It’s a jam-packed schedule of inside politics and policy wonkery tonight on “The David Goldstein Show”, 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO:
7PM: What’s driving Peter Steinbreuck? Seattle City Councilman Peter Steinbrueck shocked supporters this week when he announced he would forego reelection so that he could devote his energies towards opposing an elevated rebuild of the Alaska Way Viaduct. His surprise announcement also immediately raised speculation about his future political plans. Mayor? County Executive? Congress? Peter will join me in the studio for the hour to talk about the Viaduct and his future.
8PM: Is Oscar-winner Al Gore running for President? Washington insider Michael Feldman, a founding partner of the Glover Park Group and a former top aide to the former Vice President, joins me at the top of the hour to give us the inside scoop on his old boss, and how the crowded field of presidential hopefuls is shaping up. What’s the inside the beltway, DC punditocracy take on the 2008 election? Tune in and find out, then call in with your predictions and preferences of who you’d like to see facing off in the general election.
9PM: Is the state doing enough to educate foster kids? Less than two-percent of WA’s foster kids will go on to get a college degree. Less than two-percent. Reuven Carlyle, a Harvard educated high-tech entrepreneur — and former foster child — thinks we can and should do better, and has helped craft HB 1131, creating a Passport to College Promise Program that would provide outreach and scholarships to former foster youth, while providing incentives to colleges to enroll and retain these students. Reuven joins me in the studio along with Janice Avery, the founder and executive director of Treehouse, to talk about the challenges facing foster youth, and how we can do a better job preparing them for success.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
First! Al Gore Credits?
Second: Al Gore and Occidental Petroleum
Third: Al Gore and his private jets.
Whoever the right attacks is someone they fear.
“Keep on rockin’ in the free world”, Al.
Of these three topics, one will generate the least excitement, but is the most important.
SB 5155 is the Senate version of this bill, and I had heard about this before. Senator Kilmer has spoken at length about it, and it is a special passion of his. Maybe it’s just a “new dad” thing, where he is especially aware of the needs of children, maybe it’s just that he’s crunched the numbers and has figured out that college is cheaper than jail.
(Full disclosure – I know Senator Kilmer. We aren’t “best buds” or anything similar, but we go to the same church and occasionally see each other in the Narthex, and I helped out a little bit in his campaign. He’s good people.)
Whatever way you look at this, it makes sense. These kids were removed from their homes by the State, because for one reason or another, their own parents were unable or unwilling to care for them.
When most kids turn 18, their parents continue to support them through the remainder of high school, and at least give them the opportunity to start higher education. Even families of modest means can usually continue to provide basic shelter and food.
Foster kids don’t have that option. When they “age out” of the system at 18, they’re on their own. High school may have to take second place to finding a place to live and food to eat. College is often not a viable option.
Not surprisingly, many of these kids leave school and turn to crime. Instead of productive citizens, contributing to society, we get criminals and parasites, and we get to spend our tax dollars providing them with room and board through the state prison system.
College is cheaper than prison. Doing the right thing actually costs us less in tax dollars than ignoring the problem.
Ten years from now, the next President will have come and gone, but the children now in foster care will either be productive citizens, adding to the wealth of our nation, or criminals and parasites, dragging us down.
Conservatives often mock liberals as doing everything “for the children”, but this one really is. The fact that it is also a far better use of our tax dollars is a bonus.
I would love to Gore to run, that would be great news. Why ? Because in no time, the Hillary and Co would point out the shortcomings of Mr. Windbag and point out where he is wrong. That would hopefully put end to this nonsense about Gore. Remember, to win the primary, you have to point out where you are better than the other (or as it more often done, where the other is worse). No one can claim to be more “pro environment” than Gore, so that doesn’t work for Hillary and Obama. So they have to put him down…and on what ? The only thing is to put his stuff into perspective.
So pls pls, run for president, it will be great to watch.
And if he will, see Hillary, Gore and Obama destroy themselves…and leave space for the only viable candidate the democrats have right now, Bill Richardson.
Libtards: Apparently irony is lost on you.
There are two main Moonbat! presidential candidates I have not dissed so far. Let’s see who has been paying attention.
#1 is:
#2 is:
Cum on suckas!
John Barelli: This is one topic I like. We need to help foster kids earlier in life.
Aint you libs suppose to be earning carbon credits to counteract the 60 miles I put on my gigantically huge, gas guzzling SUV today. You know the planet is not going to heal itself?!!
@7 Richardson is not a better candidate than Gore, but of the current Democratic field, he has the best credentials, and geographic and demographic positioning. However, he does not have the money, and that’s the ballgame.
Here here Puddy. May I suggest school vouchers. It wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a thing and would have more of a positive impact than anything the libs could come up with.
Puddy @ 9- you flatter yourself to think I pay that much attention to your posts.
Hey Goldy — thanks for picking up the tin can and pulling on the string, and having me on your show! (The commo gear down here in my hole is a bit primitive.)
As I said on Goldy’s show tonight, I think it’s way to early to predict the ’08 race — remember when Howard Dean looked all but inevitable? It’s still a long way way, and a lot could happen between now and then.
As of right now, Gore looks like the only person who can stop Hillary, but I don’t believe he’ll run. His heart isn’t in it, and he doesn’t want to put his family through another presidential campaign. However, he’s a slam-dunk for the Nobel Peace Prize. That one’s a no-brainer; the Swedish Academy will use the Nobel Prize to focus attention on the global warming issue the same way they used it to raise awareness of the land mine issue.
Among the declared Democratic candidates, I think Bill Richardson has the best credentials, but lacks name recognition and I don’t think he can raise enough money to stay in the race beyond the initial primaries. I like Edwards’ populism, but I don’t think he’s tough or seasoned enough. I do think voters in ’08 will be open to something new, as white guys aren’t quite so shiny anymore thanks to Georgie Porgy.
On the Republican side, I don’t believe McCain will be the nominee, and I doubt Guiliani will be, either. I hope they nominate either Newt or Pol Pot. They’re stupid enough. But if Hagel runs as an independent, it won’t matter. Might not anyway. After George’s act, it would be tough for Mother Teresa to get elected as a Republican. Not that she would ever run as one.
@8 “Yo” is a contraction of “yahoo” (as in “trailer park yahoo”) and is properly spelled “Y’o.” Like most wingnuts, Y’o can’t spell his own fucking name.
@13 Dan Rather says: … school vouchers … wouldn’t cost the taxpayers a thing … 03/04/2007 at 8:01 pm
WFT?!! Your damn right school vouchers cost taxpayers! Who the hell do you THINK pays for them? Let’s be clear about what school vouchers are:
School vouchers are public funding of private schools with no accountability for how the funds are spent, what the children are taught, or whether they learn.
Anyone who tells you different is lying.
School vouchers are a way to fund private schools with taxpayer money — with no public control over what the kids are taught or whether they learn. No
delete last paragraph @17
with no public control over what the kids are taught or whether they learn. No
We have that now. The private schools can’t do any worse. We need to stop this “one size fits all” philosophy and let the parents decide which school is best for the kiddies. The public schools are a miserable failure and should not be continued.
Public schools are a miserable failure? You evidence, please.
Your exibit one headless. Do you discuss politics with your students lucy? I am sure there are many teachers in the public schools who’s biases leech out in their teaching, which in normal. That is why we need school choice. Let the parents decide who is going to “brain wash” thier children, not the government. As long as the 3 Rs are being taught who cares where the money goes.
I should add that since the current system is forced upon the kiddies we should enact a law prohiting teachers from discussing political issues on public school grounds. At least we can limit the damage.
Another law that I like is making it illegal for a public school teachers to ban tape recorders from the class room. Anything said in a public classroom should be public information.
@19 “The private schools can’t do any worse.”
This is one of those wingnut litanies pulled out of the same barrel where they got Saddam’s WMDs.
Wingnut Myth #1: Public schools are awful.
Reality Check: Most Americans are educated in public schools, which have produced countless numbers of excellent graduates who have gone on to successful careers in numerous fields of endeavor.
Wingnut Myth #2: Private schools are better.
Reality Check: Empirical studies say otherwise. For example,
“The National Center for Education Statistics released a study Friday comparing private and public schools …. The study measured fourth grade and eighth grade reading and math achievement using the National Assessment of Educational Progress, which has been testing children for more than thirty years to provide information to policy makers. In summary, the report concludes that after factoring for population differences, there is little difference in achievement for students in public vs. private education settings.”
It should be noted, however, that it’s reasonable to expect private schools to outscore public schools, because they can cherry-pick the best students whereas public schools are legally obligated to educate everyone, including students with learning disabilities, low achievers, and troubled students.
What I said about school vouchers is true. It’s a money grab. Conservatives want access to public school funds without giving the public a say in how private schools are run, what they teach, or how the taxpayers’ money is spent. I say, if my taxes will end up in private schools, then I have the right to vote for the people who run the private schools. Until they submit to being governed by elected school boards, no public money. It’s as simple as that.
Speaking of taxation without representation, here’s something tunnel proponents don’t want you to think about: The bulk of the extra costs of a tunnel are for relocating City Light utility lines, and this $500 million will be paid by City Light customers, not the downtown property owners whose property values will be increased by the improved waterfront. It will cost each City Light residential customer, on average, $66 a year for decades to come.
Think about it. Your light bill will go up $5.50 a month if Mayor Nickels gets his tunnel. In perpetuity. And what does a suburban homeowner get for his $5.50? Nothing. Not more electricity, not better service — merely improved views for people working in downtown office towers.
Here’s something else. The majority of City Light customers live outside the Seattle city limits, and weren’t allowed to vote in the advisory election. How valid can that election be, when the people who will pay the majority of that $500 million don’t even get to vote? The election doesn’t mean a damn thing.
@22 “Dan Rather says: Your exibit one headless.”
May we assume you’re a private school product? Looks like it.
@24 How about a law making it illegal to ban tape recorders and video equipment from conservative political gatherings? You guys don’t mind going on the record, do you?
@23 How about banning teachers from discussing religion on school grounds? Did you forget that?
@3 The “Al Gore’s private jets” story is a perfect example of how wingnut liars take an insignificant factoid and blow it out of context.
Here’s a quote from a rightwing website:
“During the 2000 campaign when Al Gore was running to be president of the United States and along the way giving speeches about the environment, the former vice president traveled on private planes more than a few times. According to the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, the Gore campaign filed disbursement reports with the Federal Elections Commission, as required law, that document his use of private jets belonging to various businesses and corporations.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Note that last sentence, “belonging to various businesses and corporations.” Let’s continue:
“The filings, which are publicly accessible, they reveal that … ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Note the grammatical error — what do you expect from a wingnut web site? Let’s continue:
” … during the period of January of 1999 and January of 2000, Gore reimbursed five groups and corporations for 16 flights on private jets. It is two of these dates that caught our attention. On January 27th, 2000, Gore campaign in Concord and Manchester, New Hampshire, and on that very same day reimbursed the Thomas Lee Company $1,400 for the use of their corporate jet. That evening he left New Hampshire and flew back to Washington aboard Air Force Two, the vice president’s official plane is a 757, which means that the flight from New Hampshire to Washington, well, the vice president emitted more than 22,000 pounds of CO2.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: So, if I have this straight, at this point of the wingnut diatribe, Gore is being criticized for flying on Air Force Two. There’s a reason — actually, several reasons — for vice presidents to fly on the official plane. Security, the communications gear on board, the large number of staff and media who usually accompany the Veep on official trips, and so on — with that many people, you NEED a 757. Note how the wingnut liar doesn’t tell you how many people were on board, and tries to make it look like Gore was traveling alone on a 757? This is what wingnut bullshit looks like, folks. Let’s continue:
” … Hannity then chronicled more such private trips by Gore, and wonderfully concluded: ‘Well, that’s carbon neutrality for you. And despite all of that, Gore didn’t do anything illegal. And by the way, he wasn’t the only candidate who used corporate jets during that election cycle. George Bush, John McCain, Bill Bradley, they all used private jets. But the difference is, is that none of the other candidates were running as the great savior of the world’s atmosphere.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What it boils down to is this: Hannity — and, by extension, all the wingnuts like Pudwhacker who picked up Hannity’s criticism of Gore and ran with it — is criticizing Gore for doing exactly what other vice presidents do, and for doing exactly what every other presidential candidate running in 2000 did. Did you notice how Hannity disingenuously refers to Gore’s campaign trips as “private trips”? Well, yes, in the sense you’re not supposed to use official government aircraft for political campaigning, which seems like a damn good argument for using privately owned aircraft while you’re campaigning. But in the larger picture, what the wingnut argument boils down to is this: If you’re a presidential candidate campaigning on a platform of protecting the environment, you’re supposed to fly commercial coach.
