Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: Clinton vs Guiliani? Obama vs Huckabee? Romney vs Jesus?
Daily Kos front page editor Miss Laura joins us by phone for a conversation about the current state of the presidential campaigns and a report from the ground in New Hampshire. Oprah’s speech, Huckabee’s record, Romney’s come to Jesus speech, and more.
8PM: Who’s to blame for last week’s floods? (And what to do about it?)
Was clear cutting in the watershed and overdevelopment in the flood plain responsible for last week’s record floods in Lewis County, or were incompetent government officials to blame? Or maybe it was just the inevitable result of global warming? Those questions and more, but first, Patty Kaija from Friends of Lewis County Animal Shelter joins us by phone to talk about some of the floods most helpless victims, and what you can do to help.
9PM: Is Seattle ready to ride the SLUT?
Driving to the studio today I passed the South Lake Union Trolley gliding by in preparation for it’s inaugural run this week, and before this $52.1 million SLUT even picks up its first paying passenger, there’s already talk of building a network of streetcar lines to connect Seattle’s neighborhoods. South Lake Union to the UW? The Waterfront to Capitol Hill? Are we about to become a city of streetcars… and do we want to be?
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Most of us always knew he was a flaming asshole, but now we have proof
When you
talkwhine with the appropriate amount of angst about the “floods” be sure you mention this prick.Streetcars are as inevitable as oil is finite.
@1 By your logic, every Republican who gets a speaking fee is a flaming asshole, too.
No#3 just Al Gore Pelletizer (TM).
But speaking of flaming assholes how are you doing Roger Rabbit?
Maybe incompetent government officials who allowed clear cutting and over development are responsible for the flooding!
There were a few groaners in the Street Car article. Like the deal with, “taking up parking.” When you have people riding streetcars you have less of a need for parking space.
8PM: Who’s to blame for last week’s floods? (And what to do about it?)
Was clear cutting in the watershed and overdevelopment in the flood plain responsible for last week’s record floods in Lewis County, or were incompetent government officials to blame? Or maybe it was just the inevitable result of global warming?
Who’s to blame? Are you real? Can’t you come up with any better topic than that?
Here’s a little help for ya.
It’s not a “who”, or the trendy “man made global warming”,
It was RAIN. A bunch of RAIN coming down very fast, for a long time…..
By the way Rog,
Who has been running this State for the past…….Decades..
Do nothing Democrats. Do nothing on taxes, Do nothing on transportation, Do nothing on the environment…
If you have to assign blame (favorite Democrat game) look in the mirror.
Who’s to blame for last week’s floods? (And what to do about it?)
Judging by their last election we know who Louisiana blames for their catastrophe. hehehehe
@4 Better than you.
That’s right. Bunch of fucking centrists. We need leftists!
@7 Item #1: Funny how catastrophic flooding happens only in areas with land use regulations written by people with their heads up their asses. Item #2: Wrong again, from 1994 to 2004, Republicans controlled the state senate and blocked all attempts by Democrats to pass reasonable legislation.
Rain has fallen here for millions of years but never washed away highways, stores, and homes until the idiot White Man showed up.
Mike Huckabee’s Record
Called the biggest tax-and-spend politician in Arkansas history by the conservative Club for Growth, the libertarian Cato Institute, and rightwing anti-tax activist Grover Norquist;
Imposed a bed tax on nursing home patients;
Blames his gas tax increase on voters when, in fact, no referendum was held;
Takes credit for tax cuts initiated by the legislature and previous governor;
Increased state debt by over $1 billion;
Called for quarantining AIDS patients;
Supports prosecuting and imprisoning patients who use marijuana for medical purposes;
Sees gay unions as a threat to civilization, but does not consider guns a threat to civilization;
Believes public schools should display the Ten Commandments and teach creationism;
Believes Palestinians should be relocated from the lands they currently occupy to a Palestinian state carved out of Egypt or Saudi Arabia;
Calls opposition to the troop surge “dangerous” and blows off criticism of Gitmo as “a distraction”;
Supports replacing federal income, corporate, gift and estate, social security, and medicare taxes with a national sales tax. To be revenue-neutral, this tax would have to be 32% to 54% (according to various estimates), and would be imposed on all goods and services including food, medicine, and doctor visits.
