Cool. Isn’t this from the Rolling Stones’ Rock and Roll Circus?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh my! Imagine the influence this has on the impressionable minds of the young! What’s next, dancing and drinking?
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Hey Steve–
Obama DOWN 70% in 3 days.
Folks ain’t feelin’ safe or hopeful.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 34% of the nation’s voters now Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Thirty-one percent (31%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of +3
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Now look what the idiot President O-blah-blah has done! Just in from the AP–
By EILEEN SULLIVAN and H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press Writer Eileen Sullivan And H. Josef Hebert, Associated Press Writer – 21 mins ago
WASHINGTON – The government accidentally posted on the Internet a list of government and civilian nuclear facilities and their activities in the United States, but a U.S. official said Wednesday the posting included no information that compromised national security.
The 266-page document was published on May 6 as a transmission from President Barack Obama to Congress. According to the document, the list was required by law and will be provided to the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Some of the pages are marked “highly confidential safeguards sensitive”
How safe do Americans feel with KLOWN-bama at the helm as Kommander in Chief??
Safer than with Mr. “Can’t Ride A Bicycle Without Falling Off”
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Hey Cynical, even Osama isn’t a friend of Obama now…
Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden said U.S. President Barack Obama had planted seeds for “revenge and hatred” toward the United States in the Muslim world.
But he was gonna heal the nations… Set a new tone… People would like America again…
Roger Rabbitspews:
Recruiter’s Killer Was Under Terrorism Watch
The man charged with shooting two Army recruits at an Arkansas recruiting office was being investigated by “an FBI-led terrorism task force” since returning to the U.S. from Yemen last year, where he had been jailed for using a Somali passport, according to law enforcement sources.
Police officials told the Associated Press that Muhammad planned to kill “as many people in the Army as he could” because of what American soldiers “had done to Muslims,” and also considered attacking military facilities and Jewish organizations.
(Quotes from AP under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yemen. Somalia. Can there be any doubt this perp has ties to overseas terrorist organizations? He may or may not be affiliated with Al Qaeda, but we now know he was on the FBI terrorism squad’s radar even before the Little Rock shooting. Doesn’t sound like they kept a very good eye on him, though — when he was arrested, he had an SKS assault rifle, molotov cocktails, and other weapons in his car. How the hell did he slip through the cracks?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 Whaddya wanna bet the idiot who posted the nuclear secrets online is a holdover from the Bush regime?
I vaguely recall something similar happening while Bush was still in office — some dope posted nuclear bomb blueprints on the internet, or some lame thing like that. I don’t recall the details anymore.
And then there was the bomber that flew live nuclear warheads halfway across the U.S. because someone loaded weapons on the plane instead of the duds they were supposed to transport for scrapping. That happened on Bush’s watch, too.
It’s pretty clear you can’t trust Republicans with nuclear secrets. Hell, you can’t even trust them with levee maintenance or storm cleanup. I wouldn’t put a Republican in charge of driving a drinking water truck. Not if you want drinking water in a disaster area after a big storm hits!
Roger Rabbitspews:
When Republicans start blaming Republicans on Democrats, you know they’re holding an empty hand and have no cards to play.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 Osama? You mean this guy?
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.” — George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Poor Puddy – you just don’t get it.
Obama never said he was going to be easy on terrorists (like Bush). In fact, if you had actually listened to his speeches (intstead of offereing knee-jerk criticism, you would have known that he faulted Bush for NOT going after bin laden in Afghanistan and instead wasting lives and effort in Iraq.
It is only the false right-wing narrative that claimed he would not be tough on bin Laden.
Of course, bin Laden is now upset with Obama. He now has an adversary who is willing to kick his butt instead of ignoring him (like Bush) and alienating the rest of the Muslimn world.
You see, when Obama reahces out to Muslims he further marginalizes bin Laden and makes bin Laden even weaker – so bin Laden is upset.
Bin Laden loved Bush, becuase Bush falsely invaded a Muslim country, alienated Muslims and failed to actively go after bin Laden. Bush was the perfect recruiting tool for bin Laden – but now bin Laden is failing and Obama is actively going after him. Notice how Pakistan is now attacking the Taliban – something that didn’t happen in the 8 years of Bush (and the billions in aid we gave them).
Roger Rabbitspews:
For 5 1/2 years, Osama pranced as free as a bird while Bush chased a will o’ the wisp in Iraq. In fact, Bush’s efforts to catch OBL were so inept you almost think he wanted him to get away. Well, I do think Bush wanted Osama to remain at large … bin Laden was the best thing the GOP had going for it.
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. correctnotright spews:
You made an allegation, I am still waiting for you to back it up.
75. correctnotright spews:
and you threaten people like the wimp you are….really, you have no honor and credibility.
05/11/2009 AT 7:40 AM
I have asked you many times to provide a link to my threats.
