The good news for Republican King County Councilmember Jane Hague is that she managed to get her drunk-driving hearing postponed until after the November election, avoiding in the weeks leading up to the vote, the potential embarrassment of pleading guilty to, you know, drunk driving. The bad news for Hague is that in doing so, she’s only managed to generate a whole new controversy to keep the bad headlines coming.
When the going gets weird, well, King County Council Democratic candidate Richard Pope keeps it moving right along. He has succeeded in at least temporarily removing the judge who yesterday ruled that Pope’s Republican opponent Jane Hague could delay arguments in her drunk-driving trial until after the November election, Seattle Weekly has learned.
King County District Court Presiding Judge Barbara Linde said this afternoon she has already notified pro tem judge Richard Llewelyn Jones of his removal for failing to report his own criminal background.
The removal could also lead to nullification of Jones’ ruling to delay arguments over Hague’s so-far successful attempt to have blood-alcohol results thrown out. “I’ll leave it up to the two sides to decide” whether the delay stands, Linde says, indicating Hague and prosecutors could end up in court again before the election after all.
If Pope loses (and notice I don’t say “when”,) the two parties should start a bidding war to see who can hire him to do opposition research on the other side. Or, they should have him killed. Man, he’s good.
Pope is no dope. He is a bit quirky, but he can research like no one else I have ever seen.
I can see this working out that Hague not only loses, but loses big.
Goldy, you still need to post the votevets link you mentioned on the radio.
I think I see how he passed law school. Probably researched his professor and made sure he got good grades or else. I wonder if we can get him to go after Sharkansky? That might actually be fun to watch.
It made the front page of the online edition of the Seattle Fish Wrapper (Times).
Don’t be a dope, vote for Pope. (copyrighted by My Left Foot)
Richard, you may use the above phrase in any and all advertising for your campaign, without charge.
Michael at 3
Actually I read in an archive somewhere that his professors at U-Dub lauded Mr. Pope for his research ability and legal mind.
No joke.
Pope is kind of a one-trick pony, though. He searches legal dbs.
I’ll still vote for him over Jane.
I think you’d get stronger HA suppport by changing your un-copyrightable slogan to:
“A vote for Pope, is a vote for dope.”
No charge…
The Piper
Richard Pope is a deranged Karl Rove wannabee. Goldy knows he is a freak and called him out when the threat he might become a judge materialized. It’s only because he has a D behind his name now that Goldy starts his Pavlovian fawning. In truth Pope is probably less progressive than Hague which is why none of the Democrats in King County — including some extremely liberal ones — want anythig to do with him.
Richard Pope won’t talk about his own checkered past…especially his time in Texas which he conveniently omits from his campaign website.
Nothing happened to convicted Supreme Court Justice Bobbe Bridge who blew a .22, hit another vehicle, and tried to flee the scene.
The King County Sherriff’s has enough problems finding missing people plus the exposes in the Seattle PI
Jane Hague will be reelected because Richard Pope has been unable to explain why he would be a better King County Council member
@8 Its not that there are very many people supporting Pope. If there were, his campaign coffers would be much bigger. Its that Hague is so toxic right now even a flaming bag of dog poop looks better in comparison.
It is typical of Hague and her supporters to try to shift the blame for her implosion on someone else. Pope had nothing to do with her driving drunk or trying to use her position to intimidate the officer that pulled her over. Pope had nothing to do with Hague’s vindictiveness and drunken power binge getting reported in the newspapers. Hague’s fall from power is her own fault.
If she actually started to accept responsibility for it, she might manage to hold on until the next primary election. I don’t see her surviving longer than that, even if she does manage to squeak past this one.
As for Pope, I will say that he is on a higher level than that flaming bag of dog poop mentioned above. Fortunately for him, Hague is not.
What’s fascinating about all of this is that normally people with Richard Pope’s skillset don’t win elections (this fact has been self-evident). He doesn’t really campaign or try to raise money. He came to DL once and couldn’t answer even simple questions I asked him. His strategy is to find as much dirt as possible on his opponent and hope that this encourages people to vote for him. If it actually works this time, and Pope gets on the Council using these same tactics against the people who he butts heads with, CHAOS WILL ENSUE. Elected officials from all parties cherish their privacy and their secrecy, and if Richard starts digging up dirt on the other Council members when he doesn’t get his way, kick back, pop some popcorn, and enjoy the show.
Every contested election is a choice between two people. I would contend that, on balance, it is Hague’s good fortune that Pope is her opponent and not the other way around. The fact that NO ONE is supporting Pope despite the daily problems of Hague and the prospect of a Democrat pick-up on the council demonstrates how true this is. With an opponent who was even remotely qualified to hold public office this would be an unbelieveably difficult year for Hague. Fortunately for her, unfortunrately for the voters of the 6th, that is not the case.
Piper @ 7
Just like all the other rightwingjerkoffs on this blog, HUMOR escapes you.
If you unclench your ass cheeks and take several deep breaths in and out slowly, you may be able to relax. Well, probably not, but you would be too busy trying the above multi-task and would not be able to inanely comment here.
First…I think you mean well even as we disagree on everything from soup to nuts to who should be in the World Series.
But the show you think you will enjoy? Want to see Pope turn on Larry Gossett, Dow Constantine, Larry Phillips, Julia Patterson, and even Bob “Turns on His Own Kind Every Once In Awhile” Ferguson?
Trust me…I’m sure there’s dirt to be found there, and that’s Richard Pope’s SOP…dirt.
I’m the first to admit – so posted at Postman’s Blog this morning – that the incumbent has more self-inflicted wounds than a failed suicide attempt, but that’s no reason to think ANYONE has to drink Richard Pope’s Kool-Aid.
What the Hell! He just might move into Seattle, change parties again, then run against somebody you like.
He’s a pest, and well deserving of a LIBERAL (I can use the word in a positive sense when the occassion strikes) dose of electoral Raid!
The Piper
As a homorist? Don’t quit your day job…
When next you seek to be “funny,” please advise up front so calls to 911 on your behalf won’t be made.
“Vote Pope – Electoral Soap on a Rope”
The Piper
horsesasshole @ 8
“In truth Pope is probably less progressive than Hague which is why none of the Democrats in King County — including some extremely liberal ones — want anythig to do with him.”
Sorry…but this election ain’t about “progressive or not.” If anything, both of them are centrists. This is about Hague faking having a college degree for decades. This is about a sitting King Councilperson who has been arrested for DUI. This is about a candidate who is unable to manage her campaign finances. Finally, a person who refuses to take responsibility for her errors.
I have to admit. I don’t have a clue what your point is with this comment. I think it would be entertaining because it would shatter the culture of secrecy that surrounds any government body. It would be entertaining for the same reason that I find the way that blogs have completely upended the political establishment over the past 5 years. Transparency is vital in order to have a government that behaves, and despite everything else, someone like Richard and can be very useful in that respect.
The PDC should hire him. Compliance all around will improve.
A pest. You ought to know, Piper.
Richard has for the most part been harmless. He does what most RightwingNuts fear…….He shines the light of day on hidden truths, lies and corruption.
Of course you don’t like Richard. Of course he is bad for both parties, but he is GOOD FOR THE PUBLIC. He is what America is about. Anyone can become president. Look at BushTwo (another copyrighted service mark). He can’t get out of his own way, pronounce “nuclear” correctly or tell the truth when it would serve him better than the lie emanating from his lips as I type this.
Richard would make the council uncomfortable and I think that would be a very good thing.
