Still recovering from your post St. Patty’s Day hangover? Tune in for a little “hair of the blog that bit you” tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Who (or what) won the Viaduct vote?
A lot of pundits and politicians say the big winner in Tuesday’s election was the one option that was not on the ballot. The Stranger’s Erica C. Barnett was the first local reporter to cover the surface-plus-transit alternative, and she’ll be joining me in the studio for an analysis of the vote, a first-hand report from the big Olympia press conference the next day, and a discussion of our region’s broader transportation issues in general.
8PM: Blogger roundup!
Fellow HA blogger Will joins me in the studio for a roundup of this week’s news.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
There’s more news coming this week on the U.S. Attorney scandal. Sen. Patrick Leahy said today, enough screwing around waiting for the White House to cut a testimony deal, he’s going to subpoena the principals. Also, more e-mail revelations coming tomorrow. Gonna be a busy week.
This scandal is huge, and will get huger. I’m now convinced criminal activity occurred. I believe some of the career professionals in the DoJ will start to leak information and even talk publicly. I believe that, when everything has been disclosed, it will come out that high administration officials pressured DoJ personnel to instigate malicious prosecutions and suborn perjury. People will go to jail over this. Gonzales will fall, and this time Rove may fall with him. But I think it reaches even higher than Rove; this scandal goes straight to the top, and in a very direct line.
Maybe when the general public learns that the president, his top political adviser, and his attorney general intended to use the power of government to put innocent people in prison on false charges to advance their political power grab, they will finally become frightened of what the Republican Party has become, and a groundswell will build for impeachment of these fascists before it’s too late.
Regarding the recent viaduct/tunnel votes, cannot the mayor or the governor have the election officials recount the votes until one turns out positive? I’m sure in the process, many lost ballots will be discovered.
P.S. Nancy get Al Gore to ground his Private jet and sell off some of his houses to get a jump start on global warming. Then all the folks in Seattle will trade in their cars for new bicycles, because they can’t make good decisions on how to build the AWV. Which means the Social Democrats can’t let the village run the goverment, and then nothing gets done in City Hall.
Scientists predict if global warming is left unchecked and the Earth continues to warm that an increase in temperature from today’s levels could mean increased flooding, drought, rising sea levels and even lost ecosystems.
Reversing the effects of global warming may be the greatest challenge of our time, setting at risk our economy, environment, national security and our children’s future. We cannot wait any longer to act.
For the last six years, the Bush Administration and Republicans in Congress have stifled debate and dismissed workable alternative energy solutions in order to protect Big Oil and their special-interest friends. On the campaign trail last year, we promised we would take our country in a New Direction. Thanks to your support for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) last year, Democrats are now in the Majority and are taking the first steps to reduce greenhouse gases and reverse the damage of global warming.
The truth is, however, that we can’t do it alone here on Capitol Hill. We need the support of the American people and community-based activism to harness their creativity and develop the kind of ground-breaking technologies and alternative energy policies that will reduce emissions that are responsible for global warming.
Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House of Representatives
My Democrat Friend is now jumping to a new party, can’t understand why? Dave is a little rough around the corners but you have to LOVE a Democrat.
I’m with you as far as voting the illegal alien embracing Dems out. I just can’t seem to get myself to vote for Nader’s Green Party when Flynt’s running (or rolling) as well. I been telling you, all this country needs to fix it is a porn slingin’ right-wing gimp. Get rid of his wheelchair and put him on top of an Abrams M1A2 battle tank ‘n have him chase them aliens back from whence they came.
There will be sacrifices to be made. We’ll all be doing a lot more of our own landscaping than we’re probably used to having to do. But hey the news says that, as a nation, we’re getting too fat. It’s a win win. Save the cost of going to a gym and save having to pay a gardener. There will also be a serious drought of latina spreads in Hustler. I suggest stockpiling. Spend the $$ you saved on gym fees and gardening on porn, legal porn, that is our God given right to peruse. See ya at the polls.
Vive le Larry!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. Frenchmen the folks on this web site only understand English except those who have been educated in Europe. Please translate how much you love this web site and make Goldy Happy.
Super cool le site et tres bien fait. Bonne continuation.
The key is to wait as long as possible to recount the votes thus increasing the numbers of lost ballots. All you “I am for the tunnel” libs need to start protesting now.
Roger you can now get playing cards for all your Friends and they make a great Christmas gift.
FREE OFFER! Get these Cards FREE
The Pentagon’s Iraqi Most Wanted “Deck of Death” playing cards was a huge hit with Americans.
Now, is raising the ante – with the Deck of Weasels, depicting the 54 worst leaders and celebrities who opposed America and were key members of “The United Nations of Weasels.”
