Well… I’ve always been rather blunt that my primary goal as a blogger is to get the MSM to pick up on stories that I think are significant. Kirby Wilbur and Dori Monson graciously gave me some time on the air today, I taped a piece for KIRO radio news, and the Seattle P-I this morning follows up on my post about the Irons family feud, that includes the explosive allegation that David Irons Jr. hit his mother.
But the posting by David Goldstein, an unabashed liberal who runs a blog at www.horsesass.org, highlights other elements in the Irons family wrangling predating the 1999 race.
David Irons Jr.’s mother, Janet C. Irons, said Thursday that Goldstein’s posting was accurate, including the description of the 1994 confrontation in which, she said, her son “knocked me flat” during a heated argument.
Yes, I am an unabashed, liberal blogger with no journalism training, who takes notes in a nearly illegible scrawl… but I take pride in getting my facts straight. The story I told is the story the Irons family told me — a story that is about much more than a single incident. And I stand by my decision to share their story with the public.
David Jr. denied to the P-I that he hit his mother, claiming instead that she suffered from a diabetic seizure. And his sister, Janet A. Irons — also estranged from her parents — backs him up.
But David Irons’ older sister, Janet A. Irons, backs her brother’s assertion that he didn’t strike their mother and said, “I wasn’t told anything about that in 1994. It was only years subsequent that (my mother) said anything. It wasn’t until my brother ran against Mr. Derdowski that my mother remembered lots of awful things about David.”
Janet A., an attorney, makes a very lawyerly defense of her brother… the kind of defense one might make in court in a similar abuse case. Both to the P-I, and in my post’s comment thread, she questions the details of her mother’s story, and asks why she didn’t talk about it a the time.
Well… she did talk about it at the time… just not to her daughter Janet. The youngest Irons sibling, Di, worked in the office with her mother at the family business, and remains close to her parents both emotionally and physically, living in the house next door. While she did not witness the incident, she says she did see the torn up state of the office after the struggle, and her mother confided in her the painful details at the time. The story Di says her mother told her in the immediate aftermath of the confrontation is largely the same as the story her mother told me last week, and which she emotionally defended to the P-I:
His mother ridiculed her son’s explanation of her collapse, although she said she does suffer from diabetes. If she experienced a seizure, she asked, why didn’t her son call for medical assistance?
“For years, he’s told lies about us, and nobody questions him,” she said.
“It breaks my heart, but it couldn’t be any more broken than what he’s done. He has destroyed a great deal of everything I’ve spent my life thinking is important.”
In the comment thread on my original post, Janet A also disputes other elements of the longer story I posted, including the assertion that David Jr. was not involved in the day to day operations and management of the company. But it needs to be pointed out that Janet A. was not involved in the day to day operations and management of the company either; she served as the company’s attorney. It was her parents who owned and operated the company, not the children, a sore issue that may have been a flash point in David Jr.’s knockdown outburst.
“I had told him to get out of my office and he wouldn’t leave,” Janet C. Irons, 73, said. “I said, ‘David, I own the place and you’re an employee. Leave.’ ”
Her son then struck her, she said. “I tried to call 911 after he hit me. He tore the phone out of the wall.”
There were no witnesses to the incident in which David Jr. allegedly struck his mother, so yes, this is a he said/she said kind of story. But I found the telling very convincing. I did not ask about the incident until halfway through my conversation with Janet C., and her tone immediately changed. This was clearly a painful, traumatic memory, her voice quivering with emotion as she recalled the confrontation. I cannot possibly know the truth of what transpired that day, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that David Jr.’s mother believes her son hit her.
[Oh man… I just heard Janet C. recount her story on the Dave Ross Show. There really isn’t any more to say than has just been said. So I’ll just stop for the moment.]
Carlson has her on at 1700 hours…
So what your saying Goldy is the abscence of witness makes this a sure thing?
Kind of like your child molestation charges.
Funny how you dismiss those but convict irons on this?