This argument is patently absurd, of course. For all the usual reasons: Security, communications, and the fact a major party presidential candidate invariably is accompanied not only by campaign staff but also by a couple of planeloads of media people.
Do you see how absurd the wingnut arguments are? Do you see how wingnut bullshit is born, and acquires a life of its own that bears no relationship either to the factoid from which it was gleaned, or reality? Pudwhacker is criticizing Gore for flying on private jets while campaigning for president. That’s it. That’s where Puddy’s “Gore’s private jets” bullshit came from.
The start of Publican train wreck number 282,988,212!
I do so love it when we slam the righty trolls. But I have to break topic for a minute to get something off my chest. And I encourage everyone to sound off.
I came across a post on OlyBlog encouraging people to protest and attempt to block a shipment of military supplies at the Port of Tacoma Sunday or Monday (OlyBlog gave the date as ‘Sunday 3/5’). Now I can state without the slightest hesitation that I was opposed to this ridiculous excursion from day one, but I have always respected the efforts that our troops have made to try to bring peace to a land that, it seems, doesn’t want it. And I’ve done my part to support the troops any way I can. (NOTE: I don’t have any choice in that matter, since my wife’s two sons are currently in the Middle East.)
But regardless of the opinions that any of us hold about the war itself, isn’t it utterly insane that there are Americans that are so opposed to the war that they would willingly try to stop supplies that could potentially save a soldier’s life?
I know your righties can (and do) say that any sort of opposition to the war is ‘unpatriotic.’ But while I certainly oppose it, I’m nowhere near crazy, stupid, or ‘unpatriotic’ enough to do something that could legitimately endanger those troops that we all, regardless of our political leanings, want to come home safe. Protest all you want, that’s fine with me, we all have that right. That’s what this country is all about. But the right to protest doesn’t extend to endangering the people who risk their lives while serving their country.
I wish I wasn’t busy getting packed up to move, I’d probably would have gone, just to laugh at the protesters and cheer the cops as they haul the hippies off to jail, thinking to myself, “God, I hope the cops at least make them take a bath.”
Okay, I’ve talked myself out. Resume discussion.
Internal Bush Admin. Report Predicts Increase in Greenhouse Gases
“WASHINGTON (March 3) – By 2020, the United States will emit almost one-fifth more gases that lead to global warming than it did in 2000, increasing the risks of drought and scarce water supplies.
“That projection comes from an internal draft report from the Bush administration that is more than a year overdue at the United Nations. The Associated Press obtained a copy Saturday. …
“The draft report, which is still being completed, projects that the current administration’s climate policy would result in the emission of 9.2 billion tons of greenhouse gases in 2020, a 19 percent increase from 7.7 billion tons in 2000. …
“Rick Piltz, director of Climate Science Watch, a nonprofit watchdog program, said Saturday he expects the final report will evade a full discussion of how global warming might affect the nation. ‘I think it is very likely that the main reason the report has been held up for more than a year beyond the deadline is because the administration is reluctant to make an honest statement about likely climate change impacts on this country,’ said Piltz ….”
The article goes on to state the administration’s goal is to “slow the growth” of — not reduce — greenhouse gas emissions, and notes,
“Among the consequences of a warming world anticipated in the report is ‘a distinct reduction in spring snowpack in the northwestern United States,’ which supplies much of the water in that region, the report says.”
