[NWPT48]Court is back in session, and the Democrats are expected to rest their case by noon. Against my better judgment I’ll be tuning in once again, and updating this post with news and observations. As always, I encourage you to check out the latest trial update from David Postman in The Seattle Times.
Thank you, Kirby
I ended up doing an entire hour on The Kirby Wilbur Show (KVI-570) this morning, fielding questions from callers. I don’t particularly like KVI, and I disagree with Kirby on virtually every political issue, but he has been a gracious host, and I appreciate him giving me the opportunity to present opposing viewpoints to his audience.
“We’d love to be perfect” (10:14 am)
So says King County elections operation supervisor Linda Sanchez, who has been on the stand all morning, talking about her efforts to reconcile poll place discrepancies. Of course, this election wasn’t perfect. But then, no election is.
Again, nothing new was learned.
Evidence (11:16 am)
Linda Sanchez has been excused, and the attorneys are now arguing over the admissibility of Democrats evidence. The Republicans have taken the curious position that they don’t object to admitting evidence of ballots that should have been counted, they just object to the evidence being used.
Democrats are now presenting evidence of offsetting felon votes. Apparently the Dems had a team of 20 researchers working for 6 weeks. (No word as to whether the BIAW helped out.)
Court to rule Monday (12:09 pm)
The Republicans just announced that they have four rebuttal witnesses to present, so closing arguments won’t come before tomorrow afternoon. That said, Judge Bridges has announced that he plans to deliver a ruling from the bench on Monday morning.
So… I guess, Monday afternoon we start talking about the Supreme Court appeal.
Me, John & Stefan (2:09 pm)
Stefan and I will be back on the John Carlson Show (KVI-570) at 3:15 pm, talking about the day’s non-events. In fact, the only real news that I can see coming out of today’s proceedings thus far is that Judge Bridges plans to rule on Monday.
Dueling Experts (3:06 pm)
The Democrats last witness, Prof. Handcock, is back on the stand, and he is really destroying the Republicans’ case for proportional analysis. I wish I could listen to more of it, but I’ve got to prepare for Carlson.
Good radio (3:41 pm)
Stefan apparently thinks there’s a “problem” with putting people like me on the air, and we ended up getting into a bit of shouting match. I know he prefers the comfort of (u)SP, where he posts mean spirited suppostion to a chorus of “nice job, Stefan”, but I thought this afternoon’s discussion was good radio.
We’ll get a clip online soon.
When all else fails, be dismissive (4:01 pm)
Unable to refute Prof. Handcock’s deconstruction of Katz and Gil, the Republicans have taken the tact of trying to discredit Handcock as a witness. I know, I know… lawyers are supposed to be assholes in these situations.
I wouldn’t say the right is uniformly polite to you guys (o’reily, etc) but I’d also say that i doubt many of the hard left shows would ever be very polite to a right winger. Imagine Ann Coulter going onto Air America?
I missed you this AM Goldy….I was busy renting out another house and dealing with building inspectors. Hopefully you did better than yesterday. Kirby is a lot easier on you than Carlson. You seem a lot more at ease when no one challenges you…imagine that!
I will be listening this afternoon on Carlson though to see if you step in the poop again. Watch your step Goldy.
Having coulter on AAR makes as much sense as having the unabomber on TechTV~
righton @ 1
I agree. . . the KVI shows with Goldy have been surprisingly cordial. What about right-wingers on “liberal” radio? Listen to “To the Point” on KUOW (94.9) at 11:00 AM. The host, Warren Olney, is definitely a left-winger, but it is difficult to tell from his interview style. He regularly has guests from the left and the right.
There is also a program on KUOW called “Left, Right, and Center” where guests from “all points on the political spectrum” hold debates on the week’s news.
I am still curious as to why no lefty stations invited Goldy on. Or did they and I just missed it? Dave Ross comes to mind.
Reply to 1
Coulter probably would be treated far more politely than is deserved by someone who goes around calling liberals “traitors” and saying they should be “executed.”
To compare Air America hosts with Coulter is over the top. No one on Air America says conservatives should be put in “concentration camps” or “executed.”
Don’t try to impute the bad behavior of vitriolic righties to the left. That dog ain’t gonna hunt.
We’d never say anything bad about a stinking, smelly, conservative whore like Ann Coulter. She should end up married to a Saudi Arabian prince.
Priscilla @6……..Oh, that’s right. No one on Air America would ever say anything vitriolic about a conservative, right? How about Al Franken? And ,though he’s not a host[yet]….how can we ever forget Michael Moore?
Come on…. get real. Who was it that was slashing tires and keying cars during the last election? I beleive it was the LEFT-behinders, wasn’t it?
And while I was typing heedless lucy made my point for me. Liberals are stuck in the grade-school-from-hell mentality.
Air America host actually called for death, couple of weeks ago, Randi Rhodes.
I didn’t say we were uniformly more polite to you all, but heck compare the pie thrown in the face ratio…
Pric @6,
“To compare Air America hosts with Coulter is over the top. No one on Air America says conservatives should be put in “concentration camps” or “executed.””
Honey you have some nerve talking about going “over the top” when “Err” America has mock executions of the President of the United States. ANd if you want to know just how ugly the leftist are go google the owrds “Kill Bush” and see what you get? Oh, did I mention the PLAY that liberals made in New YOrk called “I am going to Kill the President”?
