The Seahawks (and the Eagles) won, and I’m not preempted… so what better way to celebrate Sunday night than to pop open a cold beer and tune in to “The David Goldstein Show” on Newsradio 710-KIRO, tonight from 7PM to 10PM.
The lineup could change in response to breaking news, but here’s what I think I’ll be talking about tonight:
7PM: We’ve already got two Johnsons and a Dick on the state Supreme Court, two of which clearly dress right, but that’s not enough for the BIAW, who keeps slapping their members on the bench, this time pulling a Groen and whipping out yet another Johnson in their drive to take control of the court. Joining me to discuss the enormous sums of money the right wing is spending on our formerly low profile judicial races is Jenny Durkan, one of our state’s most prominent attorneys, and a co-chair of Citizens to Uphold the Constitution.
8PM: Curious about tonight’s broadcast of Path to 9/11, but can’t bear to bring yourself to watch ABC’s propagandistic, lying piece of crap? Well, turn off the TV and tune in 710-AM, because Bill Scher of Liberal Oasis is on East Coast time watching it for you. After he’s done, he’s gonna call in to critique the movie and discuss the controversy surrounding it.
9PM: Jim Hightower, one of the pioneers of progressive radio will not be on the show tonight. But he will be at Seattle’s Town Hall on Thursday, September 14, headlining a conference on energy, agriculture and sustainability. I’ll be talking with some of the conference organizers in the first couple segments, then a representative from the No on I-933 campaign will join me to talk about how that dangerous initiative could kill Washington’s efforts at sustainable growth.
Tune in tonight (or listen to the live stream) and give me a call: 1-877-710-KIRO (5476).
My only regret about my intention not to watch “The Path to 9/11” is that I can’t recall Harvey Keitel being less than terrific in anything he’s done.
What the hell, maybe I’ll just slap “Pulp Fiction” or “U-571” in the player instead.
Seoul – North Korea is reportedly having a new medicine clinically tested on two subjects in Russia for leader Kim Jong-il, who is suffering from diabetes and heart disease. An unnamed MP from South Korea’s ruling party was quoted yesterday as telling the Yonhap news agency that he had been briefed on the drug tests by Kim Seung-kyu, the director of South Korea’s intelligence agency. [……..Carl Grossman, would you consider donating a kidney or part of your liver to the “progressive” Democrat cause??]
Doctor JCH Kennedy gawd your such a pathetic asshole
…ABC’s propagandistic, lying piece of crap?”
What’s not true? That Clinton ignored dozens of attacks? That he obstructed communication between CIA and FBI that could have connected the dots?
Libruls can’t stand truth…
And what about Michael Moore’s fucking lying movie? Or the hate piece on Ronald Reagan a few years ago that defamed him? Where were you guys then? Uh huh… you were cheering….
Ronald fucking death squad Reagan defame him !!!!!
that must be a neat trick
Ronald Ragon is a fuck war crimanel Buttnutz
Oh and being a maniger of the corner 7-11 dosn’t make you a corpert player Buttnutz
One benefit of the controversy surrounding Path to 9/11 is that people are beginning to remember that there was once a Clinton hack National Security Adviser named Sandy “Socks” Berger who later stole Top Secret documents from the National Archives.
MTR, what a buttmunch. Read the history. The “wall” was in place before Clinton and Bush just reinforced it.
You know what is funny about the stuffing crap in his socks story. If a security guard saw him stuffing classified docs in his underwear, why did he not notify his superiors, until after much time has passed? Because even though Berger took some docs home in his briefcase it was just a political attack, like everything the GOP does.
Remember Sandy Berger knew Al Queda was a threat, and was working on defending America from the, unlike the Bush Crime Family.
I just can’t remember seeing any Republicans telling Clinton that the Republican controlled congress would be willing to do everything he asked to help him fight Al Queda. Oh that is right. They were doing everything they could to obstruct his attempts to go after said terrorists.
If you don’t believe me, bring me some quotes of Republicans offering to help Clinton defend America…..
I will be waiting.
You won’t find any by the way. Republicans opposed every thing Clinton did, especially defending America from terrorists.
Sorry righties.
If you think this is not a fact, once again, point me to the link of Republicans offering to help Clinton fight terrorism, and offering him all the tools he would need.
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby MTR — 9/10/06@ 7:50 pm
And what about Michael Moore’s (expletive deleted) lying movie? Or the hate piece on Ronald Reagan a few years ago that defamed him? Where were you guys then? Uh huh… you were cheering….
