Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: Are you wonked out Daily Kos?
Joel Silberman from Daily Kos joins me for the hour to talk about the tension between political wonkery and emotional generalism, and how it’s playing out in the current electoral cycle.
8PM: Is it time to reform mortgage lending?
Home foreclosure rates are rising, as more and more homeowners are falling victim to adjustable rate mortgages they can no longer afford, with many claiming they were misled by mortgage brokers and lenders. Maya Baxter from the Statewide Poverty Action Network joins me for the hour to discuss the crisis, and two bills that have been introduced in the state legislature to address this issue.
The usual liberal propaganda
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Predatory lending: Another fucking failure of unregulated “free” markets. Capitalism works only when it operates under reasonable rules — and there are cops enforcing the rules.
Wow: Read this comment from
and you will understand the right-wing trolls that cruise this site.
“I cannot make anyone stop responding to pointless or nuisance comments. You have to want to restrain yourself, because you understand that the only way to get rid of them is to fail to give them the attention they want. A “troll” is not just someone whose comments you disagree with, or even just a nasty or badly-worded comment. A troll is someone who does not, under any possible set of circumstances, care what you think about him or his comments. He merely wants attention. Negative attention will do. The more you disagree with him, the more he is able to tell himself that he is persecuted and victimized or the only voice of reason or one of the elite few who has the God’s-eye view of the world or whatever his current delusion is. If he isn’t merely a narcissist who thrives on feeling attacked, he’s just some putz who enjoys irritating other people. Therefore, you “feed” the troll by paying any attention to him at all. It does not matter what you say in response. Any response to a troll just encourages the troll.
Besides classic trolls, we have a few resident long-winded bores who believe that the rest of us have never been exposed to some trite, shallow, bombastic rant they just heard on the radio or read in Reader’s Digest or saw in a vision, and feel compelled to share with the rest of us. These people lack any possible sense of context or audience; they are incapable of noticing that the bulk of our commenting community has been exposed to the world for a while now and is not interested in any comment that starts “there is one simple answer to this the rest of you aren’t getting.” It does you no good to respond to this type either; they’ll just re-write the same comment again, at the same length, saying the same thing, until you “get it.” They are bores with no self-awareness. The cool thing about the internet is that you can just scroll down to the next comment without being “rude.” So take advantage of the medium.”
“A troll is someone who does not, under any possible set of circumstances, care what you think about him or his comments. He merely wants attention.”
Could there be a better description of Puddy or Marvin or Troll or Goldy itches?
@2 Kicking them is more fun than ignoring them.
And here is a great description of The Piper.
“Besides classic trolls, we have a few resident long-winded bores who believe that the rest of us have never been exposed to some trite, shallow, bombastic rant they just heard on the radio or read in Reader’s Digest or saw in a vision, and feel compelled to share with the rest of us. These people lack any possible sense of context or audience; they are incapable of noticing that the bulk of our commenting community has been exposed to the world for a while now and is not interested in any comment that starts “there is one simple answer to this the rest of you aren’t getting.” It does you no good to respond to this type either; they’ll just re-write the same comment again, at the same length, saying the same thing, until you “get it.” They are bores with no self-awareness.”
Is This What A Rose Bowl Team Should Look Like?
“[Attorney] Mike Hunsinger, a UW alumnus and longtime fan … represent[ed] at least 14 members of the 2000 [Rose Bowl] team — players accused of hit-and-run, animal cruelty, punching a security guard, DUI, taking part in an attack on a fraternity, sexual assault, punching windows out of cars, domestic violence, assaulting a parking attendant.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ns270.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No wonder Neuheisel and Hedges got run out of town! We don’t need their ilk. Good riddance.
@4 And then there is Roger Rabbit condemned by his own words:
“If he isn’t merely a narcissist who thrives on feeling attacked, he’s just some putz who enjoys irritating other people. Therefore, you “feed” the troll by paying any attention to him at all. It does not matter what you say in response. Any response to a troll just encourages the troll.”
3, 5 – Yes, but there’s no denying the fact that kicking them is fun.
Predatory lending?
Where, or does, the debtor have responsibility? If your credit isn’t good, should you really expect to be granted the most favorable rates? If you take out a loan and subsequently pay for it, should the mortgage company just write it off and let you stay in the house? If you sign a loan agreement and you know that the interest rate is going to skyrocket in a few years (you *did* actually read what you signed, right?) and yet you sign anyway, should you really then be able to come back and claim “foul”?
