Join me tonight from 7PM to 10PM on Newsradio 710-KIRO. I like to go with the flow, so things could change, but here’s what I have lined up for tonight’s show:
7PM: When payday lenders charge 391% interest, is that loansharking, or just a valuable service to consumers? A bill was introduced in the state House to cap payday lending interest rates at 36%, but House Insurance, Financial Services and Consumer Protection Committee chair Steve Kirby (D-29) won’t even give it a hearing. Rep. Kirby will join us by phone to explain why, followed by Aiko Schaefer of the Statewide Poverty Action Network, and Patricia Davis, a consumer who got caught in the payday lending interest trap. Later in the hour, Jeff Chapman of the Washington Budget & Policy Center joins us to explain the economic impact high interest rates, and the potential alternatives to payday lending.
8PM: Should 11-year-old girls be vaccinated against sexually transmitted diseases? Some on the religious right say that would be tantamount to encouraging sexual activity amongst children, but the Republican governor of Texas is bucking the righties and requiring girls entering sixth grade be vaccinated against HPV, the virus that causes cervical cancer. Should Washington do the same? And should parents have the right to refuse vaccination?
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
Tune in tomorrow night at 7PM when Dr. Thomas Palley asks whether the Bush administration has been manipulating the strategic oil reserve to keep prices high. Then at 8PM King County Executive Ron Sims will join me talk about what we need to be doing locally to prevent and prepare for global warming.
How can you possibly not be talking about Mike Webb Tonight?
Goldy, this guy IS YOU in about 6 months.
This entire show should be talking about the right wing conspiracy to get Mike Webb.
” Ron Sims will join me talk about what we need to be doing locally to prevent and prepare for global warming.”
That’s an easy one: we are spending BILLIONS on expanding automobile transportation.
Negative savings rate two years ina row!
“the only time ever before that our worthy population had two years in a row of negative savings, as we did in ’05 and ’06, was in those heartbreak years, 1932 and 1933.” He adds:
There was no RWC against Mike Webb. He sucked as a radio personality. Like a Venturi Orifice in reverse! Since I can’t listen to a Voice of Chalk Scratching, I can’t make the comparison to Voice of Chalk Scratching!
Making 11 yr olds have a vaccine because if they have sex they might get cancer is tough. I understand the thought that you should do this because if they have sex they might get cancer. But I can understand the folks not wanting to because it might send a message to the kid saying have sex.
It should be up to the parents to do this. It’s not polio or other diseases.
BTW – if you don’t have sex analy you have a 90% chance of not getting AIDS (per the story in the PI) then shouldn’t we educate everyone to that fact?
This post is about stopping something that can be stopped… could my last comment.
I’m still undecided on the other, but might always as I have two son’s and I will tell them as my Father told me (don’t be silly wrap you willy). Of course not having sex was the best way not to get an STD and get a gal pregnant as that would ruin my life. I still praise him for this….and he’s a man that with my mom who were married 6 months before my brother was born.
@32 They didn’t have Social Security in 1932 or 1933. If you look at the big picture, Americans save less (and have less to save) in part because they pay 7.65% (or 14.2% if self-employed) of their earnings in FICA taxes, in return for which they get an inflation-indexed income for life when they retire. Because of Social Security, you don’t need to save/invest as much.
Questions also have been raised about whether this study overlooks other modern forms of saving, such as the home equity many people accumulate, then cash out in old age.
So … I wouldn’t be too quick to draw Chicken Little conclusions from these raw figures.
@3 not @32
damn it’s hard to type with paws
Sometimes my posts look like this aldjaowooiqalkdl;kaljddlfj;jlajlfldlakdjwioiodndnaldl;dnal;dnl;fojierrio4009jeojdl;dlkasdklas0234230jsLA
@4 “He sucked as a radio personality.”
So what? You suck as a blogger.
Joe Scarborough, political commentator and ex-GOP congressman, says Bush is leading his party “over a cliff”:
“The slow demise of the national Republican Party just took a turn for the worse. Hard to believe that the GOP’s prospects could actually become more bleak after two years of unrelenting bad news, but it has. Republican senators are now turning their rhetorical guns away from Democrats and toward one another.”
