The time will come for the men responsible to answer for their behavior.
So spoke Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas) after state and federal judges failed to intervene in the Terri Schiavo case. To read this merely as a veiled threat would be naive, for there was nothing veiled about it. Nor was the judiciary its only target. That DeLay left both the implied retribution and its intended target unspecified, comes as yet another example of the extreme right-wing’s increasing willingness to threaten the lives and livelihoods of all those it perceives as the opposition. And as this threat comes from the House Majority Leader, it should be taken seriously by all Americans, for it demonstrates how disturbingly comfortable the Republican leadership has become in adopting a rhetorical tone that can only be described as fascistic.
And as the Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly pointed out today (“Religious rightists using scary tactics to pad courts“), DeLay is not the only Republican embracing “ugly extremism” in the wake of the Schiavo case. Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) raised the specter of recent courthouse shootings, warning in a speech before the Senate that the judges’ decisions could lead people to “engage in violence.”
Well… it was not really a warning was it? It was more like a threat. And that is how it was understood.
And now the New York Times reports that Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist is joining the chorus of Dominionist voices intent on reframing the battle over judicial confirmations into a religious war: “Frist Set to Use Religious Stage on Judicial Issue.”
As the Senate heads toward a showdown over the rules governing judicial confirmations, Senator Bill Frist, the majority leader, has agreed to join a handful of prominent Christian conservatives in a telecast portraying Democrats as “against people of faith” for blocking President Bush’s nominees.
The event takes place as Frist is threatening the “nuclear option”… changing the Senate rules to eliminate the use of the filibuster to block judicial nominees. But as Connelly points out, Frist’s feigned outrage is nothing more than “rank hypocrisy.” Ninety-five percent of federal court seats are filled… the lowest vacancy rate in 13 years. But while Democrats have blocked only 10 of President Bush’s 215 nominees, Republicans blocked as many as 50 of President Clinton’s.
But that hasn’t stopped Frist, DeLay and the rest of the leadership from converting a political contest into a supposed holy war between the enemies of faith and God-fearing Republicans.
The telecast also signals an escalation of the campaign for the rule change by Christian conservatives who see the current court battle as the climax of a 30-year culture war, a chance to reverse decades of legal decisions about abortion, religion in public life, gay rights and marriage.
“As the liberal, anti-Christian dogma of the left has been repudiated in almost every recent election, the courts have become the last great bastion for liberalism,” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and organizer of the telecast, wrote in a message on the group’s Web site. “For years activist courts, aided by liberal interest groups like the A.C.L.U., have been quietly working under the veil of the judiciary, like thieves in the night, to rob us of our Christian heritage and our religious freedoms.”
What a load of hateful, manipulative crap. Apparently the “thieves in the night” now include such well-known enemies of faith as conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Reagan appointee and devout Catholic, who was the target of calls for impeachment from a conservative conference titled “Remedies to Judicial Tyranny.” Let that be a warning to other Republicans who fail to strictly toe the party line… as the extreme right continues to consolidate its power, you too could become the victim of the latest putsch.
I understand why the MSM is hesitant to raise the specter of fascism… it is an emotionally loaded word, used more often as a political smear than a description of a political philosophy. Connelly avoids the word himself, but comes awfully damn close in his poignant and frightening conclusion:
During the recent Lenten season, this writer read the great pro-life sermons of Clemens von Galen, the Catholic Bishop (later Cardinal) of Muenster. Galen used his pulpit in 1941 to reveal the Nazis’ euthanasia program, and detail human rights abuses by the Gestapo.
Along with the Ten Commandments, Galen cited statute after statute of Germany’s penal code in assailing Nazi abuses.
“Our brothers and sisters, all these things cause me today to recall the old truth, ‘Justitia est fundamentum regnorum,’ justice is the only secure foundation of every form of government,” Galen declared.
Bishop Galen was calling for a totalitarian society to return to the rule of law.
Our religious rightists would subject an independent judiciary, in a free society, to mob intimidation and tyranny of the majority.
We must resist these people.
We must resist fascism.
Yes we must – by the Communist brothers and sisteres currently running the state of Washington.
The only difference between the 2 examples is that YOU like those particular communists and we like the party running the federal government.
Goldy, you look totally ridiculous reaching the conclusions you do about Tom Delay’s simple comment. How you stretch the comment, “The time will come for the men responsible to answer for their behavior”, into “another example of the extreme right-wing’s increasing willingness to threaten the lives and livelihoods of all those it perceives as the opposition” is insane. No reasonable person would arrive at this conclusion. I guess this is a perfect example of why we must take everything you say with less then a grain of salt. After all you are a self confessed propagandist for the democrats and this is a perfect example of liberal propaganda. You are pushing the agenda and this is just another baseless accusation to help your cause. You are losing your entertainment value and are just trying to create controversy where none exists.
I used to like reading your opinions until you confessed they are not your opinions they are just propaganda meant to push the agenda. Whatever it takes I guess, Goldy.
The trolls will be howling at this one. Good post Goldy. Hey, maybe instead of waiting for Frist and the nuclear option the Senate Dems. should just shut down the system right now and bring the theocon/talibaptists to the table.
“The time will come for the men responsible to answer for their behavior”
This really isn’t a lie and not even a threat. They will have to answer for this though in this life or in the next (sorry to all the secular crowd in here… no wait I’m not.)
How is this any different from the National democrats saying they’ll make Bush regret putting forth the nominees he likes and they don’t – NO DIFFERENCE.
How is this different from Washington democrats flat out ignoring the will of the people in all the nonsense they wildly passed this past month – NO DIFFERENCE
How is this different from the dumbest senator in US history telling us she was well aware that her constituents overwhelmingly told her to vote one way but they “didn’t understand” and she did what the hell she and her party wanted – NO DIFFERENCE
This is what the PARTY IN POWER gets to to – they get to put forth their agenda – your damned party did it for 40 long years. The American people finally decided they didn’t like the way things were going under your party and VOTED THEM OUT.
Now it’s our turn and the national whiners can’t stand it and so they stand soley for obstruction instead.
All safe and tucked into your little lefty enclave of Seattle, you liberals have no clue how out of touch you are. You need to get in touch with a few midwesterners or heartlanders or southerners or hell, a few east of the damned mountains and stop listing to your own sopranos singing to your own choir.
I say to Frist: “Go nuclear, baby!”
Show mainstream red state and red county America exactly how low and ugly and mean out-of-power Democrats will go. It will be amazing how many more eyes will be opened by the time the next election comes along.
Bring it on.
