Both the Eagles and the Seahawks have been eliminated from the playoffs, so what better way to distract yourself from your sorrows than to tune in tonight to “The David Goldstein Show” from 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO. Subject to change, here are the topics for tonight’s show:
7PM: Are Eastern WA taxpayers getting screwed? Boosters of the Black Rock Resevoir out in the Yakima Valley are asking for $4.2 billion in state and local subsidies on project the Bureau of Reclamation says will only return 30 cents on the dollar. And yet we constantly hear complaints from Eastern WA legislators that tax dollars flow East to West. Are Eastern WA taxpayers getting screwed? Or deceived?
8PM: Sweet Relief. Author Jennifer Abrahamson joins me to discuss her book“Sweet Relief: The Marla Ruzicka Story. Ruzicka was a relief worker who championed the cause of civilian victims of war, and was tragically killed by a suicide bomber along Baghdad’s notorious Airpport Road. Abrahamson chronicles the life of her friend and the people she championed.
9PM: Who is your fallen hero? We all have ’em. Contemporary or historical figures who we hero worship… until we learn they’re only human… and then some. I’m going to share a couple of mine, and ask you to call in with some of yours.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
A large group of Iraqi soldiers are moving down a road when they hear a voice call from behind a sand dune. “One United States Marine is better than ten Iraqis!”
The Iraqi commander quickly sends 10 of his best soldiers over the dune, whereupon a gun battle breaks and continues for a few minutes, then silence.
The voice then calls out “One United States Marine is better than one hundred Iraqis!”
Furious, the Iraqi commander sends his next best 100 troops over the dune and instantly a huge fire fight commences. After 10 minutes of battle, again silence.
The American voice calls out again “One United States Marine is better than one thousand Iraqis!”
The enraged Iraqi Commander musters one thousand fighters and sends them across the dune. Cannons, rockets and machine guns ring out as a huge battle is fought. Then silence. eventually one wounded Iraqi fighter crawls back over the dune and with his dying words tells his commander, “Don’t send any more men, it’s a trap. There’s two of them!”
I like great legends and this could be ture, but think for yourself.
If they polled 1,000 Iraqis, and asked them if they wanted American troops to leave now, and 100% of them said “yes”, how many more years would Bush stay?
Is every person shooting at our troops in Iraq a terrorist, or do some of them truly feel they are defending their country from invaders, who only represent, and are allied with Israel?
Is the life of an Iraqi equal to the life of an American?
I could go on, but I will now make my point.
There are only 3 legitimate (legal) justifications for invading a foreign country. U.N. authorization, a clear threat, and humanitarian reasons.
Iraq does not qualify on any of the three, thus illegal war, illegal occupation, and American Leaders who broke international law.
And you wonder why they don’t like us…..
I know in your world crimes committed by Republicans are to be ignored.
Glad I don’t live in your world.
In my world crimes committed by anyone deserve prosecuting. Democrat of Republican.
Guess that is what makes me an American. What are you?
Henry Waxman will make mincemeat of these neoCON jerkoffs.
We don’t need their cooperation to prove they are crooks.
Impeach Bush.
Facts Support My Positions says
There are only 3 legitimate (legal) justifications for invading a foreign country. U.N. authorization, a clear threat, and humanitarian reasons.
Now if you saw what I saw in Kuwait you would believe that we invaded Iraq for humanitarian reasons. Two the Unit Nation cannot declare war on any Nation, but can render assistance to separate the combatants it lacks an army to enforce anything (not a government but an agency that’s powerless).
Guess that is what makes me an American. What are you?
Well we don’t know if you are really an American you did render any proof that you are not a Canadian. As for the rest of us were have a Canadian green card, because we have more than $500,000.00 dollars in our bank account.
Is the life of an Iraqi equal to the life of an American?
Now that is a really a hard question, NO, but how about all of al Qaida for one American. We will give our entire defeatist citizens for one al Qaida in heart beat. Not a bad exchange to clean house at the home front.
Is every person shooting at our troops in Iraq a terrorist, or do some of them truly feel they are defending their country from invaders, who only represent, and are allied with Israel?
Maybe but not likely, but if you shoot at an American soldier plan on get wasted in a New York minute. They had no country until we took it away from Saddam now it’s up to them to make it their country. You forgot we are allied with Egypt, Jordon, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and many other nations besides Israel.
Looks to me that DarrellSucksButtPutty has hijacked GBS’s handle.