This hot new set of playing and informational cards – which will surely be a collector’s item – depicts the enemies of America and Iraq’s liberation in a satirical way while revealing the evidence of their hatred – their own quotes against America!
No doubt the Deck of Weasels will enrage those included – including Michael Moore, Tim Robbins, Jacques Chirac, Barbra Streisand, Teddy Kennedy, Kofi Annan and many more.
You’ll laugh out loud looking at the faces of the world’s greatest weasels – each wearing the beret of Saddam Hussein’s Republican Guard – now dubbed “Saddam’s Weasel Brigade.”
Under each photo is each Weasel’s quote revealing his anti-American, pro-Saddam ranting!
There will be enough in the Deck of Weasels to keep you laughing for years!
The Deck of Weasels is not only great fun, it’s also educational. Check out the cards and learn:
• Which rock star raged: “We [expletive] deserve to get bombed . . . Bring it on, I hope the Muslims win!”
• Which Hollywood has-been whined: “This is a racist and imperialist war. The warmongers who stole the White House (you call them ‘hawks,’ but I would never disparage such a fine bird) have hijacked a nation’s grief and turned it into a perpetual war on any non-white country they choose to describe as terrorist.”
• Which movie star ranted: “I believe him [President Bush] thinks this is a war that can be won, but there is no such thing anymore. We can’t beat anyone anymore”
• The shocking pro-Saddam comment that escaped the lips of the self-styled sweetheart of morning TV “news” (and she refuses to retract her statement!).
• Why three U.S. senators and eight U.S. congressmen made the cut.
• Which prominent American political figure lied: “Far from being a threat to the United States, or any other people, Iraq has been a victim of U.S. aggression for 12 years.”
• The identity of the congressman, given a pass by most of the media, who disparaged U.S. troops in Iraq as baby killers.
• Which congressman blamed Operation Iraqi Freedom on the Jews?
• Why Carter and Jackson became the infamous jokers they are – one a disastrous former president who continues to damage his country and the other a failed president wannabe compelled to poke his greedy fingers in every pie.
The Deck of Death Most Wanted Iraqis was the best-selling product in NewsMax’s history. The Deck of Weasels is poised to trump even that.
It’s sure to be a collector’s item and makes a great gift too!
Hey, klake!
Since you’ve been so kind as to bring out the NewsMax deck, I thought you might like this one:
The War Profiteers Card Deck
It includes a number of interesting people, including:
King of Hearts (and I didn’t even think he had one!)
Richard Cheney
ex-CEO, Halliburton (currently assigned to US Vice Presidency)
As Secretary of Defense, he oversaw Gulf War I. As CEO, he earned Halliburton millions in Iraq. Then off to the White House with a $36 million thank you packet. Then he brings us Gulf War II. Does he have a system?
Four of Hearts
John Poindexter
Director, Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency
Chief architect of Iran-Contra, he was once-upon-a-time convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress, and destroying evidence. Current Czar of Total Information Awareness, he’s watching you. And your neighbor. And your mom. And your next move. Shhhhhhh.
Five of Spades
Thomas Kean
Former Gov. of New Jersey Director, Amerada-Hess
Now chairman of the9/11 Commission, Kean’s joint venture, Delta-Hess, is a partnership with Khalid bin Mafhouz-brother-in-law of Osama bin Laden. Doesn’t that seem just an itty bit inappropriate?
**** Collect them all! ****
Four of Hearts
John Poindexter
Director, Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency
Chief architect of Iran-Contra, he was once-upon-a-time convicted of conspiracy, lying to Congress, and destroying evidence.
I thought Sandy “Socks” Burglar was the four of hearts? Oh well.
@4 Al Gore doesn’t own a private jet.
@6 “I been telling you, all this country needs to fix it is a porn slingin’ right-wing gimp.”
If that’s so, here’s your candidate:
You gotta love her campaign slogan: “Finally, a politician you want to be screwed by!”
@7 How’s this for plain English, klake? —
Four years – remember Mission Accomplished? Remember “We have the insurgents in their last stand?”
Four years. Support our troops? Take their place then asswipes.
Once again, I am impressed by the level of dialogue at
Hard to imagine a more eclectic group providing key insight on our world.
Thank you all for making the world a much better place.
John Barelli says:
Hey, klake!
Since you’ve been so kind as to bring out the NewsMax deck, I thought you might like this one:
The War Profiteers Card Deck
Thanks Reverand John, but my Democrat friends sent me two decks already. That is sure a lot better than buying your own any day.