For some reason you refuse.
Don’t you want to rub it in my face and prove me a liar??
I know you are lying, that is why you can’t post a link.
Roger Rabbitspews:
And puddinghead, of course, is a traitor for supporting a party that aids and abets our country’s terrorist enemies. We should put him on trial along with the rest of the Republican traitors.
This is not a good development in an already tragic story..
@13: Dear Moron Stamn
Maybe you can’t read your own writing:
Because I don’t want to hurt you. That’s why I am forcing you not to come down to los angeles.
That is called a threat. Of course, being the wimp you are you would never back it up.
I am still waiting for your apology for calling me a liar, when you were wrong again about the anti-abortion murderer of Dr. Tiller. I said it was clearly part of a continuing pattern of anti-abortion violence against Tiller. You said I had nothing to back it up – I cited the clear evidence and you have yet to apologize for calling me a liar.
You have no honor.
How does it feel to be a liar and to slander someone? Maybe your religion will kick you out now that we have proved that you spread false rumors and accuse people of lying falsely.
You have no credibility. You have no morals. You are a true scumbag.
A daily poll of anything is pretty worthless.
Somehow I doubt it was Obama that did that. The same sorts of thing happened a couple of times under Bush and Co.
Gee, under Obama OBL might finally buy the farm.
The Dem Party’s fortunes are NOT in any way tied to that Islamist fiend staying alive.
Unlike that OTHER corrupt ugly party.
ahhhhhhh.. Poor Newt admits he stuck his foot in his mouth.
This is progress. The first time a lying, slobbering right wing fiend apologizes to anyone besides Limbaugh.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
6. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Hey Cynical, even Osama isn’t a friend of Obama now…
Gee Puddy, for some reason I still get Osama and Obama confused.
Mr. Cynicalspews:
Here is the best way to distinguish Osama and Obama=
Your guy invaded the wrong country in order to stop terrorism. Obama on a bad day has Bush beat on his best day.
Marvin Stamnspews:
7. Roger Rabbit spews: Recruiter’s Killer Was Under Terrorism Watch
How the hell did he slip through the cracks?
Like the left has been saying the last 8 years, the buck stops with the president.
Why didn’t the obama do something?
Maybe he was just too busy hanging out with brian williams going out for hamburgers to actually do his job.
Hey Marvin!
I have asked many times for proof that you are not a miserable scum who would use a social problem as a political cudgel without lifting a finger to alleviate said social problem.
That’s probably not it. But yeah, we’ve got a doctor who’d been threatened for years that gets shot by a guy who’s a known entity and a couple of soldiers shot by a guy on a terrorism watch list. We need to do better than that.
Marvin Stamnspews:
23. Mr. Cynical spews:
Gee Puddy, for some reason I still get Osama and Obama confused.
If you don’t mind me jumping in…
obama – elected leader of the left
osama – unelected leader of the left
Look how long it took jon to post a thread about the recruiter being killed by a muslim terrorist in the streets of amercia. And then he only posted one thread unlike the baby-killing doctor that got many threads. AND a vigil from the left. You would NEVER see left wing-nuts do that for servicemen.
After 9/11, how many americans were killed in america by muslim terrorists under bush.
Marvin Stamnspews:
27. czechsaaz spews:
Hey Marvin!
I have asked many times for proof that you are not a miserable scum who would use a social problem as a political cudgel without lifting a finger to alleviate said social problem.
I’m still waiting for the proof you stopped molesting that 5 year old girl next door to you.
Why are you afraid to give up the proof, or haven’t you stopped molesting her yet?
Marvin Stamnspews:
11. correctnotright spews:
Of course, bin Laden is now upset with Obama. He now has an adversary who is willing to kick his butt instead of ignoring him (like Bush) and alienating the rest of the Muslimn world.
Does that mean now bin laden is going to increase his attacks on america?
#30…Gee I should think that one who is known to fuck goats would be careful about casting aspersions on others.
Project much Marvin? You’re mighty obsessed with pedophilia.
If you’re really in Los Angeles, check out Arnold’s All Stars / After School All Stars for a worthy volunteer opportunity to reduce inner city youth violence.
I know you won’t though. Taking action would rob you of you’re miserable complaint driven, lack of conviction, lack of action existence.
Worthless Scum.
I can’t say that I surprised that Mister “I just can’t stop projecting” Stamn @30 clues us in on his obsession with the five year-old girl next door. Sick. But so typically Republican:
17. correctnotright spews:
Because I don’t want to hurt you. That’s why I am forcing you not to come down to los angeles.
I hope you are kidding.
What part of “Because I don’t want to hurt you” implies I want to hurt you.
And that was in reply to being asked why am I such a coward.
