A number of people have been accusing Obama of not being forceful enough in his statements on Iran. The point has already been covered by bloggers far more knowledgeable on Iran than I, but it’s worth repeating: anything that allows for the Iranian regime to paint these protests as being influenced by external powers the more it helps them. Underscoring this fact comes this interesting tidbit from earlier today:
12:43 pm: Iranian state media reportedly lying about what Obama is saying:
This morning a friend of NIAC who gets Iranian Satellite TV here said that state-run media showed President Obama speaking about Iran this morning. However, instead of translating what he actually said, the translator reportedly quoted Obama as saying he “supports the protesters against the government and they should keep protesting.
Assuming this report is correct, it shows the Iranian government is eager to portray Obama as a partisan supporting the demonstrators.
In order to support their attempts to quell the uprising, the Iranian government is pretending that Obama is saying the things that John McCain, Charles Krauthammer, and Paul Wolfowitz have criticized him for not saying. This may be the best illustration to date for why the people who see the world as they do should be kept as far away from the White House as possible. They continually play into the hands of extremists, and they will never learn from their mistakes.
Obama’s response today was a little more pointed in the criticism of the Iranian government’s crackdown, but he still makes it clear that Iran’s future is up to the Iranians.
But per NutsTooTight a new day is dawning cuz Bush is gone and “the messiah” is in the whitey house. Yep, stand back and watch innocent people die.
Great point Lee – the wingnutters just do not understand how their own foul words are used in Iran. Instead of supporting the protesters with their fool comments, the right wing complainers are supporting the lying Mullahs and playing right into their hands.
Hey, has the right wing ever been good at diplomacy?
Have the fool neocons ever won the hearts and minds of anyone other than the empty heads addicted to Faux news?
Let the Iranian people decide what goes on in Iran. Any comments by Obama would be used to fuel the latent anti-American sentiment.
These Iranian demonstrations are home-grown – and therefore more valid. We (the US) did use the CIA to install the Shah – and they remember that type of manipulation (that backfired).
What actions could the U.S. take that would the innocent human casualties in Iran? More vocally support the protesters, giving the regime more propaganda for more violent crackdowns on the basis of claiming this is a U.S. backed insurgence? Bombing them?
Excuuuuuuuuuuuse Puddy Dr MD, but it’s your side that said “the adults are now in charge”. It’s been trumpeted here since November 4, 2008.
When Bush made strong anti-Iran statements (axis of evil remember) your side ridiculed him. You see the Iranian evil happening before your eyes and now you all are “paralyzed”. Now that “the adults are now in charge” it’s up to your side being “the adults” (so to speak) to do sumtin. Since Puddy was told he’s not an adult because of Puddy’s political position against “the messiah” it’s not for Puddy to make policy or even suggest policy, it’s “the adults” turn.
Butt, Puddy will make one suggestion. “The messiah” should immediately go onto Al Jazeera and forcefully tell the Iranian people their government is lying to them about what he is and isn’t saying”.
And as always NutsTooTight is a fool. Either you stand up for what is right or you don’t. It seems NutsTooTight can’t you stand up for what is right.
See ya.
Puddy: Thanks for showing us again what a total foiol you are.
You failed to even read the post. The Iranian government is hoping to get Obama to say stupid things like bush – so they can use it.
You and Krauthammer are so far gons and so wrong, so often – that you can’t even figure out which side is up.
When did the Iranian people revolt under Bush’s watch…..hmmm, never. Because Bush called them the enemy, the axis of evil, invaded another counrty without cause, tortured Muslims, gave tacit support for increased Israeli settlements….and on and on.
There is a reason why the Iranians are revolting now – the mullahs can’t realistically blame the US for meddling (even though they are lying to try and do it.
You and Krauthammer are fools and wrong again. Eat our dust. Your silly name calling just covers your own poor judgement and failed policies.
Stupidity is not being wrong once – but being wrong repeatedly and not recognizing it. By that definition, you and Krauthammer are stupid. Nobody takes the idiot Krauthammer seriously anymore – he has been wrong almost every time. Wrong on democracy in the Middle East, wroong on Iraq, wrong on North Korea, wrong on Iran. And your slavishly follow the republican fools every time.
Good job, fool.