BTW Goldy, It’s funny how you use his sister Di as a witnness backing this up.
A 51 year old democratic worker, who, oh, by the way, sponges off her parents and lives in the property next door to them, that they own.
51 Years olf and does not own property?
I see Goldy’s desperation to deflect attention from the pathetic record of Ron Sims on issues like CAO, Elections and failing to deal with huge transportation gridlock issues is into overdrive!!!
Desperate times eh Goldy??
Might want to fix the Janice Cs to Janet Cs. It’s confusing enough that there are two Davids and two Janets, but introducing Janices makes it worse…
ya’ll can obfiscate and deflect as much as you want, but Goldy’s on to something, and David Irons has yet to make a credible explanation. But it is too much to think he can credibly explain this, because David Irons is liar. A lying liar.
I look forward to the day when this same smear campaign is brought back to you in spades. Be careful friend, you know you’re not that clean…it’s only a matter of time before everyone else learns the same.
The ‘NeoCon Hack Squad’ must be getting scared! Now we have hack number 1, the king of our troll brigade, the famous (in his own mind) my cyclical: always regenerating his worn out talking points and mumbling about his childhood back here to clutter our posts with his ignorance.
Great job Goldy, your articles concerning Irons paint him as the consumate politician in the ‘culture of corruption’ that the far right has shoved down this counties ‘lemmings’
It is telling that the TROLLS are so upset by Goldy posting Irons’ family’s story, but not so upset about the Mother-Beating Irons himself.
You pieces of shit take the cake. Neo-Con trolls know no bounds of indecency.
Well, Goldy, it seems you have unleashed a shit storm. Way to go. As for most of the whiny posters above, where were you when Pam Roach smeared Julia Patterson at the last minute? Or other, GOP smear attacks, timing be damnned (swift boat veterans, anyone?). You were chortling, no doubt about it. So get off your high horses and “get over it”.
Keep up the good work, Goldy.
Goldy you better keep this alive in the news because you don’t want people talking about this.
Ooooohhhh mountain moron!
I’m sooooo skeeeered.
You know…a couple more points on your IQ and I’ll bet you’d be as smart as a…..geranium! Keep working on it though…you might be able to get to cocker spaniel.
Thanks Goldy. This is good light on a bad situation. I appreciate your honesty in getting the facts straight and just putting it out there. This is one of those tough stories that MSM probably want’s to avoid and you really made it available to them. Too much is at stake to not. For all the people out there who dislike Sims, or simply believe in Irons, and believe this is a conspired story, you really should be thanking Goldy. If you don’t agree, just try to take a step back and think it through. You righties will have another chance at Ron. Just put up a better candidate. That is what really counts.
Good work, Goldy.
Finally, some goood ol’ fashion journalistic reporting in America.
Hey, Goldy, try this on for as a tag line for HA.org ‘I Report THE FACTS, you decide.’
That’s fair and balanced. Isn’t it?
Next Wednesday Fitzpatrick is going to report some facts, too.
After reading all this information it’s obvious that David Irons is out of step with mainstream America. We just can’t trust a man who beats his mother.
Please, this November, vote for Ron Sims and vote for fiscal responsibility and AAA bond ratings.
David Irons will beat our bond ratings down like he beat his mother down.
Anyone actually listen to Irons’ mother on Carlson? She sounds like a classic abuser. I have never heard a parent who isn’t an abuser say such a string of ugly negative comments about her own child. I can see why he keeps silent. Typical behavior of the abused.
No one saw the incident. My grandmother was diabetic and periodically went into shock. Our efforts to help her were often met with just plain nastiness and lots of resistance.
I give Irons’ credit for not commenting. Too bad the same can’t be said of this site.
Irons’ mother is a nut case. I wouldn’t let her around my children, either.
Wow. Irons is toast.
Even I can’t save him now.
I’ve always been rather blunt that my primary goal as a blogger is to get the MSM to pick up on stories that I think are significant.
”including the description of the 1994 confrontation in which, she said, her son “knocked me flat” during a heated argument.”
