Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
Liberal propaganda.
8PM: Reproductive rights at risk?
When the Seattle Times’ David Postman asked Dino Rossi to explain his support of a court ruling allowing pharmacists to refuse prescriptions due to religious beliefs, Rossi declined an interview, his spokesperson saying “this is not a topic he has been campaigning on.” If NARAL/Pro-Choice Washington executive director Karen Cooper has anything to do it about, reproductive rights will remain a hot issue throughout the 2008 gubernatorial campaign, and Rossi will be forced to answer reporters questions about his very anti-choice positions. Cooper joins me by phone for the hour to take your calls.
9PM: Blogger roundup with Andrew Villeneuve
Andrew Villeneuve from Northwest Progressive Institute joins us in studio for more liberal propaganda.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I’ll be filling in for Dave Ross this week (except for Christmas Day) 9AM to Noon, spreading my drive-by liberal propaganda to the masses.
Goldy; could all your funny believers and listeners, now who really hijacked this country Democrat Party? Tell me why the Democrats are so blue today? What really happen to the Democrat Party in 1968 during the Democrat convention in Chicago, Illinois? Who is running the Party today? Conservative Democrats like Scoop Jackson or the secular liberals? Why did the party drop the blue collar and Catholic workers for the fringe voters on the far left? The New Socialist Democrat Party today supports the special interest groups, communist, socialist, and the whack environmental groups. Roger today we are left with a one party system and a bunch of extreme creatures running this country. Let’s not forget this country is a republic not a democrat government. Democracy does not equal democrat party but secular liberalism running this country. Goldy are now looking up a dead horse ass for answers. 710-KIRO depends on you to produce the answers not being the source of the conflict. How are you going to improve their ratings and bottom line? Now you can bring ob Roger Rabbit (demitted lawyer) and spew all his bias statements all over the air waves. Another approach would be bring the Democrat Party to it’s roots that Lee dislikes with a passion. Goldy how many years will it take to fix the Party and start using facts instead of propaganda.
Who made this statement?
The Democrats limped out of Chicago divided and discouraged, the latest casualties in a culture war that went beyond differences over Vietnam. It would reshape and realign American politics for the rest of the century and beyond, and frustrate most efforts to focus the electorate on the issues that most affect their lives and livelihoods, as opposed to their psyches. The kids and their supporters saw the mayor and the cops as authoritarian, ignorant, violent bigots. The mayor and his largely blue-collar ethnic police force saw the kids as foul-mouthed, immoral, unpatriotic, soft, upper class kids who were too spoiled to respect authority, too selfish to appreciate what it takes to hold a society together, too cowardly to serve in Vietnam…. Much of my public life was spent trying to bridge the cultural and psychological divide that had widened into a chasm in Chicago.
Lee’s point of view:
Lee says:
1968 was 40 years ago. Get over it.
Another person point of view but lacks the balls to post with his name:
FricknFrack says:
@ 15, Headless Lucy said: “I don’t even read klake’s comments anymore”
Jeepers, I thought it was just ME! I stopped a while ago, thinking Klake BS was just a waste of cyberspace.
Another person post his/her point of view but also using a no name address:
headless lucy says:
I don’t even read klake’s comments anymore. It’s like avoiding that steaming pile of dogshit in the yard — my big, wooded 1.7 acre property with all the trees and peace and serenity.
I’m so glad I’m not some stupid, bitter WingNut™ driving around in some dead-zone Chrysler with Bush stickers all over it.
The answer to the question above: Bill Clinton, My Life: The Early Years
If NARAL/Pro-Choice Washington executive director Karen Cooper has anything to do it about, reproductive rights will remain a hot issue throughout the 2008
Not as hot as tax reform. Hehehehehehe A subject that the queen will lose easily. Re Elect Dino 2008.
I thought the Republican position was that the question of abortion should be settled by the states, not the federal court. Therefore, it is a quite appropriate issue for a republican candidate for statewide office to be asked about.
ANd what’s your vision for tax reform, dog? and “cut them” does not count. WHere should the revenue come from?
And poor silly klake, under the impression that his ranting makes sense.
Go back to your cartoons.
Goldy your friends seem to be losing the media war and their ratings are in the dumps. What can you change in your spell to draw new listeners to your radio station? Maybe drop the secular liberalism of the socialist people’s party? Figure out how to get the blue collar worker to listen along with the Catholics that haven’t abounded their Church. Maybe not support policies that counter the success of our troops fighting in a global war. What is your plan to return the Democrat Party back to the real Democrats and expel the secular liberals from the party? How do you plan to clean up the way King County keeps it voting records? When do you plan to purge the illegal voters on the voting records?
“In a validation of what the broadcast networks have been saying since September, New York-based Magna Global said that ratings for the demographic season to date were only down 4 percent using the live-plus-seven figures available from Nielsen Media Research. Magna Global looked at ratings from Sept. 24-Dec. 2, with some estimates factored in.
That’s quite a change from the live ratings, in which the five broadcast networks are down 12 percent, or even live-plus-same-day, down 9 percent compared with last year. Fox is up 13 percent year-over-year, but the other networks are down; ABC is off 2 percent, followed by NBC (5 percent), CBS (10 percent) and the CW network (21 percent). ABC, like last season, is in the lead with a 4.0 rating, with CBS and NBC tied for second place at 3.5, and Fox is fourth with a 3.4.” ws/media_agencies/article_disp lay.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003683 755
Goldy does this mean that King County will mailing property tax return for over payment of Taxes? Will the local government reduce its spending due to reduction of property values? Will the state be as expedient on reducing property taxes as they were in raising them last ten years? What type of propaganda will they come up with just to justify another tax increase? When the silent majority is finally step in and change the states government? When is the ratings on your radio station increases is when they start taking care of the silent majority? When is the Democrat Party going to be ran by Democrats and not the secular liberals?
Taxes Are Reassessed in Housing Slump as Prices Drop
Downward assessments appear most pronounced in areas where
the market was exploding just a few years ago, or where
economic conditions are poorest.;emc=th
Try not to advertise your ignorance, poor silly klake. Assessments determine what you will pay, assuming you own property. They do not look backwards.
And those who paid attention would know this King Co. budget was developed assuming drops in revenue in 2008 and 2009.
ANd what’s your vision for tax reform, dog? and “cut them” does not count. WHere should the revenue come from?
He can start by saying there will be a tax refund and give back the surplus. He can promise to make 1% property tax increases permenant instead of the fake one the queen passed based on banking capacity. Remind people that the queen promised not to raise taxes in her last campaign and not only increased them put proposed the biggest tax increase in Washington state history.
Also Dino can promise there will be no state income tax while he is in office. Of course the queen will state the same thing but who will believe her after last year. hehehehehe
Don’t believe in reserves, dog? And what of the declining revenues with the republican recession coming?
No nativity scene at the capitol this year
There will be no Nativity Scene in the United State Congress, this year!
The Supreme Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity Scene in the United States Capital this
Christmas season.
This isn’t for any religious reason, they simply have not been able to find three wise men and a virgin in the Nation’s Capitol.
There was no problem, however, finding enough asses to fill the stable.
Don’t believe in reserves, dog?
And what of the declining revenues with the republican recession coming?
Democrats control this state so you bet we will have a recession. I am suprised Boeing is still here. It just a matter of when not if.
K says:
And those who paid attention would know this King Co. budget was developed assuming drops in revenue in 2008 and 2009.
K says:
Try not to advertise your ignorance, poor silly klake. Assessments determine what you will pay, assuming you own property. They do not look backwards.
K must be a government worker living in complete fear of the government she/he works for today. You are not the only government work not to post with your name, which means you work for a fearful boss or poorly ran Union.
You miss the point I do not care how the government does its assessments, but when the taxpayer is getting hose from both ends the government better feel the pain. Now how much property I own please feel free to check, but those who pay rent gets the tax increases every year. They are the ones that need the tax breaks and some of your friends that work with you need to stand in the unemployment line to feel the pain.
King Country budgets are a complete deserter ran by out of control bureaucrats that can’t do math without smoke and mirrors. Today you best learn how to adjust you spending with the changing business climates or everyone will go bust. Folks let’s start by removing all the pork that is stuff into your budgets.
Yes K (what you call yourself today) it must be great being a government worker and get 6% pay increases every year. The rest of us are struggling just to pay all the hidden taxes. What you need here is a real Democrats to defend the blue collar workers where the Unions have failed.
If NARAL/Pro-Choice Washington executive director Karen Cooper has anything to do it about, reproductive rights will remain a hot issue throughout the 2008 gubernatorial campaign, and Rossi will be forced to answer reporters’ questions about his very anti-choice positions. Cooper joins me by phone for the hour to take your calls.
