Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Josh and Erica
The Stranger’s Josh Feit and Erica C. Barnett join me for our weekly roundup of the week’s news, and look forward to coming events. Tonight’s topics will surely include a discussion of Monday’s presidential fundraiser for Dave Reichert Darcy Burner, Ted Haggard’s family values fake charity, and of course, our good friend Stefan’s brilliant ham-fisted PR coup disaster.
8PM: Are you rooting for a housing slump?
Washington state’s housing market continues to defy gravity and national trends, with prices continuing to increase even as other markets tumble in the midst of a spreading credit crunch. Seattle/Bellevue scored an impressive 9.89% increase, while Wenatchee (yes, Wenatchee) led the nation with an astounding 23.54% gain. Um… is this a good thing? Are you cheering our housing market on, or quietly rooting for a slump so that you can swoop in and scoop up a bargain? And why are so many folks so eager to live here in a place that is steadily being destroyed by liberal Democrats like me? (Or so I’m told.)
9PM: The Blogger Hour with McJoan
Idaho native and Daily Kos front page blogger superstar Joan “McJoan” McCarter joins me for the hour to discuss the Craig Affair, the Warner retirement and other issues of national import.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Goldy, the next Seahawks’ game is Sunday and will not be a preseason game.
Hey Goldy, why don’t you talk on your show about how airlines are screwing over SeaTac’s skycaps?
Airlines Stealing Skycaps’ Tips
“SEATTLE (AP) – … It used to be that a skycap could live on tips … [but] in the post-Sept. 11 world of airline penny pinching, their income is being whittled away by the airlines ….
“United, Alaska Airlines, US Airways, Northwest, American and America West charge $2 a bag for curb checking, but that money isn’t going to the skycaps. It goes to the contractors and/or airlines. …
“‘The fee on baggage has dramatically lessened the tips …,’ said skycap James Taggart, 44, who has worked at Sea-Tac for 23 years …. ‘Now, when I get $5 for two bags, $4 goes to the company ….”
“It is not known how profitable the contracting companies who work with skycaps and wheelchair attendants are; representatives from Huntleigh and AirServ … ACSI and Aviation Safeguards … did not return calls for comment. …
“Sergio Salinas, president of SEIU Local 6, which represents a portion of the skycaps at Sea-Tac, said …, ‘Over the last 30 years, we’ve been trying to get … these people … a decent wage and medical benefits, but … what we’ve seen is the airlines imposing a new system which charges $2 per bag,’ Salinas said. ‘Passengers don’t understand that this $2 does not go to the skycap.’ …
“‘We are all working under tough economic constraints …,’ Alaska Airlines spokeswoman Caroline Boren said. …”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see 0317.html
“U.S. airline industry could post record profit this year
“By Jeff Bailey
“Published: April 2, 2007
“CHICAGO: … [T]he U.S. airline industry could post record profits this year. …
“The Air Transport Association, a U.S. airline trade group, said it expected industry profits totaling $4 billion this year … [b]ut some think the industry could top its former record of about $5.4 billion in profit, set in 1999.
“‘It’s time to buy the airlines again,’ Bob McAdoo, an analyst at Prudential Equity Group, told clients in a report in March. … [His] profit projections for this year … would easily set an industry record. …
“[B]ankruptcies, along with efforts by airlines not in bankruptcy, have drastically reduced labor … costs at airlines. … [P]lanes are … full and airlines have been able to raise fares … 15 percent last year alone. … [V]ery few new planes are scheduled for delivery to domestic airlines this year or next, which will keep capacity tight and … allow further fare increases.
” … Philip Baggaley, who as a debt analyst at Standard & Poor’s gets paid to worry about the downside of the airline industry, said, ‘It’ll be the best year since the 1990s ….’
But … Baggaley and others see signs of trouble. Labor unions … are growing restive as they watch … airline executives collect big pay packages … after union members surrendered … one-third of their compensation to keep carriers afloat.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see 07/04/02/business/place.php
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Now that passengers tip airlines instead of skycaps, things are looking up for executives and shareholders.
I posted these comments because you don’t talk enough about CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES on your show, Goldy. Aspiring to wealth built on exploitation of workers is the heart of Republicanism. You should talk about this on every show.
