Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: What’s the truth about Roads & Transit?
There’s a big Roads & Transit package on the ballot this November — what exactly does it do, and what exactly does it cost? Jessyn Farrell of the Transportation Choices Coalition and Aaron Toso of Keep Washington Rolling join me in the studio to give the Yes side of the debate, and then Mark Baerwaldt, the man behind No To Prop 1 joins us by phone to give us the other side. $17.8 billion or $157 billion? We’ll try to bridge the divide or expose the lies.
8PM: What makes Peter Goldmark run?
Okanogan County rancher Peter Goldmark lost a tough race last November to Rep. Cathy McMorris in WA’s 5th Congressional District, but he’s jumped right back in the saddle, declaring this week his candidacy for Washington State Commissioner of Public Lands. Goldmark joins us for the hour by phone to outline his vision for the office, and to take your calls.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I’ll be filling in for Dave Ross Tuesday morning. Tune in at 9AM for a KIRO-exclusive on-air debate between Republican Dan Satterberg and Democrat Bill Sherman, candidates for King County Prosecuting Attorney.
No to prop. 1? Who think up these propositions anyways? How about a proposition making it illegal to expose a fake liberal,democrat soldier.
Give it up Goldy, even Sims jumped off this massive tax wagon.
Roger Rabbitt has written many great posts on this subject and is dead on in this battle.
It solves nothing except taxing those who can afford it the least on something they can no longer afford to live anywhere near!
Bad for the Taxpayer
Does too little for the environment.
We already spent billions and have Sounder trains running to and from Seattle and Tacoma , we don’t need a new half a billion a mile cadillac choo choo ST running there.
Hard on Rabbit holes, where is your compassion for these burrowing furry little creatures anyway?
And GS totally supports both Sims and RR on this one!
Take your blinders off!
Goldy, why don’t you have the Sierra Club/Cascade Bicycle Club/Conservation Northwest/Ron Sims on the show — you know, the environmentalist opponents to RTID/ST2?
Odd to have two proponents and only one opponent when there are clearly two oppostion groups.
I would be totally against a proposition making it illegal to expose a lying, cheating, KCRE worker. But then again, that is just me.
Clarence Thomas is no Thurgood Marshall.
Goldy, The show, as currently programmed, will not give the argument against Prop1 a fair airing.
First, the ‘no’ side is outnumbered two to one, but more importantly, the ‘no’ side is being represented by what is basically a straw man.
I’m sure you are interested in getting progressive perspectives on your show, so I suggest you find a rep. from the Sierra Club or the Cascade Bicycle Club.
@1 You mean this guy?
I agree Goldy should have the Sierra Club on if only to show their utter ignorance of the political realities of the region. They have made their credibility an issue in this election. Do you trust them when they say vote no, and we will get no roads and plenty of transit in the future? Or do you trust the best efforts of planners throughout the region, hundreds of public meetings over three years, and the negotiated best judgment of hundreds of elected officials?
It is wishful thinking that the Sierra Club and the Cascade Bicycle Club can somehow rout the roads lobby in the future. The constituencies for these roads will still be around and most, if not all, of these roads will eventually be built.
I think scotto is engaging in hyperbole when he refers to their view as “progressive”. Not building rail is regressive.
@1 (continued) Or did you mean THIS guy?
“Did Rep. Steve Buyer (R-IN) Lie about Being Active Military?
“The Army Reserve officer who wants to unseat U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer returned to Lafayette on Thursday with evidence allegedly showing that the Monticello Republican is not being truthful about his military status in March… Republican challenger Dennis Hardy read a letter from Buyer to House Speaker Dennis Hastert that Hardy obtained from the March 20 Congressional Record. ‘Dear Mr. Speaker: I have been called to active duty in the United States Army,’ the letter states. ‘Pending further orders, I request immediate indefinite leave of the House of Representatives to accommodate my military duties.’ Hardy, who announced plans Tuesday to challenge Buyer in next spring’s primary, said the letter offers proof that Buyer lied about being called to active duty for the war in Iraq… Hardy said he thinks Buyer lied about his military status in order to burnish his political image and thus position himself to run for the Senate if Indiana’s senior U.S. Sen. Richard Lugar decides to retire.”