I’m not saying that there weren’t abuses here, by any means. But where in the hell does personal accountability rate in this mess? The bottom line here is that NO ONE signed one of these deals at gunpoint. From where does this mentality come that believes that *government* should rescue people from their own mistakes?
Hmmm … let’s see. A promising UW football player who, as a teenager, had been convicted of (a) vandalizing his school and (b) breaking a 17-year-old kid’s jaw by stomping on his face after his buddy had knocked the kid unconscious with a baseball bat), (c) drugs a co-ed at a party then rapes her outside the frat house, as verified by a DNA match between semen found in the victim and a blood sample taken from the player, and (d) rear-ends a car on I-5 carrying a man and his 10-year-old daughter, then flees the scene, is NOT PROSECUTED by Republican prosecutor Norm Maleng because of “insufficient evidence.” And, of course, Dan Satterberg had his fingers in this case, too.
“Parker, the police detective who handled the case, recently said: ‘ … I think most people in the Police Department thought he should have been charged. From the police perspective, I think there was overwhelming evidence that a crime had occurred. … I think we just felt, in our unit and in the Police Department as a whole, that this case was handled differently … because he was a University of Washington football star.'”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ns270.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Too bad the voters didn’t know this about Satterberg before the special election. Too bad the voters didn’t know this about Maleng a long time ago — because, you see, the Times article goes on to say UW football players have been getting “Get Out of Jail Free” cards for a long time, giving examples.
Hopefully the voters will know what to do the next time a Republican runs for prosecutor in this town.
@9 The borrower’s responsibility is beside the point. The mortgage meltdown is broadly impacting the entire economy — innocent people can’t get credit, innocent shareholders are seeing their investments drop because of writedowns, innocent workers are going to lose their jobs — because a bunch of greedy assholes took advantage of the Bush administration’s willingness to look the other way while they looted the banks, pension funds, insurance companies, and investors who bought the carefully-concealed bad debt. And we will all pay for it, including you.
@9 The point, dumbshit, is that JUNGLE CAPITALISM DOESN’T WORK. If you want a self-sustaining economy, then government has to regulate certain things, and lending practices are high on the list of things needing to be regulated, just as previous generations learned that banking practices are at the very top of the list of things that need to be regulated because unregulated banking is cyanide to a capitalist economy.
You don’t suppose that Maleng and Satterberg were getting free tickets to the Husky games do you? Perhaps they were wagering on the games. What would prompt them to close their eyes to the criminality. Professional courtesy almongst criminals perhaps. They are republicans after all.
@13 How is it “Jungle Capitalism” to make someone responsible for their actions? How about if I decide my mortgage is unfair and I’m not going to pay it any longer. Why shouldn’t I be able to do so? What about you? Why don’t you just go tell the bank that you’ve decided that you aren’t going to pay for your hole any longer. You suppose they’ll just tell you “fine” and move along with business? Grow up Roger.
@13 Personal responsibility/accountability. Ever heard of it? Not many dims have, but perhaps you’re an exception. It’s what this country used to be based upon.
@9- does your position on taking responsibility also apply to the lenders who are at risk of collapse? How about the executives and board members profiting while their companies burn?
Top WaMu execs rake in $1.6 million…..despite a year in which WaMu reported a loss for the fourth quarter, saw its stock price tumble by more than 70 percent and slashed its dividend by 73 percent.
@17 What is your suggestion? That all business be “regulated”? In Washington Mutuals case, I don’t know any more about it than I’ve read in the paper. That means I don’t know enough to claim to have an answer. If their board is satisfied with their compensation structure then I don’t know that anyone has a say in the matter.
Look, there is NO “right to work” in this country. There is a system in place, which if you don’t like, then try to get enough people who agree with you, to get it changed.
@15 Rabbit coudn’t have made it any clearer if you would simply read, digest and think before typing. Here is an excerpt from @2 that refers to you.
“It does you no good to respond to this type either; they’ll just re-write the same comment again, at the same length, saying the same thing, until you “get it.” They are bores with no self-awareness.”
@19 Oh, you got it all wrong, dude. I don’t respond here to change minds. This is entirely the wrong medium for that.
I’m actually writing a dissertation on the intractability of the mootbat mind. I think you’d make a fascinating first chapter: “Liberal Sanctimony and Self-Righteousness”. What do you think?
It occurs to me that most of the unsavory mortgage practices are legal because mortgage laws were, “reformed” to make them so. So while yes, we do need to reform many mortgage and banking laws, we need to take care in doing so. We also need to remember that many of the people that will be making those reforms are the same people that made the last reforms.
