.)
This is a test of my “skillz”.
I already told you my “skill set”. Don’t you remember? What’s with the swiss cheez hole “bubble memory” today fiend?
It’s this: