It’s a busy lineup tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: Run Darcy, run!
On Friday, Darcy Burner officially filed to take a second shot at Rep. Dave Reichert (R-Sheriff) in WA’s 8th Congressional District, and tonight she joins me on the show to explain why. What are we likely to see from Burner for Congress v2.0? Give us a call and ask Darcy yourself.
8PM: The Patty & Joel Show
Sen. Patty Murray calls in at the top of the hour with the latest on the Walter Reed Hospital scandal, and the conditions at Madigan Army Medical Center at Fort Lewis. Then Seattle P-I political columnist Joel Connelly joins me in the studio for the remainder of the hour to talk about local and national politics, and I suppose, what Sen. Murray had to say.
Tunnel vs. Sonics, Halliburton moves to Dubai, hate-mail highlights and other rantable topics.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Darn. Halliburton moving to Dubai. I’ve been there, and actually rather liked the place (although it’s a bit hot for my taste). They’ve got a nice little museum and a great public library.
Bummer. What did Dubai ever do to deserve our sending them Halliburton?
I just sent Darci $40. Let the sheriff go back to bungling murder investigations…..
I just set up my actblue page for this cycle, and donated $40.00 to Darci’s campaign. I think I am the first to donate! If anyone would like to help her get going out of the box, and get rid of sheriff dumbass bushbot please visit
and donate $5 or $10 or more to Darci if you can. Give her some moving around capitol to start rolling with!
Hey Goldy – After ranting about Reed healthcare, ask Dimbulb if she still favors inflicting gummint health care on everybody.
If Patty is a dim bulb, what does that make Senator Rossi?
Clueless: If you only had a clue on the Dubai Ports deal. Your good pal cigar soaker himself:
“The Glover Park Group, whose principals include Clinton insiders Howard Wolfson, Joe Lockhart and Gigi Georges, was paid about $100,000 to help the government-owned Dubai International Capital Corp. in its acquisition of the British engineering firm Doncasters Group Ltd.”
re 6: Other’s spin the news, you just twist it.
How ’bout that “GUMMINT” Army? Maybe we should privatize it! Do you hate all our “GUMMINT” soldiers?
re 8: A corporatist is a corporatist is a corporatist. That whole sort of thing is catching up to the Clinton’s. I can’t vote for someone who claims to have been brainwashed about the war.
Ah, Mr. Redneck.
You don’t have much experience with government healthcare.
But I do. I’ve had government run health care for most of my adult life. It’s actually pretty good, although the Bush administration keeps trying to triple the cost to me.
Even if they manage to raise the rates (they really are trying to triple the cost to participate) it will still be a pretty good deal, just not the one promised to me when I enlisted.
So, if you mean that the Republicans will sign folks up with promises, then try to raise the rates and cut the benefits after they’ve paid, you may have a point.
If you mean that the Republicans will give the best care to the “important” folks, and leave ordinary people out in the cold, living in moldy, rat-infested rooms, you might have a point.
But assuming that we can keep Democrats in office, we should be able to keep that from happening.
At least headlice you can process information with a
libtard slant. Clueless can’t process information with me giving the links to him.
Remember Clueless chooses NOT to read my links. So while other libtards like Headlice get edumicated, Clueless emulates himslef perfectly!
Oh, yeah, Dubai…one of those “countries of convenience. Back in the 90’s I worked for a computer reseller and one of our customers was a guy who owned a company with offices in Florida and Dubai. Our gubmint’s always been pretty friendly with their gubmint, and their gubmint’s always been friendly with its neighbors, even when we weren’t with some of them ourselves. This guy was taking advantage of the fact that although it was illegal to ship high-powered CAD workstations from the US to Iran, it was OK to ship them to Dubai…and Dubai didn’t particularly mind if they went from there to Tehran. Those things probably helped the contract engineers from Kellogg, Brown and Root build all those nuclear research facilities the Bush folks want to blow up now.
The only memory I have of Darcy Burner is watching her give a speech during the 04. Too long ago to remember much about the speech other than her speaking style was straightforward and to the point. She seemed a very level-headed, no nonsense kind of person to me. Call me crazy, but I’d have to believe she’d try to represent all people of the district, not just the democrats.
15 & 16
Just because we didn’t vote for Clinton doesnt mean we hate him. I mean 60% of America didnt want Clinton president in 1993. That doesnt mean they all hate him. Geeeeshh
But assuming that we can keep Democrats in office, we should be able to keep that from happening.
Hell democrats cant even run a public grade school properly why would they do any better with healthcare.
Just remember kids, that whatever problems America has, the Publican party had 12 years in Congress and more than six in the White House and all they did was manage to fuck things up beyond all recognition. We used to call that FUBAR and that’s the phrase that will hang forever over the AWOL, coke-snorting Pretend President’s legacy.
What Clinton flushes down the toilet would make a better president than who we have now. What he left on Monica’s dress was more man than Cheney too.
Deferment Dick Cheney. Why fight when I can get 5 deferments! Just like Bush had his daddy’s buddies get him a spot in the Champagne Unit Texas Air National Guard.
Bush, and Cheney are a disgrace. Clinton just got a little on the side……
As far as whether you hate Clinton or not Rather, you have to put things in perspective. They had 2,500 interconnected media outlets spewing the GOP talking points daily, attacking him. If you didn’t hate him you probably did not own a TV or radio, and you didn’t read newspapers.
If republicans were given complete charge of public schools, the only career path youngsters would be encouraged to pursue is professional canon fodder. Gotta get ready for WWIII disguised as Armegeddon. Curricula will focus on prayer, exposing non-christians, conformity to nationalist dictates, obeisant acceptance of any loss of civil rights, chauvanism, repressing inner feelings of homosexuality while brutally oppressing the least homosexual behavior in others, etc etc. Recreation will include the most violent video games, particularly the video game based on the Left Behind series.
Unfortunately I was unable to talk to Darcy. But I really think she will bungle the campaign… again.
I am Greenwood, Seattle. I kept received spam emails from her campaign. Let me say, I did volunteer and work on the cantwell campaign, but I had no interest her campaign. I let her campaign know that I was not a target audience for her.
Next I let them know and I sent $20 to Dave(which I informed them of). Third time I set $50 (Which I let them know).
what I am saying is if she can’t manage her campaign any better than that, well she hasn’t a snowballs chance in hell.
There is something that really makes me sick these days. It is the right wing dirtbags defending Cheney, and Libby. I heard one turkey say that Libby should have never been questioned because Fitzgerald knew no crime was committed because Valerie had not been serving undercover overseas in the previous 5 years.
Maybe the CIA wanted an investigation for Treason, not just outing an undercover agent, ya think? Let’s add this up.
A person / group of people with top security clearance used classified information to launch a political attack on a war critic. This critic was demanding they tell the truth about what they knew about the known to be forged for years Niger documents, and their false basis for invading Iraq. They wanted to send a strong signal to anyone with the CIA that didn’t want to go along with their plans for the new world order.
This attack blew the cover of a classified CIA NOC, but far worse informed all our enemies that Brewster Jennings was a front company for a CIA operation. Anyone associated with Brewster Jennings could be arrested, and executed as spies, and some probably were, but we will never know.
This all happened after the CIA told the White House not to reveal Valerie’s name on two separate occasions, according to testimony at the Libby trial. The CIA also told Novak twice not to print her name. Not that he would listen to the CIA….
Let’s change the frame completely. It is not just about outing Valerie Wilson, even though that was a sickening act, and possibly treason. It was about outing every single operator involved with Brewster Jennings worldwide, an obvious act of treason. How could this not be treason?
When we post comments on blogs about the crimes, and conviction of Libby, or Cheney, we need to use the proper frame. They committed treason. Plain and simple. The more of us that use the proper word treason, the sooner this crime will sink in, and make sense to average Joe Blow.
Treason! Don’t forget it.
Thank God I don’t have to defend these dirtbags just to collect a paycheck.
Don says:
Unfortunately I was unable to talk to Darcy. But I really think she will bungle the campaign… again.
I am Greenwood, Seattle. I kept received spam emails from her campaign. Let me say, I did volunteer and work on the cantwell campaign, but I had no interest her campaign. I let her campaign know that I was not a target audience for her.
Next I let them know and I sent $20 to Dave(which I informed them of). Third time I set $50 (Which I let them know).
what I am saying is if she can’t manage her campaign any better than that, well she hasn’t a snowballs chance in hell.
I am sure you got your $50 worth out of Reichert. Hope you don’t lose your healthcare, watch your job go overseas, or your children are draft age….
Ahhh Clueless trapped again. You don’t even remember how a thread or a conversation starts.
And this is a cause clelbre for a libtard?
First libtard Clueless you need to read more. Since you immediately puddle jump EVERYTHING I link is from Richard Scaife, you lose
Second libtard Clueless, you live up to your name. Why did you change? Jusry still out on that one.
Third libtard Clueless, you brought up the ports deal. All I did was to correct you for the umpteenth time for the bullspit you deliver to ASSWipe readers!
I do put things in perspective. How can you hate a president that a majority of people didn’t want and only got in because of Ross Perot. Clinton didn’t steal the election although he probably garnered almost the entire fraudulent vote. For some reason it was just fait that Clinton became president. I do have to admit I am glad to see him gone.
clelbre – celebre
jursy – jury
Everyone talks about Fitzgerald doing a good job prosecuting the liar Libby, but he should have been building a case for treason.
Don’t forget. Matt Cooper, and Bob Woodward knew who the leaker(s) were, and they did not do their job as reporters and let us know before the 2004 election. Imagine that.
Do you think the American People deserved to know the fact that Scooter Libby, and Karl Rove leaked an undercover CIA Noc’s name to the press, along with Armitidge, and destroyed Brewster Jennings before they decided to vote for Kerry, or Bush?
