Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: Special Session or Special Olympics?
Our Democratic leadership sure is “special” aren’t they, if they think a revenue cap below the rate of inflation is either good politics or good policy? The Stranger’s Josh Feit was down in Olympia for Thursday’s debacle and he joins us in studio for his first hand take and a discussion of the inevitable fallout.
8PM: Does WalMart have an obligation to treat its workers fairly?
A class action suit was filed this week, alleging as many as 75,000 were illegally denied overtime pay and work breaks. Tough shit for the workers? Or does WalMart have an obligation to treat them fairly?
9PM: Are we squandering America?
Robert Kuttner is the co-founder and co-editor of The American Prospect magazine, and the author of a new book, “The Squandering of America: How the Failure of Our Politics Undermines Our Prosperity,” and he joins us in studio for the hour. With wages stagnating and the gap between the very rich and everybody else growing ever wider, Kuttner argues for a return to the “managed capitalism” that guided the great economic expansion from 1948 to 1973, an era during which the U.S. economy, wages, and incomes flourished, and a rising tide really did lift all boats. Kuttner appears tomorrow night, 7:30 PM at Seattle’s Town Hall, for a book reading and signing.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I think you should also mention the falling dollar.
Currency devaluations are not a natural phenomenon, act of God, or random.
Their purpose is to dispossess the working class.
Nobody should work! I can think of lots of reasons why workers should thrown down their tools, shut down their computers, and walk out of their cubicle cells.
Management harassment
Invasions of privacy like urine tests
Falling wages
Disappearing health benefits
Bankrupt retirement plans
But the biggest reasons for refusing to work are because it DOESN’T PAY and THE TAX SYSTEM GOUGES WAGE EARNERS. That’s right, if you get money by working for it, the IRS will punish you by giving you smaller exemptions and higher tax rates than anyone else pays!
Congress has enacted clear social policies that favor inheriting money or getting it by gambling in the stock market! Our national policy is clear: Owning companies (or shares in companies) is rewarded, working is punished!
I don’t work. Why should I? Congress doesn’t want me to work. Congress wants me to get money by inheriting it or speculating in the stock market, so that’s what I do! I’m fulfilling an important public policy by sitting here on my fat rabbit ass by not lifting a paw any higher than necessary to position my computer mouse over icons on E-trade and by, above all, not producing a fucking thing!
Mark the Welshing Redneck loves to extol the Producers on this blog. (Of course, HE doesn’t produce anything except bad debt.) That’s ridiculous! Congress hates Producers and doesn’t want anything produced. If they did, they would give tax breaks to workers and tax the shit out of inheritances and stock market winnings, instead of the other way around. Redneck is out of sync with our nation’s economic policy. Not that he knows anything about economics; he doesn’t. He can’t even pay a $100 gambling debt.
But I know plenty about economics, and I know President Bush and the Republican Congress that passed these tax laws don’t want me to work. I just leave the thinking to them and do what I’m told, so I won’t end up on their Watch List. I don’t want to be accused of undermining the economy, so I make my money the same way Republicans make theirs — by not working for it! Those who go along, get along.
The dollar has dropped 40% since Bush took office.
Hey! What about the ‘Surge’? I can readily admit that increasing troop strength improves your chances of keeping the peace — just like Democrats have been saying all along!
Republicans just can’t admit that anything they succeed at was a Democratic idea to begin with.
Hey, seriously, isn’t the president, GW Bush-i-hate-his-stupid-face, a fucking traitor-treasonous-beyotch for pushing this?
And seriously, if the next (Democratic) president proposed anything even remotely similar, what would the Republican whackjobs be screaming from every rooftop?
Too bad Dave reichert didn’t ask Bush not to completely fuck over his belover first responders. Good thing we have the most influential Representative ever representing our 8th district.
Timing has never been Sheriff Dave’s strong suit. Spinning reality, he’s pretty good at.
20 years to catch a mass murderer that even the guys co-workers said was the killer? Priceless! Sheriff Dave’s biggest success — besides office politics.
re Sheriff Dave: “The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon today as in Sampson’s time.”
— Richard Nixon
re Sheriff Dave: “The jawbone of an ass is just as dangerous a weapon today as in Sampson’s time.”