Man, don’t you just love to watch Republicans EAT EACH OTHER?!! :) Scarborough continues:
“The president is prepared to take his administration and his party over the cliff to prove that he right about Iraq—even if most of his generals and the majority of Americans disagree. …
“Even if you agree with me that this war was worth fighting as long as we believed Saddam Hussein had WMD’s aimed at America, at some point you have to face the facts: the Bush administration was wrong about those weapons, wrong about the nuclear program, wrong about their refusal to quell rioting early, wrong about Bremer’s gutting of the Iraqi army and police force, wrong about refusing to kill or capture al Sadr in 2003, wrong to tell the generals not speak of the coming insurgency, wrong to stubbornly refuse to give generals the troops they needed to win this war, wrong to make the “Mission Accomplished” declaration, wrong for the VP to claim that the insurgency was in its death throes and wrong to push a surge plan that the president’s top generals opposed. The list could continue for pages but I will be generous to the White House and leave it at that.”
How about that? A Republican commentator says BUSH FUCKED UP!!!
” … it is a disaster for Republicans in 2008 and beyond. Conservatives had better wake up before all the gains made by Ronald Reagan and the 1994 Revolution are lost. The clock is ticking.”
Hey, ya know sumpin’, Bush being president might be a good thing for us liberals from a long-term perspective …
(Quoted under Fair Use; for complete article and/or copyright info see
Speaking of Joe the Pundit — Scarborough predicts the Hillary-stopper, if one exists, is named Al not Barack:
After declaring that Gore is “unfit to serve ice cream let alone the country” Scarborough says,
“Forget Barack Obama. He’s child’s play. If anyone can beat Hillary Clinton, it is her rival from White House days, Albert Gore, Jr. Gore will feel growing pressure to save the party from Hillary Clinton. If his biggest contributors from 2000 line up, he will run.”
Quoted under Fair Use; to see the original diatribe and/or copyright info go to
In the same article (written in December), Scarborough pegged Rudy Guiliani as the likely GOP front-runner but observed,
” … Rudy will have to explain to evangelical voters in Iowa and South Carolina why he and Newt Gingrich have had enough wives between them to start a basketball team …”
Man, it must be tough to be a Republican nowadays.
The more I read of Scarborough’s stuff, the more I’m warming up to him … yep, Joe is MY kind of Republican pundit:
“You’ve got to love presidential politics. It brings out the absolute worst in everybody. … Take John McCain … now that this god-like creature has soared down from Mount Olympus to become the presumptive GOP nominee for president, we are learning he is a reactionary stooge who is no different from all those other dirty Republicans … in the end, John McCain is nothing more than an unreformed right-wing knuckle dragger.”
(Same link, Fair Use, and copyright info as above.)
Joe probably was being sarcastic, but he reads better if you interpret him literally. Some folks on the Other Side think the same thing about the Bible.
Where Does Federal Money Go?
Social Security – 20%
Medicare and Medicaid – 21%
Interest on Debt – 9%
Military Spending – 19%
Other Programs – 31%
Source: MSNBC
#14 I agree Furball. Dirty democrats: libtard knuckle-dragging, jack-booted, morons like Hilary, Dennis Kucinich, Howard Screech Dean, Michael Moore, KOS, Howard Ickies, etc. All of them Bible haters!
This list is long!
11: Use a mirror Pelletizer. Hold onto that Cuyahoga County, Ohio thought.
The only 2004 convicted voting fraud is St. Louis, Milwaukee, and Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Guess what libtards? There all Moonbat! strongholds! Yet you keep hope alive it’s the right-wing conspiracy. Speculation is all you have left, because there are no facts. But these documented legal facts hurt your teeny-weeny libtard mind!
Headless Lucy@3: You back in another doppelganger scheme? I know where the Cheesecake Factory is. BTW do you know the manager? I’d hold that lousy thought you stated Friday!
Since I invited you first, we could meet instead at the Seattle Federal Building. It’s safe for racist libtard Moonbat!s such as you. I’m sure some of the Federalis would love meeting someone like you, teach!
Just think prime examples of FUWA teachers blogging on ASSWipes:
Skagit: Can’t stay on topic, uses subterfuge to try and confuse simpletons. She succeeds with her confusion on her knuckle-dragging libtard friends. A prime example of a teaching failure.
Headless Lucy: Has to bury his overt racism in his classroom, but it comes shining through here! A prime example of a Seattle School System hiring failure.