If this is the best you’ve got…
Maybe your religion will kick you out
Because small minded people like you feel the need to put everyone into clearly defined boxes you assume I’m religious. What a fucking idiot you are. I’d ask you to provide proof/link to my religious beliefs except you did so poorly with the “threat” proof you would probably post a link to me saying, “god damn, how can bibigoober be so ignorant?”
Besides being an idiot, you are a liar.
As for you/me lying about the doctor being killed, post the link and refresh my memory.
Marvin Stamnspews:
34. Steve spews:
I can’t say that I surprised
I definitely wasn’t surprised when you lost your cool and let your homophobic bigotry come out.
I always knew you were a bigot and racist. I’ve gotten you to admit you’re a homophobic bigot, next up is getting you to admit you’re a racist.
Here’s a clue, you goatfucking faggot cunt. Our calling you a faggot cunt is not to belittle gays and women. It is to belittle you, you worthless goatfucking faggot cunt piece of shit.
05/05/2009 AT 8:46 PM
You know steve, I couldn’t have played you any better. You admit in your own words that you were belittleing me comparing me to gays and women.
@Moron Stamn
Let’s see – I have you lying twice now (documented) and many more undocumented.
You are one sorry pathetic little weasel.
Not only are you not too bright, but you can’t even figure out when you are wrong. Being called a liar by someone like you is reaffirming that I tell the truth.
Go away you sad little person.
Marvin Stamnspews:
37. correctnotright spews:
@Moron Stamn
Let’s see – I have you lying twice now (documented) and many more undocumented.
If you consider “Because I don’t want to hurt you. That’s why I am forcing you not to come down to los angeles.” a threat I feel you are not man enough to talk to me.
Please stop replying or because I don’t want to hurt you I will force you not to come down here to attack me.
That’s why it’s so much fun to fuck with “the marvin”…he’s such a dumbshit.
Uh….Marvin. It is clear thast you implied that if one were to come to Los Angeles, you would be forced to hurt them.
A few analogies of non-threat, threats.
“That’s a nice family you have there. Make sure nothing happens to them.”
“I have a gun. I dn’t want to use it, but I know how.”
“I don’t want to kick your ass, but that’s why I’m forcing you not to come near me again.”
Again, if you’re really in Los Angeles I’m going on vacation. I’ll be at the Blue Palms on Hollywood Blvd for beers on Thurs. June 18th around 5pm. I don’t want to have to prove you’re a worthless scum, and I don’t want to have to hurt you, but bring your proof if you’re a man. I’m not afraid of a little of my personal information being on this forum…
No wonder Pud likes Sowell and Williams so much…yukkkkk.
Give me Eugene Robinson anytime…and I still miss Steve Gilliard (he had AMAZING recipes too).
According to the right, Obama is the best investment in a worker the US has ever had.
For the price of a midrange home in Seattle we get a man who single-handedly writes every memo, fills out every form, does everything associated with the Federal Government and all 50 state governments to boot.
What a great salary to cost ratio.
@39 He’s not only a dumbshit, he fucks goats. And maybe ducks. Somebody mentioned Marvin and ducks yesterday.
Good point!
Hey this is fun. It should bring comfort to the Dori Monson style of wingnut.
Sotomayor defends the free speech of WHITE RACISTS!
You know, the kind of angry, fucked-up-in-the-head fiends who knee-jerk Republican.
Hell I support their speech too! Wholeheartedly!!!
The more morons like manoftruth aka fiendoflies keep spewing their hate, the easier it is for progressives to WIN!
Keep up the great work – FIENDS! LMAO!!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
Yeah rujax, Sowell won the National Humanities Medal for prolific scholarship melding history, economics, and political science.
Yeah rujax, Sowell went to Harvard University, where he graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics in 1958.
But that’s okay rujax, intelligence was never your forte!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 “Gee Puddy, for some reason I still get Osama and Obama confused.”
I wouldn’t brag about that if I were you. It says more about your intelligence and general knowledge levels than you probably want the public to know.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 On second thought, maybe Cynical’s and Puddinghead’s confusion is understandable, considering they and their Republican friends got their asses kicked by both Osama and Obama.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@40 A couple years ago I invited a blustering wingnut to meet me at DL. He never showed up, of course. Then he had the balls to post on HA the next day that he’d been there. Big mistake! I had plenty of witnesses to the fact he was a no-show, and I’d even had him paged, proving he was nothing but a lying wingnut coward. As I recall his screen moniker was “prr,” or something like that.
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
NutRight farted:
Of course, bin Laden is now upset with Obama. He now has an adversary who is willing to kick his butt instead of ignoring him (like Bush) and alienating the rest of the Muslimn world.
Really? Like that attack earlier this year which killed many citizens in Pakistan? So you applaud going into Pakistan, a sovereign nation, and firing missiles without letting them know he’s gonna do it first?