Could it be that we need to reform a lot more than just our mortgage laws?
TrollFeeder@3: I disagree with your definition.
Where is your voice on headless lucy’s racist comments. He’s a troll by your definition.
Where is your voice on all the other Sybils used by headless lucy?
Where is your voice on Rujax!?
Where is your voice on ATJ?
Where is your voice KillaTroll, uuuhhh TreeFrogFarmer?
Where is your voice on others?
Ohhhh that’s right it’s only us whom think right in your view…
Your view is worthless.
@7 I admit I like to irritate wingnut fascist goatfucker trolls. Got any more stupid questions?
@7 “Condemned” isn’t the right word for it. I should get a medal.
@15 Why should greedy mortgage brokers and stupid or dishonest borrowers be able to pass through the costs of their actions to the rest of us? That’s the question. Take the fucking blindfold off, moron.
@20 in that case here is an excerpt from @2 that fits your troll ass like size small panties
“If he isn’t merely a narcissist who thrives on feeling attacked, he’s just some putz who enjoys irritating other people. Therefore, you “feed” the troll by paying any attention to him at all. It does not matter what you say in response.”
@16 Is this an argument for no government? For no regulation? Let’s try an experiment. Let’s give all of Seattle’s traffic cops the day off. Then you walk to the nearest crosswalk, push the “walk” button, wait for the “walk” sign, then starting walking, and see how long you live. How will you like the concepts of “personal responsibility” and “accountability” when you’re flat on your ass on an aid car gurney and there’s no cops to look for the car that took off after running you down? Welcome to the jungle, dimwit! Fyi, I do know how to deal with a jungle — you pack a gun and shoot at every sound. But I don’t want to live in that kind of society. If you do, find yourself a desert island or uninhabited rain forest to set up shop in. Better yet, why don’t you entrust everything you own to a nice man from Nigeria who wants your help in cashing a very large charge? Trust works great in this world, bro. All you need to trust someone is a little “personal responsibility” and “accountability.” Fucking moron.
@22 Puddy this applies to you too.
“If he isn’t merely a narcissist who thrives on feeling attacked, he’s just some putz who enjoys irritating other people. Therefore, you “feed” the troll by paying any attention to him at all. It does not matter what you say in response.”
a very large check
@18 “There is a system in place, which if you don’t like, then try to get enough people who agree with you, to get it changed.”
Bingo! We’re going to hold a referendum on 8 years of Republican laissez faire government in about 9 months.
@27 He’s reading your comment @27 with one hand and, well never mind what he’s doing with the other. Abuse him some more!
It’ll be the best sex he’s had this week.
@25 “Why should greedy mortgage brokers and stupid or dishonest borrowers be able to pass through the costs of their actions to the rest of us? That’s the question.”
Since I didn’t address the cupability of the mortgage industry at all, you’re being disengenous at best. Since my question was really why borrowers should be given a pass for their own stupidity, or greed, all the bullshit you gave me was just that – bullshit.
Roger Rabbit @ 10-13
That really is unfortunate. Just like it was unfortunate that some prominent Democrats supported Dan Satterberg last November and other prominent Democrats stayed neutral.
I’ve never said government should regulate what corporate boards can pay CEOs, and I’m not suggesting that now, although I would support a reasonable “shareholders’ bill of rights.” Our investment laws are based on disclosure, not regulating behavior. That is, companies are required to give the investing public true and accurate information, and putting out false information is prosecutable as fraud. That’s as it should be. As for WaMu, I’m not a shareholder and, after this travesty, never will be. Anyone who owns that stock should sell it right now if they haven’t already. Just walk away. Let the market turn its back on what these cockroaches are doing. When WaMu shares aren’t worth the paper they’re printed on because there’s no takers at any price, Killinger’s and the board members’ options and shares will only be good for wiping their asses with. They’ve got it coming.
In my investing activities, I work very hard to identify and stay away from toxic companies, and the first thing I look at in the annual report is how much the CEO is paid and whether he got a bonus for losing money for the shareholders. The company that rewards executives for failure will never get a dime of my capital.
@20 “a dissertation on the intractability of the mootbat mind”
Interesting choice of subject matter by someone who isn’t very moldable himself. I have the feeling that Bush could grow a Charlie Chaplin mustache and start shooting citizens against brick walls and you’d still goosestep for him along with the rest of the not-so-tractable-yourselves wingfucks.