I wonder who else are FUWA WEA teachers in Voice of Chalk Scratching’s NorthWest Division of Libtard Moonbat!s?
The SCOTUS decision will be telling!
Hating the Bible? Hardly. Raised a fundamentalist, I still find solace and beauty in the poetry of Jesus; it’s in some of his so-called followers where trouble lies. So many of them are so unlike him.
Besides, what would Woden say?
re 18: Republican logic,101:
“How do you like it here in the REAL America, Macaca?” =
” … clean, good looking, and a good speaker.”
You can try to play checkers with chess pieces — but it’s still checkers.
re 18: It’s early ,Puddwhack. Go read the newspaper. Focus on some piece of trivial news that you can twist to mean something that it clearly doesn’t, and get busy harping on it for the rest of your life.
re 18: You Wingnuts are all beginning to sound like repetive, unbalanced harpies.
re 18: Do you have any relatives who are in harms way in the present, “surge”? The “surge” is W’s childish and petty way of showing Congress, Democrats, and the people of America that he is the dictator (decider) and he will do as he pleases come hell or high water. People will die because of this hubris, and for that, he should be impeached and then left to rot in jail before he can make his escape to S. America.
That’s what you stand for you moralistic, harping, hypocrite.
Racist one from #20-23: Stay on topic. “Focus on some piece of trivial news” – HAR HAR HAR HAR HAR. Awww poor racist one. Calling the racist teach what he is and has to jump tracks like ms carpetbaggit.
What’s wrong racist? Tough news gets you finger-tied?
WWND – What will Nancy do? The islamofascists stated in late October/early November they’ll never negotiate with Nancy but they are so glad the cut and run crowd was elected.
Prime example of another of the “I hope a terrorist attack happens while GWB is president so I can say I told you so crowd!”
I had two family members in Iraq. Their tours ended. Nuff said! What say you MOONBAT!?
re 24: That’s what I meant, Harpy. I haven’t used all my ammo yet. You, clearly, are already using reloads.
Keep it up, whiteboy, your day of reckoning is yet to come.
re 24: “Their tours ended.”
Yeah, that has the ring of truth. All we hear on the news is people being forced to do two and three tours. But BOTH your relatives didtheir tours and now they ar3e done.
Yeah Headless: They are done. They were in the military for a while. Now both are in college doing their time there. Deal with it!
One received a commendation for quick thinking in the heat of battle. Something still lacking in your political post against your “opponents”!
28: You don’t get the point, dumbass. ALL those soldiers, except those too injured to stay, are doing two and three tours. YOUR relatives, however, did one tour, got commendations for bravery, and were sent off to college.
YOU are a cad and a liar. And you trivialize serious issues with your clownish words, lies, and subterfuge.
Puddwhack, I take the time to respond to your idiocy. But while you and I are busy with this dopey little controversy, others more serious and informed both on the right and left have time to craft their arguments instead of dealing with your buffoonery.
I like to argue with a sock puppet who is a white man pretending to be black.
Why would a rich black man (as you claim to be) hang out in dives on S. Rainier (which you also claim to do)?
He wouldn’t. Ergo, you are a liar.
Headless: If you took time and looked in ASSWipes, you’d see I already posted all this some time ago. But of course being a MOONBAT! you missed the post ‘cuz comprehension is not your strong suit.
For instance, they were in the military WAY before Gulf War 2 started. Both are way over 20, in fact one is way over 30. But being the dumbass teacher you are you forget facts which hurt the libtard mind!
Having skipped the military and now hating it, how can headless, prime racist on ASSWipes ever look in the mirror as a card carrying member of the Hate America Crowd.
Your idiocy is only displaced by your mendacity and racism. Banished to the outer limits of ASSWipeism!
I never said I was rich. You did! I said I was educated. But unlike the “still in the reservation” blacks under “your care and feeding” such as Al and Jesse, many of us do not forget our roots. We hang out in tough sections as big brothers trying to make a difference.
We give generously to charities and tey helping out the downtrodden and poor. I choose to help those who want to help themselves. I don’t look or even think about those who think Welfare is their ticket to happiness. You see I grew up in the bad parts of Philadelphia, not Bala Cynwyd like Voice of Chalk Scrathing!
So I take it now the Rainier & Martin Luther King areas are “dives” as you say it? The racism exudes from your pores as it does from your fingers!