I don’t know if you are an expert on humor, since you can’t even spell it, but you ARE a rightwing jerkoff, and we give your opinion consideration appropriate to its source.
Piper @ 13
Retired from my day job at 47. That was three years ago. Isn’t that irritating!
I am sorry that you missed the subtle humor. Too busy, I suppose, yanking out your thesaurus to find the big words.
Again, Richard Pope would be a hurricane of fresh air for the council. They won’t like it, but the public just may find him endearing, smart and open. Three qualities missing from the Republican party where the motto is lie, cheat and steal. The public has a short memory.
Boy, were you guys wrong.
Piper Scott
“As a homorist? [sic] Don’t quit your day job…”
Check out the nearest mirror and say it again, Squirt.
Chadt @ 20:
He is has “homorist” on his mind. The same way that Larry Craig does.
Runs in the party.
Please ignore the word IS in post 23.
We better be nice. Piper’s red lace panties are all in a knot now.
Don’t be a dope vote the Pope….funny
how about: The Hag is a dope vote the Pope.
Darn that spell checker.
” Avoid Hague like the plague!”
Hague? Nope! Vote Pope!
I love transparency; transparency is good. Put me down as endorsing transparency.
Pope isn’t about transparency, he’s about Pope. What’s good for the transparency targeted goose, ought to be good for the transparency avoiding gander.
You said yourself he can’t answer simple questions posed to him. Another thing you mentioned – blogs – is probably where Pope belongs; let him rant to his heart’s content exposing all varieties of dirt on all varieties of public figures (wonder what he’d find on O.J. and the ST board of directors?).
Maybe, like Goldy’s trying to do, he can make a buck or two with a blog of his own. According to this this and especially and delightfully this it’s obvious Richard Pope can’t make a living in either the practice of law or the holding of political office!
I hear Wal-Mart is hiring…
The Piper
Pooper scooper’s investment in disparaging Pope should certainly be taken as a powerful reason to elect him. I don’t know what pooper’s problem with Pope actually is, since you can’t trust what he says, but it must mean Pope poses some kind of threat to him. That’s gotta be good.
I do wish there was a spell-check on most blogs. I’m sure the king of mittened-keyboarders, Seattle Jew, probably feels the same way.
But @23 & 24…MLF…
It’s most disingenuous of you to chide me for a slip of the grammatical keyboard as you stumble there yourself.
BTW…retired at 47? Good for you! Only in America with it’s free enterprise, capitalistic economic system! More power to you. Yet you still have half your life ahead of you, so what empires will you build next?
Thank you for your interest in my underwear and in things-Larry Craig. How very “wide stance” of you. Careful how next you tap your feet in a gents’ loo stall lest you, too, find yourself similarly targeted
The Piper
“This is about Hague faking having a college degree for decades. This is about a sitting King Councilperson who has been arrested for DUI. This is about a candidate who is unable to manage her campaign finances. Finally, a person who refuses to take responsibility for her errors.”
My point isn’t that Hague doesn’t have problems…big ones. The reality is that this election was over before it began because the deeply troubled Pope is unfit to hold office. Absent her committing a homicide between now and election day the voters of the 6th will comfortably return Hague to office. The fact that he can’t even get 100% of a far-left blog (who has few if any posters actually in the 6th district) to support him — not to mention any elected official or organization, only confirms this.
Moreover, Pope has filing errors in his PDC forms as well.
Pope has resume issues as well, his biograpgical narrative dishonestly omits his time in Texas because it would call attention to the problems he ran into there. And Pope has at least as difficult a time taking responsibility for the restraining orders, fines, removal from cases, and bar complaints in his background. Pope has one MO, throw shit at other people so peple will be distracted from his stench. Has yet to work in his 11 attempts and, despite his best efforts, it won’t this time either.
@30 re:spellcheck
Unless you are a retarded Mac user, you can use Mozilla Firefox in place of Internet Explorer ( which gives you a redline under words it doesn’t have in its dictionary, which is extensive, and also gives you added security. No, I have no financial interest in this free product. It merely saves me embarassment from time. I have suggested same to SJ. He has not, as you can see, taken the hint.
It also runs under Linux, etc.
Left Foot: “Richard Pope would be a hurricane of fresh air for the council…”
Somehow, the word ‘hurricane’ strikes a discordant note. Unless Richard totally changes character (unlikely), he would be isolated and most likely not very effective as a council member. On the other hand, it would give the Dem majority more leeway, and reduce any concerted GOP voice in deliberations. I’m all for that.
Piper: “’s obvious Richard Pope can’t make a living in either the practice of law or the holding of political office!”
Well, that’s a bald misstatement of fact. Richard has made a living practicing law unless he has a night job we don’t know about, and the only reason he can’t make a living ‘holding’ political office is the fact that he has never held one.
PS: Guess the bet’s off. You wimped out.
time to time. It doesn’t do syntax.
“Absent her committing a homicide between now and election day…”
With the self destructive tear she in on, I wouldn’t be a bit suprised if, any day now, we would hear news that she woke up with a live girl or a dead boy.
Actually Richard is closing down his law practive because he can’t make a living that way according to
PS: Guess the bet’s off. You wimped out.
You’re shocked! Shocked!, you tell me…..
Piper Scott @ 28
“I love transparency; transparency is good. Put me down as endorsing transparency.”
“Pope isn’t about transparency, he’s about Pope.”
Empirically, your claim must be rejected. The vast majority of Pope’s filings are against people and groups are in circumstances where he doesn’t directly benefit. (One example…filing a complaint against the KCGOP over fiscal mismanagement–while he was a PCO. Another…filing an ethics complaint against Gregoire last year over use of the Governor’s office for fundraising.)
“You said yourself he can’t answer simple questions posed to him.”
Lee was only partially correct. Pope has been to DL at least three times. What Lee is referring to is his very first visit to DL the week he filed for the position. He didn’t have a lot of answers at the time, but he was certainly listening to people’s concerns. He listened patiently as I, as an Eastsider told him about my major concerns for the region.
As was apparent from his appearance on the David Goldstein Show recently, he has developed a platform and an agenda since his first appearance at DL.
“According to this this and especially and delightfully this it’s obvious Richard Pope can’t make a living in either the practice of law or the holding of political office!”
Again, empirical evidence suggests you are dead wrong. He has successfully practiced law for years in this area, owns a home, is active in his church, and is raising a daughter with a disability. And…he has had money to finance his campaign.
“I hear Wal-Mart is hiring…”
Go for it Squirt! You’d be a great Greeter…if you could stop yourself from babbling so much.
Piper: I don’t think Pope will win either, but at 11 to 1, the price is almost right.
Piper MAY not be as bad as MTR; he hasn’t advocated torturing dogs to death, yet.
No, the bet’s not off…you simply won’t agree to send your losings to Hopelink.
Let’s see…11 electoral debacles for Pope to date, correct? So if (think parting-of-the-Red-Sea-level miracle) Pope wins, I write a check to Hopelink for $1,100 or when he loses, you write one for $100.
No need to have Goldy – your allegeldly neutral third party – hold anything; given the problematic nature of HA as a money maker, I wouldn’t want to tempt him. I’m content to both trust your word as a gentleman AND receive a photocopy of a receipt from Hopelink acknowledging your “contribution.” Sound good?
Seriously…the homeless, children, and those who struggle deserve to be helped, so why not?
The Piper
As usual, you missed my point and have stopped making sense. I’ve never said that Pope isn’t about Pope. What I’ve said is that if Pope gets on the council, Pope being Pope will provide a lot of transparency.
