King County Councilmember Jane Hague, in the midst of an already troubled re-election campaign, said Friday she takes full responsibility for widely circulated reports that she has a college degree that she doesn’t have.
But Hague denied intentionally providing incorrect information and initially said she was puzzled at how several “Who’s Who” books, The Seattle Times, the Municipal League of King County and the National Association of Counties all reported erroneously that she had a bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan University.
“What is the point here? Are you trying to call me a liar?” she asked at one point.
Um… yeah.
“I’m willing to say that if there were erroneous reports, then you may call me guilty. You can call me guilty because the buck stops here,” the Bellevue Republican said.
Actually, the “buck” never quite “stops” with Hague. It drunkenly weaves for a few miles first, before getting pulled over and blowing a 0.14.
Asked why several “Who’s Who” books said she had a bachelor’s degree from Western Michigan, Hague said at first, “Beats me.” She then speculated that her staff members may have inadvertently filled out forms with incorrect information.
Because of course, when she says “the buck stops here,” “here” apparently refers to her incompetent staff.
If that happened, she said, “I didn’t check it closely enough. There you have it. My fault. I should have been a better proofreader. I should have been more careful about it.”
Sober translation: “I’ve got sucky staff, and it’s my fault for not keeping a closer eye on them when they fill out candidate questionnaires I’m supposed to be filling out myself.
“About 20 years ago,” when Hague contacted her alma mater in an attempt to document her credits and get a degree, she learned that credits from the law class hadn’t been transferred to Western Michigan and by then it was too late. She said she never tried to portray herself as a college graduate.
That’s right, Hague never tried to portray herself as a college graduate, except, you know… in a 1993 Municipal League candidate questionnaire, in the 1991, 1995 and 1996 editions of “Who’s Who”, in Seattle Times campaign profiles in 1993 and 1997, and in a published story in the National Association of Counties online newsletter in 2000… all of which occurred after she claims she first found out she never got a diploma. But other than that, never.
I suppose the kerfluffle over a “BS in Business and Economics” that Hague claimed to receive, but never did, wouldn’t be such a big deal if it wasn’t part of an established pattern of disingenuity and blame shifting over the past 15 years. Indeed, as the P-I reports, Hague has a documented history of blaming others.
After being pulled over for weaving dangerously on the 520 bridge, and then twice blowing nearly double the legal limit, Hague verbally berated the arresting officers, blamed her husband, and is now contesting the DUI. After a 2001 collision with a Metro bus, Hague blamed the bus driver, despite his account and those of witnesses, including an off-duty police officer. When found guilty of ethics violations in 1999 she blamed it on bad advice from a county attorney, who denied having given her any advice at all. And just a few weeks ago, in responding to a campaign disclosure violation complaint, her campaign blamed a “volunteer treasurer” for failing to meet state requirements.
Anybody who has ever run for office or worked closely on a campaign knows how candidates labor over their answers on questionnaires and in interviews — and how closely they scrutinize the write-ups, endorsements and evaluations they get in response. For years Hague knew that publications and organizations were crediting her with a BS she did not earn, and she did nothing to correct the record. For years Hague lied about her resume… part of a pattern that clearly suggests that she lacks the integrity and forthrightness voters usually demand from their elected officials.
Actually paying money to have your name printed in “Who’s Who” is embarrassing enough, but exaggerating your profile is just plan pathetic. Are voters ready to remove this embarrassment from the King County Council?
Thge establishment dems must be kicking themselves.
See, thats why it pays to due research, have a backbone and take a risk every now and again.
Why are Dem’s so risk adverse?
Just for the record, I do not have a college degree.
Richard Pope is turning out to be the luckiest long shot candidate in recent history.
Howie @4,
I think Richard is more than just lucky; he’s helping to create his own opportunity, and he deserves some credit for that.
You’d think folks would learn to not not embelish their resumes. Maybe Jane should call Darcy and learn about that.
Richard Pope may not have as much campaign funds at his disposal as Hague. But all the free advertising that Hague is supplying him – well, money just can’t buy that! Unbelievable! Hard to figure how she’s kept so many dirty details hidden under the carpet for SO LONG. Good that it’s getting outed and coming clean now.