What a load of hateful, manipulative crap. Apparently the “thieves in the night” now include such well-known enemies of faith as conservative Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, a Reagan appointee and devout Catholic
Yes, as well as Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor a Roman Catholic who has dared take moderate positions in a number of court decisions.
Catholics are just too liberal for those neocons especially since the Vatican stated that there is no conflict with evolution and catholicisim.
Oh boy, here we go again, blame and accuse the other guy of exactly what your party is guilty of. Smoke and mirrors. Connect the dots, communism….liberalism…. socialism. Been there done that they all failed. But for some reason you liberals don’t get it. Perhaps it’s your incessant need to be noticed, what’s that called, Narcissism, Self-adulation, fascination with thy self. wait, connect even more dots…..socialist/communist leaders just so happen to be narcisists.
For our conservative friends who perhaps have not come across this quite yet:
A visual view of DeLay’s dastardly deeds.
In January 2003, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the arm of the Vatican charged with defending the integrity of Catholic teachings, issued a “doctrinal note” declaring that Catholic officeholders have a “grave and clear obligation” to oppose laws or government policies that permit abortion, euthanasia or human embryo research. That document was approved by Pope John Paul II.
and yes, Schwarzenegger too
You people seem to think the Catholic Church should be like your view of the Constitution – changing to meet YOUR wants and sesires, when in fact the opposite is true for a Catholic – they have the obligation to live up and within the the precepts of the Church.
Great, great, great post, Goldy.
There is no doubt whatsoever that the greatest threat American democracy has ever faced is theocratic fascism, as is proposed by DeLay, Frist, the Family Research Council and the other purveyors of hate.
Despite their ranting and raving and calling themselves the “Christian right,” they actually have no interest in real religion or allowing people to pray and believe as they might desire to do so privately; they only have interest in a fascist dogma that requires everyone to toe the lines THEY have drawn on POLITICAL ISSUES — not religious issues.
Connelly is right on and every thinking American should applaud him, and you, for doing everything you can to point out how dangerous these people are to the traditions of American democracy.
Today, 10 leading former REPUBLLICAN members of Congress attacked the current House leadership for kowtowing to DeLay and his henchmen. Every REPUBLICAN who believes in this country should join in this battle. It is NOT a partisan issue; it is an issue of nothing less than the preservation of our nation’s great heritage as a representative SECULAR democracy.
For our liberal friends who perhaps have not come across this quite yet:
or perhaps this quite yet:
A visual and a summary view of Reid’s dastardly deeds.
Why is it that everytime a republican opens his mouth, you tools start saying “Facist” & “NAZI”
Seriously, you need a history lesson
Chris @ 2
“No reasonable person would arrive at this conclusion.”
Since when are right-wing extremists reasonable people? Reasonable like the guy who planned to go to Terri Schiavo’s hospice with a gun to “rescue” her? Reasonable like Eric Rudolph, the right-wing abortion clinic bomber who killed 2 people and injured 123?
Goldy’s point is that the nut jobs on the right may interpret DeLay’s and Cornyn’s remarks as an invitation to assassinate judges perceived as “liberal.” It’s a point well taken.
These two guys should be impeached.
You boneheads really don’t understand how The Nazi regime rose do you. The last Bastion that they took down was the courts. All in the name of Nationalism, spread by their fear mongering in the name of Christianity, when it had nothing to do with it.
If you can’t see the parallels that Thom Hartman depicts, then get ready to say ” I was just following orders” during the War trials
troll @ 5
“How is this different from Washington democrats flat out ignoring the will of the people in all the nonsense they wildly passed this past month”
Say what??? The people of Washington expressed their will by re-electing a Democratic Senator and 6 Democratic congressmen, voting for the Democratic presidential candidate, electing a Democrat as governor, and electing Democratic majorities to both houses of the legislature.
In case you haven’t noticed, Washington is a Democratic state, and the bills being passed by the Democratic legislature ARE the will of the people.
Here’s why prr:
15 April 2005
The Federalist Patriot No. 05-15
“ Congressional Democrats have declared war against Republicans on the Hill, and in this fight they are not looking to outclass the Grand Old Party with craftier legislation. They are not looking to dazzle the electorate with high-minded promises of more power to the people. They have instead reinstituted what Bill Clinton called “the politics of
personal destruction,” leveling all manner of charges against Delay of which they are more guilty. “
“ For example, there are questions about DeLay’s 1997 trip to Russia, but it was privately (and legally) funded by the National Center for Public Policy Research. When it comes to trips funded by taxpayers, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has spent six times more than Tom DeLay. “
“ Regarding the flap over family members on the political payroll, DeLay came under fire for paying his wife and daughter for their campaign work with campaign funds. In 2002, Sen. Barbara Boxer paid her son $150,000 for similar services from campaign coffers. Vermont Representative Bernie
Sanders has paid his wife and stepdaughter more than $150,000 since 2000. “
“ We pause, however, to note that Delay’s argument that he has followed the same principles and practices of his Demo detractors is not suitable defense, other than to highlight the hypocrisy of his accusers. Since when is it okay for conservatives to exercise the same junketeering as
Democrats? That being said, this attack is really an effort to curb any prospects Delay might have about running for president in ’08, but it may backfire on the Demos as it exposes all their junketeering. “
“ More significantly, what about the real “ethical conduct” news this week? Let’s contrast Delay’s transgressions with the singular — and, we submit, incomparably more serious — crimes of Bill Clinton’s former national security adviser. Sandy Berger recently admitted to having stolen and destroyed classified documents — documents that might have pointed to the Clinton administration’s failure to act on pre-9/11 terrorist threats. Berger copped a plea for, well, 0-days in
prison. Isn’t the Leftmedia the least bit interested in finding out why? Are Delay’s legal but questionable campaign fund practices more important than Berger’s transgressions because the Leftmedia headlines are full of the former and have hardly mentioned the latter? “
prr @ 11
Why is it that every time a Republican opens his mouth, he says “communist”? Republican need a political science lesson.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Joseph Goebbels
In case you haven’t noticed, Washington is a Democratic state, and the bills being passed by the Democratic legislature ARE the will of the people. -Comment by Dubyasux— 4/15/05 @ 9:43 pm
And in case YOU haven’t noticed the United States of America voted in a Republican President, United States of America voted in a Republican Senate and United States of America voted in a Republican House of Representatives.
When that President puts forth a nominee, HE is doing the will of the people. When the House approves that nominee, they are doing the will of the people and when the minority LIBERALS in the senate obstruct that nominee, they are ignoring the will of the people.
Talk about the liberal double standard:
You want crow about it in Washington state and complain about it in Washington DC.
Do you think is the type thing a President should say?
“My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers … was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter.
“In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders…
“As a Christian … I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice…”
Your all Okay with this?
“fas-cism (fâsh’iz’em) n. A system of government that exercises a dictatorship of the extreme right, typically through the merging of state and business leadership, together with belligerent nationalism.”
Today, as we face financial and political crises, it’s useful to remember that the ravages of the Great Depression hit Germany and the United States alike. Through the 1930s, however, Hitler and Roosevelt chose very different courses to bring their nations back to power and prosperity.
Germany’s response was to use government to empower corporations and reward the society’s richest individuals, privatize much of the commons, stifle dissent, strip people of constitutional rights, bust up unions, and create an illusion of prosperity through government debt and continual and ever-expanding war spending.
America passed minimum wage laws to raise the middle class, enforced anti-trust laws to diminish the power of corporations, increased taxes on corporations and the wealthiest individuals, created Social Security, and became the employer of last resort through programs to build national infrastructure, promote the arts, and replant forests.
To the extent that our Constitution is still intact, the choice is again ours.
Thom Hartman
Do I prefer to have a President that honors and beleives in something greater than he is rather than one that only honored himself? Yes, the answer is yes.
This government was set up with checks and balances. A fundamental concept in the founding of this country was avoiding the “tyranny of the majority”. Even in the minority, the Democrats should have a voice. As the Republicans in a minority in Washington State have been able to stop certain intiatives (stem cell). Were the Republicans wrong to block CLinton’s juducial nominees?
Control the LIB…
Do you believe in the principles upon which this country is founded? Or just what is convenient to your ideology?
They have a right to a “voice”, God knows, it’s the party that won’t shut up – they do not have a right to obstruct, by suddenly deciding they don’t like the way things are going so they are going to change from majority rule to super majority rule.
No Washington WAS a semi democratic state, I have a sincere belief that the democrat games last election sucked you out of the drivers seat.
I repeat, did the Repubs have the right to block Clinton’s nominees? Was that obstruction?
Remember, the majority think Rossi won AND want a revote.
Pet Nazi;
Who’s wanting to change the rules? Get a grip this is a Republic (not to be confused with Neo Reuplican) Majority does not rule bonehead.
Another person with an identity crisis @ 18 wrote, “When that President puts forth a nominee, HE is doing the will of the people. When the House approves that nominee, they are doing the will of the people and when the minority LIBERALS in the senate obstruct that nominee, they are ignoring the will of the people.”
Oh please. So if the President takes a crap HE (what is that all about capitalizing “he” like HE is GOD?) is doing the will of the people? Let the American political process work the way it was designed to work.
We don’t live in a Kingdom in which decisions are waved through with nothing but pomp and circumstance to dress them up.
Myself @ 19
I forgot to give credit to the president who said that.
Adolf Hitler was reaching back to his own embrace of Christianity, which he noted in an April 12, 1922 speech.
sorry about that.
Oh, just let em have Washington state to play in for a while – it will just be further sucked down into national laughingstock obscurity till the people and businesses say “enough”.
why is it ok for liberals to spout fascism yet they don’t want anyone to know the similarities between liberalism & s 0 c i @ l i s m?
I think facist is perhaps too mild. Though both parties have broken laws, there is no comparison between anything the left in this country has done or attempted that can in any way approach the Right’s willingness to through the Constitution out the window. The judiciary is suuposed to remain outside the control of either of the other two branches of government. We’ve had what, 20 years of hate-filled dishonest talk radio grooming a huge helping of angry uninformed white men to attack the democratic institutions of our nation? And so we get the angry illogical statements of Control above.
I read an anlysis of the American electorate last year that said @20% of the voting population in America attends conservative churches. That’s an enormous voting block. And there are parts of this country, such as Texas and Tennessee where it’s more like 70 to 80%. Of course those numbers are too big for a professional politician to ignore.
The growing beligernce of the Christian right is alarming. As is the willingness of the Bush admin to lie and mislead us. I have relatives who write congress, vote that party line every time and are oh so eager for the rapture, due any minute. Are there no longer any Republicans who still want a democracy in America? Are there no moderates?
I’d enjoy hearning from a few more on the political right who do not support the sort of hate of veterinarian above.
More correctly, communism – all for one, one for all: them.
“From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” Commrade Marx.
We’ve had what, 20 years of hate-filled dishonest talk radio grooming a huge helping of angry uninformed white men to attack the democratic institutions of our nation? -Comment by Bud— 4/15/05 @ 10:20 pm
To say nothing about activist judges finding mythical rights in the Constitution where none exist, and then legislating from the bench on those mythical rights and then further having the gall to refer to it all as precedence.
Control the LIB-
Afraid to answer? Were the Repubs OK to block Cinton? Does not the same logic apply now?
Cut the cute diversions. What’s your response?
32, Impressive!!
The democrats have underestimated the prez for 4 years. As he continues to succeed, they embarrass themselves. What really impresses me about the democrats though (not much) is the alarming speed at which they are imploding. Talk about out of touch!
In a very fundamental way, this country was established to be “conservative”, that is resistant to change. A longer term senate (6 years) was set up to buffer the impulses of a shorter term House (OK that one may not be working). A separate and independant Judiciary was set up to put the breaks on legislative impulse. THe minority has power, even in minority. To oppose this system is to be un-American.
36, Your point? Are you seriously saying the right is calling for an overthrow of the judiciary because you perceive activism on the part of judges? Any examples?
Cry me a river, K
February 2001 CRS report on Clinton judicial nominations indicates that the Senate confirmed 65 of his 106 nominations to the U.S. Court of Appeals, a 61% confirmation rate. On the very same summary page offering these statistics, however, the report also states that “most . . . of the persons whose nominations were returned at the end” of a two-year Congress “were later re-nominated and ultimately confirmed.”
This CRS data show that while Republicans controlled the Senate during 1995-2000, President Clinton nominated 68 individuals to the U.S. Court of Appeals. He withdrew four of these nominations himself and the Senate confirmed 41 of the rest. Three of the unconfirmed nominees were nominated so late that, under CRS’s own standards,17 they should not be counted because they could not have been confirmed. The Republican-led Senate failed to vote on 20 of the 68 nominations they could have confirmed. That’s 29%.
Data, however, confirm that Democrats have been far more aggressive than Republicans in using the confirmation process to achieve their goals for the judiciary.
Democrats hold the modern record for the fewest and the most annual confirmations. They set the low record in 1989, confirming just 15 Bush nominees. They set the high record in 1994, confirming 101 Clinton nominees.
