Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Are you a tax and spend… Republican?
Rural communities throughout the state and nationwide are facing an imminent crisis as 60 to 100 year old drinking and waste water systems begin fail… systems they simply can’t afford to repair or replace without state and federal government loans and grants. Isn’t it time for rural Republicans to acknowledge that it was government that built their critical infrastructure, and that only government can replace it?
8PM: Hard to Port
Did you know that the average King County homeowner subsidizes the Port of Seattle and the businesses that use it to the tune of about $100 annually? Port Commission candidate Gael Tarleton joins me for the hour to take your questions on what she wants to do with this hugely important but bizarrely low profile government agency. And I also suppose we’ll talk about the recent Port scandal.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Rural Republicans should bargain with the “private sector” to replace their infrastructure. They should tax themselves to pay for it and not depend on the Liberals in Seattle — or the Federal Government.
They need to start taking some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for their own situation and stop depending on us.
No cheese and purple Cadillacs for the rural Republican deadbeats.
goldy, you have enuf money
freeze the per capita growth on all gov’t spending; that is, no increase greater than inflation adjusted, population adjusted. done, you’ll have enuf then
or you could kill some social engineering and spend that money on roads, sewers, etc. It will be tough to limp by without reflexology projects and faux diversity indoctrination, but the republic will survive such freezes
re 2: …or, you could tax rich people at a higher rate. After all, “they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.
they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.
they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.
they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.
they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.
they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.
they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.
they don’t pay into SSI after the 1st $90,000.”
Get it?
We could put 50% of the x-tra money we get from rich peoples’ SSI money and invest it in “private accounts”.
The other 50% we could spend on whatever we damn please.
Just like Reagan’s plan for us, only the rich get “private accounts” as an added bonus! What could be more fair.
Sorry to hear that Gael Tarleton supports that $69 million annual property tax levy as well. Both Tarelton and Bob Edwards are getting tons of special interest money in their port commission race. Where is a Jack Jolley, Alec Fisken or even Richard Pope when you need them?
Looking at practical politics, somehow I don’t think the port property tax will EVER be eliminated by an elected special district port commission. Too much special interest in that body, and not enough general interest.
I think it will take STATE LAW to do this. Pass a STATE LAW to require the property tax levy be eliminated. Use it only for existing bonded debt and require other revenues be used to pay off those bonds early.
Better yet, merge Port of Seattle with King County. It worked with Metro. The port director and top officials to be appointed by County Executive and confirmed by County Council. Budget and tax decisions to be made by County Council.
Practical result of this — and also practical politics: The $69 million property tax levy will remain in place, but it will no longer be used to subsidize port operations. The port will instead break even, or perhaps even show a “profit”. The $69 million instead will be used for general government, especially for pressing human services needs and public safety needs.
SeaBos84 says:
EYEMAN WORLD! IF I ever hit a real big lottery, 2 things I’m gonna do:
1. buy a patch of nothing out in eastern WA and call it EYEMAN WORLD
2. get a ballot initiative passed that REQUIRES people who don’t want to pay taxes to move to EYEMAN WORLD in their natural state – bare ass, NO modern gasoline or technology or steel or machines … – just you and your community hating ass can bring your ass up by your bootstraps all by your fucking self. NO help. no seattle subsidized roads or dams or electricity or medical care … live in the fucking stone age, where you belong.
05/06/2007 at 8:03 pm
Seattle liberals pay taxes??? Now that is funny. hahahahahahhahahahahahahaha
Delete the port; i agree; its a boondoggle..
but i thought they were all Dems; what gives? going after your own?
Righton @ 7
Bob Edwards and John Creighton call themselves Republicans, while Alec Fisken, Lloyd Hara and Patricia Davis call themselves Democrats. More importantly, the Port of Seattle is a big boondoggle and a senseless way to waste $69 million per year in property tax revenues. Outside action through STATE LAW is a lot more effective method of eliminating this boondoggle than electing at best fallible politicians (even those with good intentions) to the board of this special interest group. Given the political climate, there is a better shot to merge the Port into King County, and use the $69 million in annual property tax revenue for better things.
re 8: Richard, I do not know what the fuck you are talking about, but I trust your political savvy on an issue like this.
I’ll support you, even though you are a Goddam Republican.
First thing we do is tar and feather Port Commissioner Pat Davis and ride her out of town on a rail …
And Mic Dinsmore with her …
Why the hell should taxpayers pay a $325,000 salary or a $200,000 pension to the manager of the only major port on the West Coast that doesn’t make a profit and has to be supported by taxpayers? Is this some kind of fucking performance bonus? Adopting the private business model, where CEOs get paid extra for losing money for their shareholders, sucks!
Mic Dinsmore proved the case for a $2.13 an hour minimum wage. He wasn’t even worth that much.
@2 “righton says: goldy, you have enuf money”
No, he doesn’t. He’s still short the $100 that Mark the Welsher owes him.
