Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: The Carl Jeffers Tribute Hour.
I’ve got too many things I want to talk about tonight, so with a hat tip to Carl (who’s on fire tonight from 10PM to 1AM) my first hour will be a torrent of consciousness streaming from topic to topic, including an update on the pet food recall (it’s in the human food supply), the JOA settlement between the Times and the P-I, the Alberto Gonzales hearing, and more.
8PM: Guns don’t kill people… no wait… maybe they do?
In the immediate aftermath of the tragic shootings at Virginia Tech, the White House made a point of reassuring the nation that the President still supported the 2nd Amendment, while righties immediately suggested that this never would have happened if the students and teachers had all been armed themselves. Figures. Fellow HA blogger Will joins me for the hour talk about the shootings and the controversial topic of gun control… so controversial that Will and I actually disagree. Oh… and in other news, hundreds of Iraqis died this week in sectarian violence. Just thought you might want to know.
9PM: How’d the Governor do?
The legislative session is coming to a close and WA State Democratic Party Chair Dwight Pelz joins me for a recap, and to rate the performance of both the Legislature and Gov. Chris Gregoire. (I’m guessing he’ll give them A’s.) Domestic Partnerships, children’s health care, simple majority on school levies, transportation financing… while we were all focused on the Viaduct and the Sonics, a lot of stuff actually got done.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
“……..will be a torrent of consciousness streaming…”
Like Billy Faulkner or Lenny Bruce?
Why was this guy carrying a weapon in a “gun free” zone? Did he know that Virginia Tech was gun free? Were there any signs stating that he was in a gun free zone? If we cant keep guns out of a gun free zone what make us think we can keep guns out of the US? We need more signs on campus stating that murder is against the law.
Good thing that most of the people Cho killed had parents who believe in gun rights.
Ahhh Yes, Mr Stupid is waltzing around on the computer this evening.
Mr Stupid, Virginia Tech was a Gun-Free School Zone, well at least until last Monday. Cho must not have known. I guess he didn’t get the email. Imagine his embarrassment!
Perhaps there should be more signs. Maybe after the dorm shootings he saw “the signs” and said “Damn… I may get caught, let me get more before I die cuz now they know I’m packing heat”!
Mr Stupid: See how dumb that thinking is? Well… maybe you can’t John Barelli aptly named you! Maybe concealed permits are needed after all.
Did you ‘Wipes know:
“After the proposal died in the state’s House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety, The Roanoke Times quoted VA Tech spokesman Larry Hincker as celebrating the defeat of the bill.
“I’m sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly’s actions,” Hincker said on Jan. 31, 2006, “because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus.””
I wonder how Hinckler feels now. Probably like a good donk, hiding in his burrow! Of course Kos don’t carry this on his site, so Clueless missed it!
Well, since my name is getting dragged into this, I might as well be involved.
Puddybud. You cannot seriously believe that college campuses would be safer with a sizable percentage of the student body carrying firearms, can you?
Let’s see. A little target practice after the kegger? “But officer, I was just aiming at the streetlights. I didn’t mean to kill the five year old girl living in the apartment building across the street!”
On the other hand, the idea of “gun free” zones that also include campus security personnel leaves something to be desired. Like, say, “security”. I am, of course, assuming something not in evidence, which is that campus security is decently trained as a police force, and are not simply eight-buck-an-hour rent-a-cops.
In any case, the Virginia Tech incident is neither an argument for or against gun control. It is simply a tragedy. Both sides in this debate should be able to see that, if they were not so single minded about their own agendas that nothing else, not even the deaths of 32 innocents, mattered to them.
Here is the appropriate response to this tragedy:
A poor, sick, hate-filled young man came to the point where he could not see the humanity of his victims. He was so tortured that after killing thirty two innocents, he turned his gun upon himself and took his own life.
If we cannot agree about that, then we do not have enough “common ground” upon which we can debate anything.
Never have wingnuts been so nutty as when they suggested college students should take guns to class.
These guys give gun rights a bad name because no rational person can feel comfortable about THEM having guns.
