Wednesday the House of Representatives voted 308-122 to bar torture of military detainees, and I just thought it curious to note that the only member of the WA state delegation to vote against this measure calling for the ethical treatment of prisoners was none other than House Ethics chair Richard “Doc” Mengele Hastings. Makes you proud to be a Washingtonian, huh?
Here’s a guy who can’t even vote against the GOP leadership when it comes to something as basic as torture… and we expect him to impartially investigate members of his own party?
I just hope, for the sake of consistency, that if his committee ever gets around to investigating the likes of Representatives Tom DeLay and Bob Ney, his investigators utilize the same inhumane interrogation techniques Hastings endorses for use by our military. I’m guessing a couple hours of going Abu Ghraib on their sorry congressional asses would not only blow the whole Abramoff scandal wide open, but might also end with DeLay confessing to being the gunman on the grassy knoll.
“but might also end with DeLay confessing to being the gunman on the grassy knoll.”
I’ll bet we could get DeLay to confess that he is Osama Bin Laden in disguise.
I can’t believe we’re argueing about torture. OFCOURE WE SHOULDN’T
I don’t blame “Doc” Mengele Hastings. In civilised company, we call getting his with a cattle prod in the genitals “torture”, whereas in the 4th District they call that “Friday night”.
so righton
I guess this blows straight to hell the whole “how many comments til a Nazi ref”, huh?
Brownshirts on aisle 5….
New campaign slogans for Doc?
Doc Hastings: Because if torture is good enough for our enemies, it is good enough for America!
Doc Hastings: Giving terrorist suspects enemas to extract the clean truth.
Doc Hastings—helping redefine water torture as glorified hot-tubbing.
Doc Hastings: vehemently “pro-non-torture!”
Doc Hasting gives an extraordinary rendition of a dysfunctional politician.
Doc Hastings reminds me of a childhood toy called Silly Putty. You could mold it into anything you wanted, and it never asked any questions.
Speaking of gunmen (see #1 above), you never know what you’ll run across when surfing the internet. I found me a real prize Republican.
(to be continued)
Down in Tennessee, they had a politician named Byron Looper with a typical set of good ol’ boy credentials: After attending West Point (and failing to graduate) he moved to Georgia, joined the Ku Klux Klan, and ran for the state house of representatives as a Democrat. He was defeated, and moved to Tennessee where he lost another legislative race, this time running as a Republican.
But then, with the backing of the state GOP, he was elected county tax assessor. His loopy conduct in office led to a 14-count indictment for official misconduct, theft of services, and official oppression. Mr. Looper was charged with, among other things, offering to reduce tax assessments in exchange for political contributions. He also was sued by an ex-girlfriend who claimed he used his official position to steal her house.
Unfazed by his legal difficulties, Looper simultaneously ran for Congress and the state senate. He finished last in the congressional primary, but as the only GOP candidate for the state senate seat on the primary ballot, he coasted to a general election faceoff against 5-term veteran Tommy Burks, a farmer and conservative Democrat.
The Looper-Burks race promised to be a yawner. Looper livened it up a bit by legally changing his name. Senator Burks now faced an opponent named Byron Low Tax Looper. After a minor media stir, the race went back to sleep and it looked like Senator Burks would coast to an easy re-election. So, on the morning of October 19, 1998, Looper drove out to Burks’ farm and murdered him.
Looper evidently killing his opponent would assure him of victory, due to an obscure Tennessee law that said if a candidate died within 30 days of the election, he must be removed from the ballot and could not be replaced. This meant Looper would be the only candidate on the ballot. However, Low Tax Looper underestimated Mr. Burks’ widow. She ran as a write-in candidate, and defeated Looper, 30,252 to 1,531 votes. Mrs. Burks remains a popular member of the Tennessee state senate to this day.
The outcome for Low Tax Looper was less rosy. A road crew found the gun, and witnesses linked him to the shooting. He was convicted in a 2000 trial, and is serving life without parole in the Tennessee State Penitentiary.
In his opening statement to the jury, Looper’s defense attorney summed up Byron Low Tax Looper’s political career thusly: “He was the first Republican elected in Putnam County, and he made quite a name for himself.”
Low Tax Looper, in my opinion, is a Horse’s Ass.
Goldensteinburgloeb, Any comments on some of the “interview” tactics of the JDF?? I thought not, POS Democrat hypocite. BTW, 100% Democrat communities like Gary, ID might be a great place to send YOUR daughter for her “higher education”. Lots of Democrat “diversity” training in downtown Gary at 2 AM.
