Can’t get enough of “The David Goldstein Show” on Newsradio 710-KIRO? Well tune in a half-hour early tonight as I take over the microphone from 6:30PM to 10PM:
6:30PM: Sonic bust? As long as I’ve got sports fans listening, I thought I’d ask the question once again: are you willing to pay higher taxes to finance a new arena for the Seattle (or Bellevue or Renton) Supersonics? If not, I’ve got a proposal — a tax on the income of visiting athletes. Twenty other states already levy a “jock tax,” why not WA?
7PM: Are we winning the War on the Christmas? Sea-Tac Airport officials removed 9 Christmas trees late Friday night after a Rabbi asked to have an 8-foot-tall menorah displayed next to the largest tree. Was this the latest battle in the much ballyhooed “War on Christmas,” or just an example of timid, narrow-minded airport officials acting really, really stupid? Either way, Barry Nelson and Tom Schecker, authors of “War on Xmas: the Official Field Manual,” will join me to offer useful tips on how us secular humanists can cast off the shackles of Christianist oppression.
8PM: Are you and your partner ready to take that big step, and get civil-unionized? With Democrats holding the Governor’s mansion and large majorities in both houses of the state legislature, now is the time to push for a civil union bill, but some in the gay community seem to want same-sex “marriage” or nothing, a political hot potato that many Democrats just don’t want to touch. How much is the word “marriage” worth, when civil union can offer most of the same rights and protections for a fraction of the political cost? The folks at “Think Equal” think a lot, but are Washington voters ready to approve “gay marriage” by any name?
9PM: To be announced.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Any idea how much the tax on players would bring in? Lets talk numbers here.
Nindid @1,
Well, that depends on the rate and the exemption, but in other states it raises about $20-25 million a year, enough to pay off the bonds on a new Key Arena.
Do Democrat have to pay taxes? What if they are black? What if they vote Democrat several times at each election?
Hi, Goldy!
Here’s a interesting tidbit on your civil union segment from the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado:
(Ref: http://www.interfaithalliancec.....rship.html )
Essentially, the point many Christians are taking on this (no, not the loud, obnoxious ones that make the news) is that government has no more business deciding who may get married than they do deciding what kind of bread must be used for Communion.
(Yes, there is considerable disagreement over the morality of homosexuality. I admit to being uncomfortable with the whole subject. That doesn’t mean that my feelings of discomfort should have the force of law.)
Many of the people in those churches do not approve of gay marriage, but they also don’t think the government has any business conveying or denying legal rights and privileges based on a religious sacrament.
Essentially, what two or more consenting adults do in the privacy of their home is between them and God. I don’t get a say in the matter, nor do I want one, either as a private citizen or as a member of society.
I support SeaTac’s decision to take the trees down.
It would be nice to have the Christmas trees and a Menorah and all the other symbols for every winter festival from every culture; and that is something they should look at for next year’s display during a slow time when they have the manpower time necessary to do so.
They were right in deciding that at their busiest time of the year the best use of the taxpayer’s money would be for them to focus on getting people and goods to their destination as quickly as possible.
Some people may call it Grinchy, I call it sound time management. Every bit of time they spend looking for and putting up a Menorah is time they can’t spend on other things around the airport. Then of course, there would be more lawsuits for other symbols, and more time finding those that takes time away from the actual airport day to day operations.
They made a good decision.
It would have ended up like this:
Christmas Party
3 Oh, shit! JCH is back. Start kicking him, everybody! JCH is the soccer ball on the field of life.
5 I disagree. The gutless wonders running the airport should have left the trees up. If someone wants to litigate it, let ’em! We might get a final court decision in 10 years or so, after all the appeals are exhausted. In the meantime, holiday travelers would have 10 more years of Holiday Trees. Any lawyer worth a hoot-n-holler would argue the trees are a cultural fixture (ok) while the menorah is a religious icon (not ok).
5 (continued) Besides, now that we’ve got a Christo-fascist majority on the Extreme Court, the ultimate ruling on this one is a slam-dunk.
I can’t stream video on my POTS line. Is that a video of Jenna in a G-string? The still pic is a little fuzzy.
Hell gained another resident today. The murderous fascist dictator Augusto Pinochet kicked the bucket today. Good riddance to a festering canker of the Chilean body politic. Another CIA crime against humanity.
Roger Rabbit………[6]……You would make a great “Crips” or “Blood”. Gang Democrat!!
OK………The best!!! Remember when Hillary Clinton said she tried to join the Marines? Classic Democrat bull shit, and you assholes eat that shit up!!!
