Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Are gas prices to low?
With gasoline prices once again hitting record highs it may seem like an odd time to argue for a hike in gasoline taxes, but argue the P-I editorial board did. And you know what? I agree. Sorta.
8PM: Have the lovely ladies of hate talk gone too far?
Hate talker Melanie Morgan got herself banned from the News Hour on PBS, after repeatedly dissing an Iraq War vet. Meanwhile, Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter are outdoing each other in their efforts to reach new highs in punditry lows. David Ferguson, blogging as TRex at Firedloglake, joins me for the hour.
9PM: Jerry Falwell is dead. Al Gore and Fred Thompson live. Why?
A touching tribute to the dearly departed Rev. Falwell, followed by discussion of why the two presidential candidates generating the most buzz and excitement are the two not running.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Speaking of Iraq War Vets, here’s a ‘must see’ YouTube. Unbelievable, ESPECIALLY after all the $millions$ awarded recently in Bonuses to Veteran
goldy…are you going to discuss your ongoing “hate the christians” war on the radio? i really think you should.
your little fit about a pervert who poses as a republican and a christian….[when he’s not either one obviously] is the exact same thinking that hitler used. do you read? hitler would take one jewish criminal and point to him and say “see, this is what ALL the jews are like”
i mean, it’s obvious to those of us that THINK at all what you are trying to do. the station is now owned by conservative mormons so what do you do? attack christians right and, um…. RIGHT.
i would have said left but you know…..
and why, pray tell, would little goldy-kins do this? well…he’s not stupid so i would have to say that he knows his job will soon be over so if he can force them to FIRE him over his comments then he can sue and try to get a nice big settlement and NEVER HAVE TO WORK AGAIN.
not that he has ever really worked….but a guys gotta eat ……ya know?
goldy…hate radio and blogging are hate radio and blogging. it doesn’t matter at all where “you” perceive yourself to be…….you are a hater…that’s the total sum of your silly existence.
you produce nothing but hot air [hey MAN what about the environment??? don’t you care???] you are a taker, a parasite on society. you love to rip apart other people’s accomplishments….while never accomplishing anything yourself.
utter failure…….
where ,oh where is roger rabbit????
another mystery solved.
are you kidding?
“Are gas prices to low?”
first of all…that would actually be “TOO low”
i thought you were sure the BIG OIL companies were ripping us all off? why the change?
yos, sweetie, are you feeling lonely?? you notice that NONE of your imaginary peeps are here?
isn’t that interesting???
and GOLDY…you just turned 40 and yet you say you were worried about having to be in the vietnam war???
how stupid are you? math ring any bells????
PBS…is owned by the american people and subsidized by tax dollars…..and you, you fool, act surprised, shocked even that a “right winger” was on pravda broadcasting company…..because she ,what? doesn’t have a right to be there?
Mormons are *not* Christians. Please do not conflate the two.
While a few of the posters here have been hostile to Christians, Goldy hasn’t, unless you count the fact that as a non-Christian, the differences between our various denominations seems a bit obscure to him.
The individual named in the last thread had actively campaigned on, among other things, his being an evangelical Christian. He had trumpeted “family values” and berated other Republicans when they attempted to separate the traditional, “mainstream” Republicans from the vocal religious right.
As little as I may like it, that makes his stated religious views fair game for criticism.
And since Rev Falwell was a major player on the political scene, deliberately and consistently using religion to advance the political agenda of the far right, his religion becomes a fair target as well.
Sadly, most of the Christian denominations were shouted down by those that would use our faith for worldly power. Its the nature of the news media that loud, angry people making sound-bite statements get more coverage than large groups making reasoned, deliberate statements.
IMO, it’s one thing to go after the actions of someone who claims to follow some religion (or any ethical standard), it’s a different thing if you’re commenting on the religion or standard itself.
Any whackjob can claim they follow something. Bush claims he follows Jesus, for example. But does Bush’s claim have any bearing on Jesus himself? On what Jesus said, did, or believed? I don’t think so, and I doubt you do, either. All it indicates is Bush is a hypocrite at best, or a big, fat liar trying to gain political points by deceiving a bunch of mindless rubes.
Ghost, you keep accusing Goldy of “hating” Christians, and the only evidence you appear to be working from is that he isn’t one.
You aren’t…gee whiz…resorting to Jew-bashing, are you? If so, how dare you compare anyone else to Hitler?
Or are you using a narrower definition of “Christian” than some of us do…mainly someone who believes that “accepting Jesus as their personal saviour” somehow justifies whatever vile and self-serving things they do for the rest of their lives? Seems that that particular crowd has been in ascendance for the last few decades, and the Jesus I know wouldn’t have much time for ’em. I hope people like that get “raptured” outta here right away quick, because I sincerely believe the world will be a better place after they’re gone.
