Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Save the whales? Hell, first lets save journalism.
If like millions of Americans you’ve been mesmerized by the live coverage of a female humpback whale and her calf caught 90 miles up the Sacramento River, then Dr. Denny Wilkens says you are an “overly sentimental sap” whose been suckered by the media — again. Wilkens is a professor of journalism and mass communication at St. Bonaventure University in New York, and he joins us by phone to talk about how newsroom cutbacks lead to parachute journalism.
8PM: Can the Netroots save the Constitution?
Just before the November election the Republican Congress pushed through the Military Commissions Act, which amongst other things eliminated the sacrosanct right of habeas corpus for US residents. Ari Melber of The Nation argues that restoring habeas corpus and other civil liberties should be at the top of the agenda for the netroots and other progressive activists. Melber, an expat Seattleite, joins me for the hour.
9PM: Are Washington’s taxes too low?
Sandeep Kaushik of the Washington State Budget & Policy Center says yes, and he’s coming into the studio with the statistics to back it up.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Awesome Guests!
Goldie is a great asset to us all. What a wonderful guest list!
Anyone have any ideas how we can influence KIRO to moake out guy a permanent fixture?
To answer the Netroots question, I say “no”, they cannot save the Constitution. I don’t believe anything can save it anymore — the Titanic is going down, and we’re reduced to moving around deck chairs. But, hey, at least the band is still playing, louder than ever. Bread and circuses still works, just as it did in Roman days.
(Yeah, I’m a pretty pessimistic guy.)
SeattleJew @1,
Yes, give KIRO a lot of money. :P
The death of the bourgeois media was predicted by Lenin
Seattle is a sad example of what happens post-media. Elections here are for sale. It is only a matter of time before some billionaire bozo decides he wants to purchase a Senate or gubernatorial seat. What is to stand in the way? As long as the only media read by most folks is the Wednesday supermarket adds and Jonathon Stewart is the major newscaster, paid adverts are the be and the end of all.
Seattle Jew.
dude! what are you smoking????
when you can’t even spell your own name right???
but, i’m sure kiro is going to take your advice….as soon as they can figure out what it is….[your research must be STELLAR….] maybe it’s that “time travel” getting to you huh?
and ,BTW, goldie is really a ‘guy’ named GOLDY.
“Goldie is a great asset to us all. What a wonderful guest list!
Anyone have any ideas how we can influence KIRO to moake out guy a permanent fixture?
SeatleJew “
goldy …do you really think that this is an “either or proposition”
? is the good doctor saying that if we care about A, then we can’t care about B?
i didn’t realize that it was mutually exclusive.
being interested in ,and , having compassion for, a wounded whale and her calf are hardly stupid….and that hardly makes someone a sappy fool……
seattle jew
why do you think he is on when no one listens.because he is a losssssssssssssssssssssssssssser
what’s “an expat Seattleite”?
I wish I could figure out why I can’t get the live stream to work – I’d love to hear Dr. Denny on the Save the Whales debacle. If he’s as good on the radio as he is on Scholars & Rogues I’m probably missing a hellacious segment even as type.
Thanks to David for having Wilkins on. He’s one of the best media bloggers in the country….
hey! where’s roger?????
seattle jew@4……don’t you think a jew quoting lenin is the height of stupidity?
@5 Xmasghost
Sorry about the typos. I am told that I am dyslexic ..didn’t learn to read until the third grade. Something about being a transhanded sinastroid raised au gauche.
Hmmm … well here I am, posting on HA, while Goldy talks on the radio. Another Xmasghost theory blown to hell.
ah…now i feel mean. you got me.
but, really, aren’t you a tad uncomfortable quoting lenin?
well roger…it’s a first isn’t it?
i wonder why you decided to do it now?
and are you going to show up at drinking liberally too? this i gotta see!
It’ll be hard to sell the idea that taxes are TOO LOW. Better to talk about the WRONG PEOPLE being taxed. To reiterate the Gates Commission findings:
The poorest 20% of households in Washington State pay 17% of their gross income to state and local taxes.
The richest 20% of households in Washington state pay 4% of their gross income to state and local taxes.
@12 Lenin was a commie jerk. You’re a rightwing dolt. The two of you should have gotten married — maybe you would have canceled each other out so your children would have been moderates.