@2 “freeze the per capita growth on all gov’t spending; that is, no increase greater than inflation adjusted, population adjusted. done, you’ll have enuf then”
dumb idea. even our conservative great-grandfathers knew better. if they’d done this, we’d be trying to run a 21st century government on an 1877 budget, and we’d be a Third World country, and you’d still be waiting for indoor toilets and electricity.
“or you could kill some social engineering and spend that money on roads, sewers, etc.”
For once I agree with you! And I have some immediate candidates for elimination from the budget:
1. Nation-building in Iraq
2. Abstinence education
3. Alberto Gonzales’ salary
I’m sure I’ll think of more. Check back again tomorrow.
@3 Just a minor point … it’s FICA, not SSI, and it’s up to $94,200 (2006) thanks to the Bush Inflation.
@5 Yeah, good question, where is Richard Pope when we need him?
Too bad Richard Pope bowed out of the port race! Now we won’t have Richard Pope to kick around anymore.
@6 Pull your head out of your wingnut ass! Nobody in this state pays more taxes than Seattle residents, the vast majority of whom are unapologetically liberal. We’re the ONLY county that sends over $125 million a year of gas taxes to rural counties for roads; and that doesn’t count the millions we send to rural counties for schools. Nobody else is even close.
Don’t you get a kick out of these cow pasture rednecks who make $4,500 a year, pay next to nothing in taxes, and pontificate on their soapboxes about how Seattle liberals should get jobs and start paying taxes like they do?
@8 I could support a bill to eliminate the Port of Seattle. Just sell the fucking thing to Clay Bennett and let him subsidize us, for a change.
@9 I agree, as long as we still get to tar and feather Pat Davis.
Headlice Liar@3: Are you jealous because you’ll never reach that level? I do all the time.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Now I’m not claiming the producer/consumer argument, but you get paid well when you provide something useful!
Headlice Liar@3: So that Arizona State University Party Skuul edumication did your body so good you don’t see $90,000 a year?
Awwwww pooooooooor headlice!
PelletHead, if the Seattle Donk are so entrenched in their liberalistic ways, they should have no problem paying the port taxes.
Heck, it’s just another “tax and spend” scheme. You all are used to that!
I’m surprised no commentary on the French Elections. They disposed of a socialist woman. This a harbinger of things to cum for November 2008?
““The flag of the Left lies on the ground,” said Laurent Fabius, one of the most senior Socialists.”
I guess if France disposes a libtard socialist, maybe there is hope for America!
“By choosing Mr Sarkozy, France turned a deaf ear to the warnings of Ms Royal and much of the left that his muscular plans for restoring the work ethic, cutting welfare and fighting crime would lead to violence and even insurrection.”
Puddy Commentary: Of course the socialist agenda is to give away the store. Just ask Donk Congressman Dennis Kucinich. So you’d naturally hear the Socialists claim violence will occur when people are told they have to work for a change!
Oh the crescendo of stupid claims by Socialists!
For you Clueless:
You can read pearls and nuggets like this:
“The defeat of Ms Royal, who was the favourite until Mr Sarkozy launched his campaign in January, is expected to lead to blood-letting in the Socialist party after general elections for a new Parliament in six weeks. Ms Royal, whose partner Francois Hollande is the party leader, was never fully supported by Socialist elders who objected to her single-handed attempt to modernise the left during her campaign.”
So is Hilary trying to “modernize” the left?
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Royal is to Hillary as Bush is to Jefferson.
By US standards Sarkozy is somewhat to the left of Mao.
What he DOES represent is belief by the French that they are a disitnct people, albeit one that others can JOIN if they are willing to become French. If there is a lesson here it is to the irredentist liberals who see nothing anomalous in 12 to 60 million new Chicanos suddenly becoming American with out a profound effect on our shared, if confusing “American” culture.
re 23: Like Anna Nicole Smith?
My argument is that those who make over $90,000 a year should pay taxes at the same rate as those who make under $90,000.
Capiche, Cornholio?
Headlice: You mean Anna Nicole Smith didn’t provide comic relief? Au contraire, she was funny. And… a typical libtard!
Hey Headlice remember your magic NEGRO comment of last week? Voice of Chalk Scratching removed it from the Parking thread, but since I am addressing it to you…
Voice of Chalk Scratching:
Why don’t you have lying libtards pay for parking their lies on ASSWipes?
Obama the ‘Magic Negro’
The Illinois senator lends himself to white America’s idealized, less-than-real black man.
By David Ehrenstein, L.A.-based DAVID EHRENSTEIN writes about Hollywood and politics.
March 19, 2007
So all of these Media Morons, Stinking Non-Progress puke types who are finally cleaning up their commentary, it was a WHITE GUY who said it. Rush takes libtard words and parodies them.
Can you imagine if Rush said what Joe Biden said about Indians and 7/11 gas stations as you all are nutso over his parody on “magic negro” said by the leftist LA Times?
The same LA Times who said:
Governor: Phil Angelides
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahaha