1. Somehow I doubt that hockey rink was filled with liberals.
2. Over the last 40 years a handful of far left groups have engaged in a handful of acts of political violence. These groups have always been small, estranged from anything mainstream and loudly denounced. The right can not say the same thing. The right has embraced the anti-choice movement which has bombed, shot and driven cars into health clinics. The right has embraced the people that plotted and helped carry out the overthrow of the government of Chile and the installation of Augusto Pinochet. The right embraced people like Ollie North who violated federal law, worked with gangsters and thugs that killed teachers, priests, nuns and nurses in Latin America. The right embraced the militia movement. I could go on but I’d be here all night.
3. We’ve had two politically motivated shootings so far this year. In both cases the shooter was a member of the right, the victims were members of the left.
4. I doubt it was liberals that caused Obama to need secret service protection at the very beginning of his campaign.
5. I doubt those boys with ropes down in Jenna were liberals. The right stuck up for them.
I could go on, but why bother.
Hell, they were probably booing because someone decided to inject politics into their hockey game.
What’s hate-filled about saying poor foreign minorities want to live in white people countries? It’s true!
Lee, if you were taking a poll in, let’s say, The Congo, or any other shithole African country, and asked people where they wanted to immigrate to, what percentage, first, do you think would want to immigrate at all, and secondly, what percentage would want to immigrate to a mostly white country?
I would guess about 95% of the people you asked would want to leave their country to get away from people like themselves. And I would bet 100% of those people would want to move to a white person country. Not China, not Brazil, not Egypt, not Thailand. They’d want to go to America, England, Canada, Sweden, etc.
@5 What’s hate-filled about saying poor foreign minorities want to live in white people countries?
It’s more ignorance than anything else, but please keep saying it so that we can constantly be reminded of how much of an idiot you are.
From 1600-1800, the migration patterns of the world were the opposite of what you describe, whites leaving their countries and going to places where non-whites lived.
You’re an idiot. Deal with it.
Broadway Joespews:
For the record, Wells Fargo won the Wachovia Derby.
And Troll, go fuck yourself. The difference between me and you as that I hate you because you’re an idiotic asshole and pathological liar. You hate everybody that doesn’t toe your ideological line. I know why I hate you. You just do what they tell you to do.
Lee, I didn’t hear booing and It looked like
everyone was having a goodtime. You hittin the
weed again? Can I come over?
I’m sticking with my answer at #4.
troll, troll,troll, shall we review your past lies? THat usually chases you away. Shall we instead consider the hate and threats made during Palin and McCain rallies? I have not heard of any shouted threats at Obama rallies. ANd the signs, your observations are a small sample. I would comdemn, but not be surprised by defacing of McCain signs in Seattle. I would expect you will see Obama signs defaced in Esatern Wa.
Just read troll on the open thread, “respected thinker”??!!?? Words escape me. When your posts are equal parts lies and self promotion, a respected thinker you are not.
Perhaps a comedian
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Except for conservatives.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 “I would guess about 95% of the people you asked would want to leave their country to get away from people like themselves.”
Usually they leave to get away from guys from the other tribe who are trying to starve or kill them, you ignorant fuck.
The New York Times has a article up about ACORN and Obama. As usual, the righties have been making shit up out of thin air.
Then you would have no problem if Michelle O and children were to appear at a sporting event and be resoundingly booed? Afterall, she would be the wife of an “unpatriotic” and “antiamerican” politician, Like BHO. Right?
Obama bowled a 39, he bowled a fucking 39!
He’s not even a man. I’ll bet he’s got a
beaver under that suit. Michelle looks like
that chick from planet of the apes. Maybe
instead of new drapes in the white house
they’ll go back to their roots and put bars on the windows. I do wonder if Air Force One
will have spinners?
@21- I-Burn, have you been paying attention to what the freaks have been saying about Obama lately? “Terrorist”? “Kill him”? Listening to McCain or Palin rallies are frightening because the crowd sounds like a fucking lynch mob!
Hell, I’d be happy if all they were doing was booing Obama. Get your head out of your ass and think before you write!
@22- Mark, I’ll assume you’re being sock-puppeted there. No one would willingly admit to being that ignorant unless they were smearing someone else.
Are you seriously comparing an overtly political situation, like a campaign rally, with what one might reasonably assume to be a non-partisan event, such as a sporting match? Seems to me that you’d better be pulling your own head out of your ass before advising the same of anyone else.