The Democrat-led Senate closed the Bush presidency in 1992 refusing to confirm 55 pending judicial nominees. By contrast, the Republican-led Senate closed the Clinton presidency last year refusing to confirm 41 pending judicial nominees.
Democrats blocked 7.3 Republican nominees per year by refusing them hearings during 1987-92. By contrast, Republicans blocked 4.3 Democrat nominees per year by refusing them hearings during 1995-98.
President Clinton appointed 374 judges while facing a Republican Senate for six of his eight years in office. This is second only to President Reagan’s appointment of 378 judges while also facing a Republican Senate for six of his eight years in office.
Carter saw 100% of his circuit court nominees confirmed, Reagan 95%, George H.W. Bush 96%, and Clinton 86% (with a Senate of his own party).
Senate Democrats approved just 53% of President Bush’s circuit court nominees during his first two years in office.
We are paid to vote either yes or no — not vote maybe. When we hold a nominee up by not allowing them a vote and not taking any action one way or the other, we are not only voting “maybe” but we are doing a terrible disservice to the man or woman to whom we do this. Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), during the Clinton administration
A nominee is entitled to a vote. Vote them up; vote them down…It is our job to confirm these judges. If we don’t like them, we can vote against them. That is the honest thing to do. Senator Diane Feinstein, (D-CA), during the Clinton administration
It is true that some Senators have voiced concerns about these nominations. But that should not prevent a roll call vote which gives every Senator the opportunity to vote “yes” or “no.” -Senator Edward Kennedy (D-MA), during the Clinton administration
But I also respectfully suggest that everyone who is nominated is entitled to have a shot, to have a hearing and to have a shot to be heard on the floor and have a vote on the floor. Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), during the Clinton administration
This partisan stalling, this refusal to vote up or down on nominees, is unconscionable. It is not fair. It is not right. It is no way to run the federal judiciary.
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT), during the Clinton administration
I thought that if the President nominated them, they had a fair hearing, and they were reported out, my only decision was whether or not they were qualified–not whether they were ideologically opposed to me or to how I feel or what I believe…When you have people who have had a hearing, who are qualified, yet they won’t be reported out for a vote on the Senate floor, that is pure politics and that is the height of irresponsibility. Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA), during the Clinton administration
Where’s there outrage now?
Oh yea.
Eugenics @ 35 Holy shit…. get a clue. Let’s review:
Communism is based upon the rejection of private property ownership.
Communism does not equal progressive tax codes
Communism does not equal social safety nets
Communism does not equal zoning regulations
Communism does not equal seperation of church and state
Communism does not equal anything political belief that you don’t agree with!
com·mu·nism n.
1. A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
2. A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.
n 1: a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership 2: a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society
Eugenics @36 Ok… stop… think for just a minute. Everyone who is complaining about the Terry Schivo judges (mostly Republican appointees and the ultra-conservative 11th court) were acting in a very conservative fashion. They were NOT activist, they refused to overturn the laws of Florida which were followed to a tee. If they HAD done what the religous fanatics wanted they WOULD be activist.
You are right about one thing Nin – I don’t agree with communism:
com·mu·nism n.
A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.
The Marxist-Leninist version of Communist doctrine that advocates the overthrow of capitalism by the revolution of the proletariat.
n 1: a form of soci*lism that abolishes private ownership
2: a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society
Read the Article which was the basis for this thread:
In the past three years, the U.S. Senate has confirmed 205 of Bush’s nominations to the federal bench. Just 10 nominees have been held up by Senate Democrats.
Ninety-five percent of federal court seats are filled, making for the lowest vacancy rate in 13 years.
In contrast, in the late 1990s, Republicans, with control of the U.S. Senate, were blocking as many as 50 Clinton judicial nominations. They refused to let the Senate Judiciary Committee hold hearings on these nominees.
As many as 10 seats on the 28-member 9th Circuit Court of Appeals — which covers much of the West — were vacant. Five of the court’s judges sit in Seattle.
Go nuclear Frist!
Let em obstruct early, often and loudly!
All I can say is…
Gosh, I wonder how he’s enjoying “retirement”.
As many as 10 seats on the 28-member 9th Circuit Court of Appeals – which covers much of the West – were vacant. Comment by K— 4/15/05 @ 10:56 pm
The most embarassingly REVERSED and REPRIMANDED court in judicial history!
Trust me, having that bunch diminished is a GOOD thing.
K @ 47
Give it up. The hateful contraceptionist Falangist tornado @ 48 appears to be possessed – by the vision of a Fascist state almost within reach.
Scary isn’t it?
Call Father Merrin.
nindid @45 – Well done. How about it herr Control? Don’t have any reposts about liberal activist judges? Perhaps you wanted to talk about those 4 different activist judges who last year supported the rights of gays to marry? Three were conservatives appointed by Republicans. Perhaps they were not true believers.
Didn’t the Nazis practice eugenics? Facism.
K @ 47
Let’s face it, there’s a single word that sums up the Republicans complaining about “activist” judges (Oh, how they follow the script so well):
bottom line folks, is the democrat party aligned with communism or not? none of you deny it.
hurry, or you will miss it, john edwards is on fox campaigning already.
Let’s face it, there’s a single word that sums up the LIBERALS complaining about BEING SO DEFEATED AND SO THOROUGHLY OUT OF POWER (Oh, how they follow the script so well):
WHINE…whimper, whimper
“bottom line folks, is the democrat party aligned with communism or not? none of you deny it.”
Huh? Do you need a lesson in what communism is? Of course the Democratic party is not aligned with communism.
What kind of nonsense is that anyway chardonnay?
The person who hasn’t the nerve to sign with his own name @ 55 –
Real original. Where did you come up with that one?
Believe what you will, or whatever “truisms” you want to concoct – whoever you are.
Delay is coming close to completing what Elen Craswell failed to do in Washington. Here’s her stand:
The Biblical Basis for Christians in Politics and Government
More Christians must now realize the Biblical basis for involvement. It then becomes a matter of obedience to God.
As Christians consider their responsibility, there are three vital principles to remember.
First, government is God’s institution! Civil government exists and functions by God’s command, not because cave men created a social contract.
Civil government began in Genesis 9:1-7, when God . . .
Of course, the far right in the state failed in their attempt to have religion dominate Washington’s government as Craswell sought when Washington voters gave her less than 40 percent of the vote.
However, Delay is coming very close on the federal level to enacting all of the agendas Craswell dreamed.
Communists are ultimately individualistic, just like other liberals, because they start out with the view that the individual comes into the world as a blank slate, with no inborn qualities to limit or give a particular direction to an individual’s behaviour.
