Tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: What’s really happening in Iraq?
Sen. John McCain insists progress is being made and the war is winnable… but reports from the ground are much more grim. Dal LaMagna of has made frequent trips to the region in his efforts to create a peaceful dialog between Iraqis and Americans, and he joins me for the hour to give us the latest update from Iraq.
9PM: Help Wanted!
You’d think a job with a big office and a six-figure a year salary would attract a lot of applicants… so Geov Parrish wants to know why there are so few people running for Seattle City Council. Or the Port Commission and School Board for that matter. Geov joins me at the top of the hour to talk about the state of local politics and the dearth of candidates progressive or otherwise.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
We need to replace every single one of the port commissioners. Most other U.S. ports are self-supporting. We pay taxes so these leeches have money to squander! It’s not enough to defeat them; they need to be tarred, feathered, and ridden out of office on a rail.
Those who advocate for making additional offices elective (Elections Director/Auditor) ought to look at the candidates we get now for positions down the ballot. THe process of running for office is so onerous, and its not just the expense, that many who have the professional qualifications are not interested. And those who do relish the the fight, are not necessarily those we want in office.
K: Libtard People in Seattle don’t really run for office. They are guaranteed to win because Seattle is Moonbat!ville.
Roger Rabbit @ 1
If that will be the fringe benefit of being a port commissioner, then it is a blessing I never got elected.
So what port commission candidate in the last 10 years has been the most vocal and persistent opponent of the property tax lvey?
@4 Count your blessings, Richard! Things have a way of working out for the best.
@3 Then why would you want to replace a professional elections director with a Democratic Party hack?
Pudhole- then tell me about the unopposed races for King County Council, including those outside Seattle. How about “Doc” Hastings? Is he the best and only choice in Yakima? Ever look down the ballot at races like the water commissioner?
You really bring very little but talking points and bile to the conversation here.
@5 Beats me. I found myself sitting next to Paige Miller in a CLE, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t her.
My personal belief is that fewer elected offices with greater accountability to those which remain is a better approach. Separating the KC Sheriff from the Executive has made the budget process more contentious and more difficult to determine accountability for use of resources.
We have too many water and sewer districts. Too many little governments with too little attention paid to them.
K – Stay in the thread.
Ohhh… That’s right, Moonbat!s can’t follow threads.
It’s about Seattle City Council JackASS!
I guess that Cornell IVY League education is a detriment in your case!
Since when do you determine the breath of conversation in a thread? Look closely, it raises a question of the dearth of candidates for local office. Don’t know about you, but my view of local certainly encompasses the County. And it is reasonable to consider the state as well, particularly since YOU indicated the problem was a Seattle problem. Clearly it also exists elsewhere. If your little brain can’t make the jump, read more slowly.
Quite impressive you mine old threads for info about me. Am I supposed to be impressed or intimidated? Or shall I pity your empty life?
K – Harry Tuttle AKA Scary ReBUTTal – late last week accused me of hijacking a thread. When I pointed out PelletHead hijacks every thread, he shut up.
Ok so it’s more than just the City Council. “so Geov Parrish wants to know why there are so few people running for Seattle City Council. Or the Port Commission and School Board for that matter.” Still all Seattle activities!
So K you just proved you’re an IDIOT.
K@12 ThumbsuckerDarrell,AKA RecklesslySuckingPudButter, is a rtesident of Mason County.
Look closely at the Port. Look at the the area they cover. Hint- is SeaTac Airport within the boundaries of the City of Seattle?
Sorry, pal, you are just plain wrong on the facts. But you don’t let facts get in the way of your rants.
Enough for tonight. Pud, SeaTac Airport is where the big airplanes leave from. Get a map, one with political boundaries. Look closely at that map Pud. Study hard.
Try to add one fact to your rather limited collection. See you another time.
I haven’t hijacked this thread yet, but I’m going to.
Actually, this thread is about tonight’s “David Goldstein Show,” not just local political races, which is only one of tonight’s show topics. The other topics are Iraq and To Be Announced. So this is really an open thread, which makes hijacking it very difficult. Because if I hijack it with some off-topic topic, that topic becomes the To Be Announced topic, and therefore I haven’t hijacked the thread.
At least I don’t impersonate other posters. But I can’t, for the life of me, figure out why any troll wants people to think he’s Roger Rabbit.
What I mean is, if the troll who’s been impersonating me shows up at that Rove shindig and announces, “Hi, everybody, I’m Roger Rabbit!” he’s likely to be shot on sight.
So, what this all boils down to is, tonight’s TBA topic is getting shot on sight for impersonating Roger Rabbit.
I just hijacked this thread.
@13 Hey puddinghead, if you’re so disgruntled with the content of this blog, why do you still hang out here?
PelletHead: Me disgruntled. No, the comedy of you Moonbat!s keeps me coming back.
Because I need a hug. And a wipe. Could you help me? Please?
If this were a musical, I’d sing the following song:
“I’m a lonely little Puddybutt with a dingleberry
a dingleberry
a dingleberry
I’m a lonely little Puddybut with a dingleberry
oh, won’t you give me a wipe!”