I’d feel better if only Democrats were allowed to possess guns.
Republicans can’t be trusted with weapons. They don’t need them anyway, because they never serve in the military.
MR Stupid:
Last year, Virginia Tech disciplined a student for carrying a gun on campus, despite his lawful concealed-carry permit. If only someone like that had been in Norris Hall on Monday, this massacre could have been ended a lot sooner. But… not to Mr Stupid. His world view kills 32 students!
Exactly John. It was a tragedy. Yet your side runs up the gun control flag. Witness the MSM attacks on gun lovers. Enter Mr Stupid and PelletHead!
Hey Sharansky! We all know you read this blog. Since you’re interested in honest elections, why don’t you write something on your blog about the GOP caging operations?
“The Republican National Committee has a special offer for African-American soldiers: Go to Baghdad, lose your vote.
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of tens of thousands of voters in the last presidential election, virtually all of them cast by residents of Black-majority precincts.
“Files from the secret vote-blocking campaign were obtained by BBC Television Newsnight, London. They were attached to emails accidentally sent by Republican operatives to a non-party website.
“One group of voters wrongly identified by the Republicans as registering to vote from false addresses: servicemen and women sent overseas.
“Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted from state headquarters … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. A check of the demographics of the addresses on the ‘caging lists,’ as the GOP leaders called them indicated that most were in African-American majority zip codes.
“Ion Sanco, the non-partisan elections supervisor of Leon County (Tallahassee) when shown the lists by this reporter said: ‘The only thing I can think of – African American voters listed like this – these might be individuals that will be challenged if they attempted to vote on Election Day.’ …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. … While the party insisted the lists were not created for the purpose to challenge Black voters, the GOP ultimately offered no other explanation for the mailings. …
“Soldiers sending in their ballot from abroad would not know their vote was lost because of a challenge.”
“For the full story of caging lists and voter purges of 2004, plus the documents, read Greg Palast’s … bestseller, ARMED MADHOUSE: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, Armed Madhouse: Who’s Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China Floats Bush Sinks, the Scheme to Steal ‘08, No Child’s Behind Left and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Like I said we need more signs on campus reminding potential killers that murder is against the law. We need more laws to control lawlessness. Did the students who were getting shot remind the killer that he was breaking a law. I propose that we train students to cite the law and the potential penalty for murder when confronted with a killer. Who is with me.
Based on the crap Pelletead dropped in this thread proves he didn’t read the article.
@12 Puddinghead: What would have stopped Cho from getting a carry permit? Until Monday, he didn’t have a criminal ecord.
@16 We would I bother to read anything YOU post?
Let’s just examine the situation if there had been several other armed individuals at VT. What are the responding officers to do when confronted with several different armed individuals, perhaps even one who turns toward the officer with their gun drawn?
Because PelletHead, it would help your Alszheimers and Senility. You would remember things and maybe you could learn the meaning of “IF”!
Did you learn about “Hemp Headed Hos” yet?
Just like the officers who these people:
“January 9, 2002, Appalachian School of Law in Grundy, Va. – 43 year old Peter Odighizuwa, who had flunked out of the small law school earlier in the week killed three people and wounded three others. Two law students – Tracy Bridges and Ted Besen – retreived a handgun from Bridges’ vehicle and held Odighizuwa at gun point for several minutes before police arrived. (Bridges was a reserve deputy sheriff, but was not on duty at the time of the incident.)
· October 1, 1997, Pearl High School, Pearl, Ms. – 16 year old Luke Woodham carried a rifle onto the school campus, killed his ex-girlfriend and one of her friends and wounded seven other people. Assisstant Principal Joel Myrick retreived a handgun from his truck and held Woodham for police. It was later learned that the teeneager had beaten and stabbed his own mother to death before the attack at the school.”
But in the ‘Tards mind these are triflin’ facts!
What would have stopped Cho from getting a carry permit? Until Monday, he didn’t have a criminal ecord.
He didnt have a criminal record. Were there any students trained on the law when the killer entered the building? Did anyone remind the killer of the lawz? He obviously would have followed the law, he didn’t have a criminal record. Thanks for making my point for me rabbit.
Do you carry a gun, Pud? Are you always on the ready to defend the rest of us?
K: What does it matter what I have or have not? Non sequitor!
Because you are full of shit.
In the first hours after the tragedy, we had the President bringing up support of the right to bear arms while addressing the victim’s families.
Immediately following that, we had right-wing pundits making statements about how, if only the students had weapons, the campus would have been safe.
No, Puddybud. Almost the only thing you’ve heard out of pro gun-control people is outrage about how this tragedy has been used by the pro-gun crowd.
On this thread, the right wing poster called “a Concerned Democrat” started it with stupid comments about the gun free zone.
Goldy’s post on this soon after it happened commented on Instapundit’s immediate reaction that if the students had only been armed, it wouldn’t have happened, and the President’s immediate statement of support of gun rights.
No, the pro-gun-control crowd has been remarkably slow to use this as a rallying point. The pro-gun crowd, however, jumped right on it.
We have enough guns laws. It is up to us liberals to peacefully get the word out on the law. We need an army of unarmed liberals who will take the bullets while informing killers that they indeed are breaking the law.
K – You are another of those like Mr Stupid and PelletHead. Right?
Have you ever been assaulted? DO you know how you would react?
You’re quite full of yourself, pontificating in the abstract, searching the internet for tidbits to use in your little duels.
But you’re still full of shit.
John, do I need to scan the MSM to prove you wrong again? Remember I proved to you Sean Hannity of Fox News was the lone voice of reason against the accuser, when the libtard MSM jumped on the three Duke students!
And I’ve also noted Pud, you’re quite a coward. Asserting your right to demand answers from others but running away from direct questions.
Quite impressive.
Cut and paste, Pud, cut and paste
K@31&32: Non Sequitors again. I am glad you are worried about me.
Full of shit? Wow how would you know unless, of course, you already are.
Now back to the commentary. I did some research, and it proves their spokesman was/is/and still is a DUMBASS! I noticed he can’t be found lately!
You can email him though at and ask what he thinks now!
K – I don’t need to answer you even if we are alumni! I am asking general questions, not personal ones. You ask personal ones.
That’s the difference DUMBASS!
So K – do you pack?
Mr Stupid was that you sneezing and got busted with 20 bags of hemp?
@ 21 was yet another “general” question you ducked. But that’s right, you believe you set the rules.
And K – I can think of about 64 parents, 108 grandparents, and who knows how many siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles affected by this action and people like Larry Hinckler.
K – If you could read I answered #21. But reading was not taught to you in the Arts Quad huh?
I ask to determine if you have any basis in reality for the spew you vent. My guess is you live in your own little world, unable to see outside your own warped world-view.
Cut and paste is not an answer.
And wrong guess on my academic background.
Am I supposed to be impressed or concerned by your reference?
V-Tech was a tragedy, and you are slime for attempting to use it for your own amusement.
K – I’ve logged more air miles and been more places than you’ll ever amass in your lifetime. I’ve seen poverty and prosperity the world over. My world view is NOT warped, but an assessment of many things, unlike you in your little WA State cocoon!
So you were in the Ag School? Hotel School? Human Ecology? You have to from one of those liberal arts places! Did you take classes from Carl Sagan?
Uh, Puddybud?
While I do recall our conversation about Mr. Hannity, I also recall that he came to the immediate defense of the Duke students before any evidence for or against their guilt was released.
At the time, the MSM was reporting the story as it was released to them, but only a very few were voicing opinions about the guilt or innocence of the students. You are welcome to find major media (that would be the networks and major newspapers, and does not include The Stranger, the LA Free Press, Mother Jones or any blogs) that was calling for anything more than a thorough investigation.
(There were a few outfits asking why the Duke Lacrosse team had strippers at a team party. I’m not counting those, as regardless of the guilt or innocence of the students, it’s a reasonable question. They showed very poor judgement, and have said so themselves.)
