Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Are you afraid?
The headlines keep screaming about “massive car bombs” in London and Glasgow, but fifty gallons of gas, a propane tank and some nails is no Oklahoma City. Are you willing to give up your civil liberties and commit to “The Long War” to battle threats like this? Is the greatest economic, political and military power in the history of the world really threatened by attacks such as these?
8PM: Is the Clinton Obama nomination inevitable?
Hilary Clinton was long assumed the inevitable Democratic candidate for President, but the second quarter fundraising results suggest it won’t be quite that easy. While Clinton estimates about $27 million raised for the previous quarter, Barack Obama will raise a record $32 million, for a total of $56 million from an astounding 256,000 contributors over the past six months. Is President Obama inevitable?
9PM: Do we have the Will to fix our transportation problems?
Fellow HA blogger Will Kelley-Kamp joins me in the studio to share some unconventional wisdom on the upcoming Sound Transit II/RTID proposal. Are we willing to tax ourselves to build 50 new miles of light rail? And will our grandchildren forgive us if we don’t?
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
You know, David, I’m kind of getting sick of the characterization of people that support “the long war” on terrorism as being afraid. I am very much against the Bush administration, but I do support the war against radical Islam. It’s not a matter of being afraid, but I do realize that religious extremists actually are at war with the secular world, and the US, UK, and Israel in particular. FWIW, radical Christianists are just as repugnant to me as the Islamists. The Christianists however, with the exception of people like Eric Rudolph or a few militias here and there, have managed to keep their jihadist activities relegated to activities such as political organizing.
Would you have supported a War Against Chicago Gangsters during Prohibition?
Would you have spent a billion dollars a week on such a war?
Would you have suspended habeus corpus?
You know, the Supreme Court judged Lincoln’s taking away of habeus corpus as unlawful. Do you think the Konservative Klown Justices we have now would be as, well, just?
goldy, i’ll support the faux transit tax package if say, you were to pledge/bet your house…that say the ST expense they promise today doesn’t rise…ok, lets say doesn’t rise more than 50%, even inflation adjusted
you won’t take that bet cuz you know last time they promised some $2bb package it ballooned in price and fell back in lenght….outright fraudulant promotion of a system….that they could never tell you the real cost, lest they never get support
I’m somewhat in #1’s camp on The Long War. Yes there are issues, but The Chimp, The R’s and the D’s don’t seem to be doing much to fix it. We need to not be in Iraq and to be in Pakistan. We don’t need high tech whiz-bang we need low-tech and people that speak the languages of where they’re being deployed. That’s not what we’re getting from The Chimp and the Congress. And we need to keep our civil liberties. All of them.
I’ll have to disagree with #1 about the threat poised by the Christian Right. I think it’s huge. I’m far more worried about the Christian right than I am about the Islamic right.
I’m still trying to figure out what Clinton and Obama did that made them credible candidates for president. If we’re lucky both campaigns will flame out.
If we fix our “Transportation” problems we will have “Progress” and a “Future” as defined by a handful of elites and big corporations. I don’t like their version of progress. I’m voting no.
If we can tax ourselves to build roads why can’t we tax ourselves to build homes?
Put the people jobs and shopping same place and walk/bike to work/store. It would cost a lost less in the long run. There’s the answer to the transportation problem.
There’s no reason while we can’t start a billion dollar home building project.
gimme a break; while hundreds or more are holed up in caves in pakistan, hoping to kill us, where are the Baptists or Greek Orthodox guys training to kill us?
The Christian right seems to be doing a pretty good job at eroding our civil rights and getting school boards and the supreme court stacked with their people. They don’t need to train to kill us. What they are doing is, to them, very much a holy war.
Check out:
Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism by Michelle Goldberg
Two words: Oklahoma City.
Well the right wing Publicans are very, very quiet about their fundraising in the last quarter. Could that be because they didn’t do too well? Hell the Mormon had to write himself a check he’s in such bad shape. That crazy fucker John McCain will be out of money soon. The Publicans are in DEEEEEEP shit. No wonder they want to keep quiet. July 15 they have to tell us the bad news. I’ll bet that the top two Dems outraise the top two Publicans. And that’s almost never happened. Even when Dems win, the Publicans usually have more money. If WE end up with more money? Forget about it!
re 9: Yes, but someone in England lit some cars on fire (there was GAS in the cars!! Can you imagine!!.