K – Is the Port of Seattle a King County job? Ummm… You figure it out! Here K, Google Seattle Port Commissioner.
Don’t let the Seattle facts get in your way.
#27 – Crummy poem.
Try again Headlice.
With all due respect, I don’t let the facts get in the way either. Some call it truthiness. I call it feeling good about myself.
After all, what are facts but an archaic vestige of a dying modernity? We need a new sensibility to navigate the unknown waters of postmodernity.
We need Truthiness. It’s what feels good in the gut. No need for any book learning. Scientists are all frauds. What matters is my relationship between me and my God. And pretzels and beer. Or, if I had to choose, beer. But God is still very important. He is what gives me those gut feelings about things.
I come here to share my Truthiness with you eggheads.
See, a key element of the postmodern condition is “liquid” facts. They don’t line up like tin soldiers anymore.
That’s why Bush is my Main Man. He understands that facts are like mercury — they slip and slide around on your finger. No need to get hung up on linear thinking — just let the moment determine your facts.
Case in point: Bush needed to invade Iraq. Had to do it. Felt it in his gut. So he came up with a reason. Sounded good at the time. Now it doesn’t. And that doesn’t matter at all. What matters is that Bush followed his Higher Calling. He listened to His God.
Bush has a Personal Relationship with His God. I respect him for that. I really do. And that’s why it was a Good Thing to have invaded Iraq. It was all part of God’s plan.
Until it isn’t.
See? There’s a real “zen” quality to this. But I realize most of you non-Christians can’t understand such sophisticated thinking. So I will now return to calling you silly names.
So, how big is this doppelganger you’ve finally acquired?
I mean, is your doppelganger so big that you got a ticket for jaywalking and you were still on thr curb?
That’s what happened to me, so don’t be bragging on your surgically enhanced “ganger”.
I dunno, if you’ve never been ‘gruntled’, how can you become dis-gruntled? Truthiness demands you be gruntled before you become dis-gruntled.
Hmm, gruntled. . .sounds vaguely obscene doesn’t it?
Moderates believe that since it is a fait accompli that we are in Iraq, the Centrist thing to do is to stay there. If we just up and leave, the moderate thing to do will be to stay out of Iraq.
What would we do differently if there were no centrists and moderates?
They affect nothing.
I was once gruntled. My wife didn’t like to use lube. She thought it was too sticky. Women — you can’t live with ’em, and you can’t live with ’em.
Hey, that’s why I need a hug. And a wipe.
I once know a man who said he was both couthless and unruth, but I don’t think he would go so far as to say he was gruntled. . .
If we all find that elusive “happy place”, we’ll all become moderates.
Perhaps you would settle for “a Happy Face” instead?
“There once was a man from Nantucket, who had a doppelganger so long he could….”
OK, so poetry’s not my strong suit.
Have you read, “Zen and the Art of Doppelganger Maintenance”?
It’s a really “Quality” book.
Someday we should go over the territory of ‘Stracts and Surds’, as in How ab-stract and re-surd of you. . . . .
I’m a huge Robert Pirsig fan. I’ve read both his books and all his instruction manuals.
Talk about “Quality”!
If this is too obscure, let me know.
Flyyyying! I’m flying in the dome of the universe toward “Quality” and my very own 10″ pianist.
Six-figure salaries…for port commissioners? Or school board members? Uhhh…I don’t think so. You must be thinking of Mic Dinsmore or Raj Manhas, the port CEO and school superintendent, respectively. Now, they get paid some major coin, but they ain’t elected. Rather they’re appointed by folks who were elected so they can work their butts off for chicken feed. $500 a month in the case of port commissioners.
Hey, maybe if those positions paid more they’d attract smarter people to run for them.
Hmm, I had just finished listening to the Temple Bell’s echo disappear when I heard the screams of someone being attacked in the alley. . .I’ve often wondered if that was the night Bob’s son met his end. . . .
The cherry blossom floated in the tepid air to the oli-slicked road puddle, and I picked it up on my index finger with the blood from the tatooists pinprick.
So, this is Tokyo, I said to no one in particular.
I accidentially dropped acid when I was 12. My mom found out and sent me to my room. That’s when I discovered the power and glory of doppelgangers.
I also happened to have a picture of Karl Rove on my wall. Man, that picture started to grow and pulsate, and pretty soon my mom threw open my door and shrieked.
It took a while to live that down.
PudWax is probably desperately trying to figure out how to insert libtard or moonbat into this thread.
I wonder if his growing irrelevance is pulsating for him yet?
PudWax hates our freedom and wants to destroy it. He’s the universe’s FULCRUM OF EVIL. He’s the sturdy bastion of ignorance that the see-saw of good and evil does its deadly and repetitive dance upon —- for ETERNITY.
Skreek! Skreek! Skreek! Skreek!
Needs oil — lousy FULCRUM OF EVIL!
ArtFart @ 45
I have run for Port Commission three times in the last eight years.