Xmasghost reminds me a little of George Bernard Shaw, who received a letter from a famous actress of his time proposing marriage. “Just think,” she gushed, “if our children are born with my looks and your brains?” Shaw replied, “Yes; but what if they’re born with my looks and your brains?”
@2 The Constitution may have to be saved the same way it was created in the first place: With guns.
I hope not. But liberals must arm!
@8 Right behind you, ghost. I’m the 30″ tall, 30 lb. rabbit tailgating your sorry ass.
@13 I’ve been seen with Goldy at DL by numerous witnesses, including SeattleJew … so why don’t you ask him if Goldy and Roger are the same person? Another Xmasghost theory blown to hell.
No, ghost, actually it’s not a first. I’ve posted on HA many times while Goldy was on the air. Not only that, I’ve even called in and talked with him on the air a few times. Not that you would ever notice from inside your wingnut bubble. Another Xmasghost theory blown to hell.
hey roger…spewing violence again? don’t you see how incredibly stupid it is for you to say “But liberals must arm!”
did your relatives fight in the revolutionary war? no???
mine did…..DAR baby, all the way.
and it wasn’t whiny pansies like you that fought for anything…ever.people like you are the ,to quote john steinbeck, “the carrion talkers”. the people that gossip and spew conspiracy theories….but fight for anything? no way.
I’ll say this about the stranded whales. They’re a damn sight more newsworthy than Stefan’s opinions about the ’04 election, John McKay, or whether King County should entrust the management of its elections to an elected politician.
roger…i forgot to add….”…..unless you are fighting for a latte”
Well, I have to go do some stock research for tomorrow morning’s opening bell, so ta-ta for now Dingbat! traitors. I’ll see you later, unless they hang you for treason first.
@21 If it’s stupid for liberals to arm, then what should we say about the Dingbat! rednecks who run around with gun racks in their pickups? It’s not a political statement or anything; they’re merely shining deer after the warden goes to bed.
@21 You fought with which unit in Vietnam? I don’t remember seeing you there.
I’m pretty sure you weren’t around for the Revolutionary War, ghost, so it appears you’re trying to live off the reflected glory of your ancestors. Ain’t that just like a freeloading Republican.
How long are you and the other DAR girls going to suck on that tit?
I’m not sure what ghost’s point is, but it kinda sounds like “my ancestors have been here longer than your ancestors, therefore I’m a real American and you’re only an immigrant.”
My friend Charlie Eaglefeather wants to have a conversation with you about seniority.
Now I really truly have to do some stock research as I may make some trades in the morning.
I want my taxes raised to pay for a nationwide high-speed-rail (HSR) network. The west coast might initially have a Bellingham, WA-San Diego, CA route. Later we could have a Salt Lake City hub, with links to Los Angeles (via Las Vegas and San Bernardino), San Francisco (via Reno and Sacramento), Seattle (via Boise and Portland), and the east coast (via Denver and another hub). Slower but frequent passenger trains could link smaller cities (e.g., Spokane, Yakima) to the HSR network.
The French train went 350 mph peak. If we average 150 mph, then a 2600-mile coast-to-coast trip will take about 17 hours plus perhaps two one-hour waits for transfers (19 hours total). We might depart Seattle at 8 pm Pacific time, after finishing a workday. We reach the east coast at 6 pm Eastern time the next evening, a nice time to check into a hotel.
California has an HSR vote scheduled for Novenber, 2008, but Governor Schwarzeneggar wants to postpone the (already twice delayed) election. That system would not go north of Sacramento.
New York, the Midwest, Florida, and Rocky Mountain states are studying routes too. Florida approved an HSR constitutional amendment in 2000, but repealed it in 2004.
How to make lefty talk radio work…. that is a tough one. While it is hard to market drivel you could go in the afternoons and market yourself as an educational tool for lefty,commie, liberal elementary teachers. You know force it on the kids. It workd for Micheal “Fat ass” Moore and Al “I invented the internet” Gore, why not Goldy. hehehe
Mr. Rabbit @17,
If liberals wanted to arm themselves I would be overjoyed. Unfortunately, many of them think the 2nd Amendment is for hunting or for personal protection against criminals. They scoff at the idea that it may someday be necessary to revolt against the government. At the same time, many of these very same people get irate when the government assumes powers not granted to it by the Constitution.
I guess some lessons are harder to learn than others; or, like the man said: those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
@33 I believe I qualify as a liberal. The first time the Navy took me to a range, I qualified as ‘Expert’ with a ‘long-arm’.
