Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The end of secular politics?
In his book The Theocons: Secular America Under Siege, Damon Linker argues that the ultimate goal of the theocon movement and their Republican allies is “the end of secular politics.” The former editor of the theocon journal First Things, Linker sat down with me earlier this week to talk about his book and the impact of the theocons on the 2008 election.
8PM: Wingnut Update
The first annual Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week has come to a close, and I’ve got exclusive audio of Michael Medved’s rousing speech to the University of Washington College Republicans. Plus kissing principals, trickstery insurance companies and other liberal propaganda.
Even more liberal propaganda.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
The Bothell Times endorses Initiative 960 in the Sunday paper, hardly surprising.
A Google search of The Bothell Times asks “Did you mean: The Brothel Times?”
Dino the Populist
Dino Rossi is staking out his ground as the populist anti-big business candidate. http://blog.seattletimes.nwsou.....paign.html
Next up: Rossi’s “Cross of IOUS” speech.
Tag line: “You shall not crucify personkind on a cross of subprime mortgages!”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Somehow it doesn’t resonate like the original. But then, shoddy imitations never do.
I have nothing against securalists?aethiests just as long as they practice their beliefs in private. They should not be allowed to bring up their beliefs in the public square. roof roof.
Your master shouldn’t put beer in your dish. Dogs don’t do well with alcohol.
For decades there was a sign just off the westbound lanes of SR 522 at the edge of town that said, “Welcome to Bothell…For a Day or a Lifetime.”
Routinely, the sign would get corrupted. Spray painting out the “Bot” or adding an “r” or simply cutting it down. Finally, the city simply gave up, and the sign disappeared.
Sad…it was a landmark, albeit not a large one, but one nevertheless that evoked an attitude and extended a welcome.
Oh, well…life goes on.
The Piper
@3 RR
But later in an appeal to the good church folk Rossi paraphrased Jesus when he said, ‘Come unto me all you who are overtaxed and I will give you rest.’
@5 The best drink for a dog, especially Balogh’s mutt, is a strychnine cocktail.
@7 Yes; why pay taxes when you can get a $300 rebate and $3,000 of inflation?
Deficit-financed tax cuts are a profit center for the obscenely rich.
@6 The Hamilton Turkey Farm billboard adjacent to I-5 south of Centralia is still there, albeit on the other side of the highway … 1 out of 2 ain’t all that bad.
Let’s cut taxes! We can just borrow more from Red China, and pass all that debt onto our children, and grandchildren. Gosh. Isn’t being Republicon great! Republicon economics is sooooooooo easy! I spend, and they pay! And boy are they gonna pay!
Medic 1 Tax Increase
RThe Voter’s Pamphlet description of King County Proposition 1 is deceptive. Although the “Explanatory Statement” says it levies a tax of $0.30 per $1,000 of assessed valuation, neither it nor the “Statement for” alert you to the fact this is an increase over the existing tax, which is $0.25 per $1,000. The “Statement for” is outright sneaky when it says, “The Medic One levy is a renewal of an existing program[,]” which falsely implies this measure is merely a periodic renewal of a standing tax. It says nothing about the increase.
There is no “Statement against,” therefore absolutely nothing in the Voter’s Pamphlet informs voters this is a tax increase.
In my book, that’s lying.
The Medic 1 levy doesn’t work like the general property tax. Because of the property tax lid, when assessed valuations rise fast than the lid percentage, the tax rate per $1,000 falls, in order to limit total tax collections to the amount permitted by the lid. But in the case of the Medic 1 levy, because the tax is pegged directly to property valuation, rising assessed values produces proportionately more revenue — a built-in tax increase.
In other words, Medic 1 gets automatic tax increases as inflation pushes up the nominal dollar value of property to pay for things like employee COLAs, higher prices of goods and services, etc. Under King County Prop. 1, therefore, Medic 1 is getting a double tax increase.