So if I was a white man, I can’t help my fellow humans in black areas? Buffoonery? That #29 post will live in racist lucy history! If you are white you ARE NOT supposed to help minorities. ‘Cuz it ain’t the democrat way.
If yous a demoncrap you are like the Levite and Priest who turn and cross the road on the other side. That’s you racist lucy. I choose to be a samaritan and help the beaten and robber man, spend my money wisely and help him!
beaten and robbed man
Headless, I take it you are only comfortable in the lily white areas of King County? Why is that?
I bet when the class bell rings in your school, you are one of the first to leave. First your quickly run around the car to make sure no minority shivved your tires. Sweat pouring from that neaderthal shaped brow, hollow sunken beadly little eyes darting back and forth, hands shaking as you put the keys in the ignition, palms perspiring as you grip the wheel, checking the rear and side view mirrors every five seconds to ensure no one follows you, doors locked and window rolled up, changing lanes like mountain switchbacks, trying to get out of there as fast as possible.
I am entertained because I know how to tweak your little twit of a mind. All I have to do is say the right catch phrases and your inate inbred racism percolates to the top like hot oil in water!
Admit it lucy your family tree is a straight line! Jeff Foxworthy was 100% correct about you!
You know, it occurs to me that pullinhispud is not white. And that makes him one dumb fuckin’nnnnnnnnnn……..NutJob.
Gee, I wonder if pullinhispud likes my catchphrase. hehehe. I can make like the inflammatory moe-ron he is.
Wow I never expected Carl and his two left feet to come to aid and abet a known ASSWipe racist.
Keep up the good work Carl. You just shocked and amazed me!
Moe of the three stooges was the intelligent one. I’ll stay a Moe-ron forever Carl. Thanks for the sentiment.
Pullinhispud: naah, I have a beautiful wife. Still beautiful after 27 years, same woman Carl. What happened to you?
More on Carl and his to left feet.
Did you miss the news flash dumbASS? I’ve been saying forever I am black. What turned the tide “he who sits on his couch and blogs with his laptop” libtard “sage” of ASSWipes?
This solution is simple and will save billions of dollars and millions of lives. When a baby boy is born instead of circumcism…… amputate. Now, no more cirvical cancer threat and the religious right can rest in peace because their little bitch daughter’s boyfriend has a safe, fire resistant strap-on. All the rich “folks” can buy a kid from China.
Well, Pullinhispudallday, I figure if you lie about who you are with all sort of different monikers, then it stands to reason that you would lie about your ethnicity. You push buttons, I see I pushed yours. Apparently we now know where you draw the line. You draw it at your own circumstance. You can ride everyone about everything, but don’t anyone poke at anything “too personal” at you.
I was married to a wonderful woman who passed away. This ground was covered months ago with proudofherfatlyingass (for all I know, that was you too). It was a mixed blessing. I would have been married for 29 years this coming September. Instead, I have been married to another uniquely wonderful woman for 9 years. I am not offended in the least that you “attacked” my muliple marriages, but perhaps you should consider that there may be facts you are not aware of before doing so. The world is much more than black and white.
If you were offended by the nnnnnnnnnnn’s in my last post I apologize. But remember, you read it into it something I did not type. Imagination is everything. Don’t let yours run off with you. I typed nutjob and I meant nutjob. Nothing more.
DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty lives with a woman 19 years his senior in the south end of Hood Canal. Maybe she’s his keeper. . . .maybe she’s his mommee.
This dipstick moved to that area in the 80’s from SoCal along with a whole tribe of his relatives, who litter up the landscape in that area. White, black, ‘apples’ ‘oreos’, ‘lemons’, who cares. . .if {udwhacker is representative, they’re all just part of the “Jukes” fambly. . . . .
Carl: I never knew your wife died. I only post in morning and evenings and I took off a couple of months last year as I was really busy. My condolences. Did you have a charity named in her honor? I WILL contribute to show you are am not a cold hearted bastard like racist lucy!
I draw the line at my own circumstance. Google headless lucy field ni^^er. Look from September 9th-15th 2005. My circumstance was about PacMan, the best game ever (his tag line). PacMan asked Voice of Chalk Scratching to ban, to censure, to distance himself from headless. Never happened. Then headless turned on Puddy! I remember the real GBS, dj, Mr X and Dr E. were the only four liberals who berated headless. JSA didn’t and that shocked me too.