Rabbit 9 – Try using both hands on the keyboard…
I like the fact that NO religious symbols are at my taxpayer funded airport. Religion is bunk. And as long as right wing Christians don’t get their shit, I am particularly happy.
By the way JCH – your sister and wife say hello. Glad you finally drank the courage necessary to show your child raping ass here after we beat you and yours like stepchildren last Nov.! HE HE!
Just what we need. More airwave pollution.
The Christmas tree should have remained up at Sea Tac Airport. What is wrong with a commericalized icon? The Chri$tma$ tree is a cultural icon not a religious symbol. Or we could rename the Christmas Tree a Hanukah bush.
The Menorah does not belong up at Sea Tac Airport. However, if the Rabbi wants a menorah at Sea Tac, I would say yes right along side the Qur’an and the Cross :)
World peace begins with tolerance.
Raise taxes on evil private sector Republicans and “redistribute” the wealth to those “victims” who vote Democrat! If the private sector Republicans leave the state, raise taxes even more! [This works well in Michigan!]
Eat a steak; fix global warming.
Well, yes, the book “The War on Xmas” is available at a certain Central District Bookstore. Thanks, David, for letting the plug go through. A-and the copies we have are signed by Tom. You can view the website by clicking on my name.
JCH is still posting? I thought he was getting a life. Guess not.
“The David Goldstein Show” tonight on Newsradio 710-KIRO
by Goldy, 12/10/2006, 4:08 PM
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call…
CALL IN TO DRUDGE: 1-866-4-DRUDGE [1-866-437-8343]…
“The David Goldstein Show” tonight on Newsradio 710-KIRO
by Goldy, 12/10/2006, 4:08 PM… Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call
CALL IN TO DRUDGE: 1-866-4-DRUDGE [1-866-437-8343]…
5. I completely agree with David. What did the rabbi expect when he, in the middle of the season, demanded they let him put up a private display, and then threaten them with legal action if he didn’t get his way immediately? SeaTac rightly decided that they had neither the time nor the money to go round and round with the rabbi and whoever may be in line after him. Not to mention that it is an incredibly stupid public policy to allow private displays in public places. It comes with too many liabilities.
It was a prudent decision SeaTac made. If anyone is to blame, it’s the petulant rabbi wielding a lawsuit threat because he didn’t get his way right now. Jerk.
Somebody’s gonna make $$$$$$ of off human misery. It might as well be the Bush Family!
I forgot to mention that I was a US Senator as well as a WW II war profiteer.
Jesus loves me.
Jesus loves me, but probably only in a theoretical way.
I made the family fortune of off dealing with the Nazis in WW II. I am a traitor — but a rich one.
I’m mean > I’m Republican> And I’m gay.
Get used to it!
I murdered Salvadoran Nuns and Priests. And I don’t give a flying fuck — because there’s money invoved.
7 – Oh My Gosh – The Rabid Rabbi Rabbit is making sense! I need another beer!
13 Rabbit 9 – Try using both hands on the keyboard…
I don’t have any hands. How’s that “invisible hand” of free-market regulation working for ya, Redneck? Are we up to 5 cracked construction cranes yet, or is it still FOUR? Pay your gambling debt, double-welsher!
15 Just what we need. More airwave pollution.
Most of that comes from the drug-crazed pointy heads of the loudmouth right.
Comment #16 was posted by Mrs. Rabbit.
When I feel in personal danger, I crap in my pants. This has happened many times in my life.
Talk about a bad case of the red-ass!!!! Whew! I know all about it.
17 Raise taxes on evil private sector Republicans and “redistribute” the wealth to those “victims” who vote Democrat! If the private sector Republicans leave the state, raise taxes even more! [This works well in Michigan!]
What actually happened in Michigan is a manufacturer demanded the taxpayers pay his workers’ wages so he could make more profit, or he would close his plant and move his operations to Mexico. The state refused, and he left. That’s Republican socialism for you.
20 Drudge — isn’t he the guy who LIED about Kerry having an affair with an intern?
I really believe in what I believe. That’s it — in a nutshell. I’m so fucking scared. I know I’m going to die — just like those people in NOLA during Katrina.
God will kill me and I will be scared shitless when it is happening . No “family connection’ will help me and I will be consigned to eternal perdition.
But my heirs will never work in a 7-11.
Like I’ve said before Rodent, when you get a job and become a productive member of society and a taxpayer, I might ponder your thoughts. ‘Till then, talk to the hand bunny-boy.
I almost crapped my pants!!! Hell…… Who do I think I’m kidding? I had to wear depends the whole time in Vietnam!!!
re 37: I thought you were against taxes.