I suppose it’s just a coincidence that Low Tax Looper and Zell Miller were both Georgia Democrats.
For at least 1 GOP politician, dressing for success means wearing a ski mask and gloves.
Goldy, you hypocrite!
So, you’re saying that “Sims = Mugabe” is bad, but “Hastings = Mengele” is OK?
Another case of Lefty “Do as I say, not as I do.” Typical.
A recent study of all 67 Florida counties shows that touch-screen voting costs 40% more than using optical scanners.
A recent study of 4 North Carolina counties shows that touch-screen voting costs 50% more than optical scanners.
Generally speaking, undervote rates reflect voter interest in a particular race or ballot proposition. An “undervote” means no vote was recorded in the contest.
Experts consider a 1/2% undervote rate normal for presidential races, and interpret a higher rate as suggestive that “votes have not been counted.” One normally expects to see a higher undervote rate in down ticket contests, with the rate increasing as one goes farther down the ticket.
Analysis of New Mexico’s 2004 presidential voting reveals that:
1. There was no difference among ethnic groups of the undervote rate in paper ballots counted by optical scanners.
2. When all the different voting systems were considered, the statewide undervote rate was 3% higher in Hispanic precincts and 5.5% higher in Native American precincts, compared to Caucasian precincts.
3. 100% of these disparities occurred in precincts using paperless electronic touch screen voting machines.
4. Down ticket undervote rates were consistently higher in minority precincts using touch screen machines, suggesting entire ballots were uncounted in these precincts.
If we had a “none of the above option” or “no vote” wouldn’t that let us know if it is truly a undervote or just a protest NO vote? Nevada uses the “no vote” option.
In the November 2004, Snohomish County’s turnout was 297,187 voters. A total of 291,678 votes were cast in the governor’s race, an undervote rate of approximately 1.85%. The statewide undervote rate in the governor’s race was significantly higher, 2.59%.
Slightly over 2/3rds of Snohomish County’s votes were paper absentee ballots, and 1/3rd were recorded on Sequoia paperless touch screen voting machines.
Gregoire got 50.4% of the absentee vote, but Rossi got 54.4% of the touch screen machine vote.
There are many anecdotal stories from voters of the touch screen machines changing their votes for Gregoire into Rossi votes. Of the written complaints filed with the Snohomish County auditor and Secretary of State, 100% reported that intended votes for Gregoire were switched to Rossi, and 0% reported that intended votes for Rossi switched to Gregoire. The number of verbal complaints to pollworkers is unknown, but the existing evidence (consisting primarily of pollworkers’ written logs) indicates all of the complaints involved Democratic votes being switched to the Republican candidate.
58 of the county’s 148 polling places reported vote switching and/or machine freeze ups; and in these 58 polling places, Rossi led Gregoire by over 11.5%, compared to 5% in all the polling places — indicating a correlation between voting machine problems and the strength of the Rossi vote.
For more details, see
I don’t think offering voters a “none of the above” option has any value for determining whether undervotes were intentional or were caused by the voting machine, because undervoters tend to skip over the race, so many voters who don’t choose a candidate probably won’t bother to vote the “none” option either.
Hillary Clinton appears to have a commanding position going into the 2006 election season. She has already raised $14 million, while the Republicans don’t even have a candidate yet. The best known GOP contender, Jeanine Pirro, is floundering and GOP officials are pressuring her to drop out of the race. According to a poll taken Dec. 2-4, 2005, Hillary would crush any of her likely opponents:
Hillary Clinton 58%
Jeanine Pirro 31%
Undecided 11%
Hillary Clinton 67%
John Spencer 20%
Undecided 13%
Hillary Clinton 68%
Bill Brenner 16%
Undecided 16%
In a poll conducted Nov. 30 – Dec. 6, rightwing Pennsylvania Senator and erstwhile presidential hopeful Rick Santorum appears heading for a humiliating defeat next year:
Bob Casey-D 50%
Rick Santorum-R 38%
Isn’t there a way that we can oust Eastern Washington? If they’re stupid enough to elect a child raping lying piece of hypocrite shit like the EX-Spokane Mayor Jim West and this DeLay wannabe, clone Hastings, shouldn’t we build a fence around them and call them part of a new state? Maybe it could be named NEW USSR?