7 PM weekly news roundup: This has been a slow news week. Only 2 Bush aides and 1 GOP senator resigned. Fort Lewis military funerals are a daily event. There’s another recall of dangerous food products. Yawn. Just business as usual under Republican leadership. As Bush said in the 2004 debates, it’s all about leadership.
The Seattle economy is playing catch-up with the rest of the economy, and housing is simply following the job growth. Seattle was one of the last major cities to recover from the 2001 Bush Recession, and our housing boom started late. So I don’t see anything unnatural about the fact our housing prices are still going up.
As a long time fan and commenter, I would like you to have Roger Rabbit on your radio show.
To put things in perspective, the market value of my burrow has approximately doubled since I bought it almost 20 years ago. While it may seem expensive to today’s homebuyer, it seemed expensive to me when I bought, in fact housing has always been expensive. And if you figure out what inflation has been over that time, I’m pretty sure that today’s market value isn’t high enough to enable me to break even in inflation-adjusted dollars.
Seattle has always had a stairstep housing market. Prices go straight up for a couple years, then level off and stay flat for a decade. Wait and see, after all the jobs are filled and the in-migration is over, Seattle home prices will flatten out and stay the same for 10 years. Always been that way, always will be that way.
@8 I’ve already been on Goldy’s show. Or rather, Stefan’s former watchdog has. The last time I called in, all Goldy’s listeners heard was
Hey Stefan! Your dog says hi.
Hey Assie Voice, Will, Darryl, & Lee:
How cum Pallethead the Pelletizer is allowed to post article parts on ASSWipes but you erase the same thing when we whom think right do it.
Why is that Assie Voice and minions?
Considering where Wenatchee housing prices started from 23.4% doesn’t translate into a lot of money. Houses are expensive only in the Puget Sound area. There are still houses available in our state for five figures. And there’s a tremendous selection of nice homes for under $200K.
@12 Write your complaint here [ ] and send it here __.
@12 Because you’re off-topic. Now quit sniveling and ask mommy to wipe your nose.
Sen. Warner’s retirement puts his formerly safe seat in play. The question is not whether Democrats will strengthen their hold on the Senate in ’08 but by how much. The GOP has twice as many seats on the ballot — 22 vs. 11 — and only 1 or 2 Democratic senators are vulnerable whereas the Democrats are expected to capture 6 to 8 GOP seats and could net double digits. A filibuster-proof 60-seat majority is within reach. That means President Clinton will be able to pass health care reform, tax reform, prescription drug reform, and campaign finance reform, among other reforms. Maybe she can even get Congress to pass a law sending puddinghead to reform school. He needs reforming.
Assie Voice: Getting back to the “47 Million {Americans)” who are without health insurance, why do you Moonbat!s add the Americans to the end when the US Census calls them people?
From the LA Times: “The number of Americans without health insurance rose last year from 44.8 million, or 15.3% of the population, to 47 million, or 15.8%, the Census Bureau reported today.”;cset=true
But when you turn to page 29 of the US Census report it states them as not citizens. There are 10 Million per this report.
So the number is down to 37 Million.
Now if you continue to read the census report 17.7 million earn more than $50,000 a year and can “afford” health insurance. So now were down to 20 million.
Now I posted my reference from July 27th which referenced 13.2 million with Kaiser Family Foundation. I will increase my number to 20 Million. Less than half of the MSM and Moonbat! number of 47 Million!!!!!
How are #3 & #4 on topic Pellethead?
@ 12
You got a problem? Get your own blog, assclown.
@17 Good thing you don’t work in retail because I wouldn’t want you figuring out my change.
@18 See #2.
@18 (continued) Why are you worrying yourself about whether I’m on topic or not? How is that any business of yours? This isn’t your blog, let Goldy worry about that.
Whatsamatter, afraid my dick is bigger than yours?
Hey Stefan! I know you read this blog. Yours sucks. You have an awfully thin skin for someone who aspires to be a public figure.
Will at 18:
You are asking Puddypud if he has a problem? Is the pope Catholic? Is Senator Craig gay? Is Marvin Stamn an idiot?
So let me see puddy. Someone with 5 kids, and a sick wife making $50k a year can buy decent health care? Really? I heard of a lady that had cancer, and her health care was $1,500 a month, and for crappy insurance. This only after she goes for 2 years with no cancer.
I bet you think the whole idea of health care is to make sure the corporations take 30% off the top so they can pay their ceo’s over a billion dollars a year, and their shareholders, while thousands have life saving treatments denied right?
