Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Open lines with Rep. Adam Smith
Congressman Adam Smith represents Washington’s 9th Congressional District, and he’ll be joining me for the hour to take your calls. This week he demanded that “We must change course in Iraq to protect our country.” This is your chance to give him your support or a piece of your mind on this and other pressing issues.
8PM: Politics and Music
Tom Morello, best known as the guitarist for Rage Against the Machine and Audioslave, is playing his acoustic protest songs as The Night Watchman, July 18th at Seattle’s Crocodile Cafe. I had a chance to interview him earlier this week about the intersection between politics and music. We’ll play the tape, and then come back in the second half of the hour to continue the conversation with Howie Klein, a former president of Reprise Records, who is now one of the nation’s leading progressive bloggers. (Down With Tyranny and Firedoglake.)
9PM: Um… is the right crazy?
Are they nuts? You know, stuff like this, and especially, this. I mean, really.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
All you Frank Shiers fans, watch out! I’ll be filling in for Frank Monday and Tuesday from 9PM to 1AM. And all you Allan Prell fans, tune in! He’ll be my guest in the 9PM hour on Tuesday night.
Hey Redneck! Pay Goldy the $100 you owe him, you welshing sidewinder! P.S., how do you like this ICE AGE we’re having? HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR
Saddam Hussein named his elite military forces the
[ ] 1. Republican Guard
[ ] 2. Democratic Guard
[ ] 3. Libertarian Guard
[ ] 4. Whig Guard
[ ] 5. Green Guard
David- YOU ARE FULL OF HORSESASS (Sorry I couldn’t resist) on your statement about 20 minutes ago where you stated you are the only Liberal talk show from Seattle- That is total BS and Im calling you on it and I think your going to be to chicken shit to say you were wrong on the air- You are not the only Liberal talk show from Seattle- Dave Ross and Ron Reagan are Liberal so sorry YOU ARE 100% WRONG HERE!
Richard Halvorson
With the Iraq debate heating up again, wingnuts are attempting to downplay the American casualties by circulating an e-mail that claims more soldiers died under Clinton.
First of all, the claim is FALSE. Total service deaths in Bush’s first six years exceed those of Clinton’s eight years. Comparing Clinton’s first term to Bush’s first term, 5,187 died under Bush compared to 4,302 under Clinton.
Second, the wingnut noise machine is gaming the numbers by comparing total deaths under Clinton with combat deaths under Bush to get a favorable comparison. During Clinton’s two terms, only 59 Americans died in combat, despite several foreign interventions; and Clinton stopped a genocide in Kosovo and toppled a brutal dictator without a single American combat fatality.
Third, while criticizing Clinton for approximately 7,500 service deaths during his time in office, the wingnut propagandists conveniently fail to mention that U.S. military deaths topped 17,000 during the presidency of their favorite icon, Saint Ronnie.
Here are some reasons while total military deaths might have decreased since Clinton’s time:
1. The military is smaller now. This is the main factor in total deaths. The death RATE per 1,000 active duty personnel is not lower now.
2. Accidental deaths were higher in the ’80s and ’90s because there were more training exercises then.
3. Medical treatment has improved, resulting in personnel surviving illnesses and injuries that would have claimed lives at the earlier time.
But the really big problem with this latest piece of bombast from the rightwing spew machine is that it trivializes American deaths in Iraq. It says, in effect, so what if 100 Americans a month are dying in Iraq? Soldiers died when Clinton was president, so that makes it okay. Try telling that to the dead, and to the families of the dead.
BTW, if your family loses a loved one in Iraq, the wingers will “support” you only if you subscribe to their rightwing politics. If you don’t, they’ll hate you the same as they hate everyone who disagrees with them. Just ask Cindy Sheehan how little respect rightwingers have for relatives of dead soldiers who believe the wingers’ warmongering is morally wrong and bad policy for our country.
To a rightwinger, a soldier’s death is important only insofar as it advances their political agenda.