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but didn’t the folks on the right make such a big stink about the Reagan movie that it was pulled from network television?
And while I can’t comment about Mr. Moore’s film (because I never saw it) I have not seen it show up on network television claiming to be an unbiased account of actual events.
Seems just a bit hypocritical for the right to be making a big deal about the ABC movie after the volume of protests they orchestrated against the earlier movie about the Reagans.
Oh, wait. It’s ok for conservatives to protest a movie, it’s not ok for liberals to protest a movie.
Personally, I think everyone is making way too much noise about this. Neocons are already convinced that President Bush is the second coming of Ronald Reagan, whom they consider to be one of the major saints. (Michael, Gabriel and Ronald.) They are also convinced that all Democrats and liberal Republicans are traitors. “Gee, if we could just get rid of that traitorous two-thirds of the country, this place would be great!”
Some liberals are convinced that President Bush is actually the child of Satan and sibling to Ann Coulter, and that everything that happened even before he became President is his fault. Those same folks are against the death penalty for any crime except voting Republican. I’ve got e-mails from “People for the American Way” asking me to phone Disney in protest.
The rest of us realize that it’s just a movie. Does anyone here remember the theme song from MST3K?
“Just repeat to yourself, it’s just a show, I really should relax!”
Afghanistan Falling Apart. Another Mission Accomplished Right Bush?
THE former aide-de-camp to the commander of the British taskforce in southern Afghanistan has described the campaign in Helmand province as “a textbook case of how to screw up a counter-insurgency”.
“Having a big old fight is pointless and just making things worse,” said Captain Leo Docherty, of the Scots Guards, who became so disillusioned that he quit the army last month.,,2087-2350795,00.html
Read this. The end of being Republican……
To think Bush is making us safer would be cause for a trip to the funny farm, and your own rubber room.
We could have turned Afghanistan into a paradise, and now it is just turning into another bunch of people that hate America….
It didn’t have to be this way. Bush just can’t help but make people hate America and want to KILL ME!!!!!!
If you are not actively opposing Bush, and everything he does you are a TRAITOR!!!!,,2087-2350795,00.html
Unity Iraq Government Now Falling Apart
Another Mission Accomplished Eh Bush?
When the left calls a TV movie a “propagandistic, lying piece of crap?” and tries to censor it you know it is the truth.
Dude, Goldy, I don’t know how you stomach all these profane, right-wing loonies mucking up the works. Don’t you feel like it cheapens the discourse?
I can’t figure out why any self-respecting moderate would take the time to learn a new point of view when these monkeys keep throwing their crap all over it.
P.S. Watch “911: Press for Truth”! It’ll blow your freakin’ mind! (I’ve got it linked over at The Tahoma Activist
I listened to the no on 933 here are all the lies
1) farmland and forests cannot be turned to strip malls, that zoning has been in place since 1972 and 933 only goes back to 96
2)933 has 1 out of state contributer, no on 933 has 3 and counting
3)Its nice to see the no on 933 supporters admit they have stole billions from property owners
4) you cannot buy a piece of property in a watershed and pave it over (refer to #1)
5) 933 will not affect traffic the county only locked up 8000 lots across the county, condenced housing increases traffic
The wife and I ended up watching CBS’s updated version of the French brothers’ film about the guys from Ladder One.
Commentby YO— 9/10/06@ 9:08 pm
At this point I think it has been conclusively shown that YO is the alter ego for Seaman Recruit JCH. In one personality, his voooooooowel keeeeeeeeys tend to stiiiiiiiick, and in the other he TYPES IN ALL CAPS AND MISSPELS LOTZ OF WURDS.
If this is an example of the folks on the right, our country is in worse shape than I’d ever imagined.
Fortunately, I have actually met intelligent, well-meaning Republicans that truly have our country’s best interest at heart. While we often disagree, there are many times when we have been able to understand and appreciate the other side’s point of view.
Then there is the Recruit…
One thing all this reminds us of is that 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch. No matter how many mock-u-mentaries the righties create, they won’t be able to change that little fact, nor the fact that the Bush family was hosting the bin Laden family in the US that day, nor the fact that Bush had a chance to kill Osama on September 10 and passed, nor the fact that while the rest of us were grounded, Bush let the bin Ladens and other Saudis fly out of the country, nor the fact that five years later, we haven’t found a 7′ tall Arab named Osama.
The Washington State Supreme Court…justices provided by the BIAW.
One thing all this reminds us of is that 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch.
Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 9/10/06@ 10:16 pm
I thank God Bush was president when 911 happened. If Gore was successful in stealing the Florida election this country would be a mess right now. A dozen 911’s would have taken place by now.
“We must not listen in on the terrorist’s cell phone calls, or track their wire money transfers, because the Nuslims have rights”! [Carl Grossman]
Thank you, Kreskin.
“The Path to 9/11″………..Democrats: traitors and cowards!!!!
And Pelosi and her gang are your answer to a strong terrorist fighting congress…..
Make me laugh some more…
You’ve kicked out the only democrats that had it right on terrorism.
Hey, Roger Rabbit, I think Post #26 is directed to you!
Wow ABC actually did better than we thought at See BS. The special line was “Are there no men in Washington”.
We also liked “They think this is a police action.” when John O’Neill was talking to Richard Clarke onver how Clinton operated.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but didn’t the folks on the right make such a big stink about the Reagan movie that it was pulled from network television? “Just repeat to yourself, it’s just a show, I really should relax!” Commentby John Barelli— 9/10/06@ 8:58 pm
Yes John, you should relax. To answer your baseless charge above, no one from Congress threatened a TV station.
I asked these questions yesterday John Barelli. I suppose you lacked the intestinal fortitude to answer them today like you missed them yesterday:
Moonbats why when you are cornered like the democRATS you are want to shut down Disney/ABC?
“We write with serious concerns about the planned upcoming broadcast of The Path to 9/11 mini-series on September 10 and 11. Countless reports from experts on 9/11 who have viewed the program indicate numerous and serious inaccuracies that will undoubtedly serve to misinform the American people about the tragic events surrounding the terrible attacks of that day. Furthermore, the manner in which this program has been developed, funded, and advertised suggests a partisan bent unbecoming of a major company like Disney and a major and well respected news organization like ABC. We therefore urge you to cancel this broadcast to cease Disney’s plans to use it as a teaching tool in schools across America through Scholastic. Presenting such deeply flawed and factually inaccurate misinformation to the American public and to children would be a gross miscarriage of your corporate and civic responsibility to the law, to your shareholders, and to the nation.
The Communications Act of 1934 provides your network with a free broadcast license predicated on the fundamental understanding of your principle obligation to act as a trustee of the public airwaves in serving the public interest. Nowhere is this public interest obligation more apparent than in the duty of broadcasters to serve the civic needs of a democracy by promoting an open and accurate discussion of political ideas and events. …
Should Disney allow this programming to proceed as planned, the factual record, millions of viewers, countless schoolchildren, and the reputation of Disney as a corporation worthy of the trust of the American people and the United States Congress will be deeply damaged. We urge you, after full consideration of the facts, to uphold your responsibilities as a respected member of American society and as a beneficiary of the free use of the public airwaves to cancel this factually inaccurate and deeply misguided program. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.”
Why did your congressional donko friends plan on using the power of the federal government to demand political changes to a program before it airs, which in itself is a dangerous precedent?
When the Reagan “documentary” was being bantied about did congressinal Republicans call for the removal. No!
Did congressional Republicans threaten CBS’ broadcast license? No!
Did congressional Republicans threaten government censorship if they don’t get their own way? No!
Did congressional Republicans whip out lawyers like Clinton has done? No!
Did congressional Republicans Threaten CBS with legislative and regulatory reprisals over content of Reagan Film? No!
Did congressional Republicans threaten the CBS with free speeach writs? No!
So how can Goldie and the Furballettes support this attack on ABC? Only from the mind of a moonbat!
Just asking moonbats: What did Kos or Michael Moore have say this morning? Did you get the latest ingredients for your September 10, 2006 kool-aid?
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/10/06@ 11:55 am
So how do you support this attack on artistic freedom.
The duplicitiousness of Moonbats
One thing all this reminds us of is that 9.11 happened on Bush’s watch. No matter how many mock-u-mentaries the righties create, they won’t be able to change that little fact, nor the fact that the Bush family was hosting the bin Laden family in the US that day, nor the fact that Bush had a chance to kill Osama on September 10 and passed, nor the fact that while the rest of us were grounded, Bush let the bin Ladens and other Saudis fly out of the country, nor the fact that five years later, we haven’t found a 7′ tall Arab named Osama. Commentby RightEqualsStupid— 9/10/06@ 10:16 pm
Yes, it takes men with real stones to dig us out of the mess placed there by femi-men (thanks HowCan).
Lefties close their eyes to books written about the Clinton years. They denounce them as right-wing hack jobs. If they are how can history show the events really happened? The movie last night openly displayed the contempt the Moonbat Administration had for these terrorists, where the FBI workers said that written above by SEE BS! Police action my ass.
