Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on News/Talk 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Stranger Hour with Josh
The Stranger’s Josh Feit joins me for our weekly round up of the week’s news, and a look ahead to coming headlines. Tonight’s topics include dead bikers, teen prostitutes, get-out-of-jail-free johns, and the education of Jane Hague.
8PM: Are you your (adult) child’s keeper?
Alan and Stephne Roos didn’t just loose their 24-year-old son Thomas to a drug dealing conviction, they lost their two cars as well, seized by police as a drug forfeiture. A three judge panel upheld the conviction this week, chastising the parents for not keeping a closer eye on their son. Their attorney, Peter Mazzone joins us at the top of the hour.
9PM: Regional blog roundup with Jim and TJ
TJ from Loaded Orygun and Jim from McCranium join us for our monthly regional blogger roundup. Windmills in WA, candidates tilting at windmills in OR, and other news of the day.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
the parents lost their cars? why? the “kid” is 24 for cripes sake! he is not a “kid”…he is an adult.
this is just another reason why the “war” on drugs is a failure and needs to go away. all the rationalization about weed not having any ‘medical’ uses ad nauseum are stupid. name one ‘medical’ use for whiskey…..i dare anyone.
the more you use prohibition the less it works. here in humboldt county…the weed capitol of the US……weed isn’t a problem. oh, the feds keep announcing the weed plants they pull…so what?
i wish they would announce the meth labs they have shut down.but they don’t because they don’t shut them down. now there’s a problem and meth isn’t really a drug is it? it’s just a poison. anything that does damage every time you take it is a poison i think.
Careful Ghost, someone might mistake you for being (gasp!) progressive on drug policy!!!
Your right wing friends might dump you!
Good grief, the ghost and I can agree on something!
You know, some parents just keep believing what their kids spiel out because the parents NEED to believe that family loyalty still exists. Last month my sister came up from another state to repossess the $24K-remaining car her kid stopped making payments on, 3 days shy of the repo man. (Even helped the kid move clear out to the boonies, probable intent to avoid the repo man. Not realizing that it was Momma Herself coming up for a surprise visit to do the repo-ing herself, in order to minimize the damage to her own credit.) Took a few days to yank the car and head it out of state, where Sis then sold it to someone responsible, who will make the remaining payments via automatic payroll deductions. Otherwise, the repo sells the car to whomever for whatever pittance, leaving Sis paying the full amount. The car company is being very helpful, they prefer not to have to bother with the repo mess themselves.
I’ve been telling Sis for YEARS to let the kid (28 yr old) grow up!!! Turned out the car wasn’t a co-sign situation, doing the internet it was ALL on my sister’s credit. Also used Sis’ identity for some other stuff, fraud actually. Sis is feeling demolished trust wise, considering to turn her own kid in to the authorities.
Sad, but I think people keep thinking/saying “You weren’t raised like THIS!” What I don’t think the kid can ever conceive of, for the future, is that loss of trust – THAT was worth more than money. Sis was RIGHT, we weren’t raised like that. But sometimes the youngsters feel entitled and the internet makes fraud easier. So. Sad. Really.
Failed to launch big time!!!!
I don’t think that the parents necessarily should lose their property, however, when you enable your adult children in their bad behavior, there is a price to pay.
Hey ASSIE Voice: Why not discuss nukular material in Syria:
Or ASSIE Voice: why not discuss the demonstration of impotence : John Kerry in action (or inaction)
Or ASSIE Voice how Jack Murtha is a money grubbing, earmark loving, Marines hating fool!
Or ASSIE Voice why not discuss another liberal police department in action:
Or ASSIE Voice: Why not discuss the Oops… by the NY Times.
Of course we all know who chose not to vote right? MS Cantvotewell
OR ASSIE Voice: Why not discuss the shenanigans of Charles Rangel.
ASSIE Voice: Why not discuss a woman who thinks like you and would make you a “good” mate:
and catch more here
213 I see that one of Puddy’s heroes is the guy who chose to publish Valery Plame’s name. Of course, Puddy the Pretend Christian will be very familiar with Bob “The Prince Of Darkness” Novak. Both come from the same slime pool.
chadt: Where have I written Robert Novak is my hero?
Time and Date?
Keep looking creep!
chadt@14: I realize processing real facts make your one cell mind tired.
Where is the hue and cry for a special prosecutor for Hsu case?
Puddybud @ 16
“chadt: Where have I written Robert Novak is my hero?”
Ya know, Pudster, I think Chadt was feeding some of your own bullshit back at you. You are the biggest abuser of the “your hero” rhetorical device. Here are some quotes from your comments in 2007:
But…it is encouraging to see that you have grown up a bit and now reject that device.
Just between you and me…that’s the kind of rhetoric that (used to—hopefully) make(s) your comments sound very childish.
“the more you use prohibition the less it works.”
I agree. So, let’s end the prohibition on automatic weapons. We should also end the prohibition on handguns for law abiding citizens in Washington DC.
“the parents lost their cars? why? the “kid” is 24 for cripes sake! he is not a “kid”…he is an adult.”
Would you say the same to the gun owner, who let his/her 24 year old adult son, who had been arrested several times for armed burglary and robbery, their .38 special revolver. That son later used the weapon in the commission of a crime? According to your logic, the weapon goes back to the owner/parent, correct?
