Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: Are Skip Rowley et al buying the KC Prosecutor?
Eastside developer Skip Rowley, Seattle developer Martin Selig and cellphone billionaire Bruce McCaw illegally launder $100,000 through the WSRP and into Dan Satterberg’s campaign… and the local media shrugs with indifference. Is this what Satterberg meant when he said he would keep his office out of politics and politics out of his office? Democratic candidate Bill Sherman joins me in studio. I expect him to speak bluntly.
8PM: Who is the father of the two-party system?
In his book American Creation, Triumphs and Tragedies at the Founding of the Republic, historian Joseph Ellis wrote of the founding fathers: “they created political parties as institutionalized channels for ongoing debate, which eventually permitted dissent to be regarded not as a treasonable act, but as a legitimate voice in and endless argument.” The Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award winner joins me by phone to discuss his book.
More liberal propaganda.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
hey goldy…you could talk about washington state making it into the national news YET AGAIN for either cruelty, pedophilia, or some other really creepy thing.
you guys are shooting ponies to death now?
wow…how cutting edge of you….really.
what next? puppies?
Dan Satterburg is the only candidate in the Prosecuting Attorney race who has endorsements from key figures in both parties. His opponent can’t get any endorsements from anyone except his own party. LOOKS LIKE SATTERBURG IS CLEARLY THE BI-PARTISAN CANDIDATE IN THIS RACE. Vote Satterburg—better qualified and liked by people in ALL parties.
I sometimes inadvertently step on slugs when I’m hiking. They squish really easily.
I feel like a real shitheel about it, or, more accurately, a squishheel.
And you can quote me on that. I’m that bad.
re# 2 — Time is a hero. We’ll see about that. In the meantime, we’ll all keep a close on on him.
After he’s elected, Sherman should convene a grand jury to look into this. It’s time to put a stop to GOP election fraud in our county.
harry….shame on you….really. slugs have feelings too you know.
so in liberal-land accidentally stepping on a slug [it IS accidental, right???] is the same as deliberately shooting ponies to death.
okay….got it.
@2 “His opponent can’t get any endorsements from anyone except his own party.”
Well duh … maybe Sherman didn’t ASK for fascist endorsements … maybe he doesn’t WANT fascist endorsements … why would ANY Democrat want to be endorsed by ANY Republican? Satterberg, on the other hand, seems to think he needs Democratic coattails to stand a chance.
I didn’t hear about the pony. Did it live on a Republican animal sex farm? What Republican redneck town was the pony shot in? Which Republican redneck did it? What office is this Republican pony-killer running for?
These People Gotta Be Republicans
“Dead ponies’ owner identified
“By Jennifer Sullivan
“Seattle Times staff reporter
“A Snohomish County animal-welfare group said it has identified the owner of two ponies found shot to death on a rural trail near Snoqualmie on Friday.
“Susan Michaels, co-founder of Pasado’s Safe Haven, said … the woman who owns the … ponies … claims she ‘entrusted friends to euthanize the animals properly’ … [because] the horses had been sick ….
“It appears each horse died after being shot once in the head on a riding trail near Tokul Road Southeast, Michaels said.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....es05m.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This has “Republicans” written all over it! Instead of hiring a veterinarian to put the ponies down, these jerks shot them and dumped the carcasses on a public riding trail. Taxpayers will pay for disposing of them. What kind of fucking cheapskates would do this? Republicans, that’s who! Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Vaporous One.
Two 17-year old ponies killed here in good old blue-voting King County. See
So…you think Christine Gregoire’s attorney endorses fascists? And someone like John Henry Browne? He endorses facists, too? And the Pierce and Snohomish County PA’s, both Democrats, they endorse fascists?
Give it a rest, Rog…Obviously, you’re in need of a distemper shot; you’re close to foaming at the mouth.
The Piper
Of course, in your haste to start a fight and drip your hatred in here, you completely failed to mention that
1)Pasado’s Safe Haven immediately offered a $5000 reward for information, the owner has been identified by several individuals who responded and refused the reward, and the matter has been referred for prosecution.
2)Widespread outrage has been aired in several forums.
All we need is some wacko cunt who hates Seattle (and Washington in general) in here spreading hate and discontent. Go start another fire in your own backyard, California Yuppie.
Stuff it up your snobbish ass, you conceited puddle of vomit. If we need an emetic, we’ll ask for your services.
You and the California Cunt capitalizing on animal abuse is reprehensible, not that I’d expect you undertsand that or care. Conservatives will use any vehicle, however sick, to push their agenda.
Roger Rabbit says:
I didn’t hear about the pony. Did it live on a Republican animal sex farm? What Republican redneck town was the pony shot in? Which Republican redneck did it? What office is this Republican pony-killer running for?
The poor pony never experienced a Seattle liberal from Freemont yet. What a shame. hehehehe
Two dead ponies???! Well chalk up two more registered voters for the democrats. Damn it anyway.
Bill Sherman has been endorsed by Governor Gary Locke, Senators Murray and Cantwell, the Seattle PI, has the highest possible rating from the Municipal League of King County (non-partisan) and many other respected public servants and municipal leaders.