So, I guess we’ll have to declare martial law and cancel all civil rights and elections.
michael says:
The Christian right seems to be doing a pretty good job at eroding our civil rights and getting school boards and the supreme court stacked with their people. They don’t need to train to kill us. What they are doing is, to them, very much a holy war.
Even if your false characterization of Christians had any credence whatsoever, whatever they do is a far cry from car bombings, suicide vests, and slitting the throats of people who disagree with you.
The level of intellectual dishonesty, misconceptions, and outright lies about Christians by the far left is sickening beyond words.
Amazing. Fundamentalist Islam strikes another blow, or tries, and the Left immediately recoils in horror at … Christianity.
Dinesh D’Souza’s recent book about the ‘Cultural Left and Its Responsibility for 9/11’ is a muddle, but it’s a beacon of clarity compared to the Cultural Left. You people really have bought Sam Harris’s lunatic lies (or Mike Webb’s or Mike Malloy’s) that conflate the dominant monotheism of America with the dominant, militant, expansionist monotheism of the Caliphate.
#8, Believe me I would love to blame OKC on the Christianists. But the fact is that McVeigh considered himself to be an agnostic.
“In his letter, McVeigh said he was an agnostic but that he would ‘improvise, adapt and overcome’, if it turned out there was an afterlife.”,,504876,00.html
I guess we can assume he doesn\’t support HilLary in that he can\’t even be bothered to correctly spell the bitches name.
Moron with no brain… yea big deal a little gas set on fire…excpet for the pound of nails thy included.
#12, I don’t equate Christianity with Islam, but you cannot deny that Christians in this country are trying to deny people freedom based upon what they think their god says. So while they may not be violent extremists like the Islamists, they are still extremists that are bad for this country.
Broadway Joe: 3 words YOU\’RE AN IDIOT.
McVeigh disavowed Christ and was an atheist…. pretty hard to be a CHRISTian when you disavow the guy it\’s based upon… and named for.
Are all liberals stupid or just those here?
Not really. I said:
“I’m somewhat in #1’s camp on The Long War. Yes there are issues, but The Chimp, The R’s and the D’s don’t seem to be doing much to fix it. We need to not be in Iraq and to be in Pakistan.”
I want us to be more aggressive on terrorism. I just happen to think that people who blow up womens health clinics are also terrorists.
You know you could look for things that you agree with the left on and try to build them up. I know plenty of people on the right and I work with them all the time.
Someone says:
#12, I don’t equate Christianity with Islam, but you cannot deny that Christians in this country are trying to deny people freedom based upon what they think their god says. So while they may not be violent extremists like the Islamists, they are still extremists that are bad for this country.
And the specific irrefutable evidence of this is……….?
Irrefutable evidence that Christians are trying to deny freedoms in this country? The gay rights debate is pretty good evidence. So is the drug war.
Oh gee moron… let\’s compare how many people who blow up womens health clinics vs how many are trying to kill AMERICANS and western civilzation?
the last terrorist attack was yesterday… when exactly was that last abortion clinic bombing?
Fucking moron: THINK!
Oh and by the way… womens health clinics? Don\’t you mean ABORTION DEATH CHAMBERS, Herr Goebbels?
oooh Christians badddd…. so why is it all the liberal canidates are falling over themselves to prove their \”faith\”?
Lying hypocrite fuckers and the idiots that fall for their con.
You seem to forget Rwanda, Serbia and South Africa…..Oh, but it doesn’t count if their not AMERICAN, does it, asshole? Rant about intellectual honesty elsewhere, moron.
Wow, Xman Mullah certainly seems to be without reading comprehension.
Happens after you pawn your brain. He should be able to redeem it, they wouldn’t have given him much for it.
re 11: We’re not talking about Christians. We’re talking asbout professional CHRISTIANISTS — you know, like the late and unlamented Jerry Falwell, whose “Christianity” consisted of gay-hating and anti abortion.
Besides, using Bush’s doctrine of pre emptive war, we really don’t need to wait for Christianists to physically attack us.
I won’t disagree with you, but I will point out that Rwanda featured Roman Catholic clergy and nuns, the Serbian Orthodox Church sposored ethnic cleansing, and evangelicals burned muslims alive in Africa. The goups are often considered Christian. I realize that “Mark” considers it intellectually dishonest/lying to remind people of the above. I can’t match his standards. Thank God.
Just renewed my Sierra Club membership!