Wingnuts lied about Jessica Lynch’s rescue. They lied about Pat Tillman’s death. Then Bush invoked executive privilege to avoid answering questions about the lies his administration told about Tillman’s death.
“225 different people in the Ronald Reagan administration have either quit, been fired, been arrested, indicted, or convicted of either breaking the law or violating the Ethics Code; Edwin Meese alone, the Attorney General, has been investigated by three separate Special Prosecutors.”
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
And what’s better, is that the rightie traitor keeps pointing out that this is true. Thanks MTR. Please keep proving my point for me.
Monday two PUBLICAN Senators are going to offer legislation to pull out our troops. Will you inbred, ass-licking, bible-thumpin, redneck cowards on the right start calling them traitors too?
Are you going to sing their praises?
Monday two PUBLICAN Senators are going to offer legislation to pull out our troops. Will you inbred, ass-licking, bible-thumpin, redneck cowards on the right start calling them traitors too?
Hell no! We are not traitors.
@11 Yes. What’s bad about saving the lives of our troops? What’s good about sacrificing their lives in vain?
Pellethead: Goldy banned me. One post gets thru every two or three days.
Noble goals, indeed. Sacrificing their lives in vain? I guess that’s a matter of interpretation. As someone who, I believe, said that they were in Vietnam, I’m sure you understand the ramifications of unilaterally withdrawing US troops? Do you remember that hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of Vietnamese lost their lives when the US pulled out of Vietnam? Their only crime was in trusting the United States. How many would die this time, for the same thing? You can argue all you want about woulda/coulda/shoulda when it comes to whether we should have gone to Iraq in the first place. Personally, I didn’t think so at the time. I still don’t think we should have. Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter now. We’re there. We do the right thing this time, or we cause another genocide. At that point “blame” won’t mean a damned thing. Because the country itself is going to be fucked up for another generation.
Roger Rabbit says:
Saddam Hussein named his elite military forces the
[ ] 1. Republican Guard
[ ] 2. Democratic Guard
[ ] 3. Libertarian Guard
[ ] 4. Whig Guard
[ ] 5. Green Guard
Well one of course. You dont actually believe that democrats fight wars. Ha hahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahaha
Wait, I am dog.
Woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
YLB, you don’t understand. He has to post every now and then telling everyone he’s been banned, which, somehow, is proof he’s been banned.
Okay, I don’t understand it either, but there you go.
You really have to marvel at the stupidity that is Puffybutt. His post saying he was banned (yet we still see his supposedly banned post) is proof that the Publican mind is completely disjointed. This must be how they convince themselves that up is down and down is up and day is night and night is day, etc.
They are all fucking lunatics.
In addition to not being banned, Puffybutt posts here under about 15 assumed names.
re 17: … and how many weeks did it take to Topple Saddam’s elite “Republican” Guard?
According to Bush we are trying to create a democracy in Iraq.
@15 ” … hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of Vietnamese lost their lives …”
What’s your source for this assertion?
But let’s assume, arguendo, that the commies slaughtered millions when they took over Vietnam. Well shit, man, that’s what happens when you lose a war. So how does throwing away more lives in a losing war improve the outcome of the war? All it does is raise the casualty count. The whole point of getting out of an unwinnable war is so you don’t get your ass kicked even worse. You are a fucking idiot! Thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit that I never had to take orders from YOU.
See? Wingnuts are so completely wrong about everything they can’t win an argument even when you let them make up the facts.
“But let’s assume, arguendo, that the commies slaughtered millions when they took over Vietnam. Well shit, man, that’s what happens when you lose a war.”
And *I’M* the fucking idiot? What a truly ignorant asshole you just proved yourself to be. Do you know anything about history? I don’t think you do. The point is not to throw good lives after bad, dumbass. The point is to freakin’ WIN. So let’s hear why that wasn’t possible in Vietnam, or Iraq? Please give me the benefit of your all-knowing wisdom. How much more ignorant blathering can you put forth?
And as for not having to take orders from me? Since you were doubtless a REMF it wouldn’t have been a problem.