Anyway, those people seem to have a communal air of paranoia about them, and tend to get their freak on at anybody who dares challenge the beliefs they hold so near and dear. Sometimes I think the reason that gets their knickers in such a knot is that way deep down inside, they have doubts of their own.
Higher gas prices = lower road revenues. If high gas prices (whether induced by oil companies or the state) decrease gas demand, state gas tax revenues will fall. That’s because gas is taxed by the quantity, not value, of gas sold.
More fuel efficient cars = lower road revenues. This is the worst-case scenario for the state: The same number of vehicles and trips on our roads, but less gas tax revenue coming in because they’re using less fuel to travel the same number of miles. Then, there’ll be no money to fix the Prius Potholes. This collapse of the road infrastructure is called the Prius Pothole Effect by the Roger Rabbit Institute of Public Economics. You heard it here first.
The Goldy Gas Tax
I am ofr it. It seems to me that folks should pay the real costs resulting form choices. If you live in Issaquah and work in Seattle you should pay for the cost of the car ride … not just your fuel and the roads but the cost to the rst of us in pollution and inconvenience..
@9: Not that it has anything to do with any of Christmasghost’s fevered rants, but Mormons most definitely ARE Christians. The official name of the church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We believe in the Bible, but have other scripture to go along with it. The more gung-ho ones will talk your ear off about Jesus Christ if you give them half a chance. Sometimes even if you don’t. Our kids sing “I’m Trying To Be Like Jesus.”
What you no doubt mean to say is that Mormons are not YOUR kind of Christians. Tough Jell-O on that one. There are a lot of people out there claiming to be Christians who aren’t my kind of Christians. I’m sure they aren’t Christ’s kind of Christians either, and his opinion is a lot more important than mine or yours. (I’ll be fair, there are a lot of nominal Mormons who don’t lead very Christ-like lives, but that’s true of any self-styled Christian denomination.)
@1 Let me see if I’ve got this straight: The “Support Our War” Party is AGAINST giving a 0.5% pay raise to our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, and OPPOSES giving soldiers’ widows a $40 a month benefits increase. Yep, sad and stupid, but TRUE …
“By: Nicole Belle on Thursday, May 17th, 2007 at 2:21 PM –
“Army Times: The Bush administration had asked for a 3 percent military raise for Jan. 1, 2008, enough to match last year’s average pay increase in the private sector. The House Armed Services Committee recommends a 3.5 percent pay increase for 2008, and increases in 2009 through 2012 that also are 0.5 percentage point greater than private-sector pay raises.[..] Bush budget officials said the administration ‘strongly opposes’ both the 3.5 percent raise for 2008 and the follow-on increases, calling extra pay increases ‘unnecessary.’ Further, as The Gavel cites, the administration has also opposed an additional $40 per month for widows of slain soldiers; additional benefits for surviving family members of civilian employees; and price controls for prescription drugs under TRICARE, the military’s health care plan for military personnel and their dependents. But here’s where the Irony-meter redlines: in addition to not wanting to pay more to our troops or support the survivors of fallen troop members, the administration also does not want to have stricter accountability on contract employees. That’s right…don’t pay the soldiers, but don’t ask us to watch what we pay Blackwater. Remind me again, how is asking for timelines to get them out of an unwinnable situation is hurting our troops and this isn’t?”
The sheer hypocrisy of this administration is beyond breathtaking.
Meanwhile, Bush is spending $562,000,000 on building the biggest U.S. Embassy in the world in Baghdad … and U.S. officials don’t even know what they’ll use it for … or if it’ll ever be used at all.
Hell, you could even build a basketball palace for that much.
@2 ghost, show me a Republican and I’ll show you a Christian-hater. Jesus loved the poor, not the rich. Republicans not only love the rich and hate the poor, but also hate anyone who tries to help the poor. They even defame the poor by blaming their poverty on “immorality” instead of the true cause of poverty: The greed of the rich.
GOP = the Christian-hating party
Caligula was a Republican
@3 No mystery, ghost. It was Mrs. Rabbit’s turn to use the computer tonight. She was looking up recipes.
@7 Isn’t it interesting that even the rightwing scumbags who run PBS couldn’t take a rightwing scumbag whose hate-talk against the troops went too far?
How do you explain THAT, ghost?
@10 It’s been my experience in life that people who loudly pretend to be Christians never are.
@12 “Sometimes I think the reason that gets their knickers in such a knot is that way deep down inside, they have doubts of their own.”
It’s been my experience with fundies that most of ’em are alcoholics and addicts who live in constant fear of relapse, and for whom religion is merely their current drug of choice.
