Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Is Bill Sherman the next King County Prosecutor?
Longtime King County Prosecutor Norm Maleng recently passed away, suddenly turning the election to replace him into the marquee race of the political season. One of the two declared Democrats, Bill Sherman, joins me in the studio for the hour to take your calls and make the case for his candidacy.
8PM: When is Rep. Adam Smith going to fire his communications director?
First, Congressman Adam Smith subjects himself to the inevitable humiliation of going on The Colbert Report, and now he lowers himself to an extended segment on my show. Rep. Smith joins me by phone for a half hour to discuss what it is like to “spar” with Colbert, and to take your calls on the issues of the day.
9PM: The blog that time forgot.
TRex lives! And he joins me for the hour by phone to talk national politics. A popular contributor to the widely read blog Firedoglake, TRex always brings snark and wit to his biting commentary and analysis. I’ve got a feeling we’re going to bring up Fred Thompson’s name a lot.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
I just wanted to mention that having Goldy hand keys to some of the brightest bloggers in WA is a wonderful step forward.
Not only do we have more topics for comment, but we are being exposed to more views from the liberal side. (Although I am sure that Richard Pope is totally confused by all this and his relatives probably believe he has been brainwashed here).
So thank you Goldy. Allowing the blog to grow in this manner can only be healthy.
Richard Pope HAS been brainwashed here!
“Liberals Inc.: Converting Wingnuts One At A Time”
Roger Rabbit is posting on HA while Goldy talks on the ray-dee-oh! Another Xmasghost theory is blown to hell.
The fishwrapper published a story today saying academic studies show capital punishment deters murder, but critics of the death penalty aren’t convinced. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....A3G00.html
“The studies’ conclusions drew a philosophical response from a well-known liberal law professor, University of Chicago’s Cass Sunstein. A critic of the death penalty, in 2005 he co-authored a paper titled ‘Is capital punishment morally required?’
“‘If it’s the case that executing murderers prevents the execution of innocents by murderers, then the moral evaluation is not simple,’ he told The Associated Press. ‘Abolitionists or others, like me, who are skeptical about the death penalty haven’t given adequate consideration to the possibility that innocent life is saved by the death penalty.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve long been in favor of sparing use of the death penalty in cases where guilt is not in doubt and the crimes are horrific. Certainly, the death penalty has been used too liberally and abused in the past — never more so than in southern states’ historical meting out of harsh and different punishment to blacks. And the possibility of executing an innocent person is profoundly disturbing. However — and regardless of whether it’s a deterrent — some criminals simply need killing, period. Even Westley Alan Dodd recognized that fact when he ordered his attorneys to drop his appeals, in effect volunteering to be hanged.
Now, I didn’t say a word about war criminals or mention Dick Cheney or …
Police now say yesterday’s Wisconsin shooting was “domestic.” Although it’s not clear yet who did the shooting, the father of the slain children is among the dead — whether murdered or by his own hand has not been stated. However, news reports do not indicate the police are looking for a shooter, so a picture is beginning to emerge here … but why the kids too, for God’s sake? Why the kids?
Don’t Bush, Cheney, and the wingnuts who support them know that wars kill children? Lots of children?
Bush’s USDA: Keeping Your Food Unsafe
“‘Organic’ food rule could have up to 38 loopholes
“By Scott J. Wilson
“Los Angeles Times
“With the ‘USDA Organic’ seal stamped on its label, Anheuser-Busch calls its Wild Hop Lager ‘the perfect organic experience.’ But … Anheuser-Busch got the organic blessing from federal regulators even though Wild Hop Lager uses hops grown with chemical fertilizers and sprayed with pesticides.
“A deadline … to come up with a new list of nonorganic ingredients allowed in USDA-certified organic products passed without action from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) …. The agency is considering a proposal to allow 38 nonorganic ingredients to be used in organic foods … almost any type of manufactured organic food could be affected, including organic milk, cereal, sausages, bread and beer.
“Organic-food advocates have fought to block all or parts of the proposal, saying it would allow food makers to mislead consumers. … Demand for organic food in the United States is booming, as consumers seek products that are more healthful and friendlier to the environment. … But with big companies entering what was formerly a mom-and-pop industry, new questions have been raised about what goes into organic food. …
“Many nonorganic ingredients … are already being used in organic products, thanks to a USDA interpretation of the Organic Foods Protection Act of 1990. In 2005, a federal judge disagreed with how the USDA was applying the law and gave the agency two years to fix it.