Man!!!!!!! I just crapped my pants again! I am 60 years old and I wet my bed.
Drudge is a sleazeball:
“Drudge has been criticized as reckless or careless for publishing erroneous reports … Bill O’Reilly … called Drudge a ‘threat to democracy’, and Keith Olbermann … referred to Drudge as ‘an idiot with a modem’ … during the 2004 Presidential campaign, Drudge ran a story indicating that Democratic candidate John Kerry was having an affair – the accusation was proven baseless ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Show me a wingnut blogger and I’ll show you a LIAR.
I just shit my pants again!!! I’m over 60.
21 What did the rabbi expect when he, in the middle of the season, demanded they let him put up a private display, and then threaten them with legal action if he didn’t get his way immediately?
Nice tirade, but it isn’t true. The rabbi began negotiating with the port over 2 months ago, and threatened to sue when they stonewalled him. I happen to agree with the port — the Christmas tree is not necessarily a symbol of a specific religion, but the menorah is — but I can’t let your factual inaccuracies stand unchallenged.
It was just a fart this time — a warm wet one. I’m over 60.
29 How’s your amendment to require revotes in close elections doing? Is that pig ever gonna fly?
The Bush family will ride on the backs of the honest and hard working people of this world because we are sociopathic monsters. We couldn’t do an honest days labor to save our lives!
OOPs! I shit my pants again.
44- Yes it will someday but since Rabbits have such a short life span you will be long dead when it passes.
37 I worked more years than you’ve been alive, wingboy. P.S., keep your fucking Republican mitts off my social security! or there will be trouble.
I got a bad case of the redass. (hehehehehehe) because I am the president who craps in his pants!!!
46 I’m immortal. The King of the Rabbits never dies. Long after my earthly body has turned to dust the Spirit of the Rabbit King will rule the Earth!!!
46 I’d offer to bet you on that, but you wingnuts have a bad habit of not paying your bets when reality overtakes your jawing.
Not that I disagree with your idea. I kinda like it. Really, I do. If this amendment had been in place in a timely fashion, we would have held revotes for president in 2000 and 2004. Give us one honest election and all you lying, stealing, fascist are outta here!!
“Christmas” refers to an economic phenomenon in American culture that consists of a period one month long, roughly from November 25 to December 24, when retailers introduce new products and offer outrageous bargains to attract huge crowds of shoppers to malls. Archaic: The term formerly denoted a religious holiday among certain sects but this meaning has fallen into disuse.
“Christmas tree” refers to (a) a fir, spruce, pine, or other evergreen tree decorated with colored ornaments and lights, often erected to celebrate the biggest sales of the year in the U.S. economy, and to (b) congressional spending bills.
Crapped my pants agin.. But I’mm walkin’ tall. I’m 60+ years. My dad sa cryin’ mess on his last legs.
Looking for a safe, clean, crime free Democrat environment to raise a family with Democrat run education systems? Well, here’s a list of great cities in the US that vote Democrat at least 115% of registration: Newark and Camden, NJ, Detroit, MI, Cleveland, OH, Philidelphia, PA, East St. Louis, MO, and Oakland and South Central, LA [California] All crime free and Democrat!! Low taxes, too!!! [hehe……..Atlas has Shrugged] Democrats: turning the USA into a third world Harare, Zimbabwe, one city at a time!!!!
Roger Rabbit, Still “gettin your guvment check?”
SeattleDan says:
“JCH is still posting? I thought he was getting a life. Guess not.” [Er, Dan, YOU seem to post frequently. What does that tell us about you? [hehe]
The left is in charge,
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Rep. Silvestre Reyes of Texas, who incoming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has tapped to head the Intelligence Committee when the Democrats take over in January, failed a quiz of basic questions about al Qaeda and Hezbollah, two of the key terrorist organizations the intelligence community has focused on since the September 11, 2001 attacks.
When asked by CQ National Security Editor Jeff Stein whether al Qaeda is one or the other of the two major branches of Islam — Sunni or Shiite — Reyes answered “they are probably both,” then ventured “Predominantly — probably Shiite.”
That is wrong. Al Qaeda was founded by Osama bin Laden as a Sunni organization and views Shiites as heretics.
Reyes could also not answer questions put by Stein about Hezbollah, a Shiite group on the U.S. list of terrorist organizations that is based in Southern Lebanon.
Bet the sheriff knows the answer to those questions……
Furball said: “In the meantime, holiday travelers would have 10 more years of Holiday Trees.”
Why can’t you Moonbat!s call them by what they’ve been called forever – Christmas Trees?