— Richard Nixon —
#5 Daddy Love: This was covered two or three days ago. But being a liberal, the 24 hour memory time past.
“Too bad Dave reichert didn’t ask Bush not to completely fuck over his belover first responders. Good thing we have the most influential Representative ever representing our 8th district.”
And yet he will still get the endorsement of firefighter and police LABOR UNIONS over Marcy Burner.
Hey Daddy Love, find any more areas to agree with the Heritage Foundation about?
“….they think a revenue cap below the rate of inflation is either good politics or good policy?”
Er…. growing the budget at 3 TIMES the rate of inflation is good politics or good policy?
re 12 — Still trying to seem ‘fiscally responsible’. What a joke.
That’s IT??
re 12: “Er…. growing the budget at 3 TIMES the rate of inflation is good politics or good policy?”
Incompetent Bob: What the hell are you talking about? Provide links and references.
To start off, what is the rate of inflation these days?
And @1 Roger Rodent:
And exactly how do you think and/or pretend to know about the working class? I looked you up; med. coupons, food stamps, and gov’t “cheese”. So, where exactly do your delusional opinions fit in; seeing how you “take” and don’t anny into the kitty?! Sorry, Rodent, but until you do become one of us that are taxpayers (partisanship aside), then your delusional and angry non-factual and ficticous rants have no merit or basis whatsoever. Poor angry lil’ bunny….
@10 Yes, I posted it 2 days ago, but so what? It bear repeating: Bush the Protector wants to ELIMINATE funding for port security, transit security, and first responders.
If he wants to balance the budget, fine. (Although he doesn’t.) But let’s stop pretending he and his party are champions of securing us against terrorism threats when they’re not. If they were serious about protecting this country, this is the last thing they would cut from the budget.
It proves Bush and the GOP are bullshitters, full of hot air, liars and posturers.
That truth should be shouted from the rooftops every day until every American understands it — including you, puddinghead.
211 “And yet he will still get the endorsement of firefighter and police LABOR UNIONS over Marcy Burner.”
Which proves the irrationality of these unions’ wingnut members.
@12 The reason the budget is growing faster than inflation is because of (1) population growth, and (2) catching up with a backlog of neglected needs, especially in the areas of transportation and health care, that accumulated during the 10 years that Republican obstructionists controlled the state senate.
@12 However, if you don’t like increased spending, I don’t mind watching you sit in stop-and-go traffic 6 hours a day. You deserve it.
@16 “I looked you up; med. coupons, food stamps, and gov’t ‘cheese’.”
That’s very interesting, since (a) you don’t know my real identity, and (b) I don’t get med. coupons, food stamps, or gov’t cheese. Could I see the dossier? I’d like to know who you’re confusing me with.
@16 (continued) I’m sorry the fact I worked (and paid taxes on my earnings) for 45 years, plus fought in a war for this country, isn’t enough for you. Well no, I’m not sorry … I don’t care what you think of me. Well no, that’s not quite true either; actually, I’m proud of the fact you don’t like me. Getting attacked by scum like you is a badge of honor. You may now go and kindly fuck yourself.
Pelletizer (TM) @17, and read liberal diarrheal reruns from one of your faux jedi tricked minions? Nope, I’d rather read fresh liberal garbage than reruns.
BTW You wrote 4 Billion in contributions for 400 million in tax breaks. I am still waiting for the URL that describes these facts. You haven’t posted it yet. And pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease spare me the left-wing diatribe sites where you “claim” to get the facts.
You routinely say stupid stuff, and your comment @19 fits right in there.
Here’s something I posted over at Crosscut in response to a like assertion:
“At the state level, dismissing the outrageous growth in the state budget as inflationary or the result of population growth is to compliment the emperor on the splendor of his new finery.
The Washington Office of Financial Management estimates state population as of April 1, 2007 to be 6,488,000, an increase of just under 2 million (43.3%)over the 1987 figure of 4,527,098. Couple this with an inflation rate in approximately the same period of 61%, and you still can’t explain a growth in state spending of $18.5 billion or 188% since the 1987-89 biennium.
Certainly, the General Fund State spending increase of 26.5% in the three-years since Christine Gregoire took office can’t be explained by “inflation” or “population growth.”
Constitutions are intended not to empower government, but to protect the people from government power. No one said it better than Mark Twain, “It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly native American criminal class except Congress,” and “Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.”
