25th LD Republican nominee Hans Zeiger on religious diversity:
It just so happens that the “Religious Right” is the only significant religious group in America that is really dedicated and interested in praying to God. That isn’t to say there aren’t folks who occasionally pray to false gods or the multi-faith/inter-faith god or themselves in various corners of the Religious Left, but they don’t tend to be the prayer warrior types.
It’s only a state House race, so we can’t rely on our local political press — the watchdogs of democracy — to present Zeiger to voters in his own words. I guess that means Democratic incumbent Dawn Morrell is going to have to educate voters all by herself. And that means she needs you help.
we should probably pray to the green party or we’re sure to all die:
better try this one instead
This nutjob plainly has no business being in any sort of position where he might influence public policy. I would think the local papers would be having a heyday with someone this ridiculous.
When you get down to it, all three of the big three monotheistic religions are pretty nutty. Lots of violence and chaos in them, too.
Why can’t people just believe what they fucking want to believe and leave me alone?
Does anyone see a pattern in the articles by Hans Zeiger that have been pulled from intellectualconservative.com?
Besides he ranted a lot about the boy scouts and took that down
Privatize PBS and NPR = Only in Google cache
What’s Wrong with the Boy Scouts?= Only in Google cache
How the Grinch Stole Mrs. Claus’ Gift to the Scouts = Only in Google cache
Conservative Punk Marine = Only in Google cache
Reagan’s Children – Taking Back the City on the Hill = Only in Google cache
Hans Zeiger « Intellectual Conservative Politics and Philosophy = pulled
The Difference Between the Boy Scouts and the Taliban = Only in Google cache
The Death of Canadian Scouting
The Hip-Hop Vote
Spiritual Viagra
by Hans Zeiger
17 May 2004
Google this string “site:www.intellectualconservative.com Hans Zeiger”
This guys a scary nut job.
Liberal pastors speak much of unity and peace and social justice and harmony and the like.
What does he want conservative pastors to preach? Disunity, war, strive, social injustice, discord and the like?
[DELETED – off topic]
[Note from Goldy to Cynical: the real issues of this election are not polls.]
What a total scumbag. Baby kissing ass kissing jerk. Just appealing to the completely crazy (Republican base).
Besides, my god can beat up your god anyway. Vishnu is the only real god and everyone knows that, duh!
Petraeus says the conservative preacher who wants to burn the koran will endanger American soldiers and civilians and will set our program in Afghanistan back.
The prescher-man says that he is going to burn it anyway.
He has the right to burn it — but as a loyal American, should he?
Remarkable. He would even limit who can vote, yet he thinks he stands for American values. I would also guess that he would hate Jesus Christ if he were to meet the fellow.
If the preacher burns the koran and some innocent person is murdered for that, does that make the preacher an accessory?
Shouldn’t the preacher face the consequences of his actions in reality?
#9 Nice use of their words against them.
Try as he may, Zeiger can’t erase his record of way-far-right craziness. It’s not just the Google cache and wayback machine. Reagan’s Children: Taking Back the City on the Hill and Get Off My Honor!: The Assault on the Boy Scouts of America are real books, at least partially readable on Amazon and Google Books.
It would take someone with a stronger stomach than mine to actually go through those excerpts to unearth additional gems from the “mind” of young Mr. Zeiger.
Funny how right wingers try to hide their wacky / scary ideas when they leave their tiny echo chamber. If pudster and the other trolls actually put their names to their posts, I bet they would self-censor, too.
Once can just imagine the phone call Zeiger made to IC: “hey, about all those opinions I spread across your blog for the past half decade…could you, like, remove the ones that make me look like the complete freak that I am…”
No way this kid should be let out of his parents basement let alone given a seat on the House floor. When will people finally get tired of all the hate being spewed by the right wing crazies.