Honey, when you spew such lies it damages your credibility. Do you understand what I am saying hon?
for the record, the skit was certainly offensive, but also wasn’t specifically calling for anyones death (altho it would be easy to make an inference to GW).
Rhodes also quickly apologized for a skit that was, by her own admission, over the edge.
When has Coulter apologized for *anything* she said?
Uh that was meant to be Prisc@6 – as in short for Priscilla not what you gutter minded leftist think.
what’s with the coulter fixation? she bugs you guys more than anybody.. ??
I liked the debate once again on the Kirby Show. I think that Goldy can and should come on the show as much as he would like. This is coming from a regular listener of his show, capitalist, meat-eating, NRA Gun freak..
Debate, when both sides can do it without name calling and threats is a very good thing. We may not agree on all the issues, but the dialog like I have heard by David, and Kirby on his show points to progress on both sides, IMAO.
Air America host actually called for death, couple of weeks ago, Randi Rhodes.
No, she did not.
Honey you have some nerve talking about going “over the top” when “Err” America has mock executions of the President of the United States.
No, they did not.
Honey, when you spew such lies it damages your credibility. Do you understand what I am saying hon?
There, we agree.
randi in her glory
“Honey you have some nerve talking about going “over the top” when “Err” America has mock executions of the President of the United States.
No, they did not.”
You idiot they did so! They called it a “skit” yeah right.
Typical liberal, lie and deny.
Death is too good for Ann Coulter and other right wing traitors to freedom. She should be forced to listen to her own spew forever. That would be a fate worse than death.
TJ you are a liar!
“Government officials are reviewing a skit which aired on the network Monday evening — a skit featuring an apparent gunshot warning to the president!
The announcer: “A spoiled child is telling us our Social Security isn’t safe anymore, so he is going to fix it for us. Well, here’s your answer, you ungrateful whelp: [audio sound of 4 gunshots being fired.] Just try it, you little bastard. [audio of gun being cocked].”
The audio production at the center of the controversy aired during opening minutes of The Randi Rhodes Show.”
You dorks brought up Coulter first.
And she bugs us the most because her rhetoric is the most insanely foul.
pbj #21,
Where does she call for death?
pbj #19,
Please inform me. When did they do this, and what was the “skit?”
Is there something cruel about wishing that a woman was married to a Saudi Arabian prince? And calling a skinny , smelly whore is something she’s already done on herself. Maybe not in those words, but the meanig was there. Am I cruel if I say that Rush Limbaugh is a fat , blowhard drug addict who can’t stay married, am I miss-characterizing the big fat loudmouth idiot? No! I’m simply describing him for someone who may not know who he is. Has the level of political discourse come to this in America? Yes! If you call me names, I’ll call you the Christo/Fascist nazi that you are. Then comes yer cryin’. You make me sick!
headless: good one, using Nazi and Fascist in same breath, and managing also to slam Christians in the process.
Go crazy person.
Go crazy person. -Comment by righton— 6/2/05 @ 11:59 am
LOL :-)
@8, to answer your question http://www.komotv.com/stories/32534.htm
Kind of like socialist communist liberal…… I guess we all have our Achilles tendon. But being a Christo/Fascist Nazi isn’t one of mine.
Kind of like socialist liberal communist
I normally don’t post in threads like this, but you guys should listen to yourselves.
“Ann Coulter calls for death to liberals”
“Yeah, well Randi Rhodes did a skit involving shooting somebody”
“You guys have guns and shoot doctors who perform abortions!”
“Yeah! Well you guys blow up university buildings and spike trees!”
“She started it!”
I have a five-year old at home. She doesn’t talk like this, or I will give her a nice liberal soap sandwich.
A pox on both your houses.
I think all we conservatives posting here ought to change our names just for the sake of lucy…
something on the order of Godtalk_spewing_neocon_facist_nazi_guntoting_rightwingnutjobs_for_Jesus_conservative.
Back to the subject at hand… It appears that the R’s argument is that the election was totally fouled up, and the D’s defense is that it was actually fouled up alot more than the R’s say. Is that what I am hearing? And that there is basically no way, here, in the 21st Century, at the center of the high tech industry, that we can have a truly ACCURATE election. This is simply amazing to me. Neither the R’s nor the D’s will argue that the vote was ACCURATE! The judge will simply have to decide whether it is in the best interest of the state to do it all over, or whether a new vote would be just as flawed. And regardless of his decision, it will go to a heavily Democratically appointed Supreme Court…. So it would appear to be a no-win situation for the R’s.
Well it’s been fun kiddies, but we grown ups have to attend to our grown up responsibilities. Get back to class and your studies… while WSU is already out, you UW kiddies haven’t even approached finals week yet. STUDY.
Thought I’d check out the audience for this lib blog and compare it to the audience for the conservative blog. I just have to say that I haven’t seen so much name calling and put downs in one place since I visited elementary school at recess.
C’mon guys, there are matters of substance to discuss. Get on track and forget the posturing. The legitimacy of the Governor of our state is at stake. Personally, I’m for a revote. I think there have been too many questions raised that cannot be answered. Politics being what they are though, I won’t hold my breath. Probably this won’t be truly resolved until the next Gubinatorial election. Wonder if Bridge’s decision will still be on appeal by then?