These congregations are tailor-made for Falwell and his like, because they are followers and extremely suggestible. They will do anything their “pastors” tell them.
@15 I just wish you humans would stop killing each other over whose Christianity is better than the other guy’s. This has been going on for centuries. The dust from all your wars, burnings at the stake, etc., give me asthma! And don’t even get me started on Christians and non-Christians going at it …
The Mother Rabbit Spirit explained to me the best Christians are the ones of pure heart, humble spirit, and simple desire. As examples, She said Mother Theresa was a real Christian, and Jerry Falwell was a real asshole.
@3 gee ghost, did you miss me? how sweet!
I can understand why Al Gore wouldn’t want to run again if he thinks the fix is already in, as investigative journalist Greg Palast says. Maybe Al knows something we don’t. Why put himself through another stolen election?
Just so you know what will happen if the Democratic congress lets the GOP to steal another election, read what Newt Gingrich said in his commencement speech at Falwell’s Liberty University:
“LYNCHBURG, Va. (May 19) – Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich challenged Liberty University’s graduating class Saturday to honor the spirit of school founder Jerry Falwell by confronting ‘the growing culture of radical secularism’ with Christian ideals.
“Gingrich, a Republican considering a 2008 presidential run, repeatedly quoted Bible passages to a mournful crowd of about 17,000 packed into the university’s football stadium four days after Falwell’s death.
“‘A growing culture of radical secularism declares that the nation can not profess the truths on which it was founded,’ Gingrich said. ‘We are told that our public schools can no longer invoke the creator, nor proclaim the natural law nor profess the God-given quality of human rights. In hostility to American history, the radical secularists insist that religious belief is inherently divisive and that public debate can only proceed on secular terms,’ he said. Gingrich also rebuked what he said was an American judiciary that had gone too far separating church and state. ‘Too often, the courts have been biased against religious believers. This anti-religious bias must end,’ he said.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see ttp://
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Does this sound like someone who would use the presidency to uphold the nation’s secular laws?
@28 Roger Rarebit
Does Newt sound like he would uphold the notion of secular laws?
No. He sounds like someone who wants to keep his coalition together.
Ad for the notion of secular law, is there any? To my knowledge the USofA has lotsa laws that recognize belief in the Deity and non that are based on the assumption, true tho it ma be, that there is no Deity.
I know that Rabbits all consider the Great Orange Pumpkin ot be the Deity, and Rabbits are free to believe that and pray to the GOP, aa long as they do not make ME do so as well. Newr knows that believers in the GOP are free to meet in the GOP are free to meet during lunch time or before school or after school for ritual defecation, they just can not leave holy turds in MY work space.
With such winners as Falwell, Robertson,Sharpton, Jackson and Puddybud exemplifying Christianity, who could possibly doubt it???
roger…you only “appeared” after goldy’s “show” was over…good try goldy. you are going to have to do better than this.
goldy…you are JUST TOO FUNNY…..
“Roger Rabbit says:
I can understand why Al Gore wouldn’t want to run again if he thinks the fix is already in, as investigative journalist Greg Palast says. Maybe Al knows something we don’t. Why put himself through another stolen election? ”
“THE FIX”???? oh come on! already trying to cover al’s rather large and flabby behind???
too rich!
Ghost and Puffybutt claim to be Christians. Nuff said.
Christmasghost: do you believe that Christopher Hitchens and Voice of Chalk Scratching think alike:
“Mr. Hitchens said he realized that belief in God was irrational at age 9. He cited two arguments against faith. First, that religion is simply untrue, religions having arisen to explain phenomena that could not be accounted for – like diseases and natural disasters – for which there are now scientific explanations.”
A great read!
Stupidman: You give idiots a bad name!
Christmasghost: do you believe that Christopher Hitchens and Voice of Chalk Scratching think alike:
“Mr. Hitchens said he realized that belief in God was irrational at age 9. He cited two arguments against faith. First, that religion is simply untrue, religions having arisen to explain phenomena that could not be accounted for – like diseases and natural disasters – for which there are now scientific explanations.”
NY Times Religious section, blocked by Voice of Chalk Scratching filter.
A great read!
Stupidman, it’s in the NY Times, so he wasn’t taken out of context:
“But Mr. Sharpton, in a jab at Mitt Romney (and the Mormon religion, which Mr. Hitchens had criticized because it once endorsed racial segregation), added, “As for the one Mormon running for office, those who that really believe in God will defeat him anyway, so don’t worry about that, that’s a temporary – that’s a temporary situation.””
ChristmasGhost: You know I’ve never seen Voice of Chalk Scratching being taken to the woodshed for thread hijacking.
That is A M A Z I N G!