Even granting the most partisan crowd in the country, the Philly fans displayed a breathtaking lack of class and civility. Not only were Palin’s children present, but at least one of the players on the ice was Alaska born and raised. Hardly unlikely that a self-styled “hockey mom” would be uninterested in a successful native son, now is it.
Finally, I have a very difficult time believeing that BHO supporters wouldn’t be outraged by a similiar occurance involving his children. I would guess that “racist” would be the very mildest epithet you all would be slinging.
@23, 25
I think I’ll stick with the answers given at #’s 4 & 20.
Don Joespews:
@ 25
with what one might reasonably assume to be a non-partisan event
We might “reasonably assume” that this was a non-partisan event? Were she not a candidate for Vice-President, she wouldn’t have been invited to participate in the ceremony. That, alone, makes the ceremony both political and partisan.
Can you, please, try to construct an argument without begging the question?
And, what’s with your comparison between a potential reception for Michelle Obama and the reception Sarah Palin received here? Michelle Obama’s not running for office. Why not compare the potential reception Barack Obama might have at an event where he included his two daughters? Is there some way to interpret your comparison as anything but covert sexism?
Seriously, are you taking stupid pills? Your recent attempts at finding some kind of hypocrisy on the part of Democrats have been bizarre.
And you, sir, need to remove your rose-colored glasses. It was a hockey game. Period. Sporting events frequently feature a ceremonial opening of some kind. Does that make them political events as well? I think not. Nor was my complaint about Palin’s reception directed specifically at Democrats, as much as those of you who approve of politicizing such an event, and not having the grace to let the womans children enjoy themselves without having their mother slagged. That is also, by the way, why I postulated Michelle, rather than BHO – since I was not looking at this event as political.
As far as finding hypocrisy on the part of Democrats? It would hardly be worth mentioning here now, would it?
I certainly don’t doubt that the crowd that booed Santa, would ‘honor’ anyone else in such a manner. I don’t agree that Palin politicized the game however, unless your contention is that any such ceremonial opening accomplishes the same thing.
Don Joespews:
@ 28
You really must be taking stupid pills. You’re begging the question, and your sole justification for making that assumption is to accuse me of being biased for not accepting your assumption.
How often do candidates who are running for office participate in the opening ceremony for a sporting event?
I think not.
Well, that’s an accurate statement, even if it’s not accurate in the way you intended it.
Begging the question? You think you’re the only one who knows anything about logic? Do you even understand what you’re talking about?
Don Joespews:
@ 31
Begging the question?
Yup. In its most common form, begging the question involves circular reasoning, but it can also involve an argument that relies on a disputed assumption.
In this case, you have unilaterally declared your assumption about the participation of a candidate for public office in the opening ceremony of a sporting event to be a “reasonable” assumption, and have made no attempt whatsoever, other than to ridicule the folks who don’t agree with you, to justify that assumption.
Do you have a better definition for “begging the question?”
You think you’re the only one who knows anything about logic?
Do you even understand what you’re talking about?
Imagine what the press and the right wing would be saying if a vice-presidential candidate (say Biden) was found by a bipartisan report in a democratically controlled legislature, to have broken the law and to have abused the power of the office multiple times (over 36 phone calls by multiple officials). Imagine if the report said that these officials were warned that by discussing a personel matter they were breaking the law – but they kept calling. Imagine the outrage on the right! Biden would have to step down immediately. The judgement of the presidential candidate would be called into question. The lame attempt to put out a preemptive investigation would be labeled as a poor excuse for investigating themselves and ridiculed.
where are the conservatives with integrity now? why are they not condemning Sarah Palin and her abuse of power? was the selection of Palin one of the biggest mistakes in Persidential politics since the break-in at the Watergate complex?
I guess we’ll just have to disagree about the “reasonableness” of my assumption regarding the participation of a candidate for public office. Do you imbue every similiar situation with a political overtone? Had Palin made any remarks at all, let alone about politics, then I would wholeheartedly agree. However, her mere appearenace does not, in my opionion, and should not be construed as creating an overtly political occasion. She certainly didn’t travel to Philly for the express purpose of dropping the puck. She is a hockey fan. And it’s no secret that particular city is a Democratic stronghold. All of that adds up to what? Her attempt to sway Flyer’s fans to vote for her? Like I said before: She’s a hockey mom, she had her daughters with her, at least one of the players there is from her state, and thus likely to be something of a hero in the hockey community in Alaska. All of which adds up to – give her a break, for once.