Goldy what makes you think he has to address anything you think is important? Hell Pro-Choice is doing everybody a service, its lower the gene pool that you all reside in. Another 10 years there will be a shortage of secular liberals living on this planet. Do you really think those entire new voters crossing the border illegally will get abortion to diminish the gene pool? You know the Albanians did this very thing in Yugoslavia and the Serbs lost Kosovo. They had thirteen siblings per family and it required no education to outperform the Serbs. The best birth control in this state is higher education, one child per family. So let’s send all out professors to Mexico to educate them, and lets Ms Cooper run their clinics. Now we wouldn’t need miles of fence to defend our borders.
I am sure that Rossi will state that he will not force Washington taxpayer to pay for abortions. Hey that is another winner.
Goldy you are full of BS and you are going broke with your new math. We can rebuild our nation highway but your plan is in the ozone. Maybe you better revisit your plan money does not grow on trees and don’t spend thirty years coming up with a plan.
Folks check out the History Channel for the next showing about the German Autobahn’s you might be surprise about how they solve their congested and dangerous highways. The folk’s in this state might learn something on how to build and regulate the traffic on our freeways. Charging fees, diamond lanes, and mass transit will not make the driving public happy. The government social engineering will not fix the problems, lack of vision, and many committee meetings will not produce results. Maybe a change of government to a new crop of people will help produce the taxpayer’s results. How many elections does it take for the crow running this state to get the hint? Just locking up all the drunk drivers will solve the carnage on this state highway. Looking for the state to lead the way will require Leaders which we do not have trying to lead.
Modern Marvels: The Autobahn.
Imagine a superhighway designed for speed…thousands of miles of roadway unhindered by limits of any kind. Buckle up for safety as we take you for the ride of your life when we explore the fascinating history and current reality of the world’s fastest freeway. The number-one works project of the Third Reich, the Autobahn was known as Adolf Hitler’s Road until Germany’s defeat in WWII. Reconstructed and extended to more than four times its original size, it became a symbol of the New Germany. o?action=detail&episodeId=1919 79
Dog- the economy in this state is out performing the rest of the country, but we are trending down. It’s George Bush’s economy, George Bush’s deficit and George Bush’s falling dollar.
And poor silly klake, I am a proud government worker. I can point to several accomplishments which have indisputably made the world a better place. We get less than 2.5% this year, and have not seen 6% in the many years I have been here. (again displaying your ignorance).
And my name is none of your business, though I only post under “K”
Dog- the economy in this state is out performing the rest of the country, but we are trending down. It’s George Bush’s economy, George Bush’s deficit and George Bush’s falling dollar.
The economy is beter overall now then it has ever been. The stock market has hit record highs during the Bush administration. I do not know a single person who is worse off now than they were 10 years ago. Of course if you are a liberal news anchor the republican economy has ben a nightmare. hehehehehe
Tell me about the dollar, and about the deficit.
And you must have missed the current mortgage situation. Defaults and repos, those folks certainly are not better off.
AS I was leaving Lowe’s hardware tonight with my small purchase of screwed-wingnuts, my cashier wished me :’Happy Holidays!’ And I said, “Looks like we won the war on Christmas!”
“Yes”, looks like you did!”, she replied.
True story.
And you must have missed the current mortgage situation. Defaults and repos, those folks certainly are not better off.
Why??? Those people had no hope of owning a home back in the 90’s. Even with the defaults their are millions of more home owners now than ever before. That is more bad news for you dems. When people own their own homes a lot of them turn to our side. hehehehehe
re 21: You are absolutely right! People who started this century with one job, now have three.
If that’s not an improvement, I don’t know what is!
So losing a home and your credit makes you better off? Predatory lending and regulatory agencies turning a blind eye certainly made folks better off!?!
THose eastside homeowners turned their back to your side.
I’ve decided that Goldy is not a true progressive. He talks a good game, but what does he actually DO? He yaps a bunch, and writes a bunch, but that’s about it. Now take Tom Douglas. He doesn’t even claim to be a progressive, and last night he used his radio show to raise $25,000 to help Washington farmers hurt by the flood.
Goldy, what the fuck do you actually DO?
I challenge you, you big phony, to use your radio show to raise money for people in need. The homeless, the hungry, whatever. I give you one month to do such a show. If you’re still just babbling about the same old crap, and not raising money for some cause, then I’ll know you’re full of crap.
Irv Kupcinet says:
re 21: You are absolutely right! People who started this century with one job, now have three.
If that’s not an improvement, I don’t know what is!
If you are a lazy union worker you are probably right. Private sector unions have become dinosaurs. The rest of the people are way better off. Of course you donks wouldn’t know that because you are loosers and can never get ahead if it wasn’t for the gubmint handing it to you.
Dog, you bore me. Bringing nothing but your silly attacks on government. No substance and no response to rebuttal.
You peak with your “hehehe”.
Irv Kupcinet says:
re 125: Limbaugh GIVES his show for free to 600 stations. They get free content and can sell advertising.
That’s the idea –
I can totally understand why Irv needs three jobs to get by. He sure isn’t one of the brighter bulbs on the christmas tree now is he. hehehhehehehe
‘Donks’ like me are not averse to capitalizing on a situation. I just bought a property for $100,000 less than the asking price.
Believe you me, I got a deal!
But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Since I can’t change the world in my lifetime, I have to do the best I can and hope to help point things in a better direction.
But don’t think for a moment that we ‘Donks’ can’t play the game!
We can not only play the game, but see a better way.
I feel sorry for those poor schlubs like Klake who drive around in old Mercury Monarchs with Bush stickers all over them.
It makes me sad…
schlub also shlub or zhlub n. Slang. A person regarded as clumsy, stupid, or unattractive. [Yiddish, from Polish żłób , trough, blockhead. = klake
An old Rambler ‘Ambassador’ station wagon would make me even sadder…
Irv, I’m sure the cold, hungry person who is sleeping outside tonight is so glad a progressive like you is helping his situation by sitting at your computer, flaming people who don’t think like you. I’m sure he much rather have that than want you to actually give off your ass and do something about his plight. I really admire you progressives. You are really helping the less fortunate by spending much of your free time flaming people on a blog.
Whhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaat did I just read?
K says: And poor silly klake, I am a proud government worker.
K – You claimed to be a Cornell University Graduate and you work for the government?
Wow that expensive education really paid off.
@1 “Let’s not forget this country is a republic not a democrat government.”
Yep, folks, this is the excuse they use for the minority pushing around the majority.
K – Master Chief K Lake was a 30+ year lifer in the United States Military. What have you done for your government or for other people besides breathe other peoples’ oxygen and pollute others with your CO2 exhalations?
K – What a moron!
@4 This is their vision of “tax reform”.
@13 Let’s see, I heard that one in 2nd grade, which was 55 years ago. But I’m sure this joke has been around at least since my great-great-grandfather’s time.
@20 K, thank you for your overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated public service. From one who has been there and done that.
And after you’ve put in your long years of service and your time to retire comes, don’t apologize to anyone for kicking back, sitting on your ass, and simply enjoying life.
Finally — and most important — make sure you retire before the job stress kills you. One of my former co-workers died this year — 2 days after he retired.
@4 This is their vision of “tax reform”. g/august032007/bridge_photo_3. jpg
Actually that is what happens when liberals are in charge of transportation. You dont even want to know what the public screwls are like. heheheehhe
@21 “The economy is beter overall now then it has ever been.”
Bullshit. But what does a dog know? Nothing. That’s why he’s a fucking dog; if he had any brains, he’d have been born a rabbit, or at least a human.
Record levels of personal debt
Stagnant wages
Falling home prices
40% devaluation of dollar since 2001
National savings rate of 0%
Record number of personal bankruptcies
Failing pension plans
Persistent high unemployment above 4%
Rampant food, fuel, and housing inflation
Twice as many families living in poverty
Over 6 million more people without health insurance
National debt up 80% since 2001
That’s the legacy of the Bush Economy. It’s not only not “better,” it sucks so bad that recent polling shows the economy has replaced Iraq as the #1 issue on voters’ minds.
KLake: Irv is another name for your good friend helpless loocie (TM).
No one else places word definitions on HorsesASSHoles like helpless Loocie (TM).
@23 We’re not hearing much about the “war on Christmas” this year. Bill O’Lielly has been trying to peddle it on his talk-radio show, but nobody’s having any of it. The media is ignoring it. Maybe the reason is because the only people who have had Christmas taken away from them are the rising numbers of unemployed. Everywhere else, I see shoppers jamming the malls, people going to church, homeowners putting up Christmas displays, Salvation Army bands and bellringers outside stores, and people saying “Have a Merry Christmas!” to each other.
One thing I do hear this Christmas season, though, is a rising tide of Far Right voices (wrongly) insisting the Constitution doesn’t require separation of church and state, and working hard to make sure that saying “Happy Holidays” or “Happy Hannukah” becomes a criminal offense.
