Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Is our pet food safe to eat? Hell, is our people food safe to eat?
Ben Huh from joins me for an update on our nation’s biggest pet food recall, and what it means for the safety of the human food supply?
8PM: Are kids having sex to young?
A new study shows abstinence only sex education doesn’t work, but even more shockingly, that the average age at which kids first have sex is on 14.9 years! Is that too young? Or was I just a really boring and uptight teenager?
9PM: Don Imus: racist or sexist?
Fellow blogger Natasha Celine from Pacific Views joins me for the hour to talk about Don Imus and other issues.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Should the lying sack of shit who went after those guys at Duke apologize? And she REALLY is a nappy head ‘ho.
But she won’t be held accountable. She’s exempt…
7PM: Is our pet food safe to eat? Hell, is our people food safe to eat?
For the most part; for the most part. If the goppers had their way, it’s all “buyer beware”. So if a few cats, dogs, parakeets, and people die now and then from tainted food, what’s important is trending toward market equilibrium. Nothing else matters. Nothing! Got that? If you listen to libertarian bullshitters, this is exactly where they want to take you–capitalist paradise.
8PM: Are kids having sex to young?
I dunno’. Ask the current crop of child brides. But they may be a bit hesitant to talk openly. When zygotes have sex, we may have a problem.
9PM: Don Imus: racist or sexist?
Imus can’t hold a candle to Pat Buchannan in that department. Rich Lowery is probably more racist. Bill Bennent is more sexist. Mikie Savage is more of a lunatic. For the most part, entertainers like Imus are just social detrius; scum that should be flushed down the toilet.
You forgot about the elitist Duke faculty members and their petition to publicaly castrate those three wrongly-accused lacrosse players. Where is their apology to the lads and their families?
Mike Nifong needs to make a public apology,too, for trying to pull off such a cycnical act of self promotion at the expense of the three lads’ lives. Possibly he will get his comeuppeance from the North Carolina State Bar. Anything short of total pfrofession and public humiliation would be light punishment for that arrogant bastard.
Proud to be an ass,
So what is Stephanie Miller? Little Miss Sunshine? The only difference between her and Michael Savage are their politcal points of view and positions for urination: both are lunatic fringe players.
Nappy Headed Ho – I sure hope those guys go after Duke, the faculty, the ‘ho, and Nifong. They should also find a high profile media babe and make an example out of her.
I’m tired of all you people hiding behind these fake names, or, “handles”, if you please.
I want to know your real names ….. and addresses ….. phone numbers …. social security numbers.
I just want to see them. I won’t do anything. I promise!
My dad paid Bo Derek a cool suitcase full of Benjamin Franklins so I could celebrate my 13th birthday properly. If I’m lyin’, I’m dyin’!
The accuser in the Duke case is a certified mentally ill person. You really can’t hold her responsible. Nifong’s a tool. He should be disbarred!
I hope that MTR can start worrying about the Scottsboro Boys now that the Duke case is water under the bridge.
“A new study shows abstinence only sex education doesn’t work, but even more shockingly, that the average age at which kids first have sex is on 14.9 years! Is that too young? Or was I just a really boring and uptight teenager?”
Goldy, there is probably something wrong with the methodology of the survey. Maybe they only questioned teenagers who had already had sex, which would considerably lower the average age for first having sex.
News Channel… and hit Fox where it hurts: in their pocketbook.
STEP 1. Watch the Fox News Channel. Hhhh hhh
STEP 2. Identify local businesses that are advertising on the Fox News Channel. Find their contact info and enter it into our database so that other people will be able to contact these advertisers too.
STEP 3. Call and/or Write to these local businesses and (politely) ask them to stop advertising on Fox until Fox stops acting as a mouthpiece for the Republican Party.
Cooool. But if you shut down Fox where would people get the truth from?
Well gotta run, the O’Rielly factor is on.