Candidates from the left that are courting the Christian vote are not courting the Christian Nationalist right. They are courting the middle and left.
chadt says:
I won’t disagree with you, but I will point out that Rwanda featured Roman Catholic clergy and nuns, the Serbian Orthodox Church sposored ethnic cleansing, and evangelicals burned muslims alive in Africa. The goups are often considered Christian. I realize that “Mark” considers it intellectually dishonest/lying to remind people of the above. I can’t match his standards. Thank God.
What a total bunch of crap!! Evangelicals “burned muslims alive”? If indeed people were burned alive they are not “Evangelicals” whatever that’s supposed to mean. Funny how Christians are reduced to these phony labels by non believers. You can be sure that whoever ascribed that label to them is either lying or grossly misinformed.
re 32: There has never been a ban on praying in public schools, however the Christianists have repeatededly stated , been repeatedly corrected, and have repeatedly RE-stated that prayer is banned in public schools.
This being the case, I have no confidence in what a Christianist such as yourself says.
Mark proves to us that when groups do something reprehensible they suddenly were never Christians, and that people who report it are dupes or liars. Fine, upstanding intellectual rigor and honesty at work.
re 32: Are you prepared to state, Mark, that there is no history of both Catholics and Protestants killing people over issues of free speech and “incorrect” belief?
There is a long history of Christians who engaged in such practices. They would be doing it still were it not for severe legal penalties.
headless lucy says:
re 32: Are you prepared to state, Mark, that there is no history of both Catholics and Protestants killing people over issues of free speech and “incorrect” belief?
There is a long history of Christians who engaged in such practices. They would be doing it still were it not for severe legal penalties.
Sure there are, anytime you are talking about religion you are bound to find these kinds of abuses.
This is a very different question from whether or not they actually knew Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savious (i.e. are Christians). In this case, they are not religious at all. They have a personal relationship with Jesus. Not some man made religion.
These are two VERY different propositions and is at the root of the misconceptions of people who love to trot out the Crusades whenever Christianity is discussed.
Religion vs. Relationship.
Relationship = people who know Christ
Religion = people who don’t know Christ and are led my man made doctrines and false prophecies.
If you can understand this distinction, you will have come a long way towards knowing what a Christian is.
Someone sez: “I don’t equate Christianity with Islam …” Maybe not, and maybe that’s the point D’Souza tries to make. Although some leftists say or imply that fundamentalist Christianity is equivalent in its evil to fundamentalist Islam, most leftists (as shown by this thread) think Christianity’s worse. Note the trick: Say or imply that all fundamentalisms are equal, equally bad, then equate all Christianity with fundamentalist Christianity while smugly asserting that you’re talking only about “Christianist” jihadist Christianity as practiced by Falwell and Bush. Very sly.
Fairness Doctrine: While pondering overwhelming questions in the holy city of Ballard, let me be fair & balanced. The current National Review has this: “It is no longer possible, scientifically or politically, to deny that human activities have very likely increased global temperatures …” And this: The “Walt Disney Company announced that it would allow same-sex couples to hold ‘Fairy Tale Weddings’ at its theme parks and on its cruises. … The time has come to declare the surprising end of a decades-long ideological struggle. The culture wars are over, and capitalism won. … The blunders, betrayals, and disappointment of the late Republican Congress and now-moribund Bush administraiton have brought the point home beyond serious dispute.”
That would be the same ur-conservative National Review that bailed out, long long ago, on Bush’s Iraq. So what’s left of conservatism? What’s left to conserve of the long strange trip from William Howard Taft to Robert Taft, from Goldwater to RWR?
Debate’s over. The (Republican) party’s over. Even bin Laden takes most of his recent talking points from Chomsky, Zinn, and Michael Moore.
A 2006 Pew Research survey found that Rush Limbaugh\’s listeners were the second-most-informed audience (after readers of political magazines) – ahead of NPR and the Daily Show. Generic talk radio ranked ahead of the PBS NewsHour, CNN and daily newspapers.
A 2006 Pew Research survey found that Rush Limbaugh\’s listeners were the second-most-informed audience (after readers of political magazines) – ahead of NPR and the Daily Show. Generic talk radio ranked ahead of the PBS NewsHour, CNN and daily newspapers.
LOL!!!!! That is the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. You mean to tell me that people still listen to that pill popping hypocrite?
re 36: Christians can’t even agree on what a Christian is. Otherwise there would not be so many Christian sects and pettifogging Christian clerics.
Are you sure that you want to characterize Christianity as being a religion that is not man-made, since it is my understanding that Christ and all his disciples were men?
The fact that Jesus H. Christ was a real man is the whole POINT of Christianity. God incarnate — not IN but OF the body of Man.