@24 Actually, you’re wrong, dog. A lot of responsible people who could afford to, and did, own a home were cheated out of their homes by the predatory lenders who flourished under a Republican administration that believes government has no business protecting consumers or regulating dishonest mortgage companies.
A Republican is someone who would feed you to the wolves.
@27 Those farmers should be suing the shit out of Weyerhauser, among others. This flood was totally preventable.
When are people going to figure out that many of these so-called “natural disasters” are actually man-made? That the rivers are doing exactly the same thing they’ve bee doing for 16,000 years, when Washington’s current landscape was carved by the retreating ice sheets? That the real cause of what happened in Chehalis is unbridled greed, mindless opposition to sensible land use regulations, and irresponsible logging, development, and agricultural practices?
That said, my heart goes out to the flood victims, but that said, let us hope the affected communities learn something from this experience and make some changes in what kind of people they elect to local offices and their attitude toward government “interference” with “property rights.”
@28 No one works harder or with more skill than union members. Unions built the middle class in this country. Unions are a counterbalance to the unchecked greed of the owner class that has sought to exploit and oppress labor from time immemorial. We’re a union family and proud of it! We need more, not fewer, unions. The decline of union membership has resulted in more and more of America’s income going to fewer and fewer people. That is going to change. Unions are making a comeback because business has overreached. Chances are, you’ll be euthanized by a union veterinarian, dog! Especially if you’re picked up by a county animal control office at a polling place for committing voting fraud.
32 – 32: I’ll bet Flakey Klake’s “portfolio” is a job application for 7-11.
erratum 32 – 34
@35 “sitting at your computer, flaming people who don’t think like you”
Ooooooo, do you have a problem with this? Is this another one of those privileges wingnuts reserve only for themselves? You complain about liberals flaming righties? After you guys called us “traitors” and “terrorists” and whatnot? What a fucking hypocrite.
Bullshit. But what does a dog know? Nothing. That’s why he’s a fucking dog; if he had any brains, he’d have been born a rabbit, or at least a human.
Record levels of personal debt
Stagnant wages
Falling home prices
40% devaluation of dollar since 2001
National savings rate of 0%
Record number of personal bankruptcies
Failing pension plans
Persistent high unemployment above 4%
Rampant food, fuel, and housing inflation
Twice as many families living in poverty
Over 6 million more people without health insurance
National debt up 80% since 2001
Bullshit. This economy is the best:
Home values highest in history
Wages are highest in history
Millions and millions of more home owners
Personal wealth highest in history
The top 100 highest Dow Jones Industrial average recorded unde Bush.
Taxes are at lowest level since the 80’s.
Millions of jobs added to the economy in the last 8 years.
Lowest unemployment rates
More people own their own business than ever
If you are doing bad in this economy you are a looser or democrat. (Exception for liberal journalist and anchor people…. the republican economy really sucked for them) hehehehehe
When are people going to figure out that many of these so-called “natural disasters” are actually man-made?
Speaking of which when are those six man made hurricanes ever going to come that was promised back in 2006? Geesh they are almost two years late.
@38 I don’t believe you. Even with today’s lowered standards, which allow criminals to enlist, nobody as stupid as Flakey Klake gets into the military.
Pelletizer (TM) @57: He posted his military record earlier on HorsesASSHoles Pelletizer (TM), just like we know you are a vietnam vet. He even told us when he retired and his last tour. With you being a “old useless bunny” with a little bunny brain so most prople will excuse your natural ignorance. But I thought K would remember this… Oooooops… K is a liberal too so forgetfulness is standard in your strain.
Did you meet John Effin Kerry? He’s a vietnam vet too.
242 “Actually that is what happens when liberals are in charge of transportation.”
Wrong again, dumbass. The two-term governor of Minnesota is a REPUBLICAN.
“Bridge Collapse Revives Issue of Road Spending
“MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 6 — In the past two years, Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota twice vetoed legislation to raise the state’s gas tax to pay for transportation needs.”
@42 (continued) Ever notice how wingnuts lie through their teeth when the facts aren’t on their side (and facts are NEVER on their side)?
re 35: And they are probably even more pleased that you are taking the time to dun me for not being more helpful.
I’ll tell you what. I give my money DIRECTLY to drunken bums.
No middleman. They can use it for what they really want right up front.
It is kind of odd that this happened in one of the few blue states???? Wait no it isn’t. It totally explains why taxes had to be increased for basic maintenance for roads. Liberals never spend transportation money on roads. They waste it.
@55 “Home values highest in history”
Not after adjusting for inflation.
“Wages are highest in history”
A lie. Real wages have declined since Bush took office.
“Millions and millions of more home owners”
Home ownership is not significantly higher under this administration after adjusting for population growth and subtracting repos and foreclosures.
“Personal wealth highest in history”
Yes, but for who? Only the top 2%. Most Americans are deeper in debt than they’ve ever been before.
“The top 100 highest Dow Jones Industrial average recorded unde Bush.”
Only when measured in dollars worth 40% less than when Clinton left office. If you adjust for the dollar devaluation under Bush, the real value of stocks has dropped dramatically under this administration.
“Taxes are at lowest level since the 80’s.”
Yes, at the cost of record deficits that eventually will bring inflation, unemployment, high interest rates, and stagflation — not to mention decomposing infrastructure, less law enforcement and increased crime, poor border secutiry, a collapse of government regulation accompanied by rampant corporate fraud, and soldiers sent into battle to face IEDs without vests, helmets, or armored vehicles because this administration preferred giving tax cuts to billionaires to giving equipment to soldiers.
“Millions of jobs added to the economy in the last 8 years.”
Yes, but mostly low-paid service jobs, and largely offset by loss of higher-paying manufacturing jobs, so that the net job creation record of this administration is one of the worst of any post-world-war-I administration.
“Lowest unemployment rates”
Utterly false. See
“More people own their own business than ever”
Yes, if you count people working from their homes as “consultants” because their jobs were outsourced to India or China.
Roger Rabbit says:
@38 I don’t believe you. Even with today’s lowered standards, which allow criminals to enlist, nobody as stupid as Flakey Klake gets into the military.
You know I don’t know why anyone would let Roger Rabbit into the Democrat Party? He has never been in a Union let alone a shop steward defending those lack the skills to defend themselves. Why would anyone allow someone join the party who are secular liberals and supports the terrorist that hit this country in 2001? Yes Roger I did serve my country from 1966-2007 in the USAF and Air National Guard. No I did not support the enemies of this nation just because I got a raw deal in Viet Nam. Now Roger you can still get help if get in touch with the VA.
Roger Rabbit; Seattle’s greatest rug cleaner, Quran reader, and bin Laden supporter.
Member of the Secular Liberal Democrats
Now that is something to be proud of and you can post only with a alais for you are fearful of your own shadow.
KLake: You need not prove yourself about your military history. Idiot leftists have no memory, but people who read and think and decipher leftist BULLSHITTIUM remember.
Roger the Unions will not come back as long as they support Secular Liberial Democrats or any other one party. Maybe they will see the light at the end of the tunnel before they disappear. Roger do you have a Union Card?
Let’s put this wingnut BULLSHIT about “low unemployment” under Republicans to rest for once and for all:
Title: Civilian Unemployment Rate
Source: U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release: The Employment Situation
Seasonal Adjustment: Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
Units: Percent
Date Range: 1948-01-01 to 2007-11-01
Last Updated: 2007-12-07 12:21 PM CT
Notes: Persons 16 years of age and older.