Roger Rabbit says:
@4 Al Gore doesn’t own a private jet.
03/18/2007 at 8:13 pm
Your right Roger his Lover John Kerry does and loves sending him all over the country selling his global warming movie. Maybe he just leases it from his wife for a tax write off for business.
Funny Stuff!!!!
You are the Halibut of the Blogosphere.
klake the flake
Don’t Cry For Reagan
“As the Bush administration sinks deeper into its multiple quagmires, the personality cult the G.O.P. once built around President Bush has given way to nostalgia for the good old days. The current cover of Time magazine shows a weeping Ronald Reagan, and declares that Republicans “need to reclaim the Reagan legacy.”
But Republicans shouldn’t cry for Ronald Reagan; the truth is, he never left them. There’s no need to reclaim the Reagan legacy: Mr. Bush is what Mr. Reagan would have been given the opportunity.”
Are You Smarter Than A Neocon?
True or False:
1. Saddam threw the UN weapons inspectors out of Iraq.
2. Saddam’s Iraq was a refuge for al-Qaeda.
3. “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US” is an historical statement.
4. The insurgency is in its last throes.
5. The purpose of US foreign policy is regime change.
6. The most important sacrifice Americans can make is to see the bad news coming out of Iraq.
7. We are not seeing the good news coming out of Iraq.
8. Fox News is news.
9. Rumsfeld was the best SecDef this nation ever had.
10. If we beat them there, we won’t have to fight them here.
11. As they stand up, we wilil stand down.
12. Iran is just months away from having a nuke.
13. Dissent emboldens the enemy, aids and abets the terrorists, and is unpatriotic.
14. Freedom is like dominoes.
15. Our mission is victory.
16. In six months, this will all turn around.
17. The Generals on the ground know what they need and get what they want.
18. If Joe Lieberman is for it, it’s bipartisan.
19. The Senate Intelligence Committee already looked into it, and there’s nothing to it.
20. It’s Clinton’s fault.
21. Iraq is the central front in the global war on terror.
22. “Redeployment” is another name for cut-and-run.
23. Benchmarks and timetables are a gift to the terrorists.
24. Our soldiers have a lifetime guarantee of the best medical care in the world.
25. George W. Bush Boulevard runs parallel to Haifa Street in Baghdad.
For each each statement you marked True, give yourself 1 Feith (Gen. Tommy Franks: “Feith is the stupidest fucking man on the planet.”)
BLOGOBONUS: Score 1 Perle for each additional neocon dogma you can list.
Criminal Charges Filed, Special Prosecutor Sought in Another Ohio County Over 2004 Irregularites
“After Ohio’s recount rigging convictions in Cuyahoga, is Coshocton County next?
“by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman
“March 6, 2007
“After the recent convictions of two Cuyahoga County Board of Election workers for felony recount tampering, Republican County Prosecutor Robert Batchelor is stonewalling efforts to investigate similar well-documented charges in Coshocton County, Ohio.
“The Cuyahoga County Board of Elections (BOE) third-ranking employee and an assistant manager were each convicted of a felony count of negligent misconduct and a misdemeanor count of failing to perform their duties during the 2004 recount. The convictions stemmed from the secret pre-counting of precincts prior to the lawfully required open recount. The convicted election workers only allowed the pre-counted precincts that matched the official results to be used in the recount. …
“Testimony and eyewitness reports document similar activity in several Ohio counties regarding the illegal rigging of the 2004 recount. … Under Ohio law, county boards of elections must set a ‘time and place fixed for making a recount’ and ‘in the presence of all witnesses [who may] may be in attendance, shall open the sealed containers containing the ballots to be recounted and shall recount them.’ … It is illegal to secretly pre-count recount ballots. …
“What happened in Coshocton County before the 2004 recount also appears to be a clear violation of Ohio law …. On December 8, 2004, Tim Kettler, the Coshocton County recount coordinator for Green presidential candidate David Cobb, was informed by a Coshocton County Board of Elections (BOE) employee that the county would officially recount on Tuesday, December 14. In a follow up phone call to the BOE a few days later, Kettler learned that BOE Director Mary Fry was planning a full hand count on December 14. This was a surprise, since the Coshocton County BOE had certified its vote total to Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell on December 6 as required by law and the required recount only mandated a hand count of 3% of the county’s votes, not a full hand recount. The reasons for the hand count would prove even more shocking.