Why is it okay for Rush Limbaugh to call Sen. Chuck Hagel “Senator Betrayus” but it’s not okay for to call Bush’s shoeshine boy “General Betray Us?”
Republican = hypocrite
Want to know how Republicans “support” the troops? I’ll tell you:
Eliminate combat pay for soldiers in Iraq
Dump wounded soldiers into moldy, rat-infested hospital barracks
Cut veterans benefits
Lengthen deployments and reduce home leave
Send them to war without proper equipment
Challenge the votes of soldiers deployed to combat zones
Republican = unpatriotic & anti-American troop-haters
@2 Another endorsement like this and I’ll have to go into exile.
@5 Clarence Thomas is not even a Richard Pope, and that’s not saying much.
At least Pope knows a constitutional right when he sees one.
@3 & You want Goldy to have smart, credible people presenting the other side? But, that’s not how talk radio works!
Now only if we can convince the Democrat party of this. Imagine the troops vote actually being counted by liberal voting districts. Hey, we can dream can’t we. roof roof.
Most of the Big Road Builders in pubic office and in the bureaucracy down in Oly are old and nearing retirement. The next generation of political and social leadership contains folks like Cary Moon, David Goldstein, Will Kelley-Kamp and Tacoma city council member Julie Anderson.
I thought the next generation wasn’t big on road build building, but based on their support for prop 1 it looks like the boys still dig it.
Hooray for the girls!
Yay Goldmark!
We really do need to give the boot to Doug Southerland and the idea that the guy is a moderate, he’s anything but.
Btw. Right now if you do a search for Doug Southerland on Wikipedia, Southerland’s name is now where in sight and Goldmark comes up at the top of the list.
@6 Yes, Goldy let’s have an environmentalist-off:
On the no side – Sierra Club, Cascade Bike Club and (Bellingham-based) Conservation NW
On the YES side – Washington Conservation Voters, Washington Environmental Council, Transportation Choices Coalition, Cascade Land Conservancy, Futurewise, Environment Washington, Tahoma Audubon, and the Bike Alliance
I guess the truth has no balance.
@19, You have an excellent point: Sum the membership and the NO side completely dominates.
Umm… Forgot the guys name, but one of the people from Conservation Voters works for a public relations firm that’s doing work for RTID. Total conflict of interest.
Tahoma Audubon is Ron Sims in reverse, they were against it before they were for it. You can’t really call Audubon Pro Prop 1 as they cared about the Cross-Base Highway not getting built.
One of the Head of TCC’s wives will be working selling the bonds used to pay for Prop 1. Another conflict of interest.
Oops. I’m tired that second paragraph should read:
Tahoma Audubon is Ron Sims in reverse, they were against Prop. 1 before they were for it. You can’t really call Audubon Pro Prop 1 as all they cared about was the Cross-Base Highway not getting built.
You are also engaging in vague, unsubstantiated attacks against fellow environmental groups. You really should go to bed before you do any more damage.
You might have a point there…
Except, I think that anyone that’s doing what they’re doing should be called out on it. It would only take a quick peek to verify my comments and if no one verifies them then the claims go nowhere and it’s all on me and I’m OK with that.
Good Night!
@12 Rodent:
By all means, please do! May I pay for your plane fare to Siberia? The world would be a better place without leeches like the likes of you. ‘Nuff said.
Jane Balogh’s dog says:
“Now only if we can convince the Democrat party of this. Imagine the troops vote actually being counted by liberal voting districts. Hey, we can dream can’t we. roof roof.”
We’ve debunked this wingnut talking point numerous times. According to the rules Goldy laid down, you should be banned.