I’ll be more than happy to ‘go to the barricades’ if the need arises, but until then, I prefer to go unarmed, and will work to keep my society better off unarmed. . . . .
From the statistics available, it would seem that nearly every man, woman, and child could be armed with the weaponry that is already floating around. As to learning lessons, a little knowledge of history will inform you that revolts, revolutions and civil wars are almost always fueled by a component of foreign involvement, and simply are not ‘home grown’ in their entirety. France’s involvement in our Revolution, and Britain’s meddling in our own ‘Civil War’
were the Sine Qua Non of the length and severity of those conflicts. You will note, when you study the War Between the States, that its military outcome was only assured after the establishment of a sucessful naval blockade of the rebellious States.
roger…my point ,as you already know, is that it’s my ancestors and people like them that founded this country and did the hard thankless work.
as for vietnam…i was too young but my husband was there. perhaps he was your commanding officer. were you in the navy?
men from my family have fought in every single war except the gulf war. my family also has /had a governor, a territorial governor,a senator and a chief justice. believe me…we are involved. we don’t just sit around and bitch like you do……
how are those oil stocks of yours anyway? mr. hypocrite. you can’t even tow the “party line” when it’s just “big oil bad” [but roger wants more stock]
as for the DAR i am rightly proud of it…i wouldn’t change a thing.
and honey… i have a gun rack in my truck.
wanna play?
I don’t care how impressive anyone’s familial resume is, citing it does nothing to raise the level of your rhetoric. Get off the laurels, dear, and start constructing a coherent argument for a change. If you did that, you might actually get people to read your own blog, and you wouldn’t have spend any time here.
@35 Revolt against the government? Nah, I’m not advocating that. I was thinking more about defending ourselves when the fascist dictatorship Rove is trying to establish suspends habeas corpus, makes dissent a crime, and sends death squads into the community like they did in Central America. The guns are for when they kick in our doors to haul us off to extermination camps. You know, like Ann Coulter says she wants to do.
@36 Well, I wouldn’t be happy about it, as civil war is a terrible thing and many lives would be lost.
“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead.” — Ernest Hemingway
But Hemingway also wrote:
“But there are worse things than war; and all of them come with defeat.”
We must never passively submit, as European Jewry did, to the will of those who hate us and want to destroy us. Based on the ravings of the Coulters, Malkins, Jonathan Gardners, et al., their intentions toward us cannot be more clear. When they talk about putting us on trial as traitors and executing us, I take their word for it. The Busheviks have already demonstrated their readiness to ignore the Constitution, federal laws, longstanding social and political conventions, even truth itself; so what stands between us and Armageddon except our guns?
@37 Navy? Are you kidding? I was a dust eater with an M-16.
Good for your ancestors, ghost. THEY did the hard thankless work — not you.
What have YOU done for this country, besides pay lip service to its ideals, which you flout with every word you write?
@37 “we”? Sounds more like “they”. Have you been a governor? A senator? A chief justice? If you wanna play THAT game, I’m related to 4 U.S. presidents, so you can shove your senator up your ass. Knowing you, he probably was a REPUBLICAN senator, in which case he was worse than worthless.
Play? You mean with guns? Sure. 9 p.m. tomorrow, at my burrow, bring your wingnut friends and some guns.
Don’t forget to bring tweezers to pick buckshot out of your ass.
Fucking wingnuts. All talk, no walk. Twenty-gallon hat on a two-ounce head. Sheesh. My shotgun will rust into dust before any wingnut rabbit hunters show up on my doorstep.
Hey ghost, why don’t you enlist and volunteer for Iraq, and try to live up to your ancestors’ reputations?
Frankly, I’d hate to be in a foxhole with her.
Nice thought on the HSR, although the rail beds we have to work with are in such poor shape that it probably won’t be coming up here any time soon.
California might have a chance to make it work, along the LA-SF route, eventually extending to San Diego and Sacramento, and eastward to Phoenix.
It would be a good start.
Actually if the left wants to get the same numbers the right has their only hope is to reinstate the fairness doctrine. The left never has or will be able to compete in the arena of ideas and free speech is their enemy.
