Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
It’s Yearly Kos-apalooza tonight, with a host of hacks, flaks and would be elected officials calling in from the big progressive blogger convention in Chicago, including The Stranger’s Eli Sanders, blogger and Crosscut editor Dave Neiwert, WA-08 CD candidate Darcy Burner, Oregon US Senate candidate Steve Novick, Idaho US Senate candidate Larry LaRocco, blogger/author/activist David Sirota, blogger/radio host James Boyce, and more!
Nazis and KKK’ers all.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Why don’t you talk about Stefan Sharansky’s expertise in election fraud. Remember Stefan? He’s the guy who lasted 1/2 day as a King County pollworker. He threw a fit and walked off the job after the Inspector in his polling place told him it wasn’t he job to decide who can vote and who can’t. Never mind that no one appointed Sharansky to the King County Canvassing Board; he decided to appoint himself as a one-man canvassing board! Sharansky is a gigolo who can’t hold a job and is supported by his corporate lawyer wife because:
1. He is unable to follow simple instructions;
2. He is not amenable to supervision;
3. He does not respect authority;
4. He is unreliable.
Having gone through pollworker training, Stefan of course knows that elections are very complex. King County, for example, has a 150-page pollworker manual. Pollworkers get only 4 hours of training, and only a couple days a year of job experience. It stands to reason that, under these circumstances, King County’s 4,000 pollworkers might make a mistake now and then.
But Sharansky can’t tell the difference between a mistake and fraud.
And this guy wants the public to believe he’s some kind of “expert” in election fraud? I say he’s a bullshitter. Since you’re going to talk about blogs tonight, Goldy, why don’t you talk about the biggest bullshit blog around here?
Ooo… I didn’t realize there was an Idaho senate race this year. The R’s are going to have to spend big bucks (that they’re running low on) to hold on to that one.
I see the Republicans are behaving like children again. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c om/html/nationworld/2003821171 _cong04.html
And I see the leftwing media’s bias is showing again:
“Democratic presidential candidates pay homage to liberal bloggers
“The Associated Press
“CHICAGO — … Democratic presidential candidates … fielded questions from a crowd of 1,500 bloggers, most of them liberal. The gathering marked another advancement for the rising new wing of the Democratic Party, the so-called netroots. … Plunging headlong into the Internet era, all seven candidates fought for the support of the powerful and polarizing liberal blogosphere …”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ers04.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If AP thinks liberal bloggers are “polarizing,” what the hell do they call wingers who say Supreme Court Justices should be assassinated, etc.?
IG Report Says Generals Illegally Endorsed Religious Group
“On Friday, … the Inspector General’s office of the Department of Defense released a report concluding that a former Pentagon chaplain and several generals inappropriately loaned the prestige of their positions — and that of the Pentagon and the U.S. government — to make a fundraising film for a non-governmental evangelical group … affiliated with … Campus Crusade for Christ.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see,00.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can bet the Commander In Thief will go easy on them. After all, anyone can make an honest mistake! Even “the commander guy” doesn’t understand the First Amendment separation clause. That stuff is too complicated for presidents and generals.
Thank You For Shopping At Mao-Mart!
Ever wonder what the Chinese are doing with the money we give them for tainted food and dangerous toys? They’re buying weapons to attack Taiwan with, that’s what.
That’s not all they’re buying with our money:
“During the Taiwan Strait crisis of 1995-96, America could be reasonably sure that, even if war did break out …, it could cope with any threat from China’s nuclear arsenal. China’s handful of strategic missiles capable of hitting mainland America were based in silos, whose positions the Americans most probably knew. Launch preparations would take so long that the Americans would have plenty of time to knock them out. China has been working hard to remedy this. It is deploying six road-mobile, solid-fuelled (which means quick to launch) intercontinental DF-31s …”
If you look at the map in the article, you’ll see that the nuclear-tipped DF 31’s maximum range barely knicks one corner of the continental U.S., and only one major city outside of Alaska is within the missile’s range: Seattle.
SCHIP – Another Job killing (hundreds of thousands of jobs) Tax Hike.
This will make the Luxury Boat tax (which had to be rescinded after killing the industry) look like child’s play.
Glad I moved to Reno…….
@8 Republicans hate kids.
Berferd at 11:
Why don’t you catch the cute bunny and do it yourself?
Be veeeewy veeeewy careful, the wascallwy wabbit is armed and itching to reduce the number of conservative assholes.
You are making a perfect target.