NutsTooTight here it is again…“The messiah” should immediately go onto Al Jazeera and forcefully tell the Iranian people their government is lying to them about what he is and isn’t saying”.
That’s all Puddy said. Well Puddy did say the fools claim “the adults” are in charge.
Let me repeat it since you are a moron of the first degree: “The messiah” should immediately go onto Al Jazeera and forcefully tell the Iranian people their government is lying to them about what he is and isn’t saying”.
But NutsTooTight is a moron, beyond logic, so Puddy will say it a third time… “The messiah” should immediately go onto Al Jazeera and forcefully tell the Iranian people their government is lying to them about what he is and isn’t saying”.
Read before inserting your dick into your mouth and stop autofellating fool. Wait a minute… that can’t happen, he’s NutsTooTight!
BTW, what’s a foiol?
Interesting who calls the President “messiah”. Isn’t that blasphemy?
K, you too are a moron. Donna Brazile, Louis Farrakhan and some Tennessee Donkey Congressman called him that last year.
Butt, being a libtard you have 24 hour memory disease.
Keep dope alive K.
Puddy, could you do us all a favor and at least try to make sense?
Lee, where didn’t Puddy make sense? Puddy made a suggestion for “the messiah” to perform and Puddy told all that he was told for the last seven months “the adults” are in charge.
So Puddy repeating libtardo comments don’t make sense? Thanks for pointing that out Lee.
Libtardo comments don’t make sense. Puddy will remember that.
Foreign policy and Buttypud: “It’s all about me, folks”. Yes, let’s assume The Obama does what Butty wants. Will this effectively change the course of future events and align them with our national interests? It’s hard to say, but most likely it will not.
But Butty will feel good, becasue that’s why we have foreign policy. Here are a few more examples (there are many) for the Butty to ponder:
Ike and Hungary-1956
GWBush el firsto & Tiananmen Square, 1989
GWBush el firsto & Iranian Shites-1991
Clinton, Bush 2 re N. Korea, re Iran, re Iraq 1992-2008
How many innocent people have to die before the thirst that is Butty’s unceasing moral indignation is quenched? The answer is simple. To the Buttys of this world, the innocent are just pawns in a gigantic moral game of Good vs. Evil–so much collateral damage. The more we kill, the clearer our moral imperatives become.
To the Buttys, it’s all quite simple.
Gee, Pudhole, I amy or may not remember last year, but I can certainly read what you posted today. He’s not my Messiah, he’s my President, and yours too.
And once again you are using your cheap trick of taking an off-handed comment, or something said by some on the and expecting others to defend it.
Sorry, no sale.
And given the many times Al Jazeera has been tagged as a mouth piece of Islamic terrorists, I’m sure they’d clear their schedule for an uncensored statement by the American President.
At least in Pudhole’s world.
Lee, where didn’t Puddy make sense? Puddy made a suggestion for “the messiah” to perform and Puddy told all that he was told for the last seven months “the adults” are in charge.
If you can’t see it, we obviously can’t help you. But it’s very clear to the rest of us that you’re a barking lunatic.
What the Obama administration did do was to ask Twitter to postpone maintenance so that channel could remain open.
What a wonderful blog post, Mr. Chamberlain.
Wow Lee such a haughty description of yourself calling someone a barking lunatic. Is that what marijuana does to your brain? Puddy sees regurgitating libtardo commentary is painful for the libtardos.
Hey K, where did Puddy say he’s your messiah? Puddy has been really consistent calling the preznit (headless lucy spelling) “the messiah” ever since Puddy delivered the libtardo comments of other libtardos calling him that. Reading is not fundamental for you. The twitter delay was discussed much earlier this week. Too bad you are slow on the uptake.
Now here is a barking lunatic, ProudOfHisASSness:
Fool, Puddy wishes no ones dies. That’s the diff between Puddy and PoleUpHisASS. Puddy feels all life is precious, from the time the sperm meets the egg until they die of natural causes. What a moron PoleUpHisASS is.
K the big moron has the funniest statement of the day
If “the messiah” doesn’t ask how will anyone know if it happens?
Wow Lee such a haughty description of yourself calling someone a barking lunatic. Is that what marijuana does to your brain?