Kerry was running against the press along against the Bush Crime Family.
Hey Pudddy. You use the word libtard a lot, but you worship a president who can’t even complete a sentence without stuttering? A VP that thought we would be greeted as liberators, and the insurgency was in it’s last throes.
What is even funnier, is the more educated a person is, the more likely they will vote for Democrats.
If you want to use the term tard, you are describing anyone still stupid enough to support the GOP criminals.
I voted for Perot in ’92, but only because I expected Clinton to win. I always say Clinton’s biggest shortcoming was NAFTA, against which Perot of course based the main part of his campaign. Perot voters were from both parties. Those who still hate Clinton after 6 years of Bush have their heads up their ass and enjoy the taste.
Factless: Where is the hue and cry from your side on Sandy Burgler and his stealing from the national archives and lying about it? He impeded the Senate Committee and the 9/11 Committee. Hmmm???
Wells says:
dictates, obeisant acceptance of any loss of civil rights, chauvanism, repressing inner feelings of homosexuality while brutally oppressing the least homosexual behavior in others, etc etc. Recreation will include the most violent video games, particularly the video game based on the Left Behind series.
Versus what they have now. Being forced to watch Al Gore Incovient truth (junk science)and putting rubbers on cucumbers. Give me school choice.
You know what is funny about the Burger thing Puddy. If the security guards saw him stuffing papers down his drawers, why didn’t they stop him. You ever pause to ask yourself this simple question. Always seemed like a Rovian attack to me.
Berger also did not go running to Bob Novak, and have him write an article destroying a whole multi million dollar CIA Boiler Plate Company, and possibly causing horrendous damage to our intelligence gathering ability. You know, our people looking for the “real” WMD’s.
Isn’t it getting harder, and harder to defend the Bush Crime Family these days Puddy? How about the rest of your righties? Ever think your are becoming more irrelevant every day, having to ignore more reality every second?
By the way, has anyone ever did a study on how many terror threats were ignored after Bush took office? I know of about 60 direct in your face were are about to be attacked code red warnings, but there are probably more. The FAA issued 54 warnings alone, and not one single meeting was called to strengthen our airport security.
Ever think about that righties?
So Puddy. Please answer me this. Why was outing Valerie Wilson, and destroying Brewster Jennings not treason?
tic, toc, tic, toc…
Answer = ????
Check and Mate.
Yeah whatever, Ran Dather. How’s the butt flavor? Are you munching on dingleberries?
I voted for Bush, but unfortunately I was registered in a liberal voting district and my vote was never counted.
Why was outing Valerie Wilson, and destroying Brewster Jennings not treason?
This is easy because Valerie wasn’t in the CIA when she was outed. Smacccckkkkk!! And its a home run ladies and gentlemen. I love softball questions. heehehe
Unfortunately, US Soldier, voter fraud occured in nearly every state and tens of thousands of votes for Kerry were lost. Your disappointment doesn’t make sense. Your reckless, falacious, malicious president stole the national election twice.
Lots of people, including many of your fellow republicans decided in Nov 06 that Bush and the republican leadership in congress had to go. 36 republican congressMEN and 6 republican senators were told by republican voters, “You’re fired!”
Dan Rather says:
Why was outing Valerie Wilson, and destroying Brewster Jennings not treason?
This is easy because Valerie wasn’t in the CIA when she was outed. Smacccckkkkk!! And its a home run ladies and gentlemen. I love softball questions. heehehe
Don’t be dancing in the endzone Barney Miller.
“Fitzgerald: Valerie Wilson Was “Classified” CIA Agent
According to Wolf Blitzer on CNN, one of the indictments reads:
Prior to the July 14, 2003, Valerie Wilson’s employment status was classified. Prior to that date, her affiliation with the CIA was not common knowledge outside the intelligence community. Disclosure of classified information about an individual’s employment by the CIA has the potential to damage the national security in ways that range from preventing that individual’s future use in a covert capacity to compromising intelligence-gathering methods and operations, endangering the safety of CIA employees and those who deal with them.”
Like I said. Treason.
Your a lap dog for the left. You lefties can never prove voter fraud because to do so would be to out your own party. Hehehehehehe
Proving voter fraud? Easy.
Two Ohio election workers found guilty of rigging vote recount
2002 New Hampshire Senate election phone jamming scandal
What about the 90,000 legitimate minority voters Jebbie kicked off the rolls on Florida in 2000. We should be winding down the last 2 years of Gores presidency, and global warming would be solved, and we would have more allies than enemies unlike now.
I just feel sorry for the Guatemala dudes that have to evict the evil spirits from their holy burial grounds. I wonder how hard it would be to keep the evil of Bush from bothering their dead ancestors at their gravesites. Lotsa, lotsa evil….
