Well, now I can’t say (un)Sound Politics has never been useful… it just reminded me that the King County Council will meet to discuss election reform Monday morning, at 9:30 AM, 10th Floor, King County Courthouse. (3rd & James.)
I intend to be there, and apparently… so does Stefan. (But Captain, you just can’t mix matter and antimatter cold!) Watch the universe explode on KCTV.
Read Part I of my report from the hearing.
Gee, don’t hurt him, Goldy. He’s far too entertaining as a dumbass Rossi shill.
On the other hand, I know a couple of good taxidermists if you need to mount a scalp on your office wall.
“On the other hand, I know a couple of good taxidermists if you need to mount a scalp on your office wall”
just another compassionate, kind hearted liberal!
At 2,
And another irony challenged Republican…
Why don’t you invest some time doing some actual firsthand research for a change….such as look thru each & every KingCo Precindt pollbook. Check out the REQUIRED reconciliations. Check out any CHANGES that were made since the pollworkers attested to the reconciliation.
Look at them FIRSTHAND Goldy….then let’s talk.
OOOPS, I forgot….you wouldn’t want to look at the facts and be forced with the moral dilemma of admitting major errors & neglect.
It’s easier to just watch Sharkansky do all the work…and then try to “spin” away conclusions.
Look at the Pollbooks..look at the reconciliations.
Now tell me Goldy…do you believe Dean Logan’s statement that KingCo had such perfect controls UPFRONT that their was no BALLOTBOX STUFFING and no illegal votes got counted.
Perfect controls UPFRONT…my ass!!
Look at the source documents Goldy…before you make an Ass out of yourself…again!
Let’s see:
over 899000 votes most of which were absentee processed by 43 FTE’s with very few extra hires and over 4000 volunteers resulting in:
less than 1 error per precinct. over 2600 precints.
All of this equals a catastrophe on the order on Chicago and the Ukraine.
Sigh.. Is it any wonder why some folks on this comment board shake their heads at these (u)SP people?
Oh John…If you throw out the illegal votes, the dead votes, and the felon votes, guess who wins? Are you still shaking your head? JCH
[Take This, You Commie Lib Democrats!]
I sat in my seat of the Boeing 767 waiting for everyone to hurry and
stow their carry-ons and grab a seat so we could start what I was sure to be a long, uneventful flight home. With the huge capacity and slow moving people taking their time to stuff luggage far too big for
the overhead and never paying much attention to holding up the growing line behind them, I simply shook my head knowing that this flight was not starting out very well. I was anxious to get home to see my loved ones so I was focused on “my” issues and just felt like standing up and yelling for some of these clowns to get their act together.
I knew I couldn’t say a word so I just thumbed thru the “Sky Mall”
magazine from the seat pocket in front of me. You know it’s really getting rough when you resort to the over priced, useless sky mall crap to break the monotony. With everyone finally seated, we just sat there with the cabin door open and no one in any hurry to get us going although we were well past the scheduled take off time. No wonder the airline industry is in trouble I told myself. Just then, the attendant came on the intercom to inform us all that we were being delayed. The entire plane let out a collective groan. She resumed speaking to say “We are holding the aircraft for some very
special people who are on their way to the plane and the delay shouldn’t be more than 5 minutes.. The word came after waiting six times as long as we were promised that “I” was finally going to be on my way home. Why the hoopla over “these” folks? I was expecting some celebrity or sport figure to be the reason for the hold up ..
Just get their butts in a seat and let’s hit the gas I thought. The attendant came back on the speaker to announce in a loud and excited voice that we were being joined by several U. S. Marines returning home from Iraq!!! Just as they walked on board, the entire plane erupted into applause. The men were a bit taken by surprise by the 340 people cheering for them as they searched for their seats. They were having their hands shook and touched by almost everyone who was
within an arm’s distance of them as they passed down the aisle. One elderly woman kissed the hand of one of the Marines as he passed by her. The applause, whistles and cheering didn’t stop for a long time. When we were finally airborne, “I” was not the only civilian checking
his conscience as to the delays in “me” getting home, finding my easy chair, a cold beverage and the remote in my hand. These men had done for all of us and I had been complaining silently about “me” and “my” issues I took for granted the everyday freedoms I enjoy and the conveniences of the American way of life. I took for granted that others had paid the price for my ability to moan and complain about a few minutes delay to “me” while those Heroes were going home to their
loved ones. I attempted to get my selfish outlook back in order and minutes before we landed, I suggested to the attendant that she announce over the speaker a request for everyone to remain in their seats until our heroes were allowed to gather their things and be first off the plane. The cheers and applause continued until the last Marine stepped off and
we all rose to go about our too often taken for granted everyday freedoms.