@34, oh your boss caught you and you have to get back to work now?
Comment on 35
“The legitimacy of the Governor of our state is at stake.”
No it’s not. This lawsuit is hot air, and we’re giving it the seriousness it deserves.
Actually, Shrink, the case is being fast-tracked so the WASC can dispose of it by late July (of this year). By the time GOVERNOR Gregoire is running for re-election on her record in Nov. 2008, the voters will have forgotten all about this hoopla, and will judge her on her record which so far is very good.
“By the time GOVERNOR Gregoire is running for re-election on her record in Nov. 2008, the voters will have forgotten all about this hoopla, and will judge her on her record which so far is very good.”
Goldy just lost his crown as the entertaining one! Bwahahahahahaah!
Comment on 32
That sounds about right. Why didn’t you do this in the first place? Why did we have to prompt you?
Hilarious about Pierce County not making it easy…saying “come down here and do it yourselves” to the respondents. Amazing. Where’s the outcry from the right about PC???
Looks like we’re gonna find out Monday. If the D’s win, as I expect, the trolls will need to come up with something else to rant about. Judicial activism, maybe? If — unfathomably — Judge Bridges reverses himself and buys the “mess” theory and tosses the election, we’ll never hear the end of these trolls. It’ll be like feeding a goddam stray dog, they get one speck of food, they move in!!! So let’s hope Bridges does the sensible thing and shitcans this offal. I’m not worried. The trolls should be.
@38 I agree Patrick–Gregoire will be judged by her record, whether it’s through revote or reelection. I’m not too fond of the tax and spend direction it’s taken so far. Maybe you have more money to give Olympia than I do.
Your and the County’s lack of perfection do not give you the right to the Governor’s office! Quit spouting it like these errors should be expected. This race will bring about many many chages in the way King County and all Counties in this state do their business. King County elections are the absolute worse case scenerio.
I don’t buy your BS that Old people make all the mistakes, many of the paid election workers made huge errors!;
I don’t buy Dean Logan’s BS that we can’t make changes like a colored provisional ballot because too much change like this would cause errors. A colored ballot will forever fix this provisionsal problem;
I don’t buy Way’s and her boss’s forgery of certification;
I don’t buy that leaving a key in a lock on the ballot storage station is anything but a security problem;
I don’t buy that voting by felons, double voters, and dead voters is not fraud;
I don’t buy Ron Sim’s Model election crap;
…..I don’t and more than half the citizen’s of this state don’t and the Judge isn’t buying it either!
Patrick; how about next cause “public decency”. Bully pulpit campaign to defoul our language, TV, movies.
Nothing great for anyone to have every 3rd word be a 4 letter one.
I have some suggestions for you GS.
1. Glue some hair to your chest.
2. Shave your legs so your pants wont stick to them.
3. Grow your crotch hair long enough to comb over your bald spot.
4. When you smoke in public dont hold your cigar in your toes.
5. Dont blow the smoke rings out of your butt either use your mouth thats what God gave it to you for.
6. Dont scratch your butt with the kitchen utesils when you have company over.
7. Go to the powder room to pick the fleas from your coller.
8. Dont open the beveridge bottles with your hook nose.
9. Dont lick your shoes to make them shine use the shoe polish.
I have another suggestion for you too.
Rossy got frosty
because he losty.
Priceless photo in Sea Times http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....96503.html
Reply to 45
We have to use short words so you guys can read them.
2 Plead Guilty To Voting Twice In 2004 Election
June 2, 2005
By KOMO Staff & News Services
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SEATTLE – As the results of 2004’s general election are being contested in court halfway across the state, two people pleaded guilty Thursday to voting twice in the election.
Nope. No fraud here. Move on.
Priceless photo on internet of GOP troll
Reply to 49
Yep. Two fraudulent votes for Rossi; Gregoire’s lead is now 131.
Priscilla’s no poet,
though she doesn’t even know-it,
No rhythm nor class,
blows stuff right out her …
I don’t buy (blah blah blah)…
Personally, I don’t buy R’s sudden concern with precise election procedures. They didn’t much care after 1st 2 counts, and have actively undermined them in 2k/02/04 in key states across the country. R’ congresspeople have been 100% absent (literally) from every post ’04 congressional election hearing.
The undermined a valid census. They not only ignore desgined electronic voting absurdities, but they endorse them. They are conducting seminars for their activists in methods to suppress turnout.
You wingers are generating chaos. It sucks.
Patrick @ 42 Really you are coming down hard on stray dogs. the dogs eventually learn and go on their way. Our own personal pet trolls are more like Ducks. One bite of food and then they keep coming back and shitting everywhere for months and months….especially the likes of pbj and cynical…..
Not as priceless as the pic of the king county democrat voter:
Re 55
Your link doesn’t work. All I got was
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: http://photos1.blogger.com/img.....yVoter.jpg
The following error was encountered:
Access Denied.
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.
Your cache administrator is webmaster.