This doesn’t mean that there aren’t significant differences between communists and more mainstream forms of liberalism. Communism is a kind of left liberalism rather than right liberalism: it is openly statist and doesn’t aim at preserving individual economic enterprise. More strikingly communism is a radical rather than a gradualist form of liberalism: it aims to achieve all its aims immediately through a revolutionary programme, rather than working gradually through existing institutions.
Communism, in other words, is at one extreme end of the liberal spectrum: it is a radical form of left liberalism.
Yoyo @ 60
Verify your source, that site is a scam front developed by a Bush supporter:
Well gee, no kidding!
Dick Tracy are you?
Mr Quick-grasp-of-the-Obvious?
Goldy, you should be careful when you quote Joel Connelly, as he has been equally harsh on the extreme left. This quote (pardon its length) is from his January 31st column:
“…A war-trashing mood prevailed here Saturday. McDermott went so far as to quote Nazi Reichsmarschall Herman Goering on using external threats as a device to control public opinion. “It’s the same tactic,” he added, alluding to Bush on terrorism.
Nominating a losing challenger to state party Chairman Paul Berendt, delegate Barbara Allen declared: “From being the high hope in the world, America has become the enemy.”
The Democrats will be a long time in opposition if they succumb to such thinking….
If the party lurches left, what is its future? We have models.
Under left-wing leaders — one nicknamed “the Welsh windbag” — Britain’s Labor Party made a lot of noise in Parliament during the 1980s and most of the 1990s.
It also lost four straight elections, three to the “Iron Lady,” Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher….”
Is it just me, or is Connelly cautioning Democrats on the language they use, and why he, very delibrately, is not using the “F” word?
You act if DeLay is the Republican Party; he is not, especially when you have folks like Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado (100% American Conservative Union rating) saying DeLay should step aside. Also notice how his fellow R’s on the Judiciary Panel are keeping their distance, and the President was even hedging some on DeLay’s future. I think you’d want to keep your mouth shut and let DeLay bury himself. He’s doing a good job at it!
Communists are ultimately individualistic,
No. Those are either the libertarians or the anarchists which are both at the other end of the spectrum than communists. Both believe in almost no government.
Communists believe all business and transaction should be run by the government and through a command economy. They believe all of the of means for production should be owned by the public.
Libertarians believe nothing should be run by the government and everything possible should be privatized from schools, the post office. They are the ultimate believers of the market.
Chardonnay @53,
Bottom line, do Republicans fuck pigs or not? None of you deny it.
58, that pretty much explains it.
uh, I deny it. and i’m pretty sure I can speak for all Republicans, no, 100%. so don’t go trying to accuse us of the very things democrats do. this is just so typical. Sheesh!
Huh? Do you need a lesson in what communism is? Of course the Democratic party is not aligned with communism.
The communist line is kinda hilarious really because it is so retro. Yelling “communist!” is like saying you like Disco Duck or The Brady Bunch. The only difference is that Disco went out in the 70s and McCarthy’s nutty communist rants occured in the 50s.
It only made sense then because there was a communist threat. Now, Cuba is about the only communist country left.
What’s next, accusing someone of being a member of the Bull Moose party? Oh well.
the possessed @ 64
Changing your comments handle to conform with church edicts compells you!
Goldy, ok ok ok
Happy belated Birthday, Tax day at that. Did you have to pay?
I did.
Talk about the liberal double standard:
You want crow about it in Washington state and complain about it in Washington DC.
Right, and isn’t the reverse exactly what you’ve been doing all along? Hypocrisy to condemn hypocrisy. Only the ass troll takes himself seriously at this point.
Tom Delay is one of the scariest people we’ve seen in Washington DC is a long time. His lack of ethics combined with his radical extremism provide fodder for an awful turn in our country’s ways — a turn toward religious fundamentalism that ultimately will cause either self-destruction or foreign invasion (as has been shown time and time again in history).
The very fabric of the United States is at stake with religious fanatics like Delay in power. I can’t think of a scarier future for our children if he and his ilk succeed.
Thanks for posting this Goldy. You call light to this scourge…here’s hoping that more and more people will see the facts and act. It’s great to hear that a number of republicans have resisted his fire-breathing rhetoric and share the concern for the future of our wonderful country. Let’s not let our country go down this path.
PD @ 74 if DeLay and Frist get away with their attempt to hijack the USA…..we will all have to belong to the TaliBaptists or various other ‘acceptable’ cults. You know, kind of like Chardonnay, with so much hate, anger, jealosy and frigidness. What a wondferful world that would be…..kinda like Stepford Wives
Daniel@8 – Based upon yours, Goldy’s and liberal left’s mentality is it safe to assume that this is a threat to Tom Delay…….From the link you posted; “With your help, the DCCC will put an end to Tom Delay’s house of scandal –once and for all”. Don’t be a hypocrite this is clearly, as Goldy put it (inserted LEFT for right), “another example of the extreme LEFT-wing’s increasing willingness to threaten the lives and livelihoods of all those it perceives as the opposition”
I personally don’t give a rat’s ass about Tom Delay. If he did anything worthy of being removed from his position or illegal then he should pay. But at this point these are accusations only; he had never been fined for any action, unlike some of your liberal friends that call for his ousting (see attached links). So I say to you be consistent and not just a partisan hack, like Goldy. Your double standards and hypocrisy smell, like shit.
Harry Reid;cset=true
Barbara Boxer
John Kerry
Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
Charles Schumer
Don@13 –
Each party has its fair share of whack jobs. The difference being the Republicans distance themselves from these people, don’t support their claims/actions and fully support seeing them prosecuted and held accountable for their actions. Just because someone commits and act in the name of a cause does not mean he is supported by the cause. No one on the right supports the whack jobs that blow up abortion clinics and the like. On the other side you liberals don’t take the same stance against those extremist on the left that do things, such as throw pies, threaten lives, burn down houses in a f’d up attempt to “save tress” (how f’ing stupid is that), release lab animals (so they can die of starvation instead of in research?), burn down research facilities, threaten the contributors to animal research, physically attack those that eat, wear or work with anything animal related. These are all reasonable methods to the majority of the left. You always have republicans coming out for what’s right, this Tom Delay situation is a perfect example. Never do you hear the left calling for the ousting of one of its own. They sweep it under the rug; refer to the links I provided earlier, did you call for action against any of those libs? I am sure it different right? They must be innocent, after all – their liberal. One of your top democrat leaders in an ex-leader of the KKK, but we’re the Nazis?
PetLib@41 – Nicely Done.