This is eleven years (man, what happened to the statute of limitations) since the fateful day. Irons is obviously not qualified to lead a gaggle of geese (at least for the last eleven years). And you expect ex-felons to be able to vote immediately after release?
marks @ 18
“This is eleven years (man, what happened to the statute of limitations) since the fateful day.”
I agree that would be a very reasonable and convincing argument, marks, but what bothers me is there is little evidence that he has accepted responsibility, no hint that he has changed, and he remains estranged from much of his family.
There is a bunch of corroborating evidence to suggest that he genuinely has anger management problems. And since that fateful day, he does slimy things like running against his family’s friend and sister’s employer. (Not the worse thing in the world to do, but not exactly a tale of redemption, is it?).
This appears to be a lifelong pattern, not a situation of one-time actions by a “crazy youth.”
Ok…I understand he did fix his resume.
I think you need to explain your less than spontaneous answer on the Dori Monson show today.
I think Dori did a good job of keeping the focus on only the “HITTING” issue. From what I got out of your piece that was just one problem and not the only one nor was it the most serious charge mostly because of it’s age and the fact that they didn’t press charges. That was a mistake on them.
But your answer to his question on if you had contact with the Sims campaign just didn’t come across very well.
Can you explain that hesitation and that contact.
I think that his sister the Bellevue lawyer and reported Democrat basically put this explanation to it:
– She doesn’t think Irons pushed their mom.
– She knows their mom says he pushed her.
– She thinks their parents engage in politically-motivated character assassination.
– She thinks their mother is currently engaging in politically-motivated character assassination.
– She and her brother David have holidays together.
It has been reported elsewhere that David doesn’t have holidays with their parents anymore.
So this is more than he said/ she said. This is she said and she said plus he heard and he heard verses he said and she said.
I wish I knew who to believe. Our criminal justice system has things like statutory limitations and so forth, but political candidates have longer-term responsibility. Note that there is precedent for alcoholic cokeheads, and long as they are born-again alcoholic cokeheads. But I digress and should add that I can entertain the idea of a qualified alcoholic cokehead President and wouldn’t mind seeing one in my life.
Anyway, getting back to the matter of the facts.
The facts are that David Irons’ mother claims he shoved her and one of her children doesn’t buy it.
With whom did they negotiate this deal where he went on the trip? Were there people across the table from David Irons?
Um, Heath…
What? Oh, never mind…
You da man, but Heath is yours…
“Our criminal justice system has things like statutory limitations and so forth, but political candidates have longer-term responsibility. Note that there is precedent for alcoholic cokeheads, and long as they are born-again alcoholic cokeheads”
Er, okay…
Hey marks, think what you will about our current President’s admissions and how his past didn’t affect his chances. My point was that maybe digging 11 years into Irons’ past is digging too far into a KC Executive candidate’s past, when you compare that with U.S. President.
My point remains: who is telling the truth about Irons business dealings for the family company? Is it possible that somebody could settle this family squabble? Because, so far, there are opposing stories from insiders.
Nolo contendere. No problemo. No habla. Or something…
The timing is suspicious. This alleged incident took place 11 years ago. Irons has been running for King County Executive for the past 11 months or so. The election is just 18 days away, and the absentee ballots have just gone out in the mail.
And Goldy comes up with this trash at the last minute?
And you would have expected anything less from Goldy?
King 5 News just did a piece on it. They interviewed Iron’s mother on TV. She said she was knocked down by Irons and then ripped the phone out of the wall so she coulnd’t call 911.
Here’s the King 5 newslink:
Here’s the King 5 newslink.
What a brute.
Oh, you brute!
I have it on good authority that it is David Irons’ mother who is the abuser here. Witnesses to third-hand accounts swear that Mrs Irons repeatedly tried to break David’s hand by striking it with her face. She also attempted to cause him to slip and fall by spitting out her broken, bloody teeth in the direction of his steel-toed boots as he performed the Dance of the Affectionate Son on her ribcage.