Rightwing columnist Robert Novak (of Valerie Plame notoriety) reported on Dec. 11 that Rep. Katherine Harris (of 2000 Florida election notoriety) wil drop out of the 2006 U.S. Senate race. With terrible poll numbers, her senior campaign staff turning over frequently, and her fundraising doing poorly, Harris’s campaign is in disarray.
You’re forgetting that 1/3 of eastern Washington’s voters are Democrats. You’d be throwing them to the wolves. Maybe they can’t elect any Democrats in their local races, but they sure as hell can give statewide Democratic candidates a winning margin in close races.
Two recent polls show Sen. Maria Cantwell crushing her two most likely GOP opponents. A Strategic Vision poll on Dec. 2-4 shows Cantwell beating Mike McGavick 50% to 39%, or beating Susan Hutchinson 53% to 35%; a Rasmussen poll on Nov. 30 shows Cantwell beating McGavick 52% to 37%.
Roger Rabbit has a commanding lead over all other posters, having posted 70.8% of the comments, compared to 8.3% for all trolls combined.
In the latest survey, Roger Rabbit has widened his lead in this thread to 72%.
I’m guessing a couple hours of going Abu Ghraib on their sorry congressional asses . . . .
Nah. They would fold before you ever brought them into the torture chamber. They wouldn’t know the meaning of physical courage.
Yea, thanks Left Turn and Belltowner. thanks for your support. did you read my post? I didn’t directly address why Hastings is still here but it is pretty obvious.
Egad… What are we to do? Pack up and move west?
We ought to torture Dean Logan until he admits fraud. Then
we ought to torture Rabbit for having hair on his back! FUCK
the terrorists. Remember 9/11. You libs would be speaking
German if we did things your way.
How hard could it be to beat Hastings? Just pull the trick from the repug playbook. Run an Anti campaign about his history of (non) voting. Just don’t put up a Mother abusing, corporate bankrupting, womanizer like Irons.(they’re all repugs anyway) Hell he would have won on the Anti-Sims vote if it hadn’t been for Goldy.
Actually it’s the dems that have been stalling the Ethics Committee. Jim McDermott has already been convicted by a court of law and is currently appealing the decision. Dems do not want any of that to go public. I wonder if the dems dislike of the “culture of corruption” will exstend to him as well. Personally, I’m not going to hold my breath.
“A self-initiated ethics committee probe of DeLay could now wait until after possible inquiries into the activities of Reps. Jim McDermott (D-Wash.), William Jefferson (D-La.), or Bob Ney (R-Ohio), all of whom media reports have linked to ethical controversies.”
@ 31
I swear to God, you’re retarded. McDermott hasn’t been convicted of shit. He was sued in civil court, and a judgement was made against him which is on appeal, with friend of the court briefs written by every major media outlet defending what he did. It is a first amended case, so don’t hold your breath on that judgement.
That’s not what The House of Representatives thinks……..
I think you should rename this blog, since he likes to have a monologue with himself in the comments.
Jaybo @31: Did you even read that article? It’s a generally balanced piece of reporting, but you took one para out of context to push your own personal agenda.
The report makes it fairly clear that it’s the Ethics committee rule changes that are causing people to drag thier feet, whether due to the rules or in protest. The rule changes instigated and instituted by a Republican majority, the rule changes that generally make it HARDER to investigate a sitting memeber for ethics violations. Hmmm, the Republican leadership seem to have had an inkling that it would be good to make ethics violations harder to investigate. Wonder why?
You liberal MOONBATS just don’t get it , do you? Torture and illegal detention and the denial of basic human rights is central to our protection of freedom. Whose freedom, you might ask? You’d be scurrying down the same rabbit path and muddying the waters as that bumptious Venezuelan COMMUNIST , Hugo Chavez, if you wanted a serious answer to that question!!!!
Be cautious and trust no one…
Yours truly,
Col. Flagg
President George W Bush meets new German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the first time. The conversation goes weel initially, but soon turns sour. President Bush bush fires back…
“You know, Ms. Chancellor, if it wasn’t for our boys on Omaha beach, ya’ll would be speaking German now.”
Goldy: As a conservative and a Republican, I believe all politicians and political stances are game for review, blasting or protest but cheap shots like substituting Mengele for Hastings’ name is lower than low. It stinks of the inability of the left to have open discourse and so you employ agitprop. Mengele’s crimes were against humanity itself and you need to employ a better filter on this kind of name-calling crap.