In addition, the politicians were sneaky when they drafted this ballot proposition: They didn’t give us a choice between raising the Medic 1 levy to $0.30 or keeping it at $0.25; the only choice we have is all or nothing — either vote for the higher tax, or get no Medic 1 service at all.
This fact did not slip past the fishwrapper’s editorial page editors, however. They point out that Medic 1’s “total funds [will] grow dramatically, from $343 million for the 2002-2007 levy to $622 million for the next six years.” But they also offer their readers “[c]ompelling reasons for the increase includ[ing]: growth in the county; the increasing number of people in vulnerable age groups; and rising costs of providing high-level service.” Despite the tax increase, the fishwrapper urges a “yes” vote. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....sed24.html
I voted “yes.” I think you should, too. The tax increase (as explained by the Brothel Times) may well be necessary and justifiable. But I don’t like being lied to, and I don’t like being manipulated and coerced, either. You’d think the pols, who lie and manipulate about everything else, could at least keep Medic 1 above the fray of lying and manipulation. But no, not even this is sacred. Nothing is.
How difficult would it have been for the pols and the levy’s backers to be honest with us and simply say, “We want a rate increase on top of the automatic tax increase because the program needs the extra money for the following reasons” (and then list them in detail), and show us the accounting to back it up? But I guess they’re so used to assuming voters are against any and all tax increases that they automatically assumed we would vote against it if they didn’t hide the tax increase.
Tell a Republicon you will cut his taxes, and he will vote for you no matter how many lies you tell, and crimes you commit. Heck, we don’t need four firemen on every truck. Three is just as good. And if it takes 10 minutes to respond to a fire, so what. We needed to tear that building down anyway! Policemen? Teachers? Doctors? Nah, who needs them. Tax cuts forever! Tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts…..
Here, dog. Have this delicious piece of chocolate!
Surely you must know that cutting taxes is one of the Ten Commandments and that Christ, too, hailed cutting taxes as one of His top priorities in His Sermon on the Mount. We must cut taxes, it is a religious obligation.
If guvmint cant run on 35-40% for federal,State and local taxes combined than you need to cut taxes. Raising taxes over this amount actually hurts the country overall rather than helps. The answer obviosly is to cut spending starting with social programs.
Hell there are entire department on the federal guvmint level that should be eliminated completely. PBS and the NEA should be number one. Let Big Bird fend for himself.
Thousands join Seattle march against war
By Dominic Gates
Seattle Times aerospace reporter
Paul Maresh and Pam Allee voice their opinion during an anti-war and peace march from Judkins Park to Pioneer Square.
Thousands of people from all over the Pacific Northwest marched boisterously against the Iraq war in Seattle today.
A small group of Iraq war veterans took a lead role at the front of the march, which was swelled by peace groups from Washington and Oregon.
These liberal soldier sure do like showing up a war protests. Man they are everywhere, well everywhere except fighting in Iraq. hehehehe
Bad doggie…you have been peeing on the paper instead of reading it…PBS is funded almost entirely by public citizen donations and corporate sponsorship through grants and foundations. Government funding for PBS has been severely cut.
Are you fighting in Iraq? Why not? Oh, and, have you ever heard of punctuation?
@14 How can you cut a Republican’s taxes when he’s already paying nothing?
@15 Ah. You know about dogs and chocolate, I see. Still, strychnine works faster.
Jane Balogh’s dog doesn’t know how to spell its master’s name. But what do you expect from a wingnut mutt? Most wingnuts can’t spell their own fucking names.
Take Y’o, for example. Y’o is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in “redneck yahoos”) and therefore is properly spelled Y’o; but Y’o, like most wingnuts, can’t spell his own fucking name and posts under “Yo.”
The worst part is these fools are proud of, and brag about, their illiteracy and ignorance as if it were an accomplishment or a badge of honor.
@17 If you’re not willing to eliminate spending on Bush’s recreational war in Iraq, you’re not serious about cutting spending, you’re just whistling dixie and pissing into the wind at the same time.