Prior to the July 14, 2003, Valerie Wilson’s employment status was classified. Prior to that date, her affiliation with the CIA was not common knowledge outside the intelligence community.
An indictment is an accusation. This accusation is false otherwise he would have been found guilty. Smacckkkkk Another homerun.
Doofus @ 43 sez…
“An indictment is an accusation. This accusation is false otherwise he would have been found guilty.”
Ummm…you mean like OJ?
“Smacckkkkk Another homerun.”
Indeed, Doofus. Indeed.
What about the 90,000 legitimate minority voters Jebbie kicked off the rolls on Florida in 2000.
You mean all the illegal felon democrat voters. So you lost out on 90,000 illegal votes. This makes up for all the military votes thrown out for Bush.
Rather, only in your twisted mind.
She was an undercover noc according to Fitzgerald. If you need a conviction, Hitler may be innocent because he was never convicted using your logic.
Imagine reality a louisville slugger, and it is hitting you over the head over, and over, and over…. Sooner or later you will understand…..
Even Nixon’s supporters had to learn sooner or later.
Actually no, Scooter never did anything wrong in the first place. The fraudulent elect Queen Chrissy doesnt bother you, why would OJ?
If you need a conviction, Hitler
Yes we need a conviction. This whole fiasco was a set up from the get go. You donks are great a false accusations.
Come on, the dems lie all the time. I should know. I worked for an arm of the DNC (See BS) and produced false documents claiming Bush went AWOL. Geeeesssshhh
33 “Ever think about that righties?”
HA! The answer is patently obvious, unless you define “thinking” as conjuring up a more absurd lie every time they’re called out on the last one.
Doofus @ 38 sez…
“This is easy because Valerie wasn’t in the CIA when she was outed.”
Uh huh. Did you take a fistfull of stupid pills this morning, Doofus?
Why would the CIA request an investigation over the outing of a non-employee?
Why would Fitzgerald say this:
Lay off the stupid pills, dipshit!
“The fraudulent elect Queen Chrissy doesnt bother you…”
More stupid pills for ya, huh, Rufus?
Million of dollars spent on the best GOP lawyers money can buy, and not a shread of evidence of fraud.
Man…you wingnuts cling to your fictions like Replicants to their “family photos!”
Let’s see. The prosecutor was a Republican. The Justice Department is run by Republicans. The investigation was commenced and concluded while the Republicans still had control of both houses of Congress.
His attorney helped select a jury of his peers, which, after hearing the evidence, found him guilty on four separate charges.
So tell me, “Dan”, how did we “donks” manage to pull that off?
Wow, we must be really good.
Or, maybe he was just guilty. I realize that neo-cons don’t normally consider that actually being guilty of a crime to be a reason to take someone to trial and find him guilty. Neo-cons just don’t think that way. If a neo-con politician is found guilty of a crime, his actual guilt or innocence is irrelevant in their eyes.
Sorry, “Dan”. Get used to it. If members of the administration have committed crimes, they can expect to be investigated. If enough evidence is found, they can expect to go to trial, and if a jury finds them guilty, they can expect to go to jail.
And, while I doubt that it will be much comfort to you, or even that you will understand the concept, there is a bit of good news here.
If they’re innocent, or even if we simply cannot prove their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, they go free.
I would recommend sitting in on a grade school civics class and letting the kids explain it to you, but I’m not sure we should let you that close to a bunch of pre-adolescent children.
Doofus @ 48
“This whole fiasco was a set up from the get go.”
And what, pray tell, was the CIA’s motive in calling for the “fiasco” according to the Wonderful World of Wingnuttery™?
@1 “What did Dubai ever do to deserve our sending them Halliburton?”
It’s a tax dodge. Halliburton, which specializes in ripping off U.S. taxpayers, wants to avoid paying U.S. taxes. It’s kind of self-defeating to rip off themselves, isn’t it?
Another probable motive is to put themselves beyond the reach of their U.S. critics (and maybe even U.S. laws). You can bet the local regime guaranteed their executives would enjoy tranquility in their new corporate digs — should any protesters show up at the gate, they’ll quickly disappear, never to be heard from again.
I heard on ABC News tonight that Halliburton made $2.3 billion profit last year — and is under investigation for overcharging the government $2.7 billion. This means Halliburton made all of its profit — and then some — by stealing from the government. If this is true, then their huge oilfield services business is losing money. Strange, because everyone else in that business is making money hand-over-fist. Makes you wonder if Halliburton isn’t lying about their bottom line. Someone should investigate their accounting.
@6 Government health care has no problems that a change in management can’t fix.
@6 Hey Redneck — since Bush fucked up every PRIVATE BUSINESS he ever ran, does that mean the PRIVATE SECTOR doesn’t work?