Yes, a few folks like Rev Sharpton and Rev Jackson jumped in to get a few more moments in the spotlight. Most of the MSM pretty much ignored them, but Fox News certainly gave them lots of air time. I’m sure they appreciated it.
So, somehow Mr. Hannity, doing some sort of Carnac the Great imitation, actually got one right. Good for him. It would have been nice if he had actually used evidence and reliable information to get to that right answer, but apparently knee-jerk racism and support for the “good ‘ol boys” got him to the correct answer this time.
Unfortunately, actually finding out what really happened takes a bit longer, which is why it took a few days for the MSM to come to the defense of the Duke students.
No K – Mr Stupid and PelletHead among others are using it for their AMUSEMENT calling for dumb and worthless gun laws which only arm criminals. Again through your rose colored lenses you miss their commentary because you are just like they are.
Did you miss the posting (of course you did) where the Yakusa Mob Leader killed the Japanese Mayor with a hand gun. But, but, but they have hand gun ban laws in Japan! Exactly and the Yakuza mob boss had a hand gun!
At least Mr. Barelli called it a tragedy, just like I have. Yet Voice of Chalk Scratching phrases it as gun laws would stop this. Uhhh… NOPE. They already had a ban on campus and we see the outcome of that right K?
Can you wake up from your stupor just for a minute? Dumb question… you are a Moonbat!
Your obsession with my background is quite amusing. You don’t know a damn thing about where I’ve been, and how far and how often I get around.
One can be in many places but with a closed mind and a cold heart still learn nothing.
And warped is quite a mild description of what you demonstrate here.
So Pud ass, do you think there should be any attempt to keep firearms out of the hands of those like Cho with severe mental problems? Or do you just want to wait for them to draw their gun and see if you can shoot them first?
John, now I am not a stripper lover, but was that AGAINST the law? Hmmmm…?
As for Jackson and Sharpton – Hmmm… I remember them on CNN almost immediately!
“Most of the MSM pretty much ignored them” -NOT
Sean asked where was the evidence when your side was piling on. He asked where is the innocent until proven guilty when your side said they were guilty because they were jocks. No it was your side and the moronic MSM who didn’t write what the story was about they wanted to be part of the story!
I agree Cho should have been banned. But with the ACLU waiting in the wings to tell the world his rights would have been violated if that occurred, your little Politically Correct world cost 64 parents, 108 grandparents, and who knows how many siblings, cousins, aunts, and uncles affected by this action their loved ones.
Good night!
The Duke prosecutor clearly committed misconduct. And I have not given any credence to anything out of Sharpton’s mouth since the Tawana Brawley affair.
And last, but not least, I generally do not read any crime news. The press, all of them, are in the business of selling ads and sensationalizing any given issue.
@ 51- how do we get there from here, to a limitation on possession?
So, somehow Mr. Hannity, doing some sort of Carnac the Great imitation, actually got one right. Good for him. It would have been nice if he had actually used evidence and reliable information to get to that right answer, but apparently knee-jerk racism and support for the “good ‘ol boys” got him to the correct answer this time.
Shit yea. What ever happened to guilty until proven innocent. That is why I love you libs. All I have to do is accuse and you all do the heavy lifting. hehehehee
Children, have you nothing better to do?
A “well regulated militia” is a certified crazy person with gunsa.
P-I editorial cartoonist Dave Horsey mocks wingnuts parroting the NRA’s line that college students should pack heat:
P-I editorial cartoonist Dave Horsey mocks Gonzo’s testimony:
P-I editorial cartoonist Dave Horsey mocks gun freaks:
Wackos and wingnuts must disarm!
@33 “libtard MSM”
If you mean “liberal media” (I think you do) — what liberal media? This country has no liberal media. The media are no more liberal than “A Concerned Democrat” is a Democrat.
@45 So maybe you’re a well-traveled idiot. What’s that got to do with anything?
@47 “No K – Mr Stupid and PelletHead among others are using it for their AMUSEMENT calling for dumb and worthless gun laws which only arm criminals.”
Since I’ve consistently commented in this blog that I support gun rights, and since I’ve consistently commented in this blog that I believe liberals should arm, this comment proves that puddinghead is either a liar, or an idiot, or both.
Here’s a question for ya, pudwhacker. Think carefully before answering because it’s tricky. Regardless of what Virginia gun laws are, does the college have a right to ban guns from campus, or does state law preempt college policy?
@51 “But with the ACLU waiting in the wings to tell the world his rights would have been violated if that occurred …”
Really? You’re saying the ACLU helped this wacko get a gun? Where’s you proof of that? I didn’t realize the ACLU was a defender of gun rights … are you confusing them with the NRA? Are you completely bananas? (Don’t answer that; you’ll only embarrass yourself!)
Puddinghead has lost it. Completely lost it. Over the edge. Into the abyss. A hopeless mental case.
Women should refuse to have sex except when they want a baby. That’ll make the guys happy because women won’t have abortions. And it’ll make the women happy because they won’t have unwanted children.
Believe me, I practice what I preach. The only time I fuck cute female bunnies is when I want to make more rabbits!!!
Well the Legislative session is over. We had four months where we did as we pleased, spanked the asshole Publicans and told them to shut the fuck up, passed all sorts of legislation that will piss off the right wing nutjobs and STILL ended up with a surplus – something the Publicans can’t do. Just look at their regime in D.C. President Clinton hands them a surplus and they turn it into the biggest deficit in US history – and that’s not even counting the money they are spending on Bush’s phoney war in Iraq – they won’t let those figures get mixed into the deficit – if they did, it would be astronomical. If you want good fiscal government hire Dems. If you want chickenhawks and cowards and liars and baby rapists, hire Publicans.
@51 “But with the ACLU waiting in the wings to tell the world his rights would have been violated if that occurred …”
Really? You’re saying the ACLU helped this wacko get a gun? Where’s you proof of that? I didn’t realize the ACLU was a defender of gun rights … are you confusing them with the NRA? Are you completely bananas? (Don’t answer that; you’ll only embarrass yourself!)
PelletHead — Where did I say the ACLU got him his gun. Senility is settling in on you quicker than I thought. Search the ‘Wipes blog high and low. Then search again!
You can’t follow a thread, or remember anything anyway. We were discussing above PelletHead Cho was found unstable in 2005. If this diagnosis was followed through Cho would have been banned getting guns. But the diagnosis was not followed through. Why? Because he would have said his rights would have been violated.
Here it is from the WaPo PelletHead:
“In December 2005 — more than a year before Monday’s mass shootings — a district court in Montgomery County, Va., ruled that Cho presented “an imminent danger to self or others.” That was the necessary criterion for a detention order, so that Cho, who had been accused of stalking by two female schoolmates, could be evaluated by a state doctor and ordered to undergo outpatient care,” reports ABC News, ” but despite the court identifying the future killer as a risk, they let him go.”
Now we all know why he was let go. Political Correctness PelletHead. The stuff you side uses to:
Dumb down kids curriculum in schools to the lowest common denominator.
Give them SSRI type medications because they are bored in school.
In 1965 we were near the top in math when we were in school PelletHead. Now we are 23rd? Political Correctness!
BTW I looked up the Montgomery County, VA Voting records
James Webb won Senate
R C Boucher House Seat
Both handily! Both Donks! Moonbat location!
At least they defined Marriage as one man & one woman!
PelletHead: Hmmm… Montgomery County, VA;gl=us
Sponsored by:
Montgomery County Democratic Committee
Young Democrats at Virginia Tech Hmmm…?
Kind of reminds me when I proved Cuyahoga County, Ohio where voting problems sent peeps to jail was controlled by Moonbat!s.
BTW PelletHead: There isn’t a Montgomery County Republican Committee.
33 “libtard MSM”
If you mean “liberal media” (I think you do) — what liberal media? This country has no liberal media. The media are no more liberal than “A Concerned Democrat” is a Democrat.
You cant be expected to detect lies in the MSM because you are one. All liberals say there is no bias becasue they are biased.