Tell you what Puddy. After listening to Goldy (every time he is on) tune to Air America, and find out what the GOP is doing to “our” country. I mean really.
I bet you are scared to death of Air America. There is no way all that reality would ever fit in a cons pea brain now is there?
Reality sucks when you live in denial doesn’t it?
Imagine, talk radio without the lies…..
Imagine, talk radio without the lies…..
Whimperstein has been fired from KIRO?
#12 Puddybud says:
You can’t post an article without adding some words of your own. Notice the silly rabbit writes “Roger Rabbit Commentary:” and then adds a couple words of his own. Of course, 30 seconds later he posts another well crafted 1 sentence post to be followed one minute later with another one sentence post.
#19 Roger Rabbit says:
Maybe we can get him a government job.
#23 My Left Foot says:
Nice to know you are thinking of me.
Are You Rooting For A Housing Slump?
No, because we won’t get “just” a housing slump or lower home prices — it’ll come with a full-blown recession. Which, by the way, now seems inevitable — and just in time for the presidential election.
“Real estate is … sapping the fortunes of home buyers, hedge-fund managers and house painters alike. The really bad news? This is only the beginning.” — Newsweek (
What does Newsweek mean, this is only the beginnning? They’re talking about ripple effects:
“Americans who were living high by taking out home-equity loans … are now faint of heart …. The National Marine Manufacturers Association … expects pleasure-boat sales, down 6 percent in 2006, to fall 10 percent more in 2007 …. In July, auto sales were down 12 percent from the year before. … It’s difficult to project where all this will lead.”
Between 2001 and 2005, 40% of all new jobs were created by the housing boom. Now, that sector is shedding, not creating, jobs. In other words, the job engine of the Bush economy is in reverse gear.
Most of the mortgage-rate adjustments, home foreclosures, and job losses are yet to come, not behind+ us. As cash-strapped households tighten their belts, sales and profits will weaken, causing the stock market to crumble. As financial assets devalue, consumer confidence will weaken even more, pushing the economy into a death spiral or at least a very unpleasant tailspin.
@28 You’re not good enough to work in government, let alone do the hiring.
Marvin, Marvin, Marvin,
Don’t flatter yourself.
Reminder: Your registration on the National Do Not Call Registry is good for only 5 years. If you registered your phone number in 2002 when the Registry was created you must re-register by Sept. 15 to avoid receiving telemarketing calls. Here is the link to re-register:
#32 My Left Foot says:
You mentioned me, you weren’t replying to me. How were you not thinking of me.
Marvin, Marvin, Marvin,
It came to mind just like does a bear shit in the woods? I did not think of you or about you any more than the bear or pope. It was just an obvious yes answer question.
Again, don’t flatter yourself. It is very unbecoming.
Newsweek magazine has published some fascinating details of the Larry Craig bust:
1. The airport restroom where Craig was arrested is touted on gay web sites as Minnesota’s “cruisiest” — in other words, it’s well to gays.
2. One of those gay web sites has been trying since the fall of 2006 to “out” Craig — in other words, his proclivities were well known in the world of gay internet chatter.
3. Because of the web chatter about this rest room and complaints from travelrs, undercover airport police officers began staking it out last May.
4. Since then, they have made 41 arrests there.
well known to gays
Roger at 36:
I would like to know the proximity of the restroom to Senator Craig’s inbound and outbound flight. How far did this guy go out of his way for a little public sex?
@38 Don’t know. The article said it’s next to the Snoopy and Woodstock statues, so it’s apparently easy to spot from half a mile away.
Here ya go — the restroom in question is right across the corridor from this guy.
So, next time you’re in that restroom, tap the floor 3 times and if you get 3 taps back you say, “Senator?”
With your tape recording running and your digital camera ready, of course …
13 So, how much did that double-wide in Moses Hole cost when it was new?
And as to the appreciation of Roger’s burrow by Green Lake over the last 20 years, methinks our dear bunny’s being a bit modest. Our abode in Wedgwood sold for $14K when it was new in 1946. We bought it from the second owners in 1976 for $38K, and refinanced it for $65K in ’87 to do some updates (most notably to remedy the classic Balch-home “one-butt kitchen”). Now similar houses in the ‘hood are changing hands for upwards of two-thirds of a million.