Many of the things that should be at the top of government’s priority list – public safety, infrastructure, etc. – get swept under the carpet in favor of pork, earmarks, and booty for the home district. Read the Heritage Foundation report on the 2008 budget deliberations when, even after the Twin Cities bridge disaster, funds for bridge repairs were ignored in favor of pure slush and waste.”
Republicans haven’t been in control of the State Senate for years, yet you blame them for all life’s problems even as the State House and Governor’s mansion were in Democratic hands.
What? A couple Republicans are tougher than the lot of Democrats among the Olygarchy?
Your crap is increasingly boring in a stuck-Monkees’-record fashion; Daydream Believer over and over and over and over and over and over and over again…
Living proof that rabbits are among God’s stupidest creatures.
The Piper
Why not comment on this found on Jonathan Alter’s blog?
Unlike most lefties here who read another’s blog entry to attack us whom think right, I visit your side every so often to see the crap posted. Sooooooooooo, why are you guys on the left so prurient?
Pelletizer (TM) I looked up the politics of Leeland Eisenberg. Couldn’t find much but he was from Taxachusetts and his father was abusive. I think this qualifies him as a Moonbat! through and through. Besides what correct thinking righty would be caught dead let alone alive in a Cliton campaign hovel?
Pelletizer (TM) you are well known for your faux jedi mind tricks. Remember in 2006 I posted a link from a very popular US blog which discussed your diarrheal postings all over ASSWipers (TM) ?
Your faux jedi mind tricks work on liberal lefty pinhead types here. Why do you think posting something from a lefty MSM site makes it the gospel truth? Why do you always ask for URLs but when confronted you scurry away to your hole?
Lefties: Repeat after me, I will not shop at Wal-Mart.
“Which proves the irrationality of these unions’ wingnut members.”
You are right, they are the exact same people that have endorsed Sen. Kerry and now Chris Dodd. Dumbasses.
by the way Libs, great job on fixing the AMT. Those of us in the middle working union paying class (Goldy isn’t there cause he is a scab) really appreciate all of your rhetoric and inability to get anything accomplished.
why are you guys on the left so prurient?
Fuck you, PShithead. Go to Murdoch and have him take down all the soft porn and torture porn on Faux News and Fox that gets you off!
Hell don’t stop there – go after practically everything that wingnut smut peddler owns.
Jonathan Alter’s blog? The Newsweek columnist? has nothing to do with Jonathan Alter you moron. What kind of a brain fart was that? Must have blown out what was left. Shit, you sleep walk through a freaking fog bank of brain farts.
Amanda Marcotte was commenting on misogynistic toys. She didn’t see the humor. I don’t either. Maybe you or that other moron Mark1 can let us in on the joke. Scratch that. Keep it to yourselves.
Right wing idiots: repeat after me, I will read right wing bullshit no more.
I posted a link from a very popular US blog
What Ace of Spades? What a tough guy he is! So full of right wing bullshit, he’d sink to the bottom of the septic tank!
Hey, PWhacks, it’s coming to me now. After Hillary, after Rosie, after code pink – you’re getting a tad obsessed about Amanda Marcotte.
Hell, she’s watched porn. Hateful, mysoginistic porn where a man spits in a woman’s face while doing all the other nasty stuff. The same porn you probably watch. The same porn that Mark1 surely gets off on.
She disapproves. She has no compunction about writing about the stuff in detail to make her point. She thinks it’s sick. I think it’s sick. Do you agree with her or not?
Goldy isn’t there cause he is a scab
That’s a lie right wing fireman. Goldy crossed no picket line to work. He supports unions 100 percent on his show. He doesn’t talk shit about unions.
Name a show on KVI or KTTH that support unions.
What a miserable SOB you are.
Goldy has stated that he has never belonged to a Union before. However, he also brags about being a “co-author of an Off-Broadway musical flop”. However, since he continues to write (If that’s what you want to call it) he should join the National Writers union.
Goldy has also chosen to work, and continue working for a non-union shop. Instead, if he was truly passionate about “Unions”, he would attempt to organize, or quit and seek employment with a Union Shop.