It’s not surprising that a Republican like ghost has a problem with a Democrat like me making money off the stock market. They wanted that game all for themselves. And they want to keep Democrats poor so they can make us work for shitty wages and no benefits. Fuck ’em, when ghost learns how to wash dishes and change sheets, she can apply for a maid job at my burrow. I pay $2.18 an hour, no tips, no benefits. And I’m a shitty supervisor. (I learned how to do this by working for THEM.)
@48 There are always more sheep than shepherds, Dan.
Redneck — if you’re reading this, pay your gambling debt! If you’re not reading this, pay it anyway.
MTR is typical of Republicans. They’re all dishonorable. He makes a $100 bet with Goldy, loses, then refuses to pay. What a fucking loser.
The left can arm themselve all they want, just as long as the righties keep their guns I am cool with it.
Actually a better saying would be “You can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink”. That would be a good slogan for Goldy. heheehe
Enjoy those oil profits while you can. I’m not so sure they can be maintained much longer.
Personally, I’ve been looking at funds that invest in high tech companies overseas, especially in Europe. Since we seem to be doing our best to dismantle our education system and research facilities, I figure that will be the best way to get at least a few of those dollars to come back to the US.
A number of those companies are researching more energy efficient products, and technologies to reduce carbon emissions. Since our current government shows no interest in developing those technologies, when we do finally get our noses rubbed in the fact that we need them, we’ll be buying them from overseas.
Those funds are already doing very well, and I expect them to keep getting better.
If you can’t lick ’em, buy ’em.
Hey Pelletman: Why did this comment from you happen: “We must never passively submit, as European Jewry did,”
1.) Fascist/Socialist Hitler declared guns illegal
2.) Fascist/Socialist Hitler confiscated the guns
3.) Good people turned in their guns
4.) Fascist/Socialist Hitler rounded up the Jews
5.) Jews died.
Fascist/Socialists of today (Progressives of the “New” Democratic Party) are trying to confiscate guns!
Nuff Said!
John Barelli: You wrote: “Since we seem to be doing our best to dismantle our education system”
Who has been in charge of our education system for the last 40+ years?
Who has been in charge of our education system for the last 40 years? Well about half of that time Publicans – I agree – they’re moonbats. The other 20 years that we’ve been in charge, we’ve had to spend all our time undoing the damage caused by Publican Congress and Presidents.
Commies and Terrorists = Excuse to suspend the Constitution and rob the next 7 generations.
How long will you put up with it?
You’re call.
Mexicans and Terrorists!!! They’re everywhere!!! GOD HELP US!!!!!!!!!!
No American soldier has died in a war to protect anyone’s freedom in this country since the Korean War.
And you all know it.
well roger, i knew given enough rope you WOULD hang yourself [too bad it’s just figural…oh, just kidding goldyroger]
“Roger Rabbit says:
It’s not surprising that a Republican like ghost has a problem with a Democrat like me making money off the stock market. They wanted that game all for themselves. And they want to keep Democrats poor so they can make us work for shitty wages and no benefits. Fuck ‘em, when ghost learns how to wash dishes and change sheets, she can apply for a maid job at my burrow. I pay $2.18 an hour, no tips, no benefits. And I’m a shitty supervisor. (I learned how to do this by working for THEM.) ”
rationalizing your crappy behavior AGAIN rogergoldy?
i love this part “THEY wanted the game all for themselves.”
oh no!!! not those horrifying THEYS again!!! run rogergoldy, run!
now if ANYONE ever had any doubts that roger is goldy….they were just dispelled.
thanks, stupid. you have stuck your paw in your big mouth yet again.
and this is a classic…..” Roger Rabbit says:
MTR is typical of Republicans. They’re all dishonorable. He makes a $100 bet with Goldy, loses, then refuses to pay. What a fucking loser. ”
so what’s it to you goldy…oh, sorry, i OF COURSE mean roger.
gawd…what a jackass.
you really should change the name of this blog to jackass central…..more accurate and all that.
@55 John, energy markets will remain very tight for at least the next 2 or 3 years. The only thing that would bring relief to consumers is a global recession but that’s not in the cards. What’s happening is structural. Now that cheap, easily accessible oil is no longer plentiful enough to supply demand, the industry has to go after the expensive and hard-to-get oil, which generally isn’t profitable unless prices are above $40, but the industry has been waiting with the large capital investments necessary to see if the market will sustain prices above that level over the long haul. OPEC has been cutting production recently, signaling they intend to keep prices in the $50 to $60 range indefinitely. As a result, the companies who build, rent, or operate the drilling rigs and other equipment used for the hard-to-get oil are enjoying unprecedented day rates and ordering backlogs. This horse has an open track in front of it and a good ways to run yet. Taking profits now would be premature. The oil stocks are up another $2 today.