Of course, its monetary value is of significance to us only when it’s time to pay the taxes, or in the hypothetical situation where we’d be interested in selling it. (Non-hypothetically, we’re not.)
Our daughter, who moved to Los Angeles in 2000, has started shopping for a house to buy, and we’ve come to the conclusion that the Northwest has pretty much caught up with La-La Land in terms of property values. In fact, prices have actually started to drop down that-a-way. This, we’re sort of applauding, because it means when we go down to visit in the future she’ll be putting us up in nicer digs.
Factles typed: So let me see puddy. Someone with 5 kids, and a sick wife making $50k a year can buy decent health care?”
I put forth the data. Apparently Facts isn’t your first name on ‘Wipes! Besides when you dip the wick 5 times for 5 kids you should already know if you can afford them. Is this your situation Factless?
PuddyStupid: it’s bad enough that too many people in this country have to visit the emergency room to get health care.
But the real tragedy is that people who have paid into health insurance are denied coverage when the chips are down. Too many carriers find a bullshit excuse not to pay even though it’s clear they’re in the wrong.
Moore’s Sicko has the goods on insurance and drug companies.
And the reason is simple – deny more claims, profits go up.
And a corporate suck-up like you loves it. The greedy corps can always depend on you to cover for their greed.
You worship Mammon Puddybud.
#8 Roger should at least get his own blog. There is more than enough material in the comments here every day for it.
Roger: check it out, man:
Okay, come clean with me rabbit. Is there a competition for most posts?
Even YLB learned how to turn his caps key off, can you learn how to stop hitting the submit comment key before you’re finished with a thought? Or do you only think in one sentence thoughts?
So you admit that FurBall thinks. Wow!
Which we all know is foreign to you.
Stamn: Progressives believe in freedom of expression. The old-timers on this board believe that Roger Rabbit is one of the more eloquent posters here. He brings a lot to the table. He’s a veteran who has seen combat and he has a lifetime’s experience in law and government. He sees the big picture like few here. I’ve learned a lot from Roger Rabbit. I don’t mind his frequent postings one bit.
I turned off the caps key because I wanted to change my schtick a bit here. I don’t regret using the caps one bit. I got some interesting responses to it from some extreme wingnuts and bashing slavish, sycophantic wingnuts, who have done more damage to this country than I’ll probably see in my lifetime, is why I’m here.
Roger rocks. He’s the Antipuddy!
@43 I’ve owned my burrow for slightly less than 20 years, paid slightly under 200K for it, and would net about 400K today (according to Zillow), after deducting the estimated costs of necessary repairs and selling expenses. I’m pretty sure the cumulative inflation over that time has been more than 100%, so I’ve made less than nothing on this hole.
YLB/Cluelessman: “Moore’s Sicko has the goods on insurance and drug companies.”
Yes, Cluelessman, CNN stated the examples used by Mike the Mooron were from the 80s. Why didn’t Mike the Mooron use later examples?
Clueless and dense, that’s what you are!
@45 “But the real tragedy is that people who have paid into health insurance are denied coverage when the chips are down. Too many carriers find a bullshit excuse not to pay even though it’s clear they’re in the wrong.”
This fact is being completely overlooked by the media and politicians when the health care crisis is discussed — all we hear about is the uninsured. But the crisis involves far more than the growing millions of uninsured, because virtually everyone (except the lucky few with gold-plated plans) is UNDERINSURED. By that I mean they don’t get the coverage they paid for when the chips are down because the carrier refuses to pay. That’s like buying a new appliance, finding out it doesn’t work, and when you go back to the dealer to request warranty service you find an empty building with a “for lease” sign on it.
The private health insurance industry indulges in all the predatory business practices that afflict every other consumer sector, with some additional ones unique to their industry. As much human greed and avarice exists among health care entrepreneurs and executives as in any (and every) other business: Services are overpriced; consumers are deceived; promised benefits are not delivered; businesses are leveraged, stripped of cash and assets, and go bankrupt leaving hapless consumers holding an empty bag — and meanwhile, the “businessman” opens a new shop under a new name and a new corporate structure down the street.
Laissez faire doesn’t work, period. Without government regulation of for-profit business (and non-profit organizations), you get piracy that degenerates into chaos.
Government was mankind’s first and most critical invention, more essential to his ascent from the wild into civilization than fashioning tools, even. Until he invented government, man was merely another animal. Discard government, as rightys want to do, and humans revert to the law of the jungle.
