TIME correspondent Joe Klein has once again humiliated himself while trying to report on what’s happening with the FISA bills and the attempts by civil libertarians to ensure that the government gets warrants before listening in on domestic phone calls or other forms of communication. As Glenn Greenwald and others have continually pointed out when it comes to Klein, he often allows his particular bias against those who find it valuable to defend civil liberties to seriously cloud his ability to ascertain the facts on these topics.
Greenwald’s latest two posts are here and here, while Klein continues to make lame excuses for his error, saying things like “I have neither the time nor legal background to figure out who’s right” (which would be a good excuse if it wasn’t easily verifiable by simply reading the Democrats’ bill to determine that his source was lying to him). Greenwald is also interested in why TIME’s editors seem fairly unconcerned that someone who has absolutely no idea what he’s talking about on this subject – and continues to take the word of Congressional Republicans and their staff at face value even though he’s allegedly the “liberal” columnist – is still getting this half-assed nonsense published in one of America’s most prominent magazines. Count me in that category as well. Watching Joe Klein devolve from being a fairly balanced writer years ago when I was a TIME subscriber to the odd Lieberman-ish hack he’s become today has been pretty sad.
Ryan Singel at Wired has even more.
No quarterback can play forever. Maybe it’s time for Joe to do less writing and more reading. Perhaps he should graduate from MSM to blogging.
It so happens I agree with Klein on his operating principle that Democrats should behave more like Republicans, with the qualifying phrase “in some respects.” For example, if they kick us in the shin, we should kick them in the nuts! If they put 10 liberals in a concentration camp, we should throw 25 conservatives down a mine shaft!*
* Just kidding! If they tell Ann Coulter jokes about us, we should tell Ann Coulter jokes about them!
Roger Rabbit says:
It so happens I agree with Klein on his operating principle that Democrats should behave more like Republicans…
That will never happen, if the dems don’t cheat(voter fraud) or lie they can’t win.
Speaking of principle, Klein has lost his footing so badly he wouldn’t know a constitutional right from a phone bill even if his were taken away.
@3 You’re right — we’ll never cheat, lie, or steal elections. We don’t have to.
We may euthanize some stray dogs, though … starting with you.
“I have neither the time nor legal background to figure out who’s right”
Isn’t that HIS WHOLE JOB!!!!!
Joe Klein sells magazines, but he is no journalist.
Democrats are the party of no ID at the polls because it disenfranchises the poor or disabled from voting, but God help them if they forget their 9 digit SS # if they owe taxes. heheheehhe Democrats = party of voter fraud and high taxes.
if the dems don’t cheat(voter fraud) or lie they can’t win
O gee DOOFUS so that’s the reason George “Term Limits” Nethercutt or Mike! “hiccup!” McGavick couldn’t get anywhere.
You’ve made your point now DOOFUS, now run along little doggie, there’s a puddle of cat shit somewhere that needs your attention.
Hey Pooper,
You swallowed that load of Klein bull about FISA didn’t you?
YLB says:
if the dems don’t cheat(voter fraud) or lie they can’t win
O gee DOOFUS so that’s the reason George “Term Limits” Nethercutt or Mike! “hiccup!” McGavick couldn’t get anywhere.
No, but it is definitely why we have queen fraudiore and not the people’s choice as governor (Dino) now.
I assume you are against a voter ID. Are you also against forcing people to provide a SS#? If no, why? hehehehee this ought to be good. hehehehehe
Can’t wait for the wingnuts to come out of the woodwork yelling MSM ‘liberal bias’. With liberals like Klein, who needs enemies?
Time has always been a rightwing rag, and I am suprised that some are ‘suprised’. They would never let a real fighting liberal have a platform like Joe Klein’s. Never.
@ 11 Put up or shut up. You had your day in the venue of your choosing and you lost. But if that’s all you’ve got, go bark at the moon.
@12 I assume you are for: Torture, exploiting the poor, executing illegal immigrants, endless destructive wars, race and gender discrimination, and stealing elections via voter caging….all the things that made America great. heheheheheheheh…
PS: Dino Rossi will never, ever, be governor of this state. You might as well send you contributions to Chris now, and stop posting here, because you only embarrass yourself.
but it is definitely why we have.. blah blah blah.
Two million plus of Republican money couldn’t prove it. Yet you still believe.
Dino will go the way of the previous two losers I mentioned. No one wants a whiner or the candidate of whiners.
The only reason why donks are against a voter ID is because they cheat. They know they can’t answer my question on post 12. This is why the dems will always be known as the party of voter fraud. Case closed.
YLB says:
but it is definitely why we have.. blah blah blah.
Two million plus of Republican money couldn’t prove it. Yet you still believe.
Damn straight, along with 57% of Washington voters. Hey OJ was never proven guilty either.
A lie is a lie, no matter how ofter repeated.
The King County Democrats supporting Ron Sims never got behind Gregiore in the election. The number of write in votes for Sims was much greater than the alleged “stolen votes”. To argue they would have manipulated the process for her is foolishness through the prism of those who WOULD do anything to win. There is no love lost between Sims and Gregiore, note Prop 1.
Maybe Joe Klein can improve his standing by accurately reporting on this Zogby poll.
Is Hilary dropping like a rock?
The King County Democrats supporting Ron Sims never got behind Gregiore in the election. The number of write in votes for Sims was much greater than the alleged “stolen votes”. To argue they would have manipulated the process for her is foolishness through the prism of those who WOULD do anything to win…
Yeah, but they found ballots after the first recount. You have already lost your arguement. Sorry.
Repeated lies do not make for an argument, dog. My facts trump your dogshit.
THe process was legally followed, challenged and upheld. End of story. If that’s all you’ve got, we’ll see you next fall.