And yes, Pope can’t answer simple questions. I don’t have any confidence that he could fix anything as an elected official. But I do believe that his political tactics would cause a stir and possibly force his colleagues to be more honest with us. I think you’re trying too hard to figure out whether I’m pro-Pope or anti-Pope. I’m kind of in the middle. I respect his adherence to facts and data, but I’m underwhelmed with his lack of vision on what government should actually be doing. I’m just curious to see if he actually does win this thing, because he’s so different than the kind of people who normally run for office and win.
Chadt: “You’re shocked! Shocked!”
Hardly. He was all over a previous thread glibly challenging all and sundry to place their bets on Pope. As a bookie, he doesn’t know how to treat his clientele, I’d say. He better stick to his day job.
He can still cackle and ramble that Pope will lose. That doesn’t bother me. But he wimped out. Period.
“I don’t hafta splayne, won’t vote for Jane.”
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Piper: “No, the bet’s not off…you simply won’t agree to send your losings to Hopelink.”
That sir, is a filthy slur and a lie. You are both shameless, and a wimp.
“No need to have Goldy – your allegeldly neutral third party – hold anything; given the problematic nature of HA as a money maker, I wouldn’t want to tempt him. I’m content to both trust your word as a gentleman AND receive a photocopy of a receipt from Hopelink acknowledging your “contribution.” Sound good?”
Nope. Cash talks. BS walks. Third party can be anybody we mutually agree to.
Are you saying Michael Vick supports Richard Pope?
The Piper
“My point isn’t that Hague doesn’t have problems…big ones. The reality is that this election was over before it began because the deeply troubled Pope is unfit to hold office.”
And my point is that Hague’s problems are several orders of magnitude worse than problems Pope may have.
Faking a college degree?????? WHAT THE FUCK?????? DUI in 2007? That shit was okay in 1960, is isn’t in 2007.
“Absent her committing a homicide between now and election day the voters of the 6th will comfortably return Hague to office.”
You may be right. So…why all the smears about the relatively trivial problems that Pope has????
“The fact that he can’t even get 100% of a far-left blog (who has few if any posters actually in the 6th district) to support him — not to mention any elected official or organization, only confirms this.”
Your statement is completely illogical. Cantwell couldn’t get 100% of a “far-left” blog either. She won handily.
“Moreover, Pope has filing errors in his PDC forms as well.”
If so, I trust you or one of your staff will file a PDC complaint against him.
“Pope has resume issues as well, his biograpgical narrative dishonestly omits his time in Texas because it would call attention to the problems he ran into there.”
Oh please…do tell. What transgressions did Pope commit while he was in Texas? DUI? Fake a college degree to get a job? Fiscal mismanagement? What?
“And Pope has at least as difficult a time taking responsibility for the restraining orders, fines, removal from cases, and bar complaints in his background.”
That would, at worst, make the even on that point. How many college degrees has Richard faked? How many DUIs has he gotten arrested for?
“Pope has one MO, throw shit at other people so peple will be distracted from his stench. Has yet to work in his 11 attempts and, despite his best efforts, it won’t this time either.”
No question…Pope has effectively used public records to point out the weaknesses of numerous people and organizations. But…of course, they call it the “PUBLIC DISCLOSURE COMMISSION” for a good reason—it is open for scrutiny by citizens precisely to keep candidates honest and legal. Politicians who cannot effectively manage their campaign finances SHOULD be outed!
Arrest records are made public for a reason—the public has a right to know when someone commits a transgression against society.
But…as you say…Pope won’t win. Why concern yourself with it?
@46 & 47…PTBAA…
“Filthy slur and a lie…” How so? You refused to send your losings to Hopelink, which, per your @47 comments, you acknowledge.
And if you think I’m dumb enough to let ANYONE hold $1,100 of my cash (I NEVER use or hold cash, BTW…too risky), you’ve got another thing coming! You put the douche in “fidouchiary” (caveat: misspelling intentional).
My feelings remain unhurt by your lack of faith in my virtue…just so you’ll know.
The Piper
@50: You say you trust me, but let’s face it, I do not trust you. I have agreed to have any winnings go to Hopelite. You, on the other hand, have agreed to nothing beyond the odds, and further insist that I take your ‘word for it’ or be satisfied with some ‘photocopy receipt’ that any sentinet being could fake easily.
I respectfully decline. Put up the cash or shut up.
“My feelings remain unhurt by your lack of faith in my virtue…”
Well, I’m sure that’s a relief to all concerned.
You keep corrupting Hopelink’s name…Curious and aside from your unwillingness to agree to reasonable terms in re the bet…what do you have against that organization that causes you to do that?
The Piper
Any slight credibility Piper had is now a historical oddity.
Piper at 30:
I don’t do the “light in the loafers” toe tap to signal that I want illicit sex in a public restroom.
I would be that Richard Pope would not be so foolish, or gay, to do that.
You have mentioned Pope and Texas. If you have info dish. If not, shut up.
Nah, Pope doesn’t need to do that when he’s busy neglecting the interests of his clients and abusing the legal process per
Just don’t ever wear tap shoes into a men’s room; it might cost you your political viability.
The Piper
Paid for by the King County Republican Party. TOP Staff Writers?
I have seen enough. He must have some gunpowder or they would not attack him like that. Wonder why they are not pumping Hague? Might it be that drinking thing? Perhaps she can’t hold her head up over the desk to talk to?
Then why bet? Send the kids the money.
Instead of killing Pope, we should employ in the county DOG POUND to kill dogs! Yes, Jane Balogh’s pooch, I mean YOU!!! The last thing this county needs is Tim Eyman donors registering their dogs to vote — to “prove” there’s voting fraud! (There wasn’t until Balogh came along. At least, not this kind of fraud.) The solution to this problem is to throw Balogh’s ass in jail GET RID OF HER DOG!!! Think about it, mutt — the last thing you’re going to see on this earth is RICHARD POPE pulling on a pair of rubber gloves and smiling at you …
Who’s to say I haven’t in the past?
The Piper
You, Piper, of course can prove that Horsesass is not a money maker and that Goldy is dishonest. Please submit your proof.
But please, keep posting. You are entertaining.
For hope, turn to Pope.
62 should reference 41. Sorry for confusion.
Looks like my master and her friends at the King County Republican Central Committee have overdone themselves this time in lying about Richard Pope. They are now insulting his late father — who was the person who filed for bankruptcy and didn’t show up for the hearing. Richard has never filed bankruptcy, and instead is a responsible homeowner and a caring father for his daughther — whom he has custody of. I told Jane that she should be nice and truthful, but she didn’t follow my advice. This will backfire heavily on Jane — blaming Richard for his late father’s bankruptcy.
Maybe the truth will come out about Jane and her relationship with her own parents. Jane’s mother died last September in Cincinnati. Did Jane even attend her own mother’s funeral? Then Jane sued her own sister in Cincinnati, claiming that the sister (who apparently cared for her mother until her death) had somehow ripped off the estate and alienated the mother into leaving everything to her. Jane’s lawyer sought to withdraw, because she disagreed with Jane’s legal strategy (often lawyerese for a desire to withdraw from a rather weak lawsuit). Jane then dismissed the lawsuit against her sister.
Maybe inquiring minds will ask Jane how well she gets along with her own father.
