Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Christopher Frizzelle
It’s politics as unusual tonight as we take a break from our usual political discourse for a more arts oriented conversation with Stranger editor Christopher Frizzelle. While other journalists focused on the tabloid intrigue of Washington native Amanda Knox’s involvement with the murder of her roommate in Italy, Frizzelle critiqued her creative writing. Tune in and find out what, if anything, that tells us about our region’s most talked about murder suspect.
8PM: “Changing the World, One Joke at a Time!”
That’s the slogan of local comedian Travis Simmons, who joins us in studio to share his own unique take on the region and current events.
9PM: Regional Blogger Roundup
TJ from Loaded Orygun and Jimmy from McCranium join us for our monthly roundup of news and politics from around the Northwest. Drivers licenses for illegal immigrants and a recap of Jimmy’s write-in campaign for Richland city council, will top the agenda, but first we’ll hear from recently defeated Yakima city councilman Ron Bonlender about the shameless case of sock-puppetry that might have done him in.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
A recent newsletter mailed by King County Councilman Bob Ferguson contained the results of a survey. One of the questions was:
“When paying for improvements to our transit system, which methods would you support?”
29% – gas tax
26% – tolls
24% – motor vehicle excise tax
12% – none
9% – sales tax
This survey may help explain why Prop. 1 failed. Raising the sales tax is the LEAST popular way of raising money for transportation, getting even less support than “none.” Taxing gasoline is the option preferred by the greatest number of respondents. In my opinion, choosing the wrong tax played a role in Prop. 1’s defeat.
@ 1
But Roger, the WA constitution doesn’t allow us to pay for transit with gas tax.
Tolls don’t work for transit, either…
Did you read it right?
We should change the law, but until then…
Too bad you guys didn’t talk about another Clinton supporter in a scandal:
Here are some of this supporter’s campaign contributions 2007
And some more on this supporter!;Order=N
Or, you could have discussed how pissed off you all are at this ruling by the 9th Circus Court of Appeals.
Oh my goodness!
Or you could have discussed how this bill was not overridden.
Did you know:
1) David Obey has his twelve earmarks in this bill
2) Other legislators who put over 2,000 pork-barrel line items into this appropriation.
3) Charles Rangel’s Monument to Me for $2 million.
4) Other earmarks that were to be stopped by Nancy Stretch Pelosi for this congress.
@2 “But Roger, the WA constitution doesn’t allow us to pay for transit with gas tax.”
So change it.
@2 (continued) You’re definitely not going to pay for it with a sales tax, so it’s time to explore other options.
@3 “Too bad you guys didn’t talk about another Clinton supporter in a scandal”
There’s too many corrupt Republicans we need to talk about first.
Puttybrains, put this over your head when you talk, so we can hear you better.
Will @2,
Actually, the WA Constitution dedicates the motor fuel excise tax to roads and ferries. It says nothing about a sales tax on fuel, which doesn’t currently exist, but theoretically could.
How come you still won’t support your fellow Union Members (Oh wait, in order to be a fellow Union Member you have to first belong to a Union) and go on strike with your Blog?
Even better, why do you actually do something for the common middle class worker and organize the Radio Station?
Why not accept the challenge? Organize. Be a friend of the common middle class worker. Even if it means losing your job, because from what I gather you are part-time and usually Unions don’t like part-time employees. They take away Union jobs. Stand up. Do something instead of constantly bitching about the big bad mean corporations. See how many of your fellow workers will join you. If you are unable to get your fellow workers organized, put your So-Called principals where your wallet is and quit. Only work for a Union Shop. Otherwise, you will continue to support Cheap Labor Liberals like Frank Chopp.