@8 So? Those guys aren’t the government, nor were they in charge of the government — they’re just businessmen making a buck off Bush selling our port security down the river! What of it? I buy stocks in companies run by Republican crooks. I figure if they’re going to rip people off, I might as well get in on th action. They’re going to do it whether I invest with them or not, so why shouldn’t I share in the loot? Same deal with these guys. They couldn’t make a buck off it if the stupid Republicans weren’t willing to let, you know, those towelhead Muslim terrorist guys, run our ports.
@11 ABC News also reported, “Among [Halliburton’s] low points are said to be serving troops spoiled food, exposing troops to contaminated water from the Euphrates River and failing to adequately protect its contractors.”
What the Halliburton and Walter Reed fiascos demonstrate is that Republicans and their corporate friends regard our troops as mere cannon fodder, whose only function is to be sacrificed to the corporate bottom line, and to be minimized as an expense item while they’re still alive. Neither Bush nor anyone in the GOP corporate world gives a flying fuck about the dogface soldier who does the fighting, eats the rotten food, drinks the poisoned water, and spends the rest of his life in poor health. That has been clearly demonstrated at every turn.
Support the troops, my ass! The troops are just another cow to be milked for private profit.
Betcha I’ve given more money to than Halliburton has.
If anyone wants the ABC News link:;page=2
Yes. “Stealing from the government” was Cheney’s business plan in his own life, and he took it to Halliburton. Then he met Shrub, whose business plan was the same, cause it was his Daddy’s and his Grand-Daddy’s, after Grand-Daddy got laid off of Hitler’s payroll.
@16 “I mean 60% of America didnt want Clinton president”
So what? Right now, 72% of America doesn’t want Bush president. Got any suggestions? How about going to a parliamentary system, so we can get rid of the national leader with a simple no-confidence vote? Impeachment is way too cumbersome.
@16 If we held a Bill Clinton vs. George W. Bush election today, guess who would win? I’ll bet Clinton would take it by 65% or more.
Waytago, Dan Rather! Your wingnut president is beloved by only 28% of the population — the 28% on the low end of the bell-shaped IQ curve, to be exact. Well, hey, even idiots are entitled to representation now and then — although this is somewhat problematic as letting idiots run the government makes too much trouble.
@18 I didn’t hear complaints about rats in the VA hospitals before the GOP ran them.
@18 And Clinton didn’t poison the troops with rotten food and contaminated drinking water, either. Why do these things never happen except when Republicans are in charge?
@26 “only got in because of Ross Perot”
Bullshit! You’ve posted this BULLSHIT before, and I’ve debunked it before, and I’ll keep debunking it EVERY TIME you post it, liar!
“Some conservative analysts believe that Perot acted as a spoiler in the election, primarily drawing votes away from Bush …. However, exit polling indicated that Perot voters would have split their votes fairly evenly among Clinton and Bush had Perot not been in the race, and an analysis by FairVote – Center for Voting and Democracy suggested that, while Bush would have won more electoral votes with Perot out of the race, he would not have gained enough to reverse Clinton’s victory.”,_1992
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I offer as Exhibit A … ROGER RABBIT, a Perot voter. If you think I would have voted for Bush Sr. if Perot wasn’t in the race, you have rocks in your head.
Funny how these GOP shills don’t think a 370-168 electoral vote victory means anything when the Democrat comes out ahead.
Compare with 2000, when Gore got 550,000 more votes than Bush, and Bush won the electoral count by only 271-266 (270 needed to win) … their tune then was, “oooohhhh, the popular vote doesn’t matter, only the electoral votes count!”
Fucking hypocrites.
@28 Fitzgerald is a Republican. He wasn’t going to charge Libby with any more than he had to; and wasn’t going to prosecute any more Republicans than he had to.
@31 “Where is the hue and cry from your side on Sandy Burgler and his stealing from the national archives and lying about it? He impeded the Senate Committee and the 9/11 Committee. Hmmm???”
I’ll answer your question, but first things first: Where is the hue and cry from YOUR side about the Bushies ignoring Berger’s pre-9/11 terrorism warnings?
“During the transition between administrations, National Security Adviser Sandy Berger arranged several extensive briefings on this last subject for Bush’s incoming national security adviser, Condoleeza Rice, and others on the Bush team, including Vice President Cheney. One briefing lasted half a day. Berger told them that Osama bin Laden was an ‘existential threat’ and told them that he wanted ‘to underscore how important this issue is.’ … Don Kerrick, a three-star general and outgoing deputy national security adviser, … received no answer …. ‘They didn’t respond,’ he said. ‘They never responded. It was not high on their priority list. I was never invited to one meeting. They never asked me to do anything.'”
— Sidney Blumenthal, The Clinton Wars (New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux, 2003), pp. 797-798.
Now, to answer your question: Why should anyone get excited about winger allegations that are demonstrable lies?
“Critics believe Berger’s motives were more sinister than a mere mishandling of classified documents. They suggest he destroyed primary evidence …, and that his motive was to permanently erase Clinton administration pre-9/11 mistakes from the public record. Public statements to this effect have been made by … Rush Limbaugh, … Dick Morris, … Fox News …, and … Dennis Hastert ….