After a look at, Richard’s problems seem to be more egregious than his opponent, oh, and the guy is F*ing crazy. Darryl, where is your condemnation of Pope attacking a woman during a deposition? How about his numerous fines and bar investigations? How about suing a number of public officials for no good reason? Wait.. let me quess, “Hague has problems and Richard is a good guy.” Save it, he’s got his own shit to deal with and I’m sticking with Jane’s record on the issues- something Pope can’t hold a candle to.
Hi. I am MLF’s best friend. This Balogh’s dog needs to be rolled. (Rolled is dog speak for kicking canine ass). As for Piper, well I just bet he is a cat lover. Bleeeech!. I hate cats. Love bunnies though.
I like Richard Pope if for no other reason than he has custody of his differently enabled daughter. You have to know that a man who has that kind love and patience must love doggies too.
Vote for Pope, he’ll hang em with their own rope.
Richard @ 64. Seems like par for the course based on your history of attacking women…
@56, rumor has it that he left after allegations of stalking a woman…
You keep corrupting Hopelink’s name…Curious and aside from your unwillingness to agree to reasonable terms in re the bet…what do you have against that organization that causes you to do that?
The Piper
Typo, oh “homorus” one.
The terms are not at all unreasonable. It’s pretty standard stuff, you know, like credit checks, down payments, established lines of credit, etc., etc. In this instance cash guarantees honesty. Nothing personal.
So, why are you wimping out?
For a new chew toy and a box of Milkbone’s I will bite Ben Franklin on the ass.
Ben, the “truth about Pope” website is a political ad. There is a want and need for them to blow things out of proportion and prevaricate.
The only thing Hague blew is a .25.
Political ad or not, it looks to all be true (cited as well) and is therefore relevant to the race.
Rumor has it? That is all you have?
I heard a rumor that you fuck Piper in public restrooms. I guess that its true. Wow! Two more conservatives out of the closet and into the water closet.
Just sayin’.
Piper (Scott St. Clair) is an executive recruiter or a professional hustler to put it more accurately.
He hustles everything from his blog handle (signs all his comments) to wagers to his politics. Everything is a sell job.
If anything Pope’s campaign is looking more entertaining by the day. The popcorn is flowing!
Goldy himself acknowledged a short while ago that the coin of HA is somewhat in the air as a money making proposition. At least that’s what I recall…correct me if I’m wrong.
I didn’t say he was dishonest, I said I didn’t want to tempt him, which is different; I wouldn’t want to so tempt anyone.
The Piper
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Are you Scott (or Scot) St. Clair?
Direct question. Would appreciate a direct answer.
I guess as a conservative you would have trust issues. Not much to trust with Bush, Craig, DeLay and Hague.
Unless Richard has had a lobotomy and completely changed his MO, 64 is not him. He has a habit of, to my knowledge, of always using his own name.
Forgive me, but….
Fuck you!!!
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
Rope @ 75:
Why don’t you tell us what happened in Texas? Perhaps you can make up a tall tale and entertain us all.
Until then, shut the hell up.
I am indeed…No great secret, that, eh what?
No need for ME to hide my identity. How about you?
The Piper
That is exactly what I do…find jobs for people and people for client companies…It’s a win-win-win scenario that makes everyone happy!
The Piper
To good to actually type the word “fuck”? Look, you keep making this out like there is some big secret. If it is big it would be out by now. The KCRP would be all over like like stink on shit. They know what that is because they are shit.
There is no secret. You like to dive in here, bomb away and then run away. This time, please, don’t come back.
Got me there; I am a cat person! It’s just me and Kitty rattling around in the house…Unless, that is, you count Fish, who’s physical environment constrains him…uh, her…well, I really don’t know, so I’ll just say, “It” from rattling anything.
The Piper
You are forgiven, only because on November 6th, when Hague is re-elected, I wont feel sorry for any of you Pope believers and will probably scoff at your efforts.
Everyone here knows me. Ask Pudwhacker. He loves to use my name and I think he is hiding his true affection for me. Sometimes, as a black man in today’s society, he has trouble with his emotions.
Carl Grossman, wife Teresa, dogs Elvis Pupsley and Puppy Holly. Newest addition to family is a Doxie named Stretch.
It’s a win-win-win scenario that makes everyone happy!
Always selling… All the places I’ve worked at weren’t all too thrilled with the commissions of the exec recruit racket.
chadt @32:
Firefox runs just fine on my Mac, thank you very much. Say, are you running a Unix OS like me, or are you having to deal with another crappy microsoft OS?
Not retarded Mac user here.
Fair enough, Carl…Pleased to make your acquaintance.
Doxie? Are all your dogs wiener dogs? If so, they make most enjoyable companions.
Let me be the first to say…I would NEVER hide my affection for you…I love ALL God’s children, even when they’re wrong…In fact, I love them all the more when they’re wrong, hence my work at HA.
The Piper
Then why did all the places you’ve worked at retain a headhunter? No law says they had to…
But when you need one…you need one. And I have a lot of candidates who come to me for help, so it cuts both ways.
The Piper
I am still wondering about Pope and Texas. Someone knows something. Or, more likely, they know nothing at all.
Two are Pekingese and the one Doxie. The Pekes are letting us live here, and Stretch protects the joint. I also have a farms worth of animals out on my cousin’s acreage. We are still trying to find just the right place here.
Speaking of being wrong and loving. I feel the same about conservatives.
Again…fair enough…
BTW…dogs have owners, cats have staff.
FYI…I’m a grandfather, too, with my most recent grandson born 9/15, exactly two years to the day that his older brother was born. Two little Scottish-Mexican-Americans!
The Piper
So, have her BLOOD ALCOHOL test results been reported?
Seems like news reports usually include this information long before there has been any opportunities for defense lawyers to argue they aren’t admissible for some reason.
Lack of knowingly making a decision about whether to agree to the test or not doesn’t negate the result outside of court.
@87 T
No offense, some Mac users are , well… anyway, I run Ubuntu on most of my household boxes as dual boot, only because I have retarded apps that are enslaved to microshaft.
Used to do the usual suspects: redhat (use it at work, some of the Postal Service servers use it) suse, slackware, debian, yadayada; Have run Digital Unix, and at work we recently phased out VMS (yes, really) on some stuff. Still run a lot of controllers there on OS2. Still fond of command line, etc….
only because I have retarded apps that are enslaved to microshaft.
Run those apps on virtualization software like VirtualBox or vmware player and kiss that MS partition goodbye! Free for the downloading!
And Ubuntu Gutsy (to be officially released in 15 days) includes VMWare Player and VirtualBox in the repos.
I’m writing this on Gutsy Beta right now. Rocks!
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and flies like duck, it is a duck. The Jane Hague affair sure walks, quacks, flies and smells like the FIX is in.
Pichard Rope,
Opps…my bad on deleting those two comments above. I guess I’m a bit dyslexic today.
Piper Scott,
That’s interesting. You come over as a GUEST on Goldy’s blog, enjoy his intellectual property, and litter his comment threads with your tripe. Yet, you don’t trust him?
Man…talk about bad guests!
@95 YLB
Thanks. I’ve been going to get a round tuit, you may be familiar with the syndrome :>
Better that it comes built into the next voision.
@99 There’s an old saying among liberals that goes, “Don’t shit where you eat — eat where Roger Rabbit shits.”
I think Dyslexia is the least of your problems. I’d have your love of Pope checked out before you take care of everything else.
Never said I didn’t trust him…I said I didn’t want to TEMPT him…There is a difference.
The Piper
Wow! This thread is already up to 100 posts (counting deletions)! That’s more than Stefan’s sucky little jihad blog gets in a fucking month.