That, of course, is exactly what rightys want. They (erroneously) see themselves as the meanest beasts in the forest, and therefore believe they will prosper in a lawless and disorganized world. I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were them. No matter how tough and smart you are, there’s always someone tougher and smarter. And why do they assume that, on an uncivilized planet, humans would necessarily be the ascendant species?
@47 “Even YLB learned how to turn his caps key off, can you learn how to stop hitting the submit comment key before you’re finished with a thought? Or do you only think in one sentence thoughts?”
For chrissakes, I’m only a fucking rabbit! Be happy I can type! And in English, yet! Most critters can’t do that. But let me ask you a question. How come my spelling and literacy is better than most Republicans’? I mean, doesn’t it embarrass them to get shown up by a fucking rabbit?
@52 “Yes, Cluelessman, CNN stated the examples used by Mike the Mooron were from the 80s. Why didn’t Mike the Mooron use later examples?”
Because he didn’t want to embarass the industry any more than necessary to make his point.
Do you really believe our health care has gotten better since the 80s?
Moore’s Sicko has the goods on insurance and drug companies.
And the reason is simple – deny more claims, profits go up.
You stupid FUCK… what the hell do you think will happen if the government gets its hands on it: THE SAME FUCKING THING EXCEPT THEY WILL **TELL** YOU IF, WHEN AND HOW YOU ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE SERVICE.
#23 My Left Foot says:
Is Marvin Stamn an idiot?
Nice to know you are thinking of me.
Wow! Highlight reel #2 isn’t even out yet, and the name Marvin Stamn has become synonymous with idiocy. Nice work, Marvy!
By the way, I still need some more material for it. Can you please keep making an ass of yourself in the other thread over the Plame case?
That Culture of Corruption thing hasn’t been mentioned by the Democrats lately has it?
I’m lousy at foreign languages. Could “Hsu” be Chinese for “Abramoff?”
You know, of course, that Sen. Hillary Clinton is at the center of the Norman Hsu story, but it appears that none of the appropriate questions are being asked. How is it that a known fugitive has been operating at high levels of Democratic politics out in the open and unfettered for this long? How is it that Hsu’s donations/Ponzi scheme have gone unnoticed for so long? How far does the Hsu/Clinton political money laundering scheme reach? (For example, we know that its slimy tentacles reach as far north and east as the Granite State because GOP Chairman Fergus Cullen and some bloggers figured it out; not because of any scrutiny on the part of the media). The WSJ has reported that Hsu and his pass-throughs have given upwards of $200,000 to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign and various political action committees and that she has, by way of penance, given away $23,000 of that money. But what about the balance? Did she spend it? Is it in reserve for attack ads against Barack Obama? Why is no one in the legacy media asking these questions? Maybe, just maybe, an editor somewhere could take a reporter off the “Bush is Hitler” beat and figure out what the hell is going on in the corridors of power in Democratic politics?
Hillary Clinton is supposed to be the most intelligent, most savvy, most resourceful, most cunning, most professional member of the Democratic pack. Just what the hell does it say that she’s let herself be so closely tied with this flim-flam artist?
Hillary Clinton still enjoys Secret Service protection — yet met with Hsu, a fugitive, on several occasions. Did the Secret Service not pick up on this odd little fact, or were they ordered by the Clinton apparatchiks to overlook the matter?
What does it say that the Communist Chinese are apparently willing to sink all their resources into swaying only the Democratic party?
Pretty soon you’ll be making the ridiculous claim that an American president would provide the red chinese with, oh, say missile technology for campaign contributions. Or that criminals like the hero of this story might actually buy pardons by contributing to something perfectly innocent—like a library. What ridiculous notions. So please stop allowing facts to get in the way of BDS or Clinton worship.
You stupid FUCK…
The government works for us. Aren’t they doing your bidding right now in Iraq?
Stupid fuck!
CNN stated the examples used by Mike the Mooron were from the 80s.
Puddystupid. My wife works at a hospital. She has spoken to people who have switched sides from insurance. They all agree with the points Moore made.
CNN has misrepresented Moore’s movie from the very beginning.
I bet you do jobs for insurance and drug companies – you’re a suck-up aren’t you Puddy?
The government works for us.
Yes and the bureaucracy works so well.
You don’t get out much do you?
