Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Is the 2008 presidential election already over?
Is Barack Obama inevitable? Is Fred Thompson rising? Is John McCain toast? Is Rudy Giuliani, well… Rudy Giuliani? Prof. Thomas Schaller, author of Whistling Past Dixie: How Democrats Can Win Without the South, joins me for the hour to talk about electoral politics and the state of the current presidential campaign.
8PM: Is Tim Eyman back?
Yeah, well, sure… back with another dumbass, unconstitutional, anti-government initiative, and a broad coalition has formed to oppose it, including the AARP, SEIU, WEA, and Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce. Christian Sinderman from the No on I-960 campaign and Lauren Moughon from the AARP join me for the hour for a fair and balanced discussion of Eyman’s latest piece of self-serving idiocy.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Is Tim Eyman back?
Yeah, well, sure… back with another dumbass, unconstitutional, anti-government initiative, and a broad coalition has formed to oppose it, including the AARP, SEIU, WEA, and Greater Seattle Chamber of Commerce.
He is back? Where did he go? I didn’t know he ever left. hehehehe Tim should have a list of pre-signed voter signatures. It gets tiring having to search for one of his signature gatherers to sign them all. I would be first on the list. heheheehe
Question for your guest Goldy….
Considering the current election calender heavily skews towards an East Coast bias, how can Democrats focus on issues effecting the West? Do you think that the early Nevada caucuses will have an effect on how the candidates treat Western issues and how do you see each of the candidates trying to win over Western states?
Dan @ 1- Ready to pre-sign a blank petition. THat about says is all for you, Dan. Don’t think for yourself. Follow your “leader” blindly.
WE are both anti-government. Anything that limits local government spending is mostly good. In fact the only spending I like is on the federal level for the military. You have to understand, the problem is not enough government, the problem is the government.
Is the 2008 presidential election already over?
What, we already won? Awesome. How far below 50% of the popular vote was the dem this time? heheheehehe
@ 4- Driven on a road lately? How about turning on the tap and drinking water or flushing the toilet? Police service? If you are in a severe accident, want Harborview ready to save your life?
Government is not perfect. It is essential.
You are just an unthinking follower, spouting the slogans of others.
@ 5- Gore got more votes than Bush in 2000. It took four years of Bush lies and fear mongering to win a second term. Now that his true colors are seen, remind me, what is his approval level?
Approval? The Flightsuit-In-Chief should be so lucky.
How ’bout those impeachment numbers?
Fewer than half of American voters would now disapprove of impeachment.
Shit, Republicans went for it when two thirds of voters disapproved. They felt “obligated”.
By those standards, Speaker Pelosi should be storming the White House with torches and pitch forks.
Pelosi must: “Shape up or ship out?”
“Shape up or ship out?
Cindy Sheehan has challenged House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to move to Impeach Bush by July 23 or prepare for Sheehan to contest for her Congressional seat as an Independent.
“Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership,” Sheehan told The Associated Press. “We hired them to bring an end to the war. I’m not too far from San Francisco, so it wouldn’t be too big of a move for me. I would give her a run for her money.”While I admire Cindy Sheehan’s willingness to fight for what she believes in, I don’t necessarily support her. And I’m not sure that I agree with all of her listed reasons for why Bush ought to be Impeached. I don’t see Bush exercizing his Constitutional authority to commute Scooter Libby’s prison sentence as an Impeachable offense, for example. But it does seem to me that the rhetoric coming from many Dem candidates in 2006 isn’t exactly being reflected in their official actions now that they got themselves elected. And I certainly support the right of constituents to demand that their elected representatives walk the walk after having talked the talk.
What do you think?” From “Pre Emptive Karma”
RUN CINDY RUN ! ! ! ! !
Pelosi is not extreme enough. GO CINDY !!!!
Hey Loocy – maybe you can be her campaign manager. I think you’ve got what it takes. GO FOR IT !!!!!!
4- Driven on a road lately? How about turning on the tap and drinking water or flushing the toilet? Police service? If you are in a severe accident, want Harborview ready to save your life?
Government is not perfect. It is essential.
When have liberals been for building roads? This state elects the “tax and spend” party into office and I am suppose to give them a blank check because essential services are not properly funded? No. That is why I support Tim Eyeman’s initiatives.
“Democrats and Americans feel betrayed by the Democratic leadership,” Sheehan told The Associated Press. “We hired them to bring an end to the war.
Hear, hear. The dems laid down and died on this. Why didnt they make this a bigger isuue. Oh, wait a minute, dems are pussies. Nevermind.
No, real Dems aren’t pussies. DLC Democrats (most of whom aren’t real Democrats, and several of whom are little more than Repbulicans in disguise) are pussies.
Key words Dan, “this state elects”. We have a representative form of government. If you don’t like their policies, vote them out.
Keep signing blank checks and spewing talking points.
Right on brother!
When has Eyman ever discussed how to “properly fund” essential services? Explain to me how that should be done? What to you know about the details of ANY government? Tell me about the budget process.
K – Let me explain. Gummint takes too fucking much of MY FUCKING MONEY. I don’t GAF what “good” they could do with more, or what “harm” could come with less.
Don’t GAF. Understand?
I just want them to get their greedy fucking hands off my wallet?
Get it?
All who spew about what the Democrats should do, should remember the numbers in the Senate- 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans, 1 Lieberman. One Democrat is recovering from a stroke- Johnson, S. Dakota. THey do not have the votes to push their agenda.