Quoted under Fair Use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What that last paragraph means is less water in the Columbia River, less electricity from the dams, less water for irrigation, less fish, empty municipal drinking water reservoirs — get the picture?
Even Bush admits human activity causes global warming. Looks like Redneck’s gonna be the last holdout.
Which will occur first?
[ ] 1. Redneck will pay his gambling debt
[ ] 2. Redneck will admit burning fossil fuels causes global warming
[ ] 3. Redneck will give up his car and get a bicycle
[ ] 4. Redneck will find a woman willing to marry him
Which will occur last?
Same choices as above.
K: Were you an Ann Coulter classmate too?
BTW K, you didn’t asnwer the question. Must be too difficult for you! Single cell organizms for minds are difficult to herd. Like cats!
I like school vouchers for the foster kids. Great idea!
@31: “Cuz libtards really do hate the troops. Plain and simple!
Unfortunately, I found Steinbrueck’s comments about the industrial infrastructure inadequate and dismissive, but I appreciate Goldy reading my question and comments on the air last night, which were:
small and large industry has grown to depend on the viaduct for delivery of goods between the Duwamish valley and the north end for the past 50 years. Additionally, container traffic from Terminal 46 (and in the future, Terminal 30) uses many of the surface streets in Sodo to reach other destinations, such as warehouses and rail hubs in SoDo, Georgetown, and many points southward—as well as other terminals on and near Harbor Island (see last weeks Weekly article)…It’s not just about commuters…When will the coalition of people and city leaders actually have a discussion about the potential loss of jobs, when employers relocate or when they cut back because of the increase expense in transportation? Why is the discussion focused as if commuters are the only people using the viaduct? That’s 4000 trucks a day.
His response was that getting cars off the road would solve the problem. I know Steinbrueck is a smart man, and I’ve agreed with him on many issues, and he’s been good to many issues for our neighborhood. This is why I believe that if he talked with the stakeholders that I refer to above (Manufacturing Industrial Council, Teamsters, ILWU, Port of Seattle, Hanjin, and the business groups in Ballard and SoDo) he might get an earful of the issues I raised above. That he does not have a comprehensive explanation on these issues says that he hasn’t invested much time to that discussion. It is as though his remarks were designed to placate his Non-profit/greenish base, who also tend to be dismissive of the jobs question (which allows the right-wing to trot things out from the margins under the cover of the “working man”).
Peter also indicated that he will ignore the results of the vote. That means if Rebuild passes, he will be fighting The People and Olympia. It was a clever gamble, given the likelihood that both measures will go down. Which is why it is important to put the considerations expressed above in italics on the forefront of any Surface options. In civic planning, things just don’t “work themselves out”, and if I am wrong about that, are businesses going to wait ten years? Probably not. .
Or, for example, will Hanjin at T-46 simply not renew their lease, which would fit into the gentrification/pro-developer agenda to remove jobs from the waterfront for more 2m dollar condos (which will obscure the view, BTW). All evidence points to this as an agenda item for Nickels, and he has already stated that he doesn’t care if Port jobs go south in a Surface option (e.g. the “South Downtown” plan). Does Steinbrueck also support this position?
Without discussion on the issue, we guarantee Surface WILL be a job killer.
Ah, Puddybud
Once again, we have the righties looking at a real problem (no educational support once foster kids age out of the system) and turn it around to one of the right wing talking points that doesn’t even address the problem.
Foster kids already have free school through high school. They may not have a place to live, or any chance of going to college, but the school itself is already paid for. Your “solution” has other effects, many of which may be harmful (a debate for another day) or not.
Are your vouchers going to cover the cost of a private boarding school? Are we talking about vouchers for college?
I will go so far as to say that of all the various right-wing ideas for how to improve schools, there are some positives to the voucher idea. I think that the negatives outweigh them, but there is certainly room for debate.
But how, precisely, do vouchers help foster kids finish high school and go to college?
Oh, and before you continue with your bit about liberals “hating the troops”, you might want to catch up on current events. It appears that a bunch of neo-con Republicans did a number on a bunch of wounded combat veterans.