Roger Rabbit says:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If AP thinks liberal bloggers are “polarizing,” what the hell do they call wingers who say Supreme Court Justices should be assassinated, etc.?
Polarizing is an understatement. That’s actually being kind to the crazies on the left. More like arrogant, obnoxious, and boiling with hate. People like, well….YOU
Roger Rabbit says:
IG Report Says Generals Illegally Endorsed Religious Group
“On Friday, … the Inspector General’s office of the Department of Defense released a report concluding that a former Pentagon chaplain and several generals inappropriately loaned the prestige of their positions — and that of the Pentagon and the U.S. government — to make a fundraising film for a non-governmental evangelical group … affiliated with … Campus Crusade for Christ.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see n/article/0,8599,1649845, ml
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You can bet the Commander In Thief will go easy on them. After all, anyone can make an honest mistake! Even “the commander guy” doesn’t understand the First Amendment separation clause. That stuff is too complicated for presidents and generals.
Why don’t you just come out and admit that you would love to see any and all outward expressions of the Christian faith banned! At least you would be honest for once. Come on….show some intellectual honesty.
Well Mark the traitor – I know you were asking this of RR but I’ll gladly do it. All you bible-thumpin, child molesting, chickenhawk, money-grubbing, self-appointed, self-important, weak motherfuckers who NEEEEEED to go to church to ask God to forgive you for dreaming about little boy’s assholes are worthless pieces of shit – and your religion is worthless too.
When a “Christian” businessman approaches me, I know that means I need to hold on TIGHTLY to my wallet and expect I’ll have to go to court to get paid.
Religion has brought us the likes of Jerry Falwell with his bullshit about President Clinton killing Vince Foster. Religion has brought us crooks like Jim Bakker who bilked hundreds of thousands of dollars out of old people. Religion has brought us hypocrites like Jimmy Swaggart. I could go on but you get the point.
Religion is usually at the root of most wars. And as we’ve seen with the Catholics lately, at the root of most child molestors. Who needs that shit?
FISA legislation passed. House approves wiretap measure, surrenders to the white house
277 to 183 vote to change the wiretap laws to what the lame duck president wanted.
Damn, this democrat controlled congress is bending over backwards to make bush and the publicans look good while alienating it’s base. Still in the war, increase in troop numbers (the surge), passing more laws to wiretap, bush still not impeached.
Any proud democrats want to explain why your democrat leaders aren’t doing what you want? Do you feel taken advantage of by the democrats?
POOR persecuted Mark. All those nasty people on HA criticizing his Holy Religion. He’s a buddy of Jesus, and we just don’t seem impressed.
He’s obviously an accomplished intellectual and superior to everyone else here, and we just are too dim to get it.
We need to recognize the obvious superiority of his fine religion and, of course, Mark himself.
PuffyButtPretendingToBeBlackSays says:
Well Mark the traitor – I know you were asking this of RR but I’ll gladly do it. All you bible-thumpin, child molesting, chickenhawk, money-grubbing, self-appointed, self-important, weak motherfuckers who NEEEEEED to go to church to ask God to forgive you for dreaming about little boy’s assholes are worthless pieces of shit – and your religion is worthless too.
When a “Christian” businessman approaches me, I know that means I need to hold on TIGHTLY to my wallet and expect I’ll have to go to court to get paid.
Religion has brought us the likes of Jerry Falwell with his bullshit about President Clinton killing Vince Foster. Religion has brought us crooks like Jim Bakker who bilked hundreds of thousands of dollars out of old people. Religion has brought us hypocrites like Jimmy Swaggart. I could go on but you get the point.
Religion is usually at the root of most wars. And as we’ve seen with the Catholics lately, at the root of most child molestors. Who needs that shit?
Thank you for once again confirming and displaying the level of tolerance and respect that the far left is so famous for. You have proved my point for me. THANK YOU!! I’ll wear your attack as a badge of honor.
Mark says:
Roger Rabbit says:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If AP thinks liberal bloggers are “polarizing,” what the hell do they call wingers who say Supreme Court Justices should be assassinated, etc.?
Polarizing is an understatement. That’s actually being kind to the crazies on the left. More like arrogant, obnoxious, and boiling with hate. People like, well….YOU
Amended post: The last sentence should have read….”People like, well, YOU…..and PuffyButtPretendingToBeBlack and ChadT
PuffyButtPretendingToBeBlackSays says:
Well Mark the traitor
It was a given that you would attack anyone of the Christian faith, that is after all what you do….what is perplexing is your accusation of treason. Please enlighten…..this should be good.