Christmasghost: Somebody found two dead ponies while hiking. Why do you assume that it was a partisan pony murder. Do you think someone said: “As a Democrat, I must kill these ponies.”
It sounds more like something pony-hating Republican Piper Scott would do.
re 13: When are we going to hear from Jane Ballough’s Pussie?
Or Preznit George W. Dubya. He’s a “cowboy” who’s afraid of horses.
re 13: I know what you are thinking: That Poon character is a cheeky momkey!
But seriously, I would like to hear from Jane Ballough’s Pussie!
‘I Like the Christian Life’ by, The Byrds
My buddies shun me since I turned to Jesus.
They say I’m missing a whole world of fun.
I live without them and walk in the light.
I like the Christian life.
I won’t lose a friend by heeding God’s call.
For what is a friend who’d want you to fall?
Others find pleasure in things I despise.
I like the Christian life.
@2: Hey Michele:
Can you think for yourself?
Then think about this: the supposed non-partisan candidate (Satterberg) got 125K from the republican party at the last minute – at the same time as a bunch of big republican donors gave money to the party (WSRP).
Also, check out Satterbergs vote on the KCE last governors cycle – the only vote not to certify.
If you still think Satterberg is non-partisan than I have some WMD’s in Iraq for you to find.
I sure want to hear from Jane Ballough’s Pussie! BUT, maybe, just maybe, she DOESN’T HAVE A PUSSIE!
First it’s pony killing and then it’s pussie killing.
What won’t these Republicans do?!?!
Or, maybe Jane Ballough’s Dog is a pussie?
I am sure we will see a full investigation started right away by the U.S. Attorney’s office right? Yeah. About the same time hell freezes over.
Election fraud is the specialty of the GOP, and they always get away with it. That is why we need DEMOCRATS in prosecutor’s offices for THE LAW to for once have a chance.
Not partisan political prosecutions like the Rove Gang did, but true justice. Wouldn’t it be great to see these multi millionaires convicted, (if they are guilty of course) (and on the surface it looks like they are) and have to serve time with the crack dealers Satterberg wants to prosecute?
Why prosecute corporate crime, and the ruling elite, when there are crack dealers to fill the jails with.
This says it all:
Carona the Bill Clinton of O.C. politics
I live in So Cal as most of you know and there is sheriff here in Orange County, a conservative bastion, who is, well, making like a Republican.
You can read more here.
@23 –
Dear Facts: Crack dealers are probably some of the major donors to the WSRP (not as farfetched as it sounds).
Actually, we know who the donors are: the construction industry (the guys who bankroll Eyeman), the insurance industry (spending 50 million to tell us that R67 is really bad for us but not for them (hahahah)), the developers (Kemper and buddies from Bellevue) and of course the firm that plied asbestos into a hospital and doesn’t want accountability (hey, how were we (in the construction business) supposed to think about 70’s construction having asbestos? Turns out they are the number one donor to Satterberg.
what I love is how Satterberg played this:
“I am the non-partisan candidate, the legacy of Norm Maleng” but, if the washington state Repub. party wants to give me a huge last minute check – how can I refuse?
I already got the seattle times and all the media to fall for the non-partisan thing hook, line and sinker. Heck, even I believed the guy for a short while. I have always wanted to vote for an honest republican – just haven’t found any. After alberto and the boys from bushland, it is tough not to laugh at “competence” and “bringing the efficiency of the private sector” to gov’ment. compassionate conservatives rail against “socialized” medicine and veto s-chip. Republicans have such a good sense of humor….
With all this talk of election fraud from the leftines it can only mean one thing…. They are scared they are going to lose again. I guess we will be hearing more lies about diebold voting machines in 2008. hehehehehe
Seems to me that you are jealous of those with a bit more collateral than you.
You might want to try a JOB or better yet Taking Care of Your Own, without the Benifit of the Goverment you have relied on for so MANY years.
You might have more self esteem. It works really.
I enjoyed hearing Ellis tonight. Good addition! It would have been fun to ask his thoughts about how the FF would have reacted to lil Bush!
Hope Goldy can more au.
Seattle Jew:
The founding fathers would have looked at horror at an administration that supports torture, that thinks it needs to spy on it’s own citizens for the sake of a little security (Old Ben Franklin is turning over in his grave), at the corruption of so many for the sake of so few, at the lack of respect for science and the politicization of science (think what Jefferson whould have thought of this!) and at the cronyism and partisanship that is taking place. Old Abe Lincoln actually placed his rivals in his cabinet – Bush places his obsequious pals that will do his bidding.
@9 Given that KC votes about 42% Republican, and Republicans are responsible for about 100% of the horse-fucking and pony-shooting around here, demographic profiling indicates this is the work of Republicans.
# 28
Just like goldy then…..
@13 Yeah, you would know all about animals registering to vote, dog! All dogs should be euthanized!
@25 Damn right we’re worried about Republicans stealing another election. It’s the only way they can win.