Heterosexually yours,
General JC Christian, patriot
The timing is suspicious. This alleged incident took place 11 years ago. Irons has been running for King County Executive for the past 11 months or so. The election is just 18 days away
Yes, and it adds up to exactly 40, the same number of reasons Our Leader has given us for invading Iraq. Obviously, Goldy is one of bin Laden’s 463 number three men.
Thanks for pointing this out to us, Dick.
@2 Prr:
Funny, I was thinking the EXACT same thing. Way to go for Goldy for using negative campaign smear-tactics to help good old buddy Ronnie Sims out. Shame, shame.
Did the phone have to be repaired? Who keeps records for 11 years though?
David Iron’s mother needs serious help…..no wonder he doesn’t have anything to do with her or his father….
Hey Goldy-
When Janet C voice was quivering was it like the same type of voice quiver as one of Clintons rape victims. I didn’t hear it and just wanted to get some perspective.
Goldy hesitated in his answer because he was caught off guard and because Goldy knew that he had talked with Sims Campaign about the smear campaign.
Sometimes smear campaigns backfire….especially when Carlson keeps replaying Goldy’s interview.
You be the judge.
Is Goldy the King of Smear?
Is Goldy a lying cocksucker?
Did Goldy orchestrate this hit with the knowledge and cooperation of the Sims Campaign?
Answer: YES to all 3.
Goldy—Carlson will keep replaying your bullshit answer.
You look like a fucking idiot.
Incase anyone is interested, people I talk to say this rumor has been circulating ever since Irons first ran for office and is well known in Seattle political circles. Unfortunately it’s not the sort of thing you can really run with on a big scale.
Too bad, Irons is a prick. Anyone who is against cost of living increases on minimum wage shouldn’t be allowed within 50 feet of elected office in this county.
Janet @ 17
Not to say Irons’ mom is an abuser — or even that his dad may be. However, there are many, many cases where the wife will not only be in denial about a husband’s abuse of their child, but will in fact be hostile and blame the child for somehow wrecking their “perfect” marriage. And why wouldn’t Irons speak up about this? It sometimes takes people YEARS and lots and lots of therapy to admit that a parent that is supposed to love them abused them. Getting a Republican man to do that?? MUCH harder. IF the allegations against Irons are false, I’d put my money on Irons’ dad or other male relative being an abuser and mom being an enabler.
Janet S @ 18 “Irons’ mother is a nut case. I wouldn’t let her around my children, either.”
WOW! Do not expect anyone to take you even a little bit seriously again. That is the most off the wall completely, baseless bit iof depravity I have heard. I am sure even prriss winced at that nutcakery!
Janet S. : Blame the Victim
Mr Irrelevent “Goldy hesitated in his answer because he was caught off guard and because Goldy knew that he had talked with Sims Campaign about the smear campaign.”
LOL and your evidence is… the fact that you are a complete dipshit?
LOL…yep, it’s the wingnut way: Close your eyes and click your heels three times, and whatever you wish will come true.
I just saw a report on this on KONG news. Irons is claiming that Sims put you up to this Goldy. It must be nice for Irons to have supporters that don’t care if he tells the truth or not.
Did you listen to her on Carlson? She spent the entire time verbally attacking her son. It sounded natural, like she had been doing it for quite some time. I can’t imagine going on the radio to tell the world that my child is stupid, and over his head, and shouldn’t be doing a real job. It was actually painful to hear.
What is really sad is that Goldy listened to her and never picked up on the clues. Maybe he is just too deafened by his bias.
This is not about David Irons. It’s about David Goldstein. Goldstein has caused quite a ruckus, and that’s exactly what he wanted so he could further his own ambitions. Like Kevin Sites in Iraq, Goldstein wants to capitalize on this sensationalism.
If you listened to Mrs. Irons on any of the radio shows today, it’s pretty clear she’s got a screw loose, and a lot of Democrat campaign signs in her front yard. But frankly, who cares! This is some kind of strange family feud with a lot of finger pointing and very little fact.