“Documents obtained … from a criminal complaint filed by Kettler, show that despite fixing the legal time and place for the recount, the Coshocton County BOE ha begun to pre-count … without notifying representatives of the Green and Libertarian Parties. BOE records … indicate that a ‘special Meeting’ was called on December 9 by the Coshocton County BOE to discuss the recount. At the BOE meeting, ‘a motion was made by David Burns to hand count Precinct 3-C … ‘ after the legal certification of the vote, and prior to the recount. Records indicate that on December 10, 2004, a new certified vote total was sent to Blackwell’s office. …
“The December 27 letter to Kettler also documents that Director Fry knew that errors were being made by the ES&S 550 vote counting machines in tabulating the certified Election Day votes. Fry’s reason for the allegedly illegal pre-count calls into question the accuracy of ES&S scantron voting machines …. The Free Press found similar problems with ES&S 550 counting machines during the 2004 election in Miami County. In Miami County, the counter appeared to add phantom votes never cast to the 2004 presidential election totals. Fry claims that she contacted the Secretary of State’s office and was told to pre-count the ballots prior to the recount, thus raising potential criminal conduct by Secretary of State Blackwell’s office. …
“On December 14 as the recount began, the BOE distributed a document entitled ‘Official – Nov. 2, 2004’ dated December 10, 2004, including lists of vote totals, indicating that the Board had secretly hand recounted the ballots prior to the official recount. Fry, in her December 27 letter to Kettler, admits to the secret recount: ‘DURING THE TIME OF HAND POSTING ELECTION CERTIFIED RESULTS ON OUR ABSTRACT MANY OF THE FIGURES WERE UNUSUAL LOOKING. THEREFORE KATHY [HENDRICKS] AND MYSELF PULLED SEVERAL PRECINCTS AND HAND COUNTED THE PRSSIDENTAL [sic] RACE ONLY, FINDING MANY ERRORS IN TOTALS THAT WERE CERTIFIED TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE’s OFFICE.’
“Kettler contends that Fry’s statement is a ‘blatant lie’ and that the minutes of the December 9 special meeting document that the discrepancies in presidential vote totals were discovered during the ‘cursory count’ of Precinct 3-C. That precinct had been pre-selected for the recount, according to Kettler.
“On December 14, Coshocton County conducted the only full hand recount of any of Ohio’s 88 counties. The hand recount produced a total vote discrepancy of 1079 presidential votes between the certified results of December 6 and the recount results of December 14. With only 17,321 votes cast in Coshocton County, this represented a discrepancy of 6.25% of all votes cast in the county. In the 1079 vote discrepancy, Kerry received 49% of the vote. This is a stark contrast to the less than 43% he received of the original certified vote totals, before the amended totals.
“Kettler further asserts that the ‘full hand recount’ was meant not only to cover up the illegal unwitnessed pre-count but to also steer witnesses away from running a test deck of ballots through the malfunctioning machine. …
“Despite the known problems with the ES&S 550 machines, Fry stated in a Coshocton Tribune interview published on December 18 that the ‘optical scan technology worked remarkably well.’ Kettler asks ‘Why in the hell would you make a statement like that knowing that the tabulators lost over 6% of the vote?’ …
“He noted that the December 9 minutes of the Coshocton BOE meeting recorded that similar events had occurred in another county and that their Board had proceeded in the same manner as Coshocton.
“According the Kettler, though, the Coschocton County BOE officials have not been indicted or convicted because they are being protected by Batchelor. On August 16, 2006, Kettler filed a police report charging that the Coshocton County BOE had violated Ohio election laws and delivered a copy to prosecutor Batchelor. Three days later, the police assigned a complaint number 0106002634. A letter was sent from the police investigator to the Coshocton prosecutor on October 10. On October 13 Batchelor refused to prosecute BOE officials in Coshocton County although he never denied that the alleged criminal events occurred. Following the Cuyahoga County convictions, Kettler has now asked that … a special prosecutor be appointed in Coshocton County to investigate this case.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info, see
What have you got against chimpanzees???
“Republicans sought in 1993 to depict the routine and standard replacement of U.S. attorneys by the Clinton administration as some sort of grave scandal which threatened prosecutorial independence and was deeply corrupt. Yet now, people like The Wall St. Journal’s Paul Gigot — one of the most vocal critics of the 1993 U.S. attorneys replacement — insist that the President has the absolute right to fire any U.S. attorneys at any time and for any reason.”
@26 With GW’s prediliction to use torture as a first resort, you have to wonder if he can even come up to the chimpanzees’ standard of sharing 97% of the same genetic material as homo sapiens.
Roger @ 25–
Great research on the Ohio Election Fraud.
I’m impressed.
I’m also very impressed that you used the always dependable Blog called FraudBuster Bob’s!!
Everyone certainly knows who he is….except me.
RRR–Roger Rabbit’s Research=============