#41 – congrats Richard. A verifiable form of expertise….as to the formality of it all….. the Port is a fiefdom withing the Kingdom….and very few care at all…..
Moonbat!s: Looks like the clearing out of Baghdad is working
Moonbat1s: Can you get your story together?
“The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee said Sunday that the Senate would not cut off funding for the Iraq war but would keep pressing President Bush for a settlement among Iraqi leaders to end the violence.
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mich.), appearing on ABC’s “This Week,” disagreed with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who said last week that he would co-sponsor legislation to cut off almost all money for the war in Iraq by next March.
“Well, we’re not going to vote to cut funding, period,” Levin said. “Even Harry Reid acknowledged that that’s not going to happen.”
But Scary I Got My Land Dirt Cheap with Insider Help Reid said he would cut off all funding to the troops. I guess the polling data said the US People were pissed over this.
LA Times WA Post and NY Times contributed to Puddy’s post.
Pud @ 28- Just one post before work. You just cannot admit you were wrong on jurisdictions. You said @ 13 the Port was a Seattle activity. It is not. Nor is it part of King County Government. I never said it was.
Try that reading thing again. Maybe if you look up the big words……….
Roger Rabbit @ 1 — You aren’t usually such a dumb bunny, but your diligent, vigilant, passionate ignorance may provide a clue to why the Port functions as it does.
You don’t know that two of the five commissioners are tax levy opponents? That’s not much of a starting point for a would-be tar-and-feather reformerist.
Yep, if I keep sucking that thumb R-E-A-L hard, they might, just possibly lie enought to show some progress somewheres in Baghdad. . .like those weren’t pictures of Twisty Talkin’ McCain in full, ceramic body armor (that they had to expropriate from some poor grunt).
Keep sucking that thumb, Darrell.
Conservative WHAT – A – DICK Pope is always looking for a way to live off the government tit. (Isn’t that ironic – given that conservatives are supposed to be anti-government?)
Maybe he’ll go for his record 18th straight loss as a wannabe elected politician?
51 “I have run for Port Commission three times in the last eight years.”
So, Richard, for 500 bux a month, the question is WHY?
Run for another judgeship, dude.
I find it incredible that people are so focused on why a particular presidential candidate is not electable. You spent an hour on it on Sunday discussing if Hillary Clinton was electable or not. Of course the republicans are not going to vote for ANY democratic candidate. Beyond that, Hillary is very electable.
She is obviously politically savvy, and we need that in a President. Bush has been incomplete in building a consensus in the US, or in his role as world leader. Hillary is likely to excel in the role of building a consensus before taking action, both in the US and in the world. They say “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.” Hillary has survived in the Whitehouse and survived in her role as a legislator.
She is tough. She could use the military if needed. If she ever did need to use the military, I think she is smart enough to accept the advice of the military commanders, without “opinion shopping” as Bush did when he ignored the advice of his commanders before going into Iraq. Hillary would use diplomatic efforts before, and in conjunction with, the military. Bush just wanted to pull the trigger and collected people who would tell him what he wanted to hear. Bush is disconnected from reality and from the US public. Hillary is grounded with the public.
The longer you spend in the political arena, the more there is to talk about and criticize. All there is to criticize about Hillary is that she has been politically active and has a history.
Obama sounds great, and his campaign has been amazing. But he is not going to be able to dethrone Hillary. Hillary will get the democratic nomination, and the next president will be a democrat. Say “Hi” to your next president. Hi, Hillary.
She is obviously politically savvy, and we need that in a President. Bush has been incompetent* in building a consensus in the US, or in his role as world leader.
* damn spell checker…lol
The only consensus Bush has ever built as among people as crazy as he is.
If the outcomes of the last two Presidential elections are any indication, the Democrats should find someone with the intelligence and common sense of a rabid opossum to nominate.
@60&61 One analysis goes something like this: Hillary has a large natural constituency, HOWEVER, with only thirty percent
of all adult likely voters identifying as Republican, ya gotta wonder where the other, now Recovering R’s will fall. I’m betting that reflex and inertia will prevent them from ever voting for a Clinton. . . . .
Obama is fresh, energetic, and appeals to idealism. (The Bullshit factor here is important to people whose intellects have been damaged by neocon memes. . .) Also, a certain percentage will give themselves “double-extra-bonus-points” for overcoming their natural. . . .”reluctance”. . .and vote for a black man.
Hillary doesn’t seem to have inevitability on her side.
If Bush is capable of finding a way into the White House ANYONE else can too.
Well you could criticize Sen. Clinton for her right ward march, her support for the American empire and all it’s wars and military, and her lack of principles other than getting power for herself, but then you’d be leaving out all the sleazy business deals she was involved in like Whitewater and being in bed with Wal-mart.
Anyone know why there’s no Green or ‘progressive’ type candidate running against ineffectual congressperson McDermott?
The reason people don’t run, is if you are anything less than a radical leftist, you find yourself excoriated as some right-wing radical not fit for office—even if you’re just a garden-variety liberal democrat who simply happens not to like flag-burning (unlike many of his brethren). That’s why. I’m surprised you haven’t figured that out.