Fox is to news – what pro wrestling is to sports, i.e. FAKE. I love it that the Dems that matter are not going to appear at Faux News Channel debates. They shouldn’t be regarded as anything other than shills for the Publican party.
By the way, Handjob Hannity, Bill O Really, and the rest of the right wing tools that regularly host Faux News shows (with the exception of that traiter Lollipop North) have all passed on their chance to serve our country in combat – i.e., like Bush and Cheney – they’re chickenshit chickenhawks.
Pet food safety is very important because if the $16.9 billion regional transportation passes a lot of senior citizens on fixed incomes will have to eat dog food.
@1 The Duke persecutor is a “he”, you twit!
@6 Roger Raridon Rabbit IV, c/o General Delivery, Green Lake Park, WA, 000-01-0014,* no phone.
* I have the 14th social security number ever issued! I’m an old fucking rabbit and I’ve been around longer than most of you.
@7 “Nifong’s a tool.”
A tool of what or whom? Far as I can tell, Nifong ran this show, and answered to no one.
Mike Nifong spent his entire career in the Durham County DA’s office. Unable to get an assistant DA job elsewhere, he offered to do unpaid volunteer work, and the Durham DA accepted his offer. Apparently his work was satisfactory, because he was hired for a paid position when a vacancy occurred a year later, and steadily promoted, eventually becoming the chief deputy — the highest staff position in the office. When the elected DA left, Nifong was the logical candidate to serve as the interim DA until the next election, and the governor appointed him; but only after extracting a promise from Nifong that he would not run for the position.
Nifong did, however, have a bad reputation around the courthouse; due, apparently, to personality issues rather than legal ability. He was known for his hot temper and foul language.
Nifong broke his promise to the governor, and ran for election in 2006. Although Nifong declared himself a Democrat (for the obvious reason that Durham County is heavily Democratic), local Democrats spurned him and ran a candidate against him, and he barely won the primary. Not finished with him yet, the party ran a write-in candidate against him in the general election — a county commissioner who announced he would not serve if elected. Apparently his idea was to give the governor a chance to create a vacancy the governor would then fill with a different appointee. Once again, Nifong barely survived. (The GOP candidate was not a contender, getting only 11%.)
Nifong may well have used the high-profile Duke case to bolster his electoral prospects among Durham County’s African-American voters. In any case, it appears he withheld exculpatory evidence from the defense lawyers, and he is now facing probable disbarment.
Mike Nifong is similar in some ways to Low Tax Looper. Neither was a party establishment candidate, and both flew under the radar into low-profile offices. Like Nifong, Looper initially declared himself a Democrat (and associated with the KKK), but unlike Nifong, Looper did not get elected as a Democrat. So Looper, after his initial failure, moved to another state and tried again as a Republican, this time getting elected county auditor. Looper then proceeded to run the most corrupt and incompetent auditor’s office in Tennessee history. In his next race, for state senator, Looper murdered his opponent in the belief that he would certainly be elected if his was the only name on the ballot. However, a write-in candidate got 96% of the vote. Looper lost more than the election; he was convicted of the murder and is serving life without parole.
What the Nifong and Looper cases illustrate is that anyone can call himself a Democrat (Nifong) or Republican (Looper), but in the case of Nifong, the party label doesn’t mean anything. While lying, stealing, and killing are normal behavior for Republicans, and therefore Looper fit right in with the GOP’s agenda, Nifong is hardly representative of Democratic DAs anywhere in the country. He is merely an ambitious lawyer of limited competence who called himself a Democrat out of convenience. The Democratic Party is not in the habit of backing overzealous DAs who railroad innocent people. On the other hand, GOP prosecutors tend to be soft on crime, as the Lori Sotelo case in King County, Washington, clearly illustrates.
