Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: Got votes?
Tuesday is Washington state’s first ever August primary election, and that’s got a lot of pols worried that turnout will be even lighter than usual for an off-year primary. Assistant Secretary of State Nick Handy will join me by phone to give us the latest forecast, and predict whether vote-by-mail will help make up the slack (you know, in those counties that have all vote-by-mail.) Then Sandeep Kaushik will call in to make one last pitch for the King County parks levies. Have you voted yet? Do you plan to vote? And if not, why do you hate America?
8PM: Lose pounds, earn euros?
When King County banned trans fat and required nutritional labeling in restaurants, many critics complained that this was nanny-statism gone too far. So I wonder what these folks would have to say about the town in Italy that’s planning to pay its residents 250 euros ($350) to lose weight and keep it off? What would it take for you to slim down? Healthy menu choices? Better nutritional information? A $350 bribe?
9PM: HA says taxes are too low? Are we stoned or something?
Fellow HA blogger Carl will be joining me in the studio to explain his controversial assertion that our taxes are actually too low! Is he high or something? Well, that might be a better question to pose to fellow HA blogger Lee, who will also be joining me in the studio to give us a first hand report from HempFest 2007.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
My show will be preempted again by a Seahawks preseason game next Saturday.
Tuesday is Washington state’s first ever August primary election, and that’s got a lot of pols worried that turnout will be even lighter than usual for an off-year primary. Assistant Secretary of State Nick Handy will join me by phone to give us the latest forecast, and predict whether vote-by-mail will help make up the slack (you know, in those counties that have all vote-by-mail.) Then Sandeep Kaushik will call in to make one last pitch for the King County parks levies. Have you voted yet? Do you plan to vote? And if not, why do you hate America?
Well; Goldy if you want the truth about the subject matter its no. King County has not cleaned up it voters records, and its bogus way of registering in the State. Who is really voting that shouldn’t and how many times should a person gets to vote before he is hung in the nearest tree. Voter by mail is too hard to validate and all voters should have to show up to present a valid id in order to Vote. Not your library card, utility bill, or some other phony ID except your Passport. Everybody out of the city limits of Seattle should get two votes until the state instills trust back in the voting system. That also means Seattle has to support Republicans only to run for public office until there is a balance of power for the minorities.Yes I have voted and I do not hate America like your friends do today. No for any parks or levies untill those who spend the moneys are held accountable for their actions.
Fellow HA blogger Carl will be joining me in the studio to explain his controversial assertion that our taxes are actually too low! Is he high or something? Well, that might be a better question to pose to fellow HA blogger Lee, who will also be joining me in the studio to give us a first hand report from Hemp Fest 2007.
Noooooooooooooooo Goldy Taxes are just fine for the poor, out of control for the middle class, maybe ok for the rich, but way to low for those living in Seattle. You have not spent a dime on your roads. You do nothing to help the insane with food and housing. You out source your poor and unwanted to the Eastside to live only in tents. Gas tax is the highest in the nation and you spend it all on mass transit and a very small token on the state highway infrastructures. You better check out Lee real close because they might bust him on the Air tonight for partaking of Mary Jane. Tell him to leave his new bong in his BMW and not in your office or you might join him in the Hoosegow.
OH I FORGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
Yes Seattle Jew is a nice man but sometime misinformed.
klake is a nazi.
Just for the record…
I vote FOR ALL tax cuts regardless of the “harm” that will come, and I vote AGAINST ALL tax increases regardless of the “good” that can be done. The simple fact is that gummint gets too fucking much of MY FUCKING MONEY. The sneaky shit that they do with elections at goofy times like this just pisses me off even more.
Check this one out:
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Oh by the way 3x Hell No’s on all three for phase one Tax Hike August from my family.
You want all these taxes made permanent by your sneaky SB 5498?
Oh by the way 3x Hell No’s on all eight for phase two Tax Hike November from my family.
I don’t hate. Klake hates.
No need to slim down here; I ride around on a bike.
Please watch out for cyclists!
Why should I lose weight? I weigh only 30 lbs. 2 oz. How about if someone pays me $350 to GAIN weight?