At least with Pope, the people will get a refreshing dose of Honesty and Integrity! Even to the point where he said on that newscast (I believe that’s where I saw it) – that he couldn’t do a lot of doorbelling, because he couldn’t afford the babysitter. I laughed at that, but figure regular people would/could seriously identify with his dilemma.
Honesty and Integrity definitely comes down to being more than just “lucky”.
I know you respect Richard and I must say I found him open and hinest at DL.
Obviously this is not a Darcy issue, but is there room for some blog effort in his behalf?
A number of years ago, Jane Hague was the head of Records and Elections for King County. Yes, that same job that Dean Logan held. It was probably during the administration of Tim Hill as County Executive. I believe he was the last republican County Executive. Anyhow, somebody should check to see if she lied about her college degree on her King County Application for Employment. That might be a violation of the law if she did misrepresent her credentials to the County.
Incidentally she had a reputation for coming to work late and taking long lunches when she was at Records and Elections. Into the booze even then?
Intersting. Senator Craig plays footsie and has to resign. Ms Hague falsifies her credentials and is a perpetual drunk, but??????????
What does “the buck stops with me!” mean? Is she going to drop out of the race? If it means nothing will happen either way to anyone, then Hell, I’ll take full responsiblity for the error. What do I care? Also, four years in Kalamazoo and she wasn’t sure she graduated? “I didn’t graduate? Weird.” Anyone who has ever received a degree knows that is complete bullshit. Pope, I may start volunteering for you. Did you ever think anyone would say that?
Richard, you’re looking better every day in this race.
Nobody hates the Pope — except some disaffected Gnostics and Republicans.
I’m also of the opinion that Richard should get a shot. I liked what he had to say on Goldy’s show a few weeks back. I don’t live in that district, though. But I know some folks who probably do, so I will send some info their way. Like Goldy says, what’s the worst that could happen? Pope gets on the council and doesn’t do a sucky job? That would show all those people who think politicians as so damn special.
For the record, I have two degrees, but I won’t loan any of them out so that others can pad their resumes. I had to work for those things.
Richard Pope: Whatever happens in the election, Good Luck to you and Godspeed.
Richard, if you win you should go back and view all the negative vitriol spewed your way here on ‘Wipes by some who now are “liking” you!
11 SJ
Jane Hague lies about her resume, drives drunk, and apparently blames everyone but herself for her own blunders. That puts her squarely in the mainstream of the Republican Party.
I spoke with R last night. One probkme he has is that he has a shitty web soite .. hard to find. So I have highlighted it at SeattleJew
Another issue is $$ and support. Go to his sight .. cheer him on, give a few bucks!
While i actually oppose Hague, this article said very little
a) she never claimed a degree
b) others did, not on her behalf
Its a stretch to say she lied.
Maybe you’d deal w/ it better if she could phrase it like “I did not inhale (type a degree)”
The HA blog has compelled me many times to send a check to Darcy’s campaign even though she is not in my district. I also feel that a particular bond with Pope after all the fun the rabbit has with him and his perennial losses in runs for office. As a former researcher, I have found Pope to have a very unusual skill in digging for information and presenting it clearly and mostly objectively. This may serve him, and the public, well if he wins this campaign.
Can this site offer to set up a Papal account to send him some baby sitting money and extra stamps?
Hmmm, a lying Republican candidate or Richard Pope? Based on my impression of him from having read his comments on this blog for many months, I’d say, “best of luck, Jane!” I mean, honesty can only make up so much for being a flippin’ lunatic.
While Jane HL-DS (HagueLate-DollarShort) has a growing amount of baggage attaching itself to her name, Richard Pope is no clean whistle as was disclosed during his 2006 failed (all his runs are failed) run for an Eastside district court judgeship. Read about his history at
http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....cation=rss and at http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....pe08e.html
Goldy himself had a few choice things to say about Pope back in 2006. Read them at
Pope is no crusader for the people or for cleaner, better government; Pope is a crusader for Pope. If you live in the 3rd Councilmanic District and don’t like HL-DS, write in someone’s name, but don’t encourage Pope to engage in another failed run after this failed run. Who know’s? He may switch parties again or become a Green or whatever when what he ought to do, as evidenced by the public record, is pay more attention to the needs and interests of his clients.
