Ha ha ha ha ha ha. From HuffPo:
The congressional legislation intended to defund ACORN, passed with broad bipartisan support, is written so broadly that it applies to “any organization” that has been charged with breaking federal or state election laws, lobbying disclosure laws, campaign finance laws or filing fraudulent paperwork with any federal or state agency. It also applies to any of the employees, contractors or other folks affiliated with a group charged with any of those things.
In other words, the bill could plausibly defund the entire military-industrial complex. Whoops.
And HuffPo goes on to report that Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Florida, is soliciting suggestions from the public about helping him find fraud. Feel free to offer your suggestions.
If the righties want to talk about fraud, let’s talk about fraud, and not any puny $3.1 million a year, folks. We’re talking billions.
It would be delicious irony if this legislation either has to be vetoed or is found unconstitutional for singling out a specific corporation, which after all is actually a person.
We could fund health care reform simply by cutting off the defense contractors.
Fraud, huh? How about the fraud of using taxpayer dollars on the part of bureaucracies to work against legislation that those taxpayers want? It’s even worse when said bureaucracies were politicized in favor of one party over another. Bureaucracies such as, oh, let’s say, the ONDCP.
If you claim to be a a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation, seems to me , you would not be accepting these kinds of donations. Some might consider your organization to be a foreign agent.
Right Web says of the Heritage Foundation:
“The foundation received $2. 2 million from the Federation of Korean Industries in the early 1980s. Initially it was believed this donation came from the Korean Central Intelligence Agency (which would make the Heritage Foundation a foreign agent of Korea), but the Federation later stated that the donation came at the encouragement of the KCIA (the Korean Central Intelligence Agency).”
@3 Can you say “Sun Myung Moon”? I knew you could!
1. Roger Rabbit spews:
Yeah Rog…yeah, yeah…
And we can cut Health Care costs when our enemies see our weakness & kick our asses wiping out millions.
Rog…your obviously very nearsighted and have ZERO farsightedness.
Cynical you are even more clueless and insane than I figured if you believe the only thing keeping the US from “being overrun by our enemies” is the absurd amount this country spends on defense procurement.
@5, @6 Cynical hasn’t checked his clock lately. He still thinks it’s 1985.
What “enemy” does the US have with the capacity to “wipe out millions?”
-#8 –
Q: What “enemy” does the US have with the capacity to “wipe out millions?”
A: the GOP
@7 It wasn’t even a valid premise in 1985 or even 1955 (red scares aside).
The Heritage Foundation is a representative of a foreign government. The Koreans, to be exact.
I had no idea private not for profit think tanks could actively engage in foreign policy.
What the Heritage Foundation does is not illegal if they’d only represent themselves as Lobbyists — which is what they really are.
Just like the EFF.
If Boeing is a corrupt organization, then cancel all its defense contracts now. Just let me know when you’re planning on doing it so I can get a nice short sale in before you release the news.
The same thing would apply to Lockheed Martin and Northrup Grumman as well.
Hey, if you’ve got any info on them that might affect the stock price, share it with us all so we can make a few bucks with some insider trading. That’s what they’d do at Goldman Sachs! Except that GS wouldn’t share the info with the likes of us!! They’d keep it to themselves!!
Would someone please invade the south.
LOL Awesome.
yes…lets drive Boeing out of business! Then we can all be out of work, lazy ass liberals who need mommy govt to take care of us!
18 – profound… zzzzzzZZZ zzzzZZZZZzzz…
two words YLB: NO and DOZE
Stupid comments like that drive people away from the Republican Party. Keep up the good work.
@21..I dont care, I’m not republican.
got any more brilliant assumptions?
22 – losertarian?
So in their enthusiasm to cripple the mighty ACORN the conservatives employed a political shotgun. And appear to have shot their buddies in the feet. Graduates from the Dick Chenney School of Firearms Safety obviously.
There was no assumption made in my post @ 21. Comments like yours @18 drive people away from the Republican Party, whether you are one or not is irrelevant.
@25….like I said – I dont care. The best thing that can happen to this country is if people leave both major political parties anyway.
…and yes, you did assume.
Given the convictions for election fraud (and numerous other similar charges) by the GOP membership in the State of Ohio from activities during the 2004 election, the GOP should be considered as an indicted organization and be prohibited from receiving any Federal funding whatsoever.
two words: selective enforcement.
“The best thing that can happen to this country is if people leave both major political parties anyway.”
Yes, that’s true: if we keep voting for the same parties like the Dems & Reps, we’re going to be in the same rut we’ve been in for the past 50 years. I turn on the news every evening, and it’s just another re-run – the same shit, again and again!
Yup and the idiot libertarians live in the 18th century.
Teddy Roosevelt broke from the republican party and recognized that without government control, business would ruin the country with trusts and monopolies.
Libertarians still don’t get this over 100 years later. They still think that the banking crisis could be solved by lettting the banks fail and plunging us into 20 years of depression. They have learned nothing from the great depression, the trusts, the banking failures and the lack of control and the inability to look beyond the moments profit in business.
Libertarians adhere to s simplistic philosophy that is not only outdated, it is simply wrong and does not work. Many republicans also follow this simplistic government is bad philosophy. It is the simple minded approach that is indicative of a lack of though or ability to reason.
“A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of a small mind.”
Yes, the republicans and some democrats keep going on with the same crap – but there are some new progressive proposals on the table and the nay-sayers to the public option have not paid attention to what the rest of the world is doing on health care. The real problem is the so-called bi-partisanship…you can’t be bi-partisan with republicans who just want to tear down as much as possible and who yearn to “break” Obama by preventing any new reforms.
@30…who said anything about the Libertarian Party?
another assinine assumption perhaps? PI @#29 never mentioned libertarians….
now please, re-insert your head into your ass…and remember: PARTY FIRST, NATION SECOND.
@30 & @31,
Yep, that’s true: I never did mention the Libertarian Party, and I’d sure like to see more diversity in our political system. Yes, let’s have some Libertarians in government, along with Socialists, New Law Party, Communists, etc. Who says our choices have to be limited to “Democrat” or “Republican?” It doesn’t have to be one or the other. Rather, we should have more choices that two parties.