Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Josh
The Stranger’s Josh Feit joins me for our weekly round up of the week’s news, and a look ahead to coming headlines. Tops for tonight include post-hangover report from last night’s Genius Awards, the education of Jane Hague, and Dino Rossi’s non-campaign. But mostly Josh just wants to talk about the Saturday Night Massacre.
8PM: Mandatory sentencing or “tailored” justice?
A Burien family got the justice they asked for when their 15-year-old son avoided a prison sentence for the accidental shooting of his 16-year-old brother. Prosecutors insisted the shooter needed incarceration for his “serious violent crime,” but in sentencing the boy to 24-months of home detention, King County Superior Court Judge Harry McCarthy said that justice “has to sometimes be tailored for each person.” Should justice be blind, or tailored to the circumstance?
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
You really need to get out of Seattle and see the state a bit. Come on down to Tacoma, Seattle to Tacoma express buses run every 15 minutes during the day.
I’ll donate 20 bucks towards a tank of gas so you can drive over to Spokane. Spokane’s a nice town. Spokane has lots of good biking, Democrats and really good fast food at Arctic Circle.
Horses Ass bills its self as: the straight poop on WA politics & the press, but all we hear is Seattle this, King County that. It is time for you to set yourself up a Flickr account, grab your camera and hit the road my friend.
I’m not joking about helping out with gas money. I’ll throw in for a road trip.
Who else is up for this? Lets send Goldy on the road for a week.
Hell, I’m going over to Spokane in a couple of weeks, you can ride over with me for free.
Just curious, Goldy, I’m listening to your show. Can’t call on the land-line because the dialup modem allows me to hear you talk. Sent an Instant Message, got “Thank You for your Instant Message”. But the only people you seem to talk to are the ones who can call and speak directly. I’ve never actually heard you read an “Instant Message”, as a matter of fact. Last time a few weeks ago, I tried the “KIRO Send me an email”, wasn’t surprised that didn’t come through either since they take more time transmitting.
Not complaining, I’m sure your phone lines were blinking on the subject of Judges being able to tailor justice. Just wondering if doing the “Instant Message” is wasted energy, so I don’t need to bother again? Maybe those email or IM functions only work for other talk show hosts (or nobody at all). Can you please just give us the ‘heads up’ before I try again? Or stop asking people to “Send Me An Instant Message” might be good, too.
The first hour should be called The
Stranger Circle Jerk Hour.
I’d be willing to throw a few bucks in the kitty if you went up to the Olympic Peninsula and down the coast. No, just going to Poulsbo doesn’t count. That’s the Kitsap Peninsula, and having grown up in Port Angeles, I’ve encountered way too many people who actually didn’t know that.
Richard Pope
I just posted links to his web site as well as his opponent’s at SJ. I will vote for him but had ot call him to get the web address.
Why ruin Spokane, Please, he’ll come back touting Light rail to Spokane, or more likely a massive government study to put in a cummuter ferry service (Ducks for Dipshits) going there…
Keep him in King County and Seattle. Those folks deserve him.
8 GS
Yeah, God forbid any progressive policies should come to good ol’ Spokane.
OK, I stand corrected, Spokane does deserve a massive government study to put in a cummuter ferry service (Ducks for Dipshits) going there…
Just promise that it will never get built.
Actually, based on the huge success of the Sinkansen iun Japan and TMV in France, I thin a high speed rail between Spokane and Seattle would be a huge success.
One of the major problems facing our state is limited ability of people in E WA to tak advantage of programs and resources east of the mountains. I suspect a bullet train wuld be a huge success here,
Progressive politics are already in Spokane.
Since this sesm to be an open thread, I wonder what folks here think of the prospect of having two female candidats ror Pres?
And their rebuilding in the urban core in a progressive friendly manner.
seattle jew;
shinkansen in japan runs amidst about 60 million people (tokyo to osaka corridor)
a ron sims train to spokane would pass what, about 4mm in puget sound and 200k beyond?
play w/ his toy train to sea tac and report back to us
Not to mention about 125 Billion to build 280 miles of it, report on that proposition to the people and report back to us…
gs; $125bb for 280 miles would be a lot cheaper than what we’re getting here…
Maybe the could re-direct the Sounder; of course you could walk there faster…
Christ, who gives a shit about eastern WA???
I lived there for far too long. They should be a different country. They’re like Venezuela over there.
The only Shinkansen Train that will ever be seen around here is available at;sr=8-46
What would you do? Tunnel through the Cascades?
BTW…Richard Pope has had more ethical miscues than his opponent, which is saying a lot.
The Piper
on Richard Pope
Are you being slanderous toward Mr. Pope or do you actually have something to say.
@19 I am not enough of an engineer t say how a rapid train to E washingtn would work, I hope and assume there are others who can address that.
I am, however, a tax payer and the idea of always spending money addressing yesterday’s issues is just stupid. If we had real conservatives they would argue that road upkeep, including replacement should be paid form taxes, not special bonds.