No, marijuana makes me laugh at you. But I’ve been too busy raising a little boy to eventually be someone who didn’t grow up to be a gullible moron like you to do it these days.
And how do you know what he has asked? Does he check with you first?
What about what he asked and Twitter agreed to?
And does putting “quotes” around the blasphemy negate it?
Losing this one Pud.
Mariners win. I’m checking out. Pud is still a fool.
K, what a goof. You know damn well if “the messiah” asked and Al Jazeera said no it would be all over the news.
I find the response of those on the right bizarre as THE PROTESTORS IN IRAN are writing via Twitter, Flickr and blogs that Obama has been doing the right thing and would the American Right PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Shortly after McCain made his statement on Thursday, Twitter erupted w/ Iranian bloggers asking Americans to tell McCain to STFU>
Hardly. The guys who made Twitter, they’re members of the left. Flicker, ditto. How is news getting out of Iran? Twitter and Flickr. And those of us on the left are using the net to spread what we’re seeing and reading as far and as wide as we can. We’re in this fight.
The message we’re getting from the protesters themselves is that Obama’s on the right track and would the American Right please shut the fuck up.
I’ve been meaning to post on this topic. The AOL message boards also are full of righties blasting Obama for not speaking out more forcefully. Thank God these damned fools are no longer running our government, because they’re the last thing the brave people of Iran need. As has been pointed out by people who know what they’re talking about, if Obama did what they’re saying he should do, it would play right into the hands of Iran’s dictators. This nonsense is brought to you by the same fools who cheered and stamped their feet when Bush invaded the wrong country.
It’s bizarre. The people of Iran are on the net asking the American Right to stop doing and yet they’re yelling louder and louder.
@1 Yes, pudnutz, innocent people are dying to show the world what Iran’s dictators are made of, and thanks to American technology and communications, the truth about Iran is reaching the whole world. That is absolutely the best and most valuable thing we here in America can do for those Iranians who are sacrificing themselves in resistance to their country’s dictatorship.
@4 My God, you are stupid. Do you think millions of Iranians would be in the streets protesting against their government if they didn’t already know their government is lying to them?
@6 Why should Obama go to Al Jazeera? Isn’t ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and Fox good enough? Don’t you see a little bit of a problem with an American president asking an Arab network for air time? As a patriotic American, I think Al Jazeera should kiss Obama’s ass, not the other way around that you’re advocating. What are you, a fucking traitor to your own country?
@10 Yes, puddy, adults are now in charge of our government, and thank the Great Mother Rabbit Spirit for that! After the total clusterfuck you and your ilk made of our country, there’s a lot of cleanup to do. You’re the last person anyone should take advice from. Loser.
Flickr’s now owned and operated by Yahoo, but it was developed in Vancouver BC. Which is probably a bit hard for the righties to deal with. Pot smoking, gay loving, sky-train riding commies and what not.
3M in the streets of Tehran today.
@11 Isn’t it funny how wingnuts like puddy who criticize Obama for not doing more about Iran (what do they expect him to do, bomb Iran to save Muslims?) … criticized Clinton for bombing Serbia to save Muslims?
So you leftists are now reading sodahead?
When did Puddy criticize Clinton for bombing Serbia? Delusional as always
@14 “But it’s very clear to the rest of us that you’re a barking lunatic.”
Not much I can add to this. Yes, puddinghead, you’re a barking lunatic. You and every other wingnut on this planet. That says it all.
@17 “Hey K, where did Puddy say he’s your messiah?”
@1, 4, 6, and 10 above — did I miss any?
@38 Let’s also add 18 and 22.
@36 Oh, I don’t know off the top of my head, puddinghead, but every Republican in the country did so I assume you did, too. It’s a guilt-by-association thing.
Some of the rightie blogs and Mil-blogs seem to be keeping mum on Iran.
Castle Argghhh! which is usually blathering on hasn’t a thing to say. Others are like Gateway Pundit are just relaying (and thanks for acting as a relay- it helps)
“wing nuts like Puddy” would mean people that hold similar views to yours, not you. And don’t go playing like you didn’t know that.
@36 (continued) Let me ask you a question, puddy. I hope you’ll answer honestly.
Do you support or oppose Clinton’s intervention in Kosovo?