In case you’re wondering why I refer to Stefan’s “jihad” blog, it’s because his comment threads contain anti-American pro-terrorism ranting like this:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
(Note, Richard Pope ID’d “FullContactPolitics” as Republican legislative candidate Mark Griswold, who got 15% of the vote, which makes you wonder what those people were thinking.)
GUEST, hell, he’s a CONDITION. Caused by parasites called Republicans, and up to now, difficult to treat.
That’s changing, and I’m sure he’ll disappear like a foul odor in winter, 2008.
Wingers publicly hope terrorists kill Americans so Republicans can win elections … then wonder why we call them wing “nuts” … go figure.
Careful, Rog, they have an exclusive franchise on God, you know.
Not content to cheer on terrorists who fly airliners into buildings, wingnuts also delight in getting single moms fired from waitressing jobs for complaining about their children’s obnoxious behavior in restaurants.
I’ll bet Piper found Sharkansky his job.
The PI just said that the Hague case will stay continued to 11/28:
Sorry…my clientele is exclusively in a particular manufacturing sector.
Just for you…I’ll be here all winter to draw you away from the dark side…
The Piper
Just so you’ll know…I have a niece who attended school literally in the shadow of the Twin Towers, and her mother, my VERY liberal sister, wouldn’t find your comments amusing especially since she spent several weeks answering the phone at St. Vincent Hospital telling people there was nothing that could be done, there was no information, there were no survivors…
Right, left, or center…9/11 was despicable.
The Piper
Richard @64,
So you have threatened woman, had restraining orders issued against you and are under investigation by the state bar and your response is “I didn’t file for bankruptcy and Jane Hague hates her Mom”.
Remind me again which candidate it is that refuses to take personal responsibility for their actions?
Remind us again why we should vote for Jane Drunk?
Since you live in Fremont you probably aren’t faced with that struggle. That said, here’s the reason: with every problem she has she is still head and shoulders more competent and effective than her opponent who is crazy as a shithouse rat.
Um let’s see: An isolated incident on Hague’s side versus a history of obessive, abusive and mental behavior on Pope’s side… plus absolutely no qualifications…
@106. You disgust me.
No law says you have to vote at all in a race. Want to make a statement? Refrain from casting a ballot. The message that sends when enough people do it is more impacting than voting for a joke candidate who will take your vote and the votes of other like mindeds and use them to justify his NEXT failed run for office.
Believe me…the negative press the incumbent continues to receive will do more than any vote for Pope.
You seem to be technology savy, so why not offer to help him set up a blog of his own where he can lob PDC and other political hand grenades from the proverbial cheap seats to his heart’s delight. In a role like that, he can be a hero to everyone instead of something on the bottom of our electoral shoe.
The Piper
re 16 … What are Hague’s qualifications? You can’t say that she’s “experienced” — because she wasn’t before she was elected.
Pope is smarter, more honest, has an honest to God college education, has been a teacher, barrister, and all around raconteur and jolly good fellow.
Hague’s not even a fellow, let alone jolly.
If you want a sharp-tongued, ill-educated, drunken, lying harpy over Pope — yer nutz.
Pope has a history of instability
The Truth on Pope
Richard Pope has persistent and serious instability issues that have prevented him from performing his job competently. Pope described himself with mental illness in filings with the United States District Court in 2005 (“my own mental health situation is terrible.”) (LINK: COURT DOCUMENTS)
Just last year Federal District Court Judge Marsha Pechman found Richard’s conduct in the same case to be so disturbing she took the extraordinary step of removing him from the case and referred his conduct to the State Bar of Washington for discipline. (LINK: COURT DOCUMENTS)
In March of this year Richard claimed, “I warned Bush in January 2001 John McKay can not be trusted” (LINK: REFERENCE)
In 1995, Richard Pope filed a restraining order against the late King County prosecutor Norm Maleng and the King County Sheriff to mandate that any arrests or charges against him should be delayed six days so that a court can review them first. In denying the motion the judge in the case informed Mr. Pope he should consider another profession.
Last year Richard Pope filed suit against Costco because he contends Costco’s “90-day emergency food supply package “discriminated against him because his religious beliefs required him to keep one year’s food supply” and the Costco Pack, “provided less than one third the calories that the Nazi’s gave to concentration camp inmates at Auschwitz.” The Suit was dismissed on May 3rd 2007. (LINK: COURT DOCUMENTS)
Re-Elect All Democrats. Yup. Got it.
121…….. you must be voting for richard “the nut” pope then.look at your cutesy reply. instead of considering the fact that he is not qualified for anything other than an extended stay at western state, you make a richard pope-esque arguement. AKA…..a classic third grade “look over there!!!”
you may be sorry you elected him if he gets in.
and this really proves my point. you all HATED him when he was posing as a republican and now that he has a big “D” after his name…which stands for DUMB….. you will vote for him. just as i have said many times in the past….. goldy you and your peeps would vote for pinochet if he had a “D” after his name.
And our regard for you and your opinion is….?
chadt…..i think everyone already knows that liberals have no interest in any opinions other than ones that they already have. so what?
so it may come back to bite you when a democrat is NOT elected into the white house. it just isn’t going to happen.
and speaking of unqualified people…obama???
if we are going to use your rhetoric against you [and i am] then obama and hillary are hardly qualified for the oval office…..just using the same standards that you apply to a body that means nothing [seattle city counsil]and the american people are way ahead of you.
just keep up those moveon.commie ads…the gift that keeps on giving.LOL.
@119…RR (not to be confused with the other RR)…
So the fact that Richard Pope is a…man…is a reason to vote for him???
Now, since I’ve started hanging here, I’ve wondered how many are he’s and how many she’s, but irrespective of that, could not think of anything less…progressive…to say?
There’s a noose with your name on it now being tied over at NOW. And Christine Gregoire is tidying up a cot up in Monroe just for you!
The Piper
Obviously you meant to exclude Richard Pope since before he can be re-elected to anything he must get elected to something!
Oh, wait…he was once an ELECTED REPUBLICAN Precinct Committee Officer…As an elected REPUBLICAN, he was the lowest possible extension of the administration, so might as well get out the Cheney/Rove/Bush brush and tar him with it.
The Piper
So, in other words, you’re just here to gratify your own ego?
120/122 Ah, Ghostie-Poo…it remains that Richard is apparently no longer crazy enough to be a Republican.
Pichard Rope,
“Um let’s see: An isolated incident on Hague’s side versus a history of obessive, abusive and mental behavior on Pope’s side… plus absolutely no qualifications…”
WHAT THE FUCK???? Isolated incident, my ass.
Anyone who fakes having a college degree for years, in my opinion, belongs in prison. Effectively, she has gained positions at the expense of other people with college degrees. That “isolated incident” disqualifies her right there.
Isolated incident? Her record of fiscal mismanagement is outrageous! What the fuck makes her qualified to be a lawmaker when she can’t competently manage her own campaign finances?
Isolated incident of driving drunk, hiding it from her constituents, abusing the arresting officers in the process? That series of incidences alone disqualify her to hold office.
Nothing, but nothing, Richard Pope has done even comes close to Hagues transgressions. She should do the honorable things and just resign.
christmasghost…you haven’t been around much these days so, as usual, you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.
Regardless of the bullshit that the KCGOP put up, Richard has NEVER been diagnosed with mental illness. Indeed, he did make a statement “my own mental health situation is terrible.”
That statement came after a period of prolonged terminal care of his father, capped by his father’s death.