Hmmm… that was called cowboy diplomacy when GWB was in office NutRight. What changed… oh yeah now he’s your guy so those actions are excused.
What a nutcase you are NutRight!
Puddybud is shocked SHOCKEDspews:
@48 Pelletizer, you’re confused? Yes we all know! Something to do with being a “dumb bunny”. Maybe you should become a goat. Then you would have instantaneous service requests from Steve, Ekim, Proud Leftist, rujax and many other HA swineflu weasels.
8 “I vaguely recall something similar happening while Bush was still in office — some dope posted nuclear bomb blueprints on the internet, or some lame thing like that. I don’t recall the details anymore.”
Hmmm….Our son was putting together a school report on nuclear energy when he was in the 4th grade (which would have been in 2003 or thereabouts) and included a rather detailed diagram of the innards of the “Fat Man” bomb he found on the Internet–it was on some university site, probably an illustration for a freshman physics lecture. He was rather surprised by the alarm this raised with his teacher and the school principal, and shortly thereafter the Web page in question disappeared.
Might that have been it?
I’m sure it was affirmative action.
I wonder what it would be like “never to be wrong”…hmmmmmm.
I just checked and yep = it’s still true. Democrats beat the utter crap out of Publicans in the Nov 2008 election and America said the GOP is useless. Carry on.
52 Oh, dear….I just had a “senior moment” there. I skipped a decade. This was actually ten years earlier, in 1993.
50 Puddybud is nuts…NUTS! spewed:
“Really? Like that attack earlier this year which killed many citizens in Pakistan? So you applaud going into Pakistan, a sovereign nation, and firing missiles without letting them know he’s gonna do it first?”
Er, lessee….how does that compare with stomping around ONE “sovereign nation” where Osama WAS, but doing just about everything we could to let him know we were coming…..then saying the hell with it and blowing the crap out of ANOTHER “sovereign nation” where he WASN’T? Granted, both of those countries were at the time governed by schmucks who we didn’t like, but Musharraf wasn’t exactly a paragon of virtue either. Furthermore, the real fun’s gonna happen if the Taliban manages to take over Pakistan, which happens to already have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
29. Marvin Stamn spews:
After 9/11, how many americans were killed in america by muslim terrorists under bush.
Don’t you just love the weasel word qualifying statement used by the inept right: “AFTER 9/11”?
Forget the fact that President Clinton warned the incoming Bush administration that bin Laden would be their biggest problem.
Forget the fact that President Clinton put the WH and the Pentagon on a war footing to go after al Qeada for the USS Cole bombing once it was confirmed by the CIA who was behind the attack. And that 6 days into George W. Bush’s presidency that confirmation came down and he IGNORED his duty to protect America.
Forget the fact that when Bush made his first address to NATO the 5 threats to the West he talked about did NOT include TERRORISM, AL QEADA, or OSAMA BIN LADEN.
Forget the fact that FBI agents were warning the Bush admin that terrorists were plotting hijacking inside the United States.
Forget the fact that Richard Clarke was running around with his hair on fire saying the warning lights are “blinking red.”
Forget the fact that on Aug. 6th Bush received a PDB report entitled “Osama bin Laden determined to strike within the U.S. using commercial aircraft.”
Forget the fact that Bush NEVER addressed the terrorism issue until he was reading MY PET GOAT.
Forget the fact that Bush and the Saudi ambassador sat on the Truman balcony of the WH smoking cigars while the Pentagon was still smoking in the distance.
Total dead for his dereliction of duty? Nearly 3,000 in the worst attack on American soil.
Forget the fact Bush lied us into a war in Iraq that has cost over 4,300 AMERICAN soldiers their lives while Mitt Romney’s “boys” were serving America by “helping” their daddy get elected during his failed presidential bid.
Marvin Sheik al Marvin, tell us again, what branch of the American Taliban military did you serve?
Really Puddy, you have myopic vision of the facts sometimes. It was BUSH who said that Obama did not matter, it was BUSH who attacked the wrong country (Iraq) and tried to pin 9/11 on them, it was Bush who failed to go after bin Laden in Afghanistan when we had him cornered.
Do you forget ALL the facts?
Are you that DENSE?
Actually, Pakistan is now actually going after the Taliban and bin Laden – unlike what happened with the excuse-filled, incompetent BUSH administration that gave them billions and got NOTHING in return.
Bush was, is and will remain the incompetent fool who did not get bin Laden. Puddy supports incompetent fools like Bush. Puddy supports mouthing the anti-terrorist rhetoric without actually DOING anything.
Puddy, you are a fool and a hypocrite.
24. Mr. Cynical spews:
Here is the best way to distinguish Osama and Obama=
Well, well, well, the truth finally comes out. Mr. Cynical thinks Osama bin Laden is an “ASS KICKER”!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that’s right, Mr. “I hate AMERICAN troops” Cynical puts bin Laden on a high pedestal and praises him as an ASS KICKER. His words.