Been to the DMV lately?
How about a post office?
Court system?
I know! I know! The welfare office?
Social services of any sort?
Social Security office?
PASSPORT offices?
Go ahead, dumb ass, expound on their superb efficiency then translate for all of us how swimmingly that will work with the most personal and immportant of all services, our health care.
Or as YLB says, the government works for us. Obviously by letting wanted felons with cash meet with high ranking democrat political leaders the government is doing their job.
Like I keep saying government employees suck.
(a little clarification, government employees in the old days were hard-working and worth their money, it’s the new employes of the last 10-15 years that suck. And of course government paid rabbits of all generations suck)
61 – Hateful right-wing prick:
Yeah, I’ve been to all of those places and I’ve been served well – at least in this state.
California was worse in my experience but I was a lot younger and had a chip on my shoulder like you seem to have.
If people just want to bitch and moan instead of getting involved and changing things they get what they deserve.
All your cheerleading for Dumbya, Raygun and the rest of them, prick – you’ve gotten the kind of government you deserve.
StamnStupid @ 62:
I have no control over HRC – she’s the people of NY’s problem. It’s totally up to them whether or not she serves in the Senate.
She’s not my first choice for Prez either – more like fourth or fifth.
Hey, Puddy–
Even assuming that CNN’s claim about Moore’s data isn’t a load of shit, if you really think things have gotten better since the 80’s, I’d sure like a toke of whatever you’re smoking.
Is HRC anyone’s first choice for Prez here?
Considering how she is running away from the pack, it would be hard to believe that a large % of regulars here aren’t supporting her. If not, would that indicate how far left of the liberal/democrat party this blog really is? After all, there aren’t many American cities with a statue of lenin in town square.
How do people feel about john edwards sending his wife out to parrot the publicans talking points-
Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, says “hatred” of his rival Hillary Rodham Clinton would motivate Republicans to vote against her in the general election.
“I want to be perfectly clear: I do not think the hatred against Hillary Clinton is justified,” Elizabeth Edwards said in an interview with Time magazine out this week. “I don’t know where it comes from. I don’t begin to understand it. But you can’t pretend it doesn’t exist, and it will energize the Republican base. Their nominee won’t energize them, Bush won’t, but Hillary as the nominee will. It’s hard for John to talk about, but it’s the reality.”
This article raises another question, WHY is it hard for john to talk about it but he will send his wife out to talk about on his behalf?
“The government works for us.”
Sure does –
WA DOL – replaced Driver’s License last year: looked on web for wait times, picked a location with a short wait and was done in less than 1/2 hour.
Got new car plates this summer by going on the web, came in the mail just as they said.
Private companies –
Car smog test (by a private company) – had to wait in the hot sun for nearly an hour. People were friendly but few lanes open, not enough employees.
Home Depot – what a joke, never an employee to be found.
Considering how she is running away from the pack, it would be hard to believe that a large % of regulars here aren’t supporting her.
If you look at online polling, you’ll see that she has much less support from people who are online and the netroots in general.
If not, would that indicate how far left of the liberal/democrat party this blog really is? After all, there aren’t many American cities with a statue of lenin in town square.
The beef that many have with HRC is not liberal/conservative, it’s more authoritarian/libertarian. HRC is just as economically liberal as most of the other front runners, it’s that she’s been more prone to give into the authoritarian tendencies that have dominated the mindset of most Washington DC insiders (the war on terror esp.).
This article raises another question, WHY is it hard for john to talk about it but he will send his wife out to talk about on his behalf?
For the same reason John holds public office and his wife doesn’t.
Oh, not because he’s afraid of the hillary machine (carville, MSM, stephanopoulos, mccurry, etc.)? Or maybe not because it’s harder for someone to fight back against a woman with cancer? He wasn’t even able to stand up to ann coulter on his own, he had to send his wife out on her. Hmm, sounds like he’s got a little problem standing up to women.
Elizabeth Edwards, wife of Democratic candidate John Edwards, has lambasted his rival Barack Obama as “holier than thou” on the Iraq war and accused Hillary Rodham Clinton of failing to show leadership on health care and Iraq.
Not that I’m calling you a liar again, like last time I’m sure you will correct your mistruth. Isn’t john a FORMER public office holder?