So, was Nifong a tool? No. He was an ambitious, overreaching maverick who is more typical of Republicans than Democrats. A good example of a “tool” is any U.S. Attorney appointed by Bush, who is expected to railroad innocent people as long as they’re Democrats, and will be punished with removal if s/he doesn’t behave like Nifong. A Bush-appointed U.S. Attorney can also enhance his/her performance review by emulating Norm Maleng, i.e., not prosecuting Republicans who commit election crimes. In sum, Nifong was not a tool of anyone; he committed his malfeasance on his own. Unlike Bush’s U.S. Attorneys, he was not prodded from above, nor a participant in an organized conspiracy.
@8 Or maybe they conducted the survey in a Republican county.
Q: How can you tell you’re having dinner at Redneck’s house?
A: Mark keeps yelling at his 13-year-old niece to stop smoking at the dinner table because it sets a bad example for her kids.
@10 “But if you shut down Fox where would people get the truth from?”
Where’s the Sunday Night Document Dump?
They must have postponed it again because tomorrow is a holiday.
The Land Of The Libertarian Dream Come True
There is a land where private enterprise has free sway; where government regulation of business and markets is all but nonexistent; where a man can become fabulously wealthy — a libertarian utopia.
The trouble with this is that under unregulated capitalism, like no-limit poker, only ONE player ends up with any marbles.
I’ve often said on this board that unregulated capitalism destroys itself, because the objective of competition is to eliminate competition; and under a winner-take-all capitalist system, ultimately one winner takes all and everyone else ends up with nothing. That is the great fatal weakness of wingnut economic philosophy.
There is a land that illustrates this point perfectly.
“Microsoft boss Bill Gates, the world’s richest man with $56 billion, and Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim Helu, who is now No. 2 with $53 billion, have one thing in common besides cool private jets. They owe their fortunes to near monopoly control of their respective markets.
“But while U.S. authorities have thwarted Gates’ subjugation of the PC software business in recent years, Mexico has done precious little to rein in ubiquitous business empires like Slim’s — which today accounts for almost half the Mexican stock exchange’s $370 billion value and controls a horde of industries ranging from telecom to tobacco. Forbes magazine … noted that Slim’s holdings … represent about 7% of Mexico’s GDP … which explains why few Mexicans were doing hat dances this week when Forbes announced that Slim, 67, had suddenly passed … Warren Buffett … as the world’s second-richest person and may well topple Gates as Numero Uno by … next year ….
“Whereas Gates’ wealth reflects America’s tech leadership, Slim’s riches … symbolize Mexico’s archaic system of monopolies and oligopolies, which helps keep almost half the nation’s population in poverty by choking oxygen away from the rest of the economy.
“Gates’ fortune is part of an engine that creates jobs; Slim’s … is part of an order that sends Mexican migrants across the U.S. border looking for them. …
“One of the stiffest challenges facing Mexico’s conservative new President, Felipe Calderon, is the creation … decent-paying jobs …. But first, say most economists, Calderon has to … regulate the monopolies …. The big reason for that urgency: the majority of Mexican workers are employed not by Big Business but by the nation’s beleaguered small- and medium-sized enterprises.
“Slim … is often fingered for some of the obstacles facing Mexico’s underdogs. According to the … Organisation of Economic Cooperation & Development, … Telmex, which is the flagship of Slim’s Grupo Carso and … controls 90% of Mexico’s telephone market, charges small businesses some of the highest fees in the world.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I don’t understand why all the wingnut wannabes don’t get that under the economy system they want to impose on America, few win and vast numbers lose. And the notion that hard work and superior ideas are what win is poppycock; the biggest pool of cash wins. Rockefeller didn’t gain 90% control of America’s oil industry because he was smarter than his competitors, but because he had more money than they did; leverage is everything. Once you edge out enough competitors to get a monopoly position, you as good as own the money still in other people’s pockets. And no one can stop you! Except government, that is.
That’s why I believe government should regulate business, play a role in preserving competition, and heavily tax vast inheritances so each new generation starts out on a playing field open to all (or, at least, to many). Because money is like a black hole; once it becomes concentrated enough, its gravity pulls all of the remaining money in the universe, and not a single dollar can escape its grasp. Money itself becomes so powerful that it renders labor worthless and assets impossible to attain or keep.