Organic-food supporters had hoped the USDA would allow only a small number of substances but were dismayed last month when the agency released the proposed list of 38 ingredients. ‘Adding 38 new ingredients is not just a concession by the USDA, it is a major blow to the organic movement in the U.S. …,’ said Carl Chamberlain, a research assistant with the Pesticide Education Project in Raleigh, N.C. …
“The proposed rule would allow up to 5 percent of a food product to be made with [nonorganic] ingredients and still get the ‘USDA Organic’ seal. Even hops, though a major component of beer’s flavor, are less than 5 percent of the final product, because the beverage is mostly water. …
“In addition to hops, two other items on the USDA list have attracted particular attention: casings for sausages and hot dogs, and fish oil. … While the casings are a tiny portion of the overall sausage, organic purists object to eating anything from animals raised on conventional farms, where animals may be … given antibiotics and growth hormones. … Fish oil … has drawn objections because it could carry high levels of heavy metals and other contaminants ….
“The USDA rules come with what appears to be an important consumer protection: Manufacturers can use nonorganic ingredients only if organic versions are not ‘commercially available.’ But food makers have found their way around this barrier … because the USDA doesn’t enforce the rule …. Despite years of discussions, the USDA has yet to provide … guidelines for enforcing this rule.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....nic10.html
Roger Rabbit Commentary: “Wingnuts Inc.: Poisoning Consumers A Million At A Time”
If you wonder why we have so much cancer in our country, look no farther than the shit they put in our food supply.
what about the odd article covering the uw commencement in today’s seattle times? the crowd grew restless as commencement speaker norm dicks prattled on since i would assume it was raining and they wanted to party. but some times writer opined that it was b/c dicks told the grads they needed to be stewards of the puget sound. etc. and that was inappropriate political banter backed up by quotes form some critical republican dumbass parents of a grad from indiana. stewards of the sound–how dare dicks push such left wing rhetoric on the poor little grads at a focal point of their maturity? the times is a sad ass paper. discuss on the goldy show perhaps.
NRA, Democrats Agree On Mild Gun Background Check Measures
In the wake of the Virginia Tech massacre, the NRA agreed to support a Democrat-sponsored bill that would help keep mentally ill people from getting guns — but exacted a stiff price: Taxpayers, not gun sellers or buyers, will have to foot the $250 million yearly cost of background checks. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....ns100.html
Now They Won’t Have Gore’s House To Kick Around Anymore
Long-planned “green” renovations of Al Gore’s home/office are nearing completion. What the wingnuts criticizing Gore’s electricity use don’t tell you is that local zoning didn’t allow solar panels until recently. http://seattletimes.nwsource.c.....use10.html
They also don’t tell you that Gore’s house isn’t merely a house, it’s an office building and meeting center. As such, it’s unfair to compare it to ordinary residences given that it functions like a commercial building.
My, my … what do we have HERE?? Roger Rabbit is serial-posting on HA while Goldy talks on the raaaay-deeee-oooooh!!! Another Xmasghost theory is blown to hell.
btw JCH is a nazi
Now, Roger
You know that the wingnuts will continue to post the story about Mr. Gore’s “house” for years to come. Simply because the story was never actually true, and that Mr. Gore continues to make improvements to make the complex even more energy efficient will make no difference.
Additionally, while the wingnuts continues to publish the original lie, they’ll also claim credit for Mr. Gore’s improvements (even though they don’t actually acknowledge them) by saying that they pressured him into making the improvements (that they will claim do not exist).
So, they will continue to claim that Mr. Gore somehow personally uses twenty times the national average for energy usage, that he only made improvement because the right wing made him do it, but that he really didn’t do anything.
Their target audience will believe it, too. They have become accustomed to believing “seven impossible things before breakfast”.
Carbon credits as low as $99.00 per 100 credits. That is 50 hrs of driving, or 10,000 flatulence units(FU), for the low price of $99.00. Hurry while supplies last.
Moronic Moonbat!s: All Gore had to do was explain the issue. Instead he demagogues it!
BTW, the Gore household DID consume 191,000 kWhrs. No matter what John Bbarelli tries to say the power company admitted this.
Waaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa haaa