Generated Thu, 02 Jun 2005 20:50:22 GMT by photos2.blogger.com (squid)
pbj @ 49
As I recall, these dead spouses tended to be Rossi voters. Funny fraud for a democrat, eh?
jsa #31
To the extent I may have contributed to such an exchange, I apologize and will seek to do better in the future. Though, in my defense, I don’t think I’ve ever called anyone a “pig-face.” :-)
It’s time for more bad hemingway!
He lay on the bed in the corner of the dimly furnished room in the dingy hotel. It was not the way he had imagined it and he did not think it would turn out this way and the creases on the sheets were like the erosions in a desert and he remembered the safaris he had gone on to the desert and it was not the same. Nothing would be the same again. It could not be the same again. No, it just could not be the same again and it would all be different. God, how he hated Mondays. Every Monday was different but all Mondays were the same and nothing good had ever happened to him on a Monday. He should have been a Democrat in the first place and then Monday would have turned out all right but it is too late for that now he told himself. He decided he needed another drink.
Puddybutt is a pig-face.
Two republicans pleaded guilty today to vote fraud. Both voted for Rossi. Go figure.
Here’s hoping the judge is persuaded by logic, science and fair play. The Professor’s testimony leaves no doubt about the half-baked geographic analysis for a few precincts that Rossi’s camp provided.
No. Those fraud voters were all Democrats. Didn’t you even read the story?
I just hope the judge rules in the Dems favor so I can rub the Reps nose in it for a while. I’m tired of being a nice liberal. There are some people I want to hurt and damage—in a political way. As long as the system isn’t overrun by these Christo/Fascist Nazis. How you like that name calling business boy? How you like being on the other end of that? We’re going to say it until everyone thinks it. Look at the media. They’re already doing it (maybe a little timidly) But it won’t take long to change that. You all look and act like a duck W/ a Hitler moustache glued on!
fire_one @ 33
”It appears that the R’s argument is that the election was totally fouled up, and the D’s defense is that it was actually fouled up alot more than the R’s say. Is that what I am hearing?”
The GOP argument is, in part, that the election was totally fouled up. The Dems are arguing that a some errors always occur in every election of this magnitude, and that the errors are not confined to King County.
”And that there is basically no way, here, in the 21st Century, at the center of the high tech industry, that we can have a truly ACCURATE election. This is simply amazing to me. Neither the R’s nor the D’s will argue that the vote was ACCURATE!”
The simultaneous requirements of (1) allowing ballots to be secret, (2) making the election process open to the public and political observers, (3) making voting accessible to all eligible voters, and (4) handling three million votes in a short period of time all conspire to prevent elections from being perfect. It is unlikely that elections will be much more accurate in the near future. Nevertheless, we shouldn’t expect to have such a close race in the near future (at the statewide level, anyway).
”The judge will simply have to decide whether it is in the best interest of the state to do it all over, or whether a new vote would be just as flawed.”
No. . . the judge will decide whether there is proof that Gregoire owes her victory to illegal votes or election fraud.
”And regardless of his decision, it will go to a heavily Democratically appointed Supreme Court…. So it would appear to be a no-win situation for the R’s.”
It is a no win situation if the GOP does not provide proof that Rossi actually won.
Headless @64
I’m tired of being a nice liberal.
No, you’re tired because you failed to read the safety precautions on the modeling glue again:
“Do not concentrate or inhale” – oh, I can see how you screwed that up…
Thanks dj for the comments. It is so hard to find people on these boards who actually want to discuss the issues. These boards usually end up in name calling and foul language. I am an independent voter who is only concerned with getting an accurate election in the future. I have heard several things during the testimony that could be used in future elections. First, the precinct observers should not be appointed from the current governors party. Second, the observers should not take the sign in log home. I have not, however heard anything that would indicate fraud. Still, quite an interesting history lesson. I always believe that no matter who is governor (or President) if you don’t like them, we will still live through them. We have lived through some absolutely horredous Presidents (and governors).
Thanks again.
KO’d in the final round.
Bleeding profusely from a series of left jobs delivered the past few weeks by Sharkansky and Carlson….and after gamely staggering to his feet after 2 knockdowns delivered by himself & Carlson….Goldstein is KO’d by a vicious right hand delivered once again BY HIMSELF!!!
Carlson asks Goldstein why Sanchez would do all the work she did trying to reconcile pollbooks and then Huennekens would fail to disclose these discrepancies to the Canvassing Board.
Goldstein winds up and throws a huge haymaker with his last ounce of energy and lands it flush on his own jaw with a response for the Ages “Sanchez did this reconciliation so they could do better next election”.
Goldstein, his eyes completely rolled into the back of his LEFTIST PINHEAD as he drops to the canvass with a convincing thud. Sharkansky is able to land one final shot laughing profusely as Goldstein falls for the last time and is counted out.
Carlson picks up Goldstein, dusts him off, pats him on the fanny and sends him home. Sharkansky, being a compassionate Conservative, resists hitting Goldstein with one last shot as Goldstein staggers out of the ring.
Goldy..just when I think you’ve hit rock-bottom….you amaze me by finding a lower low!! That was pathetic. You need to stop boxing with the real men and do more volunteer work in your 9-year-old daughter’s classroom.
Cynical @68 – Your complete disinterst in the actual facts and procedures in this case has been astounding…. but thanks for the passion and effort anyway.