Nice that you fully outted yourself as treasonous traitor to America.
Ask the dead Somali pirates if President Obama is an “ass kisser.”
Ask al Qeada and the Taliban in Pakistan why the Pakistani government decided to abandon their peace agreement they made with the terrorist in BUSH’s watch, and all of a sudden decided they better start killing terrorists if President Obama is an ass kisser. Seems to me Bush kissed the Pakistani’s ass, al Qeada’s ass and the Taliban’s ass when they got into a buddy, buddy love fest.
You don’t have to ask why there was no outrage form Puddybud or Mr. Cynical when the Pakistani government made a peace deal with the terrorist on their watch. It was good for their “cause.”
Now they are being routed in Pakistan, and no where to run to in Afghanistan, they are scared to death. Literally.
But Cynical keeps the faith and praises his leader as an “ASS KICKER.”
Cool. Isn’t this from the Rolling Stones’ Rock and Roll Circus?
Oh my! Imagine the influence this has on the impressionable minds of the young! What’s next, dancing and drinking?
Hey Steve–
Obama DOWN 70% in 3 days.
Folks ain’t feelin’ safe or hopeful.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Now look what the idiot President O-blah-blah has done! Just in from the AP–
By EILEEN SULLIVAN and H. JOSEF HEBERT, Associated Press Writer Eileen Sullivan And H. Josef Hebert, Associated Press Writer – 21 mins ago
How safe do Americans feel with KLOWN-bama at the helm as Kommander in Chief??
Safer than with Mr. “Can’t Ride A Bicycle Without Falling Off”
Hey Cynical, even Osama isn’t a friend of Obama now…
Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden said U.S. President Barack Obama had planted seeds for “revenge and hatred” toward the United States in the Muslim world.
But he was gonna heal the nations… Set a new tone… People would like America again…
Recruiter’s Killer Was Under Terrorism Watch
The man charged with shooting two Army recruits at an Arkansas recruiting office was being investigated by “an FBI-led terrorism task force” since returning to the U.S. from Yemen last year, where he had been jailed for using a Somali passport, according to law enforcement sources.
Police officials told the Associated Press that Muhammad planned to kill “as many people in the Army as he could” because of what American soldiers “had done to Muslims,” and also considered attacking military facilities and Jewish organizations.
(Quotes from AP under fair use.)
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yemen. Somalia. Can there be any doubt this perp has ties to overseas terrorist organizations? He may or may not be affiliated with Al Qaeda, but we now know he was on the FBI terrorism squad’s radar even before the Little Rock shooting. Doesn’t sound like they kept a very good eye on him, though — when he was arrested, he had an SKS assault rifle, molotov cocktails, and other weapons in his car. How the hell did he slip through the cracks?
@4 Whaddya wanna bet the idiot who posted the nuclear secrets online is a holdover from the Bush regime?
I vaguely recall something similar happening while Bush was still in office — some dope posted nuclear bomb blueprints on the internet, or some lame thing like that. I don’t recall the details anymore.
And then there was the bomber that flew live nuclear warheads halfway across the U.S. because someone loaded weapons on the plane instead of the duds they were supposed to transport for scrapping. That happened on Bush’s watch, too.
It’s pretty clear you can’t trust Republicans with nuclear secrets. Hell, you can’t even trust them with levee maintenance or storm cleanup. I wouldn’t put a Republican in charge of driving a drinking water truck. Not if you want drinking water in a disaster area after a big storm hits!
When Republicans start blaming Republicans on Democrats, you know they’re holding an empty hand and have no cards to play.
@6 Osama? You mean this guy?
“I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.” — George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Poor Puddy – you just don’t get it.
Obama never said he was going to be easy on terrorists (like Bush). In fact, if you had actually listened to his speeches (intstead of offereing knee-jerk criticism, you would have known that he faulted Bush for NOT going after bin laden in Afghanistan and instead wasting lives and effort in Iraq.
It is only the false right-wing narrative that claimed he would not be tough on bin Laden.
Of course, bin Laden is now upset with Obama. He now has an adversary who is willing to kick his butt instead of ignoring him (like Bush) and alienating the rest of the Muslimn world.
You see, when Obama reahces out to Muslims he further marginalizes bin Laden and makes bin Laden even weaker – so bin Laden is upset.
Bin Laden loved Bush, becuase Bush falsely invaded a Muslim country, alienated Muslims and failed to actively go after bin Laden. Bush was the perfect recruiting tool for bin Laden – but now bin Laden is failing and Obama is actively going after him. Notice how Pakistan is now attacking the Taliban – something that didn’t happen in the 8 years of Bush (and the billions in aid we gave them).