Well, Mark, you’re already enlightened, why do you need us?
What you need to do is find a good dominatrix (or dominator, depending on your particular sexual preferences) to enable you to be better martyred.
Why else would you come here, to a liberal blog, to stir people up and invite retaliatory commentary. You must need to stir up shit for some reason, and I doubt that it comes from Christian love.
In that regard, you’re certainly an outstanding hypocrite.
Everybody needs to be good at SOMETHING.
Mark the Pyschopath, in another thread here, says:
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate.”
Just here to annoy and fulfill his own weird need for attention, and promote Christian hypocrisy. He’ll be happy to tell you he is just emulating Jesus Christ.
Note any simila
Mark the Pyschopath, in another thread here, says:
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate.”
Just here to annoy and fulfill his own weird need for attention, and promote Christian hypocrisy. He’ll be happy to tell you he is just emulating Jesus Christ.
Note any similarities with Puddy, Keeper of The Sapphire Throne ?
Forgive the (sort of) double post. I have no idea….
#22 chadt says:
I’m not Mark, this is the last time I’m going to tell you. If you’re too dense to get it, blame the sperm donor and your mother.
I get it, if you repeat the lie enough times the mindless (and headless) will believe it.
Add this to the list…
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, proof the left isn’t capable of learning”
#24 chadt says:
Mark this date down, August 5, 2007 12:02. I agree with Chadt.
Sorry, cheap shot.
You’re NOT Mark???
I am SO sorry.
Surely you can understand my confusion.
@11 Because it’s more fund to plant a well-aimed rabbit foot in your smelly crotch.
@11 (continued) Got any more stupid questions?
@12 Hey beergut, ever wonder about what happens when you pick up a rabbit by his ears? You get a brand-new belly button, that’s what! Look out for Bunny’s powerful hind legs with razor sharp claws!
@11 (continued) So, if you would like to make an appointment, come to my burrow at 9 PM tonight. Directions: Go to Green Lake Park, look for the big tree, and pace off 7 steps to the left. You should see a little hole under a big root. No need to knock; just stick your arm in the hole and feel around for my soft, pink, furry ears! Please bring a gun, so I can claim self-defense.
@31 The Rapture is too fucking slow! By the time it gets here, I’ll be a fossil. I’ve decided I’m gonna have to do this job myself.
It sure would be nice if the Rapture would come! 144,000 Republicans gone in a flash-bang! It’s the next best thing to a nuclear weapon.
@13 Since when is a rabbit a “people”? You humans are funny. You hunt rabbits with guns, and then accuse a rabbit of “hate”? Weird …
@14 “Why don’t you just come out and admit that you would love to see any and all outward expressions of the Christian faith banned! At least you would be honest for once. Come on….show some intellectual honesty.”
I’m so sure of my Christian faith that I believe my religion can compete with Islam, Buddhism, or any other religion on a level playing field and doesn’t need government sponsorship to win converts.
N.B., flinging out the phrase “intellectual honesty” appears to be the current trick of the one-trick-pony crowd.
@15 I think we should build more churches for wingnuts to go to. They need all the saving they can get.
I don’t need to go to a human-built church to communicate with the Divine Being. My cathedral is the magnificent natural universe created by the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit! I think of Her every time I cast upon Her magnificant creation. You know what I mean … the creation that wingnuts are messing up with smokestacks and clearcuts.
cast my eyes upon
@16 Congress only authorized spying on foreigners, so Bush’s warrantless eavesdropping on millions of domestic phone calls and emails is still illegal, and still an impeachable offense and a prosecutable felony.
@17 Are you referring to the Jesus guy who said, “It’s easier to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into Heaven,” and who up-ended the usurers’ tables in the temple, and who loved children? Republicans don’t practice THAT religion.
Republicans love money and cut health care for poor kids while saying what a great guy Jesus was and pretending to be Christians.
@18 Why should we tolerate people who misuse religion to justify wars and facilitate stealing?
@19 Just can’t stand the fact that I talk like a Republican, can you?
Of course, I do that satirically, and only so they can hear what THEY sound like, in hopes it will prompt wingnuts to take a good look at themselves and then change THEIR behavior. But that’s too deep to penetrate their thick skulls.
@28 fun not fund
“Fund” is where you send your money to help me live like a Republican. Specifically, the Help Roger Rabbit Live Like A Republican Fund! Call today! 1-900-GIV2-ROG.