I’m with Jacko @7. Goldstein’s loud mouth is going to be his undoing. If Irons loses and he decides he has nothing else to lose by punching Goldstein in the face, I would not be the only one who felt Goldstein got what he deserved.
Could Mrs Irons be another Cindy Sheehan. A hack for the democratic party who dances on their own son’s grave.
I’m tired, so I’ll post on this in more detail tomorrow, but let’s just be clear on the timeline.
I’d heard stories about Irons’ temper. Then the Joni Balter piece came out a couple weeks ago, and raise the issue of a “family matter”, which just begged the question as to what this matter was. In talking about the Balter piece to a fellow activist, it was suggested that Brian Derdowski would be a good source for background on Irons. I called Brian, who didn’t return my call for several days. He gave me background on the 1999 election, and when I asked whether the stories of Jr.’s temper had anything to do with the family matter, he said I needed to hear it from the family. Brian gave me Di’s number. I talked to Di and she layed out the story, including the incident. She gave me her parents number. I talked to her mother who both corroborated and greatly expanded what Di had told me.
That’s how I got this story. Nobody fed it to me. It was curiousity, hard work, and a little dumb luck.
As to communicating with the Sims campaign. Christian Sinderman emailed me on Oct 10, unrelated to the campaign. In my reply I mentioned that I was talking to Di. On Oct 12, I emailed Christian to give him a heads up that I was working on the Brigadoon side of the story (which I have yet to write up), and that one of my sources told me they had also talked to a major news outlet. He emailed back that they were about to launch ads about Brigadoon. On Oct 18, I emailed him again to give him a heads up that I was preparing to post on the Irons family feud. I also contacted the Irons campaign around that time, asking for comment.
So yes… I had three emails with Christian, all of which occurred after I had started talking to Di… and after the Balter piece. Christian provided absolutely no information, and neither encouraged nor discouraged me from pursuing the story.
I could have lied to Dori and told him I had no contact with Christian, which quite frankly would have been easier and less confusing, since in fact he provided no prodding, info or feedback on this story. But in fact we had exchanged a handful of emails during the time I was working on the story, and I don’t like to lie.
So… I will say it again. The Sims campaign had absolutely NOTHING to do with this story, and I resent the implication. It was entirely my initiative.
The impetus for this story was Balter’s column. And quite frankly, I still find it baffling that it didn’t leave others as curious to learn more as it did me. I hoped I’d find a story like this when I set out, but I had absolutely no idea what the story would be.
Yo @ 42, Fuck you. And only potheads post in all caps.
Cindy Sheehan is a far better American than you’ll ever be, jackboot boy.
Put your money where your mouth is and enlist.
Marks and Heath
“Note that there is precedent for alcoholic cokeheads, and long as they are born-again alcoholic cokeheads”
That was my point above when I mentioned above about “redemption” or the lack of it. “Redemption” was Bush’s strategy in Texas.
Richard Pope @ 27
“The timing is suspicious. This alleged incident took place 11 years ago. Irons has been running for King County Executive for the past 11 months or so. The election is just 18 days away, and the absentee ballots have just gone out in the mail.
And Goldy comes up with this trash at the last minute? “
Goldy was pretty clear about why he timed the story when he did in the first post, and Goldy also pointed out in an update that Balter’s column inspired him to track down this story. That column was, what, three weeks ago? In the mean time, Goldy has contacted and interviewed, perhaps, a dozen or two people, wrote a very long article, and gave the Irons campaign some time to respond before he posted the article.
In that light, the timing is not at all surprising.
YO @ 43
In a VTCE? Is that like an Orgasmotron?
MacDonald @ 44
“If Irons loses and he decides he has nothing else to lose by punching Goldstein in the face, I would not be the only one who felt Goldstein got what he deserved. “
If he does that, he’d better rip the cell phone out of Goldy’s pocket, too.