“I am the God of the Living, not of the dead.” Jesus H. Christ
Think about what he said ALL BY YOURSELF. Don’t feed me your little bumper sticker tracts on Christianity.
re 39: You are mis-representing that PEW research, as the conclusions it put forward are the exact opposite of what you said.
No wonder you do not specifically cite your source.
Talkin’ ’bout XMAN MULLAH
Goldy announced a killer drunkliberally contest, fun for the whole family: Snuff a Supreme.
But which old man in a long black dress shall we off first? Easy. When a conservative needs killin’, and when there’s more than one to choose from, always get the black guy. When tolerant compassionate sensitive liberals come huntin’ with coils of rope, Clarence Thomas better stay away from trees. Democrats, after all, didn’t do hi-tech lynchings. They did the real thing.
It’s sort of like The Stranger’s race war against Ken Hutcherson, and it’s all the fault of Ken and Clarence. When blacks jump the liberal plantation, they deserve what they get. Ain’t no Dred Scott Court gonna save them now.
Judge Dred says:
Goldy announced a killer drunkliberally contest, fun for the whole family: Snuff a Supreme.
But which old man in a long black dress shall we off first? Easy. When a conservative needs killin’, and when there’s more than one to choose from, always get the black guy. When tolerant compassionate sensitive liberals come huntin’ with coils of rope, Clarence Thomas better stay away from trees. Democrats, after all, didn’t do hi-tech lynchings. They did the real thing.
It’s sort of like The Stranger’s race war against Ken Hutcherson, and it’s all the fault of Ken and Clarence. When blacks jump the liberal plantation, they deserve what they get. Ain’t no Dred Scott Court gonna save them now
Amen to that! To quote Justice Thomas in his speech to the National Bar Association a few years ago:
“I’m here to assert my right to think for myself. I will not have my views assigned to me as though I am an intellectual slave”.
Montesquieu or somebody said that no kingdom had been won with as much blood as the kingdom of Christ, but that’s because Montesquieu hadn’t seen the progressive workers-paradise kingdoms of Stalin, Mao, Kim I, Kim II, Pol Pot, and Castro. Marx’s body count so far? 200 million – 300 million.
And, for context, the body count of the Spanish Inquision? 10,000 max. Salem Witch Trials? 19. The inter-Moslem genocide between Iraq and Iran? Maybe one million corpses as a consequence of Jimmy Carter’s failure to forestall Khomeini.
The Crusades? Streets ran with blood, they say, but only as the result of a belated and inept attempt by Christians to regain some of the ground that imperialist Islam had been taking for 200 years. Militant expansionist Islam had expanded from central Asia to the Atlantic, and was pushing against the gates of Paris. Christians eventually tried to push back.
re 45:
“…Jimmy Carter’s failure to forestall Khomeini.” Oh , really?
I do believe the arms for hostages guy was one Ronald Gaylord Reagan.
Timothy McVeigh indulged himself with a little CYA. The extreme right, political and religious, are one poisonous whole, and it was their handiwork that sent him on his way. They are NO DIFFERENT than al-Qaeda.
Go ahead, spin away, fuckwad. I DARE YOU.
C’mon bitch, bring it. You little toad-sucking punk. Crawl out of your mother’s basement and take your (ideological)beating like a man.
Broadway Joe says:
Timothy McVeigh indulged himself with a little CYA. The extreme right, political and religious, are one poisonous whole, and it was their handiwork that sent him on his way. They are NO DIFFERENT than al-Qaeda.
Go ahead, spin away, fuckwad. I DARE YOU.
Now there’s a brilliant way of convincing people. Just hurl immature insults at will. While you’re at it, why not talk shit about his mother and say you fucked his girlfriend.
Grow up junior.
re 49: “Immature insults”?
They were fully matured insults.
Your retort sounds like a 7th grade girl.
Non Sequiters R Us. Not sure how Lucy went from Carter & Khomeini to Arms 4 Hostages, but she did.
Reagan’s arms deal was a bad-news attempt to co-opt Iranian moderates, but there weren’t any. Reagan, North, Poindexter, McFarlane et al. had started to walk the plank of impeachment for less than nothing.
But the cause of Reagan’s mess was Carter’s mess. Jimmy was utterly blindsided by the revolution (Andy Young, Sandy Berger, and other Democrats thought Khomeini would be a progressive alternative to the repressive shah); Carter’s stupidity messed up the mideast to this day (Iran doing another deal with Chavez) and maybe forever.