Wow I meant to say… I’ve never seen Pelletman being taken by Voice of Chalk Scratching to the woodshed for thread hijacking.
That is A M A Z I N G!
ChristmasGhost: This is the same Chris Hitchens who wrote the book:
“The Missionary Position: Mother Teresa in Theory and Practice”
How can you trust soemone who hated Mother Teresa and thinks like Voice of Chalk Scratching?
oh, art! don’t be so silly…that is goldy’s job…..i expect the palestinian scarf to be appearing on his little bald head soon……..”You aren’t…gee whiz…resorting to Jew-bashing, are you?”
wrong@33……once again you prove that actually READING something is beyond you….i am not a christian.
and BTW idiots….mormons are christians…what are you a foot washing baptist or something? one step away from handling poisonous snakes in church? who are YOU to say which christian religion is christian or not?
you guys don’t believe in anything but your own hot air and conspiracy theories.
puddy….goldy needed that trip to the woodshed badly…..he needs several as a matter of fact. the little liar.LOL.
gawd …that hitchens is a moron!
ANYONE that can hate a person like mother teresa…you know, someone that ACTUALLY believes in something, a worthy cause ,and actually does something about it…….ANYONE that hates someone like that is beyond creepy. don’t you think?
mitt romney sure is scaring the hell out of the little worms in this little blog-apple…..i find that terribly amusing.
I’m not going to get into some long, drawn out argument about whether or not Mormons are Christians. I’m just going to say that regardless of what Mormons call themselves, I don’t think of them as Christians, and neither do most other Christians who know anything about Mormonism.
And yeah, I realize that most people, particularly non-Christians, don’t care, so I’ll just leave things where they are now. If you *are* interested for some reason, then I suggest doing some reading and deciding for yourself.
Mitt Romney doesn’t particulary “scare” me. Hell, he might even be somewhat less crooked than some of his Republican brethren. He’s certainly smarter than Saint King Dumbfuck. I thought his Dad would have been a fine President. Of course, he was CEO of a company that failed, but apparently that’s no longer a barrier.
I’ve liked most of the Mormons I’ve had dealings with over my lifetime. When I was a kid, Monty Bean’s cousin lived next door to us. I learned to drive in the Cadillac my Dad bought from M. L., and was a member of the Boy Scout troop that was associated with the old First Ward church in lower Queen Anne. This was actually part of the Young Mens’/Womens’ Mutual Improvement Association…great bunch of people, and they made me very welcome, even after they gave up on converting me and my folks (which didn’t take long). Way back then, I didn’t think much about the apparent institutionalized homophobia that seems to get them some unpleasant attention from time to time.
So, CG, sorry, but I’ll refrain from contributing to your “amusement”.
art…i am impressed. finally a democrat [ i am assuming you are one…] that can consider someone as a candidate without screaming fire in the theater, the polar caps are melting and then adding that a mormon/christian would only make it worse.
yes….some mormons are homophobic but then you can say that about any group. they are more anti catholic [ in my experience…in fact if you want to stop them from coming to your house just tell them you are catholic…works like a charm] than anything else i think. my middle son had a little girlfriend in 4th grade and she was mormon. sweet girl. but her parents wouldn’t allow them to talk to each other because said son was baptized a they held hands on the long [rural] bus trip from school.sneaky little buggers….
mormons don’t consider catholics christians either…..somewhat like alot of the other denominations [baptist for instance]…the whole “i’m going to heaven because i go to XYZ church and you are NOT” thing…
“Of course, he was CEO of a company that failed, but apparently that’s no longer a barrier.”
and it shouldn’t be. there aren’t many successful businessmen that haven’t tanked at least once. it’s risk/reward….
and isn’t that what we really need in a president? the ability to asses risk/reward and do the right thing?
and that, in my opinion, would be the right thing for EVERYONE.
For that matter, I seem to remember a lot of people seemed to have some discomfiture over George Romney’s statement that he would have prayed before Pushing the Button and sending our nukes off to vaporize the Rooskies. In retrospect, I’d be appalled at the idea that anyone would consider not saying a prayer or two prior to that decision, not to mention afterwards.
art…i agree with you again… i can’t imagine it either.
ahhh..the “good” old days when we all were just scared of nukes and busy doing disaster drills under our desks….cause you know how well those school desks stop radiation and blasts. LOL. it was a scary time to grow up though and who knew it was only going to be scarier.
the old USSR seems so warm and friendly when you compare it to the islamo “i never met a bomb i didn’t like” folks….
i guess it all falls in that “be careful what you wish for” category. i was out at bodega bay when “the wall” came down and i remember how everyone celebrated! the world suddenly seemed safer and yet…’s not.