Ever lose a parent asshole? It’s not easy.
chadt….OHMYGOD…..thanks for the belly laugh! sheesh….that was good! if i wanted to gratify my own ego i sure as hell wouldn’t do it HERE……gawd…you are really clueless, aren’t you?
too funny!
and art ,my dear, pope was NEVER a republican. he is just crazy and ,though i often think [okay KNOW] that the dems are the party of crazies…i don’t think “nuts” really have their own party. not officially anyway.
but if they did pope just joined it.
you guys really think that mainstream america [you know…the people you think are too dumb to think for themselves] are going to vote for an “elitist defeatist” in the white house too don’t you?
wrong wrong wrong again….but then, what else is new????
Christmasghost @ 122
“you all HATED him when he was posing as a republican and now that he has a big “D” after his name…which stands for DUMB…..”
Yeah…that’s why Goldy endorsed him in a previous election. Man…you wingnuts are scared shitless over Pope.
Too funny!
“She should do the honorable things and just resign
Uhm…..she’s a Republican
so, darryl….it’s just a case of vote for the lesser of two evils??
okay, what if i give you “forget about the KCGOP” stuff? what about everything goldy has spewed about pope since day one???HMMM???
you know…before he became a democrat?
short term memory loss problem on your side?
and honey, i don’t need to be in the cesspool that is washington state to know it’s a backwater cesspool.
anyone that can read already knows that…..
you guys really think that mainstream america [you know…the people you think are too dumb to think for themselves] are going to vote for an “elitist defeatist” in the white house too don’t you?
wrong wrong wrong again….but then, what else is new????
Well, I guess we’ll see. If you really thought so, you wouldn’t shrieking hysterically in here.
and honey, i don’t need to be in the cesspool that is washington state to know it’s a backwater cesspool.
anyone that can read already knows that…..
And tell me again why you’re here.
chadt….okay…i’m not “here”.
i live in beautiful northern california where the kids can read and even the liberals make sense. you guys are so far behind. that’s why powerless whiners like goldy came out from the east coast. you were conquerable….. easily.
big [slimy] fish meet little brackish pond.
chadt….OHMYGOD…..thanks for the belly laugh! sheesh….that was good! if i wanted to gratify my own ego i sure as hell wouldn’t do it HERE……gawd…you are really clueless, aren’t you?
too funny!
and art ,my dear, pope was NEVER a republican. he is just crazy and ,though i often think [okay KNOW] that the dems are the party of crazies…i don’t think “nuts” really have their own party. not officially anyway.
but if they did pope just joined it
And this is to convince us that WE’RE the ranting crazies?????
Uh, thanks. It is certainly a convincing presentation.
chadt….okay…i’m not “here”.
Well, not ALL here, certainly.
chadt…you really have nothing to say, do you?
very interesting.
but keep it up. look how well it worked for moveon.commie….
Say “Goodbye”, Rush. We’re done with you, now.
look how well it worked for moveon.commie….
It actually worked quite well for them. They’ve had an uptick in both donations and members since the bedwetters started squawking about their ad.
Christmasghost @ 134
“darryl….it’s just a case of vote for the lesser of two evils??”
Well…I’ve interacted with Pope for a long time (since the election contest), and have generally felt he is smart and has a sense of integrity (and a low tolerance for corruption or incompetence). Sure…sometimes he has annoyed me, and I don’t always agree with him, but that’s minor stuff compared to Hague.
Christmasghost, if I recall correctly you are in management for a biotech firm. What would your reaction be to finding out that one of your employees told you they had a college degree (got the job and maybe got ahead of other equally qualified employees by virtue of the claim) but really turned out to be a college dropout? Do you see my point?
“what about everything goldy has spewed about pope since day one???HMMM???”
Goldy hasn’t “spewed” about Pope. The first thing he ever wrote about Pope (which, I suspect, reflects his current opinion of him) is this:
And even when Goldy is saying negative things about him, he’ll throw in things like:
“you know…before he became a democrat?”
That has little to do with it…Richard has run in non-partisan races since Horsesass has been around. In past races Richard has run as a Republican and, at least once, as a Democrat.
“short term memory loss problem on your side?”
Nope…lousy inference on yours.
Come to think of it, I’ve been witness to a number of instances where someone was fired (as in given 15 minutes to be off the property) when it was discovered that the person had lied on his/her resume. Of course, the discovery was generally coincident with the person in question doing something conspicuously incompetent.
Then again, we’re talking about elective politics, where the biggest liars all too often get the jobs, and the most inept often keep theirs.
Richard Pope has not been driving around King County drunk and endangering people. Only a person with the greatest amount of self-knowledge would publicly admit to a mental problem. Only a truly stable and selfconfident soul would do that.
The REALLY sick ones drive around self-medicating themselves into drunkenness, and then excoriating the good constable that upbraids them for it!
(As you all can probably deduce, I am attempting to rectify my more gross prosaic offenses by imitating the prose styles of “The Piper” and James Fenimore Cooper.)
The Splayner
@145…RR (NOT the other RR)…
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…But Uncas you ain’t!
A self-assured individual wouldn’t need or seek to imitate the style of another. Instead he/she/it would cultivate one of his/her/its own.
Besides…my style is in now way similar to Cooper’s, who wasn’t known for being breezy.
The Piper
You’re trying to emulate the Poopster????
Jesus Christ! Get help, before we lose you altogether
[Deleted — Darryl, see HA Comment Policy]
@146 What style?
@122 Being “sorry” someone got elected is a relative thing. At this point in time, for any office, any Democrat is preferable to any Republican.
@109 “I’ll bet Piper found Sharkansky his job.”
What job? Sharansky doesn’t have a job, unless you call being a gigolo living off the earnings of his corporate-lawyer wife a “job.”
“Sorry…my clientele is exclusively in a particular manufacturing sector.”
You manufacture bullshit.
“I’ll be here all winter to draw you away from the dark side … ”
In other words, you’re as unemployed as Sharansky. Do you have a corporate-lawyer wife, too?
@112 I don’t find my comments amusing, either. Why comments like Griswold’s (a colorless nonentity who is merely parroting a theme widely found in the Wingnut Blogosphere) don’t provoke a public furor is beyond me.
Probably because the rightwing-owned MSM is more interested in stereotyping Hillary by reporting the Wingnut Blogosphere’s gambit of calling her laugh a “cackle” (not hard to figure out what they’re trying to stereotype her as) than reporting the daily outrages from the wingnut spew factories, one of the most heinous of which is rightwingers’ very public wishing for more terrorist attacks.
If your relatives — 9/11 victims or not — want to take offense at my criticism of these scumsucking sewer remarks, I’ll be more than happy to go toe-to-toe and eyeball-to-eyeball with them.
People who exploit 9/11 for partisan division ought to be thrown off a tall building.*
* Just kidding! Offensive death-humor ripped off from Ann Coulter Comic Productions, LLP, no royalties paid. If she doesn’t like it, she can fucking sue me!!!
This whole topic of the rightwing spewing venom of that character — and getting a free pass on it from the media — is beyond disgusting. It’s un-American, unpatriotic, and downright treason. No, I’m not laughing at you sick, twisted, bastards. It’s not funny at all. In fact, in a rational world, it would be impossible to believe that any political party, even one as irresponsible and reckless as the GOP, would let someone of Griswold’s character (and with his big mouth) represent them as a candidate in a legislative race. He isn’t fit to run for dogcatcher.
@154 So, Roger, does that mean you’re giving Rush Limbaugh a passing grade?