And while WA diddles about a few dozen found absentee ballots, with no quibble about anything more than at the maximum a couple thousand questionable ballots and/or voters … joan at dKos has a story of 78,000 “found” absentee ballots in Broward County, Florida (2004 general election) — with a miraculous 74,000 of them supporting legalizing slot machines. “So most voters in the state were split right down the middle, but 95% of the newfound absentee voters were strongly in favor of betting.”
( The story is at http://www.dailykos.com/story/2005/6/2/144155/9757 )
PBJ @ 63 said: “No. Those fraud voters were all Democrats. Didn’t you even read the story?”
Yes, I read the story.
Nowhere did it mention what type of voters they were or where they voted.
I mentioned that previous articles showed more dead people voted for Rossi than Gregoire.
PBJ, your false pronouncment reminds me of the entire republican case — you know it’s false, yet you say it as a fact expecting people to believe it. Your postings, from now on, have much less validity.
PacMan here:
Yeeehaw, this stuff is funny. Golly you all are funny. You can have a recall election like we did here in California!!!
DJ: You need some chill pills. Take a vacation and spend some money in California. We need more money!
Headless Lucy: Are you seriously posting on school time to this blog? If so how do you justify the use of government systems and your time on this blog? Isn’t that a waste of taxpayer monies? I read how you dissed others on another thread but you don’t answer their entreaties.
Pudster I didn’t know you knew some Hebrew. Wow that was an eye opener Mr. X. Don’t worry about getting your ire up on personal attacks. Yes I did translate some of it. The font is hard to read.
Patrick, have you met PuddyBud? If you haven’t how can he be a pig face? I saw Patrick you were in Vietnam. Were you airborne, or standard ground pounder?
David: I will submit some direct questions to you soon. Right now I be busy!
David & Pudster:
פאדסטאר ודוד:
נא לעשות מעל כמה קפה. אתה יכולת להעשות ידידים טובים.
Got to go visit SF. No, as someone asked Pudster, I am not going to Castro Street.
Stefan apparently thinks there’s a “problem” with putting people like me on the air, and we ended up getting into a bit of shouting match. I know he prefers the comfort of (u)SP, where he posts mean spirited suppostion to a chorus of “nice job, Stefan”, but I thought this afternoon’s discussion was good radio.
Sounds like you are finally standing up for yourself.
Plus, Goldy, you are starting to be a right wing talk show regular.
Hey PBJ: I didn’t realize Skeletor had to wear a coat. Wasn’t he an KCEC poll worker? Maybe because too many democraps would recognize him. I saw the picture and I laughed. An Altruism alright.
Patrick: Thanks for the Pig Face. Since I don’t eat Pork, I guess to you anything looks like pork.
Headless, you are on ignore until you tell me how nice you are to the poor and needy. Otherwise I will laugh at you for a long time. You are like other liberals, spend other peoples monies but never will I open my wallet to help anyone. It’s my money so there. Yet we are the vile hateful Republicans, who show compassion as Jesus did.
Wheewwww! This Braden is a nasty piece of work!
pbj @63:
You really are a piece of
shitwork.Not content to jump to an erroneous conclusion that the prosecuted double-voters went for Gregoire — as Thomas Trainwinder states, the KOMO story says absolutely nothing about who they voted for — you can’t even do the most rudimentary of background checking.
On January 7, a Seattle Times story led with a paragraph about one of the two admitted double-voters:
Days after his wife of four decades died of liver cancer, Robert Holmgren came home to find her absentee ballot. He filled in Charlette Holmgren’s intended votes for Dino Rossi and George W. Bush, forged her signature, and mailed her ballot along with his.
Goldy, by the way, symathetically mentioned Holmgren in a posting here on that very day:
Secretary of State Sam Reed said he would “prosecute to the hilt” any valid case, but personally, I’m kind of hoping they go lightly on Robert Holmgren, who followed his wife’s dying wish that he vote her ballot for Dino Rossi.
I couldn’t find anything about which candidate was favored by the other admitted double-voter, as all reports simply report that she “voted for her husband, Earl, who died Oct. 7”. I don’t take that to mean that she cast a write-in with Earl’s name filled in on the appropriate line.
Oh and Goldy—
I think you are more punchdrunk than Muhammed Ali when you try to shift the discussion from the election contest to “a vast right-wing conspiracy” out to get Don Ron Sims King….the ultimate scumbag promotor!!
Are you fucking crazy???
This election contest is about the Governor’s race.
Next you will be blabbing about Florida and Ohio…anything but the actions of the KingCo Officials. Deflect, marginalize and minimize….typical LEFTIST PINHEAD strategies.
I hope you listen to yourself on a replay of the last couple Carlson Show’s. And be sure to listen with your Rabbi and no sharp object nearby. Pathetic. Disappointing.
You weren’t yelling Goldy. You were goofy!
Please do put up the complete clip, David. [assuming you don’t edit out my actual words, as you did in your post]. My disappointment with having you speak on behalf of King County Elections is that you’re not an expert on their procedures and you’re not accountable for simply making stuff up, which you were doing today. I specifically told John that I’d prefer to confront an actual elections official. I only want to pick on someone who’s bigger than I am, not just some insignificant fool who doesn’t know what they’re talking about and just makes stuff up.