@18 PBS spends $1 per capital annually; Bush’s latest Iraq war request will cost you $8,000. You’re a fucking idiot.
@19 “These liberal soldier sure do like showing up a war protests. Man they are everywhere, well everywhere except fighting in Iraq.”
They served their tours in Iraq, which is more than you can say. Euthanize dogs! They’re too stupid to be allowed to exist.
Bad doggie…you have been peeing on the paper instead of reading it…PBS is funded almost entirely by public citizen donations and corporate sponsorship through grants and foundations. Government funding for PBS has been severely cut.
“sevely cut” should be changed to eliminated.
17 If you’re not willing to eliminate spending on Bush’s recreational war in Iraq, you’re not serious about cutting spending, you’re just whistling dixie and pissing into the wind at the same time.
@18 PBS spends $1 per capital annually; Bush’s latest Iraq war request will cost you $8,000. You’re a fucking idiot.
Wowww.. talk about no clue. If there is any job that the federal government should do it is making war with non Americans. That is 90% of why we have a federal guvmint. No, I will never be for cutting the military budget. The fact that social spending even comes close to what we spend on the military is shameful.
anus-snorfing, feces-licking cur @ 28
I disagree with my fellow progressives. You shouldn’t be euthanized – the next couple of elections will work their special kind of magic on you.
And oh yes, will we enjoy witnessing their effect on you!
Man, Goldstein sucks. On the radio.
Last nite, with nowhere to go, I dialed in to Hour # 3 because, as bad as Rabbi Goldstein is, and he’s very bad, Landfill Phil Henry & Art Bell’s Cattle Mutilation Dreamland are even worse.
I dialed in and was immediately in the yesterday-once-more timewarp of listening to red-headed stepchild Erin Hart tweaking on PMS. But it wasn’t Erin Hart; it was Goldstein shrieking to a caller that we don’t know how much he’s SACRIFICED, how much he’s GIVEN UP to be a dishonored prophet without profit on this ridiculous blog & on his ridiculous radio rant show.
We make fun of his prepube voice (what were Kirby & Shiers thinking when they encouraged Goldstein to do radio? Why didn’t they encourage him to sing the castrati parts in the Vienna Boys’ Choir?) and his old bald troll-tranny persona, but he’s on a lonely unrewarded mission to save America, but America just doesn’t get it. Next he’ll tell us that, if we don’t come around, Jesus will take him home.
Put your bodies on the line, Goldstein whined. Get down with the rad Sixties and bring Big Dick Cheney’s war to its knobby knees. Must we reinstate the draft to give force to the antiwar meaning of our lives? Surely Sixties activists were impelled by more than fear of being conscripted for Basic at Benning. Surely they had selfless principles, and so should we.
Well, David. You and Conyers or Rangel or whoever, those of you who whimsically extol the draft, must know by now that your antiwar heroes of yesteryear were only antidraft shirkers and sissies from almost the beginning. Want proof? When Nixon ended the draft, he also ended the Movement. Those millions of overfed and overindulged young white Americans screaming in the streets at the Mobe and the Moratorium didn’t give a shit about suffering Vietnam. Or Cambodia. They cared deeply about getting Greetings! from Gen. Lewis Hershey.
Want proof? The cruel war at Columbia and Berkeley died when the draft died, but dominoes by the thousands and millions kept falling in Vietnam and Cambodia. Fat happy far-left America didn’t even notice, except for Joan Baez, and except for Red apologists like Shawcross and Shanberg (?) who got money for writing that the killing fields were the fault of the evil American empire, not of the evil Communist empire. (About twelve years ago, in NY Review, Shawcross recanted: America didn’t kill Cambodia; communists did.)