The Piper
Goldy himself had a few choice things to say about Pope back in 2006. Read them at
Pope is no crusader for the people or for cleaner, better government; Pope is a crusader for Pope. If you live in the 3rd Councilmanic District and don’t like HL-DS, write in someone’s name, but don’t encourage Pope to engage in another failed run after this failed run. Who know’s? He may switch parties again or become a Green or whatever when what he ought to do, as evidenced by the public record, is pay more attention to the needs and interests of his clients.
The Piper
Oh…BTW…HL-DS = HagueLate-DollarShort
The Piper
Richard and Hague
1. I am very much a newbie on this issue. I am, however, excited abut the possibility of new media giving us real chance to find our what a candidate is really about. If there are popele here with facts I hope the suspos will post them.
2. Making the Hague::Pope race an example of web based debate could do a lot of good for democracy!
Richard and $$
As I understand the SW behind teh Darcy-meter, all richard needs is to go to this address to set up an account:
@ 26 SJ
Nice & fair job you did at your website! I tried to post a comment over there but can’t seem to do it since I don’t have a blogger acct or my own website. Still . . .
So glad that you’ve jumped in to offer Richard Pope support and advice! I already contributed to his campaign, but it was a little of a nuisance to use snail mail to contribute, especially after the ease of Paypal or ActBlue. Wish I were able to supply some votes by talking to neighbors, or hang out a yardsign, but I don’t live in his district. Would like to see a regular person for a change (with no political favors owed to anybody) have a shot at the King County Council. Heck, as a person residing in King County myself, Pope might be able to perceive the needs of us Seattle Folks too when he votes on issues. Thanks again SJ!
Even though, everybody pokes such fun at Pope’s perennial campaigns and losses, one point particularly struck me that he made the other night on the Channel 5 broadcast. That he didn’t particularly EXPECT to win those other races – they were tough incumbents usually running unopposed. IMHO, in a democracy, it’s healthy for people to have a challenger so that politicians don’t feel so firmly entrenched that they don’t have to behave like the regular John Doe public is required to.
Pope… go get on Act Blue now!! It’s easy and heck, I’m about ready to give you a few bucks… and I’m in Eastern Washington!
To the party hack at 23, 24, and 25… forgettaboutit. Those are some pretty empty assummptions about Richard’s motives.
Goldy is right. What’s the worse thing that could happen if Richard wins? I think he will do a good job and we might all be surprised! The way I see it, if he doesn’t do a good job, he simply won’t be all that effective and voters will send him packing and both the press and the bloggers will likely facilitate that exit. He’s got a shot at this and I say give him a chance.
@27 .. AFIK anyone can post at a blogger site. Could you try again and email me id you still have trouble?
@ 30, SJ
What do you know? Worked for me this time so I made it ‘into the hopper’. Glad to meet ya! Will be checking in there some times now.
Goldy’s favorite progressive Snohomish County Democrat in action!
Olson to ask for leave of absence
EVERETT — Everett City Councilman Mark Olson is expected to ask his colleagues Wednesday for an extended leave of absence while he is being investigated for allegations of sexual assault.
The embattled councilman earlier today said he is preparing a written statement, to be released this afternoon, asking the council to allow him to step aside until November without giving up his seat.
At least one councilman says that is not enough and wants Olson to resign.
“I think he should resign,” City Councilman Arlan Hatloe said. “It’s very disappointing to see what’s unfolded. To spare the rest of the council, the staff and the city government further embarrassment, I think he should step down.”
Olson, 52, an Everett personal injury attorney, has been accused of sexually assaulting a woman at his downtown Everett law office in June after a night of drinking. He acknowledges having intercourse with the woman, but contends the sex was consensual.
The woman says that she doesn’t remember consenting to a sexual encounter and believes she was too intoxicated to provide consent.
The allegation has been forwarded to Skagit County Prosecutor Rich Weyrich. No charges have been filed.
Last week, a Cascade District Court judge in Arlington found that Olson violated a probation order the night of the alleged assault. That order required him to stay sober until 2008.
Olson was ordered to stay away from alcohol after a 2003 drunken-driving arrest on the Tulalip Indian Reservation, when he nearly hit a tribal police officer who had stopped another vehicle, police said.
A test allegedly showed Olson’s blood-alcohol level was nearly twice the legal limit.
The council is scheduled to meet Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Everett City Council Chambers, 2930 Wetmore Ave.