Stefan @78,
No Stefan, what you want to do is pick on somebody lacking the rhetorical skills to defend themselves. You want facts? The trial is giving is the facts. And the facts say: “Rossi lost.”
But thanks for stopping by. You’re always welcome.
My disappointment with having you speak on behalf of King County Elections is that you’re not an expert on their procedures and you’re not accountable for simply making stuff up, which you were doing today.
So, let me get this straight. You’re allowed to CRITICIZE without being an expert, but not allowed to DEFEND? What will the talking hamburgers and flying alligators in your fantasy world tell you to say next?
Get some professional help. I mean it. You’re a head case.
Apparently Stefan read the last bit of this entry.
“When all else fails, Be dismissive.”
‘least he’s taking it to heart!
Wow, Burnman was pretty harsh on the last Republicans’ witness. Completely took him to task for regurgitating exactly what the Rep lawyers asked of him rather than thinking critically. In the end, the judge asked him how it’s possible that his result is so diametrically opposed to the Dems’ witnesses, given somewhat similar numbers of illegal votes. He responds that the location of those illegal votes makes all the difference, and adding 700 or so could completely alter the conclusion from “definitely Rossi” to “definitely Gregoire”. I don’t think the judge bought it, and even if he did, it only goes to show the lack of validity in deducting votes based on a biased sample.
Please do put up the complete clip, Goldy.
I agree. Put up an audio clip if possible. Then we can all vote on it.
>My disappointment with having you speak on behalf of King >County Elections is that you’re not an expert on their >procedures and you’re not accountable for simply making stuff >up, which you were doing today.
Goldy and Stefan are both Bog experts. Nothing more.
>I specifically told John that I’d prefer to confront an actual >elections official.
Wow. I didn’t listen to it, but that comment makes it sound as if Stefan got beat pretty bad. It looks as if he’s trying to ban you from the air like he banned adverse posters on SP.
>I only want to pick on someone who’s bigger than I am, not just >some insignificant fool who doesn’t know what they’re talking >about and just makes stuff up.
I think he’s still mad at you Goldy for destroying the now irrelevant voter crediting spreadsheets months before the judge rejected them.
Ok. Guys. I think in all fairness, its time to stop arguing and go one to one in a “blog off.”
Blog Off Rules:
When the decision is issued on Monday, each of you will get 100 words to state why the decision of the judge was right or wrong with a 50 word rebuttal. The only rules are no all CAPS or exclamation marks.
Of course, the premise that an “illegal vote”‘s precinct (I assume that’s what the witness was implying by “location”) dictates which gubernatorial candidate was marked off on that voter’s ballot is illogical, specious, unscientific, and incorrect. But even if Bridges were to accept that illogical, specious, unscientific, and incorrect premise, he couldn’t possibly limit its application to the cherry-picked (unscientific synonym of “biased”) locations selected by the Rossi camp.
Thus, if the illogical, specious, unscientific, and incorrect premise is rejected, Rossi loses on the merits. And if the illogical, specious, unscientific, and incorrect premise is accepted, Rossi loses on the numbers.
Conclusion — no matter how you slice it, Rossi loses.
Erik @83
The only rules are no all CAPS or exclamation marks.
For a moment I thought you were excluding me…
Before you foolishly put any money on Goldy, you may actually want to do some research for a change and listen to those Carlson clips. Under the slightest pressure, Goldy gets excited, hyperventilates and shits all over himself by making stuff up or blabbing something stupid, irrelevant or worse.
Listen to Goldy on Carlson today….is that the best the LEFTIST PINHEADS can do??? Yeah…probably.
Before you foolishly put any money on Goldy, you may actually want to do some research for a change and listen to those Carlson clips
Are you suggesting a wager for the election or the Blog Off? I am not sure than that is legal. Plus, blogging employs quite different skills than speaking on AM radio.
Listen to Goldy on Carlson today….is that the best the LEFTIST PINHEADS can do??? Yeah…probably.
Also, had you been initially qualified for the Blog Off, you would have been eliminated before you started by your use of all caps.
I try to limit the majority of my all caps to LEFTIST PINHEAD out of all due respect….which is NONE!!
Erik, to use dj’s favorite words: f u, you can’t tell me what to type or the content value. I don’t care about the message length. If 100 kool.
Dj is my favorite foil, just after Jethro, donnageddon’s son.
Seriously though, I will be reading.
Did you understand my Hebrew? Did it display correctly?
I have some suggestions for you Priscilla.
1. Glue anything to your chest. Please!
2. Shaving your legs won’t help.
3. Grow your crotch hair long enough to braid, to keep you occupied.
4. You can’t smoke in public (You Lib’s won’t allow it!)
5. Dont blow the smoke rings out of your butt, we like the Ozone layer over Seattle!
6. Dont scratch your butt with the kitchen utensils, you might enjoy it.
7. Going to the powder room won’t help.
8. Dont open the beverage bottles with… I’m not going there.
9. Dont lick your shoes to make them shine use the shoe polish.
I have another suggestion for you too.
Chrissy slipped by
But it won’t fly
PS. You actually think Dean Logan is “Cute” …..
10. You have no taste in this race.
skinny @ 82
“Wow, Burnman was pretty harsh on the last Republicans’ witness. Completely took him to task for regurgitating exactly what the Rep lawyers asked of him rather than thinking critically.”