And, my apologies to Shirely, too.
Ah, well.
Considering that Mark managed to be posting on the subject of the Generals using their military positions to promote one sect of Christianity on Sunday morning, I have to wonder why he wasn’t in church.
Sorry to respond so late, but I was in church this morning.
To answer the comment “Why don’t you just come out and admit that you would love to see any and all outward expressions of the Christian faith banned! At least you would be honest for once. Come on….show some intellectual honesty.” I would state that your premise doesn’t apply to most liberals, although a few certainly would be in favor of such a ban.
We’ve got our version of wingnuts, too, and while we don’t put them in charge, the way you Republicans have done with yours, that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.
Most liberals believe in the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of Religion (which includes freedom from religion if people so choose).
You may display your Christian faith pretty much however you want, as long as you do it on your own property or the property of an organization that allows it. The government cannot be officially for or against it, so overt religious displays on public property are inappropriate.
After all, that public property is owned by all of us, including Atheists. Since we don’t allow the Atheists to put up big signs on public property declaring that there is no God, we Christians cannot put up creches saying that there is.
As to banning outward expressions of Christian faith, I ask you who is trying to keep you from feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, comforting the dying, sheltering the homeless, visiting those in prison or clothing the naked?
After all, these are the things that we, as Christians, have been told by our Saviour and by the prophets and disciples that are the outward expressions of Christian faith. I cannot find a single verse that speaks of Christmas trees, creches or other public displays. I do, however, remember a prohibition against physical or artistic representation of divine things.
Oh, and a bit of history. Some of the strongest proponents of the “wall of separation between church and state” were the Christian denominations.
They had just seen, often first-hand, what happens when government and religion get mixed, and wanted the protection from government.
chadt says:
Mark the Pyschopath, in another thread here, says:
“That’s nice of you to give me what I want, the left spewing hate.”
Just here to annoy and fulfill his own weird need for attention, and promote Christian hypocrisy. He’ll be happy to tell you he is just emulating Jesus Christ.
Note any simila
I would gladly own up to any statement I have made on here or anywhere else, but you must be referring to another Mark. Those are not my words that you are attributing to me.
John Barelli says:
Considering that Mark managed to be posting on the subject of the Generals using their military positions to promote one sect of Christianity on Sunday morning, I have to wonder why he wasn’t in church.
Sorry to respond so late, but I was in church this morning.
And your point is? Not that it matters, but I attend the 1130 AM service and I live 5 minutes away from our church. Nice to know you go out of your way to point out you were in church, which means nothing by the way. What matters is what’s in your heart?
John Barelli says:
Considering that Mark managed to be posting on the subject of the Generals using their military positions to promote one sect of Christianity on Sunday morning, I have to wonder why he wasn’t in church.
Sorry to respond so late, but I was in church this morning.
To answer the comment “Why don’t you just come out and admit that you would love to see any and all outward expressions of the Christian faith banned! At least you would be honest for once. Come on….show some intellectual honesty.” I would state that your premise doesn’t apply to most liberals, although a few certainly would be in favor of such a ban.
We’ve got our version of wingnuts, too, and while we don’t put them in charge, the way you Republicans have done with yours, that doesn’t mean that they don’t exist.
Most liberals believe in the Constitutional guarantee of Freedom of Religion (which includes freedom from religion if people so choose).
You may display your Christian faith pretty much however you want, as long as you do it on your own property or the property of an organization that allows it. The government cannot be officially for or against it, so overt religious displays on public property are inappropriate.
After all, that public property is owned by all of us, including Atheists. Since we don’t allow the Atheists to put up big signs on public property declaring that there is no God, we Christians cannot put up creches saying that there is.
As to banning outward expressions of Christian faith, I ask you who is trying to keep you from feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, comforting the dying, sheltering the homeless, visiting those in prison or clothing the naked?
After all, these are the things that we, as Christians, have been told by our Saviour and by the prophets and disciples that are the outward expressions of Christian faith. I cannot find a single verse that speaks of Christmas trees, creches or other public displays. I do, however, remember a prohibition against physical or artistic representation of divine things.
“Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.”
Oh, and a bit of history. Some of the strongest proponents of the “wall of separation between church and state” were the Christian denominations.
They had just seen, often first-hand, what happens when government and religion get mixed, and wanted the protection from government.