1948-01-01 3.4
1948-02-01 3.8
1948-03-01 4.0
1948-04-01 3.9
1948-05-01 3.5
1948-06-01 3.6
1948-07-01 3.6
1948-08-01 3.9
1948-09-01 3.8
1948-10-01 3.7
1948-11-01 3.8
1948-12-01 4.0
1949-01-01 4.3
1949-02-01 4.7
1949-03-01 5.0
1949-04-01 5.3
1949-05-01 6.1
1949-06-01 6.2
1949-07-01 6.7
1949-08-01 6.8
1949-09-01 6.6
1949-10-01 7.9
1949-11-01 6.4
1949-12-01 6.6
1950-01-01 6.5
1950-02-01 6.4
1950-03-01 6.3
1950-04-01 5.8
1950-05-01 5.5
1950-06-01 5.4
1950-07-01 5.0
1950-08-01 4.5
1950-09-01 4.4
1950-10-01 4.2
1950-11-01 4.2
1950-12-01 4.3
1951-01-01 3.7
1951-02-01 3.4
1951-03-01 3.4
1951-04-01 3.1
1951-05-01 3.0
1951-06-01 3.2
1951-07-01 3.1
1951-08-01 3.1
1951-09-01 3.3
1951-10-01 3.5
1951-11-01 3.5
1951-12-01 3.1
1952-01-01 3.2
1952-02-01 3.1
1952-03-01 2.9
1952-04-01 2.9
1952-05-01 3.0
1952-06-01 3.0
1952-07-01 3.2
1952-08-01 3.4
1952-09-01 3.1
1952-10-01 3.0
1952-11-01 2.8
1952-12-01 2.7
1953-01-01 2.9
1953-02-01 2.6
1953-03-01 2.6
1953-04-01 2.7
1953-05-01 2.5
1953-06-01 2.5
1953-07-01 2.6
1953-08-01 2.7
1953-09-01 2.9
1953-10-01 3.1
1953-11-01 3.5
1953-12-01 4.5
1954-01-01 4.9
1954-02-01 5.2
1954-03-01 5.7
1954-04-01 5.9
1954-05-01 5.9
1954-06-01 5.6
1954-07-01 5.8
1954-08-01 6.0
1954-09-01 6.1
1954-10-01 5.7
1954-11-01 5.3
1954-12-01 5.0
1955-01-01 4.9
1955-02-01 4.7
1955-03-01 4.6
1955-04-01 4.7
1955-05-01 4.3
1955-06-01 4.2
1955-07-01 4.0
1955-08-01 4.2
1955-09-01 4.1
1955-10-01 4.3
1955-11-01 4.2
1955-12-01 4.2
1956-01-01 4.0
1956-02-01 3.9
1956-03-01 4.2
1956-04-01 4.0
1956-05-01 4.3
1956-06-01 4.3
1956-07-01 4.4
1956-08-01 4.1
1956-09-01 3.9
1956-10-01 3.9
1956-11-01 4.3
1956-12-01 4.2
1957-01-01 4.2
1957-02-01 3.9
1957-03-01 3.7
1957-04-01 3.9
1957-05-01 4.1
1957-06-01 4.3
1957-07-01 4.2
1957-08-01 4.1
1957-09-01 4.4
1957-10-01 4.5
1957-11-01 5.1
1957-12-01 5.2
1958-01-01 5.8
1958-02-01 6.4
1958-03-01 6.7
1958-04-01 7.4
1958-05-01 7.4
1958-06-01 7.3
1958-07-01 7.5
1958-08-01 7.4
1958-09-01 7.1
1958-10-01 6.7
1958-11-01 6.2
1958-12-01 6.2
1959-01-01 6.0
1959-02-01 5.9
1959-03-01 5.6
1959-04-01 5.2
1959-05-01 5.1
1959-06-01 5.0
1959-07-01 5.1
1959-08-01 5.2
1959-09-01 5.5
1959-10-01 5.7
1959-11-01 5.8
1959-12-01 5.3
1960-01-01 5.2
1960-02-01 4.8
1960-03-01 5.4
1960-04-01 5.2
1960-05-01 5.1
1960-06-01 5.4
1960-07-01 5.5
1960-08-01 5.6
1960-09-01 5.5
1960-10-01 6.1
1960-11-01 6.1
1960-12-01 6.6
1961-01-01 6.6
1961-02-01 6.9
1961-03-01 6.9
1961-04-01 7.0
1961-05-01 7.1
1961-06-01 6.9
1961-07-01 7.0
1961-08-01 6.6
1961-09-01 6.7
1961-10-01 6.5
1961-11-01 6.1
1961-12-01 6.0
1962-01-01 5.8
1962-02-01 5.5
1962-03-01 5.6
1962-04-01 5.6
1962-05-01 5.5
1962-06-01 5.5
1962-07-01 5.4
1962-08-01 5.7
1962-09-01 5.6
1962-10-01 5.4
1962-11-01 5.7
1962-12-01 5.5
1963-01-01 5.7
1963-02-01 5.9
1963-03-01 5.7
1963-04-01 5.7
1963-05-01 5.9
1963-06-01 5.6
1963-07-01 5.6
1963-08-01 5.4
1963-09-01 5.5
1963-10-01 5.5
1963-11-01 5.7
1963-12-01 5.5
1964-01-01 5.6
1964-02-01 5.4
1964-03-01 5.4
1964-04-01 5.3
1964-05-01 5.1
1964-06-01 5.2
1964-07-01 4.9
1964-08-01 5.0
1964-09-01 5.1
1964-10-01 5.1
1964-11-01 4.8
1964-12-01 5.0
1965-01-01 4.9
1965-02-01 5.1
1965-03-01 4.7
1965-04-01 4.8
1965-05-01 4.6
1965-06-01 4.6
1965-07-01 4.4
1965-08-01 4.4
1965-09-01 4.3
1965-10-01 4.2
1965-11-01 4.1
1965-12-01 4.0
1966-01-01 4.0
1966-02-01 3.8
1966-03-01 3.8
1966-04-01 3.8
1966-05-01 3.9
1966-06-01 3.8
1966-07-01 3.8
1966-08-01 3.8
1966-09-01 3.7
1966-10-01 3.7
1966-11-01 3.6
1966-12-01 3.8
1967-01-01 3.9
1967-02-01 3.8
1967-03-01 3.8
1967-04-01 3.8
1967-05-01 3.8
1967-06-01 3.9
1967-07-01 3.8
1967-08-01 3.8
1967-09-01 3.8
1967-10-01 4.0
1967-11-01 3.9
1967-12-01 3.8
1968-01-01 3.7
1968-02-01 3.8
1968-03-01 3.7
1968-04-01 3.5
1968-05-01 3.5
1968-06-01 3.7
1968-07-01 3.7
1968-08-01 3.5
1968-09-01 3.4
1968-10-01 3.4
1968-11-01 3.4
1968-12-01 3.4
1969-01-01 3.4
1969-02-01 3.4
1969-03-01 3.4
1969-04-01 3.4
1969-05-01 3.4
1969-06-01 3.5
1969-07-01 3.5
1969-08-01 3.5
1969-09-01 3.7
1969-10-01 3.7
1969-11-01 3.5
1969-12-01 3.5
1970-01-01 3.9
1970-02-01 4.2
1970-03-01 4.4
1970-04-01 4.6
1970-05-01 4.8
1970-06-01 4.9
1970-07-01 5.0
1970-08-01 5.1
1970-09-01 5.4
1970-10-01 5.5
1970-11-01 5.9
1970-12-01 6.1
1971-01-01 5.9
1971-02-01 5.9
1971-03-01 6.0
1971-04-01 5.9
1971-05-01 5.9
1971-06-01 5.9
1971-07-01 6.0
1971-08-01 6.1
1971-09-01 6.0
1971-10-01 5.8
1971-11-01 6.0
1971-12-01 6.0
1972-01-01 5.8
1972-02-01 5.7
1972-03-01 5.8
1972-04-01 5.7
1972-05-01 5.7
1972-06-01 5.7
1972-07-01 5.6
1972-08-01 5.6
1972-09-01 5.5
1972-10-01 5.6
1972-11-01 5.3
1972-12-01 5.2
1973-01-01 4.9
1973-02-01 5.0
1973-03-01 4.9
1973-04-01 5.0
1973-05-01 4.9
1973-06-01 4.9
1973-07-01 4.8
1973-08-01 4.8
1973-09-01 4.8
1973-10-01 4.6
1973-11-01 4.8
1973-12-01 4.9
1974-01-01 5.1
1974-02-01 5.2
1974-03-01 5.1
1974-04-01 5.1
1974-05-01 5.1
1974-06-01 5.4
1974-07-01 5.5
1974-08-01 5.5
1974-09-01 5.9
1974-10-01 6.0
1974-11-01 6.6
1974-12-01 7.2
1975-01-01 8.1
1975-02-01 8.1
1975-03-01 8.6
1975-04-01 8.8
1975-05-01 9.0
1975-06-01 8.8
1975-07-01 8.6
1975-08-01 8.4
1975-09-01 8.4
1975-10-01 8.4
1975-11-01 8.3
1975-12-01 8.2
1976-01-01 7.9
1976-02-01 7.7
1976-03-01 7.6
1976-04-01 7.7
1976-05-01 7.4
1976-06-01 7.6
1976-07-01 7.8
1976-08-01 7.8
1976-09-01 7.6
1976-10-01 7.7
1976-11-01 7.8
1976-12-01 7.8
1977-01-01 7.5
1977-02-01 7.6
1977-03-01 7.4
1977-04-01 7.2
1977-05-01 7.0
1977-06-01 7.2
1977-07-01 6.9
1977-08-01 7.0
1977-09-01 6.8
1977-10-01 6.8
1977-11-01 6.8
1977-12-01 6.4
1978-01-01 6.4
1978-02-01 6.3
1978-03-01 6.3
1978-04-01 6.1
1978-05-01 6.0
1978-06-01 5.9
1978-07-01 6.2
1978-08-01 5.9
1978-09-01 6.0
1978-10-01 5.8
1978-11-01 5.9
1978-12-01 6.0
1979-01-01 5.9
1979-02-01 5.9
1979-03-01 5.8
1979-04-01 5.8
1979-05-01 5.6
1979-06-01 5.7
1979-07-01 5.7