I’m confused, which kind of torture are you against? So called torture that is mislabled and quite humane modern interrogation techniques that might get information about a an imminent terror attack that could save thousands, or actual torture like what happened in Saddam’s torture rooms and in which Americans do not engage.
I know you’ve never thrown out a politically charged word like torture for maximum blog hit effect or to advance a poorly named progressive bill with a catchy title, but I thought it would be approprirate for you to clarify.
What if your daughter’s life was on the line due to information that even an American citizen possessed reagarding a major attack? Would you support any means of interrogation, or would you descend into liberal doublespeak and ACLU gibberish trying to protect the detainees rights?
Hillary/Jim McDermott 2008!!! Since “Tookie” can’t make all the apperances necessary for Hillary, Jim is a great choice to represent the “heart and soul” of the Democrat Party!!!! [hehe]
Torture does not work. Being a ex member of the US Army that worked in the intelligence arena I have interrogated people. When in training, my instructors would tell you torture produces false information.
People when coerced (take your pick, physically, psychologically, and or emotionally) will make say anything to make the coercion stop.
The best interrogators I was taught gain the confidence of the person they are working with. More honest information comes forward when it is done.
Mr. McDonald your scenario bases a premise, “daughter’s life on line due to information that even an American citizen possesed.”
You are assuming a conclusion that the person has useful information. So through the use of torture the person gives up a story to satisfy the conclusion.
How many innocent people can be tortured to find out that one nugget. How many bad leads will have to be run down because of the faulty intelligence gathered by torture.
Larry @ 35,
I agree that it is a balanced piece of reporting (unlike this blog) but you don’t seem to understand that the ethics committee is 5 democrats and 5 republicans, there is no majority. right now the dems are trying to stall the work of the ethics committee by throwing out charges against Delay (that would be dealt with in order) as more important than current cases (note McDermutt) that have been sitting there in limbo for some time now.
Having been compared by fascist RIGHTIST/CORPORATISTS to Josef Stalin for wanting universal health care, I have little concern for the FASCIST REPUBLICANS bumped feelings about name-calling by peopleontheleft
Torture is mistakenly reading the Bullshit posts of Clueless, Apache Frog, DonnaF*ckinggeddon and especially that A$$hole windie! Now that’s TORTURE!
How does “Fidel” Pelz feel about torture. Supposedly pretty bad by Castro…
poor cynical… you really hate me, don’t you? Its not my fault! I have an instinct for pulling away the curtain!
“Torture and illegal detention and the denial of basic human rights is central to our protection of freedom.”
That’s right up there with ‘we have to destroy the village to save it’
The reason that some conservatives are opposed to this legislation is that the way it is written, anyone accused of torturing a prisoner is basically guilty until proven innocent.
Speaking of torture, how about Judge Crow smacking down the Palm Beach Prosecutors torturing Rush and his doctors in the non-case!
Windie, Cynical is deeply closeted. He actually wants your man-love (assuming you’re a man, of course, he assumes everyone is). It’s his self-loathing that gets in the way of his admitting it.
I’m trying to illustrate a point and based on your comments, we seem to agree that torture does not work, but modern interrogation does. There’s a false belief out there that American soldiers are doing all kinds of evil things to terrorists to try and get them to talk, a lot like the Mel Gibson torture scene in the movie “Lethal Weapon.”
As you say, we learned a long time ago that such aggressive physical torture does not work, but mind games and certain chemicals can and do yield positive results with no side effects. Most of the time, it is just good interrogation techniques.
I’m not willing to submit to the McCain view of torture. The guy is clearly still haunted by the old school torture that he received from the North Vietnamese. His view which seeks to grant rights to prisoners of war, is wrong. Especially non uniformed combatants. We have a duty to interrogate these people for information, and use any and all modern techniques to gain information about terror cells, terror leaders, operations against Iraqi civilions and our troops, etc.
Torture is really not even the operative word here, but that’s why Goldstein wrote this post, he wants to get attention by using a politically charged word. And that’s why McCain’s self agrandizing put this out for a vote in the first place. No one wants to be associated with such a charged word, but if we hamstring the effectiveness of our intelligence efforts in the process, we have not served security. Good for Hastings for having the guts to face this Senate vote charade. One does not have to be for torture to be against bad legislation.
Anyone who wants to grant US style judicial due process rights to non-citizens in active combat against the US is plain nuts. If an Arab wants the protections and freedoms of the United States he can move here, or at very least stop shooting at and blowing themselves up near our troops. But to fail to extract the maximum amount of information from each detainee, to hamstring our military interrogators with feel-good-Sentate-vote ethical quidelines and view any detention as wrong in the scope of the current world events is just plain stupid policy that ignores a real threat.