John, I think you would find that we are in agreement much more than you might think. I wholeheartedly agree that we should be feeding the hungry, praying for the sick and the lost, visiting orphans and widows in their afffliction, and preaching the Gospel to the ends of the earth like Jesus says to do. Believe me, I don’t always agree with what the Christian Coalition and other Christian organizations do poltically. I am as pro life as they get and I am 100% opposed to homosexual marriage just like they are, my biggest beef is they focus almost exclusively on these issues, to the detriment of others like I mentioned above. WhileI might not agree with your interpretation of the so called “separation of church and state”, we probably agree on a lot more than you have been led to believe.
And by the way, say what you want about Jerry Falwell, James Dobson, etc. The person that makes me want to throw up is the so called “Reverend” Barry Lynn of Americans United (a false assumption if there ever was one) for the Separation of Church and State, who will stop at nothing to try and erase the very thing that gave him the title of “Reverend”. I’d like to know when was the last time he gave a church sermon and how many people he led to Christ. What a total joker. Whenever I think of him, I think of someone claiming to be a Jewish Nazi. Two totally opposite and contradictory things.
Mark wrote:
Good. These are issues that folks on the left and right should be able to agree on. We spend way too much time arguing about issues that make both sides look absurd, such as boycots against stores that say “happy holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”, and (on my side of the aisle) lawsuits about Christmas trees on city property.
(In any case, the “Christmas tree” is a pagan tradition, having little to do with Jesus, who was probably born in late Spring, in an area not known for fir trees.)
Ok, we can agree to disagree here, realizing that, as important as we may both believe these issues are, they are not the center of our faith. We could have an interesting and enlightening discussion on these matters from a Biblical standing, but a non-religious political blog is not an appropriate venue for that.
There’s some interesting history behind that “separation” doctrine. The early colonists had first-hand experience with what happens when government endorses a particular denomination, and when one particular faith becomes a path towards secular power.
There is a very interesting article on the website of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty (BJC). The BJC is comprised of various Baptist denominations representing the majority of Baptists in the United States (about ten million).
While this is from the Baptists, my own denomination (United Methodist) views the matter much the same way.
As to your opinion of Rev. Lynn, I’m not sure exactly where your vehemence comes from. His views seem no more “extreme” than those of the BJC, or his denomination, the United Church of Christ (or the Presbyterians, Lutherans or the United Methodists, for that matter). Essentially, the majority of Christian denominations in the US support his view of the separation doctrine.
This is one reason that the statements of Rev Falwell and his compatriots were so disliked by many Christians. Those folks claimed (and still claim) to speak for us, and they do not.
Back to Rev. Lynn. Many ordained ministers have callings that are not in a pulpit. How many has he saved? I have no idea, but perhaps a few folks were open to the idea because they saw a Christian that strongly supported religious freedom.
Remember, please, that you were the one that insisted that you knew our real intent. Perhaps you have made assumptions about the “real intent” of Americans United that are equally untrue.
Perhaps they just mean exactly what they say, no more and no less.
@19 You didn’t answer the question. What do you think of the right-wing haters who call for assassination of Supreme Court justices, executing liberals, etc.? Is that “polarizing,” or do you think that’s okay? If you think it’s not okay, why do you criticize liberals for hate speech, but don’t criticize the rightwing hate-talkers we’re responding to? Are you a hypocrite? A partisan toady? An apologist for psychopaths?
Mark the traitor – let me see – you claim to be a Bible thumper – yet you were ACTING like you’d be willing to fight me. Is that more of your Christian compassion on display? LOL!!!! HE HE HE!
All you have to know about Christianity is that Puffybutt and Mark The Traitor claim to be Christians. Nuff Said.
PuffyButtPretendingToBeBlackSays says:
Mark the traitor – let me see – you claim to be a Bible thumper – yet you were ACTING like you’d be willing to fight me. Is that more of your Christian compassion on display? LOL!!!! HE HE HE!
All you have to know about Christianity is that Puffybutt and Mark The Traitor claim to be Christians. Nuff Said.
Traitor??? I’ve been called many things in here, but I’ve got to hand it to you…..THAT is sure original. Exactly how am I a traitor? This should be interesting, or at least good enough for a late night laugh.
I have no idea what you are referring to. If you can cite for me word for word who and what was said, I’ll gladly comment. And PLEASE make sure its an exact quote, not a bastardized 3rd hand representation of what someone supposedly said. And cite your source.
Until you provide this as I have asked, I will withhold comment.