Clinton even let Bin Laden get away by having Medeline Dulllight tell Musharrif so early when the cruise missiles were launched, Bin Laden got away. I bet Geroge Tenet was not a happy camper! Now this will hang over Hillary. Good!
The Washington State Supreme Court…justices provided by the BIAW. Commentby John Slyfield— 9/10/06@ 10:17 pm
Gerry “Let Pedophile Killers Go Early” Alexander is a real winner of a judge. Probably a good friend of Roger Furball.
Rufus Busch @23, “if Gore was president on 911 the country would be a mess right now”. Prescious Adolf, (Katrina, Abramoff, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Coulter, Limbaugh, Sen Allen, Delay and Cunningham agree with you – over 60% of the population does not drink your ‘Jonestown’ koolaid!)
Looks like the AP had a mole in Saddam’s camp.
Republic of Iraq
The Presidency of the Republic
The Intelligence Service
Date: 25/7/2000
Number: 6146
To: 5th / 4th / 13th Directorates
We were informed from one of our sources (the degree of trust in him is good) who works in the American Associated Press Agency [emphasis added] that the agency broadcasted to through computer to its branches worldwide the following
Proves the MSM are anti-neocon assisters of terrorism. Didn’t history prove they vote 85% OR GREATER MOONBAT?
To steal the Puddy line – Nuff Said or was it NUFF Said or was it Nuff SAID! Well they all work!
Just about any utterance from the wingnut aisle is TOO MUCH SAID WITH TOO LITTLE THOUGHT. Your latest missive is no different. Who was the AP source? What was their job at AP? Was he/she and American? What was the substance of the information? Was it part of a counterintelligence operation (you know, Valerie Plame?)
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/11/06@ 4:48 am
I’m glad you brought it up because congressional Republicans did indeed threaten CBS over the movie about the Reagans.
“Nuff said,” indeed.
JCH @ 24
“We must not listen in on the terrorist’s cell phone calls, or track their wire money transfers, because the Nuslims have rights!”
Well, American citizens have constitutional protections against warrantless earch, and all people in teh US are guaranteed equal protection under tha law. Neither have naything to do with being Muslim, but Muslims are certainly protected.
WOS – Insane as usual. The propaganda (this stupid movie) contains lies. Lies you believe in. You can cheerlead all you want for those lies because you’re insane.
The reality-based folks refuse to let lies be broadcast over the public airwaves without a fight. Edit out the lies and you’re left with a normal bad TV movie. That’s all we’re asking for.
Already the freepers are complaining there’s not wingnut fantasies in this movie.
WOS – you’re a freeper aren’t you?
From the “McGavick’s Fables” thread:
King 5 Robert Mak had mcgavick on this morning.
You may want to ask Mak for the copy of the Article detailing the Track Star that they say they have.
You may want to watch it, it discredits all your claims of Black out Drunk, Horrible Parenting, Credit Profiling, and Track Star Status.
You are now considered the MEDIA, for your efforts.
Commentby darcys my gal— 9/10/06@ 11:38 am
Just when did Robert Mak speak about that video? I just watched the “Up Front” show, and no mention of a video about the track meet.
When Mak asked about the track meet, McGavick’s “answer” was that he “spent the weekend looking for the clipping.” He didn’t say he found it.
Someone who was present would do. How about a date and the name of the competition?
We could have turned Afghanistan into a paradise, and now it is just turning into another bunch of people that hate America….
If you are not actively opposing Bush, and everything he does you are a TRAITOR!!!!
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 9/10/06@ 9:09 pm
You better get you shit strait Afghanistan is being run by NATO now, so take your complaints to your French lovers. When we the troops look for support for our missions, amazing chaps like you jump out as TRAITORS. How short a Liberals memory is, maybe five seconds, you all don’t remember 11 September 2001. Naw; you think Bush flew those planes into the WTC, right.
On the 5th anniversary of 9/11 here’s our fearful misleader with Laura at his side laying a wreath, all but alone with his bankrupt policies:
Here, here and here.
#68 So you think leaving Karzi out to dry, and not giving him the money we promised him to help rebuild his country was ok?
As far as equipping the troops, givin billionares huge tax breaks meant more to the Republicans in control of procurement than body armor, and up armored humvees.
I think the best way to support our troops is to prosecute our lying leaders that lied us into the quagmire in Iraq (proven), and thought a little rhetoric was all it was going to take to get rid of the Taliban for good.,,2087-2350795,00.html
You have to paste the link. Two commas don’t work in this text box.