Regarding the nnnnnnn’s, yeah that was nasty. You future posts will determine if the apology accepted I give now stays given. For all I care lucy is already rotting in his own private hell! I know my description was correct. Even my older son enjoyed it!
Regarding people thinking I’m HowCanYouBeProudIfYouAreAnAss or Prr, don’t you think Voice of Chalk Scratching would have given me up to those other bloggers if he could. I know to this day Voice of Chalk Scratching would love to say I am PacMan. Shucks, most libtards claimed it except when shutdown by perfessor dj. I guess libtard perfessors are useful sometimes!
BTW I like MOE-ron better than nutjob!
Froggy: Would this be a potential eHarmony entry:
Single, 5’5″, pimply faced, plays with amphibians, packing 5″ max, no chance for love, Rosy Palm and her five cousins get a workout every night, works at a fast food restaurant making minimum wage, never contributed to a charity, packs fudge every weekend, now a racist too.
Carl I know you’ve read the rabbit droppings on ASSWipes? He makes personal attacks at me everyday. I deliver ones back at him. The only person I called cracker is Headless. I’m sure you understand that endearment term. I used KKK on a few of you many times. Does Birth of a Nation ring a bell Carl? Ding-ding! Ding-ding!
If you accept DarrellRecklesslySucksButtPutty’s historical accounting of anything that has happened on this blog, more the fool you. The man lies as he breathes. He is a wingnut of the looniest kind.
It was never established whether PacMan was a sock puppet or not. Then he lied about ‘meeting’ GBS to establish his bonafides.
Go read the archives. . .yech. Among other things you can follow the trail to this disturbed personality’s true identity. . .for what its worth.
Froggy: Use your real first name. Carl demands it!
Retrospective Distortion is what it is called, Darrell, it’s all just part of the package that comes with your warped mind.
Now Froggy just jumped off the deep end. As I remember, I emailed GBS and told him where we were. I have the receipt of where we ate and the parking stub paid. Sucks to be you Froggy!
Froggy, you little punk – Use your first name. Carl demands it! Are you a chickenshit? Yes you are.
Calling me a racist repeatedly does not make me one.
You are white.
You are cynically using race to promote your numbskull agenda.(Mind if I call you Slick?)
Froggy, a legend in his own mind.
Use your first name Froggy. Be a man.
When you deal with someone who has over and over again proven himself a false, lying wingnut, then a form Greshams Law takes over. Darrell, you have NO credability on this blog, whatsover. Whining, crying foul, shouting,repeating talking points, it’s all the same to you. If you announced the time, standing next to a clock, I would recommend checking the clock before accepting anything from your lips.
Your words drive out any honest, true, or logical discussion. I have no prescription for your rehabilitation.
Headless: Your own words on this blog September 2005 easily classify you as a racist or the prime order. Did you have some house Ni^^ers when you were growing up? Did you call her Aunt Jemima?
I bet that priest and levite quote burned the hell in you didn’t it. You give like Al Gore. Other people’s money. You pollute the classroom with your blitering idiot quotes. If I need to quote Chauncer or Shakespeare or even FDR I can look it up on the Internet too. From your asinine posts you are a disciple of Friedrich Engels!
Keep that thought headless. I’m as white as Ron Sims, Voice of Chalk Scrathing’s hero! Oops, well that depends on the company you keep.
Slick is the adjective used for Willie Clinton!
Froggy: Use your first name, you runt!
This is why I like discussing things with JSA, the Real GBS, or even Dr E.
Most of the ASSWipe morons can’t get past a black who left the reservation, who did post using other names, who can spot doppelgangers, who had his nicks outed by Voice of Chalk Scratching because I tweaked his little brain too often.
So Voice of Chalk Scratching, are you going to tithe that money raised?
Froggy without your first name, NOTHING from your brain to your fingers is acceptable in anyone’s sight! You are like headless, except the Seattle School District made a hiring mistake. Burger King met their lowest common denominator hiring quote when they had pity and hired you!
My first name is known. Carl and I can have a conversation man to man. You are an insignificant mosquito, peskily flitting in my ear as a 8000 Hz bothersome noise!