“After a long investigation, the lead prosecutor … stated that Berger only removed … copies … and that no original material was destroyed. …
“Despite prosecutors’ statements, some critics continued to make unsubstantiated allegations. This led The Wall Street Journal to … [editorialize], ‘Some people won’t let a bad conspiracy theory go’.”
@31 (continued) Berger didn’t blow the cover of a NOC agent and CIA operation. All he did was remove copies of a handful of low-classification-level documents printed from data stored on computer hard drives from the National Archives for his own use in preparing his testimony to the 9/11 Commission. He didn’t destroy evidence, lie to a grand jury (like Libby did), or cover up treason (like Libby did). He didn’t pass vital, or even non-vital, national security information to our enemies (like Rove and Nowak did). But Berger technically committed a misdemeanor, and paid a price for it: A $50,000 fine and 100 hours of community service. Whatsamatter, is that penalty not tough enough for ya? I’ll bet you’ll be first in line to call for a Libby pardon. Fucking hypocrite.
@32 You already have school choice. If you don’t like public schools, you can put your kids in private schools. Isn’t that what all Republicans do anyway?
@37 BULLSHIT on all counts! You’re no soldier, you’re a Republican coward; you’re probably too young to vote; and it’s Republicans — not Democrats — who don’t count military votes:
“A confidential campaign directed by GOP party chiefs in October 2004 sought to challenge the ballots of … servicemen and women sent overseas. Here’s how the scheme worked: The RNC mailed these voters letters in envelopes marked, ‘Do not forward’, to be returned to the sender. These letters were mailed to servicemen and women, some stationed overseas, to their US home addresses. The letters then returned to the Bush-Cheney campaign as ‘undeliverable.’ The lists of soldiers of ‘undeliverable’ letters were transmitted … to the RNC in Washington. The party could then challenge the voters’ registration and thereby prevent their absentee ballots being counted.
“One target list was comprised exclusively of voters registered at the Jacksonville, Florida, Naval Air Station. … [See this scrub sheet at;size=o ] …
“A soldier returning home in time to vote in November 2004 could also be challenged on the basis of the returned envelope. Soldiers challenged would be required to vote by ‘provisional’ ballot. Over one million provisional ballots cast in the 2004 race were never counted; over half a million absentee ballots were also rejected. The extraordinary rise in the number of rejected ballots was the result of the widespread multi-state voter challenge campaign by the Republican Party. …
“The BBC obtained several dozen confidential emails sent by the Republican’s national Research Director and Deputy Communications chief, Tim Griffin to GOP Florida campaign chairman Brett Doster and other party leaders. Attached were spreadsheets marked, ‘Caging.xls.’ Each of these contained several hundred to a few thousand voters and their addresses. …
“The Republican National Committee in Washington refused our several requests to respond to the BBC discovery. … The party has refused to say why it would mark soldiers as having ‘bad addresses’ subject to challenge when they had been assigned abroad. … Setting up such a challenge list would be a crime under federal law. …”
@38 “This is easy because Valerie wasn’t in the CIA when she was outed.”
@38 (continued) Nowak “outed” Plame in July 2003, and Plame left the CIA in late 2005, more than two years later.
@38 Is there anything, absolutely anything at all, that wingnut poster “Dan Rather” doesn’t LIE about? This poster is a serial liar.
@41 No facts, no cites, no sources — just bullshit pulled out of your ass. Typical “Dan Rather” fare. Dan Rather is the wingnut serial liar of HorsesAss.
@45 See #78.
I won’t even bother to debunk Dan Rather’s absurb lie in #45.
I won’t bother to debunk the rest of Rather/Dufus’s absurd lies, either. I’m tried of this.
PelletHead@72&73: Once again I use your side to destroy your argument ad nauseum:
“Another law, this one protecting classified intelligence from deliberate mishandling, was turned to junk last week. Mr. Samuel Berger, Mr. Clinton’s National Security Adviser, pleaded guilty to stealing classified intelligence documents from the National Archives, taking them home, and cutting them up with scissors. What Mr. Berger had previously described as an inadvertent mistake is now, according to the same gentlemen, better described as the deliberate theft and destruction of classified documents pertinent to how the Clinton administration addressed – or failed to address – the al-Qaeda threat. In sum, the papers secreted in his shoes, BVDs, and pockets were not a surprise discovery when he got home and undressed. No, Mr. Berger now acknowledges that he had hidden them on his person, apparently with the joys of scissoring them into a mound of destroyed evidence foremost in his mind.”
Moonbat!s: Destroy the evidence when it sucks to be you!
Or Pellethead:
“With the release of an internal investigation last week, we now know that former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger not only knowingly flouted laws for handling classified documents, but he also went to incredible lengths to cover his tracks and thwart investigators.