I felt proud of them. I felt it an honor and a privilege to be among the first to welcome them home and say “Thank You for a job well done.”
I vowed that I will never forget that flight nor the lesson learned. I can’t say it enough, THANK YOU to those Veterans and active servicemen and women who may read this and a prayer for those who cannot because they are no longer with us. GOD BLESS AMERICA! WELCOME HOME! AND THANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!!!! This is a ribbon for soldiers fighting in Iraq. Pass it on to everyone and pray. Something good will happen to you tonight at 11:11 PM. This is not a joke ….
Someone will either call you or will talk to you online and say that they love you. Do not break this chain. Send this to as many people as you can in the next 15 minutes. Go
You conveniently forgot that Dean Logan originally said he “did not have adequate resources” to do a better job. Then a couple of days later, Logan said how wonderful Sims and the KingCo Council were offering him whatever resources were necessary to avoid errors. WHICH IS IT???
This orchestrated KingCo event was a “Beauty Contest”. It meant nothing other than more fodder for the big-time Republican attorneys to question Logan, Huennekens and his staff about. Logan was squirming with softball questions from Councilmembers…how doing you think Logan, Huennekens & others will act when questioned by big-time lawyers for a couple of days??
Logan has been set-up by Sims & the gang. He is in too deep now to retreat. I don’t feel sorry for him.
The “Election Contest” is what really matters. This lame-ass “Beauty Contest” was a joke….as expected.
Do you really think Republican questioners were going to ask the intricate questions now??? Of course not. The DEPOSITIONS are what matters.
Cynical @4
unless he’s published something very recently, to my knowledge Sharkansky hasn’t done any of the work you want Goldy to do, either. His analysis on King’s variance to date does not reflect analysis of pollbooks.
Why should Democrats be offended by your chain e-mail supporting the troops (“take that!”)? What an absurd and offensive thing to say.
Most everyone has close relatives, friends, children, etc. in the military – we all support the troops. Many folks, including many veterans, and people from both parties question what the commander in chief is doing; that does not diminish in any way our desire to see them come home safely.
D Huygens…….Perhaps you could pass the above to the young Democrats at UW who ran off the ROTC recruiters. Why not get their reaction? Absurd? Offensive?……………Really? Those students [Democrat lynch mob] seem to be the “poster children” for the Hillary/Teddy “Oldsmobile”/J “Fing” Kerry wing of the Democrat Party. Botton line: The truth hurts. JCH
All you seem to post lately is your constant whining about what the Shark has written.
Don’t you have any thoughts of your own that doesn’t involve complaining about the Shark? Seems just a little obsessive-compulsive. I hear there is medicine available for that now. Go ahead and take it, you have earned it.
And I will add that the Judge in this case surely seems to believe that the evidence he has seen thus forth is plenty to go forth with. So dispite your apparant hatred of Shark, I watched these King County clowns try to tell the council what an immaulate conception this election had been, and many of us feel it was an absolute fradulant joke. As you would have had it been in reverse. So apparently does the Judge, as he has ordered that the contest will go forth. So Beat up on Shark and the Republicans all you want, actually we find it quite amusing. We will succeed here! And we are P’d off at the fraud! The courts will have the final say after comparing the laws to the evidence (Not Sim’s or Dean’s BS) and the crappy job King county did. We will see! Hold your ankles folks. Keep on complaining!
GS, you need to be cognizant of the entirely different rules for declaring a contest may go forward, and declaring that a contest should prevail. So to say the Judge agrees with you is not really true. He made several statements that collectively set the bar quite high for prevailment.
JCH – Wow! That’s an impressive story about waiting for those Marines on the airplane and everyone erupting in applause – did this just happen to you or did it happen to you back in 2003 when this fictitious e-mail first started circulating on the Internet?
And we are P’d off at the fraud! – Which, of course, is something the Republicans have actually given up trying to prove in front of a real judge. Right now they’re not even alleging fraud in their court proceedings.