@56 “Fascist/Socialists of today (Progressives of the ‘New’ Democratic Party) are trying to confiscate guns!”
You really do live in a dream world, don’t you? The last time we had a gun-control initiative in this state 80% of the voters turned it down. Now go ahead and tell me this state votes 80% rightwing. No, puddy, liberals don’t want to confiscate your guns. We’re too busy buying guns ourselves. Oh, and one more thing — you guys are the only fascists around here.
@63 What’s wrong with crappy behavior and why should your side have a monopoly on it?
Republicans can no longer run on:
guns…gun control wars are over, the public is more or less happy with the level of regulation, and both sides agree that enforcement is important. If the Black Panthers started carrying guns openly again, you’d see Republicans come out for gun control, though.
gays…gay rights are progressing nationwide and people are in favor of equal rights and not listening to the conspiracy theories
God…the Christian Right is breaking up as churchgoers more and more embrace a social justice agenda
immigration…nationwide, a majority of Americans support a path to citienship for undocumented workers
War/fear/war/fea/war/fear/more war…Bush has seen to that. Most Americans want us out of Iraq; most Americans do not want us to attack Iran.
What’s left? Can a Republican get elected on abortion only?
re 64: I just really get a kick out of lieing about fireman’s pensions.
Who wouldn’t?
I believe every liberal should own a gun. That way, when the Publicans remove all pretense at stealing the Constitution, we’re ready to do what’s necessary to protect it. If a right wing terrorist like Puffybutt knocks on my door, he’ll meet my friends, Smith and Wesson.
Since MTR apparently made a bet with Goldy, how about you and I make a similar bet then?
Prove that I am wrong on the following statements and I will pay you $100. If I can prove that I am right, you owe me $100. Not only that, I will let GOLDY verify my statements (if he is willing to), as long as he promises to be fair and just in the ruling.
My Facts:
“Firefighters and Police hired under LEOFF 2 prior to sometime 1984 are not eligible for Medicare, under their Firefighter or Police Jobs (Appx. 1000). Neither they nor their employer have paid into the Medicare system. After the Pension rules were changed in 1984, these individuals remained ineligible for Medicare. The are still not paying into Medicare. Those members who have worked other jobs since, or prior to the Fire or Police Service, may have earned enough to qualify for Medicare, but they did not earn it while on the job.
The current LEOFF system is not comparable with the majority of Public Pension systems in the United States. We have a 2% multiplier with a 5 year FAS (Look it up). We have no Retiree Medical under our current LEOFF 2 Pension Plan.”
What do you say Headless? I will provide proof, from a Union Official or from the Washington State Council of Firefighters (They only represent the Full Time Career Professional Firefighters in the State of Washington) or from the LEOFF advisory board created by I790. Put your money where your ignorance is.
Don’t make a bet with Union Fireman for two reasons…
1) He’s a Publican and accordingly has no sense of right and wrong
2) He’s been verified as not good to his word
So why trust him on either count?
“2) He’s been verified as not good to his word”
By who and in what instance? Like I said, I am even asking that GOLDY be the person who verifies the information? Are you afraid too? Are you afraid to put your money where your Ignorance is?
re 71: Not to be a nitpicker, but LEOFF 2 didn’t start until AFTER 1984.
“Firefighters and Police hired under LEOFF 2 prior to sometime 1984 are not eligible for Medicare….” !!!!!!!!!!??????????????
re 71: Provide the url to your source-quote. Don’t give me these officious little gems unless you reference the document…………bunghole.
fireman……..they won’t ever tell the truth about anyone that is actually doing something for others.[these people are PARASITES] they only kiss up to their peeps. you can recognize “said peeps” by the glass of champagne in one hand while they are at a celebrity auction to “help” the know…the people that they are stepping on to get their lattes.
the police and firemen in this country get the shaft all the time. they risk their lives and what do they get for it? grilled like criminals when they HAVE to shoot some jerk that pulled a gun on them. or dragged before a citizens commission to explain why they didn’t all run into the burning building to save some whiny liberals “journal”….cause it was “my life in words,man”…..
the pay should be so much higher for police and firefighters [and soldiers]
You’re not a nitpicker, you are an idiot. LEOFF 2 started after October 1 1977.