Don – at my post @76 I said, “refer to the links I provided earlier”, the post that I provided the links in is; being held up / has not posted yet. Goldy has not released it, maybe too many links for him.
When the House approves that nominee, they are doing the will of the people and when the minority LIBERALS in the senate obstruct that nominee, they are ignoring the will of the people
The Democrats in the Senate represent a greater proportion of the US population than the Republicans. So basically the minority party actually represents the will of the majority, because the Senate isn’t structured by population.
Chris @ 77
You reveal yourself nicely once again. You present a laundry list of winger pet peeves. You so-called “conservatives” want us dance to your tune. We’ll Chris we’re not going to do it. We’re not going to let you define us.
If anyone on the left or the right commits a crime – they should go to jail. Are you satisified?
When the D’s ran the House, the R’s could ammend bills. The D’s didn’t hold “midnight sessions” to ram bills through committee. The D’s didn’t hold open voting for up to three hours so they could have time to twist arms like DeLay did with the Medicare Drug bill.
In the Senate the D’s let the R’s filibuster – they didn’t threaten the “nuclear option”.
The Congress under DeLay and Frist has been an utter disaster. They’re running the country into the ground. That is what we’re outraged about. Oh yeah and DeLay is dirty as well.
So what’s with the constant use of scat in your comments Chris? It ruins your “entertainment value” – if you ever had any. Go see a shrink.
Oh Chris and about fascism. It requires a few things to make it happen but it can happen here. Read it about it here.
For me all it takes is enough people like you to blame all their problems on another group of people like the Germans did with the Jews. This economy is heading for the rocks and when it runs aground – you so-called “conservatives” will blame everyone but the jokers you put in office.
That’s the day that DeLay and Co are working towards.
John, what good would a shrink do with any of these trolls? They’d probably spend the entire session bitching about how much it was costing them to be there.
Good point Dave. They’d probably harangue Walmart for shrink services and then bitch about the Indian shrink they teleconference with along with the liberals and the high price.
howard dean DNC chair, aka ‘CULT-URE OF DEATH’ declares the next election will be based on the Terri Schiavo case. democrats will slam Republicans and Tom Delay for being the party of the LIVING!
Howard Dean is a loon ! A bad salesman at the least. In addition, the editorial by Connelly demonstrates how Christophobic the left-wing has become – they have signed on to the ACLU agenda. Talk about fascism – today that is spelled A-C-L-U.
I am not holding up what Delay did – with the paying off of his family that was wrong, however not an impeachable offense. If it was, some big name Democrats like Harry Reid, Ted Kennedy, Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi would be outta there. You on the left would like to see him outta there, because he is a formidable obstacle to the left regaining power. Oh yes, the so-called nuclear option – named that by the Democrats, who have won the battle of words here. There is a good reason for it – to stop obstructionist Democrats from abusing the system – which is why Tom Daschle is outta there today.
However, it is realized that the liberal agenda is striving for rule by the judiciary because they don’t have the legislative power. Forget the intent of the constitution – that isn’t really important to the left activists and the judicial activists. That is definitely scary – the founding fathers may have missed the part about holding the judiciary in check, which is sadly needed to prevent judicial anarchy.
KS @ 86
“…editorial by Connelly demonstrates how Christophobic the left-wing has become – they have signed on to the ACLU agenda. Talk about fascism – today that is spelled A-C-L-U.”
This appears to be a statement made in complete ignorance of what the “ACLU agenda” is and what Fascism is/was. KS, perhaps, you can elaborate on shared agenda elements that you believe make the two agendas similar.
Cuba is about the only communist country left.
-Comment by Erik— 4/16/05 @ 12:32 am
Right you are there, Eric!
Now tell me – all those folks visiting and slobbering over Castro and his utopia, singing his praises – Danny Glover, Jimmy Nuts Carter, Steven Spielburg, Yoko Ono, Barbara Walters, Sean Penn, Harry Belafonte, Oliver Stone, Jack Nicholson, Robert Redford, Spike Lee, Sidney Pollack, Woody Harrelson, Ed Asner, Shirley MacLaine, Alanis Morissette, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kevin Costner – WHAT political affiliation do they have? WHICH party do they belong to?
WHAT political affiliation do they have? WHICH party do they belong to?
Oh no, actors, directors and singers! They must be stopped!! Somebody do something before they follow the lead of right-wing extremists and start murdering or blowing people up!
KS @ 86
“You on the left would like to see him outta there, because he is a formidable obstacle to the left regaining power.”
No. . . we would like to see him out of there for several other reasons. He approaches politics as political warfare, rather than as a trustee of all the people (as someone in his position should). That is, he is not a “statesman” in the sense we expect our leaders to be.
Oh. . . plus he is corrupt.
“Oh yes, the so-called nuclear option – named that by the Democrats, who have won the battle of words here. There is a good reason for it – to stop obstructionist Democrats from abusing the system…”
Again, this is an issue of statesmanship. If the republicans do this, they will make short term gains. But, it will come back to bite them in the ass, and given how the Repugs are plowing this country into the dirt (economically, internationally, and with respect to civil rights), the people will want that to be one big bite! The alternative is for political leaders like Delay to be good stewards on behalf of the people. Delay seems to have open contempt for this idea.
Oh no, actors, directors and singers: yep the same ones that spew for Kerry, Hitlary and Michael Moore – you know the liberal standard bearers of the democrat party… and gosh, I don’t know J. Nutburger Carter could sing – he sure can’t act.
Eugenics @ 91
Hey, maybe we can pass another “homeland security” law and have their artistic license revoked!
Oh, let’s just end this Delay nonsense once and for all.
The libs are afraid of him because the one thing they can’t abide is someone whose definition of truth isn’t fluid:
The reasons the liberals and the MSM are after Tom DeLay are two:
He tells the truth and he is effective in promoting George Bush’s agenda.
He told the truth about how we have an out of control court system. He told the truth about an unelected elite in black robes literally enacting a slow motion coup against the Constitutional authority of the Congress. He told the truth about the brutality and viciousness of the killing of the totally innocent Terri Schiavo — killed, again, in a manner so cruel we would not let a serial child rapist and murderer be executed that way.
The truth is so revealing about the hideous anger and death wish of the pro-death elite in this country that DeLay simply cannot be allowed to keep saying it.
Second, he is effective. He gets the job done in redistricting Texas to take away the Democrat gerrymander and elect more Republicans to Congress. This mirrors the electoral preference of Texans, but it terrifies the other side, accustomed as it is to using the gerrymander to get more seats in Congress than it has popular votes in the nation. He gets the President’s agenda through Congress. He does not suffer fools or hypocrites gladly.