Don Joespews:
@ 34
I guess we’ll just have to disagree about the “reasonableness” of my assumption regarding the participation of a candidate for public office.
As long as you don’t use that assumption as the basis for statements like, “Finally, I have a very difficult time believeing that BHO supporters wouldn’t be outraged by a similiar occurance involving his children,” then we’re fine.
Do you imbue every similiar situation with a political overtone?
Well, I asked at 30, and you’ve apparently conceded the point by not answering the question I asked, that there has not been any “similar situation” in recent memory. Just what kind of “similar situation” do you have in mind?
So, Ed Snider, a major Republican donor, invites Sarah Palin, Republican candidate for Vice-President, to drop the puck at the home-opener for Snider’s Flyers.
When you watch the video, you’ll notice that there are two women dropping the puck. The other woman, Philadelphian Kathy O’Connell, had been previously granted the honor of dropping the puck for having been voted the Flyers top hockey mom, but, because of Snider’s political partisanship, she has to share that spotlight with Sarah Palin.
But, to you, none of that is relevant. Indeed, to you, the only salient fact is the fact that Palin didn’t say anything. According to you, it would have been overtly partisan and political if, say, Palin had wished the home team good luck.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but you’ll have to forgive me for thinking that your argument is contorted and that your opinion isn’t well supported by the facts.
As for giving Sarah Palin a break, the woman wants to be my Vice-President. She needs to give me a break.
Liberals are the most hate-filled, intolerant people around.
Oh, really?
1. Somehow I doubt that hockey rink was filled with liberals.
2. Over the last 40 years a handful of far left groups have engaged in a handful of acts of political violence. These groups have always been small, estranged from anything mainstream and loudly denounced. The right can not say the same thing. The right has embraced the anti-choice movement which has bombed, shot and driven cars into health clinics. The right has embraced the people that plotted and helped carry out the overthrow of the government of Chile and the installation of Augusto Pinochet. The right embraced people like Ollie North who violated federal law, worked with gangsters and thugs that killed teachers, priests, nuns and nurses in Latin America. The right embraced the militia movement. I could go on but I’d be here all night.
3. We’ve had two politically motivated shootings so far this year. In both cases the shooter was a member of the right, the victims were members of the left.
4. I doubt it was liberals that caused Obama to need secret service protection at the very beginning of his campaign.
5. I doubt those boys with ropes down in Jenna were liberals. The right stuck up for them.
I could go on, but why bother.
Hell, they were probably booing because someone decided to inject politics into their hockey game.
What’s hate-filled about saying poor foreign minorities want to live in white people countries? It’s true!
Lee, if you were taking a poll in, let’s say, The Congo, or any other shithole African country, and asked people where they wanted to immigrate to, what percentage, first, do you think would want to immigrate at all, and secondly, what percentage would want to immigrate to a mostly white country?
I would guess about 95% of the people you asked would want to leave their country to get away from people like themselves. And I would bet 100% of those people would want to move to a white person country. Not China, not Brazil, not Egypt, not Thailand. They’d want to go to America, England, Canada, Sweden, etc.
BTW, if liberals are so tolerant of free speech and differing views, why is it only Rossi signs I see destroyed and not Gregoire one’s?
I think that proves my point.
What’s hate-filled about saying poor foreign minorities want to live in white people countries?
It’s more ignorance than anything else, but please keep saying it so that we can constantly be reminded of how much of an idiot you are.
From 1600-1800, the migration patterns of the world were the opposite of what you describe, whites leaving their countries and going to places where non-whites lived.
You’re an idiot. Deal with it.
For the record, Wells Fargo won the Wachovia Derby.
And Troll, go fuck yourself. The difference between me and you as that I hate you because you’re an idiotic asshole and pathological liar. You hate everybody that doesn’t toe your ideological line. I know why I hate you. You just do what they tell you to do.
Lee, I didn’t hear booing and It looked like
everyone was having a goodtime. You hittin the
weed again? Can I come over?