@28 correctnotright
WADR .. you need to read more.
The Washington/Adams/Hamilton administration was pretty effin oppressive .. remember the Alien and Sedition Acts?
Abe ?? Lets see, other than supporting slavery as an attorney and suspending habeus corpus???
As far as torture, the standards of the day have changes hugely. Certainly Sherman’s march on Atlanta qualifies as terrorism, if not torture. I am not sure what might have gone on during the official American Revolution, but ol’ Sam Adams did burn a Torey governor to death.
I suspect that there were some folks that were pretty sensitive even then, but Ben Franklin, John Adams, Abe Lincoln are not folks I would choose to defend my rights or oppose torture.
I do suspect Tom Jefferson would have defended science, not so sure about some of his colleagues. Even Tom, however, had some4 pretty blind spots when it came to racial equality. BTW he also stole land form Injuns!
It is hard to to put oneself into history.
Roger @29
You are a sick fucker….. enough said.
I wonder how many military voters Satterberg will disenfranchise? As prosecutor, will he shield GOP caging operators from prosecution? We don’t want this shit in our state:
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of … residents of Black-majority precincts. …
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted. …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to … other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes. …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused … several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. … While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Republican slimesuckers claim to “support the troops” out of one corner of their lying mouths while they secretly block soldiers from voting. An essential part of this operation is controlling federal, state, and local prosecutors’ offices to protect their operatives from prosecution, because these activities are illegal. Next time you see some fascist warmonger waving a “Support the Troops” sign, ask him how many soldiers he kept from voting.
@34 Thank you! I always appreciate getting fan mail from my legions of WingNut (TM) admirers! Go fuck yourself and pet the armadillo you rode in on.
@34 Note: You’re right about one thing … I fuck as many cute female rabbits as possible! That’s because the world can never have too many rabbits, and Ma Nature designed me as a Fucking Machine! The whole reason for my existence is MAKING MORE RABBITS!!! Shin-kicking you fascist pigfuckers is merely my hobby.
RR @5: we don’t have grand juries in WA.
The anus-sniffing, coprophagous cur has been spayed or neutered for sure. It will happen yet again on Tuesday and Nov 2008.
#26, Wow, I er have er lots of money. I think you have me mixed up with a defense contractor somewhere……
RR at 4- once again you reveal your ignorance. As DPA2 points out at 38, King County does not charge by Grand Jury.
But facts don’t support you positions either, do they? I really hope the folks on this blog don’t look to you for something accurate or beyond entertainment value. If so- we are all lost…
Maybe you should spend your time on a blog devoted to cartoons. You might get some purchase there….
#19: How many republican endorsements did Sherman get? Or could he only secure them from his own party (who probably gave HIM some money, yes?) I rest my case. Satterberg’s the one. He has endorsements from key people in BOTH parties. Sounds like the one who has much broader support.
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of … residents of Black-majority precincts. …
Exactly, this is where a lot of the voter fraud from the left happens. Why else would you get 110% voter turnouts in these areas. Dems specifically target these areas becasue they know if the republicans ever make a stink about it they will be labeled racists. The republicans let them get away with it and end up having to get 52+ % of the vote to win. This has been going on for years, nothing new. You have to remember that dems cheat. Always have, always will.
@38 That never stopped anybody.
@41 At least I have entertainment value. Wingnuts aren’t even funny. They’re merely disgusting.
@41 “Maybe you should spend your time on a blog devoted to cartoons.”
Maybe I should, but I won’t, because I like it here. If you don’t like it, write your complaint here [ ] and send it here __.
@42 Why would Sherman want to be endorsed by Republicans, for God’s sake?
Satterberg, on the other hand, actively sought and loudly flaunts his DEMOCRATIC endorsements. That’s because he wants voters to think he’s a DEMOCRAT. Or maybe an INDEPENDENT. Or possibly “NON-PARTISAN.” Anything but a REPUBLICAN. Why? Because Republicans are about as popular as Chinese toys and flesh-eating bacteria right now. The last thing Satterberg wants people to associate him with is the GOP.
Sherman doesn’t have that problem.
@43 Let’s see some proof of that.
RR @44: huh? what the heck does that mean? there are federal grand juries, but they don’t happen in the county. period.
re 44: The lack of any Republican endorsements PROVES that they are partisan. It doesn’t prove the opposite.
You give incontrovertible evidence of the partisan nature of this race and then declare that evidence to be proof of the opposite.
Yer an idiot.
This was to point out that even 7 years later the Repubs still want to blame Clinton and compare every low life Republican scofflaw to Clinton.
And I thought blowjobs were a good thing.
chad…………thank you for proving once again what an illiterate bore you are. and a misogynist too. wow!
why do you hate women so much?
slang for female body parts…especially the kind of slang that only an idiot that would also use the “N” word would use….is never acceptable. but it does illustrate the fact very clearly that you, my friend, have an IQ equal to the room temperature in a cheap motel room on a cold day.
alas……you are so representative of your ilk.
so…shut up before you completely expose yourself. this is an adult discussion.