IAFF fireman………sorry, but your argument is specious at best. if you loan or give a GUN to anyone [especially if that ‘anyone ‘ is a criminal] then you are committing a crime yourself. it’s completely different than someone doing something and you getting punished just because you are related to them. if the kid was a minor, maybe, just maybe, the parents should have to take the blame……but only in the case of an actual crime. we are talking about weed here…..get real.
and broadway joe…… you and i probably agree on alot more than we disagree on. you might be surprised. why not ask? an interesting discussion would be refreshing……..
and ylb….you are such a bore. sheesh…….everything you say and do would come out of a fourth grader’s mouth. once again….do you think for yourself…ever?
i don’t run my life or think what i think as if i were in a popularity contest….and anyone that does is not only a fool ,but really doesn’t have any beliefs of their own. does this sound familiar to you? it should.
and ….IAFF Fireman says:
“the more you use prohibition the less it works.”
I agree. So, let’s end the prohibition on automatic weapons. We should also end the prohibition on handguns for law abiding citizens in Washington DC.
okay….we should. because right now all the thugs do have these guns. i am not worried about law abiding citizens having them…why you are is the real question.
are you a big fan of nanny state-itis?
“it’s completely different than someone doing something and you getting punished just because you are related to them.”
Actually, a crime was committed in the vehicles.
From that article
“Thomas Roos was found passed out in a carwash parking lot in Lynnwood in the Nissan with $21,406 in cash, methamphetamine, prescription painkillers and a ledger of drug sales.”
“Nonetheless, Roos was arrested twice more over the next two months, passed out at the wheel and carrying large quantities of drugs, once in the Nissan, once in the Chevelle.”
Now, again, how is meth JUST weed?
Speaking of which
“we are talking about weed here…..get real.”
Whether or not you agree with the law or not, weed is still illegal. Work within the system to get it legalized. Until it is though, you are still bound to obey the same laws that everyone else is.
“sorry, but your argument is specious at best.”
You may think so, but according to the CDC, automobile related deaths out number the firearm related deaths in the US.
I have seen, over an 8 year career as a firefighter in both a large metropolitan Fire Department and a small rural fire department easily 100:1 injuries related to driving an automobile to gun related. So, the argument that a Meth head kid behind the wheel of a vehicle, that his/her parents let him/her borrow is somehow less dangerous than the gun scenario, is in a word… Ludicrous.
Chadt: I’ll ask again, where did I say Robert Novak is my hero?
Good try though!
Chadt: I use Novak and others to expose Moonbat! behaviour.
From your definition YLB/Clueless’ hero is Daily Kos. Well this may be true.
Darryl: I am sooooooo glad you too think Robert Novak is my hero.
I want you to determine where I wrote: “Robert Novak is my hero”
Keep looking all through the ASSWipe Archives.
We all know George Soros’ is yours.
“I am sooooooo glad you too think Robert Novak is my hero.”
I have no fucking idea who is or is not your hero, you fucking dolt. And I don’t give a bloody shit, either.
@25 & 26
You’re SO cute when you shriek like that! Do it some more, please.
Puddy, I’ll be happy to make a donation to MOVEON.ORG in your name, if you’d like.
I certainly was thinking of you when I made the last one…
Chadt: Shrieking: That’s when you use capitals. You’re not worth capitals.
Darryl: You posted my worthy commentary as a “rhetorical device? Now you make another inane comment in #28 to cover your tracks?
Stupid, very stupid! Keep up the great work.
“You posted my worthy commentary as a “rhetorical device? Now you make another inane comment in #28 to cover your tracks?”
What the fuck are you babbling about? Your comment in 32 is a non-sequitur that suggests you don’t know what the phrase “rhetorical device” means.
Gwad…you are a moron.
As I understand it, this was the kid’s fourth arrest in his parents’ cars. Somewhere, ya gotta draw the line and recognize that the parents were enabling the kid’s bad behavior. Should they lose their cars? Maybe not but clearly they were giving the kid the 3000-lb. weapons to cause trouble and kill people with.
That had to be stopped. Maybe this is an excellent wakeup call for the folks. They have some level of responsibilty, just by not cutting the kid off.
Well, Puddy, you know how much we value your commentary here. All of us.
Darryl: My “your hero” commentary can’t be used as a literary effect because it’s all truths you fool!
Since you are such a genius, tell me what above is untrue?
Literary effect? Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
I’ll say it again. It was worthy commentary! Waaaa haaaa haaaa haaaa
Puddy @ 26
Literary effect? What the fuck? Did you look up “rhetorical device” and come up with literary effect as a synonymy? All that does is make it apparent that you are COMPLETELY clueless about what I was saying in 19. You don’t have a fucking clue what I was getting at, so you come back with some bullshit prattle.
Puddy…here is some helpful life advice for you. If you don’t know what you are talking about…KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT.
Now…go ask somebody smarter than you to explain my comment at 19 to you, then study it, think about it, and try to master the concepts before you attempt another response.
Pretty please?
IAFF……………… two of my sons are firefighters, so yeah, i do know that most of what they do is scrape drunks and their victims off the road. my youngest risked his life to haul a drunk up a cliff after he drove his car off it….DRUNK.
since i am not in washington, i was just going on what the author [on here] said was in the car. i thought the kid got arrested for weed. silly me, listening to a stupid liberal.
i will have to agree with you on this one then. the parents kept loaning the kid their car and so they got what they deserved. hey, i just fired an employee for showing up at work stoned …repeatedly. he was warned. i don’t care if he smokes weed at night but at work…no way. i would feel the same way if he were drinking. no difference. my point to you is that most people who do smoke weed aren’t going anywhere after they do…unlike drunks. what do you think?