I’m sticking with my answer at #4.
troll, troll,troll, shall we review your past lies? THat usually chases you away. Shall we instead consider the hate and threats made during Palin and McCain rallies? I have not heard of any shouted threats at Obama rallies. ANd the signs, your observations are a small sample. I would comdemn, but not be surprised by defacing of McCain signs in Seattle. I would expect you will see Obama signs defaced in Esatern Wa.
Just read troll on the open thread, “respected thinker”??!!?? Words escape me. When your posts are equal parts lies and self promotion, a respected thinker you are not.
Perhaps a comedian
@1 Except for conservatives.
@5 “I would guess about 95% of the people you asked would want to leave their country to get away from people like themselves.”
Usually they leave to get away from guys from the other tribe who are trying to starve or kill them, you ignorant fuck.
The New York Times has a article up about ACORN and Obama. As usual, the righties have been making shit up out of thin air.
Lee, I didn’t hear booing and It looked like everyone was having a goodtime.
Turn the sound on.
You hittin the weed again?
You think about weed more than any pothead I know.
Can I come over?
re 5: Maybe you are on to something.
Many of the Somalians who have emigrated to the states are taking ‘clogging’ lessons and learning to play ‘Foggy Mountain Breakdown’ on the fiddle.
Bless their little negroid hearts!
This is good news. It is time that unpatriotic politicians like Palin get booed.
Putting lip stick on an antiamerican bigot doe not turn her into a hero.
Well done Philly!
You fucking idiot. You are truly proving the absolute truth of my favorite rule:
I know you will assume that I refer to you as the genius. Here is a hint as to how I am thinking. YOU ARE THE FUCKING STUPID portion of the adage.
If stupidity was a sporting event, you would be world class.
michael @ 4 — Hell, they were probably booing because it was Philadelphia.
Then you would have no problem if Michelle O and children were to appear at a sporting event and be resoundingly booed? Afterall, she would be the wife of an “unpatriotic” and “antiamerican” politician, Like BHO. Right?
Obama bowled a 39, he bowled a fucking 39!
He’s not even a man. I’ll bet he’s got a
beaver under that suit. Michelle looks like
that chick from planet of the apes. Maybe
instead of new drapes in the white house
they’ll go back to their roots and put bars on the windows. I do wonder if Air Force One
will have spinners?
@21- I-Burn, have you been paying attention to what the freaks have been saying about Obama lately? “Terrorist”? “Kill him”? Listening to McCain or Palin rallies are frightening because the crowd sounds like a fucking lynch mob!
Hell, I’d be happy if all they were doing was booing Obama. Get your head out of your ass and think before you write!
@22- Mark, I’ll assume you’re being sock-puppeted there. No one would willingly admit to being that ignorant unless they were smearing someone else.
@23 Mrs. W
Are you seriously comparing an overtly political situation, like a campaign rally, with what one might reasonably assume to be a non-partisan event, such as a sporting match? Seems to me that you’d better be pulling your own head out of your ass before advising the same of anyone else.
Even granting the most partisan crowd in the country, the Philly fans displayed a breathtaking lack of class and civility. Not only were Palin’s children present, but at least one of the players on the ice was Alaska born and raised. Hardly unlikely that a self-styled “hockey mom” would be uninterested in a successful native son, now is it.
Finally, I have a very difficult time believeing that BHO supporters wouldn’t be outraged by a similiar occurance involving his children. I would guess that “racist” would be the very mildest epithet you all would be slinging.
@23, 25
I think I’ll stick with the answers given at #’s 4 & 20.
@ 25
with what one might reasonably assume to be a non-partisan event
We might “reasonably assume” that this was a non-partisan event? Were she not a candidate for Vice-President, she wouldn’t have been invited to participate in the ceremony. That, alone, makes the ceremony both political and partisan.
Can you, please, try to construct an argument without begging the question?
And, what’s with your comparison between a potential reception for Michelle Obama and the reception Sarah Palin received here? Michelle Obama’s not running for office. Why not compare the potential reception Barack Obama might have at an event where he included his two daughters? Is there some way to interpret your comparison as anything but covert sexism?
Seriously, are you taking stupid pills? Your recent attempts at finding some kind of hypocrisy on the part of Democrats have been bizarre.
And you, sir, need to remove your rose-colored glasses. It was a hockey game. Period. Sporting events frequently feature a ceremonial opening of some kind. Does that make them political events as well? I think not. Nor was my complaint about Palin’s reception directed specifically at Democrats, as much as those of you who approve of politicizing such an event, and not having the grace to let the womans children enjoy themselves without having their mother slagged. That is also, by the way, why I postulated Michelle, rather than BHO – since I was not looking at this event as political.