The Democrats are so used to Republicans who would rather be pals with the Georgetown liberal smart set than actually go to the mat for the President that they have gone into shock, then attack mode against Tom DeLay.
He is a truth teller and a doer for the people’s agenda. So he has to be intimidated and smeared and indicted by political hatchet men.
Sadly, the liberal hatchet is old, dull and rusty.
Second, he is effective.
Effective at scaring the hell out of moderate Republicans and their pollsters.
Just like the upcoming court case kiddo, just like Frist and the “nuclear option”, time will tell…
Dear Senator Frist, Go nuclear baby!
Dear Representative Delay, Don’t let the TURKEYS get you down.
Dear Chrissy, You’ll know me when I stand and turn my back to you 3pm, May 7, Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum, WSU.
You’re right, time will tell. But when future Democratic senate majorities confirm liberal judges without worry of Republican filibusters you might, admist your constant stream of whining, remember the advice of John McCain about the so-called “nuclear option.”
[i]Dear Chrissy, You’ll know me when I stand and turn my back to you 3pm, May 7, Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum, WSU.[/i]
She’ll probably just assume you’re urinating in your seat.
No, Eugenics @ 93
Delay is a truth teller and a doer for the neocon agenda. He is a lousy statesman.
She’ll probably just assume you’re urinating in your seat.
Comment by Dave— 4/16/05 @ 1:55 pm
Have some experience with that, have you? … After all , it is so typically liberal destructive, exhibitionist, disgusting, ill-mannered and rude… OF COURSE that’s what she’ll assume!
Have some experience with that, have you?
With witnessing you urinating in public? God I hope not!
Nice try.
“After all , it is so typically liberal destructive, exhibitionist, disgusting, ill-mannered and rude… OF COURSE that’s what she’ll assume!“
Care to give it ANOTHER go … or was that your oh-so-pitifully-predictable-PeeWee-Herman-“I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I?” best shot?
Of course, this is what Delay is doing. Openly pissing on the left, the middle, and the extreme right. In essence, he is promoting an agenda that appeals to a narrow slice of America (wingnut a.k.a. neocons). Of course his “minor indiscretions” are going to bring him down!
dj @ all
Eugenecist is a worthy characterization. However the demon that speaks through her is a hypocrite as proven by the recent and not so subtle altering of her comments handle.
the demon that possesses her @ all
Your unfathomable hypocrisy compells you!
dj @ all
Excuse me, contraceptionist is the more accurate term.
Liberal Mess: You are in the rarefied air of the Delay supporters…there are a few of you, but fewer and fewer (and fewer republicans to boot).
It’s time to open your eyes and realize extremism is bad for the country, bad for our people and bad for everyone (except the extremists). Delay fans should know that….Iraq was all about that (assuming it wasn’t the WMDs, of course)…
Care to give it ANOTHER go … or was that your oh-so-pitifully-predictable
If it was so predictable then do yourself a favor and put that crystal ball to better use so that you don’t always set yourself up for tasting your own foot.
Karl Rove was Dr evil I thought. did the liberals just give that title to Tom Delay? this is way to funny watching democrats wet themselves over Tom Delay. void of any original thoughts and ideas of their own the party heads, Reid & Pelosi go loco.
is this a cry for help?
“Help us, we’re failing and we can’t get up.”
Now to make it worse, Howard Dean will use the Terri Schiavo issue in the bext election cycle to ruin Tom Delay and other Republicans. Oh this just gets better each day.
“”Tom Delay, the Republican that actually believes in saving lives. Do you want to vote for a man that will save your life?
Vote for Democrats because we are the CULTURE OF DEATH. We will fight for you to die.””
Is that an apology for accusing m. schiavo of murder 350 times?
LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged – ask defeated Daschle @ 95 sorry CG and all the rest of the participants probably would not notice which way you were facing. You run shit out of your mouth and talk out of your ass so what difference would it make?
LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged @95…. or the public might only think that you changed places with our talibaptist/stale vinegar…..I imagine your backside is quite similiar to her frontside
dj @ all
“This appears to be a statement made in complete ignorance of what the “ACLU agenda” is and what Fascism is/was. KS, perhaps, you can elaborate on shared agenda elements that you believe make the two agendas similar.”
The ACLU agenda is to get rid of religion in the public place by doing away with crosses in historical relics and to stymie the celebration of Christmas in the public square – to do away with tradition. They also advocate judicial activism & the thought police, all of which stymies free speech, which is a shared element with fascism.
– Are you being ignorant or do you choose to be ? That is a rhetorical question, after all liberals like yourself believe they never have to say they are sorry.
Delay disdains much of the liberal agenda and is more combative than most, but he is the whip and part of his job. Then the Dems have Ted Kennedy who aids and abets terrorists with his comments denouncing the war as another Vietnam last year, and didn’t give a flying f*** how it affected our troops, then McDermott held up Saddam over Bush – he’s a real left wing nut. Harry Reid has shown himself to be a racist by his over the top racist comments about Condolezza Rice and Justice Thomas, plus his blatant practice of nepotism, worse than what was committed by Delay. Nuff said.
KS @ 110
“The ACLU agenda is to get rid of religion in the public place by doing away with crosses in historical relics and to stymie the celebration of Christmas in the public square – to do away with tradition.”
Or put more simply, they defend civil liberties as embodied in the Bill of Rights by supporting separation of church and state.
Some forms of fascism—Italian Fascism—do include separation of church and state. Others do not (Nazism) or are neutral. Separation of church and state is a docterine that his held or rejected by governments in all parts of the political spectrum.
“They also advocate judicial activism & the thought police”
WTF? Their platform says nothing about “judicial activism.” Though police? You be fucked up with bullshit like “thought police”.
“all of which stymies free speech, which is a shared element with fascism.
Sorry, pal, the ACLU is a strong champion of first amendment rights. Most Repugs recognize this, particularly when they disagree with it (e.g. flag burning and other extreme expression of opinions). The ACLU’s support for free speech has been to the benefit of both lefties and righties.
KS, try to educating yourself about the ACLU before spewing bullshit like this. . . .
Careful there paranoid pggee – anothere EVIL conservative may start stalking you!
dj – I see that you can only resort to name calling after you realize that you have no substantive argument. The fact of the matter is that the ACLU has a quasi-fascist agenda with respect to religion and the celebration of Christmas – you can’t prove otherwise. 1st Amendment – works for them/you when the ACLU agrees with you, but if they don’t agree with your free speech, they’ll sue. They will defend the civil rights of terrorists – yes ! That is a sham because terrorists have no rights in this country – they gave them up with their terror acts. What socialist fantasy world do you live in, dude ? There is nothing in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution that speaks of separation between church and state – nice try, but you told a blatant lie. If you don’t believe that, try reading them before you spout off next time.