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
(crunch crunch)
Is it “nanny-statism” to let food distributors deceive you about where the food you put in your body comes from? Since business isn’t honest enough to tell you they’re selling you food from questionable sources, why shouldn’t we use our government to make them tell us, and to penalize them when they lie in their product labeling?
Here’s where wingnuts get it backwards. A business belongs to someone else, and is run for their selfish benefit. Government belongs to all of us, and is run for the common good. Wingnuts think lying businessmen who steal from you by putting antifreeze in toothpaste are GOOD, and government regulators who keep them from doing it are BAD.
Now why on earth would any rational person ever vote for a wingnut candidate?
MTR’s taxes are too low. We should tax him 100%! He can’t be trusted with money.
@1 I don’t think you should hang Jane Balogh’s dog. The dog didn’t do anything. If you’re going to hang someone, you should hang Jane Balogh.* She’s the guilty party, not the dog.
* Just kidding! I’d be satisfied if she moved to a wingnut state to be with her own kind. One less wingnut around here.
Flakey klake @3 You don’t really expect anyone to believe I’m your propaganda minister, do you?
A mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die in Iraq?”
A mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die in Saudi Arabia?”
A mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die in Kuwait?”
Another mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die in Vietnam?”
Another mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die in Korea?”
Another mother asked President ..
“Why did my son have to die on Iwo Jima?”
Another mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die on a battlefield on a field in France?”
Yet another mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die at Gettysburg?”
And yet another mother asked President …
“Why did my son have to die on a frozen field near Valley Forge?”
Then long, long ago, a mother asked…
“Heavenly Father …
why did my Son have to die on a cross outside of Jerusalem ?”
The answer is the same ….
“So that others may have life and dwell in peace, happiness, and freedom.”
@5 Redneck, you don’t pay any taxes. In your case, it doesn’t matter what the tax rate is, because even 90% of zero is $0.00.
@16 Why aren’t you there standing beside our troops?
@16 Here’s a primer for our morally-challenged wingnut friend who can’t tell the difference between Iwo Jima and Iraq:
Iwo Jima: They attacked us
Iraq: We attacked them
What makes you so sure I’m a “wing nut” and not one of your more idealogical, albeit, patriotic brethren?
You are most quick to judge, but then when you are nameless and faceless it’s quite easy to be outrageous, flippant and insulting.
Quite the cowards route.
It’s you far left of us that will cost us the election. There simply are not enough of you to put Hillary in office and those of us not as extreme will not follow you off a cliff.
But feel free…
Isn’t 16 off topic?
Taxes vs Income
Why do folks worry about taxes? The only issue I see is my net.
Americans have the best net on the world .. but then we neeed to shell out for education, health care, retirement at levels unheard of in the
civilizedsocialist countries.Friends in Canada, Britain, France, Sweden, Germany … all seem to me to live as well as i do on lower incomes and higher taxes. Why doesn’t this add up?
Feel free says:
It’s you far left of us that will cost us the election. There simply are not enough of you to put Hillary in office and those of us not as extreme will not follow you off a cliff.
But feel free…
I hope you are right. There are plenty of polls indicating that close to 50% would never vote for Hillary but the extreme left are masters at election fraud. With the MSM pulling out all the stops on disenfranchising the religous right along with all the potential dead,illegal and criminal registered democrats, it just may come down to the wire. I hope another Perot doesn’t come around or we are sunk.
Friends in … all seem to me to live as well as i do on lower incomes and higher taxes. Why doesn’t this add up?
I often asked this same question to all the Canada, Britain, France, Sweden and German transplants living here and they all say the US is the greatest. I wonder what transplanted Americans in other countries… well if you could ever find them.. would say?
@20 “What makes you so sure I’m a ‘wing nut’ and not one of your more idealogical, albeit, patriotic brethren?”
Ummm … let me guess … because you spew wingnut boilerplate?
@21 You’re a wingnut, all right. Only a wingnut would call Hillary Clinton an “extremist.” You are the extremist, not her. Hillary is the “center” candidate, the least “left” of the Democratic field. CEOs and Bush Pioneers are backing her. You are a dolt.