Top of Page;
“You are a member of the Washington State Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ (LEOFF) Plan 2 retirement plan if you were hired on or after October 1, 1977 and are a full-time, fully compensated law enforcement officer or fire fighter.”
The Pension reforms that allowed members of LEOFF Plan 2 to begin participating in Medicare happened in 1984. But, those LEOFF 2 members hired between October 1 1977 and 1984
Put your money where your ignorance is. Want more proof? Place the bet.
“What is Dual Membership and
How Does It Affect Me?”
Updated June 2006
If you are an active member in any of the retirement systems listed below and you once belonged to another of these systems, you may be eligible for benefits under the provisions for dual membership.
Dual member systems and plans include:
Public Employees’ Retirement System (PERS) Plans 1, 2 and 3
Teachers’ Retirement System (TRS) Plans 1, 2 and 3
School Employees’ Retirement System (SERS) Plans 2 and 3
Public Safety Employees’ Retirement System (PSERS) Plan 2
Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System (LEOFF) Plan 2
Washington State Patrol Retirement System (WSPRS) Plans 1 and 2
City Retirement Systems for Seattle, Spokane and Tacoma.
State-wide City Employees’ Retirement System (SCERS) — If you were a member of SCERS, contact a DRS Retirement Services Analyst for complete information about dual membership.”
Dual membership means you belong to both plans but can only collect medicare from one.
Looks like you fell right into my trap — idiot
I just figured out your true identity. You are Marcy Bruner’s campaign manager. Why? Because your arguments are about as good as hers were, when she failed to get our endorsement.
With regards to the issue of Dual Membership, from your own post;
“you may be eligible for benefits under the provisions for dual membership.”
What part of MAY don’t you understand?
I have never denied that many firefighters were a part of Medicare. I have stated however, that firefighters hired between October 1, 1977 and 1984 have not paid into Medicare and their employers haven’t either (I was wrong about the date though. It’s April 1st, 1986). I have also stated that members could be eligible or paid into Medicare from other jobs. Honestly, how stupid are you. You should have taken my bet. It would have been great to take $100 dollars from you and donate it to the RNC.
Dual Membership came from members that wanted to post employment with the State (I.E Public Office). Those members were not receiving the same benefits as their colleagues, because of our pension rules. So, the WSCFF lobbied the Dual Membership to the State Legislature.
Back to the subject at hand. Firefighters and Police who were hired between October 1 1977 and April 1, 1986, have not paid into Medicare. Their employers have not. Therefore, they are not eligible to receive those benefits. I am willing to bet they can purchase those benefits for the full premium price, but they still haven’t paid into it. Are there exceptions? Quite Possibly. But that does not change the fact that appx. 1000 LEOFF PLAN 2 members will not receive MEDICARE, when they reach the appropriate age, because they have not paid into it. Many have requested to pay into it, but where turned away.
Say Hi to Marcy for me. I look forward to seeing her be defeated again (Much like you).
Remember that pretending to be a fireman when you’re really just an ass-licking out-of-work janitor is a felony.
re 79: How can a state deny a person a Federal benefit: i.e. Medicare? Ipso Fatso — you are an idiot.
re 79: “Firefighters and Police who were hired between October 1 1977 and April 1, 1986, have not paid into Medicare.”
ONLY between the years 1977 to 1984.
They didn’t pay during those years — but they did afterwards.
You are so obtuse!
NO THEY DID NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is the whole problem with your line of reasoning.
With regards to your argument;
“How can a state deny a person a Federal benefit: i.e. Medicare”
Let’s see here, I do not contribute to Social Security. Firefighters in teh Statre of Washington are exempt. Therefore, unless I qualified for social security prior to getting hired, or I get it through a part time job, then I will not recieve Social Security. To top it off, even if I do qualify, my Social Security Benefits are drastically reduced because I am on a public Pension.
Honestly, how dumb are you? Appx. 1000 LEOFF members have not paid into Medicare and are therefore not able to recieve it, unless they pay full premium price. Once again, why can’t you do basic research. Call the WSCFF or even your local firefighters Union, you ignorant idiot.
By the way;
Where is your source for the following broad statement;
“They didn’t pay during those years — but they did afterwards”
re 83: Maybe you should take some personal responsibility instead of tryin to blame everyone but yourself.