It is easy to say how mush you support Unions, when you have never belonged to one. However, that is more than a little hypocritical. Goldy has also continued writing on his blog, even though there is a writers strike going on, and there was a call for bloggers to shut down their blog(s) for 1 day in support of them striking union(s). Failed on that 1.
“Name a show on KVI or KTTH that support unions.”
I don’t have to. This isn’t about them. This is about Goldy being a hypocrite and working as a Cheap Labor Liberal. Goldy has choices. Rather than supporting Unions, who have seen a decline in membership, in a way that is truly supporting them (joining) Goldy would rather take his paycheck without the deduction. He would rather tell everyone how much he supports Unions, but has never belonged to one and continues to operate at a non-union shop.
“What a miserable SOB you are.”
Maybe so, but I pay my union dues, and have been in the past an appointed Union Official. Seems to me, that this Republican has done more for the labor movement in the 5 years I have belonged to a Union, than Goldy has all his life.
34 – Very eloquent, right winger, but complete nonsense.
You dodged your assertion that Goldy is a scab. Goldy’s working has put no union man out of work. Find the union man who’s not working because of Goldy’s job. Put up or shut up.
Goldy’s blog is a sole proprietorship that AFAIK barely sustains itself. Goldy’s writing is again not a threat to any union man’s job. In fact Goldy’s writing which is supportive of unions and has agitated in favor of unions is net positive for unions.
Cheap labor liberal? Whose cheap labor is he exploiting for higher profit? His co-bloggers? What profit? Again, nonsense.
Your whole argument is puerile but I’m sure you’ll keep serving up that weak sauce a year from now even when the whole cheap labor conservative crowd is swept out of office due to people like Goldy speaking out, agitating and organizing.
YLB – The Clueless One (TM) – Get a grip. I didn’t know who Amanda Murcotte was before today. And… I’ll forget she existed tomorrow.
No YLB – The Clueless One (TM), that’s your cup of tea!
YLB – The Clueless One ™ – Does Goldy work for KVI or KTTH If so he’d be blaaaaaaabbing this all over the place.
Your comment is a non-sequitor!
Naaah let me restate – YLB – The Clueless One ™ – is a non-sequitor.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ – Since you care so much about Goldy’s blog being a sole proprietorship that AFAIK barely sustains itself, why not invest in it? You seem to love attacking everyone by linking to the white sticky kool-aid of the left-wing sites!
Last thing YLB – The Clueless One ™ – I point out the stupid arguments of Rosie, Hilary and Code Pink.
Too bad you are too ignorant to figger it out!
YLB – The Clueless One ™ – Ace of Spades is a funny site!
So from the writing of Alter in Newsweek and the writing on Alter blog, it was easy to think they were the same person. Remember I spotted many doppelgangers here (sockpuppets to you lefties) from their writing, including you. You needed Goldy!
36 – Yeah. Two links to two different sites with Marcotte’s writings. What a coinkydink!
37 – Your whole life is a non-sequitor. Right wing fireman’s bashing of Goldy’s union status makes no sense – period.
38 – I invest daily in Goldy’s blog. Where has your stupid ass been? I know – in the fog bank of brain farts you walk in 24/7.
39 – You point out your silly-assed misogyny. Women who don’t kowtow right-wing light your inner Puddy or is it MWS? Ahhh. Who cares?
40 – Yeah, Ace is funny like you are funny. People full of right wing bullshit like you, Ace and DOOFUS crack me up. Just when I think people can’t be any more stupid, you guys find a way. Somebody has to do it I guess.
Case in point: you confuse with Jonathan Alter of Newsweek. Only a braindead right wing moron would do that. That person is you.
Carry on PWhacks.
YLB – The Clueless One ™ –
Why can’t you come up with something original?
I call you something, you say – “No that’s you”. Are you still living your childhood? You must be a real piece of work in your marriage! BTW, why did your daughter rob that pizza hut last week?
You are the real deal of someone with a malleable mind and weak arguments. Ann Robinson called it the weakest link – Goodbye!
The one links was one pointing to the other. Small minded people can’t figure that out and demonstrate their mental issues in every way.
Sorry bub I used that first. Copying another’s thoughts is another sign of mental weakness.
You invest what? Typing pixels or do you send $$$ to Goldy? Is he your charity case so you can claim a “charitable contribution” every year to the IRS since you don’t help out your fellow man by deeds or actions?