1979-08-01 6.0
1979-09-01 5.9
1979-10-01 6.0
1979-11-01 5.9
1979-12-01 6.0
1980-01-01 6.3
1980-02-01 6.3
1980-03-01 6.3
1980-04-01 6.9
1980-05-01 7.5
1980-06-01 7.6
1980-07-01 7.8
1980-08-01 7.7
1980-09-01 7.5
1980-10-01 7.5
1980-11-01 7.5
1980-12-01 7.2
1981-01-01 7.5
1981-02-01 7.4
1981-03-01 7.4
1981-04-01 7.2
1981-05-01 7.5
1981-06-01 7.5
1981-07-01 7.2
1981-08-01 7.4
1981-09-01 7.6
1981-10-01 7.9
1981-11-01 8.3
1981-12-01 8.5
1982-01-01 8.6
1982-02-01 8.9
1982-03-01 9.0
1982-04-01 9.3
1982-05-01 9.4
1982-06-01 9.6
1982-07-01 9.8
1982-08-01 9.8
1982-09-01 10.1
1982-10-01 10.4
1982-11-01 10.8
1982-12-01 10.8
1983-01-01 10.4
1983-02-01 10.4
1983-03-01 10.3
1983-04-01 10.2
1983-05-01 10.1
1983-06-01 10.1
1983-07-01 9.4
1983-08-01 9.5
1983-09-01 9.2
1983-10-01 8.8
1983-11-01 8.5
1983-12-01 8.3
1984-01-01 8.0
1984-02-01 7.8
1984-03-01 7.8
1984-04-01 7.7
1984-05-01 7.4
1984-06-01 7.2
1984-07-01 7.5
1984-08-01 7.5
1984-09-01 7.3
1984-10-01 7.4
1984-11-01 7.2
1984-12-01 7.3
1985-01-01 7.3
1985-02-01 7.2
1985-03-01 7.2
1985-04-01 7.3
1985-05-01 7.2
1985-06-01 7.4
1985-07-01 7.4
1985-08-01 7.1
1985-09-01 7.1
1985-10-01 7.1
1985-11-01 7.0
1985-12-01 7.0
1986-01-01 6.7
1986-02-01 7.2
1986-03-01 7.2
1986-04-01 7.1
1986-05-01 7.2
1986-06-01 7.2
1986-07-01 7.0
1986-08-01 6.9
1986-09-01 7.0
1986-10-01 7.0
1986-11-01 6.9
1986-12-01 6.6
1987-01-01 6.6
1987-02-01 6.6
1987-03-01 6.6
1987-04-01 6.3
1987-05-01 6.3
1987-06-01 6.2
1987-07-01 6.1
1987-08-01 6.0
1987-09-01 5.9
1987-10-01 6.0
1987-11-01 5.8
1987-12-01 5.7
1988-01-01 5.7
1988-02-01 5.7
1988-03-01 5.7
1988-04-01 5.4
1988-05-01 5.6
1988-06-01 5.4
1988-07-01 5.4
1988-08-01 5.6
1988-09-01 5.4
1988-10-01 5.4
1988-11-01 5.3
1988-12-01 5.3
1989-01-01 5.4
1989-02-01 5.2
1989-03-01 5.0
1989-04-01 5.2
1989-05-01 5.2
1989-06-01 5.3
1989-07-01 5.2
1989-08-01 5.2
1989-09-01 5.3
1989-10-01 5.3
1989-11-01 5.4
1989-12-01 5.4
1990-01-01 5.4
1990-02-01 5.3
1990-03-01 5.2
1990-04-01 5.4
1990-05-01 5.4
1990-06-01 5.2
1990-07-01 5.5
1990-08-01 5.7
1990-09-01 5.9
1990-10-01 5.9
1990-11-01 6.2
1990-12-01 6.3
1991-01-01 6.4
1991-02-01 6.6
1991-03-01 6.8
1991-04-01 6.7
1991-05-01 6.9
1991-06-01 6.9
1991-07-01 6.8
1991-08-01 6.9
1991-09-01 6.9
1991-10-01 7.0
1991-11-01 7.0
1991-12-01 7.3
1992-01-01 7.3
1992-02-01 7.4
1992-03-01 7.4
1992-04-01 7.4
1992-05-01 7.6
1992-06-01 7.8
1992-07-01 7.7
1992-08-01 7.6
1992-09-01 7.6
1992-10-01 7.3
1992-11-01 7.4
1992-12-01 7.4
1993-01-01 7.3
1993-02-01 7.1
1993-03-01 7.0
1993-04-01 7.1
1993-05-01 7.1
1993-06-01 7.0
1993-07-01 6.9
1993-08-01 6.8
1993-09-01 6.7
1993-10-01 6.8
1993-11-01 6.6
1993-12-01 6.5
1994-01-01 6.6
1994-02-01 6.6
1994-03-01 6.5
1994-04-01 6.4
1994-05-01 6.1
1994-06-01 6.1
1994-07-01 6.1
1994-08-01 6.0
1994-09-01 5.9
1994-10-01 5.8
1994-11-01 5.6
1994-12-01 5.5
1995-01-01 5.6
1995-02-01 5.4
1995-03-01 5.4
1995-04-01 5.8
1995-05-01 5.6
1995-06-01 5.6
1995-07-01 5.7
1995-08-01 5.7
1995-09-01 5.6
1995-10-01 5.5
1995-11-01 5.6
1995-12-01 5.6
1996-01-01 5.6
1996-02-01 5.5
1996-03-01 5.5
1996-04-01 5.6
1996-05-01 5.6
1996-06-01 5.3
1996-07-01 5.5
1996-08-01 5.1
1996-09-01 5.2
1996-10-01 5.2
1996-11-01 5.4
1996-12-01 5.4
1997-01-01 5.3
1997-02-01 5.2
1997-03-01 5.2
1997-04-01 5.1
1997-05-01 4.9
1997-06-01 5.0
1997-07-01 4.9
1997-08-01 4.8
1997-09-01 4.9
1997-10-01 4.7
1997-11-01 4.6
1997-12-01 4.7
1998-01-01 4.6
1998-02-01 4.6
1998-03-01 4.7
1998-04-01 4.3
1998-05-01 4.4
1998-06-01 4.5
1998-07-01 4.5
1998-08-01 4.5
1998-09-01 4.6
1998-10-01 4.5
1998-11-01 4.4
1998-12-01 4.4
1999-01-01 4.3
1999-02-01 4.4
1999-03-01 4.2
1999-04-01 4.3
1999-05-01 4.2
1999-06-01 4.3
1999-07-01 4.3
1999-08-01 4.2
1999-09-01 4.2
1999-10-01 4.1
1999-11-01 4.1
1999-12-01 4.0
2000-01-01 4.0
2000-02-01 4.1
2000-03-01 4.0
2000-04-01 3.8
2000-05-01 4.0
2000-06-01 4.0
2000-07-01 4.0
2000-08-01 4.1
2000-09-01 3.9
2000-10-01 3.9
2000-11-01 3.9
2000-12-01 3.9
2001-01-01 4.2
2001-02-01 4.2
2001-03-01 4.3
2001-04-01 4.4
2001-05-01 4.3
2001-06-01 4.5
2001-07-01 4.6
2001-08-01 4.9
2001-09-01 5.0
2001-10-01 5.3
2001-11-01 5.5
2001-12-01 5.7
2002-01-01 5.7
2002-02-01 5.7
2002-03-01 5.7
2002-04-01 5.9
2002-05-01 5.8
2002-06-01 5.8
2002-07-01 5.8
2002-08-01 5.7
2002-09-01 5.7
2002-10-01 5.7
2002-11-01 5.9
2002-12-01 6.0
2003-01-01 5.8
2003-02-01 5.9
2003-03-01 5.9
2003-04-01 6.0
2003-05-01 6.1
2003-06-01 6.3
2003-07-01 6.2
2003-08-01 6.1
2003-09-01 6.1
2003-10-01 6.0
2003-11-01 5.8
2003-12-01 5.7
2004-01-01 5.7
2004-02-01 5.6
2004-03-01 5.8
2004-04-01 5.6
2004-05-01 5.6
2004-06-01 5.6
2004-07-01 5.5
2004-08-01 5.4
2004-09-01 5.4
2004-10-01 5.4
2004-11-01 5.4
2004-12-01 5.4
2005-01-01 5.2
2005-02-01 5.4
2005-03-01 5.2
2005-04-01 5.1
2005-05-01 5.1
2005-06-01 5.0
2005-07-01 5.0
2005-08-01 4.9
2005-09-01 5.1
2005-10-01 5.0
2005-11-01 5.0
2005-12-01 4.9
2006-01-01 4.7
2006-02-01 4.8
2006-03-01 4.7
2006-04-01 4.7
2006-05-01 4.6
2006-06-01 4.6
2006-07-01 4.8
2006-08-01 4.7
2006-09-01 4.6
2006-10-01 4.4
2006-11-01 4.5
2006-12-01 4.5
2007-01-01 4.6
2007-02-01 4.5
2007-03-01 4.4
2007-04-01 4.5
2007-05-01 4.5
2007-06-01 4.5
2007-07-01 4.6
2007-08-01 4.6
2007-09-01 4.7
2007-10-01 4.7
2007-11-01 4.7
See the pattern there? Unemployment goes DOWN after a Democrat takes office, and goes UP after a Republican takes office. The reason is because Republicans care about corporate profits, not workers. Jobs and low unemployment simply aren’t GOP priorities. In fact, Republicans don’t like low unemployment because a tight labor market puts workers in a position to demand higher wages, which is the last thing CHEAP LABOR CONSERVATIVES want. They prefer high unemployment because it’s easier for employers to push workers around and pay them less when people are desperate for jobs.