Why liberal Democrats are dumb ass hypocites……Read On!!!! Consider the following hypothetical. David Duke, former imperial wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, murders, in cold blood, four innocent blacks. But, wait. Duke later renounces the Klan and pens children’s books urging white kids to reject racism. But he refuses to accept responsibility for the murder of the four innocent blacks, claiming that a racist jury convicted him for his reputation, not for the murders. Imagine Snoop Dogg, Jamie Foxx, Ed Asner or the NAACP organizing a campaign to spare the “redeemed” Duke’s life.
john, you feel that torture (real torture that is) isn’t happening. Most of us seem to disagree. (I’m sure the guy that was beaten into brain damage for ‘practice’ would disagree too)
Also your ideas about combatants not getting rights are scary… get a grip!
Mr. McDonald–
waterboarding is torture, period. Beating a detainee to death may not be torture per se, but it IS homicide. Stuffing a detainee into a sleeping bag until he suffocates is torture. And in any case, during the Senate hearings DoD personnel in the witness chair admitted that certain techniques being used clearly violated Geneva protocols.
So quit with the “we’re not doing torture now” BS. It embarrasses you.
[Democrat Doper Uses Goldstein, Goodman, Lowenstein, and Loeb To Sue Evil Republican Racist Police Dog!!! Read on!!!]
ATHENS – One of the defendants has more than a leg to stand on in a lawsuit filed by a convicted drug dealer.
Andi has four legs. He’s a dog used by the Athens County Sheriff’s Department.
County Prosecutor C. David Warren said to his knowledge, it’s the first time the county’s dog has ever been singled out as a defendant. Warren has volunteered to handle Andi’s defense personally.
“That dog could’ve done something to me or one of my attendants,” said Wayne Francis Green, 46, of Albany, who filed the suit Nov. 18 in Athens County Common Pleas Court.
Green, who is representing himself, alleges that a search of his furniture business in 2003 was illegal. He claims officers also went into an adjoining building that he owned without a warrant, but police deny it.
Green said Wednesday that he felt endangered by Andi’s presence.
“They’ve got a mean ol’ dog, you know what I’m saying? I take that pretty serious,” Green said, adding, “I’m a dog lover, but that’s the limit.”
The search turned up 50 pounds of marijuana, and last month Green was convicted of possession and trafficking in the drug. His sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 6.
Green’s lawsuit, which seeks $450,000 in damages, also was filed against police investigators, Athens County Sheriff Vern Castle and the trial judge who ruled that the marijuana was admissible as evidence because it came from the furniture business, not the other building.
Last week, Andi the German shepherd was informed that he’s being sued, sort of. With a paw print, the dog “signed” the paper indicating he had been formally served with the complaint.
Green said he wants prosecutors to look into the dog’s actions. “I want him charged with several different felony counts.”
John McDonaldng
There’s nothing “modern” about how we’re torturing the often innocent men and women we are interrogating. The Soviets, Khmer Rouge, Nazis, or even the Romans of mongols would recognize their tried-and-true (bu ineffective) favorites.
Anyone who wants to grant US style judicial due process rights to non-citizens in active combat against the US is plain nuts.
If only someone were suggesting that. What a time you would have arguing against it. Sorry, but no cigar. So far, what is being suggested is that we adhere to the treaties on prisoner treatment and torture that we as a nation have either signed, ratified, or both. That we obey OUR OWN laws, you see (US Constitution, Article VI)
Guys – no more talk of dumping eastern Washington! We need to help Jimmy and our other e.wa Democrats all we can. They gave Gregoire her victory margin. The party needs to find out what they need over there in the grasslands, and send resources there, so they can hold their own. They delivered for us in Nov. 2004; let’s not forget or abandon them.
“We ought to torture … Rabbit for having hair on his back!”
Leave it to a Republican to confuse hair with fur.
29 (continued)
“”We ought to torture … Rabbit”
Ha! Are you gonna threaten to send your lawyer to Drinking Liberally, too?