Once again we could have spent our resources bring Afghanistan out of the stone age. We didn’t even try.
Killing innocent people. The only thing the Republican Traitors in charge of our military understand. Nation building costs money, and all the money went to the top 1% in the form of taxbreak. By the way, if you need a fix these days, dope is practically free. Our “friends” have upped their heroin output 60% in the last year.
And for supporting troops. We have a deserter, and a draft dodger in charge. You already know how they feel about the military…..
Lied into war against people that were known to be no threat. This is how Bush supports the troops. You support him, you are a TRAITOR.
Sandy “Socks” Berger: Carl Grossman?
“I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” – Will Rogers.
Commentby Mike Webb SUCKS— 9/10/06@ 11:55 am
Wow, MWS. At least half of my “Relax” comment was aimed at my own side. Maybe you missed the comment “Personally, I think everyone is making way too much noise about this.”
It’s a MOVIE. The far right will believe it to be gospel. The far left will consider it a pack of lies. Everyone else will go watch a rerun of CSI Miami. Next week nobody will care.
As to the “baseless” comment about the right getting its knickers in a wad about the Reagan documentary, the facts are that there was an organized protest of CBS that ended with the network choosing not to air the movie on network television. Nothing was said about the exact methods used, but I could do the research if it’s that important to you.
Perhaps I could suggest a very good shade-grown, songbird-safe, fair-trade decaf. It really is quite tasty.
As to my lack of intestinal fortitude, that seems pretty funny coming from someone that doesn’t post under his/her own name. Of course, I could be wrong about that, but if I am, you might want to consider getting a name change, Mr. Sucks.
I’m glad you brought it up because congressional Republicans did indeed threaten CBS over the movie about the Reagans. “Nuff said,” indeed. Commentby Another TJ— 9/11/06@ 6:20 am
Admittly I didn’t know that since I have never visited this moonbat before. Now you have the head of the RNC and a Congressperson writing about the Reagan miniseries. Interesting Development.
Compare/contrast this with Howard Screech Dean, Nancy Face Pelosi, Harry Pay My Son Please Reid, Bill I like Juicy Cigars Clinton, Hillary UN Villager Clinton, and many other congressional moonbats threatening ABC.
As to the “baseless” comment about the right getting its knickers in a wad about the Reagan documentary, the facts are that there was an organized protest of CBS that ended with the network choosing not to air the movie on network television. Nothing was said about the exact methods used, but I could do the research if it’s that important to you. Commentby John Barelli— 9/11/06@ 2:17 pm
I now know one Congressman and the head of the RNC. Look at the munber of moonbats all in a tizzy PLUS Clinton’s lawyers. What a nutcase! Do I need to provide commentary for all of the above plus others? There is no comparison, whatsoever.
Regarding my name, that’s a secret. Why? Too many nut-case whack jobs here.
munber should be number
Please cite the “threat” found in the letter sent to ABC by the Democratic leadership.
I already did. If you can’t read too bad.
That letter doesn’t threaten anyone. Try again.
The Communications Act of 1934 provides your network with a free broadcast license predicated on the fundamental understanding of your principle obligation to act as a trustee of the public airwaves in serving the public interest. Nowhere is this public interest obligation more apparent than in the duty of broadcasters to serve the civic needs of a democracy by promoting an open and accurate discussion of political ideas and events. …
Should Disney allow this programming to proceed as planned, the factual record, millions of viewers, countless schoolchildren, and the reputation of Disney as a corporation worthy of the trust of the American people and the United States Congress will be deeply damaged. We urge you, after full consideration of the facts, to uphold your responsibilities as a respected member of American society and as a beneficiary of the free use of the public airwaves to cancel this factually inaccurate and deeply misguided program. We look forward to hearing back from you soon.”
If that isn’t a veiled threat I don’t know what is. The Republicans NEVER pulled those shenanigans over the Reagans. NEVER! NEVER!
You are summarily dismissed through your own stupidity.
PS Look at Chucky Schumer and Harry Reid publically said!
If that isn’t a veiled threat I don’t know what is. The Republicans NEVER pulled those shenanigans over the Reagans. NEVER! NEVER!
Pointing out someone’s obligations and asking that they live up to those obligations is not a threat, veiled or otherwise. And, given your own track record on what the GOP did and did not pull over “The Reagans,” it might be best if you quit while you’re behind (of course, you just keep coming back for more – trust me, just stay down).