As Goldy points out in most recent posting, every allegation the Republicans have made has so far turned out to be false or legally immaterial (note that the second one is especially important when trying to prevail in a court case).
So keep wishin’ and hopin’ that the Republicans will actually conjure up some “evidence” that matters.
Oh My Goodness, what will happen to our world now? That idiotic judge in Olympia through out the recall on Reed. OMG, how terrifying. What will our very nice friends at (u)SP and our wonderful trolls (CynicalIdiot, Zip, JCH and our new found family member ‘liberal lies’ have to say about this? OH, I know, that damn judge must be a marxist, commie, drug addicted, left wacko ……… like most of the normal world
Torridjoe, I agree with you here. My point is as is the case with every court case, that it matters not what people believe to be right or wrong, or proper or not, it matters what the Laws are and how the Laws are defended by the Judge in this case. He felt there was enough evidence provided to go forth in court, and that will be the determining factor here. Not Horsesass.org or soundpolitics.com! Those are just the place where people can trade barbs and bitch! Looking forward to the verdict!
The Republican’s DO NOT have to prove FRAUD as you well know. That is a Leftist ‘strawman..boogieman non-issue in this contest. FRAUD is not the standard to set aside the election. The key word is APPEARS. FRAUD involves 9 issues. Not Applicable…but keep rolling it out if it makes you feel better.
Don’t you believe all the Precindt pollbooks ought to be reviewed???..just in case someone altered them after the poll workers sign off or they don’t account for all ballots issued or ballots received.
Has Shark or others looked at these poll books? What makes you think for a second they haven’t?
jpgee aka bby–
Sam Reed is not an issue to me. He has nothing to do with the Governor’s Race at this time. I haven’t seen anyone come forward with qualifications better than Sam’s to clean up the mess. Until someone does, I’m satisfied with him and have been.
The only unresolved issue is what Sam’s options were when he felt compelled to certify knowing there were unresolved issues. That remains to be disected for Sam and future SOS’s benefit.
Cynical, read GS @ 13. “We will succeed here! And we are P’d off at the fraud! The courts will have the final say after comparing the laws to the evidence (Not Sim’s or Dean’s BS) and the crappy job King county did.”
I’m not arguing the Republicans need to prove fraud, but people on your side seem determined to keep that allegation (of fraud) alive. You’re the ones who keep rolling it out when it suits you (talk radio, right-wing blogs, etc.) – helping to fan the flames of right-wing hatred.
If was a rightwing post, none of you Rethugs would even be allowed to post. Personally, I find scrolling through your rantings tiresome, but I’m glad Goldy lets you stay anyway.
my C @ 19 wow, now I must be a chameleon!!!!! You have called me many ‘very interesting’ names so far, but now I have changed to bby….LMAO@U as always
ah ha, SOS will only confirm what KC elections did wrong. don’t be to gleefull about todays dog & pony show. You have been following the elction I see since Nov but how closely?
Earlier memo’s sent by SOS were obviously ignored.
Smoking guncontrol anyone?
jpgee whiz @ 17
Nice rant, friend. Typical “progressive” tactic of demonizing and falsely attributing evil to all who disagree with you. Putting those words in my mouth is pretty low, even for a marxist, commie, drug addicted, left wacko ………oh never mind.
jcricket @ 16
Which judge declared that “every allegation the Republicans have made has so far turned out to be false or legally immaterial”? You must have a tilted crystal ball to know tha answer to that one.
Please note I am uniqu in the universe of pinko, commie, leftist, Seattle, small business owning vets.
Mr. C – your blighted version of the world makes me sick.
The R lawsuit is a bunch of baloney. Fishing for the big fraud that will bail them out. OH, Mr. IdiotC. says some combination of mistakes out of three millione votes cast will
give a sore loser his ointment. Hah. That would be a court of torts, farts, and bad gas.
Judge Bridge is in judical purgatory for the sex scandal cases, and will not be panicked by his R cronies to embarass himself more completely…….maybe a learning curve in his judical life, esp. with all the Big City media focused on this one.
Mr C- still waiting, waiting, waiting……
Recall Reed effort on the rocks. The scum suckers in the UnSoundPond are denied their vengence – more bad news to follow.