@55 “Home values highest in history”
Not after adjusting for inflation.
Bullshit. Anyone who think infation has outpaced housing prices for the last eight years has to be a mathmatically challanged democrat. Of course what would you expect from the party who claims millions of inncent citizens died in the Iraq war. Dems can’t count to save their life. What a moron. hehehehe
@58 “Did you meet John Effin Kerry? He’s a vietnam vet too.”
“War hero” to you, shit-for-brains.
@64 I belonged to a state employees union, and Mrs. Rabbit was a shop steward (and I helped her with grievance representation), not that any of this is any business of yours.
@64 (continued) I think it’s also safe to say I have walked more union picket lines than you have. You see, I’m not a selfish bastard like you, and I’m willing to put myself out for the benefit of others. For example, Mrs. Rabbit and I were in the musicians’ picket line.
As some of you may recall, the theater owner thought he could get away with eliminating jobs and freezing wages because there were only 28 people in the union. He was a bit surprised to see 10,000 people in the picket line around his theater. Apparently he didn’t have a very good understanding of the solidarity in the organized labor movement. When one union goes on strike, other unions support the strikers — you know, “one for all, and all for one” — I believe that idea was invented by the Three Musketeers but in any case it’s a bedrock principle of the organized labor movement.
The theater was playing a Disney stage show at the time, and it was quickly settled, because the Disney corporate folks told the theater owner they didn’t like the bad publicity and pressured him to come to terms with the musicians. You see, an awful lot of the folks who go to Disney’s theme parks, movies, and live shows are union families … and they can afford the tickets because they earn union wages.
Home ownership is not significantly higher under this administration after adjusting for population growth and subtracting repos and foreclosures.
Bullshit. As a percantage of adult population it is very significant, even with repos and foreclosures.
As a percentage of total population do black own:
A) More homes now then in the 90’s
B) Less home now then in the 90’s
C) The same
D) They burnt all their homes in all the racial unrest in the 1990s
Anser A.
K says:
And poor silly klake, I am a proud government worker. I can point to several accomplishments which have indisputably made the world a better place. We get less than 2.5% this year, and have not seen 6% in the many years I have been here. (again displaying your ignorance).
And my name is none of your business, though I only post under “K”
K really sorry to hear you only got 2.5% when everybody else got 6%, maybe you Union Rep got the rest. Maybe you need a new Union that will help you succeed in life. You do know there is life after being a goverment worker and the retirement could be a lot better. Look at Roger all he does is complain about how bad life is in Northwest. His goverment health plan sucks and he wants everybody else to join him in his misery. Yep leave it up to a lawyer to con everyone else to follow him down a trail that is a dead end. Now your name is not really important because you live in a world of fear and afraid of any risk even if it brings you freedom. Sad to live knowing you are a slave to the goverment system and not able to express yourself like others. So all you have is your pride without dignity and a slave to the system. Well its great to help others enjoy freedom feel free to ask for help it would be a shame to waste your life away. Merry Christmas and may God be with you this holiday.
@66 This may come as a surprise to you, flakehead, but the American people by a large majority prefer a secular liberal government to a regressive theocratic one. That’s why they voted the Republicans out when they tried to dismantle social security. That’s why Romney is loudly promising voters his religion won’t influence his decisions if he’s elected president. That’s why (among other reasons) Huckabee won’t get past playing a spoiler role in the early caucuses and primaries. That’s why the theocracy-touting fringe parties have never gotten a measurable percentage of the vote in any election. That’s why even a Republican-dominated Supreme Court isn’t going to overturn Roe v. Wade. Need I go on? You are undoubtedly one of the most dumbest and most ignorant trolls on this board. Your idiotic posts speak for themselves.
P.S., turn off your fucking bold key, dumbshit.
My all time favorite example of governmental ineptitude is the levies failing in Louisana. Funny how most of the failures in infastructure happens in brigh blue states…..NOT. It didn’t suprise anybody. hehehehehe Well they are learning judging by the last governor they elected.
Roger Rabbit says:
@64 (continued) I think it’s also safe to say I have walked more union picket lines than you have. You see, I’m not a selfish bastard like you, and I’m willing to put myself out for the benefit of others. For example, Mrs. Rabbit and I were in the musicians’ picket line.
What year was that strike? Who are you calling a selfish bastard when all you do is put your hand out for free carrots. How well did you play that violin in the picket line and what song did your wife sing? I have seen my share of picket lines but everyone lost after the strike was over. Roger you go in trying to get a win win contract not you lose lose plan. But then the Union I represented had real Class and everybody won in some way.
Roger Rabbit says:
@66 This may come as a surprise to you, flakehead, but the American people by a large majority prefer a secular liberal government to a regressive theocratic one. That’s why they voted the Republicans out when they tried to dismantle social security.
Roger where did you get your facts to make that statement? Who the hell wants a secular progressive liberal goverment unless you want to trash this Nations Constitution. Those who belive that shit will send this Nation down a rat hole. Roger you will have to do better that that. How about putting some pride back into the Demodrat Party and make it stand for something. That is a vision beyond your eye sight Roger and many of your friends.
If someone like klake has been “serving” our country for 30 years, then I’m scared shitless. That freak can’t even write a coherent sentence. If our military permits shits like him to spend a career there, and get a pension, then we have a real problem. Talk about wasting public money. My tax dollars fund freaks like klake? Wow.
@77 You? A union man? Flakey klake a union man? Now I’ve heard everything! What won’t these trolls dream up next?
OK, I’m sorry I called you a “selfish bastard.” I misspoke. I’ll correct that right now.
proud leftist says:
If someone like klake has been “serving” our country for 30 years, then I’m scared shitless. That freak can’t even write a coherent sentence. If our military permits shits like him to spend a career there, and get a pension, then we have a real problem. Talk about wasting public money. My tax dollars fund freaks like klake? Wow.
Sure did not see your sorry ass there and nobody show displaying a name like Proud Leftist. I would have cut it off his/her uniform. Oh! thanks for paying your taxes we need all the support we can muster. Sorry Shit
klake is a nazi
82 Sorry, klake, but there’s no ideological qualification for serving in the military. Not all soldiers are rightwing idiots like you, although I have to admit that based on my experience, some are.
@78 “Who the hell wants a secular progressive liberal goverment unless you want to trash this Nations Constitution.”
That is absolutely the funniest comment in this thread! Too bad klake is too stupid to appreciate its irony.
Roger Rabbit says:
82 Sorry, klake, but there’s no ideological qualification for serving in the military. Not all soldiers are rightwing idiots like you, although I have to admit that based on my experience, some are.
You are sooooo sweet Roger watch out for those drunk drives in Green Lake they love running over rodents that limp slowly across the street.
I am embarrassed that someone like you wore the uniform of one of our military branches for 30 years. You are a complete idiot. You are what is wrong with our country. Roger Rabbit is what is right with this country. Eat that, buttfuck.
@86 My mother was killed by one of you selfish Republican batards driving too fast on Green Lake Way. Did he get where he was going 10 seconds quicker? Was that worth my mom’s life?
proud leftist says:
I am embarrassed that someone like you wore the uniform of one of our military branches for 30 years. You are a complete idiot. You are what is wrong with our country. Roger Rabbit is what is right with this country. Eat that, buttfuck.
You appear a little steamed man without a name and maybe cross the border in a illegal fashion. Was it the Frazer River or the Rio Grande that you swam accross to enter this country?
Roger Rabbit says:
@86 My mother was killed by one of you selfish Republican batards driving too fast on Green Lake Way. Did he get where he was going 10 seconds quicker? Was that worth my mom’s life?
Sorry about your mom Roger maybe you will fair better.