Indeed. The selection of Professor Gill by the Republicans was a huge mistake. First, he doesn’t have the credentials necessary. As a political scientist, he does not specialize in elections (that is not a criticism of his specialization, which is religion and politics, though). As a statistician. . . well. . . ummmm. . . he isn’t one.
The big problem with Gill’s work is that it contains no statistical component whatsoever. That is, there are no estimates of the stochastic uncertainty of the estimates. Judge Bridges, when questioning Professor Gill, seemed to grasp the “probability of winning” component of Professor Handcock’s analysis.
Professor Gill was, really, providing blind analyses of data configured for him by the Republicans.
“In the end, the judge asked him how it’s possible that his result is so diametrically opposed to the Dems’ witnesses, given somewhat similar numbers of illegal votes. He responds that the location of those illegal votes makes all the difference, and adding 700 or so could completely alter the conclusion from “definitely Rossi” to “definitely Gregoire”. I don’t think the judge bought it, and even if he did, it only goes to show the lack of validity in deducting votes based on a biased sample.”
If you apply Professor Gill’s and Professor Handcock’s methods to the same set of ballots, the answers will match within a few votes. The superiority of Professor Handcocks’s method is that it allows Judge Bridges to know the “false positive” probability—that is, the probability of overturning an election that Gregoire actually won. (Of course both analyses make the problematic assumption of homogeneity within precincts).
I believe the misunderstanding at the end of the trial is what subsets of the data are employed. Here are the data sets (as of the start of the trial; they have changed by now):
a) GOP 946 felons
b) GOP 53 deceased
c) GOP 16 double voters
d) GOP 348 KC provisionals
e) GOP 77 Pierce provisionals
f) GOP 529 (or 785) KC invalid votes
g) GOP 135 Pierce invalid votes
h) GOP 2 Lewis county stolen ballets
i) Dem 743 felons
j) Dem 51 additional invalid votes (May 6 list)
k) Dem 6 Pierce county mentally incompetent votes
l) Dem 1,889 provisionals w/o signature verification
m) Dem and GOP ballots to add (333 GOP) and (779 Dem)
Clearly, the answer you get depends on which subsets of ballots you take from from these lists. I beleive that, if Judge Bridges allows any proportional analysis at all, he will only allow a subset of ballots known to be invalid with clear and convincing evidence. This means most of a, b, c, f (some), i, j and perhaps k.
dj: I actually almost fully agree with you on this one. His trial performance was not stellar, similar to Nick Handy for your side the other day. You could feel his pain.
I really wonder what he thinks now so I will not speculate anything, except there were great errors made. Why do you exclude d? An invalid vote is an invalid vote.
Under the slightest pressure, Goldy gets excited, hyperventilates and shits all over himself by making stuff up or blabbing something stupid, irrelevant or worse.
well if Stefan and Carlson would stop interrupting and let Goldy finish a sentence (instead of “shouting him down”), then maybe he wouldn’t need to get excited. I noticed Goldy let Stefan blather on without interrupting.
Cynical you ignorant inbread slut. get a fuc*ing life…..or just crawl back under that rock of yours until you get another chance to add your two cents worth in 2006. As of now you are the biggest loser in the contest.
“I just hope the judge rules in the Dems favor so I can rub the Reps nose in it for a while.”
Don’t worry lucy, he will and we will.
33 sez,
“And regardless of his decision, it will go to a heavily Democratically appointed Supreme Court…. So it would appear to be a no-win situation for the R’s.”
Well heres someone who badly needs a civicks lesson because even li’l ol’ me knows Supreme Court judges are elected.
Reply to pudbutt @ 74
You don’t eat pork? Wow, you must be a terrorist!
Oh Stefan, are you lost? I thought you had your own septic tank to piss in. Costs you a dime to use the commode here.
Geez I shoulda said fifty cents. Kind of dates me, doesn’t it?
Comment on 83
I don’t need 100 words to tell the trolls why they were wrong. I can do it in 4 words:
“You are fucking idiots!”
Comment on 86
“Under the slightest pressure, Goldy gets excited, hyperventilates and shits all over himself by making stuff up or blabbing something stupid, irrelevant or worse.”
Gee who else do we know who has that problem.
GS I have some more suggestions for you:
1. Dont use your butt to shine your pants.
2. It isnt necessary to match your socks with your shorts unless youre going to a bacholerette party.
3. If you grow the hair in your ears long enough you wont need ear muffs in the winter.
4. Youre sapposta lick your comb before you comb your crotch hair over your bald spot, not after.
5. When you blow your nose in public hold on to your stomick so it wont jiggle up and down.
6. Dont jerk your leg up and down when your scratching your crotch.
7. When you blow bubbles in the bath and pop them with your teeth dont inhale or you will say funny things and people will think you are strange.
Italics be gone!
I’ve never trusted dark swarthy Italics men like Rossy. He looks like those Italics guys on the “sopranos.”
Not as powerful as you think you are, eh, dj?
If I may be so bold, Priscilla, that’s a groaner.
Fifty percent of what I read in these comments makes me groan … I feel your pain!