While Berger’s “punishment” was a pittance of a fine, former Pentagon analyst Larry Franklin has been financially ruined and sentenced to 12 and a half years for passing along far less-classified information to unauthorized third parties. “
And Pellethead: Read what a Moonbat! blogger wrote and how he was slapped back by his constituents. At least on his blog the Moonbat!s are more levelheaded than most of the libtard ASSWipes visiting here and leaving their droppings!
And PelletMonster@72&73 (in his own mind) I like visiting this site every so often.
“Berger was given access to the classified material in the National archives so he could review documents prior to his testimony to the commission. I believe he was also supposed identify documents that might be of interest to the 9/11 Commission. Instead he pilfered and destroyed an unknown number of documents, some of which were originals that had never been copied.
And evidently the Commission wasn’t told the full extent of Berger’s misdeeds. In fact it doesn’t appear that Berger even gave DOJ a full accounting of what he destroyed, before he was let off the hook.”
So I went to ThinkProgress and what did the libtards there write? “No big deal Berger destroyed originals”. – Yep just like libtards!
Puddybud says:
PelletHead@72&73: Once again I use your side to destroy your argument ad nauseum: /?articleid=5514
“Another law, this one protecting classified intelligence from deliberate mishandling, was turned to junk last week. Mr. Samuel Berger, Mr. Clinton’s National Security Adviser, pleaded guilty to stealing classified intelligence documents from the National Archives, taking them home, and cutting them up with scissors. What Mr. Berger had previously described as an inadvertent mistake is now, according to the same gentlemen, better described as the deliberate theft and destruction of classified documents pertinent to how the Clinton administration addressed – or failed to address – the al-Qaeda threat. In sum, the papers secreted in his shoes, BVDs, and pockets were not a surprise discovery when he got home and undressed. No, Mr. Berger now acknowledges that he had hidden them on his person, apparently with the joys of scissoring them into a mound of destroyed evidence foremost in his mind.”
Moonbat!s: Destroy the evidence when it sucks to be you!
Puddy it must suck not realizing so many things. Berger “mishandled” documents. Bad. Cheney took intelligence, told Americans the “intelligence” said something 180 degrees from what it actually said to sell a war. Ever watch the Downing Street Memo hearings? The ones in the basement, because the GOP was so scared of what the subject matter was, they wanted to do all they could to cover it up?
All Facts Support My Positions. My friend, very few facts support your ideology.
Grow up.
Get real.
Start helping your nation by demanding better government, and getting rid of the lying crooks that control it these days!
You don’t have to join us “Democrats”, join the “Republicons” and work to expel all the lying sacks of sh*t that are running that party.
I am not saying the Democrats are perfect, for they are not. Just remember that compared to today’s GOP they are angels!
We should send WHATADICK Cheney over to RAGHEAD land to live with his brothers and his company. They don’t deserve to be here. And we should ban Haliburton from any further military contracts.
I always knew Cheney/Bush were in bed with those folks. I just never knew they’d ever be so bold as to admit it.
Roger, Roger, Roger….don’t get calluses on your paws typing rebuttals to the wingers’ bullshit. They’ll just keep repeating it anyway.
They don’t have a clue that the “reality-based” world has passed them by.
Factless: Mishandled original documents through his “edward scissorhands”! Mishandled them, broke the law, lied and is NOT prosecuted. Lied to 9/11 and Senate Committees by covering something up. And… you don’t care.
And… when I demonstrate superior knowledge of this and the Dubai Ports deal, you ASSWipes go apoplectic like always.
It’s your side who claims we need to implement the 9/11 Committee findings. Yet they are not complete and you of course don’t care because, hey, one of ours shredded evidence. From what I hear from MI people, ther’s hell to pay if a low level person did what Sandy Burglar did!
Waaaaaa haaaaaa haaaaaa HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR!
Nuff Said!
Like I said…
re 55: Maybe the Bush Doctrine of preemptive war against Halliburton would be in order.
If it’s illegal to attack them, so what. We’ll wait until 2009, after which the IMPERIAL DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENT can do whatever he or she wants because, well, they are the President!
Your side has lost the political argument: Conservatism is a failed model of managing government.
No matter how many comparisons or accusations you try to make from people and events of the past, you still fail to address the most significant problems facing our nation and world today. Nor do you hold accountable the people who are in office today that are causing these problems. And, by doing so, you become a part of the problem and not its solution.
These are but a few instances of gross neglect and/or mismanagement from Bush and the Republicans:
Ignoring the confirmation that al Qeada was behind the USS Cole attack. Result – 9/11 attacks.
Pulled out of the Kyoto treaty. Result Global Warming is accelerating.
Manipulated pre-war intelligence to justify attacking Iraq. Result – 3,200 dead Americans, 23,000+ wounded, projected financial cost upwards of $2 Trillion, according to NIE report all 16 US spy agencies agreed Bush’s policies are creating more terrorists faster than we can eliminate them.
Added $5 Trillion dollars to our National Debt – Result higher borrowing costs for Americans, funding the expansion of China as an emerging Super Power.