I point out the ignorance of two women and a group of leftist pinheads. Too bad you think that’s misogyny. Well what else could you think it is? You possess malleable mind with no cognitive synaptic activity, an idiot and stupid gene. Where have I picked on them as women? I discuss their stupid positions. I did that of Joe Biden and his 7-11 comment of Indians, Chris Dodd and his tax everyone for their “supposed” carbon foot print, Dennis Kucinich for being wacky and Barack Obama for his love of spending other people’s money. The other candidates haven’t really said much.
You think Goldy, Darryl, Paul, Geov, Carl, etc. are funny. I disagree with many of their positions. But unlike you, this is a free country and they are free to say as they please. You on the other hand want to SHUT UP your political enemies with many comments of “Shut up Pooper”, “Shut up Doofus” etc. When you write shut up you mean it. Can’t take back those pixels. Hence you attack attack attack with such vehemence it’s patently obvious.
It’s “refreshing” to see a perfect human being… well at least through your eyes and how you view yourself. So what? Similar writing styles. I look at writing styles and that’s how I can spot doppelgangers. You tried to confuse people here as For the Clueless and Yos Lib Bro. But I busted you huh? So who is the real “braindead” person as you claim?
Have a great morning YLB – The Clueless One ™.
For the record YLB – The Clueless One ™ , you thought GWB rejected the Kyoto Protocols. Wrong oh malleable minded one, the Senate did in 1997.
1) I pointed this fallacy out before
2) You can’t process facts
3) Truth hurt your position
4) You have Bush Derangement Syndrome
5) If it isn’t from Kos or Think Progress or Media Matters it ain’t true.
6) You drink the swill of the liberal MSM
Who has their stupid gene fully operational? Or is their idiot gene? YLB – The Clueless One ™ does.
The one links was one pointing to the other.
Why follow them? Maybe you’re titillated by the subject matter. And you didn’t answer the question: do you agree with Marcotte that the porn and desk toys she’s writing about are sick? If you agree with her then why try to tear her down? The answer is simple, don’t pay attention to the points people are making, the only thing that matters is the letter next to their name.
You are the real deal of someone with a malleable mind and weak arguments.
OHH. I’ve seen the light PWhacks. You’ve shown me the way. GWB is a man of Gawd and all that other bullshit. I’ve learned to stop worrying and love Murdoch, Scaife, Moon, Koch bros and all the rest. It wasn’t that hard.
Naaaah. Not in a million years. You’re talking about yourself again. Such is the way of a person with ego problems like yourself. Seek help.
“Shut up Pooper”, “Shut up Doofus”
Oh this is sweet! Show me, Mr. “I am Puddy, Not!”. Where’s the link? Keep googling, PWhacks. Are you done yet, Mr. Hallucination?
It’s “refreshing” to see a perfect human being?
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! You are so stuck on yourself!!!
Hey Mr. Perfect, where’s that link to Jonathan Alter’s blog again?
you thought GWB rejected the Kyoto Protocols.
He did. He made a whole fucking speech about it. He called them “fatally flawed”. Said we can’t do it unless China and India and Africa, etc do it too – as if any American would want to trade places with people over there. Christine Todd Whitman was burning the midnight oil coming up with a plan to save face with the world, meets with your Chimp in the White House and he shows her the door. That’s when she knew like Paul O’Neill that she was moderate window dressing on an extremist administration.
And the Senate? Yeah, even after Clinton and Gore dumbed down Kyoto for their consumption, they went and showed off how bought they were by the fossil fuel industry, yep, even guys with D’s next to their names embarrassed themselves. So what’s new?
43 – Blah, blah, blah. He follows up with links to Murdoch and Scaife bullshit. blah, blah, blah.
I want to apologize. I’ve been enabling you.
“The high of righteousness is the same as the high of cocaine,” says popular psychological speaker Dr. John Bradshaw. Dr. Minor examines how a large portion of the right-wing uses religion the way an addict uses their addiction, including its obsession with politics today. He examines the often-found relationship between sexual and religious addiction, shows how liberals have been enablers, and recommends new strategies to respond to religious addicts. The religious right-wing in the US is on a bender and its latest fix is politics.
Interesting book. It confirms what I’ve claimed for many months – you are addicted to right wing bullshit and this comment board helps fuel that addiction.