A little reality based discussion.
MTR @17- Respond to me at 16 or shut up.
Close Harborview, for example, and cry a river when you or a loved one (do you have any?) needs critical care.
I expect your standard “I ask the questions”, proving you got nothing.
RightEqualsStupid says:
This exchange between me and Proud Leftist is so good, I am going to post it in every thread on HA from now on. It destroys the Publicans’ stupid talking points – period.
“I’m working really hard to understand how President Bill Clinton’s actions act as justifcation for the righties. Read this fuckwads.
If your lame ass argument is that Bill Clinton was a bad President – which is what you say – and if your argument now is that the AWOL coward GW Bush is in someway comparable to Bill Clinton, what you are actually saying is that GW Bush is NO BETTER THAN CLINTON.
Does it hurt to be that stupid? I really want to know.
proud leftist says:
RES @ 18
You’ve hit it on the nose. The rightwing fringefucks consider Clinton to be the personification of evil–indeed, he is the devil incarnate in their twisted little minds. Nonetheless, their justification for all of the Bushites’ sins is, always, “well, Clinton did it, too.” Methinks they never studied logic.”
Fuck you K….
Gummint gotta make an overwhelming case that they need the money. That’s what 960 is about.
And it’s about to get shoved up your greedy fucking ass.
Gummint gotta prioritize. So let’s start with funding essential stuff like roads and cops and fire protection. Somwhere down the list is giving luxury SUVs to gummint employees.
Another two dozen US soldiers killed in Iraq this week. One thing we know for sure, the likes of Lush Flimbaugh, GW (AWOL) Bush, WHATADICK Cheney, Handjob Hannity and the rest of the so-called moral majority didn’t have the nutsack to fight in a war when THEY had the chance. But they are sure fine with sending YOUR kids to die. Chickenhawk chickenshit!
There is more than enough tax money to fund essential services. If there isn’t, than we have the wrong party in charge. The problem we have now is that too much money is going to nonessential services. We also have too much waste. Tim Eyeman’s initiatives curbs spending by limiting taxes. The more we can use the initiative process the better. Why are dems against the people voting on initiatives? Aren’t you guys the party against “voter suppression”? Why not trust the people?
All who spew about what the Democrats should do, should remember the numbers in the Senate- 50 Democrats, 49 Republicans, 1 Lieberman. One Democrat is recovering from a stroke- Johnson, S. Dakota. THey do not have the votes to push their agenda.
Tough shit. It didnt stop you dems from sabotaging our agenda when we held a slim lead. Learn to lead. Man you dems are such pussies.
Whaaaaaaaaa We only have a one vote magin in the senate.
Dan and MTR are loud mouthed fools who don’t appear to know a thing about the workings of government. I will not defend each and every choice made. There are certainly some errors. But we have a representative government which moves forward through negotiation and compromise.
A society does not exist for essential services only. We do need parks, open space and yes, even art. Narrow minded fools will never understand, and I won’t waste my energy attempting to educate the unwilling.
I need to get some sleep so I can spend your money tomorrow
One good cost cutting measure that would save to State millions, get rid of the WEA. The State should set the standard for accreditation in very broad terms and give all the decision making to local school boards. There should be virtually no money being siphoned off at the state level for K-12 education. If we can go to the a voucher system the savings would be enormous.
@23 A Challenge
OK Dan, you say government has plenty of $$. I hav eheard this many times but no one from the right is ever able to say where they would cut.
As In understand the State budget ..
Education and Prisons and Tranbsportation
That is most of it. No?
Once a tax and spender always a tax and spender.
See # 26
Transportation locally focuses too much on public transportation. Build more roads and fewer buses. Buses and light rail will never work. Once the boondoggle is built it will cost millions to maintain something no one uses.
Bring back the chain gang in prisons. There is nothing better to increase prison morale than hard work. Have them crush rock or something more productive in the prison yards. If they get out of line, make them pay for it big time. In the short run there would be a small tax outlay but in the long run we would save money.
I grew up redneck, dad was a commercial fisherman, grampa’s were farmers/coal miners, most of my uncles worked in mills. We ate what we caught, shot and grew. I’ve got Southern/Appalachian roots. I learned how to weld and was a member of the FFA in high school. I’m very much NOT a redneck anymore, but I know plenty of people who are and they are some of the mellowest, happiest people I know (they’re not at all like you). I sit at their dinner tables in places like Cle Elum , Omak, Colville and Ritzville and we don’t argue. And about half of them work for some form of THE GOVERNMENT.
Please stop giving rednecks a bad name.
Gummint Turpentime
I bet MTR’s never even eaten government cheese. And he calls himself a redneck?
“(A)nother dumbass, unconstitutional, anti-government initiative …” So … democracy demands that we abolish the Electoral College because it isn’t democratic and because Kop Killer Kommunity Kollege (SCCC) is better, more democratic and more hospitable to Mumia lovers.
And we must smother Eyman because he’s too … democratic. Too many democratic Democrats & Republicans keep voting for his democratic initiatives, and that’s not good for democracy. What’s good for democracy in this state is to let elitist little Goldycrats judge-shop for one little elitist quasi-monarchist Goldycrat judge to outvote thousands or millions of voters.
(Isn’t it droll that “progressives” used to love the initiative process because it was more power to the people? And now they hate it because it’s more power to the people?)