We must not — MUST NOT — let the libertarian economic vision prevail. It would ruin us all, and lay our society to waste. We would become another Mexico, with rivers of desperate Americans streaming south of the border seeking field jobs paying $1 a day.
So what is Stephanie Miller? Little Miss Sunshine? The only difference between her and Michael Savage are their politcal points of view and positions for urination: both are lunatic fringe players.
It is generally a good idea to know something about the topic upon which one chooses to opine. You clearly know nothing about Stephanie Miller, and that’s why you’ve just made a fool of yourself. To avoid similar embarrassment in the future, please confine your comments to topics of which you have some knowledge or understanding.
What many who comment on the blog want is socialism. Capitalism is too tough for them.
re 16: I meant it in the sense that Nifong’s a “DICK” — a TOOL!
Not that he’s an “unknowing tool of the capitalist pigs”.
The end may be nigh ….
I just posted a comment to my blog about a letter Bush received from the likes of of Vigurie, Whitehead .. the EXTREME right, the underwriters of the Swiftboate/Faux conspiracy.
They are abandoning Gonzalez!
What is left of the White House? Is bush living in Masada?
What many who comment on the blog want is a dictatorship. Capitalism is too tough for them.
Good morning!
Roger, I spotted a typo in your earlier post.
Always happy to help.
Roger Rabbit said
“What the Nifong and Looper cases illustrate is that anyone can call himself a Democrat (Nifong) or Republican (Looper), but in the case of Nifong, the party label doesn’t mean anything. While lying, stealing, and killing are normal behavior for Republicans, and therefore Looper fit right in with the GOP’s agenda, Nifong is hardly representative of Democratic DAs anywhere in the country. He is merely an ambitious lawyer of limited competence who called himself a Democrat out of convenience.”
Roger Rabbit attempts to smear Repulbicans with Mike Nifong….a DEMOCRAT….
He’s one of yours bunny…..and to use your own tactics against you…….painting with a very broad brush….
This is very typical of liberal DA’s and par for the course for Democrat lawyers/judges….always putting personal ambition ahead of ethics, and using race whenver possible to further a personal agenda rather than helping a victim. This is what you get when you elect Democrats.
For those that seem to believe that senior military leaders are all big GWB fans, here is an interesting little article written by Gen John J. Sheehan, USMC, one of the people approached to become the “Iraq War Czar”, explaining why he turned down the job.
Some of his most telling statements include:
These statements are from a decorated combat veteran, a person that dedicated the majority of his life to the military and to the protection of our country. His decision is not based on the original premise of this war, but on the current situation as he sees it.
Perhaps when the proponents of this war tell us that it is time to get past the lies and deception that got us into it, they have a point.
We really don’t need to look beyond the situation as it stands today to realize that we need to get those folks out of the White House.
@23 Not me — I prefer regulated capitalism. And I’ve adapted to expensive oil. (snicker) I made $800 in the stock market today before I woke up this morning … sleeping beats working!
Yep, it’s true — I make more money asleep than I ever did from working! Ain’t capitalism grand! I don’t see why anyone should work. Everyone should own stock and let the Republicans do their own fucking work! I’ll never have a boss again … I’m a producer now!!!
@24 I merely wanted to point out Nifong’s similarities with Low Tax Looper to show he’s really a closet Republican.
@27 Good God, how did I miss that?!! I must have been distracted by the helicopter hovering over my burrow. It comes every night now.
I assume you’ve all heard by now about the tragedy at Virginia Tech this morning. A gunman killed 21 people before being killed by cops. In Washington D.C., the preznit expressed his horror at the carnage, and reaffirmed his support for unrestricted gun ownership.
re 23: Apparently, Capitalism in the U.S is too tough for Capitalists.