As far as finding hypocrisy on the part of Democrats? It would hardly be worth mentioning here now, would it?
I certainly don’t doubt that the crowd that booed Santa, would ‘honor’ anyone else in such a manner. I don’t agree that Palin politicized the game however, unless your contention is that any such ceremonial opening accomplishes the same thing.
@ 28
You really must be taking stupid pills. You’re begging the question, and your sole justification for making that assumption is to accuse me of being biased for not accepting your assumption.
How often do candidates who are running for office participate in the opening ceremony for a sporting event?
I think not.
Well, that’s an accurate statement, even if it’s not accurate in the way you intended it.
Whatever, dude.
Begging the question? You think you’re the only one who knows anything about logic? Do you even understand what you’re talking about?
@ 31
Begging the question?
Yup. In its most common form, begging the question involves circular reasoning, but it can also involve an argument that relies on a disputed assumption.
In this case, you have unilaterally declared your assumption about the participation of a candidate for public office in the opening ceremony of a sporting event to be a “reasonable” assumption, and have made no attempt whatsoever, other than to ridicule the folks who don’t agree with you, to justify that assumption.
Do you have a better definition for “begging the question?”
You think you’re the only one who knows anything about logic?
Do you even understand what you’re talking about?
Imagine what the press and the right wing would be saying if a vice-presidential candidate (say Biden) was found by a bipartisan report in a democratically controlled legislature, to have broken the law and to have abused the power of the office multiple times (over 36 phone calls by multiple officials). Imagine if the report said that these officials were warned that by discussing a personel matter they were breaking the law – but they kept calling. Imagine the outrage on the right! Biden would have to step down immediately. The judgement of the presidential candidate would be called into question. The lame attempt to put out a preemptive investigation would be labeled as a poor excuse for investigating themselves and ridiculed.
where are the conservatives with integrity now? why are they not condemning Sarah Palin and her abuse of power? was the selection of Palin one of the biggest mistakes in Persidential politics since the break-in at the Watergate complex?
I guess we’ll just have to disagree about the “reasonableness” of my assumption regarding the participation of a candidate for public office. Do you imbue every similiar situation with a political overtone? Had Palin made any remarks at all, let alone about politics, then I would wholeheartedly agree. However, her mere appearenace does not, in my opionion, and should not be construed as creating an overtly political occasion. She certainly didn’t travel to Philly for the express purpose of dropping the puck. She is a hockey fan. And it’s no secret that particular city is a Democratic stronghold. All of that adds up to what? Her attempt to sway Flyer’s fans to vote for her? Like I said before: She’s a hockey mom, she had her daughters with her, at least one of the players there is from her state, and thus likely to be something of a hero in the hockey community in Alaska. All of which adds up to – give her a break, for once.
@ 34
I guess we’ll just have to disagree about the “reasonableness” of my assumption regarding the participation of a candidate for public office.
As long as you don’t use that assumption as the basis for statements like, “Finally, I have a very difficult time believeing that BHO supporters wouldn’t be outraged by a similiar occurance involving his children,” then we’re fine.
Do you imbue every similiar situation with a political overtone?
Well, I asked at 30, and you’ve apparently conceded the point by not answering the question I asked, that there has not been any “similar situation” in recent memory. Just what kind of “similar situation” do you have in mind?
So, Ed Snider, a major Republican donor, invites Sarah Palin, Republican candidate for Vice-President, to drop the puck at the home-opener for Snider’s Flyers.
When you watch the video, you’ll notice that there are two women dropping the puck. The other woman, Philadelphian Kathy O’Connell, had been previously granted the honor of dropping the puck for having been voted the Flyers top hockey mom, but, because of Snider’s political partisanship, she has to share that spotlight with Sarah Palin.
But, to you, none of that is relevant. Indeed, to you, the only salient fact is the fact that Palin didn’t say anything. According to you, it would have been overtly partisan and political if, say, Palin had wished the home team good luck.
You’re entitled to your opinion, but you’ll have to forgive me for thinking that your argument is contorted and that your opinion isn’t well supported by the facts.
As for giving Sarah Palin a break, the woman wants to be my Vice-President. She needs to give me a break.