For 5 1/2 years, Osama pranced as free as a bird while Bush chased a will o’ the wisp in Iraq. In fact, Bush’s efforts to catch OBL were so inept you almost think he wanted him to get away. Well, I do think Bush wanted Osama to remain at large … bin Laden was the best thing the GOP had going for it.
You made an allegation, I am still waiting for you to back it up.
75. correctnotright spews:
and you threaten people like the wimp you are….really, you have no honor and credibility.
05/11/2009 AT 7:40 AM
I have asked you many times to provide a link to my threats.
For some reason you refuse.
Don’t you want to rub it in my face and prove me a liar??
I know you are lying, that is why you can’t post a link.
And puddinghead, of course, is a traitor for supporting a party that aids and abets our country’s terrorist enemies. We should put him on trial along with the rest of the Republican traitors.
Stupes and Klynical:
A tag team of psychotic, right-wing FIENDS!
And oh so boooooooooorrrrrriiiiiiiingggg…
Speaking of Devils and Terrorists….
This is not a good development in an already tragic story..
@13: Dear Moron Stamn
Maybe you can’t read your own writing:
That is called a threat. Of course, being the wimp you are you would never back it up.
I am still waiting for your apology for calling me a liar, when you were wrong again about the anti-abortion murderer of Dr. Tiller. I said it was clearly part of a continuing pattern of anti-abortion violence against Tiller. You said I had nothing to back it up – I cited the clear evidence and you have yet to apologize for calling me a liar.
You have no honor.
How does it feel to be a liar and to slander someone? Maybe your religion will kick you out now that we have proved that you spread false rumors and accuse people of lying falsely.
You have no credibility. You have no morals. You are a true scumbag.
A daily poll of anything is pretty worthless.
Somehow I doubt it was Obama that did that. The same sorts of thing happened a couple of times under Bush and Co.
Gee, under Obama OBL might finally buy the farm.
The Dem Party’s fortunes are NOT in any way tied to that Islamist fiend staying alive.
Unlike that OTHER corrupt ugly party.
ahhhhhhh.. Poor Newt admits he stuck his foot in his mouth.
This is progress. The first time a lying, slobbering right wing fiend apologizes to anyone besides Limbaugh.
6. Puddybud is shocked SHOCKED spews:
Gee Puddy, for some reason I still get Osama and Obama confused.
Here is the best way to distinguish Osama and Obama=
Your guy invaded the wrong country in order to stop terrorism. Obama on a bad day has Bush beat on his best day.
Like the left has been saying the last 8 years, the buck stops with the president.
Why didn’t the obama do something?
Maybe he was just too busy hanging out with brian williams going out for hamburgers to actually do his job.
Hey Marvin!
I have asked many times for proof that you are not a miserable scum who would use a social problem as a political cudgel without lifting a finger to alleviate said social problem.
That’s probably not it. But yeah, we’ve got a doctor who’d been threatened for years that gets shot by a guy who’s a known entity and a couple of soldiers shot by a guy on a terrorism watch list. We need to do better than that.
If you don’t mind me jumping in…
obama – elected leader of the left
osama – unelected leader of the left
Look how long it took jon to post a thread about the recruiter being killed by a muslim terrorist in the streets of amercia. And then he only posted one thread unlike the baby-killing doctor that got many threads. AND a vigil from the left. You would NEVER see left wing-nuts do that for servicemen.
After 9/11, how many americans were killed in america by muslim terrorists under bush.
I’m still waiting for the proof you stopped molesting that 5 year old girl next door to you.
Why are you afraid to give up the proof, or haven’t you stopped molesting her yet?
Does that mean now bin laden is going to increase his attacks on america?
#30…Gee I should think that one who is known to fuck goats would be careful about casting aspersions on others.
Project much Marvin? You’re mighty obsessed with pedophilia.
If you’re really in Los Angeles, check out Arnold’s All Stars / After School All Stars for a worthy volunteer opportunity to reduce inner city youth violence.
I know you won’t though. Taking action would rob you of you’re miserable complaint driven, lack of conviction, lack of action existence.
Worthless Scum.
I can’t say that I surprised that Mister “I just can’t stop projecting” Stamn @30 clues us in on his obsession with the five year-old girl next door. Sick. But so typically Republican:
I hope you are kidding.
What part of “Because I don’t want to hurt you” implies I want to hurt you.
And that was in reply to being asked why am I such a coward.
If this is the best you’ve got…
Because small minded people like you feel the need to put everyone into clearly defined boxes you assume I’m religious. What a fucking idiot you are. I’d ask you to provide proof/link to my religious beliefs except you did so poorly with the “threat” proof you would probably post a link to me saying, “god damn, how can bibigoober be so ignorant?”
Besides being an idiot, you are a liar.