And while I notice that some high-level heads did roll, it seems that they really didn’t understand why they were fired. The outgoing Secretary of the Army asked the reporters if these latest firings would “satisfy” them.
The answer is, of course, no. I wouldn’t have cared if the Army Secretary had stayed, so long as he fixed the problem. Yes, folks that failed in their responsibilities should be fired, but it is far more important that the United States lives up to our responsibility to our troops.
That failure happened on your watch. So, why do the Republicans hate our troops?
Let’s get one thing straight – Al Gore did not win an Oscar. The film he starred in won, but he didn’t. Just like Leonardo DiCaprio didn’t win an Oscar when “The Departed” won best picture. The Oscar goes to the guy who made the film, not to the actors in it.
The 2006 Oscar for Best Documentary Feature was given to Davis Guggenheim (see
Al may be one of the biggest users of carbon in the state of Tennessee, but he isn’t an Oscar winner.
Roger …
Can’t you consolidate your remarks to hel other read the threads?
I think yur comments on the Goldy Show were good, bit the underlying issue was not raised.
The Publicans DO NOT HAVE a candidate! For better or worse, Bush, Rove and company have redefined the party. Hpow can one be Publican and oppose the Xtian Right Agenda? This makes as much sense as Jesse Jackson … or for that matter Dan Evans .. running as a Publican!
Ironically, the MOST credible Christian candidates now are all demos! Obama has a story (and a life) that inspire Xtians … hold that up against Guiliani! Look at what happened in Virginia! … A devout Xtian beat a posturing Xtian! Hillary, by the way, has spent the last six years attending the fundamentalist prayer breakfasts in the senate. Quietly! Do you suppose McCain was there? Richardosn is a devout Catholic with a record of service that has claimed Christian inspiration.
Romney? A believer in Jesus living on as an American Indian? A believer that all people can become God? Running as Christian? Leaving aside dirty campaigning, the fundies are serious folks, they are not going to vote for someone who is a polytheist.
This smells a but like the Reagan era in reverse. It is not hard to imagine that Southern baptists, who have been trying to heal the wounds of the civil war and Civil Rights,
will find a natural alliance with their African Baptist colleagues. Imagine Obama speaking to a Baptist convention where ALL colors are present? Hmmm. Obama, a Christian by choice, a monogamous man with two wonderful (Christian) daughters, running against multiply divorced McCain, Guiliani, or worse .. Gingrich!
I smell a new Demo coalition. Built on patriotism, service, America-firstism, and fiscal responsibility.
Obvioly he is running for Mayor. It si about time. Nickles has a lot ot recommend him .. as a manager, a facilitator for development, even in terms of our economy.
BUT, Nickle’s has no vision for what type of city we will be. His plans for the downtown are wonderful in the increase in high density housing, a long as the economy here prospers. What then? All these overpriced condoes will be without the amenities needed for a functional community, No parks, no green spaces, minimal retail areas, no rapid transit (unless you are living in SLU and working in the Columbia Tower?).
And, the existing neighborhoods? Ballard and West Seattle are doing well, but Capital Hill, The Unv. District, Northgate (outside of the mall), Beacon Hill, and esp. Pioneer Square look like a post-Boeing Depression. We badly need the vision of Norm Rices’ “urban Village” era.
As for the Waterfront. the Viaduct is dead. Gregoire is committing a miniature version of W’s poorly thought out decision making. A rebuild will result in screams of protest of the disruption that will never end as the ugly thing emerges. Nickles’ vision is better, if and only iff he can resurrect Victor Steinbrueck’s vision for the wstern shores of the City.
Steinbrueck for Mayor. Even if I can’t spell his name!
Don’t even think about using spell check!!!!!!!!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can.
i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be
in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it.
New English in Seattle School District to match new math. Roger Rabbit will conduct the class.
re 22: Instruct us, Dan, on how one would teach about The Dred Scott Decision or Brown v Board of Ed. in a neutral and unbiased manner.
Is it historical neutrality you want from teachers, or do you want your own biases presented to students.
You are a classic example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing. You hear and see but apparently do not understand.
Everything has to go through your wingnut mental filter before you register an opinion.