@21 It doesn’t surprise me anymore when wingnut liars come on this blog pretending to be Democrats. It’s getting hard to find a Republican willing to admit he’s a Republican anymore. The GOP brand name is a bit tarnished. If I were a Republican, I’d lie about it, too.
@24 “There are plenty of polls indicating that close to 50% would never vote for Hillary but the extreme left are masters at election fraud. With the MSM pulling out all the stops on disenfranchising the religous right along with all the potential dead,illegal and criminal registered democrats, it just may come down to the wire. I hope another Perot doesn’t come around or we are sunk.”
Hey Dufus, repeating lies 10,000 times doesn’t make them true. Republicans commit 100 times as much election fraud as Democrats. They have to. The GOP can’t win an honest election because intelligent well-informed people would never vote for them. The GOP is a house of cards built on lies and fraud.
Give ’em the Rules, Roger!
Hey Dufus, repeating lies 10,000 times doesn’t make them true. Republicans commit 100 times as much election fraud as Democrats. They have to. The GOP can’t win an honest election because intelligent well-informed people would never vote for them. The GOP is a house of cards built on lies and fraud.
OH I FORGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Roger is the Minister for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda for the Socialist Democrats Party today just like Paul Joseph Goebbels was in Hitler Germany. His Nazi friends taught him the trade when he visited them in jail.
Yes Seattle Jew is a nice man but sometime misinformed.
Roger that statement above supports the fact that you are really the propaganda minister for the Democrat Party. Fraud is your theme song for success.
Hey, MTR, how’s that Dow Jones Industrial Average doing? I read it as close to 12,850 right now. Kinda down, wouldn’t you say? Don’t worry, we’ll talk Friday.
Hey Feel Free, are you new here? I haven’t seen your handle before! Hard to tell if you’re a newbie or one of our regular trolls recycling himself again, or merely the latest incarnation of Kevin Carns … we have so many sockpuppets here.
In case you’re a newbie, fyi here are the ad hoc HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, troop-hating, anti-American, fascist pigfuckers!
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, to be followed by trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Oh yeah, one more thing, I am NOT klake’s propaganda minister.
(I usually don’t bother to mention this because it’s sort of obvious, except you have to spell things out for wingnuts or they don’t get it.)
Roger Rabbit says:
Hey Feel Free, are you new here? I haven’t seen your handle before! Hard to tell if you’re a newbie or one of our regular trolls recycling himself again, or merely the latest incarnation of Kevin Carns … we have so many sockpuppets here.
In case you’re a newbie, fyi here are the ad hoc HA posting rules:
1. This is a liberal blog.
2. Anyone can post here.
3. There is no censorship.
4. As liberals, our mission is to verbally kick the living shit out of you unpatriotic, troop-hating, anti-American, fascist pigfuckers!
5. No mercy for wingnuts!
6. Our terms are unconditional surrender, to be followed by trials.
7. klake is a nazi.
Any questions?
Yes, I just have one question. Do you work hard at being a fucking asshole? Or does it come naturally?
Anybody else notice how on any given day, the intensity, intended targets and phraseology of all the trollfuck postings seem to track each other, regardless of the “names” they’re posted under. Heaven knows whether this means they’re all from the same author, or whether there’s a bunch of mindless drones parroting what they just head, read or copied-and-pasted from Hannity/O’Reilly/Malkin/Coulter/Limbaugh?
No Censorship…..Ha
See Item 6
Actually you could have seen Item 5 but that two was deleted before Item 6 appeared.
Just can’t post anything that this state legislature does in secret without having it deleted I guess.
Well read it yourself before election day!
No Censorship…..Ha
See Item 6
You have a strange definition of censorship. Comment #6 was not censored at all. Anyone can read the link.
It would appear that the author of Item 6 attempted to make it appear to have been censored.
Either that, or someone wasn’t able to comprehend his own post after his mother entered it for him.
gs @ 37
“No Censorship…..Ha…Just can’t post anything that this state legislature does in secret without having it deleted I guess.”
You were not censored, you fucking moron! I deleted SOMEONE ELSE’S intellectual property that you used without permission in a way that was not consistent with fair use.
I’ll remember that when I read all the other non deleted opinions and headlines posted here.
I’d frankly expect that from Frank Carr, but find it a bit hypocritic here!