@21 You’re exactly right. This fiasco, like all the other meltdowns since 2001, is directly traceable to the GOP’s laissez faire mentality.
The poetic justice in all this is that I may lose a few thousand dollars because of declining stock prices but the big boys who put this organ grinder monkey in power are getting burned for billions.
@38 That’s why they’re all giving money to Democrats this year, hahaha.
I get the feeling Bush-style capitalism is on the way out.
@32 It is you who is being disingenuous, because what’s happening to irresponsible borrowers is small potatoes compared to what’s happening to the rest of us. You’re ducking the issue. That’s because you can’t defend your position. This mess was caused by Republican laissez faire permissiveness. We have an election in a little over 9 months and the American people will be asked to decide whether they want more of the same or change. I can hardly wait.
@33 What’s unfortunate is that this information was available sooner, but I think those “prominent Democrats” will know better next time.
wasn’t available
Head of Mormon Church Dies
Gordon B. Hinckley, 97, the 15th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, died today of “complications of old age” according to a church spokesman.
Democrats, “third-way” polices of the ’90’s (of which I was a huge supporter. Oops!) are running a close second. Third-way polices can’t work when the oppositional party is truly oppositional, only wanting to work against not with, the party of the president and is a member of the extreme left or right.
“Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.”
The Dems will do a better job, but I’m not holding my breath for anything wonderful.
Oops, wrong link
@46 The next president will be a Democrat, and she (he) will not be Bush. That’s not enough for the long term, but it’s a logical place to start.
“The housing bubble and the Wild West credit markets of the last few years came about not because the Fed kept interest rates too low, but because the Treasury, the comptroller of the currency, and the Fed, in its regulatory capacity, failed miserably to use their authority to oversee credit markets and assure that they were not unduly exploiting those low interest rates with irresponsible lending practices. Now we have a mess on our hands.” Robert Reich, in Newsweek
DFTT@allover: Figures you support headless lucy and his racism…
You too are a real piece of work.
DFTT@allover: Figures you support headless lucy and his racism…
You too are a real piece of work.
Pelletizer, how is that “sex with animals” again?
Let me correct you: I rarely listen to the radio, and then only while driving; I don’t read Readers’ Digest, and because I eschew controlled substances and minimize my consumption of spirits (the occassional beer is about it), I don’t do visions.
What I do is read books; think; see the obvious; believe in freedom, liberty, and traditional American values; and seek to, if you’ll pardon my use of a religious metaphor, evangelize the lost among the HA Happy Hooliheathen.
Ugly work, but someone has to do it.
And you? What to you offer? From the looks of it, nothing since all you do is steal without attribution someone else’s material. Tsk, tsk, tsk!
Purloining intellectual property used to be frowned upon, but since the days of Sen. Joe Biden “borrowing” phrases from certain British politicos and liberal historian Doris Kearns Goodwin using lengthy passages of someone else’s work without attribution (see yourself in that???), liberals are strangely silent on the subject. Yet, I’ll give Goldy credit for quickly and honestly acting against the moron who spoofed me over the weekend. I still would like to know what other monikers use that IP address, however.
Let’s not forget one of the uber-left’s darlings, Ward Churchill who, I’m sure, has many fans among the Hardon wing of the HA Happy Hooligans. An intellectual thief and practitioner of loathsome oral hygiene (checked his teeth lately?), Colorado is well rid of him. But I’ll bet he shows up on some faculty somewhere.
If I’m so inconsequential and such a bore, why are you taking the time and effort to attack me? And why is that a lot of what I say provokes others to similarly attack or merely comment?
Here’s what I think: I burst your bubble, deflate your stuffed shirt, and call B.S. on your bombast, and you can’t handle that! Unused to having the rigid orthodoxy of your “thinking” challenged, your only response is to rhetorically wet your pants.
Lawyers have a saying: If you have the law on your side, argue the law. If you have the facts on your side, argue the facts. If you have neither, pound on the table.
Hand hurt after all the pounding?
The Piper
@52 “If I’m so inconsequential and such a bore, why are you taking the time and effort to attack me? And why is that a lot of what I say provokes others to similarly attack or merely comment?”
You are not inconsequential Piper. In your own small way you have helped and enabled your President to kill and torture and destroy. That is no small thing Piper. But you are a windbag and a bore Piper! And you have never had the balls to state outright whether you support or oppose Bush’s use of torture and his killing of civilians including children.
Silence is complicity Piper!