Dan Rather says:
“Another law that I like is making it illegal for a public school teachers to ban tape recorders from the class room. Anything said in a public classroom should be public information.”
How about recording grand jury testimony and making it public? Unless I’m mistaken, the judiciary is not yet totally owned by the RNC.
We need to look into this as far as we can to see why the Publican administration hates our troops and let this happen.
Oops. It looks like Rompin Rudy’s own kids don’t support him. The Publican party will have lots of trouble if a coward who dropped out the Senate race once it looked like he’d looooose to Hillary Clinton is there best choice. Particularly a coward with three marraiges and kids who don’t want anything to do with him.
2008 – Dems by 20%!
So, because I can generally, but not quite accurately, describe myself as ‘liberal’ (I am just barely left-of-center), and since you consider all who ascribe to that political viewpoint to be retarded, you are therefore saying that I hate the troops too, right?
Puddy, your logic is retarded. And I’m also insulted by it.
The really sad thing about the proposal to put a half-billion basketball arena in Renton is that this is viewed as a new “highest and best use” of the ground it would stand on. Where thousands of people were once gainfully enployed building the world’s finest aircraft, there would be thousands of people paying exhorbitant ticket prices to watch ten rich tall guys run around with a ball.
@39 Hate-rhetoric like this is the best reason I can think of for (a) never taking a Republican seriously on any topic, and (b) voting Republicans out of public office — any public office — for the rest of eternity.
@43 I disagree with you on a number of points. The GOP does have candidates, lots of ’em. They may be lousy candidates, but then, their last good candidate was Eisenhower so there’s nothing new about that. The GOP will run someone in ’08, and he will be a Republican, meaning he will be a liar and a hypocrite, and Democrats can also count on being opposed by the Swift Boat Liars and the GOP vote-fraud boiler rooms again. More of the same old crap, in other words.
If the GOP candidate is Newt Gingrich or Pol Pot, it doesn’t matter that the voters don’t like their candidate, if they can manufacture votes with keyboard keystrokes, or keep millions of votes from being counted by making bullshit challenges. Unless we can wrest the election system away from their dirty grasp, they can appoint themselves to office without a single honest vote.
The Democratic Party has not fundamentally changed. It is still a coalition of labor unions, working folks, senior citizens, and minorities seeking economic and social justice. That hasn’t changed, and won’t change. America’s most fundamental issues remain the same: Conservative policies that favor concentration of wealth and cheap labor; racism and bigotry; and class warfare against workers.
@31 Yep, political interference with law enforcement, to wit, political pressure from Sen. Dominici and Rep. Wilson that a U.S. Attorney abuse his office by conducting a witch hunt against a Democratic politician in order to influence an election. If that isn’t a felony, it at least ought to be an impeachable offense. The House and Senate should open ethics investigations on Pete Dominici and Heather Wilson, and the penalties should be more than reprimands.
@32 Well Joe, you know what will happen — the righty liars will use the actions of these well-meaning but misguided individuals to tar all liberals and Democrats as “anti-troops.” These folks’ actions are counterproductive because all they do is drive moderate voters into the GOP camp. I wish they would find some other way to protest the war, or if they can’t do any better than this, that they’d just stay home.
@45 This is very old material, klake. I read it almost 10 years ago. Whatsamatter, can’t you find any fresh material on your cut-and-paste expeditions into Wingnut Land?
Posting #45 is the social equivalent of telling a 10-year-old joke that everyone, literally everyone, has heard so many times they’re tired of hearing it.
@49 And don’t forget that Rudy Guiliani’s name is on that looooong list of Republicans who “did not serve” in the military. He passed on his chance to become a war hero.
Georgetown Stew (40), thank you for giving voice to the thoughts that have been worrying me about the surface option. Is there is any way to put together a panel discussion from those affected parties you mentioned and include some politicians?
Steinbrueck has no credibility as far as I’m concerned, but he certainly needs an education about the family wage jobs on the waterfront. Nickels has historically been a friend to labor and supportive of the industry, but I have to wonder whether there’s a grand plan in all this to move everything to Tacoma so the precious people in Seattle can “be connected” to their waterfront.