@36 (continued) Well let’s see. On June 28, 2007, at 7:11 AM, puddybud posted:
“You are all over Bush for Iraq while giving a pass to Clinton on Kosovo!”
Not exactly a direct condemnation of Clinton’s Kosovo intervention, but I would say far from a ringing endorsement of what, in fact, was a spectacular military and humanitarian success.
Pelletizer@44: Keep looking dumb bunny!
Clinton went in to save Muslims. So did Bush. You gave a pass to Clinton.
Keep looking dumb bunny! Puddy knows you are still smarting over that Greg Nickels debate.
See ya.
Hey Michael, Puddy sees where you all are getting your blog material tonight. Been to all the sites.
Daily Kurse
Media Morons
Huffington Post
Talking Points Memo.
Goodness talk about goosestepping and drinking the kook-aid.
Here’s where NutsTooTight got his CIA stuff:”What’s more, America doesn’t have a history in Iran. It has a rap sheet, dating back to the CIA’s engineering of the 1953 coup that established a pro-American government led by the Shah.” Yes, but the British are the real culprits if Jacob Heilbrunn knew anything about history.
Oh been to Twitter too. Still looking for those McCain shut up posts.
Back to WoW and Warhammer! Any of you fools there? Send me your avatar names so Puddy can do the smackdown on your sorry ASSes.
Clinton went in with the resources and the necessary allies to get the job done. That’s what matters (and I did oppose our intervention there at the time).
Get a life Puddy. Really. Put down Faux news, Krauthammer, and Rich Lowry, and get some brains.
Wow. Someone’s off his/her meds.
Happy Fathers Day libtardos.
Puddy hasn’t been to Fox News fools like Tom Used Floss. Puddy will gladly invite a libtardo representative to the PuddyCastle and you can look through the PuddyCache. Golly you all drink the anti-Fox News kook-aid and immediately accuse anyone who thinks independently of the libtardo reservation of being on Fox News. Visiting the whack-job libtardo sites is where Puddy finds your marching orders and when Puddy exposes it Puddy is off Puddy’s meds.
Puddy asked where are the Iranian “tweets” telling McCain to STFU? Puddy hasn’t seen these direct from Iran tweets. And Another Total “Jerk” is again playing with himself.
What a bunch of libtardo fools.
Time to light up another Bowl of BC Bud.
Your “Progressive” Guy is tumbling down!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
From +32 to -2 in 5 short months!!!
Obama’s lack of leadership on Iran & N. Korea plus the Porkulous, Bailouts & Deficit Spending is catching up with him. He is in deep trouble.
How far left does one have to be to consider supporting people that want to be free and live in a country where their votes counts as stupid.
Actually, I’m following about ten folks from Iran on Twitter and looking at pictures via flickr.
It’s so easy that even you could do it, Puddy.
I rarely look at any of the sites on your list.
Pudpuller – A Poem by Zotz:
Pudpuller, Pudpuller
Pullin’ his pud
Armin’ his missile
Is it a dud?
Pudpuller, Pudpuller
Pullin’ his pud
Look out keyboard!
Here cums some scud!
@51: Sorry, but Obama’s approval numbers are stabilizing. Best to call it what it is: the end of the honeymoon with Republicans.
Then again, what were Bush’s numbers in June 2001? As I recall, he pretty much proved to the country at this point that he couldn’t find his ass with both hands.
Obama’s numbers are what they are. It’s not at all surprising if he does not keep up the incredible favorable v. unfavorable numbers he had at the inauguration. It’s interesting that Cynical never sees fit to cite any polling organizations other than “Republican-between-elections” Rasmussen.
The real fun fact is that he will still be president for three and a half (or seven and a half) more years, and there ain’t a damn thing you guys can do about it. After 2010 we’ll have more than 60 Senate seats too.
@55 DK
Bush’s numbers in 2001 were much like during the 2001 election–he stayed in the mid- to – high 40s (like 45% to 47%) all the way up until he ignored a bunch of warnings and allowed us to be attacked, after which Americans rallied behind him (as we do).
Remember that, Republicans, when you think that a terrorist attack will help you politically–it won’t.
That noted leftist George Will just supported the Obama approach on ABC.