Item #2: Wrong again, from 1994 to 2004, Republicans controlled the state senate and blocked all attempts by Democrats to pass reasonable legislation.
So what. They had to deal with a democrat governor. The reason why transportation and the public schools are so fucked up are becasue of democrats. Of course it is par for the course, dems can’t do anything right.
@14 Is that you, flakey klake?
3 Slaim, 5 Wounded in 2 Colorado Church Shootings
Even though Gov. Huckabee doesn’t think guns are a threat to civilization, there were two separate shooting sprees in Colorado today. The first occurred at a missionary training center and resulted in 2 dead, 2 wounded; the gunman got away. The second occurred at the Denver megachurch founded by Ted Haggard; with about 7,000 Sunday worshippers present, a gunman with a high powered rifle opened fired, and killed 1 and wounded 3 before being killed by an armed security guard.
We all know how well the so called “gun free” zones work when trying to stop gun wielding murderers. If donks can’t keep a gun from entering a mall how can they protect the whole freakin country from illegal weapons??
@17 Not by eliminating funding for the 100,000 cops Clinton put on the streets, or by slashing the number of FBI agents working on domestic crime.
Pelletizer (TM) @16:
Why doesn’t the liberal MSM take pause and say they’re the cause why those people died in the Colorado shootings.
Moron alert:
Air America – Christian Hate Radio – When they are on after paying their bills
Rosie O’Donnell – “Radical Christianity is just as threatening as radical Islam in a country like America where we have separation of church and state.”
Barbara Walters – “You should not fear Terrorists they are mothers and fathers”
ACLU – Lawsuits galore on anything Christian!
HorsesASS – Christian hate blog of the northwest!
Since you lefties look at a few nutballs to characterize Christians, I’ll use these nutball haters to characterize you all, especially you haters on this blog!
Roger Rabbit reminds me of Desitin… a cheap thick goo rubbed all over kiddie goldsteins ass to protect him from the chafe of truth.
Just out of curiosity, how long has that church had an armed security guard, and why? I’m glad they got the shooter before more were killed, but I’ve NEVER seen an armed securty guard in a church, of ANY denomination.
Our church’s own “security” people are unarmed volunteers with name tags who direct people to parking places, assist the handicapped, point them to the sanctuary, and patrol the parking lots to make sure nobody’s breaking into cars during services.
Of course, I’d bet about 5% of the attendees carry weapons anyway, and at least one of the members is a state trooper, but that’s not part of the organized security detail.
Policy wonkette David Goldstein says a few expendable people will die from close encounters with the Fred Rogers trolley, but survivors will learn that the SLUT is from the government and that it’s here to help us. It’s here for our own good and we WILL appreciate it.
Hell, every survey shows that we appreciate and love trains. That’s why we’ll spare no expense, millions and millions per mile, to build four SLUTs, five SLUTs. More SLUTs the better.
My random surveys of downtown’s toonerville trolley invariably show that next to nobody rides the trolley. Mr. Know It All, Roger Rabbit, has surely run the numbers because he has nothing better to do. He does no honest toil, makes fun of those who do, and makes out like a plutocrat Wall-Street bandit in the booming Bush economy. He’s our slut expert-in-residence. No wonkette needed.
rhp6033: As I heard, the church heard of the shootings at YWAM and they decided to upgrade security.
Thank goodness.
You know a gun free zone – except criminals either don’t read or don’t care. But someone will sing kumbayah.
Not that anyone’s going to make it this far down this thread through the puddles of winger drool, but I’ve gotta ask: What the hell is the difference between “light rail” and “streetcars”? And, which was the Interurban?