“I swear to God, you’re retarded. McDermott hasn’t been convicted of shit. He was sued in civil court, and a judgement was made against him which is on appeal, with friend of the court briefs written by every major media outlet defending what he did. It is a first amended case, so don’t hold your breath on that judgement. Comment by Belltowner— 12/15/05 @ 8:46 am”
“Belltowner, That’s not what The House of Representatives thinks…….. Comment by jaybo— 12/15/05 @ 8:55 am”
True, jaybo. The House of Representatives doesn’t think anything. The GOP-controlled House’s thought process on ethics issues is a perfect vacuum like outer space. There’s nothing there, just empty void.
John 425 @38
“cheap shots like substituting Mengele for Hastings’ name is lower than low”
Do you like it? I hope so, because your side has been doing it to us for 60 years, and now we’re doing it back. When you guys stop, we’ll stop.
John McDonald @39
You can torture me all you want to find out what I don’t know, as long as you pay for the privilege. Here are my rates:
claw extraction = $250,000 per claw
rabbit foot = $1 million per front foot, $5 million per hind foot
tail = I’ll let that go cheap, only $150,000
ears = $2.5 million for first ear, $9 million for both ears
tongue = $7.5 million
shove object up bunny’s rectum = $25 million
kill the bunny = $20 million to Mrs. Rabbit and $1 million to each of my 7,146 children.
How much ya got, John?
Who chairs the ethics committee, jaybo? Who has failed to hire staff, jaybo?
US Soldiers are NOT running around the world torturing innocent people. US Soldiers are NOT terrorizing and torturing innocent women and children in the middle of the night in Iraq. Soldiers are conducting raids, but there is a big difference in conducting a raid looking for terrorists that they received intelligence on and in breaking into houses for the fun of it.
Soldiers don’t have time in battle to torture anyone. Prisoners are turned over to intelligence guys and removed from the battle area. Less than .001% of US Soldiers have ever tortured anybody. Americans are not raised to rape, torture and kill people. Torture, cruel and inhumane treatment has always been illegal in the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) and it can result in courts-martial, prison. Some offenses in the UCMJ are punishable by death.
If soldiers believe that they can be punished for any type of interrogation and you have removed any incentive for them to get information from prisoners, they not make any special effort to take prisoners.
Be careful what you ask for, because you may just get it!
44, 46
How come Cynical doesn’t hate me? Why was I left off Cynical’s hate list? What did I do wrong? Oh, I know … he LIKES this picture:
the perfect torture for a rabbit is to lock him up in a cage and parade cute fluffly female bunnies in front of him….
It is sort of flattering, in a way. Cynical has handsome front teeth! if you know what I mean.
female bunnies with fresh carrots……….
As 2006 gets nearer it seems ole GWB is moving closer to the center…and it twern’t the ‘Librals’ that persuaded him…
Anyone heard Cheney’s take on this? I bet he goes home and kicks his dog tonight
First paragraph above from Yahoo news
Rog sez:
“How come Cynical doesn’t hate me? Why was I left off Cynical’s hate list? What did I do wrong?
Comment by Roger Rabbit— 12/15/05 @ 4:12 pm”
Rog, I don’t hate you mainly because you are every bit as big of an asshole as I am!!! I salute you!
oh yeah….
Merry Christmas Rog!
These fucking people want to kill us. All of us. If torture is what it takes to win this war, go for it. Deprive them of sleep. Pull their fingernails out. Fuck them up the ass. Fuck with their heads. Cut appendeges off. Even make them wear women’s panties if that’s what it takes.
Mark, I have a model Republican for you — Low Tax Looper. He doesn’t fool around with torture. He just shoots ’em in the head. BANG! One shot, and that’s that.
72 (continued)
Hey Mark — if you’d like further information about Low Tax Looper’s methods, write to him at:
Byron Low Tax Looper
Inmate #323358
c/o Brushy Mountain Correctional Complex
P.O. Box 1000
Petros, TN 37845
Or, you can go to the prison and talk to him in person! I’m sure he’d appreciate a visitor. He probably doesn’t get many.
“Rog, I don’t hate you mainly because you are every bit as big of an asshole as I am!!! I salute you!”
Damn. So that’s it … the irony. The horror!
Cynical just paid me the ultimate accolade. Thanks, Cyn! I’ll have to put you on my holiday card list for this. I’ll mail it to BIAW and you can pick it up there.
roger…all this harping on looper. at least most of the nation thinks looper-who??? but you still want to beat the dead horse don’t you?
yeah…it was horrible that he was a klan member.
now why don’t you address robert “kkk” byrd…who is still an elected democratic official. and he wasn’t just some small potatoes klan member like looper either……..