Another psychotic diatribe against shadows in your own mind, Darrell. Goldy, for the sake of what little sanity Darrell has left, should send you off to live with JCH.
can’t get past a black who left the reservation,
I have been receiving requests to consider banning certain individuals who shall remain nameless from this blog.
I understand these requests 100%. In fact, I have toyed around with the idea myself. I feel each and every one of you. I feel your frustration, believe me, I do, so very much. Especially when said individuals add nothing to debate, say nothing with meaning and are themselves shallow, narcissistic shells of humanity.
But, I won\’t do it. To do so compromises the very essence of this blog. You, my readers, tell me how I can stand up against the
leftright, the hypocrisy of theleftlistened to and more popular than me who I hate with every fiber of my being media, the one sided, slanted, narrow-minded,partisan, sectarian, small-minded, twisted, unfair, warped minds of theleftright and then do what they do?In that I would be as guilty as they are of selectively limiting freedom of speech. Of CHERRY PICKING an American individuals right to speak, even if they are total and complete fucktards. I\’d be as guilty as those who want us all to become
pinko commie\’sfar right religious zealots in a hell hole enshrouded by politicallycorrectINcorrect rat droppings on our freedom.I can\’t and I won\’t. I\’m not being obstinate, I\’m being
AMERICANthe typical asshole I always am who desperately needs more readers/listeners. I hope you understand and continue to come here and feel free to speak freely, without restraint.Remember my mission statement, it\’s located at the top of this blog: the straight poop on WA politics & the press
I will continue to shit as long a you do.
Froggy: Use yoru first name. You are nothing until you do. Won’t comment on your commentary until you do.
Check the records. No receipt, no parking stub. GBS sez you were a no-show,LYINGPUDWHACKER.
Funny, how that works. Carl, I’d be happy to buy you a beer at DL.
Ask Kirby about “Courtesy Pays” that the banks do. These overdraft fees can be as much as $35 — so if you pay for your MacDonalds with your ATM card and there’s not enough in your account, your $1.29 burger can cost more than $36. These don’t count as loans so the banks don’t have to do APR disclosures. Say you got paid the next day after that burger — we’re talking about 6,000,000%.
Banks are relying on these fees like an addict on crack.
Clueless use your real first name too. Otherwise you are on ignore. Carl demands it! You do listen to your libtard firends right?
Tree Frog Farmer says: Check the records. No receipt, no parking stub. GBS sez you were a no-show,LYINGPUDWHACKER.
02/04/2007 at 12:05 pm
No he did prince of mendaciousness. I know what he said ‘cuz he directly chastised me for saying something he emailed me in secret.
Moonbat liar!
Poor Froggy. All 5’5″ of him can’t perform a thorough Interet search, can’t blog his first name because momma would whack his wee-wee.
First name wimpy.
E-mailed me in private!!! ROFLMAO.
Back to Gymboree, Darrell!
Froggy: first name please. Gymboree – Never been there. Is that where you swing from the rafters with your prehensile tail?
APB to the REAL GBS – may I submit to Froggy your Internet service? I will not reveal your email address just your provider. I wait your approval.
You do realize GBS – Froggy just called you a liar, saying you didn’t email me to chastise me for telling everyone one of your favorite places to eat!
Why is froggy afraid to use his real first name? Scared? Afraid of the black black hawk helecopters swooping down? Afraid cinderella will never visit once your first name is known?
I found the perfect cartoon which describes the libtard woman!
Clueless: first name plagiarizer! So Clueless is that how your wife treats you?
Just Call me “the Mike Rowe” of AssWipes!
re 76: “Beep beep bop bop umgawa Black Power!”
Puddwhack: Can I call you “Slick”?
Headless: Did you say something? I missed your first name!
Isn’t that what you call your weiner after fudge packing?
That’s wiener, Brae, wiener!
@19 Gosh, pudwhacker, it’s hard to get convictions against Republican vote-fraud operatives (e.g., Lori Sotelo) when partisan Republican prosecutors (e.g., Norm Maleng) refuse to enforce election laws when Republican cheaters break them.
You bet your ass there was fraud in Ohio and that state’s electoral votes were stolen in 2004! Just read the Conyers report, you lying sack of shit.
@34 “Puddybud says: I never said I was rich. 02/04/2007 at 9:12 am”
According to Wingnut Ideology, if you’re not rich, you’re immoral. So which are you — rich or immoral?