Pudster @ 94
I actually almost fully agree with you on this one. His trial performance was not stellar, similar to Nick Handy for your side the other day. You could feel his pain. . . . Why do you exclude d? An invalid vote is an invalid vote.”
Thanks for the comment and question, Pudster. Excluding d was somewhat speculative–I would not be surprised if I am wrong on this one. These are the 348 provisional ballots that went through the Accuvote machines on Election Day. Of these 31 cannot be identified with a voter. Of the remaining 317, all but 92 ended up being valid voters. Bridges may allow all but “pull” those 92 known invalid votes that can be traced to a person.
Why not the other 225 for which the voter did not sign a poll book or a provisional envelope? Well, it certainly makes sense to reject these. If the GOP can demonstrate that the voters did not sign a poll book or sign and return an empty envelope, then they might well get tossed as improperly cast ballots.
Here is the problem, though. Judge Bridges will have to determine some threshold of how strict he will be about the letter of the law versus disenfranchising valid voters–I am speculating that he will favor keeping ballots cast by valid voters, even if there were minor errors. The provisional ballots fed through the Accuvote machines on Election Day are, for the most part, voter error. But, a provisional without a signature is clearly an improperly cast ballot.
But, if Judge Bridges rejects those ballots, what is he to do about the 1,889 provisional ballots in 14 Eastern Washington counties without signature verification? That was clearly election official error, even if the error still makes the ballot improperly cast.
[I think the WAC code is: WAC 434-253-047 Provisional ballots–Disposition. … A provisional ballot cannot be counted unless the voter’s name, signature and the date of birth, if available, matches a voter registration record. (But this may be the newly revised version)].
Frankly, I don’t really want the GOP or Dems to win by tossing out 2,114 votes that were cast in good faith by valid voters but had minor errors associated with them. Even though I want Gregoire to prevail here, if Judge Bridges rejects the 348 (or 317) provisional ballots, I hope he allows the 1,889 ballots to stand.
N @ 107
“Not as powerful as you think you are, eh, dj?”
I think I broke my wand. :-)
Fireone @ 67
Sorry about the delay in responding. . . very busy day today.
”Thanks dj for the comments. It is so hard to find people on these boards who actually want to discuss the issues. These boards usually end up in name calling and foul language.”
I do prefer to have intelligent discussion, but sometimes even I indulge in bloodsport with the trolls . . .
”I am an independent voter who is only concerned with getting an accurate election in the future. I have heard several things during the testimony that could be used in future elections. First, the precinct observers should not be appointed from the current governors party. Second, the observers should not take the sign in log home.”
Hmmm . . . perhaps you are referring to election judges? I believe the observers are from all parties and are not allowed to touch anything (or even talk to the election workers while they are processing ballots). I don’t recall anything about judges or observers taking the sign in log home, and I am not sure of the signficance of this. More details are welcome!
”I have not, however heard anything that would indicate fraud. Still, quite an interesting history lesson. I always believe that no matter who is governor (or President) if you don’t like them, we will still live through them. We have lived through some absolutely horredous Presidents (and governors).”
Yes. . . it is hard to disagree what that!
Silly me! I thought Fireone meant the poll workers. Poor Fireone seems to think all the poll workers are appointed by one party. Can you please explain that to him (and me) Mr. dee-jay?
People, I’m just a ditzy air head who cant spell and makes up silly little rimes, so you prolly dont care what I thinck. But I’ll tell you anyway.
I thinck Judge Bridges is looking at this little thing called separation of powers. He is thincking, a county judge should not overrule three millon voters and chose the governor himself except in the most extraordinary circumstanses. To keep powers separated and goverment balanced, his role in this is to limited to setting right a great injustice if one occurred. Otherwise his job is to let the people verdict stand. Now what does extraordinary circumstances mean. It is the wrong person getting the office because of fraud or illegal votes, which has to be proved with “clear and convincing” evidence. Do any of you really believe Judge Bridges thincks “appears” overrules “clear and convincing evidence” (yes I’m talking to you Mr. Cynicle!). Put yourself in Judge Bridges shoes, what would it take for you a county judge to say the election officials who have power under law to count votes didnt do a good enough job so you’re going to substitute your judgment for theirs. He will do it only if he is convinced a mistake was made i.e. the wrong person was declared winner, and if he is a careful judge this will take a lot of convincing. This is how simple it is everybody. The Republicans either convinced Judge Bridges the voters actally chose Rossy not Gregore or they didnt. How many of you can look at this objectively. I thinck there is a lot of wishful thincking going on with some of you. Once again how much does it take to get a county judge to decide three millon votes arent going to count and he will chose the governor himself.
There’s your answer.
See you Monday morning.
He ought to say, the people’s government failed them; that is was negligent in doing a prime job of government (running an accurate election). Worse he found they still don’t care. I think he might overturn on those ground (admittedly not sure how) and let the Supremes clean up afterwards for the difficult issue of courts overturning elections.
wrong headed @ 16
Geeeeezuzzzz … you’re still trying to recycle that lame GOP argument that the election should be set aside because it was a “mess”? Hate to tell ya, wrong headed, but there is NO legal basis for that. The judge will apply the LAW, and the LAW says Rossi has to prove the mistakes and illegal votes changed the result. If he didn’t carry that burden of proof to the judge’s satisfiction, he will lose the lawsuit.