“Sorry, pal, the ACLU is a strong champion of first amendment rights. Most Repugs recognize this, particularly when they disagree with it (e.g. flag burning and other extreme expression of opinions). The ACLU’s support for free speech has been to the benefit of both lefties and righties.”
Once in a while, they are on the right side of free speech or civil rights, but they are a nuisance most of the time to common people – they benefit lawyers mainly and have helped make this a litigious society. I champion free speech and if some leftist wacko in Hollywood says something over the top, they have a right to say it, but they also have to accept responsibility for the consequences and the same goes for a right-winger.
dj – you can only resort to name calling when you don’t have a substantive argument.
“Sorry, pal, the ACLU is a strong champion of first amendment rights. Most Repugs recognize this, particularly when they disagree with it (e.g. flag burning and other extreme expression of opinions). The ACLU’s support for free speech has been to the benefit of both lefties and righties.”
You are blowing smoke about the ACLU and I have educated myself about them, to your disdain. They are a quasi-fascist organization that is anti-Christian and also anti-war on terror; they are the terrorists’ best friend. They stick up the civil rights of terrorists, who really lost them when they committed their terrorist acts. They are paving the way for anarchy. Once upon a time, they were useful, but they have been hijacked by leftists. I favor the 1st amendment – believe everyone has that right, but at the same time, they must bear the consequences for whatever stupid or unpopular statements that they say.
What you say about the separation of church and state being found in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution is a blatant lie – there is nothing stated about the separation of church and state in either. That lie has been conjured up by the lawyers on the left. If you don’t believe that, look it up – do the readers a favor, look it up before you spew that type of garbage again.
KS @ 113
[The ACLU is] “a quasi-fascist organization that is anti-Christian and also anti-war on terror; they are the terrorists’ best friend. They stick up the civil rights of terrorists, who really lost them when they committed their terrorist acts.”
Hmmmm. . . maybe your problem is that you do not understand what Fascism is. Perhaps you can start with
The ACLU is not anti-christian. They are, in fact, in favor of the rights of all people to practice any religion they choose (i.e. they are pro-religious rights).
The ACLU definitely supports separation of church and state. That is not “anti-Christian”; they support separation of all non-Christian religions from the State, as well. They are equal opportunity seperationists. In fact, this stance is not anti-religious either. As history tells over and over again, there are very good reasons to protect religions from the state, and to protect the state from religions.
The ACLU does not stick up for the civil rights of terrorists (as in convicted terrorists). They do stick up for the civil rights of accused terrorists (whether left-wing or right-wing). Remember, there is this little thing about “innocent until proven guilty”? Or does that concept somehow disagree with you? Don’t people lose rights when they are found guilty of committing crimes? Isn’t that the American Way?
“What you say about the separation of church and state being found in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution is a blatant lie. . . .”
We partially agree, in that the phrase “separation of Church and State” isn’t used directly in the constitution or the bill of rights. The phrase was coined to condense the meaning and intent of Amendment 1 and the special case given in Article VI, Section 3.
You are free to disagree with the standard interpretation, of course, but yours is a minority opinion. Legal scholars, historians, and the courts have overwhelmingly come down on the side you disagree with. Sorry, pal, I am afraid I’ll have to side with those who have seriously studied the issue.
“ Democrats say there is an agenda. It’s called “The American Promise–A Future of Security, Opportunity, and Responsibility.” Sounds great, but what does it mean? Does it contain a plan for Social Security, for example? Or a plan to get the costs of healthcare under control? Of course not. The Democrats say they have no reason to put anything on the table until the president lays out all his cards. Is that leadership? No, but it keeps the Democrats united. So the American people now know that Democratic congressional leaders “don’t like Republicans,” as Gingrich puts it. Stop the presses. “
“ Which brings us back to Tom DeLay. Gingrich first gained traction by making House Speaker Jim Wright’s alleged ethics violations a symbol of Democratic sleaze. “The House Democratic Party is corrupt with power,” he railed at the time. Then, once he got the public’s attention, he presented his Contract With America. Taking a contract out on DeLay isn’t enough. “
dj @ 114 – Your arguments do not carry much weight – alot of words, but the actions of the ACLU contradict your words. I didn’t say that the ACLU sticks up for terrorists. What they do is jeopardize our security but allowing them the same due process as given to law-abiding citizens. The terrorist I refer to non-citizens and those who have committed terrorist acts (i.e. those imprisoned at Guantanamo). The ACLU should keep their nose out of that stuff, as should the World Court. Military tribunals are appropriate for due process of terrorists there. I haven’t even addressed securing our borders – that the ACLU has once again stuck their nose in, while the illegals are non-citizens and have broken the law. All in all, it appears that the ACLU is anti-Bush administration, besides being anti-Christian and anti-war on terror.
“You are free to disagree with the standard interpretation, of course, but yours is a minority opinion. Legal scholars, historians, and the courts have overwhelmingly come down on the side you disagree with. Sorry, pal, I am afraid I’ll have to side with those who have seriously studied the issue.” Please cite your source of this – the American Trial Lawyers Association ? You took what I said out of context. Separation of Church and State was stated in a letter written by Thomas Jefferson, but has been spinned by the left to say it is in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and the ACLU uses that premise all day long to puff up their attacks on religious symbols like the City of Los Angeles seal – they lose alot more cases than they win, but they waste alot of time and resources on issues that affect no one but their egos and their anti- Bush agenda. That is why I strongly support Tort reform.
Spot on #115 !
Chard: The republicans are full of examples of extremism (delay, frist, rove, bush, cheney, wolfowitz, etc. etc….)…seems like the shoe fits a lot of high powered folks…shouldn’t you be proud of this instead of criticizing the analysis of multiple extremist leaders?
By the way, try some less buttery white wines…it does wonders for the palate and the mind!
LIBERAL Pets have been spayed, neutered, defanged & caged @112 , I am not worried about many Evil conservatives. Stephen taught me how to work with his spreadsheeets. And by my official numbers, given to me by someone in a very high position that wants to remain anonymous, there are only 2.5867% Evil conservatives out of the whole conservative group. What strikes me as funny, is that here in horsesass we have about 92.8974% of our conservatives that are evil. Well maybe I need to redo my spreadsheet again, for the 287th time….like my teacher Stephen and his holy graile of elections……….