“People who exploit 9/11 for partisan division ought to be thrown off a tall building.”
Naaaah….that’d be far too kind. Better that they should live long, long lives being IGNORED. There’s absolutely nothing hebephrenics of that stripe would find more agonizing.
I don’t suppose the Griswold being referred to here could be related to Lucy Griswold, the erstwhile Owl Party candidate for State Treasurer. If I remember correctly, she wanted to gather up all the money in the state budget and stack it up on one place so people could see what it looked like.
Alright…I’ll bite…Griswold?
The Piper
@112 You are right about one thing, 9/11 was despicable. It was even worse than Pearl Harbor, which was an attack on a strategic military base to gain military advantage — 9/11 was a mass murder of civilians whose only object was horror. It should have provoked a relentless, merciless, determined search to the ends of the earth for the criminals who perpetrated it.
It didn’t. Our unelected leader was preoccupied with other things, such as invading a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, and was not a sanctuary for Al Qaeda bases. What could be more disgusting than this?
“”I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority. I am truly not that concerned about him.”
— George W. Bush, March 13, 2002
Probably the only reason Bush didn’t get impeached for that remark is because he was protected by a bunch of brain-dead, impotent GOP sycophants in Congress, who in turn were supported by a horde of brain-dead circle-jerkers like you.
It’s not what you expect from the leader of a country whose citizens leaped out of windows, to splatter on the concrete 100 stories below, to avoid being burned alive. Hell, you don’t even expect that from the inmates of an insane asylum.
But that’s exactly what you and your fellow Republicans have foisted on our country for going on seven years now. And you have the gall to try to bully me with feigned outrage?
No, my friend,* you are not outraged. I am outraged. I believe in free speech and all, but I think people like Griswold (and all the other wingnuts regurgitating this especially vile wingnut mantra) ought to be fed to an angry mob. Then let the mob have their way with them.
As for you, go fuck yourself. I’m not going to let you wave 9/11 in my face as an excuse to question my patriotism because I have the decency and common sense to say that the wingnuts who use 9/11 for base partisan purpose lack both decency and patriotism. I’m just stating facts.
* Not really. Thank God, people like you are my enemies, not my friends. If I had friends like you, I’d have to get run over by a car or turn myself in to animal control.
However, thanks to Republican efforts, Iraq is now a sanctuary for al Qaeda and is likely to remain so for years to come; and thousands of young Americans will lose their lives trying to kick al Qaeda out of Iraq. Whatever else Saddam was — and there was nothing good about it — he was no pal of Osama nor ally of al Qaeda. But thanks to Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the bungling wingnut crew, Iraq is now wide open to al Qaeda.
Waytago wingfuck idiots!
erratum, should read “nothing good about him”
Go Richard!
Turn out the lying, phony, drunk driving menace that Christmas Ghost and the rest of the lying, delusional right-wingers support.
@155 I assume that question is satirical …
Not to mention the rest of the rightwing loonies on both the local and national level. And their supporters.
Hey Ghost, you still think Roger Rabbit is Goldy?
You are so, so delusional.
Just being your straight man, you should pardon the expression….
@157 I have no idea. Griswold was fingered as the author of that piece of rubbish by HA’s peripatetic sleuth, Richard Pope. Let’s ask Richard. He can probably figure out if she’s related to him — and get her criminal history, too.
Of course, Griswold was not the original author of that crap. He merely lifted it from the Wingnut Blogosphere. I have seen the same theme spewed by many other wingnuts, in many places. Probably how this works is some guy in a D.C. boiler room dreams it up, circulates it, then the GOP’s loyal crew of mindless lemmings pick up on it and disseminate it far and wide. People like Griswold neither add value to, nor exercise any judgment about, the original product. He’s merely a cardboard megaphone.
Piper seems strangely silent. Come on, Piper, let’s have a little more righteous indignation, here.
Can’t finish what you started?
@158 Griswold, according to Richard Pope, is the guy who posted this treason on Sound Politics:
“Congratulations Speaker Pelosi, now let the bombs fall where they may. My prediction: terror attack on domestic soil passenger aircraft within the next six months. Casualties in the 2-300 range. And, unfortunately, maybe that’s just what we need. It’s obvious people don’t remember what happened 5 years ago. Posted by FullContactPolitics at November 8, 2006 10:52 AM”
Pope identified “FullContactPolitics” as Griswold by finding a comment on SP which Griswold signed as both “FullContactPolitics” and his real name. Doing that sort of tells the world who you are.
Griswold was the GOP’s 43rd Legislative District candidate against Rep. Frank Chopp in 2004. He lost to Chopp, 85% to 15%.
Makes you wonder what the 15% were thinking.
@148 Hey Ghost — if I’m Goldy, why is Darryl deleting me? You are a fucking idiot. No wait, I must correct myself — you are too stupid to figure out how to fuck.
@169 Maybe it’s conceivable that Piper, even though he’s a wingnut, has enough decency to be appalled by the bombast coming from the rightwing noise machine, as parroted by Griswold (among others).
Chadt @ 93:
I remember VMS. We even still have an old Vax in the basement here at home. I’ve also administered HP-UX systems, at the time the Windoze software for running mass spectrometers was not up to snuff. And we had one instrument that ran some proprietary command-line language that I never saw elsewhere. Our data stations are all XP systems now, the software has gotten better, but we have to keep them off our network because OS updates break the instrument control application. Sucks to be microsoft.
OK, now we can stop with the OS pissing wars. Lots of us old hand Mac users are multi-OS capable, we just like the Mac interface better and are more productive with them (in spite of the infrequent lack of apps for, say, hard-core statistics). I’m just a scientist, but science is all computer-dependent (rather than the old term, computer-assisted) these days.
Makes you wonder what the 15% were thinking.
They were thinking like Piper Scott.
Come on, Piper. Hiding?
You sure like to blather on when you don’t get called on it.
Where’s all that righteous indignation about how YOUR family is entitled to take offense at Roger’s comments?
Sewer slitherers like Griswold aren’t the only ones disseminating this vile spew. Even the GOP frontrunner has gotten into this obscene act:
“MANCHESTER, N.H. —- Rudy Giuliani said if a Democrat is elected president in 2008, America will be at risk for another terrorist attack on the scale of Sept. 11, 2001.
“But if a Republican is elected, he said, especially if it is him, terrorist attacks can be anticipated and stopped.”
Since he’s a presidential candidate (unbelievable as that sounds) under Secret Service protection, I can’t say what he deserves to have planted on his fat lip. I’ll have to leave that to your imagination. All I’ll say is this shows how bankrupt the GOP is. They can’t campaign on issues, because they wouldn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell if they did, and they know it. That’s why they resort to sewer rhetoric. Any voter with an iota of sentient consciousness will see through this tactic. That’s why Republicans are registering their dogs to vote.
@169 Maybe it’s conceivable that Piper, even though he’s a wingnut, has enough decency to be appalled by the bombast coming from the rightwing noise machine, as parroted by Griswold (among others).
I doubt it. I think you’re too charitable. He denounces anything and everything that annoys him, I should thing if he were appalled by something we’d have heard about it long before now.
Piper seems to have left. Roger Rabbit runs off another wingnut! Last seen making tracks for the horizon.
There’s no end to OSs: net OS, Cisco stuff for routers and switches, and on and on…..
Well, my work here is finished for today, so I’m going outsidfe to graze on park grass and chase Republican dogs.
Piper seems to have left. Roger Rabbit runs off another wingnut! Last seen making tracks for the horizon.