As for you/me lying about the doctor being killed, post the link and refresh my memory.
I definitely wasn’t surprised when you lost your cool and let your homophobic bigotry come out.
I always knew you were a bigot and racist. I’ve gotten you to admit you’re a homophobic bigot, next up is getting you to admit you’re a racist.
You know steve, I couldn’t have played you any better. You admit in your own words that you were belittleing me comparing me to gays and women.
@Moron Stamn
Let’s see – I have you lying twice now (documented) and many more undocumented.
You are one sorry pathetic little weasel.
Not only are you not too bright, but you can’t even figure out when you are wrong. Being called a liar by someone like you is reaffirming that I tell the truth.
Go away you sad little person.
If you consider “Because I don’t want to hurt you. That’s why I am forcing you not to come down to los angeles.” a threat I feel you are not man enough to talk to me.
Please stop replying or because I don’t want to hurt you I will force you not to come down here to attack me.
That’s why it’s so much fun to fuck with “the marvin”…he’s such a dumbshit.
Uh….Marvin. It is clear thast you implied that if one were to come to Los Angeles, you would be forced to hurt them.
A few analogies of non-threat, threats.
“That’s a nice family you have there. Make sure nothing happens to them.”
“I have a gun. I dn’t want to use it, but I know how.”
“I don’t want to kick your ass, but that’s why I’m forcing you not to come near me again.”
Again, if you’re really in Los Angeles I’m going on vacation. I’ll be at the Blue Palms on Hollywood Blvd for beers on Thurs. June 18th around 5pm. I don’t want to have to prove you’re a worthless scum, and I don’t want to have to hurt you, but bring your proof if you’re a man. I’m not afraid of a little of my personal information being on this forum…
No wonder Pud likes Sowell and Williams so much…yukkkkk.
Give me Eugene Robinson anytime…and I still miss Steve Gilliard (he had AMAZING recipes too).
According to the right, Obama is the best investment in a worker the US has ever had.
For the price of a midrange home in Seattle we get a man who single-handedly writes every memo, fills out every form, does everything associated with the Federal Government and all 50 state governments to boot.
What a great salary to cost ratio.
@39 He’s not only a dumbshit, he fucks goats. And maybe ducks. Somebody mentioned Marvin and ducks yesterday.
Good point!
Hey this is fun. It should bring comfort to the Dori Monson style of wingnut.
Sotomayor defends the free speech of WHITE RACISTS!
You know, the kind of angry, fucked-up-in-the-head fiends who knee-jerk Republican.
Hell I support their speech too! Wholeheartedly!!!
The more morons like manoftruth aka fiendoflies keep spewing their hate, the easier it is for progressives to WIN!
Keep up the great work – FIENDS! LMAO!!
Yeah rujax, Sowell won the National Humanities Medal for prolific scholarship melding history, economics, and political science.
Yeah rujax, Sowell went to Harvard University, where he graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics in 1958.
But that’s okay rujax, intelligence was never your forte!
@23 “Gee Puddy, for some reason I still get Osama and Obama confused.”
I wouldn’t brag about that if I were you. It says more about your intelligence and general knowledge levels than you probably want the public to know.
@24 On second thought, maybe Cynical’s and Puddinghead’s confusion is understandable, considering they and their Republican friends got their asses kicked by both Osama and Obama.
@40 A couple years ago I invited a blustering wingnut to meet me at DL. He never showed up, of course. Then he had the balls to post on HA the next day that he’d been there. Big mistake! I had plenty of witnesses to the fact he was a no-show, and I’d even had him paged, proving he was nothing but a lying wingnut coward. As I recall his screen moniker was “prr,” or something like that.
NutRight farted:
Really? Like that attack earlier this year which killed many citizens in Pakistan? So you applaud going into Pakistan, a sovereign nation, and firing missiles without letting them know he’s gonna do it first?
Hmmm… that was called cowboy diplomacy when GWB was in office NutRight. What changed… oh yeah now he’s your guy so those actions are excused.
What a nutcase you are NutRight!
@48 Pelletizer, you’re confused? Yes we all know! Something to do with being a “dumb bunny”. Maybe you should become a goat. Then you would have instantaneous service requests from Steve, Ekim, Proud Leftist, rujax and many other HA swineflu weasels.
8 “I vaguely recall something similar happening while Bush was still in office — some dope posted nuclear bomb blueprints on the internet, or some lame thing like that. I don’t recall the details anymore.”
Hmmm….Our son was putting together a school report on nuclear energy when he was in the 4th grade (which would have been in 2003 or thereabouts) and included a rather detailed diagram of the innards of the “Fat Man” bomb he found on the Internet–it was on some university site, probably an illustration for a freshman physics lecture. He was rather surprised by the alarm this raised with his teacher and the school principal, and shortly thereafter the Web page in question disappeared.
