Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Josh Feit
The Stranger’s Josh Feit joins us for a recap of the week’s news, and a look ahead to what’s coming up. Are North Seattleites NIMBYs? Is Dave Reichert reaching out to labor? Should Tim Eyman have been tased? All that and more, plus your calls.
8PM: What’s up with Cathy Sorbo’s teeth?
Local comedian and Seattle P-I columnist Cathy Sorbo joins us for the hour to share her own unique take on current events, plus an illuminating update from the world of dentistry.
9PM: Regional Blogger Roundup
TJ from Loaded Orygun and Jimmy from McCranium join us by phone for our monthly look at Northwest political news outside the Seattle metro market.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I can’t tell which is a better use of my promised $100 contribution:
1. Watching Timmy get tased?
2. Or watching another initiative to designate him the Official Horse’s Ass of the state.
Let me know on either or ______.
Huckabee Opposed Federal AIDS Funding, Wanted Quarantine
“LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (Dec. 8) – Mike Huckabee once advocated isolating AIDS patients from the general public, opposed … federal funding … for a cure[,] and said homosexuality could ‘pose a dangerous public health risk.’
“As a candidate for a U.S. Senate seat in 1992, Huckabee answered 229 questions submitted to him by The Associated Press. Besides a quarantine, Huckabee suggested that Hollywood celebrities fund AIDS research from their own pockets, rather than federal health agencies.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Just want y’all to know what kind of guy Huckabee is. He’s a wingnut’s wingnut, a virulent hater, and is extremist even compared to the run-of-the-mill southern conservative.
@1 Man, it’s hard to choose, but I’d go with #1 because it hurts more. Besides, it would be fun watching him laying on the floor twitching and screaming in pain.*
* Just kidding! WingNut (TM) Humor (SM) courtesy of Ann Coulter Jokes, LLC, no royalties paid.
Foreign Oil Emerges As Top Issue
Business Week reports that recent polling shows a broad, bipartisan public consensus coalescing around America’s dependence on foreign oil:
“Republican pollster William D. McInturff … has been surprised at how quickly [it] has … gone ‘from not on the radar screen to being an American consensus.’ …
“Adds Democratic pollster Mark S. Mellman: ‘There’s a strong feeling that we are sending billions to people who don’t like us in exchange for oil, damaging national security.’
“This growing concern cuts across party and regional lines—and Americans are livid about Washington’s failure to do anything about it. … Throw in increasing worry about global warming, and it’s clear that a significant political shift has occurred.
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Is Bush Playing Politics With Flood Relief?
News media are reporting the fake president has only authorized assistance to local governments — none for individuals flooded out of their homes. Gov. Gregoire says the disaster relief is less than what she requested.
I wonder if the fact Washington has a Democratic governer, 2 Democratic senators, 7 Democrats of 9 House seats, and voted for Gore and Kerry has anything to do with that?
Stay tuned.
OT, but the anniversary was today. RIP, John Lennon:
“The Real Deadbeats of Orange County”…
Now we have word that Orange County, CA, that bastion of institutionalized wingnuttery, home of Bob Dornan, the Magic Kingdom, a major chunk of the Military-Industrial Complex and TBN headquarters, with more gated communities and fake boobs than any place in our fair land…is about have its treasury go bust–again. This time they’ve been caught holding over a billion dollars in SIVs that are about to turn into toilet paper.
@7: Fake boobs? I guess this takes suckling off the federal teat in the name of “free market efficiency” to new depths…..
Nicole Broodinghen farted: “Indeed most of the commenters on this liberal blog are conservatives”
I used Pelletizer (TM) for commentary. He posts almost 50% of the liberal pap here.
Us on the right:
Union Fireman
Master Chief KLake
Band Of Brother
Right Stuff
Rufus – Dan Rather – Jane Balough’s
Mark The Redneck
My Cynical
new left conservative #1
Ann Coulter’s vagina
tadfuio;zxchjn’s vagina
Carl Left Foot Grossman
Jean Goodperson
Horse Whisperer
Joel Connelly
Proud Leftist
Eyman Owes Me $500,000
The Blatantly Obvious
sam spade
Luigi Giovanni
Felix Fermin
Perfect Voter
Politically Incorrect
YLB – The Clueless One (TM)
Pelletizer (TM)
Boeing Bob
Broadway Joe
RightStillStupid – Left Turn
Tommy Thompson
Headless Lucy – Col Biff – etc.
TreeFrogFarmer – Killatroll
Broadway Joe
David (2)
Undercover Brother
Don Joe
jsa on commercial drive
John Barelli
harry poon
Yer Killin Me
Richard Pope
Liberal Dragon
All that in 5 minutes!
Roger @ 2;
Roger @ 2; I will try again. Regarding Huckabee’s position about quarantee HIV patients. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember hearing approx. 50 years ago about the powers of the Surgeon General of CDC. It is based upon high sea law and plague ships. Basicly a court order is issues and the infected person is jailed into a hospital until cured. Plague ships were ID with a back ball on a yellow field flag. The infected crew was isolated untill they all died. Can anyone expand on that?
@12 It’s the Huckabee version of Ann Coulter’s Rex 69 program.
@9 It’s the content that matters, puttybutt. As one of my law school professors said, “A legal brief is not judged by how much it weighs.”
Despite the long list of trolls posting here, the combined weight of their intellectual contributions wouldn’t keep a lawn chair on the ground.
Pelletizer (TM) Are you a troll? YES!
Problems reading? YES
Still an idiot? YES
You hit the trifecta this Sunday!
The Long list of approximately 60 -bats! are your side. Our list is much shorter!
Pelletizer (TM) MSNBC Study:
“The pattern of donations, with nearly nine out of 10 giving to Democratic candidates and causes, appears to confirm a leftward tilt in newsrooms.” – MSNBC
Fair use claws and copyleft owned by MSNBC…
“Most of the newsroom checkbooks leaned to the left: 125 journalists gave to Democrats and liberal causes. Only 16 gave to Republicans. Two gave to both parties.”
Puddy, I made the list. I am somebody. George Bush blew
up the levy because he hates white people too. All fun
aside I think one of our recent gas tax hikes was for the
repair and maintenance of said levy, and our all knowing
democrats spent the money somewhere else. Maybe some
FEMA campers (you know the ones George Bush custom ordered
with the poison built in to kill black children) complete
with high mercury laden drinking water in the tank, could
be purchased on Ebay. They could raise taxes in Goldys
precinct to pay for it because we all know he is such a giver. Roger could move in a couple in his trailer. Maybe they could sleep on your futon Rog.
I was in shock when, on his radio “show” Sunday night, Goldy blamed the floods in Lewis County on Wal-Mart and Home Depot! I called the show and challenged him to estimate what he thought the difference in water level would have been without these stores. “I am not a scientist, Goldy responded. When I insisted he tell me the difference, he promptly cut me off! Note to Goldy: If you are not a scientist, try to discuss things about which you have a clue. And FYI, if the fill for those evil big-box stores was taken from the flood plain itself, the flood would not have been as bad as it was. (Think about it – it is not that difficult.) And if the fill was hauled in from somewhere other than the flood plain, I would estimate the difference in water level would have been approximately 0.01 inches. That’s not much, Goldy. So when you want to blame those evil big-box stores, try to think about it beforehand. Because if you do not, you will continue to make a fool of yourself.
I love hearing a liberal spouting stuff colored by his/her own perception of reality. Because reality is something with which liberals rarely want to deal.