David Horowitz was another Sixties rad activist who had second thoughts. He was cogently but incorrectly questioning America’s foreign policy when Vietnam was still JFK’s pretty baby. Then Horowitz got mugged by reality — or his friend got snuffed by the Panthers, about the same thing — and he started to hold his nose at your smelly leftist orthodoxies. You still stink, and now you pewl at Horowitz and Medved for suggesting that we have more to fear than Bush itself. We have Islamo-nazifascists who want nukes.
So … here’s a prediction. One year from now we’re still is Iraq, and Goldstein’s skanky body is not on the line. Five years from now, we have a Goldycrat president, we’re still in Iraq (just like Hillary and Osama Obama and Richardson said we’d be), and old bald Goldstein’s old bald body is still not on the line. Even if we have a draft, an old bald 44-year-old stealth tranny has nothing to fear from the draft.
And, one year from now, five years from now, Goldstein will still be calling Horowitz and Medved ‘neocons,’ which, as Ann Coulter said, is the currently fashionable left-wing way of saying ‘dirty Jew.’
Jane’s Dog, # 29, re PBS/NPR: Listened to Weekend Sedition this morning. LeAnn did a story on nooses and “hate crimes,” a story on underpaid & overworked homosexuals who must be victims of discrimination, a story on one of NOW’s founding father-mothers and her wayward daughter. Then, for fairness & balance, there was a story about kandy korn.
Makes me proud to be a taxpayer, and makes me proud not to be a KUOW pledge-shakedown victim. Even the Savage Stranger knows that KUOW rolls in dough while treating its hired help like noosed ******* on a plantation.
NPR’s greatest hit of 2007 was LeAnn’s spin of the Duke rape exonerations. There was about a three-second voices-in-the-news mention that the lacrosse rapists weren’t, then several minutes of commentary about their subliminal racism. One of the Duke profs, dozens of whom had rushed to the brink of pronouncing the athletes guilty, was given more respectful minutes to pronounce the players retroactively guilty of something in addition to being too rich and too white.
(To be fair, balanced, Scott Simon later interviewed Stuart Taylor of National Journal who has written The Book about Duke. And the Dub Daily, supported by your dollars and exquisitely attuned to every victim of racial and capitalist oppression everywhere, never mentioned the biggest college story of the year, the exoneration of college kids.)
I’m the mook who carried a lantern thru the mean streets of mean Amerikkka, looking for an honest Democrat. I found one, Tim Russert.
As good this morning with Chris Dodd (he’s lower in the polls than Colbert? Than Gravel? Than Kucinich? That means Dodd’s lower than dogshit) as he was a few weeks ago with what’s-her-face, the Yankees fan from whitebread Chicago.
It’s such a turn-on when Russert introduces Democrat blowholes to themselves, c. 2002. There was Dodd, then, like Shrillary then, saying that Iraq has chemicals and biologicals. Saddam’s getting nukes. Slam dunk. Debate’s over.
The new improved Dodd of 2007 met his old self more gracefully than Cruella Rodham-Clinton met her earlier incarnation (well, Tim, she whined when he showed her who she used to be, I was born a poor black child and I done come too far and nobody tol’ me the road would be easy …) but there’s still a flaw in his hair ointment. Remember, about two months ago during the Great Debate with Tavis Smiley, when Dodd said he’d march us unilaterally into Sudan?
Sort of like Osama Obama saying he’d march us unilaterally into Pakistan?
Think about it.
(Oh, yeah. There’s also that Texas village missing its idiot. I found her, too. Molly Ivins, recently deceased.)
JANE BALOUGH’S DOG needs to remember, if the bitch ever knew, that Victor David Hanson’s exposition of the proposition that the ‘West’ always wins militarily in the long run is correct only in so far as the ‘West’ is defined as the country that is supportive of Liberalism, freedom, and Democracy — which the American Right is not.
Republicans have already lost this war. The REAL war was between Progressivism and the self-imposed Atavistic Ignorance of the Tyrannical American Right. Just as Athens eventually won over Troy.
JANE BALOUGH’S DOG says: “Roof! Roof!”