@1 These apocryphal (and fictional) stories make for sentimental reading and great internet blathering, but the truth is, in Vietnam their guys were as tough as ours, and in close quarters infantry combat, the kill ratio was roughly one of ours for one of theirs and this was true of the Marines as well as the Army. The fact Marines are often the first troops in, and often are used for the toughest jobs, simply translates into higher casualties for Marines. You get the kill ratios described in your Internet Fairytale by fixing the enemy and then pounding him with artillery, air, and/or NGF (naval gunfire) — not by sending tough guys in to get them.
This isn’t just an academic argument, or nit-picking. Prior to World War I, the French High Command built their strategy around the concept of “elan” — the notion that “hooah” can overcome “boom.” If you marched into battle with your head held high and a kick-ass attitude, the theory went, you could overcome firepower and/or numberical superiority and/or fortifications. So the French generals threw their armies of “elan” troops against German machineguns and barbed wire, and paid for their nonsensical thinking with millions of casualties.
Let us hope the progenitors and regurgitators of “hooah” are never put in charge of our military, for similar reasons, in order to avoid similar outcomes. Generalship is a job for level-headed pragmatists, not romantic fools.
Now that we’ve cleared up some misconceptions about military strategy and tactics, does anybody have any bright ideas about how you fix the enemy and pound him with heavy firepower in an urban guerrilla war? If so, please e-mail, phone, or fax your suggestions to the Pentagon asap.
“numerical” not “numberical”
@2 “If they polled 1,000 Iraqis, and asked them if they wanted American troops to leave now, and 100% of them said “yes”, how many more years would Bush stay?”
Until he is physically carried out of the Oval Office at the expiration of his term, or he wins, or forever — whichever occurs first.
4 et seq. – Scraping the barrel for talking points, I see. It’s not surprising that, after 6 years of dismal wingnut failures, you have no rational arguments left. Move along folks, nothing to see here — that shrieking is merely a crazy wingnut talking to himself.
@9 Yeah, it looks that way. Where’s the real GBS? I wish he’d come back and kick that pretender’s butt back into his cave-hole, like he did to that lying POS jch.
I”m for impeachment first, then physically carry him out of the Oval Office.
Unfortunately I slept through your program tonight, Goldy, so I didn’t catch the “fallen heroes” segment. (I graze on the midnight-to-dawn shift, and need my beauty sleep to keep Mrs. Rabbit and my 20,000 paramours happy. Single-handedly maintaining Green Lake Park’s rabbit population at “ecosystem saturation” standards is hard work!)
There are people I wanted to believe in, and learned to my sorrow I shouldn’t. Mostly everyday folks — coaches, mechanics, even pals. Years ago, I lived through the agony of watching a best friend drink himself to death; neither I, his mother, his other friends, the detox professionals, nor anyone else could stop him. Before he died, I had to turn my back on him because in late stage alcoholism he became too dependent, too big a pain in the ass, and potentially violent. That was painful. Likewise, it’s painful to fall for someone, hoping for love, but get used — that probably happened to most of us back when we were young, naive, and incautious. The bottom line is we’re all made of clay and creating/sustaining mutually beneficial relationships takes skill. One key is knowing how much trust is constructive, and when too much trust is dangerous and destructive.
For example, I have a mutually beneficial relationship with the peregrine falcon who periodically swoops over Green Lake Park: I get emotional satisfaction from taunting him, and he gets healthy exercise from his fruitless attempts to catch me. I also have a sort of relationship with our wingnut trolls, similar to that of a hangman with an odious killer: It’s very empowering to kick their unpatriotic, America-hating, fascist butts back into the sewer-holes they crawled out of. So — bring it on, trollfucks! You give me a reason to live. I’m an old bunny but I can hang on until all of you Nazi pigfuckers have been rounded up and returned to your cells in the nuthouses you escaped from, and America is safe again.
@16 I like that idea too, but we have to be practical — impeachment can’t happen without at least 16 GOP senators’ votes, and more likely 18 to 20, and those votes won’t be forthcoming until Bush does something so off-the-chart that I don’t even want to think about it. I give it 50-50 that he will.
You mean impeachment and conviction can’t happen without votes from GOP Senators. For an attorney (ex-attorney?) you seem pretty careless with your words.
Tree Frog Farmer says: Nothing worthwhile 01/14/2007 at 11:28 pm
Froggy: Too bad you lost your mind. Hurry on now! The children are calling you to the kiddie table for dinner.
@19 Nitpicking, mere nitpicking.
Actually I think both your original statement, and your reponse provide revealing insight.
You regularly belittle people for making spelling errors. I would call that nitpicking. This is an error that a high school student should be expected to not make. But I never expected you to be “rabbit” enough to admit you are wrong.