Goldy’s bloody nose would heal in a few days. Irons might well be charged and convicted with a felony, and be disenfranchised. That might inspire David and Janet Irons (senior) to write Goldy into their will!
Rufus @ 45
“Could Mrs Irons be another Cindy Sheehan. A hack for the democratic party who dances on their own son’s grave. “
Hmmmm…sounds more like Dave jr. was dancing on his mother’s rib cage….
“one of my sources told me they had also talked to a major news outlet”.
So Goldy, was this “source” who talked with a “major news outlet” one of Sims Supporters???????? I thought so.
Goldy loves to try and cleverly “wordsmith” these little statements so he can avoid lying in his alleged mind. Perhaps you ought to change your last name to Smarmystein!
“The Sims campaign had absolutely NOTHING to do with this story, and I resent the implication.”
Sorry Goldy BAD TRY==NO SALE!!
You are clearly a Sims SHITSQUAD CAPTAIN who was clearly communicating with the General.
Perhaps your orchestrated efforts will cost Irons a few votes.
Perhaps GOLDY will become a front-and-center part of this election contest.
If so Goldy, as I’ve lectured you before, you must learn to relax when you speak. Your Gilbert Gottfried/3 Chipmunks/PeeWee Herman vocals are so shrill….you will do more harm than good.
Shrillness not only turns people off…but it sounds like you are lying or like you are a little prick who keeps jabbing someone in an open sore.
I expect Carlson and others will continuously replay your shrill hesitating comments about your connection to the Sims Campaign.
You will be ID’d as a SIMS OPERATIVE.
Good luck with your back against the wall Goldy. Keep talkin’.
Goldy is a Captain in the SIMS Shitsquad. It’s sooooo obvious when you look at the timing, Goldy’s admitted contacts with SIMS main man and Goldy’s shrill and evasive radio comments.
Sorry Goldy….just because you say you aren’t a lowlife prick doesn’t mean you aren’t one.
So David Irons just watched his mother collapse from a diabetic seizure and didn’t call 911 or do anything? Honestly that is just as bad as hitting her, I don’t understand this defense.
I’m guessing you’re tighter with Goldy than I. Would you please help me ask him to ban FAKE MARK @ 55? Even after your post 69 in “One Good Reason,” the ass is still faking it as me.
Your assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.
Goldy has said you DO NOT post as someone else. I have asked you to stop. Other people — notably LEFTIES(!) — have even asked you to stop. Knock it the F off!
Reading all the comments posted here about this story is very enlightening. It appears anger management issues and denial are not Mr. Irons’ exclusively.
I find it interesting that people will attack his family and their accounts without ever really addressing the behaviour of the person running for elected office. It gives the impression that ideology blindly shields a potentially unfit public candidate.
The repeated attempts to deflect attention and responsibility from David Irons is transparent to anyone without an ax to grind.
Ron Sims may not be your choice, but I will certainly be voting for him. Not because of HA and this story, but because I believe he is the best candidate.
You will never win converts spewing hatred, bigotry and bullying.
@46 Goldy:
Well isn’t that just convienient? Maybe you should go out a buy a lottery ticket. Must’ve been pure luck the timing of it all. Wow, I am astounded! You’ve gotta be the luckiest man on Earth.
-In case anyone is interested, people I talk to say this rumor has been circulating ever since Irons first ran for office and is well known in Seattle political circles. Unfortunately it’s not the sort of thing you can really run with on a big scale.-
You’re on to something, Carl. Same type of rumor had been circulating in W. Washington for years about Jim West – and we all know how that that turned out. Same for Bill Clinton.
If the obviously disturbed Gentry Lange and the obvioulsy disturbed Karen Rispoli do succeed in getting David Irons elected, it’s not like his little problem is going to go away. Put this incompetent hack in a position of power, and the personal problems just get worse. Up until this point, Irons has been able to get away with having absolutely no idea what he’s doing….It won’t work the same way if he’s in charge: his frustration born from incompetency will only get worse.