Oh, not because he’s afraid of the hillary machine (carville, MSM, stephanopoulos, mccurry, etc.)? Or maybe not because it’s harder for someone to fight back against a woman with cancer? He wasn’t even able to stand up to ann coulter on his own, he had to send his wife out on her. Hmm, sounds like he’s got a little problem standing up to women.
Why on earth should John Edwards even respond to Ann Coulter? So if you’re running for President and some crazy person calls you a name, you’re obliged to respond? Huh?
Not that I’m calling you a liar again, like last time I’m sure you will correct your mistruth. Isn’t john a FORMER public office holder?
Um, yeah. That’s correct. Wanna cookie?
As for Elizabeth Edwards. I have no idea why she’s such an attack dog. Will that look good or bad? I have no idea. I don’t support Edwards at this point, but if he’s the nominee, I’m not sure there’s a Republican who I’d vote for over him. I think he’s capable of being President and would take the job seriously (much moreso than the current occupant of the White House). I’m curious about the issue with the foreclosures, but I’m sure that’ll be aired long before Super Tuesday if there’s a there there.
#71 Lee says:
True, but he didn’t ignore it, he sent his wife out. Even you have to admit there’s something wrong about john that he has his cancer stricken wife doing the heavy lifting.
#72Lee says:
If there’s a there there. HAHAHA You are parsing words.
He’s already admitted having investments ($16,000,000) in the company, what else do you need to know.
See, that’s the void I’m filling.
True, but he didn’t ignore it, he sent his wife out.
How do you know that he asked her to respond? Is it not possible that a wife can do something without a husband’s permission?
Even you have to admit there’s something wrong about john that he has his cancer stricken wife doing the heavy lifting.
Then prove that it actually happened, dumbass.
If there’s a there there. HAHAHA You are parsing words.
I’m not parsing words, I’m just assuming that you can read.
He’s already admitted having investments ($16,000,000) in the company, what else do you need to know.
I need to know whether or not Edwards knows what the company is doing, you fucking retard. Do you even have basic analytical skills?
See, that’s the void I’m filling.
Yeah, we didn’t have any mentally retarded people hanging out in our comment threads before. Now we do!! Pat yourself on the back!!
Oh, and I posted this in other thread, although I’ll post it here too before putting it in the next highlight reel. Here’s the WSJ on Edwards: SB118728685546999884.html?mod= googlenews_wsj
If that’s it, there’s no there there. Anyone who has a stock portfolio (especially someone as wealthy as Edwards) can’t possibly follow what every company that portfolio is invested in is doing. The same thing happened with Ken Blackwell in Ohio. People on the left tried to make it scandal, but there was no there there.
It appears that the void you’re filling here is mostly comic relief for the people who aren’t complete idiots.
#74 Lee says:
There’s a pattern of behavior. If his wife only went off one one person your point might be valid. It happens all the time. Google it. Search for john edwards wife
IF there’s a there there. It’s there. I provided you a link, just because you didn’t want to read anything negative about the people you are putting up for the office of president is on you. Refusing to read the truth about democrats doesn’t change the truth.
Sure. If it makes you feel better john is that clueless more power to you.
You had headless lucy, the musically challenged mentally retarded racist in attendance so your statement is once again a falsehood.
There’s a pattern of behavior. If his wife only went off one one person your point might be valid. It happens all the time. Google it.
How does that make my point invalid? Can’t Elizabeth’s outspokenness be a pattern of behavior too, numbnuts?
IF there’s a there there. It’s there. I provided you a link, just because you didn’t want to read anything negative about the people you are putting up for the office of president is on you. Refusing to read the truth about democrats doesn’t change the truth.
No, there’s no there there. It’s just as ridiculous as the effort to get Ken Blackwell for the same thing. There’s no hypocrisy there. Edwards can’t possibly be expected to know every company his portfolio is invested in.
Sure. If it makes you feel better john is that clueless more power to you.
No, it’s normal. I have an IRA. I have no idea which specific companies its invested in. My 401k? Same thing. I pick a general fund, and the investors pick the companies. Nobody monitors that stuff, they leave it up to Fidelity or whoever manages their portfolio.
You had headless lucy, the musically challenged mentally retarded racist in attendance so your statement is once again a falsehood.
Oh no, you’re a different level of retarded we’re not familiar with. As I’ve said before, people like MTR and Puddybud actually know how stupid they are. You still think you’re smart. That makes you a special kind of retarded we haven’t seen around here in a while.