“I urge the Polish Government and its allies to consider the consequences of their actions. How can they possibly justify using naked force to crush a people who ask for nothing more than the right to lead their own lives in freedom and dignity? Brute force may intimidate, but it cannot form the basis of an enduring society, and the ailing Polish economy cannot be rebuilt with terror tactics.”
R. Reagan, 1981
Er.. Uhmmm…Yeah, freedom is good, I like that.
B. Obama, 2009
@56: Another data point on Rasmussen. See the usual Rasmussen outlier in Nate’s analysis of health care polling in the chart, here:
Nate is entirely too nuanced in his criticsm of Rasmussen, but you’ll get the point if you’re not totally Klynical…(LOL)
“The Iranian government must understand that the world is watching,” Mr. Obama said. “We mourn each and every innocent life that is lost. We call on the Iranian government to stop all violent and unjust actions against its own people.”
Mr. Obama said that the “universal rights to assembly and free speech must be respected, and the United States stands with all who seek to exercise those rights.”
for delbert
Different times and different places call for different approaches. As far as we can tell the opposition WITHIN IRAN likes what Obama is doing and Obama is following their lead.
Russia’s gas and oil production propped up it’s state and economic system for at least a couple of decades longer than it could have lasted on its own.
Increased oil production by Saudi Arabia and falling prices had far more to do with Russia’s unraveling than St. Ronnie did.
Hey Michael@64, yeah keep that thought. Where did that come from?
“Reagan’s contribution to ending the Cold War was comparable to Nixon’s contribution to opening up China. Politically, to have somebody of Reagan’s ideology do this was very important. It would have been very difficult for [a Democrat] to do it.” – Walter F. LaFeber, History Professor from Cornell University. He is a well known long time critic of Ronald Reagan.
Nuff Said Sucka!
“It is probably true that Reagan’s intensification of the arms race … hastened the collapse of the Soviet economy. In a reversal that did him enormous credit, he … outdistanced his own national security bureaucracy in taking Mikhail Gorbachev seriously and in moving to end the Cold War.” – Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., Dummocraptic Historian
Nuff Said Sucka!
Zotz: Puddy has sumtin better to do that to waste pixels writing a poem or limerick on your sorry ASS. But you forget to mention you’re full of FUD!
Hmmm. I mention that an unspecified someone is off his/her meds, and one person thinks I must be talking about him.
Well, if someone looks in the mirror and sees “off his meds” staring back, who am I to disagree?
So Another Total Jerk, you were referring to Michael and Pelletizer. Who knew…?
Oh yeah, Puddy sure knows history, hahahaa.
Puddy supported the following Bush policies:
The war in Iraq
The lies about the war in Iraq
The torture
The lies about torture
The stupid “axis of evil” speech
the policy failure of Bush in Iran and North Korea (8 years of no diplomacy has led to enhanced nuclear proliferation in both countries, whiel the US wasted time and effort in Iraq (not a danger))
The failure to capture bin Laden
the failure to finish the job in Afghanistan
The failure of democracy in the Middle East (Krauthammer’s failed “theory”) leading to:
Ahmadinejad, Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Yes, Puddy supported all those failed policies. But do we hear about that? No, we hear advice from the utter failures to Obama to talk like they would.
What idiots!
Oh, and Reagan didn’t do squat – the USSR collapsed under it’s own sorry dead weight. Your quotes are pathetically lightweight. Nixon “opened” China……hahhaa- that was debunked long ago. go back to your third grade history class. China opened up to the US – not the other way around. And who criticized Nixon at the time for going to China? The latter day neocons of course called him a traitor. The same idiot neocons that told Bush to ignore the threat from al qaida and concentrate on russia. Of course, Bush then looked into Putin’s soul (and saw only good).
Yup, those “grown ups” in the Bush administration…they sure did good. Keep up the good propaganda Puddy – no one believes your stale crap.
Bush says:
Freedom is good, we don’t torture, Iraq is al qaida and 9/11, we support democracy (except when we don’t), Putin is good, axis of evil, bin laden (who is he?).
Delbert says:
I am a rightwingnut troll with no brain who wants everyone to hate our President.
Obama wants it both ways. He is giving a handjob to the Iranian protesters all the while sucking the dick of the Supreme Ayatollah. Jeez! He makes Dubya look good!