So, a little background here. Over at the old blog, one of our favorite people to goof on was Lou Guzzo. He wrote strange rants about how rock music was ruining things, how billboards were ruining things, and how Democrats not named Dixy Lee Ray were ruining things since FDR turned the party all socialist. Fun stuff. In addition to writing odd columns for his webpage (and before that writing in and editing the P-I!), he’s written several books. This science fiction nonsense looks like it’s the best (I mean worst, obviously) of the lot. I plan to go through it Deeky style over the next several weeks.
Anyway, spoiler alert, I think I have a pretty good idea of the plot based on this post. We’ll dive in shortly, but today, a few thoughts on the book before I start to read: “The Amazing World of Tomorrow: Is It Really Science-Fiction?”
Does he think that we might think the “World of Tomorrow” might not be science fiction? The Amazing World of Tomorrow, is this Really Historical Fiction? wouldn’t work. Anyway, the legal disclaimer clears up the fiction part “All characters in this book are fictions, and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental.” So I guess the question: is this science? And I’m going to go ahead and guess the answer: no.
Also, I’m not sure who this book was written for. It’s 100 pages of relatively large type. Perhaps this is supposed to be young adult fiction? I don’t see anything to indicate that Guzzo thinks it’s for young adults, or frankly, knows people exist who were born after 1977 (if I’m generous). Maybe he just ran out of steam.
Maybe his eyesight’s not so good. I can just hear the angry call to Self-Publishers Warehouse: “Daggummit! I can’t even read the type on this thing!”
I’m not sure who the target audience is for any of his writing. Mrs. Guzzo (if there is one) clearly knows better. Maybe Dino Rossi, when he’s not reading foreclosure notices?
Lou Guzzo is still around? Who knew! Does this mean that we can expect the return of Kenneth L. Hatch?
At least Dixie Lee was a Democrat. Between Gary Useless Locke and Christine Gorton Eikenberry Gregoire, I’ve forgotten what having a real Democrat as Governor is like.
He was the old curmudgeon on KIRO 25 years ago…I don’t think time has improved things.