Might that have been it?
I’m sure it was affirmative action.
I wonder what it would be like “never to be wrong”…hmmmmmm.
I just checked and yep = it’s still true. Democrats beat the utter crap out of Publicans in the Nov 2008 election and America said the GOP is useless. Carry on.
52 Oh, dear….I just had a “senior moment” there. I skipped a decade. This was actually ten years earlier, in 1993.
50 Puddybud is nuts…NUTS! spewed:
“Really? Like that attack earlier this year which killed many citizens in Pakistan? So you applaud going into Pakistan, a sovereign nation, and firing missiles without letting them know he’s gonna do it first?”
Er, lessee….how does that compare with stomping around ONE “sovereign nation” where Osama WAS, but doing just about everything we could to let him know we were coming…..then saying the hell with it and blowing the crap out of ANOTHER “sovereign nation” where he WASN’T? Granted, both of those countries were at the time governed by schmucks who we didn’t like, but Musharraf wasn’t exactly a paragon of virtue either. Furthermore, the real fun’s gonna happen if the Taliban manages to take over Pakistan, which happens to already have nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them.
Don’t you just love the weasel word qualifying statement used by the inept right: “AFTER 9/11”?
Forget the fact that President Clinton warned the incoming Bush administration that bin Laden would be their biggest problem.
Forget the fact that President Clinton put the WH and the Pentagon on a war footing to go after al Qeada for the USS Cole bombing once it was confirmed by the CIA who was behind the attack. And that 6 days into George W. Bush’s presidency that confirmation came down and he IGNORED his duty to protect America.
Forget the fact that when Bush made his first address to NATO the 5 threats to the West he talked about did NOT include TERRORISM, AL QEADA, or OSAMA BIN LADEN.
Forget the fact that FBI agents were warning the Bush admin that terrorists were plotting hijacking inside the United States.
Forget the fact that Richard Clarke was running around with his hair on fire saying the warning lights are “blinking red.”
Forget the fact that on Aug. 6th Bush received a PDB report entitled “Osama bin Laden determined to strike within the U.S. using commercial aircraft.”
Forget the fact that Bush NEVER addressed the terrorism issue until he was reading MY PET GOAT.
Forget the fact that Bush and the Saudi ambassador sat on the Truman balcony of the WH smoking cigars while the Pentagon was still smoking in the distance.
Total dead for his dereliction of duty? Nearly 3,000 in the worst attack on American soil.
Forget the fact Bush lied us into a war in Iraq that has cost over 4,300 AMERICAN soldiers their lives while Mitt Romney’s “boys” were serving America by “helping” their daddy get elected during his failed presidential bid.
MarvinSheik al Marvin, tell us again, what branch of theAmericanTaliban military did you serve?@50:
Really Puddy, you have myopic vision of the facts sometimes. It was BUSH who said that Obama did not matter, it was BUSH who attacked the wrong country (Iraq) and tried to pin 9/11 on them, it was Bush who failed to go after bin Laden in Afghanistan when we had him cornered.
Do you forget ALL the facts?
Are you that DENSE?
Actually, Pakistan is now actually going after the Taliban and bin Laden – unlike what happened with the excuse-filled, incompetent BUSH administration that gave them billions and got NOTHING in return.
Bush was, is and will remain the incompetent fool who did not get bin Laden. Puddy supports incompetent fools like Bush. Puddy supports mouthing the anti-terrorist rhetoric without actually DOING anything.
Puddy, you are a fool and a hypocrite.
Well, well, well, the truth finally comes out. Mr. Cynical thinks Osama bin Laden is an “ASS KICKER”!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, that’s right, Mr. “I hate AMERICAN troops” Cynical puts bin Laden on a high pedestal and praises him as an ASS KICKER. His words.
Nice that you fully outted yourself as treasonous traitor to America.
Ask the dead Somali pirates if President Obama is an “ass kisser.”
Ask al Qeada and the Taliban in Pakistan why the Pakistani government decided to abandon their peace agreement they made with the terrorist in BUSH’s watch, and all of a sudden decided they better start killing terrorists if President Obama is an ass kisser. Seems to me Bush kissed the Pakistani’s ass, al Qeada’s ass and the Taliban’s ass when they got into a buddy, buddy love fest.
You don’t have to ask why there was no outrage form Puddybud or Mr. Cynical when the Pakistani government made a peace deal with the terrorist on their watch. It was good for their “cause.”
Now they are being routed in Pakistan, and no where to run to in Afghanistan, they are scared to death. Literally.
But Cynical keeps the faith and praises his leader as an “ASS KICKER.”
Enough said.
@59 “Are you that DENSE?”
Oh, I’d say about as dense as spent uranium.
@48 “Pelletizer, you’re confused?”
@59 “Are you [Puddy] that DENSE?”