He is a creature of the party that gave us George W. Bush. What kind of credibility does THAT have?
Back directly on topic….
It did occur to me that Pope’s letter in the matter of this judge is going to be seen by some as a conflict or interest at best or downright dirty at worst…
Don’t get me wrong, when judges of all people (not to mention county council members) lie on their CVs, they ought to be booted off the state bar and/or out of office “toot sweet.” Hey, I’ve got ethical guidelines I have to follow to keep my job too.
Well, that’s pretty low-level stuff, I suppose. Not having had to deal with our building’s networks in years and years, I haven’t had to get into that. Pretty glad about that. Those IT guys spend way to much time having to worry about parity of switches and other such crap. Doesn’t sound like they have any fun.
I don’t think it’s a conflict if the before the judge is a matter that he has a vested interest in. Clearly the credibility of Hague is in doubt, and an deferring the matter until after the election has an impact on Richard.
darryl@143……..i refer to that situation as pulling a ward churchill. and ,no, never had that happen because we do our background checks very thoroughly. since what we do can affect lives, not to mention the whole government clearance thing.but, yes, i would fire someone on the spot for that. absolutely. my point to you is that none of you even liked pope until he “became” a democrat. that seems quite disingenuous to me.
but ,hey, anyone can change their mind right? you should probably just admit that it’s for all the wrong reasons.
this whole tribal thing you far left dems have going on fascinates appears that you don’t ever consider the good of the whole …just your “tribe” getting ahead power wise. not only is that childish it’s so counter productive it’s frightening.
if all of you were so concerned about people driving drunk [how do you get home from drinking liberally anyway??? i’ll bet most DON’T take a cab]then you would be screaming….SCREAMING….from the rooftops about that supreme court judge. but you aren’t…are you?
you forget, and i imagine it’s because you live in the intellectual vacuum known as washington state…..that the rest of us can read and do know how to do the math. keep forgetting………..
it would be more honest to just say”hey we hated richard when he was a [fake] republican and now we LOVE him because he’s turned democrat on us”.
now…that would be refreshing.
hague seems like as big a turkey as pope ,BUT, she isn’t as crazy.
there’s your choice.
and roger @160….two words for you…
roach motel.
gawd…it’s a real thinker rog………
“i would fire someone on the spot for that. absolutely.”
Agreed! And that is exactly what is going on here. Hague should be thrown out on her ass. (She should have had the decency to resign on her own.)
“my point to you is that none of you even liked pope until he “became” a democrat. that seems quite disingenuous to me.”
But it is simply not true. I’ve already shown how Goldy has always had a soft spot for Pope. I’ve written about Pope on (here, here, here, here, here), and I have my own blog where I’ve written about Richard (here, here, here). You will not find any sense of malice toward Richard.
“but ,hey, anyone can change their mind right?”
Sure…but there is no issue of “changing ones mind” here. Jane Hague is the incumbent who has proven herself unworthy of being an elected official. That is the real story here.
Maybe this will provide perspective for you. I’ve written PLENTY of bad stuff about Luke Esser, but if the choice came down to Esser or Hague, I’d vote for Esser. I don’t like Esser’s politics, but he had not betrayed us the way Jane Hague has.
“this whole tribal thing you far left dems have going on fascinates me.”
It’s always seem more fascinating when you are misinformed, Doll. FYI: I am not a Democrat.
“it appears that you don’t ever consider the good of the whole …just your “tribe” getting ahead power wise. not only is that childish it’s so counter productive it’s frightening.”
WTF?????? You said yourself you would fire someone “on the spot” for faking a degree.
“if all of you were so concerned about people driving drunk [how do you get home from drinking liberally anyway??? i’ll bet most DON’T take a cab]
Simple, really. I don’t get drunk at Drinking liberally.
“then you would be screaming….SCREAMING….from the rooftops about that supreme court judge. but you aren’t…are you?”
Um…if she decides to run for re-election, you might well find that. If we also learn that she dropped out of law school before earning a JD you can bet your ass I’ll be blogging against her re-election!
“it would be more honest to just say”hey we hated richard when he was a [fake] republican and now we LOVE him because he’s turned democrat on us”.”
No…that is how you imagine it works, but you are clearly wrong. And, for some people, supporting Pope over Hague does not suggest “love” of Pope. Only recognition that Hague is deeply flawed.
“hague seems like as big a turkey as pope ,”
Yet, Richard hasn’t faked a college degree, hasn’t been arrested for DUI, abusing the police in the process. Hasn’t badly mismanaged campaign funds. Richard’s “flaws” are relatively minor occupational hazards of being a lawyer.
DUI is NOT an occupational hazard of being an elected official.
“BUT, she isn’t as crazy.”
But Richard isn’t “crazy.” A self-assessment that one’s state of mental health is not good shortly the loss of a parent is just plain honest.
Politicians who drive drunk REALLY ARE CRAZY, self destructive, and a real danger to society.
darryl……..”Politicians who drive drunk REALLY ARE CRAZY, self destructive, and a real danger to society.”
i completely agree with you.
now….if you would only apply that same standard to every single democrat [or whoever] that you LIKE…then you would be on the right track.
how many times have we all listened to the looney left or the crazy far right attack someone for being all too human only to see that same person giving a free pass to someone who did the same thing…because they are in “their tribe”.
the supreme court judge.
you don’t have to wait for election or appointment. doesn’t it worry you at all that in the mean time this DRUNK is making very important decisions in your state RIGHT NOW?
it should and it would show a strength of character that i found disturbingly lacking in washington state when i lived there. and it seems nothing has changed.
an example: global warming and ron sims.
need i say more….really????
@187 When did we give anyone a free pass? If you’re referring to Bobbe Bridge, we roundly criticized her on this blog, and she is not seeking re-election. Her drunk driven escapade cost her her job and reputation, and no one here is weeping for her.
There are many differences between liberals and neoCONS — far too many to list here — but one of them is that we do not defend Democratic wrongdoing, nor do Democratic officeholders cover up and stonewall the lawbreaking of their party colleagues like Republicans do.
“doesn’t it worry you at all that in the mean time this DRUNK is making very important decisions in your state RIGHT NOW?”
No…what concerns me is that she might be driving drunk and potentially kill or injure someone. But, in fact, Justice Bridge now has an alcohol-measuring device that she must use to start her car. She has also served her sentence with dignity. That isn’t to excuse her reckless behavior in any way…. There is one other big difference: she isn’t a liar.
Compare to Jane Hague, who tried to hide her arrest. She is fighting the charges. She is blaming others and not taking responsibility for her actions. She has lied for years about being a college graduate. She has publicly denied she was drunk. THAT scares me. But…you know what REALLY adds to the piss-off factor for me? She was driving drunk in MY CITY.
the looney left [ everyone except Ghost and her wingnut friends ] or the crazy far right [ oops, that’s CG’s mad relatives ]
Ghost you are so “tribal” it’s pathetic.
Piper’s bagpipe evidently had a blowout. Haven’t heard a whine in hours.
The main reason why we don’t have more decent and capable elected officials? Just look at the comments here by people who would impugn a mans character for political gain. The fact is the only thing anyone can say bad about Richard Pope is his breakdown during a time in his life when his father had died (Richard had cared for him for several years in his house) and also when he became sole parent for his autistic child.
The country is going down the tubes because of people like you. What a bunch of heartless people: to try and tear a man down for political gain, I can’t think of anything lower; you are truly the scum of the earth.