In some ways, we should thank Irons for running against Sims. If the GOP had actually picked a candidate who wasn’t a complete failure in business and in his family life, Sims would be in REAL trouble now.
-I find it interesting that people will attack his family and their accounts without ever really addressing the behaviour of the person running for elected office. It gives the impression that ideology blindly shields a potentially unfit public candidate.-
GoodGravy – of course the far right wing will always blame the victim. That’s one of the few things they have been good at in modern times. Hitler trademarked the idea, and the neofascists have been running with it ever since.
-I look forward to the day when this same smear campaign is brought back to you in spades. Be careful friend, you know you’re not that clean…it’s only a matter of time before everyone else learns the same. –
Pretty hilarious, Jacko. You just keep making Goldy quake in his boots! As if Goldy has big political plans for the future… Nothing like watching the trolls flail away – it’s good entertainment!
Cindy Sheehan is a far better American than you’ll ever be, jackboot boy.
Put your money where your mouth is and enlist.
Comment by Mr. X— 10/22/05 @ 12:26 am
Cindy Sheehan is a PIECE OF SHIT! She is a liberal commie just like the rest of the lefties on this site. You and your ilk know nothing about being an American. Nuff said.
RUFUS Said for all to read:
The Mother of am American Soldier who died in Iraq is a PIECE OF SHIT! This Mother of an American Soldier is a liberal commie just like the rest of the people who have fought and had their children fight for the USA on this site. You and the rest of you soldiers and Mothers of American soldiers know nothing about being an American. Nuff said.
All I can say Rufus is:
Die. Horribly. And Alone.
I feel sorry for Cindy.. I really do. She should have had a girl. It would have been a lot more easier on her. I care about the soldier way more than the left. It is the left who uses the name of soldiers for their cause without consideration for the families. Most of the soldiers who died dont support Sheehan and the liberals. That doesn’t stop the commie left though. So Donna spare us from your dumbass moral outrages. Actually don’t, it is a source of humor for us.
RUFUS @ 65,
uh… what?
RUFUS “I care about the soldier way more than the left. It is the left who uses the name of soldiers for their cause without consideration for the families.”
And you called the Mother of an American Soldier a
“Piece of shit”, but you claim
“It is the left who uses the name of soldiers for their cause without consideration for the families.”
RUFUS, are you completely stupid, or just… stupid.
How dare you call a Mother of an American soldier “a piece of shit” and then say “It is the left who uses the name of soldiers for their cause without consideration for the families.”
I hate to repeat myself, but, RUFUS, do you not realize how Ironic and STUPID your comment is?
YO @ 63
You are a keyboard-impaired moron.
“YO eggs do not develop because many essential genes are carried on the X chromosome.”
Hmmm…that could explain some things.
dj, I do not know about you, but I have a feeling that even as the Neo-Con’s fall, we are left with a lot of very mentally damaged wingnuts who may cause problems for years to come.
Seriously sick people with all their “idols” behind bars.
The USA needs a Marshal Plan (for us) to deal with this problem.
#3 Goldy:
Oh boy, did I hit a nerve here ?
But let’s just quote one of your favorite Seattle Papers, the P-I.
“Politics is smarmy enough. Liberal blogger David Goldstein has made it worse by tearing at Republican David Irons’ soiled family laundry like a rowdy puppy. We’ve not yet formally endorsed for King County executive, but that decision will be grounded in facts about experience and skills, not sordid rumors about family tussles on which even they can’t agree. Yeah, it was goofy, and relevant to voters, when Irons’ sister ran against him for his County Council slot in 1999. But dragging up decade-old family spats is sleazy. In this case, Goldstein, creator of http://www.horsesass.org is bing a bit of himself.”
Wow, looks like they are distancing themselves from you. Bummer :-) I like the one about “will be grounded in facts…”…are they implying you don’t have them
Tsk tsk tsk.
I know you give a s$it about my opinion…but your home papers opinion should give you something to think about…
Hey dipshit Donna… here go educate yourself. http://littlegreenfootballs.co.....&only