What we have in the U.S. is Socialism and Protectionism for corporations and the wealthy.
You’re a boob.
Well Let’s talk about Pork Some more… Must be nice….
5 Star Hotels, private jets, and all!
by Charles Hurt, The Examiner
WASHINGTON (Map, News) – Congress is keeping Andrews Air Force base plenty busy this year ferrying lawmakers all over the globe at taxpayers’ expense. Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi took his wife, nine Democrats and two Republicans – Reps. Dan Lungren of California and Mike Rogers of Alabama – on a whirlwind tour of the Caribbean last week. After stops in Honduras and Mexico, they stopped in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where the delegation stayed at the five-star Caneel Bay resort.
In a separate trip to the Caribbean last week, Rep. Eliot Engel of New York squired his wife and four Democratic members to Grenada and Trinidad.
All told, the military flew at least 13 congressional delegations to various destinations during the Easter recess — at an estimated rate of $10,000 or more per flying hour.
The congressional delegation trips, known as CODELs, are paid for by taxpayers. They are supposed to be directly related to members’ official duties, and House guidelines also stipulate that delegations include members of both parties to qualify for military planes — a requirement that Speaker Nancy Pelosi waived for Engel’s group and two other delegations.
“There was a good faith effort made to include Republican members,” a Pelosi spokesman said. “For one reason or another, that did not work.”
In one instance, he said, a Republican slated for a Democrat-led trip had to cancel because of a “family emergency.”
In their successful campaign to win control of Congress last fall, Democrats accused Republicans of extravagant travel paid for by lobbyists. Some of these trips carried a strong whiff of influence peddling. The worst that can be said of CODELS, and critics often say it, is that they’re junkets.
Thompson’s office said he toured the Caribbean because he now chairs the Homeland Security Committee and wanted to see vacation hot spots to “examine border security and port security.” Three other members of the delegation also brought along their spouses.
“They are going from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. everyday,” a committee spokeswoman told The Examiner. “They do not have down time.”
At the Caneel Bay resort, where room rates reach $1,100 per night, the spokeswoman said Thompson and his wife paid the “government rate.” But, according to the reservations department, Caneel Bay doesn’t “offer any government rates.”
After Caneel Bay, the group headed to Key West, Fla., for a “classified briefing on inter-jurisdictional agency task forces,” a Thompson spokeswoman said.
The Caribbean trip led by Engel, who is chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, explored the “best practices for emergency disaster relief” and energy policy, according to his office.
Traveling with Engel and his wife were Reps. Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y., Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Tex., and Barbara Lee, D-Calif. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., who went to Belgium in a delegation led by Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., earlier in the week, also joined Engel’s Caribbean trip. She brought her husband with her.
Frank’s trip to Belgium and London was related to his work as chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, according to his office. The trip, which also included Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., was designed “to further understand the interrelationship between various issues related to the financial services regulatory structures” of the United States, the United Kingdom and the European Union, according to Frank’s office.
Rep. Jim Oberstar, D-Minn., also led a trip to Belgium over the two-week Easter recess. In February, Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah, took a delegation there.
“We’re at war with Iraq and Afghanistan, but apparently our members see Belgium as our most urgent international destination,” scoffed one Republican member of Congress.
Last week, Rep. Tom Lantos, D-Calif., defended Congressional travelers after a trip he took to Syria came under intense White House criticism.
“Members of Congress are not simply potted plants, though the White House apparently would like them to be,” he told reporters after his return. “Congress plays an important role in determining policy and providing funding for America’s international policies.”
The Easter Bunny (not RR, although I am sure he’d a been happy to join in this Easter Junkit had he been invited) just took one big expensive dump on the American Taxpayer…..
Yup, these are the same folks that are going to be telling us they aren’t getting enough tax revenue…
If the recalled petfood is killing our pets what is it doing to people who can’t afford and eat dog and cat food. I wonder how the FDA would comment on that.