I hate to say this, but I kinda secretly hope that klake gets the kind of government he wishes for … to wit, some recent hire in the FBI thinks he’s a terrorist, kicks his door in without a warrant, arrests him, renders his ass to a concrete box in Afghanistan where private security contractors waterboard him to find out who the leader of his terror cell is, and after figuring out they made a mistake they dump him on a street corner in Kabul without even giving him bus fare — and, of course, he can’t sue because they’ve persuaded Congress to give them tort immunity.
@90 Gee thanks, klake. I’m touched. That kind of kindness isn’t characteristic of you or your ilk. Did you go on your New Year’s binge early this year?
People who are in our nation illegally have a better understanding of what this nation stands for than you do. They come here to improve their lives and find freedom. My own forebears (look it up in a dictionary, dumbshit) came from Norway, Sweden, and Wales long before I was a gleam in anyone’s eye. You need to move to a nation that does not value freedom, diversity, and intelligence. And, for your own sake, quit expressing your opinions publicly. You just make yourself look foolish (I can’t at the moment think of a stronger word than foolish).
Despite klake’s brief flash of human feeling, comment #91 still stands, based on his cumulative offenses against civilization.
Hey, klake,
I’m going to bed. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and that’s a big deal for me. I’m going to church, as I often do, but Christmas Eve is kind of special in that regard. As I’ve said here before, I’m a liberal because I’m a Christian. I know you can’t get your little brain around that concept, but Christ came to challenge people like you, people who think that a militaristic ideology counts more than poor folks do. Let me wish you a Merry Christmas, my friend. I mean you no ill will.
Roger Rabbit says:
I hate to say this, but I kinda secretly hope that klake gets the kind of government he wishes for … to wit, some recent hire in the FBI thinks he’s a terrorist, kicks his door in without a warrant, arrests him, renders his ass to a concrete box in Afghanistan where private security contractors waterboard him to find out who the leader of his terror cell is, and after figuring out they made a mistake they dump him on a street corner in Kabul without even giving him bus fare — and, of course, he can’t sue because they’ve persuaded Congress to give them tort immunity.
Sorry to hear about your friend’s bad luck maybe you can give him a dime for his story. That water boarding only lasts a few minutes and they squeal like a stuck pig. Now that saves time and lives and leave not lasting effects on the terrorist. Maybe you might get your friends to try it on you Roger. You know they did the same thing to a gay guy back in the sixties after he raped his buddy in the shower. Man I had to stand guard over him all night so nobody would kill him. The next morning they dump him off at the gate and didn’t even buy him a fare home. Now days all we have is don’t ask or don’t tell and it sure don’t help your buddies in the shower. Life a bitch so don’t venture into an area you don’t belong. Now if you are a real man you can learn to deal with it.
proud leftist says:
Hey, klake,
I’m going to bed. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and that’s a big deal for me. I’m going to church, as I often do, but Christmas Eve is kind of special in that regard. As I’ve said here before, I’m a liberal because I’m a Christian. I know you can’t get your little brain around that concept, but Christ came to challenge people like you, people who think that a militaristic ideology counts more than poor folks do. Let me wish you a Merry Christmas, my friend. I mean you no ill will.
Please enjoy Chistmas and pray for my friends defending your right to do so on Christmas Eve. Yes I do understand your point of view, but it is my job to keep folks like you safe in this free world. I might have retired but I still mentor my freinds daily.
@97 I have a feeling you need all the churchgoing you can get.
Why I Hesitate To Endorse Hillary
Many reasons, and the Economist, a UK newsmagazine, just gave me another one:
“Each candidate has a different style. Mrs Clinton leads her troops through the snow with such discipline that, had Napoleon copied it, he might have conquered Russia. Other Democrats’ campaign staff are happy to answer questions. In Des Moines, Jim Mowrer, an Iraq veteran, says he supports Joe Biden because he is the only Democrat with a plan to quit Iraq without leaving chaos behind. The Clintonistas beside him say they are not authorised to talk to the press.
“At Mrs Clinton’s campaign office in Creston, the lone staffer consults his boss by telephone. His boss tells him not to reveal anything. Not even his personal reasons for liking Mrs Clinton? No. Not even where a guy can get a cup of coffee in Creston? The staffer hesitates before divulging this potentially sensitive information.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t want a Napoleon; I want a candidate whose positions on issues aren’t state secrets. I want a government that listens to the people and is responsive to their needs. I want transparency instead of a government that sneaks. I want a president who doesn’t need gatekeepers between the voters and her thoughts and feelings. If she doesn’t know what she stands for, or is afraid to tell us, she’s not the right person for the job.
Why I Don’t Trust Mike Huckabee
Many reasons, but right now I’m watching Chris Mathews interview Huckabee on TV, and Huckabee is trying hard to sound like a Democrat. He’s talking about poverty, children, etc.
The trouble is, all this smooth liberal-sounding talk is intended to disguise his ultra-hard-right positions. In short, he’s misrepresenting what he is, what he stands for, and how he governs.
This is consistent with how Huckabee governed in Alabama as that state’s governor: He blamed his unpopular decisions and mistakes on others. He lies about his record; for example, he’s been dishonest about his responsibility for the release of prison inmate Wayne Dumond, who went on to murder two women.
Huckabee is, in short, the most dishonest candidate in the campaign and nothing at all like the man he’s trying to portray himself as. Huckabee is a dominionist whose ideas about governing border on establishing a theocratic state. His economic and tax ideas favor the rich and are extremely anti-worker. In fact, in all respects, he’s an extremist — not the reasonable-sounding moderate liberal he pretends to be in interviews and ads.
Don’t let your daughter date this man … and above all, don’t trust him with your vote.
The Bush Economy
“Are we seeing shades of the 1970s when it comes to inflation, the scourge of savers? While economic forecasters disagree about the outlook, the similarities between now and that inflationary decade are striking. Now as then, oil prices are at nosebleed levels, food prices are spiraling higher, the dollar is weak, and the price of gold is soaring. It’s easy to imagine a scenario where consumer price inflation picks up sharply from its current 4.3% pace.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This assessment isn’t from some liberal magazine; it’s from Business Week, a pro-business news magazine with a conservative, pro-business, and largely Republican readership.
Today’s Top Letter to the Editor
J. Anthony Salmon of Burien wrote to the fishwrapper:
” … [S]ome policymakers are attempting to excuse the torture method known as ‘waterboarding’ because this technique has allegedly been applied against our own military members during their training. As a retired Navy pilot, I beg to differ with this backward justification.
“My … training included a course called Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape, or SERE. …
“SERE School forced the lasting impression on all of us that … what some call ‘enhanced’ interrogation techniques were the methods employed by an immoral enemy. I learned that much of what has allowed American prisoners to mentally resist … has been a sense … that using such torture techniques simply proved the depravity of the enemy’s cause ….
“I am ashamed for my country that our politicians continue to try to excuse and allow this wicked policy. We cease to be a free people when we take on the traits of oppressors.”
Quoted under fair use; for entire letter and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ets23.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: A retired naval aviator isn’t what I would call an armchair bleeding heart, but rather someone who knows what he’s talking about. It’s no coincidence that the “politicians” he refers are mostly people who have never been within a thousand yards of a military uniform.
Pelletizer (TM) 99: That was an amazing bit of insight Old Human-Rabbit.
I am waiting for the HorsesASSHole Court Jester YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
to scream at you about your have issues with strong women. Everytime I post similar comments about Hilary’s campaign, the Goober named above appears later and enters idiot apoplectic mode. He is an egregious person. But don’t worry Pelletizer (TM), the goober named above will give you a pass or he will not comment which is giving you a pass.
Pelletizer (TM) Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I hope your health issue are mitigated in the new year.
Merry Christman YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
I sincerely hope in the new year they can find a cure for your various derangement syndromes.
Should be CHRISTmas above.
Since many HorsesASSHole liberals don’t believe in CHRISTmas, why do you choose to purchase gifts? God gave us the gift of His Son Jesus, who died for your sins. So everytime you say “Merry CHRISTmas [insert son/daughter’s name)_______” and you hand them a gift, you are emulating the God of the Universe.
Ohhh… my bad, you say Happy Holidays. A thinking child would say: “huh”?
Or do you libbies say “Oh… look what Santa brought”, to your teenaged children?
Just “Don’t Taze Me Bro!”
Pelletizer (TM)@ 91: Can you help me get 900 or so FBI file dossiers on the leftist HorsesASSHoles here? I’m really interested in…
just like Hilary was…
Proud Leftist attacked career military man KLake with this:
Eat that, buttfuck.
Now we really know Christian Liberals are NOT the kind compassionate types they “tell” others they are.
Since Proud Leftist can’t come to grips to say it.
Merry Christmas KLake and a Happy New Year.
Thank you for your service to all Americans, protecting us while the vile NEW Progressive democrats such as Proud Leftists spit in your face, call you a baby killer and massacre man! It’s the leftists like Proud who believe in the indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of us whom think right with their commentary every day.