NOT planning for a future where Eastern WA and Western Wa need better trasnportation .. whether by bullet train or
ward drive, the need will be there.
Another issue is development. West of the mountains is booming. If we can leverage that boom to improve the whole state’s economy, why wouldn’t we want t do it?
I keep trying to post a couple links to Seattle Times articles recounting Richard Pope’s…issues…but it looks as the the pro-Pope spam filters won’t let me.
There are reasons that in his last campaign for an Eastside district court judgeship he was rated “not qualified” by the King County Bar Association.
The Piper
Let’s see if this link to the KCBA works:
It hints at Pope issues…
The Piper
@23 Looks interesting .. keep up the good work. I am serious.
20 there are all ready a few train tunnels through the Cascades, why not drill a couple more?
I’m probably moving back to Eastern WA. Western WA is over priced, over crowded and over rated.
Seattle is easily the the most over rated city in America.
New tunnel all the way through the Cascades? Or even part of the way…Good luck getting a permit! And would anyone care to guestimate what that would cost?
Given any thought to the notion that people in E. Wa. live there because they don’t want the so-called benefits of W. Wa.? The like the wide open, empty spaces and un-dense living. About the last thing they want is more people.
And, a speed train to Spokane misses the point that most people who cross the Cascades aren’t just going to Spokane. Some are just bass fishermen/women on the way to Soap Lake. Besides, God has already created Horizon Air (issues with Bombardier aircraft notwithstanding) to get people to Spokane quickly.
The Piper
If we had spam filters, fatuous gasbags wouldn’t be in here with the “sheeple”.
Pompous assholes with fixations on salvers would be excluded.
Clearly, if such filters exist, they’re defective.
Actually, Ellensburg, Moses Lake, Ritzville and Spokane all want more people.
So…you just want to hear from those who are just like you? How sad…and very narrow minded. Afraid of the challenge? From what I see, all you have to offer are insults and invective, but nothing of substance, unlike others who rip into me but do so with cogent argument (albeit flawed), reasoned analysis (albeit wrong), and engaging discourse.
You need to get out more and mix with a more diverse group of people…
The Piper
We’re not so much saying, “Hey, trains are neat we should have better train service to Spokane.” We’re saying that high speed trains should have a prominent place in the development of the next generation of transportation infrastructure. Of course trains are neat and we really should have better service on the I-90 corridor.
You have to get to and through Sea Tac to get on your plane and once you get to Spokane you’re not really in Spokane, you’re in Air Way Heights. Thats the nice thing about trains, you go from downtown to downtown.
Planes, also, need a hell of a lot more energy to move a given weight than trains do. Trains, while noisy, don’t have the noise impact of planes. Planes don’t need huge airports and crash zones (or what ever you call them) at the ends of the runways.
As for digging holes through mountains, maybe we could run Acela trains on existing track. Right now the Seattle to Spokane run goes to Portland first. Maybe if we had better funding we could change that and get some of the cars off I-90 and a few noisy, polluting plans out of the sky.
I love trains; taken them in several continents.
Without millions of riders, they don’t work. Simple economics, even w/ crazy high oil prices. Rail, high speed and surface/slow has a place in densely populated areas.
You can’t take a mortgage out on a $100bb sort of rail (my guess what high speed even to more dense Portland/Seattle corridor would cost and have it support itself on say 10,000 riders a day. Do the math; riders don’t support that, and the gov’t subsidies are obscene….well beyond subsidies on european trains.
Acela by the way runs slowly on existing tracks as you propose; it only would work well on new, welded rails. I’ve ridden it in the NE and you only go fast for about 40 miles.
So, thats why the train to Portland slows way down just north of Vancouver…
I ride down to Portland every now and again.
We’re past peak oil and there’s more demand from more places then ever for oil and many of the folks with oil aren’t overly fond of us. So planes and autos might not be looking so hot in the future.
Just trying to make a place for rail in the future, not arguing it will work here and now.
You’re not in here for meaningful discussion, you’re here to preach to us lesser folk and show us your superior ways. Your initial condescending, demeaning posts revealed that. Your clever and incisive monologue is not, certainly, anything I need to respond to, and as soon as you figure out that you’re not winning converts to your enlightened right-wing paradise, you’ll wander off, as have most of your predecessors.
You figure you’ll mix a little cheap flattery in with your scorn and wrap us all around your finger and we’ll carefully respond to your bullshit in a civil manner.
I’m not buying onto it, preacher. Fuck you.
michael @33
if you want chance to use rail in future (as your post says) then “rail” aginast Ron Sims and his “lets buy some rail lines and turn them into trails” plan.
Even if oil doubles in price, some places will still be more economical to serve via car or bus. And in turn many areas should have rail. But low ridership routes don’t justify spending on rail.
Sort of like if you only visit a remote lot infrequently, you wouldn’t build a palace on it, unless of course you had unlimited money.