Battle of Tora Bora sent in Afghan War Lords to fight our battles instead of using the 10th Mountain Division. Result – bin Laden living freely in Pakistan.
Orchestrated the outing of an undercover CIA operative. Regardless if she was active or not, she can NEVER return to working undercover. Result – loss of a 20 year old CIA front operation Brewster Jennings and the tracking intel of real WMD’s.
Authorizes torture to anyone they see fit. Result – innocent people being tortured and ruining our moral authority the world over and losing the ‘Hearts & Minds’ of the Arab world and seeing America as true enemy instead of an ally.
Couldn’t imagine the levees topping or bursting in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Result – over 1,000 dead, the ruin of a major American city, and the shameful images of the refugees in the Super Dome that looked more like scenes from a Sci-Fi movie than reality.
US Patriot Act drafted primarily by Bush’s White House staff. Result – FBI agents invading our privacy for no “apparent” reason.
Military Commissions Act. More legislation drafted by Bush’s White House effectively eliminates Habeas Corpus.
Headless@93: You just said Hilary is a corporatist and you can’t support her. So who on your side is “she”? Maxine Not So Smart Waters, Dianne I’m Really Rich Feinstein, Barbara I”m Rich Too Boxer, Nancy Damn I Almost Didn’t Have to Pay Those Wages Pelosi?
FartNArt: What did I write as “wingers’ bullshit”? Maybe others did in this thread, but my entries are fully backed by “leftwing” URLs. So leftwing URLs are “wingers’ bullshit”? You like to sling crap too!
Like I said…
I have my own theory on the Sandy Berger incident.
Because President Clinton and President George HW Bush became such close friends, President Clinton asked Sandy Berger to take and destroy classified documents that would implicate Former President Bush (41), the Carlyle Group and Osama bin Laden in a conspiracy that would prove they were behind the 9/11 attacks.
Realizing the destructive consequences of our democracy regarding the involvement of President Bush in the 9/11 attacks, President Clinton, for the good of the Union, asked Sandy Berger to confiscate the documents and destroy them.
The Republican led congress opted not to exercise their Constitutional authority of oversight because a back channel message came down from George W. Bush not to investigate this matter any further, understanding that he’d be placing his own father in legal jeopardy.
*(disclaimer: to the best of my knowledge none of these claims are even remotely true and should not be construed as fact. They are as made up as: “Saddam’s has WMD’s — no doubt about it” or “The insurgency is in it’s last throes” or “In the United States of America, any time you want to tap a phone line you need a court order; nothings changed.” However, feel free, at your own discretion, to use this made up story as fact, like the wing nuts do.)
Who can prove this is not true?
Wow GBS: I heard of speculation but that one is way past SWAG level!
Some answers to GBS’ concerns:
Pulled out of the Kyoto treaty. Result Global Warming is accelerating. Come on GBS. You know China and India are NOT in the treaty as developing countries. Pwhaaaah!
Manipulated pre-war intelligence to justify attacking Iraq. Result – 3,200 dead Americans, 23,000+ wounded, projected financial cost upwards of $2 Trillion, according to NIE report all 16 US spy agencies agreed Bush’s policies are creating more terrorists faster than we can eliminate them. – Looks more and more truer
Added $5 Trillion dollars to our National Debt – Result higher borrowing costs for Americans, funding the expansion of China as an emerging Super Power. – Already there with their multimillion man army. They’ve been killing the girl babies to have more males for their army. This just allows them to use the Bernie Schwartz Loral Guidance systems approved in the 90s more efficiently.
Battle of Tora Bora sent in Afghan War Lords to fight our battles instead of using the 10th Mountain Division. Result – bin Laden living freely in Pakistan. –
Couldn’t imagine the levees topping or bursting in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Result – over 1,000 dead, the ruin of a major American city, and the shameful images of the refugees in the Super Dome that looked more like scenes from a Sci-Fi movie than reality. – Now you know this was LA Gov Kathleen Blanco using the LA National Guard to block the aid. She admitted it. Do you really want me to bury you with multitudinous URLs? Why are you resorting to a Headlice Loocy moment?
@ 98:
I know, I know. It’s almost as absurd as saying there’s no such thing as Global Warming, or Geogre W. Bush is paying down the national debt, or that George W. Bush is winning the Iraq War, or George W. Bush caught Osama bin Laden, or the FBI isn’t spying on Americans, or we don’t kidnap people off the streets of America and send them to secret torture prisons in Eastern Europe, or, or, or . . .
@ 99 cont:
Or Jose Padillia has enjoyed all of his Constitutional rights because he’s an American citizen, or Brownie you’re doing a heckuva job, or no body could have imagined the terrorist would hijack planes and fly them into the World Trade Center, or imagine the levees could fail, yeah, right.
GBS: Voice of Chalk Scratching has my response to #94. Let’s see if he has guts to release it.