Take a gander at the Democratic Underground. I do many times a week. It’s the best of the NEW Progressive democrats. With their thinking it should be Democratic Sheol.
Hey Goober: Yes that’s you YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
More for your from Hilary’s people:
“These officials, including Clinton aides and prominent surrogates, have raised questions or dropped references about Obama’s position on sentencing guidelines for crack vs. powder cocaine offenses; on his handgun control record; and on his admitted use of drugs as a youth. The context was always Obama’s “electability.” But the Illinois senator’s campaign advisers said some African American leaders detect a pattern, and they believe it could erode Clinton’s strong base of black support.”
Puddy Commentary – Without the black vote democrats can’t win any office. Yet, their leaders make no demands for the black vote. How sad. If democrats depended on their rich elitist honky friends, they would lose every time.
Fair use and copyleft claws to the URL owner above. Ohhh… is this one of those Murdoch/Scaife papers? Goober will check if one of them purchased it last night.
You are paranoid. You have issues with women asserting themselves: Hillary, Rosie, Code Pink. A normal person would agree or shrug. You go on and on and on. You’re silly, you’re nuts.
Larry Johnson, former CIA agent and a lifelong conservative has briefed Hillary on a couple things and has this to say about her. In short, he is very impressed with her.
That being said, I do NOT support Hillary. We can’t go back to the nineties and that’s mostly what Hillary talks about. We need a leader who will be straight about the mess the Republicans have made and what it will take to clean it up. We need a leader who has a plan to take us into a better future.
I’ve concluded that Obama is not ready. He’d be a great VP pick but I’m almost certain he wouldn’t want that. Hillary is seasoned but carries a lot of baggage. I like Chris Dodd but he doesn’t have a prayer. Richardson is ok but ditto. Biden has some good ideas but doesn’t know when to stop running off at the mouth – Kerry had the same problem.
I’m still undecided but I’m leaning towards Edwards.
Hey Goober, maybe you can regale us again how the liberal MSM ain’t liberal after reading this article:
With paragraphs written below…
“Republican solidarity also forced House Democrats to abandon a campaign promise to avoid new deficit spending by paying for new programs with tax increases or budget cuts.”
You never commented on democrat solidarity on trying to stop things Republican. In fact the liberal MSM cheered it as I remember. Puddy remembers when Daschle was in the minority how they would run to him for quotes instead of the majority leader Trent Lott?
In the Senate, Republicans repeatedly used their filibuster powers to block or weaken Democratic proposals. Backed by President Bush’s veto threats, the minority party managed to sharply limit the Democrats’ influence on a range of issues throughout the year.
The House voted 352-64 on Wednesday to delay an expansion of the alternative minimum tax. All 64 “no” votes came from Democrats who wanted the $50 billion cut in anticipated revenues to be offset, either with spending cuts or tax increases on wealthy groups. They were dismayed that the party had abandoned its no-deficit-spending pledge.”
What is 233-64? Seems the majority of Congressional Donk were in favor? Yet this “tidbit” is skipped.
“The House then voted 272-142 to set aside $70 billion for the military in Iraq and Afghanistan. Nearly twice as many Democrats voted against the spending as voted for it, because the measure imposed no restrictions on Bush’s war policies.”
…why don’t they just come out and say – Please America we need more democrats in office, so vote for them? It’s written all over the article.
Pelletizer (TM): See Goober@108 appeared on cue to attack me on Hilary but as I said would give you a pass.
Goober@108 AKA
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
You make my day just attacking me because when you do you prove me right every time.
You make a NEW Progressive democrat proud.
If you use right wing bullshit, I will call you on it.
I have to work a little harder to expose you when you take your cue from right wing bullshit which is what you probably do when you quote MSM.
Nice job Goober@108: You trot out a white guy when I am talking about her black issues.
Reading is NOT fundamental to you!
Goober@111: You use left-wing BULLSHITTIUM all the time.
You stopped taking your Fukitol and now your left-wing mental syndrome is worse than ever.
I shake my head. You quote WAPO editorial page all the time which is practically right wing. You quote WSJ Editorial which has always been whacko wingnut and you call it MSM. Anything from the beltway is obeisant to the Bushies because they ruthlessly intimidate anyone who tries to call them on their bullshit.
You make a wingnut bullshit artist proud. You are full of right wing bullshit.
112 – You’re wiggin’ out PSilly. hehehehehehehe
Pelletizer (TM)@100: I searched the Internet for positive opinions/articles and I’ll use the New York Times. Maybe Murdoch/Scaife purchased them overnight?
Anyway… http://opinionator.blogs.nytim.....ef=opinion
“Huckabee and the Democratic Ideal”
Goober@114: The WSJ is left outside your door at all top business hotels I stay at when on business travel. The WSJ is read by liberal and conservative alike for making business decisions right?
Oh… wait a minute… Why would someone want to trust their business acumen to a person such as you?
You get the USA Today when you travel right?
DU doesn’t like Bush. Any sane person wouldn’t like him.
How can anyone like the worst President this country has ever had? That’s not a fringe view. It’s mainstream. Look at how low his approval has been for how long. Bill Clinton despite his antics murdered this guy in job approval.
You’re too silly, PFool.
Goober@114: You are like these two well known talk show hosts:
Because just like them Goober, you have nothing to say!
Well everyone Goober@118 has gone off the deep end again. The DU is mainstream.
Thanks for the latest entry:
YLB – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Libby Blatherer – The Clueless One ™ AKA
Yelling Loser Bozo – The Clueless One ™ AKA
M2I2 Malleable Minded Ignorant Idiot ™ AKA
YLB – Owner of Three Working Brain Cells ™ AKA
YLB – The Plagiarizer ™ AKA
YLB – Take the Test. Take the Test. Oops… it’s fake. AKA
YLB – GWBush Rejected Kyoto. Oops… Not Senate Ratified AKA
YLB – Bush Derangement Syndrome Certified ™ AKA
YLB – The Surge Ain’t Working According to Me AKA
YLB – The Democratic Underground is the mainstream view
117 – I said the editorial page is whacked out wingnut extreme. Can’t you fucking read? Always has been. The WSJ newsroom has always been good.
But now that your hero Murdoch controls it, that will change.
I read the WSJ. I always avoid the editorial page.
120 – I didn’t say that. I wouldn’t know if it was a little extreme or not. I’ve only glanced at it a few times.
You’re grasping PFooley.
PudWax™ is a compendium of simple-minded WingNut™ bromides.
And you use the same stupid code-words over and over and over….
Boring. NOT scintillating.
I am going to have to remember to turn the post-game Seahawks show off as soon as it is over so I do not accidentally allow your liberal propaganda (aka “lies”) to enter my brain. Case in point: you really believe that 700,000 Iraqis have been killed during the last five years or so? Okay, stick with me while I take you back to fourth grade:
If you assume there have been 700,000 deaths, that would be 140,000 per year, right? That would be about 380 deaths every single day. Now, Goldy, you at least seem to be a reasonably intelligent person – I know, I am giving you the benefit of the doubt. But how many firefights and car bombs would it take to kill an average of 380 people every single day for five years? (“Duh” is not a valid answer.)
So you and your fellow liberal wackos are way off base. And your radio show was, indeed, liberal propaganda (aka “lies”) due to your suffering from BDS.
Oh – I learned to do mathematics like this in public schools, but they were much better back then, having not been taken over by union thugs and whiny liberals. And there were probably 30 kids in my class! But my teacher – not the liberal, PC bureaucrats – was in control. And we respected her.
I think it is time to change the namesake of your website from Mr. Eyman to yourself. Because you are the real HA.
Note to self: Turn off KIRO 710 as soon as the post-game show is finished!
Helpless Loocie (TM) Why do you post in so many names now? Your tired shrill commentary is nothing but idiotic cliches and worthless drivel.
Is your “real” name Irv? I doubt it.
What’s funny is the progressive Roger Rabbit, instead of spending the hours a week helping the homeless, or feeding the hungry, or volunteering to help the disabled, instead thinks it a better use of his time to flame people in a blog. This is an actual quote from him on the subject of why he spends so much time writing comments on this blog… ” I am saving America.”
He sounds lazy, to me. Sounds like he doesn’t want to do any real work helping people.
BS: He recently bragged he improved the guvmint when he was a guvmint lawyer. Where’s the proof?
As little old Clara Peller used to say “Where’s the Beef?
What really scares me is that four of the Republican contenders believe in intelligent design and, on top of that, Huckabee moving up to the top of the list reportedly wants a 23% sales tax.
/s/ Athyrio
What really scares me is that four of the Republican contenders believe in intelligent design and, on top of that, Huckabee moving up to the top of the list reportedly wants a 23% sales tax.
#79 proud leftist says:
That’s what a lot of us have been saying about the rabbit being a government employee. An example of why the government is soooo screwed up.