I hope you are banned for good, you fucking flaming asshole.
Hey YLB – The Clueless One – You like to deliver your useless attack against me with Clarence Thomas. Well looking at the attack Anita Hill used on Clarence vs. the multitudinous stack of truths against Billy Boy, I think your moral equivalence is really weak.
Carl: For once you are right. There will NEVER be another Thurgood Marshall. Do you know his history? Were you taught about him in school? Do you know his struggles?
YLB – The Clueless One – Barring some tomfoolery in the DNC, Hilary will win the Donk nomination. Hilary did a flip-flop on torture. So I guess when the bomb is ticking she’ll let it blow up in some blue city an say oh well, Next!
Maybe it’ll be your neighborhood?
Maybe it’ll be your neighborhood?
YLB – The Clueless One – Barring some tomfoolery in the DNC, Hilary will win the Donk nomination. Hilary did a flip-flop on torture. So I guess when the bomb is ticking she’ll let it blow up in some blue city an say oh well, Next!
@16 Why are you posting? Aren’t you in jail for voter registration fraud?
There are two things you can count on Republicans to do: Commit election fraud, and lie about the military’s support for their incompetent warmongering.
Note, for example, the long list of retired high-ranking officers who have gone public with their opinion that the “commander guy” is an idiot.
Note, also, that they retired rather than carry out the idiot’s orders.
And, of course, it goes without saying that all the people (and dogs) who still support the idiot are themselves idiots.
But, needless to say, you can’t expect a dog who registers to vote to be anything but an idiot. Actually, from my perspective as a rabbit, ALL dogs are idiots! They should all be put down! This world doesn’t need any damn dogs, let alone vote-cheating Republican dogs!
You like to deliver your useless attack against me with Clarence Thomas.
I don’t recall doing much comment on Thomas. The guy is practically useless, Scalia’s lapdog. Rarely if ever asks questions when hearing cases. It’s like let’s get this over with so I can do what Nino tells me.
If it’s wingnut he does it – so he’s like you in that regard.
Barring some tomfoolery in the DNC, Hilary will win the Donk nomination.
Gee I hope not but I’d take her over Rudy, Fred or Mitt in a hot NY minute.
Hilary did a flip-flop on torture.
Well fuck me! Yeah I know all about your love for torture. You’re as addicted to 24 like all the other right wing bullshit.
So I guess when the bomb is ticking she’ll let it blow up in some blue city an say oh well, Next!
Yeah that’s what your right wing bullshit tells you and other sheep on your side. I won’t waste time debating that.
It’s not worth my time to de-program you from your right wing cult thinking.
24 is Puddybud’s torture porn. Better than viagra to him.
Puddy says:
“Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa haaaa haaaa haaa haaa haaa”
Another fine example of his fact-filled, intelligent, and “right-thinking” posts.
It speaks for itself, of course, but we’re the idiots.
Sure, Clarence Thomas isn’t Thurgood Marshall. He’s not a racist like Marshall.
Hmmm, I notice none of the lefty lapdogs have responded to Ron Sims coming out against Prop 1.
right wing idiot lapdog whose brain is the pimple on his ass that bought him a deferment @ 41
I’m voting no on it. I’m in agreement with Simms.
RR I found it just as amazing as you did. I thought somebody copped your handle for a minute. That vacation must have given you some well deserved rest.
I suggest you take two aspirin filled carrots, and scurry off to bed, grab your icebag (not your wife…) and it will be all better in the morning.
We can then agree to disagree on something else.
Like that stupid Cigar tax! Which by the way has been a huge boon for cigar sellers, since everyone filled their humidors to the max.
Chadt the moe-ron@39:
You forgot the poignant comment before the laughter:
Yes YLB – The Clueless One calls Hilary a future “Republican” president.
With her stated positions?
chadt now batting .99473 and climbing! Keep up the good work.
I would really like to read your response to Ron Sims that you mentioned Sunday night. Is it up yet?