Legal doesn’t make it right K. You can say the law was on your side, but you can’t say it was fair or done on the “up and up”. Like I said before, I believe as 57% of the voter do that the elections was severly flawed and the results, though legal, can not be trusted. Sorry you can’t deal with that fact.
Maybe Joe Klein can improve his standing by accurately reporting on Hilary and her cluelessness regarding Ross Perot and NAFTA.
Looks like the sucking sound is her candidacy is going down.
“In response, Clinton stumbled. First she laughed at Perot, then she joked that “all I can remember from that is a bunch of charts,” and then she claimed the whole NAFTA debate “is a vague memory.” The behavior showed how politically tone deaf some Democratic leaders are.”
You are waffling, dog, “cannot be trusted” or “stolen”? I can deal with facts. I get bore with repeated innuendo and lies. You have nothing but repeated talking points.
Pud’s Hilary obsession is showing again. DO you have wet dreams about her?
The election very well could have been stolen. I am sure you would have had a different opion on this matter if we went with one of the first two counts. I believe that the first count was the most accurate.
Maybe Joe Klein can improve his standing by accurately reporting on Global Warming.
K – I report the real news! Sorry that you are not engaged in the real news! No not really sorry except you too found your idiot gene.
Did you get your Cornell fund drive call tonight?
I assume you are against a voter ID.
I’m against throwing obstacles in front of people when it comes to the one day where they decide who’s in charge.
Cat-shit eater, your agenda is vote supression, nothing more.
PStupes, “my word is my bond” (bullshit):
I thought you believed in AGW. You saw Greenland. Did your preacher sway you from your own vanity, your direct-connect to the man upstairs?
K references your wet dreams about Hillary. Could you describe what you picture Hillary doing when you whack off about her? Frankly, I’ll only vote for Hillary if she’s the Democratic candidate. That’s not to say I don’t like her. She’s exponentially better than anything that the Rs have to offer. On our side of the fence, we have a plethora of good choices. For instance, I’m currently torn between Richardson, Obama, and Edwards, all the while watching Biden and Dodd and wondering why the punditocracy is not taking them seriously. Rs, on the other hand, are dismayed by their feeble offerings. Hang your head in your hands, my friend, you are not going to win this election.
28 – There he goes again, quoting the “Daily Torygraph”.
In addition to the ‘Daily Torygraph’ (see above), Private Eye has also dubbed the Telegraph ‘The Daily Hurleygraph’ and ‘The Daily Tottygraph’ for their frequent printing of the pictures of Liz Hurley and other notable attractive women, or as the ‘Maily Telegraph’ and ‘Daily Mailograph’ for the Eye’s opinion that the newspaper sometimes focuses on issues traditionally seen as the preserve of the Daily Mail.
The other shoe drops and we see the motivation. Yeah, that’s a quote from wikipedia..
YLB says:
I assume you are against a voter ID.
I’m against throwing obstacles in front of people when it comes to the one day where they decide who’s in charge.
So I would assume you are against throwing obastacles in front of people when paying taxes. If the honor system is good enough for an election then it should be good enough for paying taxes, right. hehehehee
I knew YLB would flake out on ansering the question. heheheehhe
Cat-shit eater, your agenda is vote supression, nothing more.
If you are talking about dead,illegal aliens,criminals and non existant people you would be right. I want to suppress as may of those people from voting as I can. Of course I can understand why you wouldn’t. roof roof.
I do wonder what happened to Joe Klein. My father took Time, so I have always read it. I read Joe Klein when I was younger and appreciated his grasp of the English language. He knew about linguistic buffets–like metaphors, analogies, appropriately-used foreign words, and the like. Then, he just started writing like a shill for the rightwing. His writing became grammar-schoolish, his thinking became Pat Robertsonish, and somehow he still thinks he has advice to offer Democrats. Joe Klein has become a rightwing fuckwad (forgive the redundancy). Time needs to give him a pink slip.
So I would assume you are against throwing obastacles in front of people when paying taxes.
If they want to watch endless wars on Faux News, someone’s got to fund that. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Geeshh. hehehehehe.
dead (Republicans),illegal aliens (cite?), criminals (for Rossi, reduced his final tally) and non existant (DOOFUS’ brains).
YLB says:
dead (democrats),illegal aliens (cite?…
How can I do that. They have no ID.
So I would assume you are against throwing obastacles in front of people when paying taxes.
If they want to watch endless wars on Faux News, someone’s got to fund that. Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Geeshh. hehehehehe.
My taxes actually went down even though we were in a war. Hey I am willing to give amnesty to all undocumented tax payers too. Taxes should not be forced on people nor should people be tortured in completing tax returns. How about it donks, you are against torture right? hehehehehe
Proud Leftist: The liberal punditocracy is all of your side calling for the coronation of Hilary Cliton. The newspapers gave her a pass when The Hsu Fits campaign funds scandal broke and the latest Chinese immigrant scandal broke. She is the new teflon queen.
That’s why Kos threw a fit on James Carville and the CNN softballs from Ol’ Wolfie threw at Hilary. Why do you think her cadre of followers was so happy after the CNN debate? Can you put simple thoughts together and figure this out? Naah didn’t think so.
Sometimes I wonder how K graduated from Cornell, as he can’t think and all he does is attack. Poor K. Did you see the Zogby poll? Zogby usually calls them pretty close and as I recall he’s Lebanese to boot.
Personally me wife and kids will vote for Obama if he gets the nod. I am undecided at this time.
Proud Leftist: Only you would think about whacking off to Hilary! Sick thoughts from the lefties here on ASSWipes (TM)
Hey PuddyCrud, how’s your word? Bonded yet?
Well, Lee, that’s why Atrios refers to him as “Joke Line.”
44 In computer circles – absolutely.